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10-24-1931 Grizzly Football Game Day Program, October 24, 1931 University of Montana—Missoula. Athletics Department

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Price 1 5 c

Dornblaser Field October 24, 1931

Montana State University |:*IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItH lllllllllllllillll|IH IIIllllllllllllllllllllltlltlllltllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIlllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllM = illllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIM II H llllllllllllllllllll III lllllllllllllllj; s = 5

Pacific Coast Conference Football OFFICIAL PROGRAM

Washington State College versus State University of Montana

Dornblaser Field, October 24,1931 Published by the Associated Students, State University of Montana Edited and Managed by Johnny Lewis

Price Fifteen Cents

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Coach “Babe” Hollingbery I Washington State College \

0. E. “Babe” Hollingbery is now in his sixth year as director of the Washington State gridiron destinies. He has always been a hard worker at the Cougar school and is regarded with the highest esteem. Montana students and fans are always pleased to know that the Cougars under Hollingbery are on the home schedule. He has always brought to Dornblaser Field a fine squad of sportsmen. A brilliant record has been made by Coach Hollingbery at Washington State. In a total of 51 games played thus far under his coach­ ing, the Cougars have won 37, tied 2 and lost 12. Last year he brought the first Pacific Coast championship to Washington State College.


oach C B. B. F. “Bunny” Oakes is now in his first year as mentor of Montana foot­ “Montana Spirit.” the ranks of the Pacific Coast conference after positions at the Univesities Illinois system as tutored by . He comes well experienced to of Tennessee and Nebraska. The students are behind him with that true a coach who demonstrated on the field what he desires his men to do. Coach ball. He his is major a deep hobby student but of heOakes athletics likes brings swimming, and a physical wrestling, vivid style education. and of other play Football sports. to Montana. is He is He is an exponent of the “Bunny” Oakes Montana State University iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu iiiiiiiiiiiiiiin iiiiiiiiiiH iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin iiiiiiiiiiiu iiiiiiiiiiiiiin iiiiiiiu iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiu a iiiiitiiH itiiin iiiiiiiiiiu iiiiiiiiiiu iiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiitii The Grizzly Is Host to the Cougar

