The weather Inside today

Mostly sunny today with Increasing Area news .. 8-9-10 M e tr i c ...... 11 cloudiness this afternoon. High Sft^. Business...... 6 Obituaries...... 14 Mostly cloudy tonight, low 38-44. Sun­ aassified .... 19-22 Sr. Citizens...... 5 day, cloudy with rain likely. High S4-S8. Churches...... 18 Week-Review ...2 Chance of precipitation 20 per cent **Th0 Bright One** Dear Abby...... 23 Wings...... ;... 19 TWENTY.FOUR t*AGES Editorial ...... 4 Sports , .15-17 tonight, 70 per cent Sunday. National ’ TWO SECTIONS weather map on Page 20. WEEKENt) INSIDE MANCHESTER. CONN., SATORDAY, OCTOBBSt » , m ^ VOL. XCVI, No 28 p r ic e , fift ee n c e n t s Carter and Ford wop big state vote By JOHN MILNE will campaign in California, 45 elec­ Carter, 196 leaning to Ford and 112 United Press International toral votes. “pivotal.” A victory could come with 11 states President Ford and John Andrews, the Ford aide who — California, New York, Penn­ will spend the last weekend of the Powell said drew up the list, said, sylvania, Illinois, Texas, Ohio, “this is ridiculous. I never saw such a /- campaign trying to attract enough Michigan, New Jersey, Florida, votes to win the big states. thing.” Campaign manager James Massachusetts and either Indiana or Baker said, "too many of the key They are each invading the North Carolina. traditional strongholds of their op­ states are too close to call.” . Six Almost all of these are close. An Diesel ponents with figures from one poll ABC-Harris Poll released Friday In St. Louis, Ford talked about his I 6 S 0 0 . that give them almost identical pop­ said Carter was strongest in the improvement. “We were 33 points ular vote totals. They are seeking to South, Ford was strongest in the behind in September,” he said. “Now win state by state b^ause under the West and Midwest, and the East was we have the momentum and we’re eiectoral vote system, it’s winner up for grabs. going to win.” take all. It takes 270 electoral votes That may be more important than levllle to win the election. erand the popular tally, which said Carter Carter wants lots of voters, hoping Ford starts today in Texas, with 26 led Ford 45-44 per cent with 7 per electoral votes. Then he flies to for a boost from the large number of cent undecided and 4 per cent Democratic registrations. He told an Pennsylvania, 27 electoral votes; and backing independent Eugene New York, 41 electoral votes. airport news conference in Toledo, McCarthy. The margin of error “We’re going to have a good turnout 65 Carter spent Friday night in makes the two figures virtually Missouri, 12 electoral votes; he flies Tuesday and we’re going to win.” equal. The Supreme Court refused Friday single to Louisiana, 10 electoral votes; then Carter’s press secretary, Jody litlon. to Texas, 26 electoral votes. to block an order by New York’s 0. Call Powell, distributed a document highest court removing McCarthy’s The rest of Ford’s weekend will be Friday that he said was an estimate in Ohio, 25 electoral votes and name from the ballot. McCarthy’s SRfVii'i, A. by the President Ford Committee. It name appears on 29 state ballots and Michigan, 21 electoral votes. Carter One of showed 230 electoral votes leaning to can be written in on 16 others. offers room, Andover chariot in Halloween parade room, A must Andover sixth graders Michael Leavins (holding whip), Scott Furdam and Steven Lindley Lebanese truce near collapse jf new. put together a horse and chariot act for the school Halloween parade Friday afternoon. The BEIRUT, Lebanon (UPI) - Trades parade also featured the usual ghosts and goblins. Principal Paul Kravets came as a claimed to have killed 16 leftists in tervene in the Chouf area and said he t wide, Lebanon’s shaky lO^lay cease-fire the southern suburbs. will ask for Syrian aid if there is no ediate tomato plant. (Herald photo by Pinto) was near collapse today because of A right-wing radio said at least 37 response. lancing renewed clashes in Beirut and a war­ persons have died in fighting in the !S, im ning by rightist leader Camille hilly Chouf region, a leftist “We are not ready to tolerate Berlin Chamoun that his forces may resume stronghold where trouble flared 1-828- further aggression after today and fighting. three days ao. we shall strike with an iron fist on Penney complex prospect Casualty figures from fighting in Rightist leader Chamoun every hand that wants to harm the capital FYiday and the (Jhouf said if the situation continued to Lebanon and its independence,” he region, 25 miles southeast of Beirut, deteriorate his forces will disregard said. were the highest for any 24-hour the cease-fire and "resume our period since the cease-fire began. freedom of military action.” In particular, he said, 9,000 Iraqi pleases political leaders Two persons were killed and 17 Chamoun has called on President troops had participated in all were wounded in Beirut, according to Elias Sarkis to ask the 2,300-strong violations of the cease-fire in Beirut, part-tim e ones. Town Manager called to announce town plans to a hospital spokesman, and rightists Arab peacekeeping force to in­ the mountains and the south. By GREG PEARSON Robert B. Weiss announced these develop an industrial park in the Herald Reporter figures at a Thursday moning press Buckland section of Manchester. 12 Foot Comments from local party conference and said that this would Penney was not mentioned by name Kissinger sends top aide needs members on the possibility of the help hire a good chunk of at the conference, but it is believed to Plaza J.C. Penney distribution center com­ Manchester’s 1,200 unemployed. be the firm that Weiss referred to 0369. ing to Manchester were primarily Both party leaders of the Board of several times as “a major prospect” 66 positive and centered on the numb^ Directors, Mayor Matthew M. interested in becoming part of the in­ to Rhodesian conference of jobs the facility would create. dustrial park. Moriarty Jr. and Minority Leader Vi­ said he hoped Schaufele “is not com­ 'The center could mean as many as At the conference, Moriarty said, GENEVA, Switzerland (UPI) - “The ANC is not here in a spirit of ta, Dat- vian F. Ferguson, were present at ing here to confuse an already con­ actory 2,100 full-time jobs and another 600 “I can think of few happier occasions Secretary of State Henry Kissinger give and take, we have come here the press conference, which was fusing situation.” ice, 114 than when you can tell people who sent his chief troubleshooter for only to take — to take our country,” All four black nationalist le. 871- have been unemployed that you’ve Africa to Geneva today to step in said Bishop Abel Muzorewa. delegations have rejected the found them job opportunities.” should the talks on ’s future Kissinger proposals, saying they Muzorewa gave the toughest speech He cited “large tax revenues” as begin to falter. want black control in one year, at the another benefit of the proposed But black leaders rejected an at the opening session of the con­ News summary most. ference, which was adjourned until facility, and said, “Because the state American role in advance, saying next week to allow “time for reflec­ shares the costs equally with the they were in Geneva to take power— sun Compiled from United Press International by force, if necessary — and not to Black guerrilla leaders said they tion." according to the chairman, town, developmental costs will be will intensify the guerrilla struggle if low and quickly repaid by the tax negotiate Kissinger’s proposals for a Ivor Richard, Britain’s U.N. am­ gentle transfer to majority rule necessary to get what they want. bassador. vestigating the collision of a revenues produced.” State It is estimated the entire industrial within two years. Mississippi River ferryboat and a William Schaufele, Assistant Norwegian tanker has recessed park facility could bring $1 million HARTFORD — The state Com­ per year to .the town in taxes. Secretary of State for African Af­ mission on Hospitals and Health for several days to await results fairs, arrived here to establish high- Squimpkin disqualified «s of FBI laboratory reports on a Mrs. Ferguson said that the issue IL Care denies its refusal to approve was a “bipartisan” one, and she level U.S. representation at the talks a higher budget for Windham whiskey bottle found in the cap­ and act as informal adviser to the BOSTON (UPI) - The 197-pound sized ferry’s wheelhouse. urged people to vote for the project squimpkin was disqualified because State House, Flynn said no. Hospital will force the closing of in a referendum, which would be delegations. it didn’t go to Georgia. It apparently was the basis for dis­ its mental health unit. The required for a bonding issue to pay ' “I expect to see most, if not all of hospital’s trustees recently voted NEW YORK - Michael Scott the participants," he said. The squimpkin