[email protected] Phone: 61 8 92933052 JUNE 2009 From t he President … Welcome to our June edition of the Silvery Gibbon Project newsletter. We hope that you will be pleased with our progress in recent months. As we near the end of the financial year we ask that you please consider membership renewal and assist us to continue our important work. The challenges faced by many NGOs fighting to preserve habitat and wildlife in Indonesia have certainly been making news in the last few months. Perhaps the most notable is the current proposal by a major pulp and paper company to destroy 33,000 hectares of critically important forest habitat in Sumatra. Whilst this area is obviously not home to Javan Gibbons, it does contain significant populations of Agile Gibbons and Siamang, as well as critically endangered Sumatran elephants, Sumatran tigers, Malayan tapirs; and is the only reintroduction site for Sumatran Orang-utans. Indigenous tribes also live in this area, and the forest river system provides critical water supplies for the surrounding regions. With Carbon Trading on the horizon, greedy land-grabbing tactics of multinational timber, paper and pulp and palm oil companies are in full force. We implore the Indonesian Government to think of the future and not succumb to the appeal of short term financial gain. Once these areas are gone, they are gone forever, it’s as simple as that. You can help with this campaign by signing the following online petition; In Java, where the habitat destruction has already occurred, we must now fight to preserve the remaining 2% and work hard to combat the illegal trade of their remaining wildlife.