October 5, 1968
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Chicago Protest Leader Jesfiffes Before Adjournment News Roundup From the State HUAC Quits on Stormy Note WASHINGTON (AP) — An organizer of the talks were progressing and how the war was led the 1967 protest march on the Pentagon, Ichord told Young, "It has been charged stormy antiwar protests at the Democratic Na- going. , and 11 other persons in a dispute over ouster of that the Communists in this country have tional Convention testified yesterday he went The three days of hearings were recessed an attorney. inspired, planned and played a part in the behind the Iron Curtain to meet with Viet Cong without testimony from other major figures in Yippie Leader Arrested instigation of riots in Chicago." agents two months before the Chicago disor- the Chicago protests, including Yippie leaders The World Police evicted lawver Gerald ' H,e sf.id doctor had loaned 51 000 for ders. " Jerry Rubin and Abbie Hoffman; balding David Lefcourt 1f for Chicago$? headquarters for demons- when he complained to chord that authorities J™ . 'he Viet Cong Blast Key Mekong Delta Bridge The protest leader, Robert Greenblatt, told Dellinger, who led the 1967 peace march on the , DaV a r St eadcr wh J were still holding Yipie leader Abbie Hoffman! '^Tl6 , ,, ' scored a direct hit on the a House subcommittee on un-American activi- Pentagon, and Thomas Hayden, who has been ?IchordT°T said had traveled!!v to orth Vietnam. SAIGON — Viet Cong rocketeers ties he met with Viet Cong officials in Prague arrested Thursdly on charges of defacing the * vital Ben Luc bridge 16 miles southwest of Saigon early today. , active in . obtaining the release of American Young, who arranged medical care for the and spoke at a meeting in Cyprus attended by prisoners by North Vietnam. American flag as he tried to enter the building ^ ^ They knocked out an 80-foot center span over the Oriental Communists. wearing a stars-and-stripes shirt . protestors injured in the Chicago clashes, had River, a government spokesman said. The subcommittee chairman, Rep. Richard cited be First Amendment's freedoms of Greenblatt was a founder and coordinator Ichord (D-Me.). told all of them to return for Hoffman, who was later released. Dellinger J _, He also, reported that at dawn terrorists detonated a of the National Mobilization Committee to End ' and Rubin are among the protestors S! h and assembly when asked Thursday more hearings Dec. 2. sub- whether?f^? heh was a Communist. packet of explosives in -a government administration building the War in Vietnam, which helped mount the Ichord said he had to interrupt the hearings poenaed to testify but not called yet. s 5th precinct, demolishing the" structure. - There 'You Embarrass Me in Saigon' demonstrations that led to four nights of bloody because of the press of other business. Con- Rubin charged at a news conference that ' were no casualties, the spokesman said. street battles with police in Chicago. gress is expected to adjourn next weekv and all he found his room in the nearby Congressional Ichord asked him, "Would you perjure The Ben Luc bridge is on Route 4, the mainjartery for fo- Hearings in December House seats are at stake in the elections. Hotel clouded with tear gas when he returned yourself if you answered, 'No'?" fertile Mekong Del- odstuffs flowing into the capital from the His testimony came Communist Charges to it Thursday night. He said he found a white Tne witness said, "You embarrass me, sir ta. Viet Cong have hit it- three-'times since June; and "South just before the sub- see through that one." He declined to committee broke off its hearings on the disor- Ichord voiced charges that Communists card on his door bearing a swastika and the — * Vietnamese and U.S. Army engineers have scrambled each identification, "National Socialist White Peo- answer, ders until December. inspired and planned the peace protests that The Chicago physician remained in the time to patch'it back together. Greenblatt told the panel he pie's Party " was willing to led to four nights of bloody clashes with police es a r during the walkout after Lefcourt The bridge shelling and the blast in 'Saigon followed do everyhing possible to end what he called il- in Chicago. He didn't cite any names. The hotel, owned by Congress but leased to ™}? ? i J reports of sharp new fighting along the Cambodian border and was ejected. legal U.S. aggression in Vietnam. Jerry Rubin, the bearded, beaded leader of a private corporation which operates it. is the ... , , stepped-up air strikes over North Vietnam's souther panhan- ¦ Washington residence of at least 11 congres- Fourteen demonstrators and attorneys had The trip in June took place while Gre- the Youth International Party (Yippies). , en l pol ce aft hey st d a dle. smen, including one subcommittee member, *? ?JL±iJ ' - „af enblatt said he was helping plan the Chicago shouted at