
The Wanderer Episode 5: Transient Written by Jasmine Louis ACT ONE


A pitch black forest that is overrun by uncommonly wild foliage. The sky is void of any light, but on land, little balls of light bounce from plant to plant. There is a large clearing with a glorious waterfall at the center. The water glows an electric blue color.

IZZY, 16, dressed like a 90s teenager, roams around the forest trying to find her way back to the waterfall.

She hears the SIREN's STOMPS, RUNS to the nearest bush and hides. Izzy watches as the Siren walks by sniffing the air.

Izzy stealthily gets up and makes her way to the waterfall. She reaches into the water and attempts to contact JORDAN. IZZY (whisper) Jordan, have you figured out anything yet...Derek, what about Derek... Joorrdaaan... Jordan! Go the fuck to-

There's a loud STOMP and Izzy RUSHES back into the forest. Izzy carefully observes the Siren as it walks to the water and JUMPS in. The Siren swims into the waterfall and disappears. Izzy stares at the waterfall as the song of the Siren begins. Faint images of spirits begin to manifest throughout the clearing. They slowly wander around the clearing and into the forest. IZZY (CONT’D) Holy shit....

Izzy slowly gets up and quietly walks towards the waterfall.

INT. IN BETWEEN PLACE - NIGHT An abyss of dark water with a slight tint of blue. Jordan, 16, dressed in old shorts and a t-shirt, floats in the In Between Place. There is a faint voice calling his name. 2.

IZZY Jordan. Jordan!


IZZY (fast gibberish) Yes! Now listen to me, the Siren uses music to call spirits into the realm. I saw it disappear into the waterfall and then, like, this amazing song started playing... Wait! The waterfall must be its home! Jor-

JORDAN Izzy! IZZY What?! JORDAN Chill. Slow down and repeat what you just said. IZZY (frustration) The Siren sings a song and spirits come! ...God, we need to stop this. JORDAN Yeah, I know...

IZZY ...I don't wanna be here anymore... JORDAN Don't worry. Everything will be fine. Just trust me. Beat.

IZZY ...I haven't seen Derek in a while. Is he okay? Is he getting better? Please tell me he's getting better. JORDAN I... I don't know. Izzy, I'm sorry. 3.

IZZY Please, find out! Jordan, if something happens to him, I don't know what I'd- JORDAN (grounded) Izzy! You're doing it, again. Stop. Don't work yourself up. IZZY Yeah... yeah, okay. ...thank you. JORDAN Now, tell me everything. IZZY The Siren rests somewhere behind the waterfall. Then it starts the song that makes the spirits appear. But, I haven't seen Derek's spirit in a while. Jordan, I'm really worried. JORDAN I know, I know. IZZY Maybe, go talk to him? See what's up? Jordan groans. IZZY (CONT’D) Please, Jordan. I know you don't really like him but... For me? Please?

JORDAN Izzy, I'm really not tryna talk to him, okay? I don't even understand why you guys were together anyway. IZZY Derek understands me. We have a... had a special connection... He's my special somebody. What if he is okay and knows how to stop this? Jordan, please. JORDAN Okay. I'll talk to him. 4.

IZZY Thank you! JORDAN You still call him that?

IZZY What? JORDAN Special somebody... IZZY He is.

A ringing sound comes from the distance and Izzy's voice fades away. IZZY (CONT’D) Okay. I gotta go. I'll find out more... JORDAN Wait! Izzy! The ringing is a lot louder than before. Jordan JOLTS awake.

INT. JORDAN'S BEDROOM - MORNING A small bedroom with posters of old and new school rappers all over the wall. The room is slightly messy with sneakers laying haphazardly on the floor and hair products on the dresser. The theme of the bed is plaid. Jordan reaches over to the nightstand and turns off the alarm. He swings his leg over the edge and sits on the bed. EMELIA (o.s.) Y'all go get ready for school! I'm not tryna have y'all be late, again! JORDAN Yes, ma'am!

INT. JORDAN'S KITCHEN - MOMENTS LATER A small kitchen with fairly recent model appliances and an island attached. 5.

Breakfast foods and textbooks lie on the island, while book bags sit on the floor. The kitchen is attached to the living room. The TV in the living room is on and playing in the background. It is on the local news channel forecast. Jordan, dressed in fitted jeans and a crew neck sweatshirt, sits at the kitchen island and eats cereal and toast.

SHANICE, 13, dressed in a middle school Catholic uniform with big curly hair, sits at the kitchen island next to Jordan with her breakfast. Emelia, 48, business casual, prepares the coffee machine to make her morning coffee. EMELIA Jordan, remember to help your sister with her homework - especially math. I don't want another call from Mrs. Rosen. Lord knows that lady get on my nerves. Jordan, are you listening? JORDAN Yes, momma.

EMELIA And Shanice, I don't want any sass coming from your mouth. Your brother is doing me, and you, a favor. Be respectful and listen to him. SHANICE But, momma, I don't need help. I promise I can do it. Trust me. I got this. EMELIA Uh huh. You said that last time. SHANICE Yea, but that time wasn't even my fault. EMELIA (stern) Little girl, let it go. Emelia walks out the kitchen and heads towards her bedroom. SHANICE (mumble) I don't even need help. 6.

EMELIA (o.s.) Oh and Shanice, be back in the house by three. You got- SHANICE What?! Why?! EMELIA (o.s.) A curfew. Because I will not have you disappearing on me just like that Kelly boy. JORDAN They still haven't found him? SHANICE ...no. There's been search parties and everything. They think someone took him from his home. JORDAN Damn...