is a hybrid of a qualification from the contest. Goldbaum, who helped produce for purchase of land and develop­ squash and a pumpkin owned by “I wish they'd told me they were to abolish the clinic saying the ment of the industrial park. She But , leader of the CHHC approved budget was not television ads for President moderate wing of the African Rodney Flynn, 31, of Woburn. going to disqualify me,” said Flynn Ford’s election campaign, was called herself one of the manager's It was entered in Delta Airlines' sadly. enough to keep the hospital on a leading critics, but added, “'There National Council, said there was no solid financiai footing. fired by the White House when it Massachusetts-Georgia pumpkin So in historic Faneuil Hall are two kinds of criticism. This is a purpose for Schaufele’s visit, other was revealed he was also working growing contest. ceremonies. Gov. Michael S. Dukakis positive criticism (of Weiss). He has than “as a tourist.” on an allegedly pornographic But when Delta wanted to send it to plopped the blue ribbon on a puny 166- HARTFORD — Connecticut worked very hard to bring this Ndaaningi Sithole, leader of the film, officials said Friday. Georgia Friday for display at the pound pumpkin. may go to court to block Navy project to Manchester.” African National Union, plans to dump dredging spoiis into Another minority member of the Long Island Sound, according to WASHINGTON - President Ford personally approved the sale board, Carl Zinsser, was pleased Gov. Ella T. Grasso. She has with the proposal. “I’ll do everything asked the attorney general to of a sophisticated computer A * '" system tq the Peoples Republic of I can to help bring this to explore the possibility of legal ac­ Manchester,” he said. pluB tax tion. China once he was convinced it had no military use, the White But, Zinsser did call the timing of House said, adding the President the announcement, made less than a Regional approved a similar sale to the week before Election Day, “unfor­ Soviet Union also. tunate,” PEL PROVIDENCE, R.I. - Brown He said that he realized the official M874 University administrators have announcement was not to be made G). block From LOS ANGELES — Madonna rtlord. announced they will begin hiring until after Election Day, but he permanent replacements for Slavin, abducted by her family one week ago in a futile attempt suspected it might gve been a striking library workers unless Democratic move to “leak” the they return to work by Nov. 3. The to change her Hare Krishna beliefs, says she still loves her story out before the voters go to the workers have been out on strike polls. m H since Aug. 25. arents and can’t decide whether to press kidnap charges against Democratic Deputy Mayor John ‘ 0 them. She said she was “physcial- Thompson called the proposed facili­ BOSTON — House Majority ty “ “a great shot in the arm, not Leader Thomas “Tip” O’Neil Jr, ly and mentally assaulted” by relatives in a five-day ordeal at only for Manchester, but for the en­ says he never received gifts or tire area.” money from South Korean mul­ the homes of three of them in cen­ tral and southern California. “I’m delighted, of course,” hesaid, timillionaire Tonsung Park, but and, noting that the facility is sup­ admits Park cohosted a birthday posed to be a nonpolluting one, said, party for O’Neill. Park has International “It should enhance the attrac­ allegedly given up to 81 million in tiveness of the area.” cash and campaign funds to TOKYO — The worst Japanese Republican Town Committee various congressmen in exchange fire in 15 years swept through the member Wally Irish also was pleased northern city qf Sakata Friday for a favorable attitude toward with the possibility of the new facili­ the South Korean government. and today, destroying more than ty coming to town. 1,000 houses and leaving 3,500 per­ “I think there’s no question that National sons homeless. ’Two are reported it’s a tremendous plus,” he said. missing and at least 35 others in­ He did, however, question the DETROIT - ’The strike which jured in the fire believed to have “secrecy” surrounding the plans. He Brownies go trick or treating closed down the Ford Motor Co. been started by an over-heated felt that members of the Board of for 28 days cost the firm about boiler in a movie house. Directors and local business leaders Treats and not tricks are being served Luis St. John and Mrs. Myrtle Diffley at Manchester $140 million in profits, but record should have been contacted earlier Manor convalescent home by Courtney Baker as a “witchiepoo. ” Christine Stoll. Nancy sales still gave the No. 2 a JAKARTA, Indonesia—Several than they were and should have Hulm, and Michele Mooney. They and other costumed members of Brownie Troop 618 automaker third-quarter earnings persons were killed in West Irian played a part in development of the entertained the residents of Manchester Manor Friday afternoon at a Halloween party. oL$42.5 million. and thousands of hlU tribesmen proposed site. Other Pack 618 members participating in the party were Christine Cavalieri. Yvette Caye, .were forced to flee to lower He also criticized The Herald for Teresa Cyr, Miriam Gaber, Lynn Mathiews, Teresa Morton. Danielle Rankin. Lori Riccar- NEW ORLEANS - The Coast ground today in Indonesia’s third not releasing the story a t an earlier Guard board of inquiry in-‘ major earthquake of the year. date. di, Julie Russell, Karen Suhie, Tracy Sullivan, Debbie Tryon. Lynette Wright. Eileen “I don’t like this government Byrne, Lynda Mozzer, Karen Garrison, Denise Chalifoux, and Michelle Rondell. (Herald secrecy,” he said. photo by Dunn) MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Sat., Oct. 30, 1978- PAGE THREE PAGE TWO - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Com ., Sat., Oct. 30, U7» A b o u t to w n Will Clarabelle win?

Janet Popeleski now ballerina CANYON, Tex. (UPI) - Clara sponsored'by a campus organization. Belle, one of the nominees for Lewis and Geiger, who is president 2(ra. Polly Heard wiU serve as homereming queen at West Texas of the Ski Gub, decided those rules with Iranian National Ballet hostess SoD^y from 2 to S p.m. at State U n iv ^ ty has auburn hair, didn’t ban a cow. Lutz Jmdor Museum, which is open brown eyes and weighs 500 pounds. They entered Miss Belle, but to the public free of charge. She was already Usted on the of­ decid^ to back out later. The By JUNE TOMPKINS ficial ballot when officials dis­ problem was that the ballots already Herald Reporter The United Methodist Women of covered she was a dairy cow. “We did. not write out 'freshman' North Church wUl have a poUuck and When a five-year-old Manchester "I thought it was a beautiful spoof On her application, Clara Belle, girl began her dancing lessons 19 program Monday at 6:20 p.m. at the to have the WTSU Buffaloes who lives in Borger, is listed as a church. years ago, neither she nor anyone homecoming queen be a cow,” said “fresh.” PERSONAL else in her family suspected that they John Lewis, a perpetrator of the “We ded not write out 'freshman' S&H STAMPS MAKES US A program and hymnsing wiU be would provide anything more than a prank. or put a period after 'fresh' in­ HOURt TEE led by the Rev. Kenneth ustafson, fwaonaaiad Fan a IpaiWmar few years of development in poise Seniors David Geiger and Lewis, dicating an abbreviation,” Geiger MON.-OAT. ■DON! WHILI YOU WAIT pastor of Calvary Cfaurcfa, Monday at and self-assurance. both of AnuriUo, decided to enter said. f to t Oranl om t For Aar OoeadM But Janet Popeleski, just past 24 1:30 p.m. In Herrmann Hall, What happens if Clara Belle scores lo a i MAIN n . Clara Belle in the "spirit of trick-or- 723IA 8T THURS. and daughter of Mr. and Mra. Vin­ Bluefield Dr. All residents of treat and campus mischief.” an upset? MANCHEtTER cent Popelski, is now a prima WesthiU Gardens uid Annex are in­ Anoong the few verbal rules for a Geiger said; “We do have a cow on MIDDU TURNPIKE I Phom 648-3339 ballerina with the Iranian National vited. Refreshments wiU be served. queen candidate was that she be hand in case she wins and has to be Wo Horn t o f t Joooo, Sookt, BaUet. presented at the game.” lU N C H IIT iK A Jogging SuNi When she began taking dancing ^ntSlwCIAN^NSTSuljIlDUvN^ lessons, she took the usual training in — ------s HASITI ARTISTIC Phone ballet, jazz and acrobat until she was Theater schedule HAIR 11 when she entered the Hartford MR GONDinOMNG • REFRIGERATION Business-Directory Guide For 6 4 6 -0 8 6 3 BaUet School. HEATING and SHEET METAL DESIGNS, "Across noth St.” 7:00; There her life and direction 3;00; “Sleeper” 7:00; “Love UA East 3 - “ Special »4I MMOAO STMRKT Satutday Thao Cloek “Drum” 6:45; “Escape From INC. changed. and Death” 6:30; Halloween Show” 2:00; "The New EntlaKl Mechanical Services, bic. Manchester and Surrounding A4ANCHKariM WMOrtaslOMAL WAM UA East 1 - “All the Rite” 