E946 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 10, 2014 inherited ‘‘a government that was in deep Our Nation owes a debt of gratitude and TRANSPORTATION, HOUSING AND trouble,’’ Marsh recalled. ‘‘These were issues support for all the achievements performed by URBAN DEVELOPMENT, AND RE- that were very difficult to handle, and he the Veterans of Foreign Wars and for the 32 LATED AGENCIES APPROPRIA- handled them well. Part of that was because he was so close to the Congress. They re- years of service that the Casey Joyce All TIONS ACT, 2015 spected him, and he respected them. . . He America Post 4380 has provided to the North SPEECH OF knew how the House worked.’’ Texas community. Marsh noted that Ford ‘‘had more time in I ask my colleagues to join me in cele- HON. DUNCAN HUNTER Congress than any president, before or since. brating the grand opening of the post and OF CALIFORNIA He was very popular on both sides of the thanking all of the members for continuing IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES aisle. He was an example of cooperation.’’ Congress, Marsh added wryly, ‘‘was more their legacy of selfless service. Keep up the Monday, June 9, 2014 good work! God Bless you. bipartisan in those days.’’ The House in Committee of the Whole He added that Ford was an ‘‘unflappable’’ f House on the state of the Union had under leader. ‘‘Criticism didn’t bother him. . . He consideration the bill (H.R. 4745) making ap- never carried a grudge.’’ HONORING JACOB DEAN MITCHELL Marsh said he was honored to receive the propriations for the Departments of Trans- Gerald R. Ford Medal for Distinguished Pub- portation, Housing and Urban Development, lic Service ‘‘because it reflects a time in my HON. SAM GRAVES and related agencies for the fiscal year end- ing September 30, 2015, and for other pur- life when I was party to and took part in a OF very critical time in our government.’’ poses: IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Before his political career, Marsh practiced Mr. HUNTER. Mr. Chair, I rise to express law in the Shenandoah Valley. He also was a Tuesday, June 10, 2014 my appreciation for all the good work that has World War II veteran and later served in the gone into in the FY 2015 Transportation, Army Reserve and Army National Guard. He Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I proudly pause to recognize Jacob Dean Mitch- Housing and Urban Development Appropria- was a graduate of Harrisonburg High School tions Bill. I know a lot of difficult decisions had and Washington and Lee University. ell. Jacob is a very special young man who to be made but I wanted to express my con- f has exemplified the finest qualities of citizen- ship and leadership by taking an active part in cern over a $20 million reduction in funding for GRAND OPENING OF THE CASEY the Boy Scouts of America, Troop 92, and the Maritime Security Program (MSP). JOYCE ALL AMERICA POST 4380 earning the most prestigious award of Eagle The U.S. flag fleet is critical to our military Scout. in delivering cargo overseas to our military to HON. SAM JOHNSON Jacob has been very active with his troop, ensure proper readiness and sustainment. The OF TEXAS participating in many scout activities. Over the Department of Defense (DOD) for well over a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES many years Jacob has been involved with decade has relied on MSP-enrolled vessels for sealift of necessary cargo into conflicts in Iraq Tuesday, June 10, 2014 scouting, he has not only earned numerous merit badges, but also the respect of his fam- and Afghanistan as well as other troubled Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. Speaker, ily, peers, and community. Most notably, areas in the world, all at a fraction of the cost I rise today to recognize the grand opening of Jacob has contributed to his community of what it would cost DOD to replicate that the Casey Joyce All America Post 4380 in through his Eagle Scout project. sealift if it had to build its own vessels. These Plano, Texas. Plano Post 4380 was chartered Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in military-sensitive cargoes are handled by U.S.- on July 28, 1982, to provide support and aid commending Jacob Dean Mitchell for his ac- flag ship operators and mariners that must to local veterans and to participate in neigh- complishments with the Boy Scouts of Amer- meet DOD and homeland security standards. borhood projects and functions in order to ica and for his efforts put forth in achieving the They have a demonstrated record of delivering build strong ties to the community. On January highest distinction of Eagle Scout. these cargoes efficiently and safely. 