Emelia walks back into the kitchen with her purse. She sets the purse on the counter and pours herself some coffee. EMELIA In any case, you will not be in danger because you will be back by curfew, am I right? Emelia stares at Shanice and she nods. EMELIA (CONT’D) You know what? That goes for you too, Jordan. Jordan begins to protest, but is stopped by Emelia's look and he reluctantly nods.

EMELIA (CONT’D) Okay. Breakfast is done. Get your things ready for school. Jordan and Shanice pack up for school, but a breaking news announcement is heard. Emelia quiets Jordan and Shanice, grabs the remote and turns up the volume. 7.

ANCHOR This just in. The body of the missing boy, Quentin Kelly, has washed up on the shore of Brighton Beach. Authorities are not sure of the details. More will come soon. Please stay tuned. Everyone stands and stares at the television in shock.

INT. ST. MARY AUDITORIUM - DAY A large auditorium with wooden seats attached to each other in a slope. There are large windows on either side of the auditorium. The front of the room is a huge stage with red curtains and a podium in the middle. The room fills with chatter as STUDENTS fill in and take up seats. Everyone is gossiping about the Quentin incident. Shanice walks in and many glance or stare at her. BRIANA, 13, in a Catholic school girl's uniform with unstylish glasses and a high curly puff, walks with Shanice. They find seats in one of the middle rows and sit down. A GIRL in the row in front turns to Shanice and Briana. GIRL Aren’t you the girl that Quentin stole the diary from? SHANICE ...Yeah, and? GIRL So, it’s true isn’t it? SHANICE What's true? GIRL I guess hitting him and getting him suspended wasn’t enough.

The Girl sits correctly in her seat. Shanice stands up and SHOVES the Girl's shoulder. SHANICE Excuse me? 8.

The girl turns towards Shanice, while the auditorium quiets down. Everyone stares at the rising situation as Briana stands up. BRIANA Shanice, it's fine you did nothing wrong. Sit down before you get in trouble, again. (to Girl) Please, mind your business. You don't know the story, so shut up. The PRINCIPAL walks up to the podium and clears her throat, which causes audio feedback to fill the room. Everyone turns their heads to the stage and Briana and Shanice sit down. PRINCIPAL (into mic) Good Morning, everyone. As you all may know, Quentin Kelly went missing about a week ago. It has been reported that his body was found on Brighton Beach... SHANICE (whisper) Who the hell do she think she is? I should snatch her braids off. BRIANA (whisper) Shanice, please. I'm trying to listen, like you should be. SHANICE Does everyone think that? BRIANA Think what? PRINCIPAL ...our condolences are with the Kelly family... SHANICE That I did something to Quentin? BRIANA I'm sure it's not everyone... 9.

SHANICE Oh no, we gotta fix this. I am not tryna have everybody think I'm just going around killing people! BRIANA Well, we can't do anything now. Don't worry about it. It's nothing but a rumor. PRINCIPAL ...We will have counseling for those of you that are deeply affected by this. Thank you, everyone, for your attention. You're dismissed. The Students pack their things and file. Some students stare at Shanice as they leave. Shanice notices. BRIANA It doesn't matter what they think. It's just a stupid rumor. SHANICE A rumor that's not gonna destroy my reputation. BRIANA Oh no. SHANICE We're getting to the bottom of this.

BRIANA SHANICE (CONT’D) Shanice, please. Meet me at lunch. We'll figure out our next plan of action there. They walk to class. END OF ACT ONE 10.


INT. P.S. 147 CLASSROOM - AFTERNOON A classroom with posters about the fundamentals of English on the walls. There is a large chalkboard with a smart board attached and a desk with a computer in the corner. The desks are in neat rows. The TEACHER stands at the front of the classroom with a book in hand as Students settle themselves. TEACHER Alright. Settle down. Uh... Jessica?


Silence. TEACHER (CONT’D) Has anyone seen Derek? No? Okay. William?

EXT. P.S. 147 JAGUARS FOOTBALL FIELD - AFTERNOON A large football field with a track around the perimeter. The touchdown has the word JAGUAR and the school colors on it. There are bleachers on either side of the field. Derek, 16, dressed in a gray hoodie and distressed baggy jeans, lays in the bleachers and tosses and turns. He sits up and reaches into his pocket. Derek pulls out a lighter and reaches into his other pocket to pull out cigarettes. 11.

There are no cigarettes and Derek GRIPS the lighter and THROWS it across the field.

Derek PLOPS down on the bleachers. JORDAN (o.s.) You look like shit. Jordan walks up to Derek.

DEREK Fuck off. JORDAN Damn. I'm sorry. That wasn't right- DEREK What do you want?! JORDAN I just wanna know what's up with you. You been alright? DEREK Why? JORDAN You just haven't been yourself since, you know... Izzy... DEREK And?! JORDAN I'm concerned! DEREK Leave me alone. Beat. Jordan stares at Derek with pity. JORDAN You look so tired.

DEREK What? JORDAN You ain't sleep much, huh? 12.

DEREK (menacing) Jordan, I'm not playing- Derek defensively stands up and advances into Jordan's personal space. Jordan raises his hand and softly caress Derek's cheek. JORDAN I'm so sorry... Derek PUNCHES Jordan in the face, Jordan STUMBLES back. Derek grabs Jordan by his collar and brings him to his face. DEREK Sorry?! You feel sorry for me?! You don't know shit about shit! COACH (o.s) Hey! What's going on over there? Derek SHOVES Jordan away from him. The Coach jogs up to them. COACH (CONT’D) Is there a problem, boys? DEREK Nope. None at all.

Derek walks off. COACH Listen son, if you need anyone to talk to, I'm always in my office. JORDAN Nah, I'm good. Jordans walks away.

