ASCE Past Officers
Living Officers and Their Terms of Office Terms overlapping into prior or subsequent years are listed simply as the year (s) of principal service. For example, the Directors’ terms from October 12, 1994, to October 8, 1997, appear as 95–97. As of 2021, Officers who are deceased are shown in lower case. (Roman numbers in parentheses indicate zones. Arabic numbers in parentheses indicate Districts. Arabic numbers preceded by “R” indicate Regions. “TR” indicates Technical Regions. “AL” indicates At-Large Director.) Name Pres. Vice Pres. Secy. Treas. Director AGYARE, KWAME 18-20 (9) ALBRIGHT, RICHARD O. 87–88 (II) 76–78 (9) ANDERSEN, CHRISTINE F. 10–12 (AL) ANDERSON, J.E. (ED) 95–97 (11) ANG, ALFRED H.S. 99–01 (Int’l) AURIGEMMA, LOUIS C. 03–04 (II) 12–14 00–02 (10) 22-23 AUTIO, ANNI H. 06–07 (I) 03–05 (2) BALTER, EUGENE N. 03–05 (10) BARATTA, MARIO A. 03–05 (13) BARNES, GEORGE D.1 77–80 (14) BAYER, DAVID M. 93–94 (II) 86–88 (6) BAZAN-ARIAS, N. CATHERINE 09–10 (AL) BECKER, DANIEL F. 22-24 (TR) BEENE, ALLEN M. 06–08 (15) BEIN, ROBERT W. 01 95–96 (IV) 92–94 (11) BIGGS, DAVID T. 90–92 (1) BISHOP, FLOYD A. 79–81 (17) BLACK, JR., CHARLES W. 16-18 (R4) BLANDFORD, GEORGE E. 00–02 (9) BLUM, CARL L. 04–06 (13) BOMAR, MARSHA D. ANDERSON 18-20 (TR) BOYD, JR., JOHN A. 87–89 (16) BRIAUD, JEAN-LOUIS 21 16-18 (TR) BROCKENBROUGH, THOMAS 89–91 (5) BROWN, JR., BEVAN W.
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