REGIONAL SUBSISTENCE BIBLIOGRAPHY Volume II Interior Alaska Number 1 ,, I Ii >$K,“‘,.! 1’ ‘R: :;’ ,‘;Si,‘!,L,L :J,~

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REGIONAL SUBSISTENCE BIBLIOGRAPHY Volume II Interior Alaska Number 1 ,, I Ii >$K,“‘,.! 1’ ‘R: :;’ ,‘;Si,‘!,L,L :J,~ ,’ I I REGIONAL SUBSISTENCE BIBLIOGRAPHY Volume II Interior Alaska Number 1 ,, I ii >$k,“‘,.! 1’ ‘r: :;’ ,‘;Si,‘!,l,l :j,~,,,. I IIWAIY~ St ,; /#:!I ::,c:,.:;*: 1; i, $!‘I(p ,, ” 1.I I~,J/ ., .Lf, /:, ‘I! ,, 2.’ /’ , ‘,‘< ‘.: \fl:),,~q DIVISION OF SUBSISTENCE ALASKA DEPARTMENTOF FISH AND GAME TECHNICAL PAPER NO. 2 JUNEAU, ALASKA ANTHROPOLOGYAND HISTORIC PRESERVATION COOPERATIVE PARK STUDIES UNIT UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA FAIRBANKS, ALASKA 1983 cover drawing by Tim Sczawinski CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS,,,..................................... V INTRODUCTION........................................... vii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS .................................. xvii INTERIOR REGIONAL BIBLIOGRAPHY ...................... ...3 KEYWORDINDEX .......................................... 133 AUTHOR INDEX ........................................... 151 iii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like first to extend sincere thanks to several members of the Division of Subsistence who have been instrumental in the ' establishment and perpetuation of the statewide subsistence bib1 iography project. They are Zorro Bradley, Richard Caulfield, Linda Ellanna, Dennis Kelso, and Sverre Pedersen. Each has contributed significantly with ideas, funding, and enthusiastic support for the project from its beginning. Second, special recognition is due to those who have worked with me to make this particular publication a reality. I would like to thank Elizabeth Andrews for her interest in the project, expert advice on reference sources and time spent reviewing publication drafts. Yer knowledge of northern Athabaskan literature was extremely helpful. The professional library of Richard Caulfield was a valuable source of reference material for this publication. I thank Rick also for his consistent support, helpful comments, and suggestions on publication drafts. Dr. Robert Wolfe provided organizational ideas and encouragement for which I am grateful. The University of Alaska Cooperative Park Studies Unit provided expert editorial and graphics support. I am particulary grateful to Kathy Arndt for her patient and proficient editing of the bibliography manuscript, Kathy Fiedler Morack for her continued editorial and lay-out advice, Susan Steinacher for her map work, and Tim Sczawinski for cover artwork. V vi INTRODUCTION This is the second in a series of regional bibliographies on subsistence in Alaska published by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G), Division of Subsistence with the collaboration of the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Cooperative Park Studies IJnit (CPSU). These publications are an outgrowth of a computerized literature data base compiled and maintained by the Division of Subsistence. What was developed by the Division as an in-house research tool attracted the attention of other agencies and individuals involved in land and resource management in Alaska. Numerous requests for access to the data base by both computer users and nonusers alike and the desire of the Division to make this information available to other researchers have prompted the publication of these regional bibliographies as a first step in satisfying the need for an accessible, comprehensive reference data base on all aspects of subsistence in Alaska. History of the Project The Alaska Department of Fish and Game's Division of Subsistence was created by the Alaska legislature with enactment of chapter 151 of the 1978 Alaska Session Laws. Among the Division's mandated respons- ibilities was the collection of information on all aspects of subsis- tence and its role in the lives of the residents of Alaska. To this vii end the subsistence bibliography project was developed to fill the need for a comprehensive reference data base on subsistence in Alaska. The ultimate goal of the project was the establishment of a computerized system for entry, storage, and retrieval of literature references pertaining to subsistence that would primarily serve the needs of the Division and the Department but would also be accessible to other users. Title collection efforts on the project began in late 1979 and focused on Alaska's North Slope and Interior regions. Library sources at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, and the Naval Arctic Research Lab at Rarrow were searched as were the professional libraries of Division Resource Specialists. In September 1980 the project continued under a contract between the Division of Subsistence and CPSU. The contract called for expansion of the bibliography to include the entire northern half of the state and for organization of the collection into a com- puterized