Янко Слава (Библиотека Fort/Da) ||http://yanko.lib.ru 1 Сканирование и форматирование: Янко Слава (Библиотека Fort/Da) ||
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[email protected] || http://yanko.lib.ru || Icq# 75088656 || Библиотека: http://yanko.lib.ru/gum.html || Номера страниц - внизу update 13.12.06 CARL SAGAN (November 9, 1934-December 20, 1996) was professor of astronomy and space sciences and director of the Laboratory for Planetary Studies at Cornell University. He played a leading role in the Mariner, Viking, and Voyager spacecraft Sagan, Carl=The varieties of scientific experience. A Personal View of the Search for God. The Penguin Press. New York. 2006 Янко Слава (Библиотека Fort/Da) ||http://yanko.lib.ru 2 expeditions to the planets, for which he twice received the NASA Medals for Exceptional Scientific Achievement. Dr. Sagan received the Pulitzer Prize and the highest awards of both the National Academy of Sciences and the National Science Foundation and many other awards for his contributions to science, literature, education, and the preservation of the environment. His book Cosmos (accompanying his Emmy and Peabody Award-winning television series of the same name) was the bestselling science book ever published in the English language, and his bestselling novel Contact WAS turned into a major motion picture. Dr. Sagan was among the first to alert the public to the danger of global warming and the potential climatic consequences of nuclear war. In the 1980s, he initiated the campaign to forge an alliance between religion and science to protect the environment. Jacket design: Barbara de Wilde Jacket photograph: Spectrum of comet 2001, Q4 (NEAT), May 14, 2004 Courtesy of Gunma Astronomical Observatory, Japan Author photograph © Andy Levin/Parade The A MEMBER OF PENGUIN GROUP (USA) INC.