Jean M. Auel | 896 pages | 01 Apr 2002 | Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group Inc | 9780553289411 | English | New York, United States Plains of Passage PDF Book

She doesn't usually act like she has low self-esteem except in weird little pockets where she conveniently remembers being raised as Different ; she seems pretty confident and headstrong and willing to tackle supposedly insurmountable odds to help people. Ayla deserves better. They went toward the smoke, hoping to find friendly people. The compelling story continues to make the reader personally involved with the characters. Next up are the Losadunai, who live at the edge of the glacier Jondalar and Ayla must cross to get to his home. However, Jondalar and Ayla stunned everyone by returning. There is danger as they cross the glacier at the end of the winter. He was ready to attack! May 27, Herman Labuschagne rated it really liked it. Our great ancestors if any other form of humans still exist, excuse me , would undoubtedly consider the Neanderthal, roaming beasts and they the first inhabitants think us the interlopers, devils for sure after all living , years is quite an accomplishment in this captivating, exotic paradise nevertheless in fact a treacherous territory, the hairy men had a right to that opinion It's one thing to convey something being boring; it's another thing entirely to bore the readers. Why they couldn't ask him about why Ayla's original parents might be based on where she ended up with the Clan I cannot say. Welcome back. I had hoped for more excitement as Jondalar met some of these people back in "Valley", but nope, it is all an Ayla-brag-fest. Nov 10, Stef rated it liked it. To decide to read the entire series is a commitment, but one that is worth it. Average rating 4. Well Written!! This part of the trip was relatively uneventful. The whole book seems to be about them moving across Europe solving everyone's problems and saving the day. Women can't lead--they would only throw men in a concentration-like camp. And of course just like every other book, a lot of the pages are taken up by rambles that fill in research and history and scenery. Along the way, Jondalar became skilled at controlling Racer , and he continued to refine the lighter spears that he used with the spear-thrower that he had invented in the The Valley of Horses. The tall man's explanation for the strange behavior of the animals was too simple, but he was interested. Other editions. Wasn't this supposed to be an empowering novel about how great and awesome and respected women are? Yeah, Ayla's smart, and her experience with the Clan has given her valuable insight, but like with the land-description, Ayla's 'genius' gets to be repetitive as well. They traverse a vast continent, diffic. There is a LOT of repetition in this book. Obviously this does not apply for any rephotography I have made of existing photographs and diagrams from other people, in which case copyright remains with the original photographer or artist. This is a good story as they are traveling through the world back to France and spreading all this new knowledge to people. Not a good read unless you're invested in the characters. She receiv Jean M. Jondalar complaining about it a lot helped reinforce that even though it was annoying. I will definitely recommend this book to historical, historical fiction lovers. There are no advertisements on my site. The people were gone for the summer, but the couple's need to replenish their supplies and repair their damaged gear was great. There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Time and again, Ayla wants one thing and Jondalar complains. Readers also enjoyed. Jun 04, Nina rated it really liked it. Once, Ayla fell into a crevasse and was nearly lost. They were so lovely in book 2 but now Earth's Children 4. But on the other hand I also want to see how it all plays out He'd been eying the spirited stallion, and the tall man who was controlling him. An often stated criticism of The Plains of Passage is that it focuses too much on describing the plants, animals, and landscapes of the story. Of course, she also insists on staying long enough to treat those who have been injured and neglected, before they leave to continue their Journey. Plains of Passage Writer

To view it, click here. Ayla Jondalar. And I don't think Lutie would have allowed it. They had to make boots for the animals to protect their feet from the sharp ice, and they ran out of fuel and water. The scene with the horse people who had enslaved all the men and the women were ruling was weird and could have been cut. If Ayla has a flaw, it is the "I don't realize how beautiful I am" curse yes, even after all this time with Jondalar and the bajillion men saying how gorgeous she is, Ayla still thinks she is "Big and Ugly". In a brilliant novel as vividly authentic and entertaining as those that came before, Jean M. C'mon, I love his being such a dumb Next in my reread of this series, and this is where I intended to stop. As Ayla and Jondalar continue their journey