473 Sensory hyperacuity in the jamming avoidance response of weakly electric fish Masashi Kawasaki Sensory systems often show remarkable sensitivities to The jamming avoidance response small stimulus parameters. Weakly electric; fish are able to The South American weakly electric fish Eigenmannia resolve intensity differences of the order of 0.1% and timing and the African weakly electric fish Cymnanhus perform differences of the order of nanoseconds during an electrical electrolocation by generating constant wave-type electric behavior, the jamming avoidance response. The neuronal organ discharges (EODs) at individually fixed frequencies origin of this extraordinary sensitivity is being studied within (250-600Hz) using the electric organ in their tails. Each the exceptionally well understood central mechanisms of this cycle of an EOD is triggered by coherent action potentials behavior. originating from a coupled oscillator, the pacemaker nucleus in the medulla. An alternating current (AC) electric field is thus established around the body, and its Addresses distortion by objects is detected by electroreceptors on the Department of Biology, University of Virginia, Gilmer Hall, Charlottesville, Virginia 22903, USA; e-mail:
[email protected] body surface [5,6] (Figure 1). Current Opinion in Neurobiology 1997, 7:473-479 When two fish with similar EOD frequencies meet, http://biomednet.com/elelecref~0959438800700473 their electrolocation systems jam each other, impairing 0 Current Biology Ltd ISSN 0959-4388 their ability to electrolocate. To avoid this jamming, they shift their EOD frequencies away from each other in Abbreviations a jamming avoidance response in order to increase the ELL electrosensory lateral line lobe difference in their frequencies [7-91.