arXiv:1505.06665v2 [math.CA] 27 Oct 2015 frasipisteeitneo o-esrbesto reals. of w non-measurable uncountable a an m of giv of Lebesgue existence existence was is the the result reals implies that Shelah’s proved reals of was of of set it every proof corollary, which free a in As metamathematically theory and card set simpler inaccessible of an A enou model that strong a proved build theory [2] to a Shelah S. create not set. non-measurable does choices, consecutive many nteBnc space Banach the on sdsloe.I at vnajiiga axiom an adjoining even fact, In disallowed. is nabtaygnrlzditga ntesm oe stesto the Bo of translation-invariant set non-atomic th non-zero the that a is [5] of model in example same shown o an the was linear [6], in It each In integral model operator. generalized a linear such arbitrary bounded in an a that is proved space been Hilbert has [4] in example, For theory set Zermelo-Frankel in proved be cannot odto ” condition vr lmn of element every oFR/116/5-100/14. no ewe h esr n h ar category Baire the the of and modification certain measure a the as between considered be can which approach esr if measure space aldsali h es fctgr fi so rtctgr e in set category first of is it if category of sense the in small called oooia etrsae eoeby Denote space. vector topological P ewe h esr n h ar aeoyhlstu ihrespe the with that true holds say category We Baire the notions. and measure set-theoretical the between purely of and category OOA OE N ULT RNIL EWE THE BETWEEN PRINCIPLE DUALITY AND MODEL SOLOVAY easnec omltdol yuigtentoso esr zero measure of notions the using by only formulated sentence a be eeaesvrltosn aesdvtdt netgtosi So in investigations to devoted papers thousand several are Here n[] a ensoe htteeitneo o-eegemeas non-Lebesgue a of existence the that showed been has [1], In 1991 e od n phrases. and words Key hspprwsprilyspotdb ht utvl Natio Rustaveli Shota by supported partially was paper This nodrt omlt h anga ftepeetppr eintro we paper, present the of goal main the formulate to order In ESR N H AR AEOYI POLISH A IN CATEGORY BAIRE THE AND MEASURE E ahmtc ujc Classification. Subject Mathematics rtcategory. first h esr n h ar aeoyhlstu ihrsetto respect with true holds category Baire ” the and measure the Abstract. nvral esrbesbe of subset measurable universally A . h oano nabtaygnrlzditga o vector a for integral generalized arbitrary an of domain The A ν p ams vr lmn of element every -almost sHa ul(qiaety h)st nlgul,asubset a Analogously, set. shy) (equivalently, null Haar is OOOIA ETRSPACE VECTOR TOPOLOGICAL l p nSlvymdli ssonta h ult rnil betwe principle duality the that shown is it model Solovay In i h es f[] a h property the has [7]) of sense the (in ” l p (1 ooa oe,Gnrlzditga o vector-function a for integral Generalized model, Solovay ≤ < p 1. ∞ .PANTSULAIA G. scntutdi ooa’ oe uhta the that such model Solovay’s in constructed is ) Introduction B 80,0E5,46E40. , 03E65 28B05, l p ( 1 E a property a has h Borel the ) nrdcdi 8:Lt( Let [8]: in introduced DC A ZF scle ml ntesneof sense the in small called is to fueo h xo fchoice of axiom the of use if ZF σ a cec onainsGrant Foundation’s Science nal agbao ust fthe of subsets of -algebra P P H hc loscountably allows which , ”. ( mle ht” that implies ” ,S µ S, X, fnto sof is -function h etne- sentence the ht osrc a construct to gh tt h sentence the to ct ult principle duality ult principle duality nli necessary is inal E ) e measure rel l ree set ordered ell rtcategory. first ute,let Further, . oa model. lovay eao na on perator ftefirst the of , oanof domain e ueanew a duce ,τ E, en rbeset urable . easurable. B ni [3]. in en ⊆ ea be ) almost E ν is p 2 G. PANTSULAIA

P if the sentence P is equivalent to the sentence P ∗ obtained from the sentence P by interchanging in it the notions of the above small sets. The present paper is devoted to study of the question asking whether the duality principle holds true between the measure and the Baire category with respect to the sentence - ” The domain of an arbitrary generalized integral for a vector-function is of first category .” The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we consider some auxiliary notions and facts from the measure theory and topology. In Section 3 we give the proof of the main result.

