I/O Stack Optimization for Smartphones
I/O Stack Optimization for Smartphones Sooman Jeong1, Kisung Lee2,*, Seongjin Lee1, Seoungbum Son2,*, and Youjip Won1 1 Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea 2Samsung Electronics, Suwon, Korea Abstract ing devices for a variety of applications, including so- The Android I/O stack consists of elaborate and mature cial network services, games, cameras, camcorders, mp3 components (SQLite, the EXT4 filesystem, interrupt- players, and web browsers. driven I/O, and NAND-based storage) whose integrated The application performance of a smartphone is not behavior is not well-orchestrated, which leaves a sub- governed by the speed of its airlink, e.g., Wi-Fi, but stantial room for an improvement. We overhauled the rather by the storage performance, which is currently uti- block I/O behavior of five filesystems (EXT4, XFS, lized in a quite inefficient manner [11]. Furthermore, BTRFS, NILFS, and F2FS) under each of the five dif- one of the main sources of this inefficiency is an ex- ferent journaling modes of SQLite. We found that the cessive I/O activity caused by uncoordinated interac- most significant inefficiency originates from the fact that tions between EXT4 journaling and SQLite journaling filesystem journals the database journaling activity; we [14]. Despite its significant implications for the overall refer to this as the JOJ (Journaling of Journal) anomaly. smartphone performance, the I/O subsystem behavior of The JOJ overhead compounds in EXT4 when the bulky smartphones has not been studied nearly as thoroughly as EXT4 journaling activity is triggered by an fsync() call those in enterprise servers [26, 23], web servers [4, 10], from SQLite.
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