Slains and Collieston Community Council

Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 6th March 2013

Present: Sarah MacPherson, Sally Sheehan, Roger Berl, Sheena Junor, Julie Swan, Susan Taylor, Charles Esson, Councillor Isobel Davidson, Councillor Richard Thomson, Suzie Stewart, Nicole Bell

Apologies Trish Davidson, Councillor Rob Merson, Huib Attema, Trish Cowie, Annette Holland In attendance Constable Richard Roach Grampian Police


Approve minutes Proposed by Sarah MacPherson, seconded by Roger Berl

Grampian Police Constable Roach said that Collieston continues to be one of the lowest areas of crime incidence in . However, he asked people to be aware of suspicious small craft entering the harbour, and of unauthorised door to door leaflet drops or sales.

Inspector McCluskey is refining speed initiatives. Individual officers will be allotted specific areas for speeding. The same will also apply for schools.

There has been a continuing increase of car thefts for joyriding across . Everyone was reminded to carry out basic safety and security checks, such as locking car and house doors.

The new non-emergency number for the police is 101.

The Police are also contacting local youth groups to provide liaison, talks etc. Suzie Stewart is the contact for CATs.

Councillor Davidson said that a burnt out car had recently been found near the Waulkmill bird hide.  Councillor Davidson was told about several issues Matters Arising about the conditions of local roads after the winter Councillor weather. These included the Collieston - Ellon road, Davidson the road beyond Bruce Hay House and Knapperna, and the harbour road. Councillor Davidson is to contact the Roads Department and Scottish Water respectively.  The website was about to go live – Sarah explained that although a web site it is also a blog where comments can be posted. The site will be reviewed again in a few months’ time.  Metal from the flotsam and Jetsam sculpture has been scrapped. Rotten wood has been removed from both ends of the remaining part.  Heart Start training has been organised for Saturday 16th March. Two 2 ½ hour sessions covering emergency first aid and CPR will run between 9-12

1 and 1.30 – 4pm. Places to be booked by contacting All Sarah. Depending on the weather may be possible to have defibrillator information and training outside the hall on Sunday 17th March during the Parent Forum lunch.  Reminder of the Ward Forum taking place later in the month at Ellon Primary School.  Andy and Nora’s farewell had been much appreciated. A very nice photograph of the day had been put on the website and Facebook.. Community A letter had been received from the SITA Trust informing us Centre upgrade that our application had been successful and that they are awarding us £56,600.00. As this is a joint venture in partnership with Aberdeenshire Council decisions on appointing a contractor is out of our hands. However the three estimate quotes required for the application were from recommended Council suppliers which should speed up the process. When the tenders are being worked up it is believed that officials from the Property Department will visit the schoolhouse and hall accompanied by an architect. He/she will advise on issues such as where the breakthrough in the wall will be etc. There may be some flexibility in the design, when the Community Council will be able to suggest small modifications to the building work, however there will be greater opportunity for user groups to suggest how the rooms will be used. It was suggested that the house be opened for village residents to see the building before work starts to see for themselves the “before” and “after”. A requirement of the grant is that work begins within six months from the date of the acceptance letter – 20th February. Sally/Coun Property would be asked to seal off bird entrances before cil nesting season begins. Secretary’s Correspondence to 5th March 2013 Report and Correspondence Emails

 Sarah MacPherson information and link to new web page

 Sarah MacPherson Flotsam and Jetsam information

 Sarah MacPherson PA system information

 Alan Bell Community Council pilot project

 Robert McGregor Formartine Delegated Planning

List January 2013

 Nominations for Aberdeenshire sports Council awards

 Mark Mitchell Community Ward Forum

 Mark Mitchell The Local Government and Regeneration Committee of the Scottish Parliament

2 visit to

 Roger Berl Pier minutes and update

 Huib Attema Financial update

 Sarah MacPherson Digital projector survey

 Carol Crawford Minute and report from the meeting th 6 February

 Robert McGregor Collieston Pier funding

 Carol Crawford Broadband Survey update

 Alison McInnes MSP Annual Parliamentary report

 Sarah MacPherson Defibrillator training


 Aberdeenshire City and Shire Strategic Development Plan. A copy of the plan can be accessed at www.aberdeencityandshire- A seven week period during which

representation to the plan be made is open from nd th Friday 22 February to Friday 12 April.

 Scottish and Southern energy Second Consultation Paper: Innovating for a greener more efficient future. This can also be accessed on line

 Area Committee papers for meeting on 12th February 2013.

 Glasson safety equipment brochure

Councillor Davidson asked whether we had received a post

from Hydro Electric. Not as yet.

Huib had circulated a copy of the accounts. Recent income Financial update and outgoings had included:-

Burns supper – £150 profit

Ellie Ingram’s book – £252 in sales

PA System cost £262

Nicole was working up plans for the Gala. A number of Gala 2013 suggestions were offered.

