Iron Soldiers Assume Responsibility for Baghdad Operational Environment
JANUARY 18, 2010 1 PAGE 1 THE VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1 UNITED STATES DIVISION - CENTER JANUARY 18, 2010 Iron Soldiers assume responsibility for Baghdad operational environment Story by Sgt. 1st Class Kristina Scott 366th MPAD, USD-C BAGHDAD – On a blustery, overcast day, the commander of 1st Armored Division assumed re- sponsibility of the U.S. Division –Center operational environment in a transfer of authority cer- emony conducted in front of the division headquarters building at Camp Liberty Jan. 13. Maj. Gen. Terry Wolff suc- ceeds Maj. Gen. Daniel Bolger, who will redeploy to Fort Hood, Texas, with 1st Cavalry Division after a 12-month deployment in Baghdad. The ceremony, attended by many dignitaries to include Gen. Ray Odierno, the top U.S com- mander in Iraq and senior lead- ers of the Iraqi Security Forces, began as Bolger stepped forward. With the assistance of Command Photo by Sgt. 1st Class Kristina Scott, 366th MPAD, USD-C Assisted by Command Sgt. Maj. William Johnson, the senior enlisted noncommissioned officer in charge for 1st. Armored Sgt. Maj. Rory Malloy, Bolger Division, Maj. Gen. Terry Wolff, commander of 1st Armd. Div., unfurls the division flag during a transfer of authority placed the 1st Cavalry Division ceremony conducted at Camp Liberty Jan 13. The ceremony was conducted to signify that 1st Armd. Div. has assumed flag, which has flown over Bagh- responsibility for the U.S. Division—Center operational environment from 1st Cav. Div. dad since Feb. 10, 2009, into its division flag, signifying the as- “Not so long ago,” he said, year ago.
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