it Sat eparm to gr t re ltu u c ri Ag of nt rtme a p De s te Sta d te ni U 370000 380000 390000 400000

R82W 106°30'0"W R81W 106°22'30"W R80W 106°15'0"W R79W 106°7'30"W

F o rest rest o F Service PURPOSE AND CONTENTS OPERATOR R78W Eagle River H M

19 u 21 a COLORADO 16 0 2 20 24 22 m OF THIS MAP k reek y Crystal Peak W e C f b ) e h ct l hit ra o u RESPONSIBILITIES ney C r lc ata C C w g Father Dyer Peak 23 re 23 e u e ak G e C ) k t Tenmile Creek r 24 s r 19 21 24 r 19 20 e e ) 20 22 C e Operating amotor vehicle onNational Forest 21 20 22 om d r 19 e 21 The designations shown onthis motor vehicle travel 24 19 20 o Ranch Creek23 ulch e k H Y 24 Kok G e Systemroads, National Forest System trails, and in Lime Creek omo k map(MV Twere M) made by the responsible official 21 22 Gulch 23 heep Cross Creek East Fork Eagle River S areasonNational Forest System lands carries a fic Cre ) pursuanttoareCFR36 212.51; effective as ofthe date aci e Slim Jim Gulch F P k r greaterresponsibility than operating that vehicle ain e SUMMIT onthe front cover ofthis MV Tandremain M; will effectin n

ch untilsuperseded by the nex year's t MV T M. cityor other developed setting. Not onlymust you C 27

ria a u oors r o do Out eat r G s ica' er m A 30 r 26 25 e 28 30 25 29 29 e 29 28 26

knowandapplicable follow all traffic laws,you need to k 26 25 30 E EAGLE COUNTY 30 ) 28 27 a 28 27 26 25 st Itisthe responsibility ofthe user toacquire the current showconcern for the environment asas well other 29 F icture P o r travelinformation. This MV T Misnot the official MV U M, forestusers. The misuse ofmotor vehicles can lead to k Clinton Mc ul F E Cul G ch a a lough 36 n g Reservoir

yetitshows the National Forest System roads, National thetemporary or permanent closure ofany designated cy l C e r 24 R e Missouri Creek J )

ForestSystem trails, and the areas onNational Forest e £ ¤ i road,ortrail, area. Asa motor vehicle operator, you k o 35 v n 31 e 34 31 Systemlands thein Leadville Ranger District that are 32 e 31 32 r r ut P ere H arealso subject toState traffic includinglaw, State 34 35 s 35 36 k 36 31 32 33 34 C 32 33 e 35 36 G l designatedfor motor vehicle use pursuant to(CFR)36 e in 33 r u ) requirementsfor licensing, registration, and operation iss h l 33 t M ou C lc Mitchell c o ri u h n 212.51. This 212.51. MV T Malso identifies the vehicle classes Cree e tt G Ü ofthe vehicle k k Benne C a r t M allowedoneach route and eachin area; and any k e s e e e o re k n seasonalrestrictions that apply onthose routes and in Motor vehicle use, especially off-highway vehicle C m r o te te Savage Peak 06 C r 02 H 01 03 ri thoseareas. additionIn showingto everything onthe use,involves inherent risks that may cause property ek a 05 03 02 sto re C ) 01 03 02 ek White River C eek 06 05 04 r 4360000 C re 01 05 04 02 01 06 4360000 officialMV Uthis M, MV T Malso shows BLM lands outside damage,serious injury, and possibly death to ce 04 C 05 an l Wheeler Mountain 39°22'30"N t Ch hel theforest boundary. Las ek itc ) 04 participants.Drive cautiously and anticipate rough e M National Forest Cr 06 is Bartlett Mountain surfacesand features, such as snow, mud, vegetation, pr ) Designation ofa road, ortrail, area for motor vehicle o andwater crossings common toremote driving 12 S 39°22'30"N useby aparticular class ofvehicle under CFR36 11 12 08 09 11 Homestake 07 07 Tennessee Pass P conditions.Byyour participation, you voluntarily 10 i 11 ) 12 08 09 n 10 Chalk Mountain 212.51 should212.51 not be interpreted as encouraging or 07 08 09 10 145 e 12 07 ) 09 assumeresponsibility full for these damages, risks, y G 08 09 11 12 07 ) 08 u invitinguse, or implying that the road, trailor area is Savage Creek EAGLE COUNTY 705 l 91 ch 134 «¬ Clinton Peak passable,actively maintained, or safe for travel. Motor anddangers. Take care times atall toprotect yourself IJ29 E Pike an River ast Mc Namee Peak andthose under your responsibility. ngp PITKIN COUNTY F ) i o vehicledesignations include parking along designated ry r 13 18 17 F k Traver Peak routesand atfacilities associated with designated rk 15 13 A National o 14 17 rk ) 14 F 13 18 reek 15 21A an routeswhen itissafe todo so and when not causing th 16 C 16 KJ s 13 Much of the Leadville Ranger District isremote. r 16 see 18 17 100 14 13 18 16 as T 8S o M es 17 15 14 R Forest damagetoNational Forest System resources. N o n iv Medicalassistance may not be readily available. rm 15 West Ten 19 135 e 18 o Lily Lake 131 IJ 101.C r 16 n Homestake East Fork 17 ) Seasonalweather conditions and natural events may Cellulartelephones do not work manyin areas ofthe C 135.A r Platte Gulch e LAKE COUNTY