2. Some auxiliary notions and facts from measure theory and topology Definition 2.1. Let (E, τ) be a topological space. We say that a subset Y ⊆ E has Baire property if Y admits the following representation ′ ′′ Y = (Z ∪ Z ) \ Z , ′ ′′ where Z is an open set in E, Z and Z are sets of the first category. Definition 2.2. We say that a topological space (E, τ) is Baire space if an arbitrary non-empty open subset of E is the set of second category. Remark 2.3. Following Solovay [1], let ’ZF ’ denote the axiomatic of Zermelo-Fraenkel and let ’ZF + DC’ denote the system obtained by adjoining a weakened form of the , DC, (see p. 52 of [1] for a formal statement of DC). The system ZF + DC is important because all the positive results of elementary measure theory and most of the basic results of elementary functional analysis, except for the Hahn-Banach theorem and other such consequences of the axiom of choice, are provable in ZF + DC. In particular, the Baire category theorem for complete metric spaces and the closed graph theorem for operators between Fr´echet spaces are provable in ZF + DC. Let ZF C be Zermelo-Frankel set theory together with the axiom of choice. In the presence of the axiom of choice, we identify cardinals with initial ordinals. A cardinal ℵ is regular, if each order unbounded subset of ℵ has power ℵ. A cardinal ′ ′ ℵ is inaccessible, if it is regular, uncountable, and for ℵ < ℵ, 2ℵ < ℵ. Let I be the statement: ”There is an ”. Lemma 2.4. ([1], THEOREM 1, p.1) Suppose that there is a transitive ǫ-model of ZF C + I. Then there is a transitive ǫ-model of ZF in which the following pro positions are valid . (1) The principle of dependent choice (DC). (2) Every set of reals is Lebesgue measurable (LM). (3) Every set of reals has the property of Baire. (4) Every uncountable set of reals contains a perfect subset. (5) Let {Ax : x ∈ R} be an indexed family of non-empty set of reals with index set the reals. Then there are Borel functions h1,h2 mapping R into R such that (a) {x : h1(x) ∈/ Ax} has zero. (b) {x : h2(x) ∈/ Ax} is of first category. Let (X,S,µ) be a probability space and H a separable Banach space over the vector field R. Let denote by H(X,S,µ) a class of all µ-measurable mappings of the SOLOVAYMODELANDDUALITYPRINCIPLE 3

X into H. As usual, we will identify equivalent mappings, i.e., we will consider the factor-space with respect to an equivalent relation on H(X,S,µ). If µ is separable and the metric ρ in H(X,S,µ) is defined by

ρ(f,g)= ||f − g||/(1 + ||f − g||)dµ, ZX then H(X,S,µ) stands a Polish topological vector space without isolated points. Suppose that µ is separable and diffused. Let M be a vector subspace of H(X,S,µ) which contains the class of all measurable step functions. A linear operator I : M → H is called a generalized integral for a vector-function if for each step function g : X → H the equality n I(g)= aiµ(Xi), Xi=1 holds true, where (Xi)1≤i≤n is a measurable partition of X and g takes the value ai at points of Xi for each i(1 ≤ i ≤ n). It is obvious that Reiman, Lebesgue and Danjua integrals are partial cases of the generalized integral for vector-function and they are realized when under H is taken the real axis R considered as a Banach space over vector field R. Let denote by (SM) the transitive ǫ-model of ZF which comes from Lemma 2.4. Lemma 2.5. ([5], Theorem, p. 34 )(SM) The domain of an arbitrary generalized integral for a vector-function is of first category in H(X,S,µ). Definition 2.6. Let V be a Polish topological vector space. Let K be the class of all probability diffused Borel measures defined on the Borel σ-algebra B(V). We denote by B(V)µ the completion of B(V) with respect to the measure µ for µ ∈ K. µ A set E ⊂ V is called universally measurable if E ∈ ∩µ∈K B(V) . Lemma 2.7. ( [9], Remark 3.4, p. 40 ) (SM) Let V be a complete separable metric space. Then every subset of V is universally measurable. Definition 2.8 ( [7], Definition 1, p. 221). A measure µ is said to be transverse to a universally measurable set S ⊂ V if the following two conditions hold: (i) There exists a compact set U ⊂ V for which 0 <µ(U) < 1. (ii) µ(S + v) = 0 for every v ∈ V, where µ denotes a usual completion of the measure µ. Definition 2.9 ( [7], Definition 2, p. 222). A universally measurable set S ⊂ V is called shy if there exists a measure transverse to S. More generally, a subset of V is called shy if it is contained in a universally measurable shy set. The complement of a shy set is called a prevalent set. Remark 2.10. Note that the class of all shy sets in a olish topological vector space ′′ V constitutes a σ-ideal(see, [7], Fact 3 , p. 223).