5:154:506:20-10:00 Devils Island” 10:30 aulTI 109 “She always bad beautiful feet for “BverytUi« AhontSex” 10:00 ROUTE 163, P.O. BOX 3147 MANCHISTKR, CONN. President's Men” 2;0M:39- dancing,” hw mother says. After her Manchester Drive-In — Vernon Cine 1 — TALCOTTVILLB, CONN. (06066) BETTY GALLAGHER, Prop. initial auditions, she was encouraged “ Across noth St.” 7:00; “Obsession” 1:154:104:00- 046-2766 » 643-ai02 to take daUy lessons during the UA Bast 2 - “Matter of “Dnnn” 6:45; “Escape From 7:154:10 OPEN Vicinity summer, and four times a wedt Time” l;eM:W6:9b-7:3IMI:» Devils IsUnd” 10:90 F A M O U S B R A n D UA East 3 - “The Riti” Vernon Cine 2 — “War AUDNlr CAMPING EQUIPMENT during school. $;IS4:S»a:S0-10:00 TELEVISION • APPLIANCES The schedule increased to nightly Sunday Haw Cloek Between the Planets” 1:30; SUNDAY featuring this i v e e J c ... UA E ast 3 — “ Special “Superargo and the Faceless TENTt, core, llEEPINa BAGl AIR MATTHECeES. MANCHESTER baUet lessons at the dancing scbool UA E ast 1 — “ All the BT0VEe,lANTENNe directed by Joseph Albano diuing her Halloween Show” 3 :» ; “The President's Men” 2:00-4:30- Giants” 3:00; “Everything --— — • Rite” 5:1M5M;3M0:00 7:004:15 About Sex” 5:30-10:00; ARTWR^ im t MFSOVDOT first two years of b ^ sdool. “Sleeper” 7:00; “Love and MV She Hnished her h i^ scBid educa­ Vernon Cine 1 — UA East 2 — “Matter of Time” 2:064:404:99-7:304:19 Deatii” 6:90 TMtlVMrTHIMa$TOMFARR’S je i/f ^ n p lk e tion under scholarsnpk.^at “Obsessioo” 3;«W:1S9:10 Vernon Cine 3 — “War UA East 3 - ' ‘The Rite” Manchester Drive-In — •-ttfahlU-' C A M M lu -iP O S T 2 MAIN e n m tfPUMICE • TV 8 4 8 - 3 8 8 8 Professional Children's School in Between the Faceless Giants” S;154;SO«:30-10:00 OPEN DAILY TO 1P.M . J. FAUN • 043-7111 fj New York Gty where she continued NMnonMIVt BVWHn9 iivrMQ .f* 4 AUCEIN ha* dance sM y at the American a ir o o o V a l l e M" ...... FubUNd Miry tvtnino MCtpl lAPULTaOWL' ' ,Vr ' w m ■’’I*. - ■ FT: Ballet Theatre directed by George nfliEM iKnr tJi SGMBBCSnMMT ; and I M Enttrid it thi VOLKSW ASEN REPAIR M m chnnr. Conn. OWcd at St- ' * 1 Balandiine. ‘v a a n M tnokms eond Q m MaR Maoar. MASATNONMANm by taetory tralnad apaclallata \ _ .. Principal roles were hard to come Mrs. W Kcnt Popelesti of 112 Helaine Rd. looks with pride at the ft ■ ‘UBnmKimTSEr SuggMtud Carrior RatM r Phil Put* f by, but Janet's opportunity came photograi^is of her daughter, Janet, a ballerina with the Iranian FANTASIA (U) inm M bif CORE ' , Locicaro and Zktofc ARCO 0 i .' I -; i : ; ' vdien she was off a p r in c ^ con­ ■Ml «w pwdwau ol ' ’ Skwwoopr...... 156 National Ballet (Herald photo by Dunn) ...... 906 rCARPET a AND n FLOOR r COVBUNG S tract last summo' with the Iranian DON Vim s 6AHA0I Ona month...... 13.90 SI^ IWSILEw) m MAai m a r erii aoi iii. im «■« iin i i in •-« tel HOHM SpufsM TNraamontha ...... ,$11.70 6 4 6 -8 0 3 6 . . I National BaUeL Of the 16 girls from MANCMsm on 01 Toni a n c o u k i s 43-m c z TMi MHim n ' • II itin Stx montha...... $23.40 United States and England who have shoes Janet normally orders from Mrs. Popeleski's heart will be in ;: OpM i7-1t Mon.-Thum • ■ Ona yaar...... $46.90 ^ C U P P IM O I T S O N CANWA«I(fo) CoiBeclicirs Urges! Floor Coveriig Deeler joined the group fw the next year, Rn^and had not arrived. "She wears a ballet tto te r somewhere in Iran Mai Ratal upon Raquaat PAP AUTO REPAIRMencheeter 7 -U M -S aL SuOaortbars who faH to raealva 706 Main 8L • “Aroo Charge” • Janet is the only princqiaL onfher shoes very fast,” her motho' on her dau^iter’s opening nig^t, ;; >-10 Sun. lhair n itp a p if balora 5:90 p.m. Ho' first solo p^(»m ance wiU be says. The ballet canqumy buys her whether she is there persm^y or thovW tatophona tha circulation M . M S a K it ‘ > I t O A K LA N D RO. dapartmam, 947-0946. Nov. 9 in Tehran, and she wiU wear shoes. not. SuL M MS a K it s a w m o so R Conn. Most Complete Garden Center ~ ~ M E R C m Y ^ ~ the dose fitting feather headdress of Janet shares a “flat” in Tdiran What Janet will do when her year’s aU M W RK BW i, TEL.t44-«Mt the coveted swan role in the famous with two other dancers frmn London. contract is up is not known. “Swan BaUet” But there is no donht as to the 6 4 1 -9 3 3 3 ...... GIMTittLONEEN EAST HARTFORD NURSERY PtNMM 646-2786 Shd has i^ e d iq> the Britid term Just recently, her parents maUed for ho- living quarters along with direction Janet’s first dancing I A d • SHOW* 1375 Sliver Lane NO StRVICE CHAROe Iw lO d d h ! B u r n s id e U -B ] SO pairs ot baUd shoes because the some otba- terms, her mother says. lessons have taken her. *ilt Ill'PkSiOf Ikl* VtF'tDFD SaL-SHH.iM East Hartford 869-0600 DSTn-fUMM No Sdiool Tms. Reearvatlom lor a Hotaia • AMbies • Steamships at 2:00 F.M. We Have Everything For 1627 Main SlroBl Your Home Gardening Needs,______ORHCWIBVS ■WMUil FUN AND PRIZES Week in review: NdnisAConiJUi COME IN COSTUME BBiOORAHIKIM nnsssurForaMMSt ON OUR SCREEN H.0’S Cake Decorating Supplies TALES FROM NOTICE! Nb 1646-0226 878-3282 ‘M U B I DRUM THECOVr Penney complex plans unveiled , U f t i h M ACONPinElJNEOF .f' \ WLTON CAKE DECOMTWIS MANCHESTER AUTO PARTS Fredi Apple Gier TKIMMC ■” b the EqM oi ‘THE HOUSE THAT ih . ■ L s n v ANTHONY QUINN KICBNTMST. 70 UNION ST. 270 Broad 8L Opun 0-8:16 Dally M9-4528 FaTSs em M DRIPPED OLOOir nOCKVUXE. CONN. The town announced plans for an MANCHeSTER. CONN. Students at Buckley Scbool wrote T uTSST m TS a^ ‘N iD s s iio B is n g r < Men. - SM. 10-5 j A .rC' V Mon. - SsL 10-5 It Open Saturday til 5 Represaitatives of the recently Fri 10-9 industrial park in the Rorkland sec­ Thure., 10-9 with tion of Manchester, which woald in- short essays cm why it’s inqwrtant formic Manchester Association for Pte ’lESaPDHKII dnde a huge J.C. Penney warehouse fw their parents to vote; Unenq>loy- the Gifted made another plea to the pim CARTOONS w m s u T Wedding Cakea A Specialty Don Willis Garage Complete Machine Shop aid distribntion center, if the town ment, 1 ^ prices, and pollution were school board this week. They sou^t Mta • 3.-15 Vote For The Don Wlllls Garage located at 18 Main St. in Manchester has been “serving satisfied customers since and the company can come to a final the major proidenos al the day, ac­ a board commitment and funding for 1 EVERYTHING IN •’“ ’T Fro D o c "''''’ 1928.” Specializing in wheel and alignment and brake service as well as general auto repairs, they are proud agreement cording to the stiKients' remarks. special programs for gifted stndents. to use the finest precision equipment. A complete line of quality Mobil products is on hand. Three wreckers BOB & MARirS PIZZA THICK CRUST PIZZA The nationwide firm has apparent­ Asst. SdKwl Supt. Allred Tychsen • MIRRORS • SHOWER DOORS provide fast 24hour towing service. For quality automobile service, try the Don Willis Garage. (Herald photo CARD J QRINOCRt - U9AQNA ly sdected the ste, near Exit S3 of reported this week that more than 00 • STORE FRONTS • SAFETY GLASS by Pinto) RAVlOU - MANICOTTI Health 'nMiE n v m n • 6« - « lunr ft) SAT.-6IIIL 99* CMLLAGHER • BATHTUB ENCLOSURES Route I-S6, as the best location for per cent of Manchester H i^ School GALLERY STUFFED SHELLS - 9PAQHETTI tile fadUty, iHiich would cover two An overview of long-range plans at sojrfiomores passed a “pOot” basic M M Vi MireSMIllVGS J.A. WHITE GLASS CO., IniL Taks Out Sarvlca la Our Sp«c/a/ly million square feet and could mean Manchester Memorial Hospital in­ skills test administered recently. The Slorae WM Be lod itotnct f u r n it u r e t o p s . p ic t u r e WINDOWS_f:y 6 4 6 - 7 4 7 9 as many as 2J00 hdl- and part-time cluding construction erf a mental test — checking to make sure GOOD FOOD. FAST »m ia health facility was presented to the 539 MAIN STREET jobs. students have learned “survival OPEN j MMWhMtwr 6 4 9 -7 3 2 2 No final agreement has yet been local groq> of the Health Systems skills” — may eventuaUy become a t O V e R 11 YEAHS eXPERItNCt ______I reached. Agency. prerequisite to receiving a high In other local government Paul Moss, i.ssistant ad­ schcxrf diphnna. TOMORROW matters: ministrator, said the new facility and 763 was next on the priority list after the The Board of Directors agreed to Other matters MAIN ST. DON WILLIS Specializing In reject the fact-finder's repmt on completion of tte proposed laundry P IM S - 2nd TH RIU FEATUftE! facility. The Manchester Housing Authority 643-1191 BRAKE SERVICE poite union negotiations. The report EVERY 191 GARAGE Front End Ufcnioat which suggested a five per cent raise Other ptamdiig developments in- announced this weric it has reorived g “SU PERA RR0 — .HM KfU IS Maki SL, Tel 649-4531 doded demolitioo of the original S4 applications for rent subsidies un­ o AND IHE FACELESS GMKTS’' fMamsuB. SUNDAY MAIN ST. Soneral Repiir Work in each year of a two-year contract MANCHESTER was generally favorable to the p(^ce hos|Htal