INT. P.S. 147 RESTROOM - MOMENTS LATER Jordan rushes into the bathroom. He finds a stall and sits on the toilet with his eyes tightly closed.

JORDAN (whisper) Izzy... Izzy... Izzy.. 13.

EXT. SPIRIT REALM - NIGHT Izzy runs through the forest and hides in a bush. The sound of loud stomps grows closer. The stomps stop right beside her. The Siren sniffs the air, growls, then stomps away. Izzy lets out a breath and peeks out of the bushes. Izzy stands all the way up. She makes it to the water at the base of the waterfall. She kneels down in front of it. IZZY Jordan! The Siren. It knows that I'm here. That I'm roaming the Spirit Realm. You have to do something. Anything! JORDAN I know! I will. Just give me some more time... IZZY There isn't more time. What about Derek? Did he beat the Siren? JORDAN Derek stopped sleeping... He didn't beat the Siren. He's just avoiding it. IZZY Did you talk to him? Is that what he said?! JORDAN We... kinda talked... He don't wanna listen though. IZZY Well, make him listen! JORDAN I-I don't know how?! IZZY Tell him that... I love him and that I miss him. And, and...that he's my special somebody and I need my special somebody to be okay. JORDAN What? Listen, man, I don't think that's gonna work. 14.

IZZY It will work because I know him! JORDAN That's cool and all, but I'm not you! If I say that shit, he'll kill me. IZZY Just fucking trust me! I know what I'm saying. Okay? JORDAN Okay. IZZY Okay. Good. Now go tell him. The sound of a school bell is heard in the distance.

INT. P.S. 147 BATHROOM - NOON Jordan JOLTS awake as the bell signaling lunch rings. He leaves the bathroom. INT. SHANICE’S SCHOOL CAFETERIA - NOON A busy cafeteria with a gang of students inside. There are long, rectangular table/benches placed in rows with aisles separating the tables. Students sporadically sit in different tables, while the long line up front moves steadily. Shanice and Briana stand on the cafeteria line. SHANICE I told my mama that I got better at math. What is she gonna say when I come home with this big ass "F"? BRIANA Mrs. Bates gave you a "F"?! SHANICE Can you believe that? I don't even know what I did wrong. I am so good in that class. When Mrs. Bates says stop talking, I stop! They get up to the front, pick up their trays of food and go sit at a table. BRIANA Let me see the test. 15.

Shanice pulls the crumpled paper out of her bag. Briana stares at the paper.

BRIANA (CONT’D) Shanice, these answers are all wrong. ...Shanice? Shanice stares at table of students. The girl from the auditorium sits and laughs with other students. SHANICE I think I know exactly where to start. BRIANA Shanice! Shanice walks over to their table. They quiet as she approaches. SHANICE Hey, I got a question. That rumor you talked about this morning? Where did it start? GIRL What do you mean? Everyone just pieced it together. SHANICE Don't play games with me! It started somewhere. Tell me, or I'll really whoop your ass this time. GIRL Okay! It was Chantelle. She texted me this morning and told me to get the news around.

SHANICE Chantelle. Shanice marches back to her table and sits. SHANICE (CONT’D) Chantelle started the rumor, Briana. Oh, I am gonna- BRIANA Do absolutely nothing. Shanice, Chantelle is a freaking hater. Don't stoop to her level. 16.

In the distance, Chantelle, 13, wearing the St. Mary's uniform with braided hair coming down the right side of her face with clear beads at the bottom, walks into the cafeteria SHANICE There she goes.

Shanice stands up and walks toward Chantelle with a cup of juice in her hand. SHANICE (CONT’D) Yo! You spreading rumors about me? CHANTELLE Excuse me? SHANICE Oh, don't act innocent. Keep my name out your mouth CHANTELLE And what if I don't? Whatchu gonna do? Tell the teachers? Shanice pours the cup of juice on Chantelle's head. Chantelle tackles Shanice to the floor. Teachers rush in to break up the fight. SHANICE I didn't kill Quentin! CHANTELLE Yes, you did! If you ain't get him in trouble for the stupid ass diary, his parents wouldn't have came here, and he wouldn't have ran away and gone missing! It's your fault! You killed him, Shanice!

INT. P.S. 147 HALLWAY - NOON Jordan puts his books into his locker and spots Derek a few lockers down as he is walks out of the Guidance counselor office. Derek talks to the GUIDANCE COUNSELOR. The conversation finishes and Derek turns to walk away. JORDAN Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Hold on. I'm sorry about before. I, ugh. Okay. I-I don't mean sorry as in- 17.

DEREK It doesn't matter. JORDAN Woah. Hey. What's good, man? You okay? DEREK (cracking) It's fine, Jay. Just leave me alone... Derek slowly walks away.

EXT. P.S. 147 ROOF - MOMENTS LATER Derek rushes out and slams the door shut. He breathes heavily. He crouches in front of the door. The Siren’s song begins to play, faintly, in the background. Derek slowly stands up and walks towards the edge of the roof.

EXT. SPIRIT REALM - POV - NIGHT Derek walks through the forest and sees the exotic foliage. Balls of light jump from plant to plant.

EXT. P.S. 147 ROOF - POV - NOON Derek slowly walks closer to the edge of the roof.

EXT. SPIRIT REALM - FLASHBACK - NIGHT Derek walks into the clearing with the waterfall. He stares at the waterfall as a the Siren slowly emerges from the waterfall. VOICE (o.s.) (whisper) ...my special somebody.

EXT. P.S. 147 ROOF - POV - NOON He is completely standing on the edge of the roof. Derek looks down at the pavement. He makes a move to fall over. 18.

