Monday, December 4, 2006. Met at One Minute Past Eleven O'clock A.M
Monday, December 4, 2006. Met at one minute past eleven o'clock A.M. (Mr. Tolman in the Chair). The Chair (Mr. Tolman). members, guests and employees then Pledge of recited the pledge of allegiance to the Hag. allegiance. Reports of a Committee. By Ms. Jehlen, for the committee on Public Service, on petition, James R. s n a Bill authorizing the state retirement board to grant a certain pen- p°j™ 0°n ~ sion to James R. Johnson (Senate, No. 2750); Read and, under Senate Rule 27, referred to the committee on Ways and Means. Chief of By Ms. Jehlen, for the committee on Public Service, on petition, Police,— a Bill exempting the position of Chief of Police in the town of Shrewsbury. Shrewsbury from the civil service law (Senate, No. 2749) [Local approval received]; Read and, under Senate Rule 26, placed in the Orders of the Day for the next session. PAPERS FROM THE HOUSE. A Bill making appropriations for the fiscal year 2007 to provide Pandemic funding to support pandemic disease preparation and response in the dlsease- Commonwealth (House, No. 5349,— on House, Nos. 3904 and 4963),— was read and, under Senate Rule 27, referred to the committee on Ways and Means. Bills Relative to penalties for animal fighting (House, No. 1765, Animal fight- amended,— on petition); and ing,— penalties. Banks,— Further regulating stop payment orders to a bank (House, stop payment No. 3094,— on petition); orders. Were severally read and, under Senate Rule 26, referred to the committee on Ethics and Rules. Bills Millis,— Relative to the appointment of retired police officers as special special police officers in the town of Millis (House, No.
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