renderdesignated routes and trails impassable for e 24 Reservoir LeadvilleRanger District. Take adequate food, water, 20 k )

24 19 19 ex tendedperiods. Designated areas may contain C 21 22 Mount Cameron firstaid supplies, and other equipment appropriate for u 23 T 8S Ranger District Ranger 24 nn Cunn 23 20 21 22 dangerousor impassable terrain. Many designated ingh ek in 23 24 19 20 ek theconditions and ex pectedweather. am Cre gh HOLY CROSS 21 22 re 19

roadsand trails may be passable onlyby high- am h C 21 22 23 24 19 ) 20 lc

Cr u ee 20 21 M ee ongs G s clearancevehicles or four-wheel drive vehicles. k L s Leadville WILDERNESS e id n d n Mount Arkansas ) Maintenanceofdesignated roads and trailsdepend will e


25 30 C t 102 B onavailable resources, and many may receive little 29 28 u s u LAND!PRO T ECTYO U RPRIV ILEGE.STAY ON n 27 26 25 a c National Forest National n k National Forest Tennessee Creek E 29 E s maintenance. in 28 n 30 k Se Middle Fork30 Homestake Creek 27 26 Longs Gulch g 26 i

DESIGNATEDRO ADSAND TRAILS AND IN ll g 25 30 29 27 26 28 l n 28 ar h 29 28 25 30 ish C Cr a 137 27 25 29 r

eek m G Mount Tweto e This motor vehicle travel map identifies those DESIGNATEDAREAS. pine Gu ulch e C Porcu lc k San Isabel San h r ) roads,trails, and areas designated for motor vehicle e 137.A

31 e Creek Mormon Buckskin, Mount useunder CFR36for 212.51 the purpose ofenforcing 36 k )

Read and understand this map itsin entirety. Ifyou h 32 33 c theprohibition atThisCFR36 261.13. isalimited 34 35 34 35 31 32 l T ravel Map ravel T 24 35 36 u 33 35 havequestions, please contact the Leadville Ranger ¤£ 34 G East Fork Homestake Creek33 31 purpose.The other public roads are shown for 36 36 e 31 32 33 Mt. Zion y Districtfor clarification. Fr e 34 31

informationand navigation purposes onlyand are not yi 32 HOLY CROSS ) ck Treasurevault 32 33 ng 18 u 36 pa IJ B