Hands GRAB his shirt and YANK him back. Derek CRASHES to the floor of the roof. JORDAN Hey, man. You good? DEREK What did you do? JORDAN Huh? DEREK What did you do?! JORDAN You were gonna jump- DEREK I was gonna leave! I was gonna be happy. I was gonna be with Izzy and we were gonna be happy... Jordan I can't take this anymore... JORDAN Yes, you can. Izzy needs you to. DEREK Izzy?

EXT. P.S. 147 ROOFTOP - AFTERNOON Jordan and Derek sit side by side and lean against the wall of the door. JORDAN I understand what you're going through, but you can't just off yourself, man. DEREK No, you don't. My life is a living hell, Jay. I'm not just another kid with anger issues. I'm tired, I'm so tired. Izzy understood me. She knew me. JORDAN I know. DEREK No, you don't! You will never know the connection we had. (MORE) 19. DEREK (CONT’D) I was special to her! I was everything to her! Her- JORDAN Special somebody? DEREK What? JORDAN Ain't that what she called you? Special somebody? DEREK Why do you know that...

JORDAN Izzy's my best friend. She tells me everything. Small Silence. Beat. JORDAN (CONT’D) I can speak to Izzy. DEREK What? How? Is she awake? I gotta go see her. JORDAN No, she's not, but I can talk to her. In my sleep, or whenever I close my eyes. It doesn't matter which one, really. DEREK If she's not awake, then... JORDAN Izzy's stuck in a dangerous ass place and needs our help to get her out. DEREK Where the hell is she? JORDAN The spirit realm. It's the place that she dreamt about when she was awake. 20.

DEREK I remember she couldn't stop talking about it. JORDAN She told me you dream about it too. DEREK I don't wanna talk about it. JORDAN Is that why you don't wanna sleep? DEREK I said, forget it. I don't wanna talk about it. JORDAN Izzy needs you! DEREK What can I possibly do for her, that I can't even do for myself?! Nothing! So, drop it. JORDAN No, honestly, fuck that. We are gonna talk about it. I'm telling you that the girl you love needs your help and you're here selfishly killing yourself. If you're supposed to be her fucking special whatever, act like it! Grow a pair and fucking act like it! DEREK Jordan, you don't know... JORDAN You don't think I'm scared? I'm scared shitless! But I'm doing what I have to, to save her. I don't even know what I'm doing. I'm done talking to you. Keep killing yourself. I'll save her myself. Jordan leaves the roof. INT. SHANICE’S SCHOOL CLASSROOM - AFTERNOON The classroom is large with colorful educational posters on the wall. There is a large chalkboard up front and an intercom speaker in the top left corner. 21.

The teacher stands at the board and the students sit at the desks and write.

TEACHER Does anyone have any questions? A sound comes out of the intercom, which suggests that its on. PRINCIPAL (o.s.) (intercom) Can Shanice Calhoun make her way to the Principal's office? Again, can Shanice Calhoun make her way to the Principal's office, and bring her stuff. STUDENTS Ooooooohhhhh TEACHER Class, quiet. Shanice, you may leave. Shanice packs her things and walks out.

INT. SHANICE’S SCHOOL PRINCIPAL’S OFFICE - MOMENTS LATER The office is medium sized with a desk sitting in the middle and two chairs in front of it. There's a bookshelf to the right and certificate awards hung on the wall to the left. Emelia sits in one of the chairs and the Principal sits on the desk. Shanice enters.

EMELIA SHANICE Shanice, are you okay? Mama? PRINCIPAL Take a seat, Shanice. SHANICE Am I in trouble? PRINCIPAL I've just heard from the other teachers that the students have been giving you a rough time. 22.

EMELIA A rough time about what? PRINCIPAL Well, Mrs. Calhoun, the students seemed to have spread a rumor that Shanice had something to do with Quentin's death. When accusations as heavy as this come about, I'm forced to take action. EMELIA Excuse me? What kinda action? PRINCIPAL Now, I, by no means, believe that Shanice had any hand in this. But I don't want another incident like what happened in the cafeteria to happen again. So, I'm sending Shanice home for the rest of the day, as well as, a two week suspension-

EMELIA SHANICE Two week suspension?! Two week suspension?!

PRINCIPAL -until everything dies down. SHANICE Sister Margie, that's not fair! Chantelle started it! She started the rumor, so suspend her!

PRINCIPAL I understand that, Shanice, but you're the common denominator in all this. I have to keep out of here for a while. Just until things die down. EMELIA But, two weeks? Don't you think that's a little much? PRINCIPAL This is for Shanice's safety, as well as the other students'. (to Shanice) Don't worry, we are not punishing you and this will not go on your academic record. Just think of it as a mini vacation. (MORE) 23. PRINCIPAL (CONT’D) After two weeks, you'll come back and we'll get you caught up on your work.

EMELIA Thank you for calling. (to Shanice) Come on, baby. Let's go.

INT. CALHOUN APARTMENT - AFTERNOON Emelia RUSHES in and Shanice stands at the doorway.

Emelia goes to the kitchen. EMELIA (CONT’D) You okay with being by yourself, honey? SHANICE I'll be fine.

EMELIA Okay, good. I have to get back to work. And don't worry. You won't be home for long. Jordan should be out soon. He'll come back and watch you, okay baby? SHANICE Yes, mama. EMELIA Alright, see you later, honey.

Emelia leaves the apartment. Shanice sits on the couch and pills out her phone. She texts Briana. SHANICE (text) See what you can find out at school and come over with the report.


Jordan walks down the block along with many other students. Derek RUSHES behind him and stops him.

JORDAN What? 24.