building because it no longer der a federaUy financed bouring union's demands. meets present and future m ed ^ assistance program. The new 10 JLRL to S P.M. 6 4 3 -1 9 0 0 needs, replacement with new program, just for elderly, disabled The town also continued fact­ bnildiiigs, and construction of a and handicapped persons, is still THE HOUSE OF Com e browaa and shop In Serving Manchetler over SO yri, Kitchens of Distinction finding proceedings with Unioo Local parking garage with crffice space. open for apfrfications. lelaura lor Hallmork NEED A NEW KITCHEN? COME TO THE EXPEIffS 991, which represents worfcox in the These are items with u d ^ the Manchester Police continued in­ Cerda, Ruetall Btovar Public Works Department There are recently formed Health Systems vestigation of a series of local BLUE LEAVES Candy and awuaande of 9 now gut Idooi, IpenttM*^ Th F lo rist stin six issues tiiat the two ddes are Agency will become Involved. burglaries this week and arrested a AVkeky. Zany Farce Endoraadbf 24 BIRCH 8T. sixth suspect in coDDectioa with a in disagreement about. The fact­ The hoqiital’s future devdopment b y J ^ C u a iE T E L 843-8247 plans may also be affected by the local incident. In other police news LowoRWoickor 843-4444 F.T.D. 649-7544 finder has approximately 30 days to 3U cfima train. MAMCMura issue his r e ^ on the case. results of a joint committee of this week, authorities investigated a VOTE lEPUOUCAN representatives from Manchester variety of cases including the Friday, November 5 throu)pi Saturday, November 13 (Nest to K-Mart) NOV. 2 MSTR CHO WORLD WIDE E .H B d . )U hr by CWtaghw Camai. AMER EXPRESS SERVICE Town Counsel Victor I. Moses Memorial Hoqrital and Rodmlle Thursday night armed holdup of a 8:15 pjn. - no Sunday performances (PWUBi BtUgt Ftua) issued an opinion that the Eighth G eno^ Hoqrital who will study the man at the Burr Corners Shopfung Utilities District will have to decide needs of each boqrftal’s pediatrics Plaza. Tickets: $3.00 regular, $2.50 disccMnt tgg i r c m Ut F«r F r ii on a petition by Ambassador Dr. and obstetrics departments with the Group rates are available possibility that either or both ser­ [iflm h t • Akmlmm Fredueli residents before the town Board of B o x O ffic e : 429-2912 . M Ug Awnki|« . UMhewT IRON Directors can act on the matter. vices may be shared. Next week’s THE COVEhTTRY HISTORICAL SOaETY Awntngi . Dew Ceeegle i . The Manchester Memorial Fetli Reeli Coiegliliiplels wlHiwltti WGattierStoppers OSTRINSKY The residents are adting that they Harriet S. Jorgensen Theatre CerteelRE . Foi'oh SOfSSHllW. rMOMHOWwr SCRAP MHAL recdve fire protection from tte Hospital Auxiliary heard Dr. meetings tponton 8th ANNUAL DEALER IN WASTE Abraham Knrien, Manchester car­ Department of Dramatic Arts tToaai toots MANCHEtTER AWNINS CO and PAPER Town Fire Department rather than COtMIIUTIOt WINOOWt 188 WEST CENTO ST. MATERIALS 731 PARKER ST. diologist, stress the need for educa­ The University of Connecticut Before You Throw It Away, Check With Ostrinsky First the Bjddh District Fhre Depart­ Here’s next uFeek’s schedule erf IN uuMiNuti. min .TMtpbaM 848-3681 Tel. 643-5735 or 643-5879 ment 'Aose signing the petition live tion in primary health care. The public meetings in Manchester Antique Sbofo LMNWied tM t For over seventy-five years, the Ostrinsky family has been involved in the business of recycling in the Town just within the Eighth District's knowledge could be helpful in (locaUons are in Municipal Building, eastern boundary. economizing a physician's available 41 Center St., unless noted): of Manchester. As a past president of the Eastern Paper Mill Suppliers Association, Mr. Abraham l. Ostrinsky has kept abreast of standards and procedures for packaging and presenting to various mills .i Eighth District Counsel John patient time, and in streamlining and Tuesday nnb making for more efficient scheduling GMHER RUG & UPHOLSTERY I2EIURNG product for recycling that has continually met the demand for other than natural resources. Ostrinsky has .i LaBelle said “there is no authority” Election Day in the hospital emeigency depart­ Mancheiler’t Only Complete Carpet Service! constant market for his product, (salvageable material) and has paid his customers higher prices bemuse in MANCHESTER for the petitionees’ request for 14 High StrMt, rear ment 8 p.m. —Hockanum River Linear has insisted on handling only that type of material which is free of contamination. Environmental Control^ release f r m district fire service. W MANCHESTER ^ MEMORIAL CO. New Hope Manor, a drug and Park Committee, Hearing Room. pollution, resource recovery, and ecology are familiar topics discussed and acted upon by the various mill aini Oier 30 Yfart’ E»periene» Th u rsd ay secondary handlers associations. It is for the best interest of the public to be concerned with our future for ,i' Oppoollr E)«ot Omrlrry Call 649-5607 The Pension Board decided to look alcohol rehabilitation center for Quality Memorial6 into the Board of Directors’ UTS teen-age girls, was awarded a |H,000 6:30 p.m. —Judge’s Hours, Probate '*0 we come into those years that our natural resources dry up it will become mandatory to save as mudi :i' AIMETTI, Prop. rejection of an amendment to the grant by the Hartfmd Foundation for Court. WENDY’S possible those resources which can be recycled. You can start now by selling your paper-metal-and iron in Htrriaon Si., MBOcheatrr pension ordinance that would have Public Giving to hire an additional "Serving the area since 1955’’ Ostrinsky at 731 Parker Street, Manchester, Connecticut, Telephone 643-5879. permitled peqple working 17 W hours social worker and secretary and to per week, one half of a iroik week, to purdiase a 15-passei^er van. OLDFASMONED Sot A PaIntliiB ProMam? Wall Haipl become part of the pensioo plan. The B arbs Service etlll meene eomethlng to ue — end eervice meant tpending mininutm limit is now 20 hours per By PHIL PACTORET N MMOKSniL HCn ON MW nun PET OWNERS enough time with you to help you select the right paint flnieh for that |ob MANCHESTER Education SATURDAY,OCT.3010 amtoSpm CONHEIl m m t CGFUN RERfNE you’re planning. 8 ^ ue for paint and eervtce when you plan your next. week. H yw cw't M skit |w'f* lwUn| hr tlMFlwre, ihg h h u« in. pro)^. After debate about administrative The trouble with beiug LOW COST PRINTIN8 The lower limit was requested by HAMBURGERS SUNDAY, OCT. 31 12 noon to 6 pm OuntM m m kiM eM yw M tl Why net stop Um fint and yw HARDWARE problems and wear and tear on yewog is that you're not old WHILE YOU WAIT (PHOTO READY) WQson DeaUn, assistant superinten- MHtt CHM • tTHMCn • HMl nwrt May not km ta |a my fErthar. Hardware - Garden Suppllei - Plumbing Suppilea books, the Manchester Board of enough to en)oy it d o t of schools, who said that about COVENTRY HIQH SCHOOL MINIT-MAN PRINTING E^^JoAnsonPAINTCQ 877 Main St. Education this week adopted a policy We e c tla iiiy a d a lrc pen- WHI Be Dpening 30 s^ool employes could be included ROUTE 31 - COVENTRY MO MAIN 8T. . MANCHESTER • S 4E -im MANCHESTER PET CENTER YOUA OEALEN Free Parking Rear 01 Store niuler the lower hour ordinance. allowing nqnpnblic school students to yie who bear up to weU under • SEE US FOR'ENQRAVED NAME PLATES INDEPENDENT borrow extra public scbool text­ OURtranUes. MondaypNov.lst • TRY OUR NEW M l MHO GUFmi 687 Main Street • 649-4273 (Cornw of Main 8t. A Bralnard Place) TM m iN tT„ mNCHESTER • 646-4601 _ books. The policy, recommended ty •ExhlbHora Front’ Polities sduwl admliilstrators, complies with CONNECTICUT RHODE ISLAND UUUCWrCUilllllli For all your Dry ClMnlng Ne w Ie . Local candidates completed their a recently adopted state law. 0 6 SuEdtE, LtdIhErt, Wtddlng Oowns, MASSACHUSETTS NEW YORK aat Frank Arnone In other school board business this • -. ;^\ ”* l.ttit At Draptrldd and ate. Parkad# CloaiMra final full wedi of campaigning before jOHirsaOOR COVERING MC. Tuesday's dectioa. week, Youth Service Coordinator 649-7901 c a n t bo baat. A ll our work It dona on tha Robert Digan made a plea for more 119 pramlaas. Ona day aarvlca It naadad. Town Clerk Edward Tomklel # SHACK liil Oakland St. styled by local homeo]roers to make mace 38 EXHIIITOIIS Installing SInca 1953 dal., Man. A Tuaa IM I F.ML reported that this year’s election has After Six, Lord West available to diildren away from • FREEPAMINO IN ONE ROOM LINOLEUM - CARPET • CERAMIC - FORMICA Wad., Thuia. A Fri. ■« I P.M. seen his office mail out a record OFfN DAILY 10 A.M. - 1 F.M. It 649-5589 number of absentee ballots. home. Digan explained that the KITCHEN A BATH REMODELING 37 OAK STREET Palm Beach The office has sent out about 1,300 Network Stelter Care program run Om Mm l , Te h ., Itl II k • b je., T lnn . t FrL 10 Is 1 i m ' MANCmESTER, (X)NN. PARKADE CLEANERS of the ballots, a t t per cent increase by his department isn’t fully effec­ Admission 4 .5 0 MANCHESTER PARKADE 643-9561 M U O n m dsasE WadEMday l & M T t 10 to 9 Weekdays — 10 to 5 Saturday 40Z WOT MWDU TME, MAaGMEtTB over the 1972 Presidential election. tive because of lack of homes for (wHh this ad admit 1 or 2 penont at $1.28 each) placement.