Millburn Teacher Tackles Bias Issues for Motorists
OF MILLBURN AND SHORT HILLS Founded in 1888 40 Cents Volume 108, Number 40 Thursday, October 6,1994 D em ocrat charges G O P subverts school voting By Carter J. Bennett Ms. Fuller continued that there was no organized effort on the part Charges levied Tuesday that the of her committee in support of or township Republican organization opposition to the bond issue ana and the local Republican Club that two GOP committee mem were conducting a “subversive bers—Sandra Haimoff and Huda campaign” to defeat the Board of Shanawani—are charter members Education’s $36.8 million school of a citizens’ group supporting the bond referendum were described as bond issue (Ms. Seidman is also a “preposterous” and “bizarre” by charter member of the citizens’ hank-ranking town GOP officials. group, Champions of the Bond The charges were made in a Issue). “1 wouldn’t remotely con statement to The Item by Cathie sider having the Republican Com Seidman, chairman of the local mittee take a position on the Democratic party. referendum,” Ms, Fuller con Also denied was an assertion tinued. made by Ms. Seidman that a civic association president had reported Several members of the to his organization that telephone Township Committee used, the calls were being made by local word “bizarre” in their reactions Republicans—and possibly by a to Ms. Seidman’s charges. Each of Township Committee member- the Committee members said they recommending that the October 18 had their personal views on the referendum be defeated. Board of Education proposal and Ms. Seidman, in a telephone have, as individuals, discussed the interview with The Item, said she bond issue with neighbors, but felt had “heard” that at a recent South Cathie Seidman Cynthia Fuller they should not, in light of the Mountain Estates Civic Associa 'A subversive campaign' 'Preposterous' office they held, take a public tion meeting, Sal Bate, president oppose its passage—the club has ing to make the school expansion position.
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