n Tennessee Creek Mountain subjecttodesignation under the Forest Service travel R 109 iv k WILDERNESS ) e Asa motor vehicle operator onaNational Forest er e eile r Vehicl o t o M managementregulation. r Lak C e Fo 107 Bi e rk 05 189 rd Systemroad, ortrail, area, you must comply with this l Ark 06 s Mosquito Peak 01 06 y a n e 05 04 03 s 02 S y 02 L 01 a 01 a 05 e ) 8 map,asFederal,as well all State, and locallaws and 06 s in G These designations apply only to National Forest 04 03 t Kev 01 05 KJ R in G 05 04 u Iva i ul 02 06 04 l 02 regulations.Compliance with these rules isyour n v ek ch 03 c System roads, National Forest System trails, and h e e h 01 452 06 04 oe Creek r Cr 03 responsibility. r areas on National Forest System lands. 4350000 a 12 4350000 e 103 K M Ivanhoe Creek J B o F s ry q in 9A u g 08 IJ it p 12 10 9 PARK COUNTY o 12 07 an 09 104.D IJ 09 10 London Mountain C R 10 11 12 103 LAKE COUNTY r ive 07 08 104.E 08 ) eek 08 S r 11 07 08 12 o 104.L 07 09 10 u 104.F 12 11 07 09 t h 09 104.DA 104.H 104.N 11 10 EXPLANATION OF LEGEND k F White River National Forest e o re LEGEND r C 104.I 91 k r 9 cie IJ Turquoise 104.K «¬ F 18 G la 104.O r 104.KA 104.M 104.P 99 696 ITEMS y 105 Lake KJ KJ i 4 127.A iver k 13 n 17 16 IJ 104.Q sas R ee RoadsOpen Vehicles: toAll g 15 14 17 4 104.B kan r V ICINIT YMAP p IJ 104.Q A Ar C a ily Pad 13 16 15 k 15 to L C or Lit 17 i 17 16 Roads Open to All Vehicles n 17 104.R t F tle E 16 13 u r 18 104.RA as 14 13 va 14 q R e ns s e 105.A 14 18 104.W B E Gulch o Mountain T heseroads are open motor toall vehicles, including smaller i k M v 13 outh T 9S e 104.W 18 S ) 15 off-highwayvehicles that may not be licensed for highway use r 16 18 Seasonal Designation Fr 104.U B yi 105 (butnot tooversize or overweight vehicles under State traffic ng 104.U A Eva p 104.VA ns Gulch Leadville Ranger District (See Table) a Hagerman Pass 20 20 T 9S law). 24 n 9C 9 20 21 22 19 104.V IJ 21 IJ 3 ) R K 39°15'0"N 19 23 24 104.W A J i 21 22 23 24 Highways, US, State, v 19 22 Leadville 21 SeasonalDesignation: e 104.U 23 19 20 21 22 23 24 r 4 19 24 4 IJ Ü 113 IJ County, Other 20 39°15'0"N T hissymbol, used conjunctionin with one ofthe other road 104.A Sacrame 105.B k nto e C e r 24 U.S. Highway Route Number ortrail symbols, indicates that the road or trailis open only r West e ¤£ e C k sk 5 ) duringcertain portions ofthe year. Refer tothe Seasonal 25 30 k Bu IJ 29 28 27 e 26 e 25 30 Dyer Mountain DesignationsTable for further instructions. r 29 28 ulc 9 State Highway Route Number 27 25 30 ia G h 14 C 5A 28 n ) K 27 r J «¬ 26 IJ Califo 30 29 28 27 26 25 30 29 n 29 e 28 t 25 O therPublic Roads: r Lake Fork Arkansas River 26 11 a ) County Road Number KJ M Pike H ighways:State, U.S., County, Other ra e Sac me Ro ek ittl nt 36 ck Cre I L o C Short Route Identifier T hesesymbols are used toshow routes the Forest Service 31 32 33 34 24 ow National reek 33.A 35 36 31 32 ¤£ 32 a G 33 34 35 ulch (See Short Route Table) doesnot have jurisdiction over and has not designated for 36 300 33 34 35 ) 32 36 31 34 36 motorizeduse.These symbols are part ofthe reference «¬ 35 31 Forest 34 31 33 A 32 33 layersshowing connections totowns and cities outside the White River r k a INFORMATION SOURCES forestboundary. n Major Streams s National Forest a ShortRoute Identifier: 01 06 05 s 04 11 R 03 02 01 06 IJ 05 04 i 01 22.A 03 02 01 06 05 v 06 e 04 03 h 02 01 ) Mountain Peaks r 04 03 02 04 LeadvilleRanger District lc ) Mount Sheridan 06 05 03 u G 05 a 810 Front810 Street llow Creek ow T hissymbol isused for routes that are too short toshow Wi I 4340000 th F 4340000 Forest or Unit Boundary MOUNT or 11A ou Leadville,CO 80461 asymbol type onthe map. The symbol contains the number N K Peerless Mountain rm 08 J 09 ch ile 12 07 09 12 07 ul Cr ofthe road orUsers trail. should refer tothe corresponding 10 11 07 MASSIVE 12 e G eek 08 Fryingpan River ) 08 ir (719) 486-0749 (719) 11 12 110.A 112.S p 08 numberthein Short Route Table for designation information. 10 11 m 12 E 10 11 07 10 National Forest System WILDERNESS 140 09 Creek h 09 08 ) Ho eshoe 10 rs lc 07 Finnback Knob 09 u ) Lands LAKE COUNTY G 15 PITKIN COUNTY n 16 18 a 13 )Horseshoe Mountain m Wil ek 13 Non-National Forest System d low Cre a 14 e ) 17 16 15 17 18 Lands within the Nat'l Forest D 14 ek 18 17 16 111 Mount Oklahoma re 15 13 17 16 15 14 13 110.B 18 C 18 17 16 15 low 14 ek T 10S Wil re ForestSupervisor BLM Lands South C n BLM Lands N 110.C i or s 19 th H P ikeand San Isabel National ek a a re l 20 110.FC B Travel and recreate with minimum impact. n C fm 111 T 10S a 110 IJ7 d o l M 22 23 110.EA 110.D 160 st 24 19 o 23 130.A IJ52 o Forests o n 21 22 G L 19 24 County Boundary 21 C 110.E 20 21 7 Respect the environment and the rights of 20 k 19 IJ 20 23 r e 150 24 19 20 21 22 Cimarronand Comanche k e e 22 e e 110.L r 130 21 others. e k C 23 r n 24 22 C Deer Mountain oo 130 Township and Range Lines WILDERNESS e ) k National m ree HUNTER-FRYINGPAN k alf 110.FB C 27 a H 130.B g Educate yourself; plan and prepare before you L 28 110.F in 28 k 30 110.H1 r B Grasslands r 110.H p T o 110.FA S i 30 29 26 25 k g w go. F 29 Section Lines 30 e e e U h l k r 29 Ptarmigan Peak v 2840Kachina Drive t 110 29 136 27 25 n Geissler Mountain e 26 e r 27 C 30 28 27 i e 25 o 26 m o r 26 28 n ) 30 29 28 130.S o n C i i ) N l Big Un C 25 P ueblo,CO 81008 Allow for future use of the outdoors by leaving it on 110.I 110.G 27 e r Lakes and Rivers o k C Box e k m e C 110.J e f r e r better than you found it. e l e e r e k e a r k (719) 553-1400 (719) C H e 31 ce C k k 31 34 ee 130.B n 33 n 130.D e 110 r 35 32 34 o C d 35 Wilderness Areas Discover the rewards of responsible recreation. 32 o rt 32 33 n Twining Peak 36 m e e ) 36 Weston Peak ± Mount Champion f lb 34 p l 35 E 130.C 36 31 32 33 e a 31 34 36 ) 31 ) 33 32 33 In caseIn ofEmergency: Dial911 d H 35 34 0 0.5 1 2 3 n h t on For more information on Tread Lightly!, go to I t g Creek Box Creek u in Kobe Independence Pass ) o r Ü Miles or call 1-800-966-9900. 39°7'30"N ar 03 S H reek 06 Cave C 01 04 06 05 06 03 422 02 01 05 04 02 01 125.AA 05 125.F 01 Creek 39°7'30"N 24 03 it 02 125.AB ske IJ 02 o B or Creek 04 w 04 03 01 06 05 04 ) C T 06 05 03 125.AC