* M ^C H E STE R E:Viaere is not much point ta arguing f r i f l l r l A W Mondtty. First thing in the morning I received a which began Thursday at Manchester ference rooms at the hospital where derstanding of their own body and Published by the Manchester Publishing Co., Herald Square, with peojJe who say they arwi’t going I UOfl VHIuey Manchester, Conn. 06040. Telephone (203) 643-2711. telephone call telling me that the Manchester Medical Menus for the week Memorial Hospital, the series will be the lectures are held, can only ac­ how it functions. to vote in the presidentiai eiection N...... —— Society came through with the outstanding donation of Monday, cream of celery sbup with crackers, grilled repeated after the first of the year. commodate about 75 persons. For Information, call either Mrs. fUymonO F Robmion. Editor.PubMMc HwoW E. Tivkington. Maragms EdNor 12,000. Wow, you could have knocked me off my chair I Arlene Hall at 647-9706, Mrs. Elaine because neither candidate is deser­ mine the future of nuclear energy in hamburger on a bun, Jello w /w topping, and a beverage. Mrs. Marilyn Peracchio, publicity Tbe series features Dr. Alan ving, or because it doesn’t matter was so surprised, and naturally happier than all get out. Wednesday, tomato soup with crackersr grilled cheese chairman for the Manchester Kruppx Dr. Abraham Kurien, Dr. Romeo at 872-0867, or Mrs. Polly their state. Then on W e d n e ^ y morning the i^one rang again, and ’Opinion' how you vote since nothing ever sandwich wlUi pickle chips, h ^ e m a d e cookies, and a Memorial Hospital Auxiliary which George Lundberg Jr. and Dr. Robert Davis at 643-5021. The same is true in five other the person on the other end mentioned that they read changes, etc., etc. beverage. Tlnirsday will be a Chinese dinner of chicken stotes. In Ohio, it’s Issue 6; in about the donation and noted that we were $1,000 short. This is the way people feel — 70 chow mein over rice bed, chow mein noodles, egg roll, Oregon, Pfo|)osition 9; in ThisI person who wants to be aanonymous n on ^ ou s then stated theythe million of them, according to one sur­ fortune cooky and ice cream sdndae. Friday, minestrone Washington, Initiative 325; in Mon­ would be sending me a check for the $1,000. Now I did fall soup, tuna boats, gingerbread w /w topping and a vey — and there is little that can be off the chair. I was so excited, and it’s all been like a big tana, Proposition 71, and in Arizona, beverage. Good Reason done to crack through the rather self- 111 effects of real Proposition 2(XI. wonderful dream. On behalf of myself, the center's staff Schedule for the week righteous shell into which they have and especially the senior members we want to extend our All of these proposals are Monday, 10 to noon, kitchen social games, two cans of To Re-Elect retreated. Certainly, much of what characterized by their iqiponents as sincere and gracious thanks to the Manchester Medical I CU population growth canned goods needed. Noon to 12;30p.m., lunch is served. they say about politics and Society, and to the anonymous donor. Words just can’t "antinuclear.” By placing un­ 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.„ pinochle games. Bus pickup at 8:30 STATE REPRESENTATIVE—DISTRICT 12 politicians is true. convey how grateful and appreciative we arp. realistic restrictions on nuclear a.m., return trips at 12:30 and 3:30 p.m. But it is one thing to refuse to par­ When we started this drive I was asking that each timates that at least 800,000 power plants, it is warned, they Tuesday, 9:30 a.m., bus for shopping. 10 a.m., oil pain­ Officially, the U.S. popula­ ticipate in selecting the man who will senior Gold Card holder that could afford it, to please would foreclose the orderly develop­ send in $1 to help us buy a mini-bus. I said at that time ting class and ceram ic class. Also square dance lessons. 1 tion stood at 215.7 million at stayed on. lead the nation, and the free world, ment of this form of energy. Their that I was confident we would have the money by the end p.m., return trip from shopping and the Senior Bowling Even using the conservative for the next four years. It is another the middle of 1976. Actually, advocates, of course, argue just the of October. Well, for awhile the monies were coming in Lea^e at the Parkade Lanes. to throw away the right to vote en­ Wednesday, 10 a.m., pinochle games and crewel em­ nobody knows for sure how figures of the INS, and com­ opposite. rather slowly, and I then changed my time schedule to ex­ broidery class. Noon to 12:80 p.m., lunch is served. 1 many of us there really are. bining them with the census' tirely. Surely, questions like this ought to tend until Thanksgiving. Choosing the president is, after all, p.m., bridge games and craft class. Bus pickup at 8:30 The official figure does not undercount, this means that arouse the intense concern of every I guess if I had to wait for just the $1 from our seniors it m oely one decision Americans will would have taken that long; however, with these two a.m., return trips at 12:30 and 3 p.m. the actual population of the citizen. They can hardly be dismissed include an undercount of 5.3 be caUed upon to make on Nov. 2. donations, we now have enough money so that we can Thursday, 10 a.m. to noon, social dance lessons. Noon as a matter of Tweedledum versus to 12:45 p.m., meals-on-wheels and meals. I p.m., Fun- million announced by the United States is more than 220 There will be a host of other start going on purchasing a mini-van. Tweedledee. Day featuring Steve O’Donnell, director of Cross Roads Bureau of the Census several million. questions on every ballot in every Still need 11,500 Actually, however, therein may lie who will speak to us about the Out Reach program. We CALL years ago, says Robert Cook, The natural increase of community in the nation. a clue as to why there is so much At this time however, I find that my goal of $6,000 is also plan to have a surprise guest fly inlrom The Strip in On the national level, of course, all about $1,500 short because there are always a few extras 649-9797 649-9149 population consultant to The Americans (the excess of voter apathy. Bombarded by Las Vegas. 435 seats in the U.S. House of that need to be added to the vehicle, and we hope to use Environmental Fund and births over deaths) increased propaganda from all sides, not only Friday, 10 a.m. to noon, kitchen social games, two cans FOR Rqiresentatives and 34 seats in the any money over and above the actual cost to help main­ our population by .59 per cent on the question of nuclear energy but ol canned goods needed (one for the needy). Noon to 12:30 ABSENTEE BALLOTS formerly president of the Senate will be in the balance. tain and make repairs from time to time. So our fund­ p.m. lunch is served. 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. setback games. everything else, the average person raising project isn’t over yet, we still would like to hear Population Reference Bureau. in the past year. But im- But on the state level, voters will Bus pick up at 8:30 a.m., return trips at 12:30 and 3: 30 is often unsure and bewildered. from more of our seniors, VOTE CUMMINOS - DEMOCRAT NOV. 2 Cummings CommlltM, Rtymond F. Damato, Traaturar Nor d o ^ it allow for the entry migraUon— legal and illegal— be faced with itkh u than 340 issues of p.m. Moreover, it is frustrating and Maybe in the next column we can give you a grand run­ is added, population growth every description — taxes, judicial into this country of illegal irritating to be confronted with a down on how we stand, and even be able to say we have reform, terms of state officers and aliens since the undercount was more than 1.2 per cent. lengthy ballot and to realize that you ordered the Vehicle, b^ause from all reports to get a salaries, bond issues, industrial was determined. The first figure would double haven't done your homework and mini-van with a few extra comfortable features in it, it development, sexual equality, law will take two to four months. At least we know it’s com­ Of the 11 million visitors to the U.S. population in 117 Ford and Carter know absolutely nothing about some enforcement. ing, and that’s the best news. 1 ■ of the candidates for a multitude of the United States in the past years; the second figure would Georgians alone will be confronted Now that we have that project pretty well under con­ offices. Even more annoying are year, a million may have double it in 57 years. And while in perspective with no less than 95 “ ballots,” trol the next big thing is our big Craft Fair scheduled for complicated