DEREK I wanna see her. I wanna see Izzy.



INT. BROOKLYN HOSPITAL ICU 12 - MOMENTS LATER Izzy's body lays in a hospital bed with tubes attached to her arms, nose, and neck. Derek and Jordan walk into the room and Derek RUSHES to Izzy's bedside.

DEREK Izzy. It's me, baby. Can you hear me?

EXT. SPIRIT REALM - NIGHT Izzy stands in the clearing as she paces back and forth.

VOICE (o.s.) Can you hear me? ...Izzy?

Izzy runs to the water. IZZY Derek? VOICE (o.s.) I love you. You know that right?

IZZY I can hear you! I'm here!

VOICE (o.s.) Please... say something...

IZZY No, no, no! I'm here, I'm right here-

The Siren SCREECHES in the distance. Izzy RUNS from the clearing.


Izzy's body lays in the bed; her pinky shakes sporadically. 26.

DEREK Can you feel me?! I'm right here! I won't leave! Izzy's body SHAKES violently. The machines BEEP loudly.


Jordan comes behind Derek and pulls him away from the bed as DOCTORS RUSH in the room. DOCTOR If you guys could wait outside? JORDAN Y-yeah, sure.

EXT. SPIRIT REALM - NIGHT Izzy runs through the forest. A loud SCREECH is made by the Siren. The Siren chases after her. Izzy trips and falls to the ground. The Siren slows as it approaches her. It lets out another loud screech. Izzy scrambles to get up, but can’t. The Siren lunges for Izzy. A hand GRABS her arm and PULLS her behind a tree.

QUENTIN, 13, dressed in school uniform polo and slacks GRABS her hand and they RUN. The Siren chases after them.

They run off a small cliff and hide in the space underneath.

IZZY Thank-

QUENTIN (whisper) Shh! Stay very still.

The Siren hops off the small cliff and stops in front of them. It sticks its head into the small space and sniffs. Izzy and the boy are very still. The Siren growls and lifts its head out of the space. It stands up and SCREECHES as it stomps away. IZZY What. The fuck. Was that? How did you know to do that? 27.

QUENTIN (cocky) I've been here for a while, so I know some thangs.

IZZY Well, fuck. Thank you.

QUENTIN Nah. Don't worry about. Just be real careful. You saw the way it jumped?

IZZY Yeah.

QUENTIN That's its way of knowing what's in the area. It jumps sending a shockwave. Whatever moves is a target. We didn't move so it probably thought we were trees or some shit. IZZY That's... amazing... How did you figure this all out? QUENTIN Ah, I don't know. I guess I'm just really smart. So... where's my reward?

IZZY Excuse me? Reward? QUENTIN Yeah, you know. A quarter, a hug, maybe even a kiss. Quentin moves closer to Izzy's face. Izzy palms his face and SHOVES it back.

IZZY Ugh. Who are you, anyway?

QUENTIN Oh! I haven't formally introduced myself. Quentin Kelley, at your service. 28.


Jordan and Derek walk into and put their stuff down and Derek PLOPS onto the couch. DEREK That was...

JORDAN Yeah...

DEREK I wanna help her. I can help her, right? I can do something, right?

JORDAN Hey, look at me, man. You can and will save her. We will save her and she'll be back to her old antics.

DEREK Heh, yeah.

JORDAN So, where should we start? DEREK From the beginning. Tell me everything. JORDAN Okay.

Jordan reaches into his bag and pulls out three sketch books. JORDAN (CONT’D) Izzy is stuck in the Spirit realm and can't get out. She doesn't remember how she got there, but she does remember drawing these pictures.

Jordan opens the book and RIPS pages out of them. He lays them on the coffee table.

JORDAN (CONT’D) She believes that since she remembers them, there might be some significance to them.

DEREK Is there? 29.

JORDAN I was kinda hoping you would know that. DEREK She showed some of them to me.

JORDAN Me too. Actually, the day she drowned, she showed me this.

Jordan opens one of the sketch books and flips to a page with an abstract picture of the forest. The landscape is geometrically warped with specs of yellow everywhere.

JORDAN (CONT’D) She said it was a place she'd like to visit sometime.

DEREK Is this what the Spirit realm looks like?

JORDAN I guess so.

JORDAN (CONT’D) Izzy told me that you and her where the same. You guys had it rough. The dreams were an escape.

DEREK Yeah... Shanice enters.

SHANICE Where have you been? Mama said you was supposed to watch me.

JORDAN Right, but I'm here though. So, go back to your room.

Shanice ignores him and picks up a picture off the coffee table. SHANICE What's this? Jordan SNATCHES the drawing. 30.

JORDAN Bro, go back to your room. I'm not playing with you.

SHANICE (to Derek) Who are you?

DEREK A friend. SHANICE What's your name?

DEREK JORDAN Derek. Shanice!

SHANICE Mama didn't say you could have someone over.

JORDAN Cool, he about to leave. Now, can you please go back to your room? Damn!

Shanice PLOPS onto the couch as she glares at Jordan. JORDAN (CONT’D) (mumbles) Ugh. Mad annoying. DEREK Really? I think she's kinda cute.

Derek nudges Shanice's cheek. She SMACKS his hand away. Jordan looks through one of the sketchbooks. He stops at a page.

JORDAN Here it is.

The drawing is light blue with swirls of dark blue. In the middle there is a black hole that looks like it's sucking the blue in.

DEREK Woah. It looks like water. JORDAN Or a whirlpool.

Shanice stares at the drawing and then the table. She picks up two pictures and examines them. 31.

DEREK What do all these mean?

JORDAN I don't know. I've been tryna figure this shit out for a while, man.

