Alejandro De Quesada,Johnny Shumate,Alan Gilliland,Steve Noon | 80 pages | 22 Jul 2014 | Bloomsbury Publishing PLC | 9781780963884 | English | United Kingdom MP 38 and MP 40 Submachine Guns PDF Book

They were simple to fire, clean and maintain! A "cooling fin" was machined under the barrel length to help dissipate heat. As a result, the MP40 is simply festooned with waffenamt acceptance stamps and every part big enough to accept one sports a serial number, to include the firing pin. Please contact me if so. Johnny Shumate works as a freelance illustrator living in Nashville, Tennessee. Both the MP 40 and the M 3 have a great point and shoot feeling. Karachtchouk, Andrei ed. Hellgate Press. Production subsequently ceased on the MP Karolinum Press. Some found their way into guerrilla groups such as the Viet Cong or African guerrillas. Nazi . The same is true of the resting bar, the first ones on both the mp38 and Mp40 were aluminum, not Bakelite. Neither of the GSG-manufactured variants are compatible with originally manufactured MP 40 parts and magazines. Year: In that case, we can't WWII German submachine . In the M3A1 version the wire incorporated a useful and effective loading tool. For groups or special units such as paratroopers, the was portable and suitable for Close-Quarters Battle CQB and, with general , it served well alongside established units and elements in nearly any environment. Great article. Osprey Publishing. Osprey Publishing added it May 06, The submachine gun had gained steam in the interwar years following World War 1 as an interim for use by general infantry, special forces and vehicle crews requiring self-defense. The primary difference between the MP38 and the subsequent MP40 rested in the production of the receiver. Toggle navigation. In Viet Nam I was an 81 mortar radio operator. That Thompson got heaver and heaver, I began to believe it was made of solid steel it was. In stark contrast to the Thompson, the M3 was simple, ugly, and utilitarian. The whole on fully automatic guns is so that a round does not cook off in the red hot chamber. The Illustrated history of the War Later in , rival company sued Haenel , at which Schmeisser was Chief Designer, for patent infringement. With the stamps on it. Your browser does not support the video tag. Thanks ad more machine gun articles in the future would be great. Men-at-Arms For more information about period gear used as support in this article, click here. The weapons were assigned to the M Recovery Vehicle operators. He did not, however, have anything to do with the design or development of the MP 40, although he held a patent on the magazine. Soon after, with our asses well chewed and writing down some new language freshly imbedded in our brains, we were loading magazines for our spakin used new M16A1s. Bloomsbury Publishing. However, for a time, these two stamped steel submachine guns slugged it out to determine the mastery of the world. Return to Book Page. The MP38 was initially intended for use within and around armored vehicles. You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website. MP 38 and MP 40 Submachine Guns Writer

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. However, later confrontations with Soviet troops such as the , where entire enemy units were armed with PPSh submachine guns, the Germans found themselves out-gunned in short range urban combat which caused a shift in their tactics, and by the end of the war the MP 40 and its derivatives were being issued to entire assault platoons on a limited basis. Details if other :. Osprey Publishing. To prove this he popped the dust cover open so we could see the inside of it. Other Editions 5. Some found their way into guerrilla groups such as the Viet Cong or African guerrillas. This weapon shot from a standard round box magazine and the caliber was the standard 9x19mm Parabellum. A few hits with the 45s, and the target died. Although the MP 40 was generally reliable, a major weakness was its round magazine. WWII German submachine gun. Receivers typically began life as huge chunks of forged steel before being cut or turned into something mechanically complex, sometimes on machines still driven by steam. However, the design proved unsuccessful due to weight and reliability issues. March This makes the gun a bit more awkward to tote. This tidy little submachine gun also armed German Panzer troops on their Blitzkrieg across Europe early in the war. Regardless, the Allies knew the weapon as the "Schmeisser". Hellgate Press. Its one of a kind…. German soldiers were trained to grasp either the handhold on the underside of the weapon or the magazine housing with the supporting hand to avoid feed malfunctions. Many to most of them had cut their teeth on Saturday afternoon crime serials and going to war with a gangster chopper held an allure. His training was to aim at the left toe, and let walk the rounds across the target. Unlike the double-column, dual-feed magazine insert found on the Thompson M variants, the MP 40 used a double-column, single-feed insert. Retrieved 6 April John Robertson rated it it was amazing Dec 25, Year: Schmeisser had designed the MP 18 , which was the first mass-produced submachine gun. In this circumstance, the bolt might drop back far enough to pick up a round but not far enough to engage the sear. I know most machine guns are designed to fire from an open bolt to help minimize recoil and make it more controllable. This allowed the gun to function in the face of modest damage. The only mode of fire was fully automatic, but the relatively low enabled single shots with controlled pulls. Like the guy said, 1 shot, 2 shots, 3 — you could do whatever you want. About this Product. MP 38 and MP 40 Submachine Guns Reviews