1, 2000, the Post was renamed Casey Joyce I would like to encourage the bill’s man- All America Post 4380; in memory of Sergeant f agers to bring the program’s funding level to Casey Joyce, an Army Ranger and graduate $186 million in conference with the Senate. HONORING LOGAN WAYNE of Plano Senior High School who was killed in This program also has significant support from CALDWELL Mogadishu, Somalia, in 1993. House members and I am including a letter Over twenty years ago, Sergeant Joyce was signed by members in support of this funding. one of the brave Rangers who put his life on HON. SAM GRAVES Finally this is the same amount appropriated the line to bring American pilots safely home OF MISSOURI in FY 2014, authorized by the Armed Services after two U.S. Black Hawk helicopters were IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Committee in the NDAA, and requested by the shot down. In the midst of the vicious battle, Tuesday, June 10, 2014 President. a fellow Ranger who fell from one of the heli- CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, copters was in critical condition—without im- Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I Washington, DC, March, 2014. mediate medical attention he would die. Ful- proudly pause to recognize Logan Wayne Hon. TOM LATHAM, filling the Ranger Creed, Sergeant Joyce took Caldwell. Logan is a very special young man Chairman, Subcommittee on Transportation, it upon himself to ‘‘never leave a fallen com- who has exemplified the finest qualities of citi- Housing and Urban Development, and Re- rade’’ behind. He proceeded towards enemy zenship and leadership by taking an active lated Agencies, Committee on Appropria- fire in search of a medivac vehicle and was part in the Boy Scouts of America, Troop 167, tions, House of Representatives, Wash- ington, DC. killed in action. It’s because of patriots like and earning the most prestigious award of Hon. ED PASTOR, Sergeant Joyce that America remains the land Eagle Scout. Ranking Member, Subcommittee on Transpor- of the free and home of the brave. Logan has been very active with his troop, tation, Housing and Urban Development, Renaming the Post to Casey Joyce All participating in many scout activities. Over the and Related Agencies, Committee on Appro- America Post 4380 will serve as a reminder to many years Logan has been involved with priations, House of Representatives, Wash- us all of the greatness of the American spirit, scouting, he has not only earned numerous ington, DC. the unwavering courage of our servicemen, merit badges, but also the respect of his fam- DEAR CHAIRMAN LATHAM AND RANKING and their commitment to service before self. ily, peers, and community. Most notably, MEMBER PASTOR: We are writing to request that $186 million in funding for FY 2015 for Some of the post’s contributions include the Logan has earned the rank of Brave in the the Maritime Security Program (MSP) be in- Casey Joyce Memorial Four Year Scholarship Tribe of Mic-O-Say. Logan has also contrib- cluded in the FY 2015 appropriations bill for and the Voice of Democracy Scholarship uted to his community through his Eagle Scout the Departments of Transportation, Housing Award given to young, bright, and talented project. Logan restored the dilapidated pillars and Urban Development, and Related Agen- students who want to pursue a higher edu- in front of the Winston School and placed the cies. This is the congressionally authorized cation. Post members also provide leadership, original stones from the classes of 1929 and amount necessary to ensure that the U.S. guidance, and other awards to the Plano ISD 1930 back into the pillars. Maritime Administration, in conjunction JROTC Program. Post members volunteer Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in with the Department of Defense, has the nec- essary funds available to fully implement their time to the Samaritan Inn Shelter and commending Logan Wayne Caldwell for his the MSP. It is the same amount appropriated Hope’s Door Domestic Violence Counseling accomplishments with the Boy Scouts of by Congress for the program in FY 2014. Center. Their contribution to our North Texas America and for his efforts put forth in achiev- The MSP was originally enacted to ensure community goes unmatched. ing the highest distinction of Eagle Scout. that the United States has the U.S.-flag