) S 82 Bartlet 24 Casco Peak t C £ o ¬« ¤ u r ee t 4330000 Independence 09 k 12 h 4330000 Ü 08 G 125.G F 11 12 ul o 10 07 08 09 10 ch Mt. Elbert 09 397 r PROHIBITIONS 11 07 12 k 07 10 11 12 07 10 S 12 122 Forebay 08 09 11 o 125.C u 07 08 09 10 125.AH t 08 h y Gulch Bull Hill Bo 125.D P It is prohibited to possess or operate a n E la ai 82 c ) 125.B 125.A t t h un ¬« 397 397.A t motor vehicle on National Forest System 18 17 Mo o 125.AD e 16 13 18 C n Gulch R 15 14 r yto i 13 e Da 82 v 15 Arkansas River e lands on the Leadville Ranger District other e 125.AG 16 ¬« 16 r COLLEGIATE k 15 13 82 170 125.AF 17 ¬« BUFFALO PEAKS than in accordance with these designations 17 Gordon Gulch 172 172.C 175 18 17 PEAKS 14 125.AE 14 16 18 17 16 (36 CFR 261.13). 18 172.B 170.A 13 13 15 124 397 WILDERNESS T 11S WILDERNESS 172.A 15 H k 171.B 14 e 172.AA 175.B a e 397.B 21 y r 170.B 177 d 19 C 171 T 11S h 23 e 23 c 22 d 176 Violators ofCFR36 are 261.13 subject toa 24 n Twin Lakes ul N 24 175.A Griz u 24 173 zl 20 G o G 22 y rt 20 21 o 23 Balltown C h l Reservoir 20 fineofup imprisonment to $5,000, for up to6 r m F 19 u 21 e a o l C Ü 19 e h r c 21 22 k k 171.C k h 23 24 a h k c 22 monthsor both 3571(e)).ThisU.S.C. (18 L 174 19 e l r c 171.A ak e 21 25 20 u