proposals presented in stay^ on illegally. There is no our population doubles, the ranging from a new state constitu­ Thursday, Dec. 2, here at the center. We are telling you such obtuse language that frequently now because we need lots of your handmade items, also world’s presoit population of tion to authorizing the General record of their departure. The a vote for is actually a vote against. articles that can be sold on our white elephant table, plus Lee Roderick I years ago. D e^ te the grim realities, Assonbly to create a small claims Immigration and Naturaliza­ four billim will quadruple, if What shouid one do when in doubt? a big food sale. From the latest reports we are receiving however, the United States is still court in 'Whitfield County. In tion Service (INS) estimates current growth rates continue. minus a comprehensive energy Leave the box blank? Make a hopeful many lovely articles, and most of them will make dandy All Connecticut and Maryland, 19 amendments to the Washington Correspondent guess? Or stay home in the first Christmas gifts. So keep the date in mind, and also plan that a minimum of 400,0(X) are If that han>ens, says Justin policy to bead us toward self- state constitution will be on the WASHINGTON — Strip away Jim­ place? on making something that we can sell. still illegaUy in this country. Blackwelder, president of The sufficiency. ballot my Carter's obsessive ambition, his For better or worse, this is the way r En\ironmentaI Fund, “ the In foreign p d icy — an area, in­ In Massadiusetts, citizens will In addition, two or three Playboy interview and campaign it has always been in democracy and Bowling conservationists and ecologists cidentally, in which Ford and Carter decide whether or not to make part of million aliens entered the double talk. Erase President pWd’s this is the way it wiii be until enough News about the center starts with our Tuesday after­ New York Stores have few basic diHerences — Mr. their state’s constitution an amend- noon senior bowling league at the Parkade Lanes, with country illegally in the same can close up shop. It will be im- gaffe on Eastern Europe and his Ford has relied la ig ^ on Henry people, because of their un­ nlkent guaranteeing equal rights the following results: In the women’s Class A group. period, and fewer than one possible to conserve politically suspect, llth-honr K isango' s view o f the world and willingness to do the hard work regardless of sex, in Ckilorado the Celeste King won the high triple with a 409; and Bea Corm­ dedsioDS to give new wheat siqiport demanded of good citizenship, aliow million were apprehended and anything.” America’s positian in i t The biggest question will be whether or not to ier won the high single with a 176; In the Class B group, prices to farmers and sigihisticated democracy to die by default. deported. Again, the INS es­ problem with that is Uiat K is s in g keep the state’s 1972 equai ri^ts Lee Steinmeyer won the high triple with a 306, and Anna weapons to Israel. Those who refuse to vote at all are trusts the m o i in the KremUn far amendment. Haupt won the high single with a 113. Now what do yon have? Regret­ hastening the day when a select few more than histoiy teaches ns they Also in CokH^do, voters will be In the men’s Qass A group, Paul Desjeunes won the tably, two candidates vHx) still fall make all our decisions for us. They should be trusted. And during the adied, as they were in California high triple with a 520, and Ivar Johnson won the high woefully short of what the American past 15 years the men in the Kremlin are not displaying their integrity, single with 187. In the GassB group, James Gleeson won Open Sunday e a ilio' this year, to w e i^ a proposal people have a right to expect in their just their laziness. both the high triple with 458, and the high single with 178. Open forum have built an awesome military — Prtqwsition 3 — which could deter- 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. " President m adune — one far in excess of On Wednesday morning we had 52 players for pinochle and the winners were: Mary Thrall and Helena Gavello, That is the bottcnn-line reason why anything needed for legitimate 565; Michael Haberern, 562; John Derby, 561; Rene surveys indicate a majority of eligi­ defensive purposes. Our re^ionsehas Maire, 558; Grace Windsor, 543; Gladys Seelert, 539; SALE Penney plans deplored ble citizens, for the first time in been to scale down our strategic Cecile Benson and A1 Gates, 535. more than a half century, may not defense and psychologically disarm To the editor, when yon can drive from Hartford to In the afternoon while members of our crafts class were bother to vote on Tuesday. the nation with talks of “ddente.” It seemed coincidental that in Boston without seeing a single Made busy making articles for the fair, we had 4 tables for our &nce winning his party’s nomina­ Nevertheless, these and other of green grass. bridge games, and the lucky winners were: Marjorie reading the Oct. 28 issue of the tion in July, Carter ^ inxiven to be STARTS deficiencies that could be cited clear­ McLain, 4,990; Mary Thrall, 3,870; Nadine Malcom, 3,680, Manchester Herald about the My neighbor was recently forced to more adaptable than a chameleon. ly have not been sriwlly within Mr. and Lou Buller, 3 ,^ . proposed J.C. Penney wardioase in sell his home. For what? As{^lt! Today’s thought His lieutenants virtually dictated the Ford’s power to turn around. Given a Buddand that I had to tom to page 18 Fourteen feet more will be taken off Democratic platform calling for tens choice between him and Jimmy to finish the article, it was continued my front lawn. Fot what? Mcne of billions of dollars worth of new (barter, this writer has to be for Mr. Thursday Big Day SUNDAY right under the obituaries. asphalt! My borne will be next and I heard or read the story recently but winds up tighter and tighter. federal programs — in govonment Ford. Thursday was our big day. It started off with a nice I was dismayed to read some of the thra they will come for yours. of the old “ Vermonter” leaning on When we have spare moments we get jobs, national health insurance, Even in a full tom , be probably in our cars and go out to “ see some turnout for our social dance lessons. Then after a solicited opinions of some of my When they have finally done it, the fence watdiing the cars go by. education and welfare. When wouldn’t perfcKin tnilliantly. But more fences.” We need to be still. delicious pork chop dinner we moved upstairs to hear the oovoed the entire ground with tar, One stopped and asked directions. neighbors. “ Job opportunities would Republicans began putting price tags Judge of Probate, William FitzGerald. He gave us a most given more support on Capitol HiU, After receiving them he dared to say, The world will be better,, we will be Come in be good for the young people.” “ We where will the opportunities for your interesting talk concerning wills and en d ^ with a ques­ on those expensive itons, Carter Prerident Feud could be expected to “ Isn’t it rattier boring just leaning on better and our work will be better if need the extra employment.” More young people be then. We won't have tion and answer period. Many of the members had quickly began to back-pedal, sa]dng give the nation reasonably good that fence watching the cars go by?” we practice leaning on the fence a lit­ honest but no less appalling “ Hadn't to give it much though, there won’t questions which made it a very Interesting and infor­ vaguely that they would be instituted leadership. He would work to To which the elderly man retorted, tle more. thought too much atm t it.” be anything to think about. In Isaiah we read “ Thus said the mative session enjoyed by all present. We thank Judge and pick up when ^fcHdable. preserve the private enterprise “ It’ s better than settin’ in that car What’s the matter with everyone? Raymond G. Smith Lord God, the Holy.One of Israel, ‘In FitzGerald for spending the afternoon with us. He also has been dec^tive on his system — wdiicfa is vitally impmlant watching the fences go by.” We all 304 Windsor St. We also had our good friend Miss Katherine Giblin with You are being blocked in asphalt and record as governor of Georgia. could do with more “ sittin*.” returning and rest you shall be to the future well-bdng of almost all us. She is the chairperson in charge of public donations seem to be enjoying every square Buckland We are a jumpy, twiteby genera­ saved; in quietness and confidence your copy Carter regularly refers to the Americans, rich and poor. And be for the Bicentennial Band Shell. She was asking for foot of it. You will no doubt be elated tion. We are w o ^ up too tight, shall be your strength’ and you would reorganization of that state’s govern­ could be trusted — a score on which seniors to volunteer their services and