Fire Chars 9850 Acres, at Least 11
$1.85 PLUS TAX MONDAY • SEPTEMBER7,2020 115° High temperature in Escondido on Sunday, arecordfor anydate COUNTY SWELTERS AS HEAT RECORDS SHATTER Region, statesweatsout second straight dayof triple-digit temperatures BY GARY ROBBINS From San DiegotoBorrego Springs, temperatures hit 100de- greesorhigher for asecond straight day on Sunday, tying or breaking nine recordsacross San DiegoCounty. Theheatwavealso shatteredrecords across Southern California andthe state. The NationalWeather Service K.C. ALFRED U-T said the heat wave reached its peak County sheriff’s deputies and CDF firefighters stage on Lyons ValleyRoad overlooking the fireline of the ValleyfireonSunday. on Sunday. Buttoday —LaborDay —will still be unusually warm, and some inland areas will againreach 100. The record-breaking highlights from Sunday includethe 115read- FIRE CHARS 9,850 ACRES, ing in Escondido. That is the high- est temperatureeverrecorded in that cityonany dayofthe year.The previous all-time high was113,set in 1894 and matched in 1909. AT LEAST 11 STRUCTURES Vista reached 107, the highest temperaturethe cityhas everre- corded in September. It brokethe Backcountry areas —all during atime of coronavirus- DARING NIGHTTIME AIRLIFT closedfor several hours on Sun- previous record of 102, set in 2004. induced maskwearing and social RESCUES HUNDREDSTRAPPED day,but reopened in the after- Ramona hit 112, tying the all- evacuate as fire spreads distancing. noon. time recordfor September. Boiling clouds of smokepour- A6 • As wildfireroaredaround Late Sundayafternoon, offi- San DiegoInternational Air- in remoteJapatulValley ing from the fire rose intothe air campers in theSierraNational cialsexpanded the areasunderan port, whichusuallybenefits from a and filtered over the countywith Forest, copters swooped in. evacuation warning.
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