What is cave aged? Craftsmen have revived the ancient art of maturing in caves, a practice that dates back as far as the 12th century. Cheese crafted from local organic was wrapped in cloth and taken to special chambers in caves that line the historic Cheddar Gorge in England. There the cheese blocks were aged in a constant atmosphere that brought out the optimal characteristics.

What gives Kingdom Cheddar its unique flavor? It’s a combination of the high quality organic milk we use and how we make the cheese. The rolling fields in South-West England are known for their lush grass. Our cows enjoy a virtual smorgasbord of grasses and legumes, which impart a unique flavor to the milk. Then we handcraft the cheese and seal it in the special cave chambers, where the constant temperature and humidity bring out the special flavor and texture.

What makes Kingdom Cheddar organic? Our farmers begin by maintaining their herds in conditions certified by the Soil Association to comply with the USDA Organic Standards. The milk is handled and processed in facilities that also meet the USDA organic standards.  Certified organic farms are required to follow the strict production rules of the USDA’s National Organic Standards ( ), and are inspected and audited for compliance by an independent third party every year.  Organic farmers do not use antibiotics, synthetic hormones, or toxic pesticides in production.  In the event of a life-threatening situation, antibiotics or other prohibited medications cannot be withheld and will be used by the farmer. However, those animals must then be permanently removed from organic production.  To become certified, organic pasture and the land on which it is grown cannot be treated with synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, or genetically modified organisms for a minimum of three years.  Organic animals and feeds must not be genetically modified organisms or contain products from genetically modified sources.  What about GMO’s? As an organic product, the use of any GMO feed or alfalfa is strictly prohibited. This is not difficult for our farmers because the United Kingdom does not allow any GMO crops to be grown in the country.

How do the farmers handle their cows? Under the rules for , dairy cows are required to be kept in pastures during the grazing system, and to be housed in conditions that allow them to express their natural behavior. Our farmers are also part of the largest organic cooperative in the United Kingdom (Omsco – Organic Milk Suppliers Cooperative), which has protocols to ensure the humane treatment of the animals under our care.

Is Kingdom Cheddar gluten-free? Yes.

Is Kingdom Cheddar lactose free? No, as a , our cheese contains lactose.

What is the best way to store Kingdom Cheddar? We recommend that you simply store it below 41⁰ F (5⁰ C). Why is Kingdom Cheese being distributed by Organic Valley (which represents American farmers)? The introduction of Kingdom Cheese into the U.S. marketplace is the result of an emerging partnership among organic farmers in the United States and the United Kingdom. Like Organic Valley, the farmers that supply the milk for Kingdom Cheese are the owners of the cooperative that is producing this product for the U.S. marketplace. English-style and American-style cheddar each have their distinctive flavors, reflecting the ecosystems and the traditions in which those products were produced. By working together, these farmers are offering their American customers a greater variety of high quality organic products. As customers embrace those products, the farmers have the incentive to bring even more land and animals into organic production in the United States, and the United Kingdom. That’s a win-win for everyone!

Where can I buy Kingdom Cheddar? Kingdom Cheddar has just been launched and will soon be available in Whole Food Market stores across the US. We will update this site as distribution increases.