help with the fan­ creating physical and mental not but you said, “ No! We will speed ment, saying that 278 out of 300 state Jimmy Carter, after years of cam­ tastic Tag Sale that will be held at the Forbes and pr^ lem s for ourselves and others. upon horses!” o f our 16 page agencies w oe eliminated during his Wallace Building in the Parkade on Saturday and Sunday, paigning for the preridency, has yet We are inclined to think that doing a Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? We Consolidation urged term, and implying that if elected Nov. 20, and 21st. Anyone interested in helping should to prove himself. lot of things makes us effective, or (Tiristians need to be reminded that President be would likewise cut the contact our office as soon as possible. Dear sir: much needed addition to the town t^t happiness comes from being our Lord didn’t say — Come to me During the afternoon we heard that Anna Lehmann is coior circuiar. fire dqiartment. If and i^ien the federal bureaucracy down to size. busy. and 1 wiii wind you up, but rather — Please allow space in your Open now a patient at the Silver Lane Pavillion on Applegate proposed Buckland project is carried What be fails to add, however, is that We are being overstimulated. The Come to me and I will give you rest. Forum to comment on the recent Lane, East Hartford, 06108. Helen Grady from Woodland the number of state employes actual­ problems and needs of the world are Rev. Ondon P. Stairs, request from Ambassador Dr. out, residents will no longer be Street is a patient at Manchester Memorial Hospital, and it’s ioaded ly rose by scrnie 30 per cent and poured into our heads constantly. The minister residents for fire protection from the ratling the Board of Directors and William Mastropietro is now recuperating at his home, Georgia’s total iqiending shot up by social life of our day is not relaxing Community Baptist Church Town of Manchester. fire department officials a bundi of 337 Woodland Street. I don’t blame these property spendthrifts. 50 per cent with values! owners to seek the best fire protec­ If I were on the Board of Directors Now to Mr. Ford — a capable, Almanac Food for needy tion available, namely the Town of I would make a determined effort though by no means exceptional, Manchester. If a Tire ever breaks out once again to consolidate the Eighth legislator tapped by fate aiid Mr. We reminded everybody that we are collecting canned By United Fret* Internatioiial in this section they will need the best District with the town and eliminate Nixon to lead A r n ic a out of the goods to give to the needy for Thanksgiving. So when Today is Saturday, Oct. 31, the you’re in the neighborhood, drop by and leave a couple of of equipment and fire Fighting per­ the present bickering. malaise of Watergate. As President, HOW THEY STAND A great 25th .304th day of 1976 with 62 to follow. cans. Let’s make this Thanksgiving one that the needy sonnel available. Respectfully, Gerald Ford has done just that. His Tlie moon is between its first will be really thankful for. I agree with Mr. John Barnini that Geoi^e E. Snow homespun decency, reminiscent of On Next Thursday we will have as our w est Steven Anniversary Sale! 93 Concord Rd. what D w i^t Eisetiliower brought to quarter and full phase. the new Buckland firehouse is a O'Donnell, Director of Cross Roads who win speak to us Mandiester the pmidency, was tailor-made for The morning stars are Mercury, energy the troublesome time be inherited. Jupiter and Saturn. independence It's like getting a double bonus! SIDE GLANCES by Gill Fox Although too many citizens remain The evening stars are Mars and You get extra special values - unemployed, inflation has been cut in Venus. hundreds of them... plus un­ Those born on this date are under Gerald Ford half and most Americans view the Jimmy Carter hurried extra time to shop at future with greater confidence. the sign of Scorpio. "The only way Congress can really “ We, as I said, have now gotten depen­ Arc welders recall Mr. Ford, however, still has given J(dm Adams, second president of protect the American consumer is to dent upon about 40 per cent of our oil your leisure-on Sunday! the nation only half a loaf’s worth of the United States, was torn Oct. 30, enact a long-range energy program that from foreign countries. A good portion of encourages Americans to produce our that comes from Arab nations. In 1973 an leadership. This writer believes the 1735. ordered by CPSC own energy with our own workers from embargo was imposed on our country President’s two-year record of On this day in history: our own resources and at our own because of the Israeli question in the achievements would have been con­ In 1938, Orson Welles caused a prices.” Middle Eastern political situation. I - Hm Vofk TimM. (/ 30/ 7a WASHINGTON (UPI) — The Consumer Product Safety siderably more impressive if be bad national panic with a radio would not permit that to happen again; I President Ford called for the creation would let the Arab countries know that Commission is ordering the recall of 142,000 electric arc dramatization of a fictional invasion not been opposed at every turn by the of an Energy Indnendence Authority we want to be their friends, that we are welders which it says “ could result in severe electrical rabidly partisan 94tb Congress, of New Jersey by "men from Mars.” with flOO UUioo dollars of federal fun­ heavilv dependent upon oil being im­ shocks, burns or fires.” weighted nearly two-to-one against In 1941, an American destroyer, the ding. President Ford called for a ported from them, that if they declare an The welders were manufactured by Wel-dex "crash” program to be directed by EIA Mr. Ford’s party. Reuben James, was torpedoed and embargo against us, we would consider Manufaturing Co. of Houston, Tex., from 1968 to 1975 and to show fordgn oil nations that "Uncle it, not a military, but an economic sunk by a German submiulne, more sold nationwide — primarily by mail order — for $18.95. But history will be concerned with Sam is not about to say ‘uncle. ” declaration of war, and thab we would The commission reported there was one injury achievements, npt excuses, and on at than a month before the United -W aN StTMl Journal. 0/ 23/7C respond insUntly and without further a s s is t e d with the product. The commission claimed in least two issues of overwhelming im­ States entered World War II. “ A little over two years ago. the Arab debate in a similar fashion, ttot we embargo proved that our nation had a hearing on the accident that the welder was not in­ portance, the Ford Administration In 1972, 44 persons were killed in would not ship them any food, no becom e excessively dependent upon weapons, no spare parts for weapons, no sulated properly, the amperage was too high for the type probably will be found wanting. the crash of an Hlinois Central c « n - others for our oil supplies. We now oil drilling rigs, no oil pipes. of wiring and defective terminals were exposed on the Those i ^ e s : Energy and national muter train in Chicago. realize how critical energy is to the "h is unlikely that we will be toUlly outside. defense of our country, to the strength of defense. In 1975, Prince Juan Carlos independent' of oil imports during this “ Persons in possession of the product, or who have our economy, and to the quality ^ our century. It is certainly not possible or At the time of the oil boycott in assumed power in Spain as head of lives. V necessary for us to be energy indepden- destroyed it for safety reasons, may contact Wel-dex 1973, the U.S. was dependent upon state Generalissimo Francisco Fran­ "We must reduce our vulnerability to dent by 196S. but we should be free from Jtonidacturing Co.. Box 10839, Houston, Tex., 77018, or Arab countries for 16 per cent of its co lay near death. the economic disruption which a few pimible blackmail or economic disuter iir Product Safety Commission, foreign countries can cause by cutting imported petroleum. Today, despite A thought for the day: A m ^ c a n which might be caifsed by another Wupington, D.C., 20207, for details concerning the recall off our energy supplies or 1^ arbitrarilv boycott. Our reserves should be and any refunds,” the agency said. that continuing crisis, we import playwright George M. Cohan said: raising prices. We must regain our developed.imports reduced to It added that the manufacturer has been ordered to even more, 45 per cent of our oil — “ No matter what may happen, energy independence." manageable levels, standby rationing replace the product with a safe one or give consumers «11^ HI Mfll and more than 25 per cent of the im­ whatever may befall, I only know —t IaaaBfli to irit Concrau." J/06/7® procedures evolved and authorized, and aggressive economic reprisals .should refunds depending on the age and amount of use of the ports com e from the very Arab coun­ that I’m mighty glad to be welder. "And another thing. . . stop Introducing me a t 'my current await any boycotting oil supplier." liVing...tbat’s all.” ■ ■ wife’l" - ■ tries that cut off the supply three ~CiUtofl98op6Sommary.4 12 *• MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchexter, Conn., Sat., Oct. SO. 1976 - PAGE! SEVEN PAGE sac - MANCHE8tER EVENINQ HERALD, Manchester. Conn.. Sat., Oct. 30,1976

