OFFICIAL GAZETTE of the COLONY and PROTECTORATE KENYA Published Under the Author~Tyof His Excellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya
J *# / 'a- , ";re THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF THE COLONY AND PROTECTORATE KENYA Published under the Author~tyof His Excellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya Vol. XL.-No. 26 NAIROBI, May 17, 1938 Price 50 Cents Rematered as a Newspaper at the G P 0 Pubhshed every Tuesday TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Govt Not~ceNo 364--For introduction into Leg~slat~qeCouncll-A Blll to Amend the Bllls of Exchange Ordlnance, 1927 ,, ,) ,, 365-Arrivals, Departures, Appo~ntments,etc 99 ,, ,, 366-Legislative Councd-Appo~ntrnent ), ,, ,, 367-The Water Ord~nance, 1929-Appointments Govt Notices Nos 368-71-The Natlve Author~tyOrdlnance, 1937-Appo~ntments ,, ,? ,, 372-3-The Local Government (D~strictCouncils) Ordmance, 1928-Appo~ntments Govt Not~ceNo 374--The Local Government (Mun~c~pallt~es)Ordlnance, 1928-Appo~ntments ,, ,, ,, 375-The Electr~cPower Ordinance-Appo~ntment ,, ,, ), 376-The Ind~anand Colonla1 D~vorceJur~sd~ction Act, 1926 ,, ,, ,, 377-The Klng's Afrlcan Rlfles Reserve of Officers Ordinance, 1927 ), ,, ,, 378-The Mlnlng Ordinance, 1933-Appointment Govt Notices Nos 379-80-Kenya and Uganda (Transport) Orders In Councll, 1925 and 1927- Appointments Govt Not~ceNo 381-The Game Ord~nance-Appo~ntment Govt Notices Nos 382-6-The Farmers Assistance Ordlnance, 1936-Stay Order, etc Govt Not~ceNo 387-Honorary Consul of Flnland ,, ,, 77 388-The Publlc Health (D~v~s~onof Lanas) 01d~nance, 1928-Appointment Govt Not~cesNos 389-91-The Courts Ord~nance-Appo~ntments Govt Notlce No 392-Standmg Board of Econom~cDevelopment-Appointment Govt Notlces Nos 393-&-The
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