When the Washington State Cougars march onto New Year’s Day, holding the Southerners in check Dornblaser field today they will be prepared to effectively after the regulars had been pushed defend a string of victories that has been broken around the field and thrown into an epidemic by but once in the history of football relations with long passes, is back practically intact and will the Montana Grizzlies which started twenty-eight play a big part in the contest today. Fans will years ago. also have an opportunity to see Turk Edwards, all- Today’s contest marks the eighteenth game to be American tackle of last year, doing his stuff. played between the two institutions since their Other stars of last year’s championship team who first meeting in 1903. Not since 191-1 when the will be in action today are Mentor Dablen, quar­ Grizzlies handed the Cougars a 10 to 0 beating terback, and George Hurley, sensational guard, has the Washington State team tasted defeat at who will be playing on the left side of the line. the hands of Montana. Two years ago on Dorn­ The outstanding feature of the Missoula boys is blaser field the Cougar was given a scare on the that they are meeting the Cougars today under a opening kickoff when Jimmy Morrow, Grizzly new coaching regime following five years under quarterback, returned the ball to the W. S. C. Major Frank Milburn. The new Grizzly mentor is five-yard line. The game was hard fought Bernard F. (Bunny) Oakes, and his assistants are throughout and although Montana gained more Harry Adams, backfield coach; J. W. Stewart, line yardage from scrimmage in the contest, the sen­ coach; A. J. Lewandowski, freshman coach;. Ted sational ball carrying of Schwartz, Washington Rule and Ted Mellinger, former Grizzly stars, State star back, brought a 13 to 0 victory to the issistants. Bunny came to Montana this year from Cougars. the University of Nebraska with an enviable foot­ Last year the Cougars handed the Grizzlies a ball record. He played with service teams in stinging 61 to 0 defeat, the worst ever suffered France during the World War and upon his in the history of the two schools, relations, and return enrolled at the University of Illinois. After then marched on to a Pacific Coast championship graduation he went to the and the right to represent the west in the Tourna­ as head line coach. In 1926 he resigned to take ment of the Hoses game at Pasadena. the same position at the University of Nebraska The Crimson and Gray, coached by Orin (Babe) where he remained until this year. Hollingbery, point with pride to his record since Oakes faced the prospect of the loss of nine his advent as mentor five years ago. Since then lettermen by graduation and in addition was found the Cougars have not only won a Pacific Coast with the necessity of adapting his men to a new championship but have also kept a perfect? for style of play when he took over the reins this year. home games during that time. Today’s contest will be the last appearance of Last year the Southern California Trojans came the Grizzlies at home this year and when the from the south with a great team to appear for wearers of Copper, Silver and Gold file off the the first time in history on Pullman turf and at­ field today it will mark the last appearance on tempted to break down the perfect record, but Dornblaser of six regulars. They are Murray, Babe Hollingbery’s charges hung one on them to Cox, McCarthy, LeRoux, Ryan and Peterson. These the tune of 7 to 6, and all who saw that game Grizzlies will be fighting hard to take with them are very willing to admit that the Cougar fights the pelt of the Cougar. hardest with his back to It was at such a con­ the wall. He has success­ test as the one today that fully ruled his home sec­ COUGAR-GRIZZLY HISTORY the three lettermen in tion against the invasions (1914-1930) football wound up their of Beavers, Vandals, Husk­ Year W inner Score college careers last year ies, Trojans, Coyotes, Web- 1930 Washington State 61- 0 to give their Coach, Frank feet and Grizzlies. 1929 Washington State 13- 0 Milburn, a win as a part­ Today the Cougars will 1928 Washington State 26- 6 ing gift as a windup to have some of the outstand­ 1927 AVashington State 35- 0 a successful season. Let ing stars of the coast con­ 1926 Washington State 14- 6 us hope that the gun end­ ference in their lineup de­ 1925 Washington State 9- 0 ing the game today will spite the loss of eighteen 1920 Washington State 31- 0 sound another victory for lettermen from their title 1919 Washington State 42-14 these outgoing men, and winning club. The second 1917 Washington State 28- 0 a first Pacific Coast con­ Cougar string which was 1916 Washington State 27- 0 ference win for Bunny thrown into the breach 1915 Washington State 27- 7 Oakes. The students are during the second half at 1914 State University 10- 0 sold on Bunny; he will Pasadena against Alabama make history for Montana. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111■ 1111ii1111• 11111111111ii11111111111111111111111111111111ti1111111111111111111111111111111111111111:1111111!11;1111111111111111111111111ii1111111ii11111111111111111111111111111. (iiiiiiiii1111111111it1111111111111111111111111111111111



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Mon TY R Rennolps . GUARD '

LEONARD KO\XA ( Pat c a v e M ( TAcKLf \ h a l f a—

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...... i n ...... IIIIIIII...... iiiiiimiiimmiinimt iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiitin IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIHIIIII*'!1 ...... n u n 111 m i 1111 m i n i 11111 i i ii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim m COUGARS vs. GRIZZLIES THE STARTING LINEUPS: Washington State (Subject Change) Montana