information retrieval system using the time-sharing system of the University of Alaska's computer network and the FAMULUS program. At completion of the initial contract in June 1981, the project continued as an ongoing effort within the Division. Reference collection efforts have now been expanded to include the entire state and the computerized information retrieval system is fully operational with a data base Of over 3000 citations. Future plans for the project include update and maintenance of the statewide data base, additional regional biblio- graphic publications, and periodic updates to published bibliographies when a sufficiently large volume of additional reference material has been identified. viii Scope of the Bibliography The geographic focus of this bibliography is Alaska's Interior. Bounded by the Brooks Range to the north and the Alaska Range to the south, this region encompasses more than 40 communities scattered along the road system and major rivers of the region and their tributaries. Figure 1 depicts communities for which references have been collected and which appear as keywords in the keyword index. Major rivers within this region include the Yukon River from Holy Cross to the Alaska-Canada border, Porcupine River, Tanana River, Koyukuk River, and upper Kuskokwim River frorn Stony River to its headwaters. Outside the greater Fairbanks area, the population of the Interior includes many people of Athabaskan Indian descent. Among the Athabaskans of Interior Alaska nine major linguistic subdivisions are recognized: Han, Holikachuk, Ingalik, Koyukon, Kutchin, Tanacross, Tanana, IJpper Kuskokwim, and Upper Tanana (Figure 2). In addition to reference materials on Alaskan grow, the bibliography contains some references dealing with the Athabaskans and communities of northwestern Canada. Sources were included on Canadian groups because of a shared resource base and culture in common with Alaskan populations. Information from these neighboring areas was deemed essential for a thorough understanding of subsistence activities in Interior Alaska. Subsistence involves complex interrelationships between economic, social, and cultural systems and between these systems and the environ- ment. To have maximum utility to researchers, a reference collection on ix n w c X this subject must examine the many aspects of subsistence. In an attempt to provide a broad spectrum of information to researchers, title collection efforts were directed toward the following major subject areas: 1) subsistence hunting, fishing, trapping, and gathering; 2) physical, historical, social, economic, and demographic profiles of contemporary Alaskan communities; 3) the impacts of historic and contemporary development upon communities, culture, rural economies, and subsistence resources. 4) the distribution and movements of wild, renewable resources of Alaska; 5) diet, nutrition, and health of rural Alaskans, as they relate to hunting, fishing, trapping, and gathering; 6) traditional Alaska Native culture, society, and sociocultural change; and 7) archeological reconstructions of past land use patterns, resources utilized, and subsistence technologies; Sources and Collection Methods The professional libraries of Division staff and the Elmer E. Rasmuson Library at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, were the major sources of references for the bibliography. Staff libraries containing regional subsistence material provided a convenient starting point from which a "core collection" could be gathered and built upon. Library xi tools and sources used at the Rasmuson Library included subject and author searches of the card catalog, the automated Washington Library Network catalog, the Alaskana file, Arctic Bibliography, Dissertation Abstracts, and the University Archives Collection. The Rasmuson library also maintains an impressive accumulation of northern literature in its Alaska and Polar Regions Collection. Shelf readings in key areas of this unique collection proved to be an effective search technique. Several journal and periodical sources proved to be particularly useful, such as the Anthropological Papers of the University of Alaska, Arctic Anthropology, Ethnohistory, Occasional Papers of the CPSU, and Western Canadian Journal of Anthropology. Twenty-two northern biblio- graphies also were consulted. The keyword "bibliography" in the keyword index will direct the user to the individual bibliographies used. When a pertinent reference was located it was cited, examined for keywords, and abstracted within the scope of this bibliography. The bibliography of that reference was examined for additional sources which were then located, cited, and searched in the same manner. A particular title was examined for potential inclusion in the bibliography if the reference appeared to deal directly with specific subsistence activities or offer information that might be useful to subsistence researchers. For example, the monograph entitled
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