they run into those same young men who have attacked a Clan flathead man and woman. Nov 10, Stef rated it liked it. Well, l Let's start saying that I loved the first three books of this serie. Sure, there was stuff that wasn't as bad as "Mammoth Hunters", but there were other parts that just made me want to do physical damage. The Mammoth Hunters. Other editions. I get it. May 27, Herman Labuschagne rated it really liked it. The book is a quiet story without any one particularly exciting dramatic point. I'd have to say my biggest gripe is surprisingly not what I mentioned above, but Jondalar going on and on about how much he loves Ayla, how he would not want to live without her, etc etc. However, they were not very competent hunters, and because Attaroa forbade them to gather, food was scarce even during the season of plenty. She received honorary degrees from her alma mater, as well as the University of Maine and the Mount Vernon College for Women. Related Articles. Plains of Passage Reviews

Auel Submitted by: Jane Kivik. Auel ,. If you already read one of the 1st three books you know how much Auel loves to put tooons of details in her descriptions -and you'd be aware of her sex scenes, which to me were a little bit too much! Other than that, it's an excuse for pages of further dry description of the environment of the regions they're travelling through, and more bad sex scenes. Earth's Children is a trademark of Jean M. Aided by the horses domesticated by Ayla and her pet wolf, the duo hunt and gather their way westward. I would have preferred more maps and less topographical descriptions as it demands a lot of concentration to paint a mental picture. Frozen Fire by Tim Bowler. Back to Don's Maps. He is thrown into a holding area, not fed, treated with disdain, etc. Dec 09, Calista rated it really liked it Recommends it for: historical fiction lovers. Shelves: wall-bangers , palaeolithicm-tobce-ficti. At this point, it's getting old. She glanced at her companion with a worried frown, then looked for the wolf again, straining to see through the blowing dust. I hope Jondalar is strong enough to stand up for the woman he loves. May 14, Barbara rated it it was amazing Shelves: jean-m-auel. That afternoon, Ayla examined Roshario's arm and saw that it had begun to heal. Reading about Pleasures stopped being a pleasure for me after about the third or so intimate scene. Everything from the last three books is repeated numerous times. Take a gander at those mammoths over there! Just finished this book, for the um-teenth time, and about to start page one of The Shelters of Stone. You can teach them if you find them young and take care of them. But that conflict was pretty much resolved last book with his "Big Fight" with Ayla. The ways and habits of the animals are masterfully described - especially that of Wolf, who becomes a lovable character in his own right in this volume. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. No major occurrences advance the plot, there are no big problems for the characters to solve, and the relationship between Ayla and Jondalar remains exactly the same, and neither of them develops as characters. Apr 23, Swankivy rated it it was ok. I look forward to reading the last book in the series. She even jokes, "Well, I belong to you, don't I? Or the "I have to save someone no matter the cost" but don't worry--unlike in "Clan of the Cave Bear" where Ayla wasn't able to save someone, Ayla never has that problem here! Also, Ayla comes across as bit of a Mary Sue character because she has invented and discovered so many things. This part of the trip was relatively uneventful. This section of the book could easily be cut right out and you wouldn't miss anything for it. Let's be clear, it's not porn, but I don't like to know details of the sexual life of the characters! Ayla was able to communicate with them by using the Clan's ancient language and learned that they were named Guban and Yorga. A reread of this book. But Ayla, with no memory of her own people, and Jondalar, with a hunger to return to his, are impelled by their own deep drives to continue their trek across the spectacular heart of an unmapped world to find that place they can both call home. We can't have Jondalar and Ayla fight about going back to his home because that's what he wants. Jean Auel gives so much research information of that era that just fascinates me. More nothing happens for a while, then they come across a herd of funny looking animals and Ayla asks her One True Love what they are. The fifth book in this series wasn't out when I finished reading this one. DMCA and Copyright : The book is not hosted on our servers, to remove the file please contact the source url. He also learned that Attaroa killed her own child for helping a young woman to run away with the man she loved. Spirits weren't known to speak in ordinary language, although all the talk of mothering animals was just the kind of strange talk that spirits were known for—words that were not quite what they seemed. I know I am forgetting something.

