Page 1 JANUARY 2021 Columns & News The GunNews is the official monthly publication of the Washington 3 Legislation & Politics–Joe Waldron Arms Collectors, an NRA-affiliated organization, P.O. Box 400, Sumner, 6 Straight From the Holster–JT Hilsendeger WA 98390. Subscription is by membership only and $15 per year 23 Short Rounds of membership dues goes for subscription to the magazine. 24 Interview with a Gunsmith–Tom Burke Features Managing Editor–Philip Shave 8 American Percussion Revolvers–Dick Send editorial correspondence, Wanted Dead or Farnsworth Alive ads, or commercial advertising inquiries to: 16 Shooting Those C&R's–Ray Heltsley
[email protected] 7625 78th Loop NW, Olympia, WA 98502 For Collectors (360) 866-8478 26 Wanted: Dead or Alive Assistant Editor–Bill Burris 32 Show Calendar Art Director/Covers–Bill Hunt Copy Editors–Bob Brittle, Bill Burris, Forbes Cover–Some of Freeburg, Woody Mathews Member Resources the loading tools 5 Board Minutes that are useful 31 Renewal forms in loading for CONTACT THE BUSINESS OFFICE FOR: obsolete car- tridges. Ray n MISSING GunNews & DELIVERY PROBLEMS Heltley photo. n TABLE RESERVATIONS n CHANGE OF ADDRESS n TRAINING n CLUB INFORMATION, MEMBERSHIP Club Officers President — Bill Burris (425) 255-8410 (425) 255-8410 voice Vice President — Boyd Kneeland (425) 643-9288 Office Phone Hours: 9a.m.–5p.m., M–TH Secretary — Forbes Freeburg (425) 255-8410 closed holidays Treasurer — Holly Henson (425) 255-8410 Immediate Past President — Boyd Kneeland (425) 643-9288 There is no physical office–staff may be reached by phone or email. Club Board of Directors Scott Bramhall (425)255-8410 John Hubbard (425) 255-8410 SEND OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE TO: Bill Palmer (425) 255-8410 Richard Ripley (206) 271-0670 P.O.