the hearing that his room in a hotel standingnrii^ protest V,Tuesday, on ?the£ *openuig day o, " protests. on Capitol Hill owned by Congress had been Rep. William M. Tuck'. D-Va. the hearings. Protest leader Robert Greenblatt * * * Greenblatt did not mention any discussion tear-gassed by American Nazis. Rubin said he Hetuses lo Answer refused to answer questions and walked out Economic Policy Divides Laborites of the protests with the North Vietnamese or also received a threatening telephon e call. The walkout came while the panel was with his attorney Thursday, Viet Cong during his testimony. He Rubin "walked out of the hearings along , said he questioning Qucntin B. Young, who refused Greenblatt returned at the start of Friday'; BLACKPOOL, England — Britain's ruling Laborites made the trip to find out how the Paris peace with balding David Dellinger, the pacifist who again to answer whether he is a Communist. session, then joined the new walkout. wound up their annual convention with a" show of unity yesterday but the party was deeply divided on a host of issues. The delegates were in revolt against the economic policy of Prime Minister Harold-Wilson's government. They repu- diated by.an overwhelming - margin Monday the core of. that policy, an attempt to limit wage increases to 3:5.per cent until the end of next year. It condemned the .Soviet invasion of Cze- choslovakia but came .within .163,000 votes of more than six million bloc votes cast of demanding, a.reduction in Britain's Generals Secure commitment "to the North Atlantic Treaty .Organization. ¦ ¦ The convention also voted unanimously to demand that the government cease supplying.arms to federal Nigeria for use against Biafra . and directed the government to refuse in- dependence to rebel Rhodesia until majority rule has been up granted the African population. Peruvian Co LIMA, Peru (AP) — Denun- heavily manned by police and had six this century — the • • • ciation of the military over- soldiers. military emerged under the throw of President Fernando Students Free for Riots title of junta. But this time the Belaunde Terry erupted from Generals in the new govern- leaders are calling themselves The Nation many quarters yesterday, but ment complained because a ''re volutionary govern- Spokesman Denies LBJ Holding Back Funds the generals appeared firmly teachers and school superin- ment." The crisis followcc WASHINGTON — White House spokesman'George Chris- in control of their new "revolu- tendents failed to reopen clas- a dispute over the signing of a tian sought yesterday to fasten a poison label on reports that tionary government.'" ses. They felt that school offi- new contract with Intcrna- Corp., a sub- President Johnson is withholding party funds and trying to Opposition t o Thursday's cials are leftist and want stu- tional Petroleum thwart Vice President" Hubert H. Humphrey's bid for the widespread, but is dents on the street to incite sidiary ol Standard Oil of New coup is violence. Jersey. The military leaders presidency. disorgan ized and appears to chargiiv have little chance of moving Peru's political future was issued a manifesto The presidential press " secretary talked, of poison and uncertain, but there were in- that there had been "deceitful" poison pens in answering a flurry of-questions prompted by a effectively against Peru ' s power in th- ' dications the military leaders use of executive newspaper column by Roland 'Evans and Robert Novak. It powerful armed forces. The intend to rule for some time, agreement with Internationa said 5700,000 of Democratic party money is being secreted in a army has acted swiftly to head In previous cdups —Peru has Petroleum. New York bank and withheld from the Humphrey campaign at off any such attempt. President Johnson's orders. Eleven members of a "I will make this statement without fear of contradiction': Cabinet sworn in only 14 hours the President is not Holding back on anything," Christian said. before the coup were placet! "That is ridiciilous." -"Other than the President's statements under house arrest as they at- ire Breaks communi- Sniper F on the race and his quite apparenti support for, the vice presi- .Hern£ted,4pi draft - a . dent; I "dDnn''-taow-1iowre"l^-'to -dlsTyure-tKat"lBnUoi^tufCex- que calling for rebellion. cept'to labal it by name occasionally." Newspaper Calls for Revolt * * A similar call came from Ar- Mexico City Calm * mando' Villaneuva. chief of the Czech Foreign Minister Asks UN To Stay Out powerful Aprista party, hated MEXICO CITY CAP) — A sniper firing from a sociai by the military. The Aprista security building broke an uneasy calm in Mexico City yester- UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. — Czechoslovakia's acting day and wounded two persons on a street corner near the foreign minister appealed to the General Assembly yesterday paper La Tribuna came out with a special edition Thursday downtown sector.