Deed Tlo.Ieea4 for Rlre.5Rcar Tp9o
, .\' t'l , rfrncwsr,sbNbAr $ffi;"tt'*"*' ffiffin ?6 Jut i016 it rrus_nlDrrnnlno ll nado on thts .kr.!!!.( w,li, u.tuy_---.:, ;.,. BETWEE'tr N alrub IfflIAB FA,L,. son of Late ,si.ddheswar pal, Irindu, br; Cidzen. - Indian, by occupation gusiness, - hilrn.q Conld....[)/2 :' ! i rl N. 1. b"-9$"' $*n ce-cq. ,{.04lx '., ,W.'{^": 1 3gr.f6^^,!' :. : ',1i it , Adl. Dist Sub.REgilttat- , UTTARP.ARAHQOGII'-Y . 26 J|lt tile I {1t :, I tl| Permanent Account AFBPEA3B2Q and 2! SM?. UTPALII PAtn Auup Kuriiar pal, It by faith - Hindu, cltiz6 - todiEd bg: ,it - Hourewifc, having Permanent Account t.i ll"iUa, AFBPP2383R, both are :1 residing at 3, Baidik fa4a p.o. _ ,. 1 Ohat t are, glndlrrotor, p,S. - ;''rt!arpara, Dis$ict Hooghs6 - Fm - 7 12203, hereinarbr caled and j reierred b as the .',oW!iE[bu $hi"t, tcrm o,: expression shall unlesE othcnriic oreludcd : by or rcpugnant to the subject or context be deemed to and iucludc their legal heirs, succissors, erecutbrs, qndlor assigns) of the o$b pART. AND l M/s. JAI nAtfUMAfi.i?RO.IECfS p\ir[. L:!D., a company incorporatcd undtr thq Co. u.Fanics Act" 1956, h4ving its REgistergd lfficc at Roog No. 4lO, Rorrrth Floor, 21,. Hemanta. Sasu Sarani, P.qgt OSFS - A.nb., lotcc Stdtion -. t{crc Strect, Kolkata - 700001, havlng Fctnsrlent Aecourrt Number (pAN) _ AADCJf3*L, bcing iipresentcd by it s Dtrectors narncly al.Srt Vlnod.Ku:nar .gri phooo rlaJdo, aon of Rqi,Jqjoo,.by faith . Hindu, Citken - Indian, ty occupetion - Bustncss, rcsidtng at Flat No.
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