An Index to the Wills and Inventories Now Preserved in the Probate
THE RECORD SOCIETY FOR THE PUBLICATION OF ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS RELATING TO LANCASHIRE AND CHESHIRE. &øunril, 189S-S. Lieut.-Col. H»M Fisiiwien, F.S.A.» Tht HtnghtM, Rockdale, PMSIDMT Q. E. COKATKF., M.A., F.S.A., Clarenoeux King of Amis, Heralds t olltuje. London, K.V., WK-PKRSIDEST. CJRORGB .J. ARMYTAOK, F.S.A., I'lii't-n-Wtntdlteatt, UrUjhome. THOMAS H. IUVIKS-COIXBY, M.A., 16, Welti mjloii Umiil, Wfodteu liiiwtt, Mtinchfsti r. NVll.l.lKM K.KUKKIt, Mltrtnll I lulls,-, Shif'tnll. M VI oli I'AKKKU, /.'<.. il .N/II. hil- . I'ith, I-,. B. I). RtwufKs, M.A., F.S.A., *Hd Swan, Lim-iiuul. ¥</ Tilt Bsv. J. H. ST\NMN.I, M.A.. The Vicarntj.; I.'tuk, I.-ill, ,idiir,. ' .TAJIKS E. WOKSI.KY, F.S.A., Winveith, yevctun-le-Willnuit. \f JOHN P*tn> BruuM, P.S.A., Heatåer Lem, Olmrlesviltt, Birkmåemd, I Ins. TIIK\SI I:KI;. WM. KKKUUSSOS IRTISH, jf, ftataw /.W</, Uirkenhe<td, HON. SKOBKTÅBT. RULES. 1. —That tho Society shall lie called tlie Rucoiin SOCIUTV, and shall have for its oltjeet the transcribing and publishing of Original Documents relating to the counties of Lancaster nnd 01H-S1.IT. 2. —That the affairs of the Soeiety shall he governed hy a, Council, consisting of a President a,nd twelve Members, the former of whom shall be annually elected by the Council. ii.—That three Members of the Council shall form a quorum. •1.—That the subscription of Members of the Society shall be fl Is. por annum, which shall entitle them to the publications for the year ; but any Member whose subscription shall be two years in arrear shall thereupon he removed from the Society, and shall not he re admitted until all arrears have been paid.
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