Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Holy Family Mass Intentions September 23, 2012 SUNDAY, September 23 11:00 AM Pete Pyykkonen by Marti and Bob Rashleigh and for the Parishioners of Holy Family Parish THURSDAY, September 27 5:30 PM Ann Reeb by Jim and Debbie Kurtti SUNDAY, September 30 11:00 AM Dorothy and Robert Roth by Jack Martin and for the Parishioners of Holy Family Parish Office Information Mailing Address (both parishes) ......................................................... ............................................... 305 Portage St., Houghton, MI 49931 Phone .................................................................................. .482-0212 St. Ignatius Loyola Parish Fax ....................................................................................... 482-8110 Houghton, MI E-Mail for both parishes ...........
[email protected] Pastor: Fr. John Martignon .................................................. 482-0212 St. Ignatius Mass Intentions Bookkeeper: Dora Heikkinen……
[email protected] Secretary: Bobbie Bray…..……
[email protected] Bulletin: Mary Erva ............................................................. 482-0212 SATURDAY, September 22 - Mass with Youth Bulletin Deadline is 12:00 Noon on Tuesday 5:00 PM Leonard and Eileen Asselin ST. IGNATIUS PARISH TEAM by Ron and Elaine Asselin Parish Council President: Bill LaBissoniere ...................... 370-4373 SUNDAY, September 23 Finance Council President: Bob Zimmerman .................... 482-4394 9:30 AM