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:03 Jun 11, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10JN8.032 E10JNPT1 tjames on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with REMARKS June 10, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E947 commercial sealift capability and trained MSP is a cost-effective program that assures ica and for his efforts put forth in achieving the U.S. citizen merchant mariners available to guaranteed access to required U.S.-flag com- highest distinction of Eagle Scout. crew the government and privately owned mercial shipping and U.S. merchant mari- vessels needed by the Department of Defense ners when needed . . . MSP is a vital element f in time of war or other international emer- of our military’s strategic sealift and global gency. Most importantly, the Maritime Se- response capability.’’ HONORING TY MICHAEL curity Program and the uninterrupted oper- We again ask that you support this highly KIXMILLER ation of its maritime security fleet of 60 efficient and low-cost public-private partner- U.S.-flag militarily useful commercial ves- ship by including $186 million in your Sub- sels ensures that America will in fact be able committee’s FY 2015 appropriations legisla- HON. SAM GRAVES to support and supply our troops overseas. It tion in order to fully implement the MSP. In OF MISSOURI guarantees that American-flag vessels and so doing, you will be saving the American IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES American crews will continue to be available taxpayer billions of dollars because the De- Tuesday, June 10, 2014 to transport the supplies and equipment our partment of Defense will be able to utilize troops need to do their job in behalf of our privately owned U.S.-flag vessels to meet its Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I nation. commercial sealift requirements rather than proudly pause to recognize Ty Michael Failure to approve the requested funding buying and maintaining this capability on Kixmiller. Ty is a very special young man who for the Maritime Security Program not only its own. will put American troops at risk but will has exemplified the finest qualities of citizen- Thank you for your consideration of this ship and leadership by taking an active part in weaken America’s overall security interests request. and will cost the American taxpayer signifi- Respectfully, the Boy Scouts of America, Troop 397, and cantly more than the amount requested for HOWARD P. ‘‘BUCK’’ MCKEON, earning the most prestigious award of Eagle FY 2015 for the MSP. Without having the Chairman, Scout. MSP and its maritime security fleet to rely Committee on Armed Services. Ty has been very active with his troop, par- upon, the options available to the Depart- , ticipating in many scout activities. Over the ment of Defense and to our country to meet Ranking Member, many years Ty has been involved with scout- America’s commercial sealift capability re- Committee on Armed Services. quirements are totally unacceptable. ing, he has not only earned numerous merit Duncan Hunter; Corrine Brown; Scott badges, but also the respect of his family, On the one hand, our country would be Peters; Frank LoBiondo; Elijah Cum- faced with the option of giving foreign-flag mings; Nick Rahall; ; peers, and community. Most notably, Ty has shipping interests and their foreign mari- ; John Duncan; Don earned the rank of Firebuilder in the Tribe of ners—interests who may not share America’s Young. Mic-O-Say and is a Brotherhood Member of goals, objectives and values—the responsi- ; Gary Miller; Rick the Order of the Arrow. Ty has also contrib- bility for supporting and advancing Amer- Larsen; Randy Forbes; Robert Witt- uted to his community through his Eagle Scout ica’s security interests overseas. These for- man; ; Jim Brindenstine; project. Ty renovated and landscaped Lion’s eign-flag shipping services will have to be Scott Rigell; Peter King; Leonard paid for by the United States, and it means Park in Kearney, Missouri, rehabilitating the Lance. front signage, replacing the park grills and our country will be encouraging the out- ; Carol Shea-Porter; sourcing of American maritime jobs as we Michael Michaud; Daniel Lipinski; mulching the entire park. spend taxpayer dollars on foreign-flag ships Suzan DelBene; Michael Grimm; Fred- Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in and their foreign crews. erica Wilson; Cedric Richmond; Sean commending Ty Michael Kixmiller for his ac- On the other hand, our country would be Maloney; Chris Gibson. complishments with the Boy Scouts of Amer- faced with the option of having the Depart- William Enyart; ; Brian Hig- ment of Defense build, maintain, and operate ica and for his efforts put forth in achieving the gins; Linda Sa´ nchez; Howard Coble; the requisite vessels itself, at a tremendous highest distinction of Eagle Scout. Paul Cook; Janice Hahn; David McKin- cost to the American taxpayer. In fact, a 2006 ley; Tim Bishop; Jim McDermott. f report prepared for the National Defense Joe Courtney; Steve Israel; Michael Tur- Transportation Association—Military Sea- ner; ; Tulsi Gabbard; HONORING LESBIAN, GAY, BISEX- lift Committee concluded that ‘‘the likely Denny Heck; ; Lois UAL, AND TRANSGENDER (LBGT) cost to the government to replicate just the Frankel; Madeleine Bordallo; Albio PRIDE MONTH vessel capacity provided by the MSP dry Sires. cargo vessels would be $13 billion.’’ In addi- Peter DeFazio; ; Pete Gallego; tion, the United States Transportation Com- Rick Nolan; Tim Walz; ; HON. ALAN GRAYSON mand has estimated that it would cost the Ron Barber; Andre´ Carson. OF FLORIDA U.S. Government an additional $52 billion to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES replicate the ‘‘global intermodal system’’ f Tuesday, June 10, 2014 that is made available to the Department of HONORING JACOB ALAN CROUSE Defense by MSP participants who are con- Mr. GRAYSON. Mr. Speaker, I submit the tinuously developing, maintaining, and up- following. grading their systems. In contrast, the com- HON. SAM GRAVES mercial maritime industry, through the OF MISSOURI RECOGNIZING THE LEADERSHIP OF STATE REPRESENTATIVE JOE SAUNDERS MSP, will provide the Department of Defense IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES with these same vessels and global inter- Mr. Speaker, I rise today in honor of Les- modal system at a cost to the taxpayer of Tuesday, June 10, 2014 bian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) $186 million in FY 2015, a fraction of what it Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I Pride Month, to recognize State Representa- would cost our government to do the job proudly pause to recognize Jacob Alan tive Joe Saunders. Representative Saunders itself. In other words, without funding the MSP Crouse. Jacob is a very special young man was elected to the Florida House on Novem- and ensuring the continued operation of its who has exemplified the finest qualities of citi- ber 6, 2012 to serve House District 49 in East maritime security fleet, America would ei- zenship and leadership by taking an active Orange County, and made history as one of ther have to place the safety of our troops part in the Boy Scouts of America, Troop 309, Florida’s first openly gay state lawmakers. and the security of our nation in the hands and earning the most prestigious award of A graduate of the University of Central Flor- of foreign shipping interests or be forced to Eagle Scout. ida’s Political Science, Women’s Studies, and spend billions of dollars more of the tax- Jacob has been very active with his troop, Legal Studies programs, Joe began his polit- payers’ dollars to achieve the commercial sealift capability that will be lost if the re- participating in many scout activities. Over the ical work as a community organizer on cam- quested funds for MSP are not appropriated. many years Jacob has been involved with pus. As a campus leader, Joe fought for envi- During congressional consideration of the scouting, he has not only earned numerous ronmental protections, affordable tuition rates, reauthorization of the MSP in 2003, General merit badges, but also the respect of his fam- and stronger anti-discrimination policies. He John W. Handy, then-Commander in Chief, ily, peers, and community. Most notably, also ran civic engagement programs to reg- United States Transportation Command, Jacob has led his troops as Junior Scout- ister and empower young voters. told Congress that: ‘‘As we look at oper- master. Jacob has also contributed to his After graduating in 2005, Joe began working ations on multiple fronts in support of the War on Terrorism, it is clear that our lim- community through his Eagle Scout project by for Equality Florida, a statewide civil rights ited defense resources will increasingly rely building a picnic shelter for his church. group dedicated to educating and advocating on partnerships with industry to maintain Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender the needed capability and capacity to meet commending Jacob Alan Crouse for his ac- communities. Over the past ten years, he has our most demanding wartime scenarios . . . complishments with the Boy Scouts of Amer- led coalitions that have won non-discrimination

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:03 Jun 11, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A10JN8.034 E10JNPT1 tjames on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with REMARKS