Bhiwani, One of the Eleven Districts! of Haryana State, Came Into Existence
Bhiwani , one of the eleven districts! of Haryana State , came into existence on December 22, 1972, and was formally inaugurated on Ja ilUary 14 , 1973. It is mmed after the headquarters . town of Bhiwani , believed to be a corruption of the word Bhani. From Bhani, it changed to Bhiani and then Bhiwani. Tradi tion has it that one Neem , a Jatu Rajput , who belonged to vill age B:twani 2, then in Hansi tahsil of the Hisar (Hissar) di strict , came to settle at Kaunt , a village near the present town of Bhiwani. Thi s was re sen ted by the local Jat inhabitants, and they pl otted his murder. Neem was war ned by a Jat woman , named Bahni, and thus forewarned , had his revenge on th e loc al Jat s. He killed m~st of them at a banquet, the site of which wa s min ed with gun- powder. He m'lrried B:thni and founded a village nam ed after her. At the beginning of the nineteenth century , Bhiwani was an in signifi cant village in the Dadri pargana, under the control of the Nawab of Jhajj ar. It is, how - ever, referred to as a town when the British occupied it in 1810 .3 It gained importance during British rule when in 1817, it was sel ected for the site of a mandi or free market, and Charkhi Dadri, still under the Nawa bs, lost its importance as a seat of commerce. Location and boundaries.- The district of Bhiwani lie s in be twee n latitude 2&0 19' and 290 OS' and longitude 750 28' to 760 28' .
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