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There is danger as they cross the glacier at the end of the winter. Or if Ayla is right, could Thonalan have started a baby growing inside Felonia with the essence of his mandhood that night? If you decide to use one or more of my images, I would be grateful though it is not necessary if you would include a credit such as 'Photo: Don Hitchcock, donsmaps. Aug 13, Blythe Pelham rated it it was amazing. You get some real revelations in this one, the 'travelling' book of the series. I look forward to reading the last book in the series. To view it, click here. I am reading it again to try to catch up so I can read he new book she finally put out! You could say that he does change in this book, that he goes from cringing about "Flatheads" to acknowledging the Clan people as being humans. Mammoths were even known to bury other dead animals, including humans. Oh and if human sex isn't your thing, don't worry: the book basically opens to Mammoths having sex. Leave this place! He does what he can to help the other men while he tries to figure out how to escape and find Ayla. The premise of an epic journey following the travels and struggles of characters in a prehistoric world is a very interesting one, I've seen docu-dramas on the same subject that are wonderfully gripping and interesting, yet Auel's books manage to be inane and boring after "Clan of the Cave Bear". She has no tattoo on her face. First of all I have the feeling that whole text passages are just 'copy-pasted' from a previous book s into this one, because in my opinion there is a lot of repetition. I skip the scenery-describing, which can be quite lengthy, and go to the parts with people and action. For many years, this was it. They should be here in a few days. Adult Fiction. They were so lovely in book 2 but now And, lemme tell you, I hate it. She and Whinney looked the same. The fourth installment in Jean M. Series: Auel, Jean M. Roshario was grateful that she was no longer condemned to be a helpless woman. Aug 09, Skyemberr rated it really liked it. Obviously this does not apply for any rephotography I have made of existing photographs and diagrams from other people, in which case copyright remains with the original photographer or artist. They stumble upon Mammoths having sex, the Sharmudoi and the Ramudoi who almost immediately induct Ayla into their clan, a group of Femi-Nazis aka, what many conservatives think Feminists are , a couple of Clan people, the Losadunai, and Jondalar's sister's people whoever the hell they are. Get A Copy. Speaking in Zelandonii so the people from the Camp wouldn't understand, Ayla told Jondalar what the mamut was saying. I don't mind being given information about the environment in which characters move, in fact I relish it, but the way it's written, it really feels like a chopped up academic article forcibly inserted into the main text of the historical fiction. Ayla has sex with Jondalar. These books follow a formula more than I realized too, but there is an odd comfort in that. View all 3 comments. Afterwards, the men demanded retribution. If you see a Google Drive link instead of source url, means that the file witch you will get after approval is just a summary of original book or the file has been already removed. Other editions. This book is a perfect example of what happens when you write a novel and don't have a plot to fill it. To avoid many spoilers, I will say this: Jondalar is kidnapped by a psychopathic Amazon! Shelves: wall-bangers , palaeolithicm-tobce-ficti. Jondalar met their S'Armuna , who spoke perfect Zelandonii. Journey stories are inherently tough and not everyone is going to like them. During the first leg of the journey, the young lovers crossed the vast steppes on their way to the delta of the Great Mother River. She would have succeeded if Wolf had not intervened to protect Ayla by killing Attaroa. She had lived with the Ninth Cave for several years. The day after the crossing, she and Jondalar shared Pleasures , and Jonayla was conceived. Nov 09, Diana Shaffner rated it liked it Shelves: historical-fiction. It takes time and patience, but they will learn.