DEREK Maybe, we're missing something?

SHANICE Done! The boys pause and look at the coffee table. The pictures are arranged like a puzzle.

DEREK It's a puzzle.

JORDAN Shanice! You gorgeous little girl, I love you.

Jordan hugs Shanice. SHANICE Stop! My hair!

DEREK There's pictures missing. Are there anymore drawings that we could look at?

JORDAN I don't know.

DEREK What about her journal? What did she call it? Her artistic journal?

JORDAN Yes! It should be in her room. DEREK Alright, let's go. JORDAN Wait, wait, wait. I can't just ask her parents to search Izzy's room.

DEREK Why not? 32.

JORDAN Well, they kinda... don't trust me anymore. SHANICE One night, we was at dinner, and Jay Jay went into Izzy's room without permission. JORDAN Big mouth! DEREK Well, they hate me. So, I guess we gotta break in. Let's go.

JORDAN Wha..? N-no!

DEREK What do you mean "no"? Don't you wanna save Izzy?

JORDAN Of course, I do. But, bro, this is doing a little too-

Derek GRABS Jordan and brings him to his feet. DEREK C'mon.

He pushes Jordan towards the door. JORDAN Wait, wait! I can't leave my sister! Derek opens the door.

DEREK SHANICE She'll be fine. I'll be fine! The door shuts.

Shanice's phone rings. BRIANA (o.s.) (phone) I'm downstairs. Let me up.


Shanice opens the front door and lets Briana in. Briana walks straight into the living room. BRIANA (CONT’D) I got an update. So, I spoke to Chantelle before last period, and she showed me this. Briana looks through her phone and shows Shanice pictures of messages from Quentin to Chantelle. SHANICE Goddamn.

BRIANA So, apparently, Quentin messaged her before running away. And told her that he buried a shoe box on the beach. SHANICE He wants her to find it. Did she?

BRIANA Nope. Which means it's still there.

SHANICE We can find it! You know what's in it?

BRIANA Don't know... Hey, Shanice, what's this?

SHANICE I don't know. Some nonsense my brother was looking at. Do you at least know which beach we going to?

BRIANA It kinda looks like Brighton Beach. Don't you think?

SHANICE Really? BRIANA Yea. You see this? Briana points to a geometrically warped ferris wheel on one of the corner pictures. 34.

BRIANA (CONT’D) Doesn't that look like the Coney Island Ferris Wheel?

SHANICE Maybe, the box is there. BRIANA It's a possibility. SHANICE Let's check it out, then.


Jordan stands outside of the deli. He preps himself. JORDAN (whispers) Just walk in, Jay. It ain't that deep. Oh, I can't believe I'm doing this.

INT. GORDONS' FAMILY DELI - CONTINUOUS A small deli with one aisle of chips and pastries. All the other products are stacked on shelves around the store or are in refrigerators. Jordan walks in and heads straight for the counter.

CHRISTOPHER GORDON, early 50s, wears a worn polo and jeans. He stands behind the counter and stacks the shelves behind him.

CHRISTOPHER (jaded) Jordan... How are you? What do you need?

JORDAN Fine. Can I just get a pack of gummy bears?

CHRISTOPHER Uh, sure, son. Christopher hands Jordan the candy. Jordan takes the candy, but doesn't move. They stand there, staring at each other. 35.

CHRISTOPHER (CONT’D) Is there anything else I can get you? JORDAN No, no. I'm just... I'm sorry about what happened. You know, the dinner? I don't know what came over me. I just miss her so much. CHRISTOPHER I know, son. We all do. JORDAN I guess I wanted some sort of memento... Anyway, it was really disrespectful and I'm sorry. CHRISTOPHER Oh, don't worry yourself about it. I know this is just as hard for you as it is for us.

JORDAN Is Mrs. Gordon here? I wanted to apologize to her as well. CHRISTOPHER She's at the hospital with Izzy. JORDAN Oh. Then, um, I guess I'll see you later. CHRISTOPHER Have a good night, Jay. And please be safe. Jordan walks out.

EXT. GORDONS' FAMILY DELI - CONTINUOUS Jordan reaches into his pocket and takes his phone and texts Derek. "No one's home, start the plan."


Derek bends over to inspect the lock to the first door, while Jordan stands watch. Derek takes out a bobby pin and inserts it into the lock. 36.

JORDAN (whispers) Man, you almost done? DEREK (whispers) Give me a minute. I need to finesse it a little.

JORDAN Well, how long does that take? I'm getting anxious. Derek stops and stares at Jordan.

DEREK I said one minute.

Derek jiggles the lock and a CLICK is heard. DEREK (CONT’D) Got it!


Derek pushes the door open for Jordan to walk in first.

Derek grabs Jordan's arm with a firm grip. DEREK Say something like that again, and I'll bash your face in. Understood? Jordan nods.

The second door SWINGS open and a WOMAN walks out. WOMAN Excuse me. JORDAN Sorry.

Jordan catches the second door before it closes. Jordan and Derek continue into the building and walk up the stairs.

EXT. GORDONS' APARTMENT - CONTINUOUS Derek bends down and inspects the lock to the apartment. 37.

DEREK This one seems pretty basic. Give me 30 seconds. Keep watch.

Derek inserts the bobby pin and gives it a jiggle. The door opens. Jordan RUSHES in with Derek behind.


The apartment is dark. Japanese art and family photos hang on the walls. There's a different vases and small sculptures throughout the apartment Jordan fishes his way around the furniture and makes it to Izzy's room. Derek follows behind and stubs his toe on a piece of furniture. DEREK Fuck! JORDAN Shh!

DEREK There's no one here!