Energetica are hosting a Walking and Wildlife festival in June with a boat trip running from Aberdeen to at £20 per head. Thought it may be possible to replicate this during Gala week.


SNH have been asked if they could participate in Gala.

Ian Hay from the East Grampian Coastal Partnership has offered to give a talk if wanted during the week.

Although the Dolphin Gallery will not be running this year, other options may include work from the Primary Art club, Slains School and individual works. These could be displayed in the hall during the Coastal Café times.

Julie suggested the idea of a Village Show with traditional activities such as jam making, craft work display. Competitions for adults and children. An idea for children (maybe adults too!) could be to design a garden or beach on a tray or in a shoebox.

Nora reminded the meeting that the WRI Bulb Show was to take place on the coming Saturday.

Roger said that the Forvie Nature Reserve had been started in 1959, the year after the first Gala, and that this might be a useful tie in.

Several suggestions were made about accessing old films about Collieston. Many of these can be found on the National Film Library of Scotland or at SCRAN. May be possible to show a selection at a film evening using the new projector.

Short discussion about suitable prizes – perhaps with a All vintage theme. Ideas were asked for the following meeting.

Both Councillors thought that the £500 grant towards costs Grass Cutting should be available this coming year.

The grass cutting season runs from approximately April to September. Quotes had been obtained from several contractors last year, with most coming in at about £6,000.Slains Estate had been asked whether they might be willing to make a contribution, and although they had sounded supportive at the time, nothing has been received as yet.

Aberdeen Grasscutters would be approached to ask what their costs would be, and whether they would be available SallyMick again this year.

Pier and Councillor Davidson informed the meeting that a meeting of Harbour Aberdeenshire Council to allocate Councillors to outside bodies had taken place the previous day. Councillor Davidson and Councillor Merson would now represent the pier on our behalf.

Council was currently investigating the purchase of Trustee indemnity insurance. Trustees would be indemnified, rather than the Harbour which would reduce liability.

A group of volunteers had begun to plan a variety of fundraising opportunities for the Pier. These included working up a bid to the Heritage Lottery. However before a bid can be submitted, an updated survey is required. This

4 was agreed at the last Pier meeting.

Invoices were to be submitted to the Area Top Up budget to access the £2,500 already awarded.

Coastal Meeting taking place at the end of the week to plan for this CATs Café/CATs year and to make arrangements for the trip to Holyrood in April. . Planning Applications One application for alterations to Whitefield’s farmhouse.

Well Being A sympathy card had been sent, also flowers and a card for a 40th birthday. Work Parties Mick had made a list of suggested tasks for work parties to be carried out during the summer. Agreed that the third weekend of the month could be allocated to village work party times. Community service has indicated that they will be back in Collieston again this summer. No information had been received so far about Keep Scotland Beautiful beach/litter clean.  Paper copies of the Blether had been circulated in Any other the village and in Slains. Electronic version to be business posted on the website etc.  Susan Taylor reported that there was a serious water leak around the Bog Well area. Near to, or in the same place as last year – it appears to follow Cllr D the line of a pipe. Councillor Davidson would follow this up.  Nothing has been heard from CASCT/Rivie although Sarah believed there had been a recent meeting to write documents.

 Roger had attended the Forvie meeting the previous evening on behalf of the Community Council. A number of points of interest had been included. 1. Windsurfers and Wild fowlers who use the estuary are currently trying to formalise their activities. 2. SNH are to build a shelter/information point near the Waterside car park 3. SNH had been made aware of the exposed cables following the landslip above Perthudden. 4. SNH have a 10 year management plan which will be available soon. 5. SNH have also been given the dates for Gala and information about the new website. 6. There have been concerns from fishermen about proposed netting stations on the Estuary. 7. Both Udny and Dudwick Estates have fishing rights on these stretches. 8. A sonic barrier to control seals is being considered, numbers are currently very high. 9. Minutes will be available in September.

 Charles brought up the subject of rights of way. (More information can be found at

5 There are concerns that the right of way from Slains Kirk to the Feu is being eroded. A fence has been taken down and crops planted over some of the path. Councillor Davidson would check this out, she also Cllr D mentioned that the Cotehill footpath to the Bus shelter is in need of attention, also that a right of way is defined by it going from one public place to another.  Roger asked if anyone would be interested in attending meetings of the Ythan Project Volunteers as he is no longer able to attend.  Sarah reminded the meeting that we need to follow up ideas about a memorial for the late Admiral Ritchie.  Councillor Thomson met with Nicole and Suzie at the end of the meeting to further discuss the possibility of a bus shelter for High town for Slains Cllr T pupils.

Date of Next Wednesday 3rd April at 7.30pm Meeting