G r e a K l J C 20 24 G prohibitionapplies regardless ofthe presence or re C 19 s B e 126 22 k B e as White River 82 126.A 116.A o m P absenceofsigns. La s u w reek ¬ ke Cr w o C « eek l L ich 27 F R 29 28 e 116 l National 26 30 116.B l 29 C k 28 27 399 e 26 25 30 r 29 re Crystal Lake Creek e 27 26 25 This map does not display nonmotorized 25 e 30 29 28 27 26 25 C k 28 30 29 28 Forest e 27 uses,over-snow uses, or other facilities and k LAKE COUNTY a L 396 attractionsonthe Leadville Ranger District. k 35 r 31 o 399 O btainforest visitor information from the local 32 33 34 F CHAFFEE COUNTY th u 35 nationalforest office. So 36 31 32 33 398 31 34 31 JI 394 32 33 34 35 Grizzly Peak 36 32 33 34 35 36 31 lch h 36 32 33 u lc ) r G 391 u sse Twin Peaks 34 Na h G 396 c 398 M c ) is Ü Designated roads, trails and areas may also 04 l ill JI ek u W A Cre r besubject totemporary, emergency closures. e G Rinker Peak k BUFFALO 05 k 03 s 02 a 06 a e 05 ns L r 06 ) a Asavisitor, you must comply with signs Garfield 01 05 04 s k y 03 02 R i v r a 01 398 04 02 03 06 03 e 05 PEAKS L Peak o 01 r 04 notifyingyou ofsuch restrictions. nationalA S 06 k y ) F 03 ee n 382 02 01 r h 380 05 C 04 c t g forestmay issue anorder toclose aroad, trail Cache Creek 24 lin h u ) ¤£ WILDERNESS b C o 06 um 393 S T r orarea onatemporary basis toprotect the life, La Plata Gulch 391 & e ) e h