0. E. “Babe” Hollingbery, Coach State University Washington State College B. F. “ B unny” Oakes, Coach

—ROSTER— Colburn 20 —ROSTER— N o. N am e P o sitio n Wt. Exp. Home Town Fullback No. Name Position Wt. Exp. H im e T ow n 185 1 C olville 2 B ishop ...... 38 Babcock ..... Center 169 0 Miles City 3 C am p ...... E n d 165 0 L a C ro sse Sander M. Davis 27 Botzenhardt Guard 188 1 A n aco n d a 4 B u th e ru s...... F u ll 170 1 Walla Walla 50 10 5 Schroeder...... H a lf 180 2 M t. V ern o n 16 B reen...... B ack 164 1 B u tte 6 B endele...... H a lf 180 0 S e a ttle R ight Half Left Half Cl B oone...... B ack 160 1 D eer Lodge L a C ro sse 7 C am p, W ...... T a ck le 190 1 18 C a v e n...... B ack 179 0 M iles C ity 8 H e in...... E n d 190 1 San Francisco, Calif. Dahlen 20 C o sp er...... T a c k le 235 0 H om estead 9 D a h le n...... Q u a rte r 175 1 S p o k an e 9 10 D avis, M H a lf 175 1 Walla Walla 28 C ox ...... F u ll 190 2 B u tte 12 E d w a rd...... s .. T a ck le 235 2 C la rk sto n Quarterback 21 C ro w ley ...... Quarter 160 0 B u tte 14 Eubank* ...... F u ll 187 0 Glendale, Calif. 17 Dahlberg End 175 0 B u tte 15 G ug lim o ...... H a lf 170 1 R aym ond Hansen Parodi Camp Hein K law itter Edw ards Hurley 22 D ailey ...... F u ll 180 1 Scobey 16 M itchell G uard 180 2 W a p a to 41 7 8 18 H e w le tt...... G u ard 180 1 L ebam 34 12 28 22 34 F o x ...... Quarter 158 1 B illin g s 20 C o lb u rn...... F u ll 190 0 S p o k an e R ight End Right Tackle Right Guard Center Left Guard Left Tackle Left End 37 H in m a n...... B ack 175 0 Greybull, Wyo. 21 Davis, I ...... H a lf 170 0 W e n atch e e 35 K u k a ..... - Tackle 195 0 H a v re 175 2 T a co m a I 22 H an sen C e n te r 26 L e R o u x ...... Center 198 2 B u tte 23 H o lt...... 180 1 S e a ttle 24 T a y lo r...... 200 0 Glendale, Calif. 12 L y m a n...... E n d 188 0 H ele n a V 25 L a a s ...... C en ter ITS 0 Glendale, Calif. 29 McCarthy Guard 178 2 A n aco n d a 27 C o m p an io n G u ard 185 0 E v e re tt Lyman M urray McCarthy Le Roux Reynolds Peterson Vidro 20 M cK ay...... G u ard 174 0 N oxon 28 H u rle y...... G u ard 195 2 San Francisco, Cal!f. 32 M u rra y ...... Tackle 205 2 L a m b e rt 29 M oses...... H a lf 174 1 C ash m e re 12 32 29 26 19 39 11 39 Peterson Tackle 212 2 M iles C ity 30 Chitwood . T a ck le 215 0 S e a ttle Left End Left Tackle Left Guard Center Right Guard Right Tackle Right End 31 Erickson ...... 148 0 H oq u iam 19 Reynolds Guard 195 0 A n aco n d a 32 K elley ...... E n d 178 0 S nohom ish Crowley 36 R y a n ...... Center 185 2 D eer L odge 33 In g ra m 190 0 Y ak im a 33 S n y d e r ...... Tackle 215 . 1 Great Falls 34 Klawitter E nd 180 0 K elso 21 11 V id ro...... E n d 185 1 A n aco n d a 35 L a y n e ...... 180 0 R idgefield Quarterback 36 Richards .... Q u a rte r 155 0 T opp en ish 23 Williams Back 190 0 B illin g s 37 S e n n...... 182 1 T aco m a 43 H aw k e ...... Guard 185 0 B u tte 38 S a rb o e...... H a lf 165 0 T aco m a Caven Hinman 41 M eek er ...... B ack 155 0 M issoula 39 S h a m b ra .. H a lf 165 0 Los Angeles, Calif. 18 37 25 Metcalf Tackle 178 0 40 L u f t...... Q u a rte r 150 2 E n d ic o tt Stevensvillo 41 P a ro d i...... G u ard 176 2 Stockton, Calif. Left Half Right Half 24 M cC all...... B ack 163 0 M issoula 42 S h a n n o n C e n te r 192 0 Y ak im a 14 P r a th e r ...... E n d 172 0 M issoula 43 Stafford...... H a lf 170 0 Cle E lum Dailey 44 S to ry ...... B ack 154 0 W in ne tt 44 S ta g n a ro .. E nd 178 0 Stockton, Calif. 2 2 E v e rso n...... Guard 176 0 46 Wallulis T a ck le 192 1 R oslyn W h it e f i s h 47 Freeborg .... H a lf 170 1 S p o k an e Fullback S oenke...... E n d 153 0 M issoula 48 S o ik e ...... C e n te r 180 1 S p o k an e S e a c re st...... C e n te r 180 0 M alta 49 S h aw ...... E n d 172 2 Y ak im a 50 S a n d e r...... H a lf 168 1 W e n a tc h e e 51 O dom ...... 183 0 S h elto n 52 B ic a n ...... F u ll 190 0 Sacramento, Calif. Montana State University 53 B u sa to ...... T a ck le 190 0 R en to n SCORING POINTS 54 N y h u s ...... T ack le 195 0 T e n in o 55 W illa rd .... E n d 175 0 T a co m a Touchdown ______fi points Third ^ Fourth Total 57 L e o n a rd G u ard 160 1 P u llm a n F irs t Second OFFICIALS Point after touchdown...... 1 point 60 G u sta v e l ...... E n d 185 0 S p o k an e 61 L o k e n sg a rd E n d 180 1 P u llm a n Morris, Seattle R eferee Field goal ______...... points 62 B y e rs ...... E n d 190 0 S p a n g le Cougars Cohn, Seattle Cinpire Placement kick ______..... 3 points 65 C e rn y ...... 190 0 Chicago, 111. The Score 1 1 B e n so n...... F u ll 176 0 C olfax Higgins, Spokane llead Linesman S a fe ty ______.....2 points Grizzlies Strnltniater, Cortland Field .Indtre


