Exercise Set 13 Top04-E013 ; November 26, 2004 ; 9:45 A.M
Prof. D. P.Patil, Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore August-December 2004 MA-231 Topology 13. Function spaces1) —————————— — Uniform Convergence, Stone-Weierstrass theorem, Arzela-Ascoli theorem ———————————————————————————————– November 22, 2004 Karl Theodor Wilhelm Weierstrass† Marshall Harvey Stone†† (1815-1897) (1903-1989) First recall the following definitions and results : Our overall aim in this section is the study of the compactness and completeness properties of a subset F of the set Y X of all maps from a space X into a space Y . To do this a usable topology must be introduced on F (presumably related to the structures of X and Y ) and when this is has been done F is called a f unction space. N13.1 . (The Topology of Pointwise Convergence 2) Let X be any set, Y be any topological space and let fn : X → Y , n ∈ N, be a sequence of maps. We say that the sequence (fn)n∈N is pointwise convergent,ifforeverypoint x ∈X, the sequence fn(x) , n∈N,inY is convergent. a). The (Tychonoff) product topology on Y X is determined solely by the topology of Y (even if X is a topological X X space) the structure on X plays no part. A sequence fn : X →Y , n∈N,inY converges to a function f in Y if and only if for every point x ∈X, the sequence fn(x) , n∈N,inY is convergent. This provides the reason for the name the topology of pointwise convergence;this topology is also simply called the pointwise topology andisdenoted by Tptc .
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