Jordan reaches Izzy's room door, which is closed. He opens the door and enters.


Izzy's room is immaculate. The twin sized bed is completely set. The walls are bare. The dressers and bookshelf are wiped clean of any dirt or mess.

JORDAN This place is immaculate. The fuck happened?

DEREK We don't have the time to stand in awe of a clean room. Where did she keep her artistic shit, again?

JORDAN Well, everywhere. But now...

Derek starts to RUMMAGE in the dressers. He THROWS clothes all around the room. 38.

JORDAN (CONT’D) (frantic) What are you doing?

DEREK Looking for the fucking journal!

DEREK (CONT’D) Well? C'mon! We don't have time for this!

Jordan RUMMAGES through the closet, bends down to inspect under the bed. Then walks to the bookshelf, randomly picks up a book, skims it, and recklessly THROWS it off of the shelf. Jordan finds a black sketch book on the top shelf.

JORDAN Hey, I think I found it. Jordan flips through the pages and sees geometrically warped drawings of the boardwalk, a figure in blue, and sand. JORDAN (CONT’D) Yes! This is it!

DEREK Alright, let's get the fuck outta here.

The bedroom door swings open and Christopher Gordon stands in the doorway.

INT. BRIGHTON BEACH - NIGHT The waves of the beach CRASH into the sand. In the distance, lights of the Coney Island ferris wheel and other rides shine. There are medium sized holes dug throughout the beach.

Shanice and Briana kneel at a small hole near the water. BRIANA I'm tired.

SHANICE We gotta keep looking! It's here. I know it is!

BRIANA We've been looking for hours. I wanna go home. 39.

SHANICE Come on, girl. Just a little longer. BRIANA No, Shanice! She lied! Chantelle lied! She's a jokester, just like Quentin. SHANICE You know what? You wanna leave? Leave! I'll do it myself! Silence.

SHANICE (CONT’D) I said you could leave, Briana. Silence.


Shanice looks up and sees Briana staring at the sea. Shanice looks at the water and sees the waves glow an electric blue as they crash and recede from the shore.

SHANICE (CONT’D) BRIANA Woah... Oh my... Briana and Shanice walk towards the shore. As they approach the water, the rest of the sea glows electric blue.


Christopher stands in the doorway. There is a stare down with all three men. Christopher rushes to Jordan first and TACKLES him. Jordan's back HITS the bookshelf and some books fall down. Jordan curls up fetal position holding the book tightly, while Christopher sits on top of him. Christopher pries the book out of his hands and TOSSES it back. Derek tackles Christopher off of Jordan. He gets on top of him and PUNCHES him repeatedly. Jordan grabs Derek and pulls him off of Christopher. JORDAN Yo, chill! What the fuck?! DEREK Y-yea, sorry. 40.

JORDAN Let's go Jordan picks up another black sketch book laying on the floor and the two run out the room, but Christopher scrambles to grab Jordan’s foot. Jordan FALLS to the floor with the book falling in front of him. Derek picks up the book and RUNS out of the apartment. Christopher gets on top of Jordan and flashes a light onto his face.


Jordan PUSHES Christopher off of him and RUNS out of the apartment.


Shanice and Briana stand and stare at the glowing water. VOICE Help! SHANICE Oh my God! Someone's out there!

BRIANA I think they're drowning!

In the distance, there is a person drowning in the water. VOICE Help! Please! I can't-

SHANICE Briana, they're sinking! We have to go help them.

Shanice takes off her shoes. BRIANA VOICE What are you doing! We should (coughing) go get help! Please! I can't swim! SHANICE It's fine. I can swim. I'll be right back.


Shanice swims out to where the person should be, but there is no one. 41.

VOICE#1 Help!

SHANICE Hello? VOICE#2 I can't swim! Help me!

A voice calls out for help in another direction. She swims in the direction of where it came from and is stopped by the same voice calling from another direction.

VOICE#3 Please! Help me!

Another voice calls from another direction, and then another voice and another voice. A cacophony of voices call from every direction. She looks around in a panic. Something DRAGS her underwater.

EXT. BRIGHTON BEACH SHORE - CONTINUOUS Briana watches as Shanice’s body disappears underwater.

BRIANA Shanice!

She steps into the water and watches as the electric blue dims into the normal dark color. Briana RUNS down the beach.

INT. BRIGHTON BEACH SEA - POV - NIGHT Shanice flails underwater with her eyes closed. A distant voice calls for help. The voice gets closer. The voice whispers into her ear. VOICE (distant) ...Help.

VOICE (CONT’D) (closer) ...Help.

VOICE (CONT’D) (whisper) Help me, Shanice.

She opens her eyes and sees Quentin’s dead body staring back. The body’s mouth gapes open and lets out a screech. She screams and flails even harder. 42.

Hands GRAB Shanice and PULL her up to air.

OFFICER It's okay. Just breathe. You're safe.

The officer wraps Shanice around his back and climbs up the side of the NYPD boat.


Shanice sits in the back of a cop car with her feet hanging out. A blanket is wrapped around her and she loosely holds a cup of hot cocoa. Shanice stares blankly.

Briana approaches with an officer. She sees Shanice and RUNS to her.

BRIANA Shanice! Are you okay?! Silence.

An OFFICER approaches. OFFICER Hey, sweetie. I wanna call your mother, so you can get home. Can I have her number? Shanice blankly stares up at the officer.


Jordan RUNS out of the building. Derek stands in front of it. JORDAN Did you get the book?

Derek pulls the book from under his shirt. JORDAN (CONT’D) Yes! This is it! Let me see it.

Jordan flips through the book and only sees writing. JORDAN (CONT’D) There are no drawings. DEREK What? 43.