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GLEN \ EDWARDS ) Jackie rK-


JOE \ HANSEN . C e n te r


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W H IST L E BOOJ1 When ball is kicked off Long Whistle until hall hits, then a big BOOM! RAH!! I P WITH MONTANA, DOWN WITH FOE MONTANA EIGHT Up with Montana, boys, down with the foe, Hail, Copper, Silver, Gold, Old Montana’s out for a victory; Borne by our warriors bold; She’ll shoot her backs around the foremen’s line, ’Tis the flag of the Grizzly Bear. A hot time is coming up now, brother mine; See those Bruins tearing their way down the field; Up with Montana, boys, down with the foe, We know they never will yield, Montana; Good old Grizzly will trium ph today. On we'll go and tram ple down the foe. And the squeal of the pig will float on the air Let’s go Montana, we love the fray, From the tummy of the Grizzly Bear. The Grizzly fight, fight, fight will bring victory, Let’s go, Montana, we’ll win today. SONG OF A GAMBOLEER GO BY Oh here’s to old Montana, boys, where the color of AS THE BACKS blood is red. As the backs go tear­ For the Varsity we’ll rise up ill our coffins when we’re dead, IV. S. C. SCHOOL ing by, And when we pass the Golden Gates we’ll give St. SONG On the way to do or Peter the cue Fight, fight, fight for die! And we’ll join in the rollicking chorus, to hell with Washington State, Many sighs, many the Aggie blue! Chorns: Win the Victory. fears I’m a son of a, son of a, son of a, son of a gamboleer, Win the day for Mingle with the Ag­ Son of a, son of a, son of a, son of a gamboleer. Crimson and Grey, gie’s tears, Like every honest fellow, I drink my whisky clear, Best in the west, we As the backs go tear­ I’m a student at Montana, and a son of a gun for beer. know you’ll all do ing by! If I had a dollar and a gallon of gasoline, your best, Making gain on I’d hie me up to Steveusville and buy a keg of stein. So on, on, on, on, steady gain, I’d drink to the Varsity so loyal and so true, fight to the end. Let us swell the And join the rollicking chorus, to hell with the Aggie blue! Honor and glory you sweet refrain. m ust win, Montana’s going to Now if I had a daughter, boys, I'd dress herup 111 So fight, fight, fight win today! green, fo r Washington Montana’s bound to And send her over to Bozeman to coach the Aggie team ; State and Victory. win today And if I had a handsome son, I tell you what he’d do. As the backs go He would root for old Montana like his daddy used tearing by. to do. THE WARRIORS Hi Yi Hi Yi Hi Yi Hi Yi. Yell King—Everybody happy? Hi, Yi, Hi Yi Yi; Students—Hell, yes! M-O-N-T-A-N-A, Yell King—Anybody sad? Hi, Yi, Hi Yi Yi! Students—Hell, no! M-O-N-T-A-N-A; Yell King—What are we going to do with With the throbbing drums, (team) today? Like a chief Montana comes, Students—Rip ’em up, tear ’em up, give ’em hell, Wearing as an ensign bold, Grizzlies. Copper, Silver, Gold! Yell King- Let’s hear those Grizzlies growl. Hi, Yi, the beating drums, Students—G-R-R-R-R-R-R. Tell big chief Montana comes. Yell King—Louder, Grizzlies! Hi, Yi, the trumpets flare. Students—G-R-R-R-R-R-R! Says big chief Montana’s here. Hit ’em high Hi, Yi-i, Hi Yi Yi, H it ’em low, Yo, Ho, Ho! Ya! Who? Who? Give ’em hell, Montana. Hi Yi, Yo Ho, Ha Ha, Who? LET’S GO! Montana, Montana! IIIIIIIIMIM IIIMIIIIIIIIIM IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIII111 It II11 llllllltllltlllll tllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllt III tlllll tllltlllllllllllilllltlllllt llllllllllltlllllltlllllllltltlllllllllltlllllllllllllltllllllH IH II ^2* 11111 r i 11111111111111II1111111111111111111111111111111111 (1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111II111111111111111 i 111111II1111111111111111111111111 i 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 i 11! 1111111111! 111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ■ 111M111111111111111111111