g k L Red ou health,or safety offorest visitors or the natural i 07 R n Mountain c 08 07 08 09 07 orcultural resources thesein areas. Such o 09 10 11 12 10 12 10 11 12 l ) 08 09 4320000 n 4320000 11 Quail Mountain Clear Creek 09 11 temporaryand/or emergency closures are C 10 r ) 12 07 08 09 e lear Cr Reservoir 10 consistentwith the Travel Management Rule (36 e Middle Mountain C eek k ) h c 390 CFR 212.52(b), 36 CFR36CFR subpart 261212.52(b), B). l 15 07 08 u JI G Willis Gulch 16 15 s e 18 17 15 14 13 16 r 13 18 17 ek 14 13 18 17 y 14 16 re 13 Pike National Forest a r C The designation "road or trailopen toall S lea 16 15 39°0'0"N C 18 17 15 14 13 18 motorvehicles" does not supersede State traffic 390 17 16 law. T 12S 20 ek 39°0'0"N re 390.A 23 C 19 21 22 ia A 23 24 19 20 21 b r T 12S 24 19 21 22 22 23 m k 20 lu a 24 o n 22 West 22 24 s C 19 20 23 24 a 19 20 21 s ) 21 reek Ü R F East C k i o tn e v u M e 28 e r )Buffalo 26 25 r W infield m d C r e k i r e l Peak R a e e e 29 r COLLEGIATE l 27 C C 26 C Winfield Peak 25 r 29 28 27 k r 30 29 28 27 e 25 30 r a 28 27 Waverly Mountain e o ) e 369 k 30 Pecks Peak PEAKS F l 25 30 29 26 25 h C 390 ) 30 27 t ) 26 28 or k N r 29 o k WILDERNESS 381 F e Cre Jenkins Mountain h Middle e Virginia Peak t in 369.B369.A u ) C Mountain P le r ) o b e 34 a ek ) S Mount Oxford 33 WILDERNESS G 36 31 32 33 ) 33 34 35 Browns 36 31 32 36 31 32 ) 35 34 35 36 35 Peak 31 32 33 34 ) 31 32 33 34 36

k ree 387.A C k e e in e 01 03 P r 05 06 ek 03 02 01 06 05 02 01 06 C re R 06 04 04 03 02 e 01 son C 02 In accordanceIn with Federal civil rights lawand e ) 05 n ri 03 i 01 06 d Gunnison Grizzly Peak 04 ) or 05 04 P 05 04 03 U .S. DepartmentU .S. ofAgriculture (USDA) civil M M 377 ) h t t


u 387

rightsregulations and policies, the USDA, its C Iowa Peak o National Forest 387 387 r CHAFFEE COUNTY S Pieplant Creek e ) Agencies,offices, and employees, and T e k a 377 BLANKET STATEMENTS FOR y GUNNISON COUNTY07 386 institutionsparticipating orin administering USDA l 09 o 12 k 08 09 10 11 12 07 r 10 08 09 386 12 07 08 ee 11 10 11 12 07 08 N programsare prohibited from discriminating R 09 r o k t C 07 08 rt 4310000 i e lan ek 09 h 4310000 v e iep re S basedonrace, color, national origin, religion, sex , TRAVEL MANAGEMENT e r P k C 10 11 F e r 12 e 10 v ) e n o C k e r r a 24 n t e C m u m genderidentity (including gender ex pression), o in £ r n h ¤ F P c m il a n e l re C Map Revisions h F il t sex ualorientation, disability, age, marital status, p ) e r e e The Three Apostles u C e i o 15 14 r k P e family/parentalstatus, income derived from a S e k ) k 13 14 13 16 13 18 17 16 15 T hedesignations shown onthis map remain will effectin until 18 17 16 r 14 13 18 17 16 15 13 publicassistance program, political beliefs, or o 15 17 14 18 17 F 16 North Texas Creek 15

