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DREAMS Fact Sheet MALAWI MALAWI DREAMS OVERVIEW (fy 2016-2021) PEPFAR DREAMS Country Funding Level DREAMS areas Current DREAMS areas $58,088,800 (FY16-21)* MALAWI DREAMS SNUs 1. Blantyre District 3. Zomba District 2. Machinga District Country Context Results/Targets 4 HIV Prevalence by Age and Sex1 59,729 AGYW reached (FY19) * 30.0% 46,263 AGYW targeted (FY21) 25.0% DREAMS Primary Package Completion by Age Band, FY194 20.0% 15.0% 10-14 5,938 100 25,423 10.0% HIV Prevalence HIV 5.0% 15-19 3,401 803 17,937 0.0% 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 Age Female Male 20-24 927 56 5,068 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% AGYW (18-24 years) reporting first sex as 37.7% Primary Package Completed and Secondary Primary Package Completed Primary Package Incomplete 2 coerced AGYW (15-24 years) Initiating PrEP in DREAMS SNUs4 7,000 3 Median age at first birth 19.0 years 6,000 5,781 5,000 AGYW of lower secondary school age 8% 4,000 3 who are not in school 3,000 2,000 1,598 1,000 SOURCES: 1. MPHIA, 2015 2. VACS, 2013 3. DHS, 2015 4. PEPFAR program data * COP20/FY21 budgets and targets are pending Congressional notification - 123 and approval. FY17 Result FY18 Result FY19 Result FY20 Target FY21 Target MALAWI DREAMS OVERVIEW (fy 2016-2021) Implementing Partners • Population Services International/SIFPO 2 • JHPIEGO Gateway • JHPIEGO/DHAPP – MDF Partnership for • Baylor College of Medicine Sustainable HIV Epidemic Control • EGPAF JHU CCP/One Community Project • • Save the Children/ASPIRE** Pakachere /LEAP • • Lighthouse Trust** • FHI360/EPIC • FHI360 /EMPOWER ** New in COP20/FY21 Private Sector Activities Gilead • Donated PrEP medicines for approximately 1,000 AGYW; the donation not only led to the expansion of PrEP among high-risk AGYW, but also enabled discussions with governments on PrEP policies – an example of catalytic progress towards policy development and new innovations. Johnson & Johnson • Conducted workshops to hear insights from AGYW on their needs to inform programming; market segmentation analytics and peer-to-peer programs have helped the DREAMS partnership understand the behaviors of AGYW and amplify their voices in a way that is most responsive to their needs. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation • Brings neutrality and independence in measuring DREAMS results through implementation science research and impact evaluation studies. Girl Effect • Contributed its expertise in brand creation, media, and communications to help DREAMS to be more client-centric in reaching youth. They developed Zathu, a culture brand in Malawi, to deliver key messages on gender norms, equality, and friendship between girls and boys..
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