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GRIZZLY BAND—Not a little of the colorful carry the paddles, but they have charge of the panorama will be supplied by the Grizzly Band rallies and taking care of crowds at athletic con­ today decked out in their flashy tri-colored uni­ tests. forms of copper, silver and gold. The tall gentleman with the high fuzzy topper YELL KING AND YELL DUKES—Billie “Keen­ serving in the capacity of drum major is Sergeant er” Burke, Yell King, and his assistant Yell Dukes. Peterson, “Sarge” to the boys, and he is respon­ Dick O’Malley, Roy Woods and Scotty Stratton, sible for drilling the men and is in command while have full charge of the program and cheering sec­ on parade. tion. It is their wish and hope that all the spec­ The Band will feature the Washington State tators use their cheering apparatus to the utmost college school song and the words to the music and give both elevens real support. may be found in this program011 the page devoted Yell King Burke has supplied all the students to songs and yells. As another speciality of to­ with mimeographed copies of popular Montana day’s contest, the Grizzly musicians will march songs and yells to be used in case of a lapse of out on the gridiron and form an “M” and a “W” memory at a crucial moment. symbolic of the two schools. Professor Roy Freeburg, director, has just re­ turned to Montana from his sabbatical leave and SIGMA MU CHI—The Short Men’s Club, which he brought with him a complete series of new num­ was recently organized, is working with the Yell bers which he is featuring today and on October leaders and they have pledged their support. The 31, the date of the Grizzly-Bobeat game at Butte groups membership is limited to 35 men and all next Saturday. Freeburg is aided by George Bov- fraternities are represented as well as the Inde­ ingdon, assistant instructor, and Vernon Hoven, pendents. manager. While Freeburg was on leave of ab­ All of the field decorations were done by this sence last year Bovingdon had complete charge group. “Smex,” the little brown mascot of the of the band. Grizzlies, will be christened today and President At the Butte game the boys will again perform C. H. Clapp will officiate. “Smex” came down in competition with the Bobcat Band with brilliant from Stevensville a short time ago to finish the formations and meneitvers. season with the Grizzlies. He looks restless out there today but he is always like that during the game. BEAR PAWS—Between halves the Bear Paws, The club was organized this fall by President sophomore honorary service organization, will tap Milton “Trader” Horn, former Washington State new members of the class of 1934. This organi­ college student, and it is their plan to promote zation has held a place of prominence on Mon­ school spirit on the Montana campus. tana’s campus since its inception in 1920. The new men are elected each year by the or­ ganization to carry on the work of reforming FROSH SQUAD—Seventy-four men turned out freshmen, inforcing traditions and officiating at on October 1, for practice under the tutelage of University functions. Dick Fox, Grizzly triple­ A. J. Lewandowski, freshman coach. “Lew” came threat quarterback, is chief Grizzly and several to Montana this fall from the Cornhusker school other men in the organization are on the squad. and is assisting Coach Bunny Oakes. Notice how the boys, after working out on He has been putting the yearlings through a stiff Green Material all fall, TAP the new men. workout since the beginning of the season and lately the youngsters have been given the oppor­ tunity of a nightly battle with the Varsity. Some COUGAR’S GUARD—A11 organization at Wash­ of the men show fine work and will make excellent ington State college which somewhat parallels that Varsity material next fall. Their “big game” with of the Bear Paws is the Cougar’s Guard. the Bobkittens is scheduled for November 7, to be This group of men is made up of three repre­ played at Bozeman and there is110 doubt but what sentatives from each fraternity, dormitory and the they will more than hold their own with the Independents. Two new men are taken in each future Aggie stars. Due to the fact that Lew year to represent each of the various organizations played with the Nebraska squad and is thoroughly and one man of the previous year is retained. familiar with the Cornhusker tactics, the yearlings They do not do any disciplining on the campus, should have a good insight on Oakes’ methods which is left to the men Of the Grey “W” who when they come before him next fall. The Grizzly-Bobcat Game Is Next