3. Main result Theorem 3.1. In the model (SM) the domain of an arbitrary generalized integral for a vector-function in H(X,S,µ) is shy. Proof. Let I be a generalized integral for a vector-function in H(X,S,µ) and M be it’s domain. Since H(X,S,µ) is a Polish topological vector space, by Lemma 2.7 we know that M is universally measurable. By Lemma 2.5 we know that M is the set 4 G. PANTSULAIA of the first category in H(X,S,µ). By Remark 2.3 we know that H(X,S,µ) is the Baire space which implies that H(X,S,µ) \ M 6= ∅. Let v ∈ H(X,S,µ) \ M. Let us show that v spans a line L such that every translate of L meets M in at most one point. Indeed, assume the contrary. Then there will be an element z ∈ H(X,S,µ) and two different parameters t1,t2 ∈ R such that z + t1v ∈ M and z + t2v ∈ M. Since M is a vector subspace of H(X,S,µ) we deduce that (t2 − t1)v ∈ M. Using the same argument we claim that v ∈ M because t2 −t1 6= 0, but the latter relation is the contradiction. Hence the Lebesgue measure supported on L is transverse to a universally measurable set M which means that M is shy. This ends the proof of the theorem. 

By using Lemma 2.5 and Theorem 3.1 we get Theorem 3.2. In the model (SM) the duality principle between the measure and the Baire category is valid with respect to the sentence P defined by ” The domain of an arbitrary generalized integral for a vector-function is of first category in H(X,S,µ).” Acknowledgement. The main result of the present paper was reported on the Section of Foundations of Mathematics and Mathematical Logic of the XXIX Enlarged Sessions of the Seminar of Ilia Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics of Ivane Javakhisvili Tbilisi State University. References [1] Solovay R.M., A model of set theory in which every set of reals is Lebesgue mea- surable,Ann.Math.,92, 1970, 1–56. [2] Shelah, S. Can you take Solovay’s inaccessible away ?. Isr. J. Math. 48 1984), 1–47 [3] Raisonnier, Jean. A mathematical proof of S. Shelah’s theorem on the measure problem and related results. Israel J. Math. 48(1) (1984), 48–56. [4] Wright, J. D. Maitland. All operators on a Hilbert space are bounded. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 79 (1973), 1247–1250. [5] Pantsulaia G.R., Generalized integrals, Soobshch. Akad. Nauk Gruzin. SSR., 117(1) (1985), 33–36 (in Russian). [6] Pantsulaia G.R., Relations between shy sets and sets of νp-measure zero in Solovay’s Model, Bull. Polish Acad. Sci., 52(1) (2004). [7] Hunt B.R., Sauer T., Yorke J.A., Prevalence:A Translation-Invariant “Almost Every” On Infinite-Dimensional Spaces, Bulletin (New Series) of the American Math- ematical Society, 27(2) (1992), no. 10, 217–238. [8] Oxtoby J.C., Measure and Category, Berlin, Springer (1970). [9] Pantsulaia G., Generators of Shy Sets in Polish Groups. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, 2011

I. Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics, Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi DC 0143, Georgia E-mail address: [email protected]