Ministry of Health Republic of Belarus Gomel State Medical University
MINISTRY OF HEALTH REPUBLIC OF BELARUS GOMEL STATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY М.E. Abramenko, М.Е. Belitski HISTORY AND CULTURE OF BELARUS The manual Gomel 2005 УДК 93(2 Б) + 008 ББК 63.3. (2 Бел) + 71 А 16 Reviewers: Head of humanities sciences department, PhD. in philosophy, senior lecturer S.B. Bordak, senior lecturer history and theory of cooperation chair in BTEU, PhD. in history, I.S. Kotov. М.E. Abramenko, М.Е. Belitski А 16 History and culture of Belarus: The Manual / М.E. Abramenko, М.Е. Belitski. — Gomel: Gomel State Medical University, 2005. — 60 с. ISBN 985-6779-05-7 In the manual one can find information about the formation and development of first belarussian principalities; sociopolitical and economic development of the Belarus as a part of Great Lithuanian Principality, Rech Paspalitaya, Russian empire and USSR; the major proc- esses and trends in a modern history of Belarus, its cultural heritage. The manual is intended for foreign students 1st and 2d year medical university, teach- ers, post-graduate students and competitors. Authorized by the Profile Subject Commission on humanitarian sciences as a manual dd. 02.02.2005, report № 1. Authorized by the Central Educational Scientific and Methodical Commission as a manual dd. 03.02.2005, report № 2. ISBN 985-6779-05-7 УДК 93(2 Б) + 008 ББК 63.3. (2 Бел) + 71 © Collective of authors © Gomel State Medical University, 2005 2 CONTENTS Topic № 1. Belarus in ancient times: from forest tribes to the forma- tion of early-feudal principalities ........................................................................ 4 Topic № 2. Great Lithuania: Political and Economic Development and Flourishing...................................................................................................
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