FISHERMOSS SCHOOL HANDBOOK Session 16/17 This document is available in alternative formats (Please contact the Head Teacher) 1 Fishermoss School Berrymuir Road Portlethen Aberdeenshire AB12 4UF Telephone 01224 782277
[email protected] Dear Parent/Carer A warm welcome to Fishermoss School. We very much look forward to welcoming you and your child/children to our school and to establishing a positive and productive partnership, to help them quickly settle in. Fishermoss School aspires to be a happy, healthy, safe place for learning, where everyone feels valued, achievements are recognized and celebrated and everyone is encouraged to be the best they can be. The education of a child is far too important to be left to school alone. There are many outside influences on young people’s lives. Parents and carers are key partners in the education of their children. The School Handbook explains what you can expect of school and also the support required from parents so that together we provide the very best we can for our pupils. Aberdeenshire Council School Handbooks are designed to inform parents of as many aspects of School life as we can, and has been written in response to ‘School Handbook Guidance (Scotland) Regulations 2012.’ Please note that certain sections in the handbook will be updated annually. We hope you find our handbook clear and informative. We look forward to working in partnership with you as you become part of the Fishermoss School Community. Yours sincerely Mrs Margaret M Ferguson Head Teacher Please note – “Parent” includes guardian and any person who is liable to maintain or has parental responsibilities (within the section 1 (3) of the Children (Scotland) Act 1995) in relation to, or has care of a child or young person.