German soldiers were trained to grasp either the handhold on the underside of the weapon or the magazine housing with the supporting hand to avoid feed malfunctions. However, the design proved unsuccessful due to weight and reliability issues. World War II changed most everything about planet earth. The MP38 submachine gun is often referred to as the "Schmeisser" after engineer though he had nil to do with the development of the MP38, making his association with the firearm technically incorrect - the MP38's design is actually formally attributed to Heinrich Vollmer. That these guns share so many similar morphological characteristics is intriguing. Thanks ad more machine gun articles in the future would be great. The construction process of the new MP38 called upon sheet metal stampings and die-casting while incorporating use of plastics in the furniture instead of wood. Chiefly, her manufacturing process was rather inefficient considering the requirement for steel in wartime Germany leading German authorities to request a cheaper mass-production model following the same design form - this became the famous MP40 series. There are several semi-automatic variants and cosmetic replicas of the MP 40 available for civilian ownership in the U. Still another fault lay in the bolt assembly that, when cocked and the weapon accidentally knocked, could cause the bolt to move forward, initiating the firing process and allowing the weapon to fire on its own. Firing from an open bolt not only does not reduce recoil, it kills accuracy AKA controllability. Appreciate your effort to enlighten us on these firearms. While offering reliable feed geometry, this design was prone to stoppage when dirty and required a magazine loading tool to load. William Paley rated it liked it Jul 12, The butt looped downwards to collapse along the underside of the gun body along a two-point pivoting assembly at the rear of the receiver. It was rapidly adopted by Germany's armed forces and first saw combat during the invasion of in You recollections are much appreciated. Rate-of-Fire: rounds-per-minute. Once in practice during the Polish Campaign of , the MP38 soon shown limitations - some even lethal to its owners. The single-feed insert resulted in increased friction against the remaining cartridges moving upwards towards the feed lips, occasionally resulting in feed failures; this problem was exacerbated by the presence of dirt or other debris. Most of his work is rendered in Adobe Photoshop using a Cintiq monitor. And I much prefer the. The MP 38 was one of the first of the lighter, more compact "second generation" of submachine guns, utilizing stamped-steel and plastic components that made it easier to produce than earlier types such as the M Thompson and the MP 18, which featured wooden stocks and employed machined-steel parts. Development of the MP38 originated from an Oberkommando der requirement for a submachine gun to stock the inventory of the fast-moving German Army. Green Beret in Vietnam — Mark Adams marked it as to-read Jan 07, Dad was magic with a rifle. Several technical errors in your discussion of the mp38 however.

MP 38 and MP 40 Submachine Guns Read Online

Receivers typically began life as huge chunks of forged steel before being cut or turned into something mechanically complex, sometimes on machines still driven by steam. Namespaces Article Talk. Bloomsbury Publishing. The MP38 submachine gun is often referred to as the "Schmeisser" after engineer Hugo Schmeisser though he had nil to do with the development of the MP38, making his association with the firearm technically incorrect - the MP38's design is actually formally attributed to Heinrich Vollmer. If anyone is interested contact me and ill pass it on to you. However, later confrontations with Soviet troops such as the Battle of Stalingrad , where entire enemy units were armed with PPSh submachine guns, the Germans found themselves out-gunned in short range urban combat which caused a shift in their tactics, and by the end of the war the MP 40 and its derivatives were being issued to entire assault platoons on a limited basis. Books by Alejandro M. Add to Basket. Osprey Weapons 1 - 10 of 72 books. Hellgate Press. Chiefly, her manufacturing process was rather inefficient considering the requirement for steel in wartime Germany leading German authorities to request a cheaper mass-production model following the same design form - this became the famous MP40 series. And I much prefer the. Also of interest is that the grip on the mp38 is solid aluminum, for weight savings and corrosion resistance. Straight , open bolt [3]. The MP 38 and the MP 40 saw combat in the hands of German troops in every theater in which they were involved, and have become synonymous with 's war effort in popular perception. No trivia or quizzes yet. He did not, however, have anything to do with the design or development of the MP 40, although he held a patent on the magazine. For more information about period gear used as support in this article, click here. Weight Unloaded : 9. Another problem was that the magazine was also sometimes misused as a handhold. Oh the Humanatee!!! However, the design proved unsuccessful due to weight and reliability issues. Retrieved 5 July He told me he found that as a Sargent he spent more time directing his boys fire than shooting himself, so the M3 suited him better. All Languages. One day he was cleaning it, I looked to see he had the bolt locked back and a magazine locked in. Sights: Front Tunnel and Rear.