

Jeremiah 3:16 NIV

The ark had a time and place for its importance. It is possible that when the temple in Jerusalem is rebuilt that its time will be again.

PRINCIPLE #1 The ark was a piece of furniture that designed as a place for Him to reside on this earth, a place from which to speak, and a place from which to show mercy.

PRINCIPLE #2 The ark of the covenant was so named because it would contain the of God.

Exodus 24:4, 7 NASB

Exodus 19:8, 24:3 NASB

Exodus 25:10-16 NASB

Moses goes up the mountain and is told to raise contribution from the for the building of the with its furnishings.

The ark is the first article that God instructed to construct.

It was to be built out of acacia wood and be 45” long and 27” wide and 27” high with four feet and pole rings fastened to the feet.

Two poles made out of acacia wood are to be made to transport the ark. The poles and the entire ark are to be covered with .

Hebrews 9:3-4 NASB

Within the ark were the , ’s rod which budded, and the jar of manna.

Deuteronomy 31:24-26 NASB

The first five books of the were to be kept beside the ark of the covenant.

PRINCIPLE #3 The ark was a storage box containing articles that displayed the sovereignty of God and were symbolic of spiritual things.

The tablets of stone

The tablets contained the words of God that He had spoken to the children of Israel from the top of Mt. Sinai.

The people were afraid and were quick and sincere in their covenant to obey all of the Lord’s commands.

Exodus 20:1-17 NASB

Exodus 24:12 KJV

God gave Moses the tablets on top of Mt. Sinai Exodus 31:18 KJV

The words were written in stone with the finger of God.

Exodus 25:21 NIV

The testimony was to go into the ark under the mercy seat.

PRINCIPLE #4 The law reveals man’s sinfulness, thus bringing the penalty of death. We are saved only by the mercy of God.

The jar of manna

Exodus 16:4-7 NASB

The people had been grumbling against the Lord.

The Lord gave them manna to meet the need of hunger.

The Lord used the manna to test their obedience.

The bread of rained down every night except on the .

They were to gather enough for themselves for one day except the day before the they were to gather double.

They were told not to save any manna, they did, and it spoiled.

The leftover manna would melt as the sun grew hot.

PRINCIPLE #5 God’s provision is sufficient for the day whether rich or poor, young or old, prince or pauper. Give us this day our daily bread.

Exodus 16:17-18 NASB

Some gathered much and some little, but all had enough and not too much.

II Corinthians 8:13-15 NIV

Look out for others through your present abundance.

Deuteronomy 8:3 KJV

Food is important for our livelihood, but God’s word serves us dynamically.

Joshua 5:11-12 NIV

God’s gift of manna lasted until the gift of milk and from the Promised Land came into affect.

Exodus 16:32-33 NASB

Aaron was to collect an omer of manna to place in a jar and keep for a memorial.

This manna did not spoil, but lasted from 1440 B.C. until 586 B.C.

John 6:31-35 NIV

Jesus is the true bread from heaven. We must gather and eat daily. He is always enough and does not overwhelm.