JORDAN It's just a bunch of writing! DEREK No... Let me see.

Jordan hands the book to Derek. JORDAN We got the wrong book...


JORDAN We got the wrong fucking book! DEREK We have to go back and get it! JORDAN No!

Derek RUSHES to the front door and Jordan restrains him. DEREK You don't understand! We have to go back! JORDAN Why! So you can beat the shit out of him again?! DEREK No, but I'll beat the shit outta you if you don't fucking move. JORDAN I'm not letting you back in there.

DEREK Get outta my way, Jordan.

JORDAN No. DEREK Fine! I don't need you! I can do this myself! Derek MARCHES off. Jordan sits in front of the door.

Jordan's phone vibrates. 44.

JORDAN Shit! He reaches into his pocket and picks up the phone.

JORDAN (CONT’D) Hey- mama? Mama, calm down! ...I'm on my way!


Jordan walks up and sees Emelia as she holds Shanice's face.

EMELIA Where have you been? You were supposed to watch her!

JORDAN I'm sorry.

An officer approaches. OFFICER My I speak to you, Mrs. Calhoun?


Jordan sits Shanice on his lap and cuddles her. Shanice looks at him and breaks down. JORDAN Shh... It's going to be okay. I'm here, okay?

SHANICE I was so scared.

JORDAN I know. I'm so sorry.


JORDAN (CONT’D) Did Briana leave already?


Emeila walks back. 45.

EMELIA Get ready. We're getting a ride home from this nice officer.

INT. COP CAR - MOMENTS LATER Emelia sits in the passenger seat, while Jordan and Shanice sit in the back. The ride is silent for a minute.


EMELIA Ah, ah, ah. I don't wanna hear anything from your mouth. We'll talk when we get back to the house.


They all get out of the car.

OFFICER No problem, ma'am. You guys have a good night.

EMELIA We will, thank you. (to Jordan and Shanice) Get inside. Both of you.

She escorts Jordan and Shanice away from the car and inside the building.


EMELIA Sit down.

Jordan and Shanice sit on the couch. Shanice watches as Emelia collects her thoughts. Jordan stays silent, head bowed.

EMELIA (CONT’D) I don't know what to think. I tell you two to come home after school, I get here, and where's my kids!?

SHANICE I'm sorry, mama- 46.

EMELIA Little girl, you go out to that dangerous ass boardwalk and have the nerve to almost drown! Why wasn't your brother here! Where did he go? SHANICE I don't know. He just left. EMELIA He just left. (to Jordan) Where did you go?! JORDAN I had to handle some things.

EMELIA What things? What's more important than watching your sister?!


EMELIA Huh? Jordan, I'm talking to you.

JORDAN Nothing...


EMELIA (sigh) I want you two here straight after school everyday for the rest of the year. And Imma have Ms. Johnson come in and check on y'all. SHANICE (desperate) Mama you can't do that!

EMELIA Oh yes I can!

JORDAN (whispers) That's bullshit. EMELIA Excuse me? 47.

The door bell rings.


Emelia opens the front door and three officers stand in the doorway.

EMELIA Did we forget something?

OFFICER Are you Jordan Calhoun's mother?


OFFICER Your son is under arrest for breaking and entering.

EMELIA Breaking and entering? What's going on? Who's pressing charges?

OFFICER Christopher Gordon. EMELIA Chris?! OFFICER You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say, can and will be used against you in the court of law...

SHANICE Mama, they're taking Jay Jay.

OFFICER You have the right to an attorney. If you do not have one, one will be provided for you...

The officers lift Jordan to his feet and cuff him. They escort him to the door.

JORDAN Please, don't let them take me away. 48.

EMELIA Don't worry, baby. I'll get you out.

OFFICER C'mon. You're spending a night in jail, son. JORDAN Mama, please!

They exit. The front door shuts.

INT. BROOKLYN HOSPITAL ICU 12 - NIGHT MIYUKI, 50s, in a floral patterened blouse and tan pants, stands beside Izzy.

MIYUKI (Japanese accent) Izumiya-chan. My Izumiya-chan. You look so beautiful.

A doctor walks in. DOCTOR Hello, Mrs. Gordon. MIYUKI Is she getting better?

DOCTOR Unfortunately, no. There's still no brain activity. And sadly, her seizing has gotten worse. MIYUKI Oh...

DOCTOR Mrs. Gordon, do you remember our discussion?

MIYUKI Yes. DOCTOR Have you and your husband made a decision?

MIYUKI Yes. We want to pull the plug. 49.


Izzy kneels at the clearing in front of the water.

VOICE Yes. We want to pull the plug.

IZZY ...no... No!

Quentin stands over her shoulder. He bends down and hugs her.

IZZY (CONT’D) (crying) Jordan. Jordan!

INT. COP CAR - NIGHT Jordan sits in the backseat, eyes closed. He is immediately swept back into the abyss of the In Between Place.


There is a faint sound in the distance. It gets louder and louder. Izzy calls Jordan's name repeatedly.

IZZY Jordan! Jordan, please listen. You need to hurry! JORDAN I messed up. Bad.

IZZY What do mean? What did you do?

JORDAN I don't know how I can come back from this.

IZZY What. Happened. JORDAN I broke into your home and now your dad is pressing charges.

IZZY Jordan!

JORDAN I fucked up. 50.

IZZY Why did that happen?!

JORDAN Derek and I. We got desperate. IZZY H-how could you- This shouldn't be happening right now! Jordan. My mother, she's...

JORDAN What? What's wrong? Tell me! IZZY My mother, she wants to pull the plug... Jordan, I'm going to die. END OF ACT THREE