e 18 reprisalor retaliation for prior civil rights activity, l ) revisedwith the publication ofa new map.January In ofeach d d in anyin program or activity conducted or funded by T 13S i eek Salida year,this motor vehicle travel map either will be revised with the M W Cr Ubases SDA (notall apply programs). toall r a Fou T 13S t e Remediesand complaint filingdeadlines vary by publicationofa new map, beor itwill validated for the new year by r 24 Ranger l 24 19 21 22 23 o 24 20 21 Mount Columbia 20 24 19 20 o 19 Magdalene Gulch 23 programor incident. 22 23 19 20 21 22 23 19 G ) 24 the Ranger District with ared stamp that says: "Valid for Year 20__". 20 u 22 District 22 l 368 c 21 h 21 P ersonswith disabilities who require alternative ek 368 Cre JI meansofcommunication for program information Elk Parking/Dispersed Camping on the San Isabel National Forest 29 28 T hree (e.g., Braille,large (e.g., print, audiotape, American 26 26 25 30 27 26 25 30 H 28 26 25 30 28 27 o 25 28 27 SignLanguage, etc.)should contact the 29 27 r 29 Three Elk Creek n 30 30 29 28 29 25 27 responsibleAgency or USDA’s TARGET Center Texas Creek F o • Where • designated parking areas are not available, and where r k Pow at (202) 720-2600(voiceat (202) and TT or Y) contact Illinois Creek C ell C 375 r re e ek 311 U SDAthrough the Federal Relay Service at(800) not specifically prohibited, unsafe, or causing resource e Texas Creek k 38°52'30"N 31 877-8339. Additionally,877-8339. program information may 32 36 damage, parking onNational Forest System lands within one 36 31 32 33 34 36 32 33 34 33 32 34 32 33 34 36 31 35 36 31 k bemade available languagesin other than 35 31 371 ree 33 35 361 K C e Creek vehicle length off of designated routes isauthorized. 34 I J il 376 38°52'30"N 35 k J e nm ee N l Seve English. r o i od C rth onwo C m o r • Dispersed • camping isauthorized onNational Forest System ott ttonw C ood u h C o rt re T ofileaprogram discrimination complaint, Taylor River o e F lands ex cept speciallyin designated areas that are closed 04 03 06 05 04 N k ek re 04 completethe USDA Program Discrimination 01 06 03 C 01 06 05 02 01 04 as 03 02 01 06 todispersed camping. 05 Tex 02 03 02 05 ComplaintForm, AD-3027,found online at Gunnison COLLEGIATE PEAKS 01 06 04 eek 05 365 Cr Motorized • dispersed camping isauthorized within one er National Forest WILDERNESS Silv 03 cust.htmland at any USDA office or write aletter vehicle length off of designated National Forest System addressedtoUSDA and provide thein letterof all 08 11 07 07 08 Mercu 11 k r Arkansas River e y 07 209 e C theinformation requested thein form. To request routes, where not specifically prohibited, unsafe, or causing 09 10 12 08 e k KJ 12 r 11 r 12 re C 08 09 10 ee s 12 Salida 09 k 11 acopy ofthe complaint 632-form, (866) call C a 10 12 07 08 09 resource damage. s 10 x 07 10 s e ) a 09 T 9992. Submit9992. your completed form or letter to P 4300000 h 4300000 • Check with • the localNational Forest District office for t Ranger District Ü u UDepartmentmail:U.S. SDA by:(1) of o H Buena 304 S ug KJ hes V ista Agriculture,Office ofthe Assistant Secretary for current information onareas closed tocamping and for Cre Taylor Park Reservoir 17 17 Denny Creek ek 13 16 15 14 13 17 CivilRights, 1400Independence Avenue, SW , 18 16 15 14 13 18 16 other travel management information. 15 14 13 24 18 17 16 15 14 13 18 ¤£ W ashington,690-fax (202) (2) 20250-9410; : D.C. 18 17 15 7442; or (3) email:[email protected]. or 7442; (3) T 14S 16 ek 340 re C Trout Creek d Willow Creek oo U SDAisan equal opportunity provider, employer, Turner Peak nw T 14S 19 21 to 306 20 24 ) ot JI andlender. 24 23 24 19 20 21 22 306 20 24 C 22 21 23 JI 22 23 22 ek 19 19 20 21 22 24 19 21 re 23 20 C Creek w wood 24 Co Middle Cotton ¤£ Johnson 285 FS-873-0212 30 Salida Ranger District ¤£ Ü V illage 28 r 29 e

v NorthAmerican Datum of1983(NAD 83) R82W 106°30'0"W 106°22'30"W R80W 106°15'0"W R79W 106°7'30"W i 370000 R81W 380000 390000 400000 R78W R U niversalTransverse Mercator, zone 13 s a s n a k r A