Next Saturday will bring together many great a winning start when pitted against the ancient teams of the country in struggles likely to be fa­ state rival. mous, but Montana grid followers will have in­ Since the game between the two rivals shifted terest only for that colorful classic of the state, to Butte, the Grizzlies have been on the short end the Grizzly-Bobcat fray. of the odds. In 1926 the Aggies were overwhelm­ For the thirty-fourth time the Aggie feline will ing favorites only to have Wild Bill Kelly run come primed for a supreme effort to stop the through the entire team for four touchdowns and victorious charges of the Grizzly. With sharp­ a 28-0 trium ph. ened claws and a new trainer, the Grizzly will The Bobcats have not yet recovered from that march from his western lair, determined that last minute score by Coyle, in 1927, when the Montana State will fall before the same fierce at­ speedy Grizzly end leaped into the air to take a tack that has forestalled them for many past sea­ pass from Eddie Chinske before stepping over sons. the goal line to kill the Bobcats’ winning hopes. The State College is wating for this alhletic en­ The following year the Bozemanites were again gagement, which it considers the most important favored to win with one of the strongest aggre­ 011 this year’s schedule. Still enthused over the gations in the history of the agricultural school first victory in 21 years, when in 1929 he nosed but the end of the final quarter found the game out the heavily favored Grizzly, 14-12, the Bobcat at a deadlock, 0-0. That was the year the Bob­ is being fed raw meat in hopes of opening the cats had such stars as Defrate, Penfield, Preston, wound received by the Grizzly two years ago. Wylie, Breeden, Semingsen, Grady and Chez. Then in 1929 came the crash. After 20 years But while the Cat is prowling, the Grizzly will not be at rest. The Grizzly knows he must be of supremacy, the Grizzlies were forced to take the short end of the 14-12 count. It was the alert and ready for to encounter his enemy. It year that the State University put a strong lineup was after a year of hibernation because of the on the field. Worthington and Twilde played disgrace of defeat that the Grizzly came from his leading roles for the Bobcats. A pass from De­ den to trounce his old rival 13-6. frate to Worthington brought the first touchdown, Reports from the Dyehe camp this fall bring the Twilde kicking the extra point. Worthington news that the State College forces have “pointed” scored the second touchdown on a trick play and for the Bobcat-Grizzly game since they went in Twilde booted the extra point. Montana’s two en­ training. counters came when Carpenter and W. Ekegren The fact that the Aggies have bowed before the slipped through the Cats’ line. Gonzaga Bulldogs 33-0, the Wyoming Cowboys 32- Last year the Bobcats’ hopes of adding another 16, and tied St. Mary’s College of Winona, Minn., victory were shattered when Carpenter and W. has no bearing on the game next Saturday. In Ekegren led an attack to bring a final score 13-6. fact, a glance through the pages of history shows McFarland, Bobcat end, caught a pass for the only that while the State College has mussed the marker for the State College. Grizzly den but few occasions, the annual clash Under the tutelage of Shubert Dyche, the Bob­ has always been bitterly fought. cats have always put a strong team before the On the other hand, up to the present game, the Grizzly eleven. Since taking over the duties as Grizzlies have failed to win a victory this season head of the State College athletic system in 1928, having opened the season with the first defeat in he has earned the reputation of a football strate­ the history of the State University at the hands gist and has had marked success. of the St. Charles 2-0. L ater the W ashington Coach Oakes is moulding an eleven this season Huskies turned back Montana 25-0 and two weeks that will present a different system than the ago our neighbor rivals, of the Pacific coast, the Bobcats have encountered before, a system that Idaho Vandals, saved the game with a21-19 vic­ tory. bids well to emulate the feats of the Pacific Coast schools, although it looks that his big season will There is no means of comparative scores for not be this year. Inexperience will probably prove the game at Butte. Neither school has won a game too much a handicap for the Grizzlies. this season. However, the Grizzlies’ showing Prepartions are under way already in the Min­ against Idaho two weeks ago has brought great, ing City, where the game has been staged annu­ hopes to Oakes’ camp. ally since 1926. All roads will lead to Clark park The Grizzly will master the Bobcat this year. and the Milwaukee special will carry the State That much is certain because no Grizzly wants University fans this year while the Northern Pa­ to take a second defeat from a state foe the cific will carry the College backers from Boze­ same season. Then, too, Bunny Oakes deserves man. Ill llllll I Mill II11 Mil IM11 <111II III III I Mil IIIIII III III: IIIIIIII11 lllllin iIII I Mill 111II11 III llll llll 11II11 tl 11 III III11111IIIIIIIIIIIIIII ■ IIIM III II111III llllllll III Mil llllllt III tl llll II 111 Mill IIIIIIIMI llll 11II m il >ltl 1 lllllll I ■ III 111 Mill ■■ HUM III lllllll III II llllllllllllllllll^

