District Census Handbook, Tikamgarh, Part XIII-B, Series-11

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District Census Handbook, Tikamgarh, Part XIII-B, Series-11 'lTtT XIII-lI • • ~. ~1. g;i, ~smmf.A;rn f~,~, 1m!' ~~~ 1981 CENSUS-PUBLICATION PLAN (1981 Census Publications, Series 11 in All India Series will be published ill the!ol!owing parts) GOVERNMENT OF INDIA PUBLICATIONS Part l:o-A Administration Report-Enumeration Part I-B Administration Report-Tabulation Part II-A General Population Tables Part H-B, Primary Census Abstract Part III General Economic Tables P:Ht IV Social and Cultural Tables Part V Migration Tables Part VI Fertility Tables Part VII Tables on Houses and Disabled Population Part VIII Household Tables Part IX Special Tables on Scheduled Casles and Scheduled Tribe~ Part X-A TOWIl Directory Part X-B Survey Reports on selected Towns Part X-C Survey Reports Oil selec:ed Villages Part XI Ethnographic Notes and special studies on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Part XlI Census Atlas Paper I of 1982 Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Paper I of 1984 Household Population by Religion of Head of Household STATE GOVERNMENl' PUBLICATIONS Part XIlI-A&B District Census Handbook for each of the 45 districts in the State (Village and Town Directory mid PrimaCY Cens us A1:!stp.~t) CONTENTS 1 Sfflfii~ Foreword J-TV 2 Sf~rt;{;;T Pref,ace 3 f~(:r 'fiT ifcf~T District Map 4 1=!~fa:~oT a{t<f.~ Important Statistics vn 5 f~~Tfi'CiiFl1'fi '?:tqtiTI An11yticaJ Note Xl-XXXVI! c'lT!§ ~Tf is: r,_ tCf'll1, ar,!~fOf' \ifrEr Notes 'md Explanations: 1i,t nf Schedule.:! 3fh '1 :F( "iii q,,\ifrfa a;r a-m., Ca~te~, and Scheuu·cd Tnbe, (J[tter ( lj~iTer;j ), f<nl1T'fi 1976; f,,'H (Amefidn~ent) Act, 1976, His:.on· arid \if'llfUfi'fT ~fHFf;T 'fiT ~fl~m arh Scope of District Censl~ H~oribook, eli;!' I fCl;)"(;rQUff'l1i'i'i fi!tq urr I Analytical Note 6 ff~fft~l ~ "f'f~) Tahsil Maps 7 crui!fi~~~H~ '«T'll tfft ~'qT ALPHABErTCl.L L1~;, v1' V!L .... GES 1-29 1-5 (i) f'FT'-?T (i~Tfr<1 5-1 !i ( ii) ~HT <r~l1rq 10-15 (iii' t!l'!il1lT(i iJQ:~:i'rOf (i) Niv.'Jfi Tahsil 16-::0 (ii) J'ltara iand 20-24 (iii) Tika- garh 1,1 ~.l 2429 8 iirilf£'1f"fr!fiT SfT~flf!fi ~:n-nllT PRi\!,~ R\ CENSUS ALSTKACT ~(' 97 if.fi~~ fiir~ !fiT ~rd~ TI1\A" ARB DISF'ICT ABSn .\ CT 30-33 (l,[flftur ) Niwari Tah~il (i~l! I) 34-49 ('1lf<:lll ) {.Drb nJ 50-53 (ii) :j("1TU (1JTlrlllT ) Jatara Tahsil (Rural) 54-71 ( '1lf"\T<r) (Urbau) 72-75 (lJTl1l'lf ) Tikamgalh Tahsil (Rural) 76-93 ('flT'Uu) (Urban) 94-97 ~t3 Pages 9 qfm~~;:rm:'lf !{llTf~ Gf"~lijl"T ~lT'd~ APPENDIX-Urban Primary Census Abstract 98-107 10 ~f;:m ~Tftf 'fiT 'SIT~f~ ~qV(;;r mmt Primary Census Abstract of Scheduled Castes lO8-111 11 i311~m ~'f3tlfa' 'fiT 'Stlqf~ ~~ ~l'&.it Primary Census Abstract of Scheduled Tribes 112-115 12 qf~-~~ ~n: Gt"~tOI'lT iiT 'StNfq~ APPENDIX - Development Blockwise Primary ~rmr Census Abstract 116-119 sn~ Gfi{i(1ltr(l ~f[i5i1 [r~r ~T;;:1f ~1"~'li'~T 'liT arh ij' ~\l' miiffirii I m fil'~furtiT iii ~T il1T 2,if: [l:TT<: 'li~ a'lif~~ fi;r<;rr ;;F'IlfUTiH ~f~'fiT ~UTi{T;fiT I:l;'li ~{ilf tfIf!l ~HlfrUT &tl'f if ~ tl'11~a arrcrf\'!i ~Ttll, ~q(1f;a' ~ I fGf('fT i;fi'IlTur'lT $f~'liT ~T IfRiIT f<i1lT iT ~), fm'fi'l: ~frf!:TtarT arT, 'l):,fl1 ~ 'liT f.t;~lfl Sf1!TI~<f.'t, f<i'irl<iT 'Ai<: ~~mi'{ if.QTafT 'fiT ii{1"{-im arr<r­ iii on=( if 3th ;1{J1:r~ ~riji~~ ljJiTf~" 'f.,,~ ~ ~~ l1!f'fiQT ~e((fT ~ I ar«r emIT if; m~-i;1'T~ W ~fHI'f<T 'fiT a{T1!Tr 'liT :;naT ~ f'!i wij' I1r~SfiT~~1'1f !fT'5!"fT 'liT :OIflTTIf ~ii lllerT if; qfWlA', <:~r;frlr ~T if; film­ awrl1<r~T arT<: ttU Q:T ij'1f;lft I ~ 'f if;<I(; ;:~;fm rUT 3Th a-T?r1q IfT3fifT~ "f;;rit ij 111' f'!i<fT GfmT ~ I ~ &tit it mGfifT fflfn:: 'fi<:it it ij'i!Tlfi:lr flf~lfT arfqi +r!<4 WtQ'fiT f;;mr SfllTmil :qmit it 11T ~!f'fi Q:rnl' ~ I f;rtilf aih ~ait ifiT '1ft fermflfcr 'lirit 311, f«''fiTl;[ srfSfill'T it Gfi1lrUTilT ttfur'!iT Q:l' 11;'fi lmf ~m $f'fiT1[if ~ ~ lJIlfTur ~ertll' ar«o<if,,! 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