When the Whistle Blows! MONTANA’S BEST BOOSTERS Always Support Grizzly Teams and Activities

These Missoula Firms and Men, Through Their Generous Aid, Made This Program Possible:

H. 0. Hell Co. Florence Barber Shop Dr. P. T. McCarthy liourdeau Grocery Garden City Floral Co. Maurice McCollum Itoiirdeau Meal Co. G rill Cafe Missoula Club George Brownie’s Golden Glo Creamery Orvis Music House Hutte Cleaners Hotel Florence Palace Hotel Coleman’s Drug Store Harry’s Tailor Shop Public Drug John L. Campbell Herrick’s Famous Ice Cream Co. Peterson Drug Coffee Parlor Cafe Tdle Hour Bowling Alleys Barney’s Sandwich Shop Dickinson Piano Co. Jim ’s Cafe Dr. K. K. Kamaker, Dentist John H. D aily, Inc. J. C. Penny Co. Student Store II. J. D onohue Co. Dr. T. H. Jones, Dentist Sport Shop Dixon-lloon Shoe Store Owen Kelly, Cigar Store Sanitary Hamburger Shop Drew-Streit Company J. M. Lucy & Soils Smith Drug Stores Dorian Studios .Missoula Drug Co. Taylor and Hill Bakery Dixon Service Station No. 2 Alissoula Mercantile Co. W edgw ood’s Cafe h’ox Missoula Theaters Metropole Barber Shop The Western Montana National The First National Bank The Montana Power Co. B ank Fashion Club Cleaners Mary Moore Shop Washington J. McCormick Dr. J. F. S. Marshall


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o frhr nomto cl on call information further For hns 4367 n 2 2 4 3 and 7 6 3 4 Phones: Trip S. C. RAY, RAY, C. S. Ar. Missoula 11:15 P. M. P. 11:15 Missoula Ar...... Lv. Butte 8 :0 0 P. M. P. 0 :0 8 Butte Lv.

RETURNING State CollegeState r phone or {Bobcats) Join Agent JHIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIfllMIII,! I I I llllM f I I I I I I I I I H I I I I I I I I H iJ I I I I H I