i'.' Business FRESH - U.S.D.A. IHSPECTED Businesses pay Whole third of taxes ADVERTISED ITEM POLICY: Each of thm advort^d Business paid one-third of all state can be maintained. ■ .v « -, 'L Rama la raquirad to ba raadlly avallabla for aala at or bahw taxes collected in Connecticut in Louisiana and Alaska rank first tha advartiiad prica In aach A & P Stora, axcapt aa apacnically fiscal 1975, according, to the Connec­ and second, and have a high state notad in thii act ticut Public Expenditure Council, business tax burden because a great Chickens placing Connecticut fifth highest in portion of their business taxes come , o.- 1. the nation in the percentage of state from severance taxes levied on the taxes levied directly on business. extraction of oil and minerals. In NEW FROM M P In 1975, the average direct state fourth-ranking Delaware, a substan­ ANN PAGE tax on U.S. business amounted to 23.1 tial portion of the tax on business 100% REAL BUTTER per cent of all state taxes. The cor­ comes from the franchise tax on Robetia J. Jackson responding figure for Connecticut firms incorporated there under the was 33.5 per cent, almost half again state’s coiporation franchise tax Promoted l-Rasting as much as the U.S. average, ^ v . law. « Ella T. Grasso has stated that cer­ The report, “State Tax Collec­ Roberta J. Jackson of Manchester Sliced tain business taxes may receive tions,’’ just released by the U.S. Cen­ has been elected an assistant some additional relief from this sus Bureau, from which the data was treasurer of the Connecticut .Bank UNDER heavy burden in next year’s budget if taken, includes corporate income and Trust Co., ,Hartford. 3 LBS. the economy continues to improve taxes, gross receipts thxes on Mrs. Jackson joined CBT in 1966 Turkeys lb. tax receipts and if spending controls business and public utilities, and is now assistant manager of the severance taxes for the extraction of bank’s Capitol Office and Is a loaning Bacon officer. She is a member of the oil and minerals, various state FORMERLY ALL800D NANO business license taxes, and un­ American Institute of Banking. Symposium employment compensation taxes. HENS BEEF ROUND - BONELESS Data is not available for that portion Wednesday >14 lb. of taxes paid by business under sales U l Several leaders of Connecticut's and gasoline taxes and for motor Public records .liZ M business sector will join members of vehicle license fees in the various pk|. the academic community in Far­ states. mington Wednesday for a symposium In fiscal 1975, Connecticut un­ Warranty deeds to help both groups resolve the crisis employment compensation taxes, Robert E. Barnett and Eieanor J. Rottom Round of public confidence in American paid solely by employers, were 3121 Barnett to Armand D. Emond and Linda business. million, almost as much as the cor­ G. Emond, both of Glastonbury, property PORK LOIN The symposium, to be held at the porate business tax of $140 million. In at 20 Milford Rd., 338,000. University of Connecticut’s Barney fiscal 1976, unemployment compen­ Robert W. Agnew to Allan H. Mui and Mee Tbiu Mui, property at 202-204 School SMOKED - WATER Conference Center, is sponsored by sation taxes were the largest state Assorted tax on business at 3163 million, St., 364.90 conveyance tax. ADDED • FULLY the UConn School of Business Ad­ Joseph H. Brooks and Donna L. Brooks Roasts higher than the corporate business ministration in cooperation with to Wiiliam E. Heimer and Mary G. Pitney Bowes Corp. of Stamford. tax of 3144 million. Heimer, property at 74-78 Foley St. Pork CONTAINS: Anthony R. Meek to Herman M. 7CENTER Frechette, Albert R. Martin, and Gerald P. Rothman, property at 70 Congress St., .Chops. ONLY 3 END CHOPS 322,400. Anthony R. Meek to Herman M. Cooked CONTAINS NOT MORE THAN 23% FAT Great Buy! Frechette, Albert R. Martin, and Gerald P. Rothman, property on Congress St., Blish promoted 310.000 ILoan ALSO INCLUDES: Certificalp of allachm cnl Hartford National Bpnk and Trust Co. • BONELESS CHUCK Fred T. Blish of Manchester has against August E. Pezzenti and Mary ROASTS been appointed director of program Hams Ground FORMERLY Pezzenti, 31,725, property at 31 Marshall administration in the organization Rd. 6R0UMD • BONELESS and personnel resources department R e le a se s CHUCK SHOULDER ROASTS of United Technologies. Release of tax lien in favor of Town of Beef Manchester against Rose V. O'Bright and SHANK Prior to his promotion, Blish had STOCK UP beai assistant personnel manager at Anthony Meek. .PORTION STOCK UP United’s Hamilton Standard division. Release of attachment in favor of Hart­ ford National Bank and Trust Co., release A&P’s Gigantic Canned Vegetable Sale! He joined the company in 1958 and of judgment lien in favor of New England lb. holds a bachelor’s degree from Tufts Floor Covering Co., East Hartford, UnivCTsity and a m aster’s degree release of judgment lien in favor of A&P Sweet Peas n. A&P Cut Green Beans (15V2 0Z.) from Indiana University. Economy Electric Supply, Inc., and m (Herald photo by Pinto) In his new position, he will be release of attachment in favor of Dorothy responsible for working with R. Chapman, all against Anthony Meek. A&P Whole Kernel Corn (i6i^ oz. %'e Green Beans ^ I15V2 oz.| Preparing for Heritage expansion United’s divisions and subsidiaries Dissolution of trade name on general personnel matters and for Ronald L. Gravell, no longer doing Fcmxm Large crane woits on demolition effort and old section of Heritage Savings and Loan business as RLG Enterprises. coordinating Equal Employment Op­ A&P Cream Style Corn (16nnell Jr. announced. Oranges FOR FAST COUGH RELIEF of the Hartford chapter reported. Connell said the suspension The association is an international followed receipt of information that Anthonf Stoppa from East Hartford professional organization with more the firm sold securities in Connec­ Formula 44 _ than 23,000 members in 275 chapters. ticut without being registered in the A^ State Senator (4th DIst) state. David Cohen from Glastonbury RAY’S ARMY & NAVY STORE A^WaKer Joynor • 12th Assembly Dist WITH EACH CHOCEHT PUICHACE OF — . 805 M A I H 8 T.. M ANCHESTER • T EL 646.0762 ★ Mart Dray • 13th Assembly Dist Waverly R '~.VR;(rEVpRTDY.>VicE»PHioi • r tprice rpwrpr-PFiicV»yRbv .i vpVKrEVp'^^^^» pr'ce z wioc; l i e COUPON o n e COUPON t VALUE I D A Marilyn “Lynn” England - 9th Assembly Glassware VALUE J U NOW OPEN BEAN A4P FAMILY CRISP ★ Warren Westbrook • 14th AssomUy Dist THIS WEEK Eight All Purpose Keebler 6 oz. JUICE GLASS W W m Zesta O'clock Flour SPAOHEHI OR ZITI MACARONI Saltines SUNDAYS S-lb. b i| Coffee Ford Dole M b . Rk|. Pasta Romana 3-lb. I l l UNIT ONE COUPON PEI FUlllT IIMIT ONE COUPON P « F tM Ilf IMIT ONE COUPON PEN FMlItT VAUI OCT. 31N0V. S. 1978 VHUDVALID OCT.Wl. 31-NOV.AI-HUH. I.i. 1970■> VUW OCT. 3 1 -N n . 1 . 1976 tP-Z AP-2 WON VOTE REPUBtICAN NOV 2nd mm 620 _8PWIAL - ^NDAY OCT. 31st ONLY % ^ ^m CE A PRIDE. Pn)CElp i^ 8 'r! tpRiCE A PRIDE; PRICE 3 89 ...... NOT responsible FOR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS l1l/wA n E E EVERY ITEM CALL 643.5131 FOR INFORMATION OR A RIDE TO THE POLLS PRICES EFFECYNE OCT. 81.-N0V. 6. 197B ITEMS FOR SALE NOT AVAILABLE TO INHOLESALERS OR RETAIL DEALERS IN THE STORE PAID FOR BY THE REPUBUCAN TOWN COMM., C. McKENZIE TREAS. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Sat., Oct. 30.1976- PAGE NINE I I PAGE EIGHT - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Sat., Oct. 30,1976 First selectman says most agree: 1-86 hearing set Tolland The work is being done with the proposed reconstruction of the highway. The Army Corps of Engineers will con­ In Vernon the work will involve exten­ Bolton will accept ' * t ' ^ .-pr duct a public hearing at Tolland High sion of an existing 36-inch culvert under ''4- School Nov. 30 at 7:30 p.m. on an applica­ Bolton Rd, 20 feet upstream and 72 feet tion for a federal permit for extensive ‘ i* 'downstream at an “unnamed water dredging, filling and construction iri- course.” A total of 10 cubic yards of volvhig 1-86. its first charter material will be excavated and 168 cubic A fteeral permit is required under the yards of clean fill and riprap will be Federal Water Pollution Control Act. The placed. By DONNA HOLLAND paid ^,000 per year and the two se­ 40 or more hours a week as first application covers highway work cond selectmen are each paid $600. selectman, especially when there are It will also involve work between Mt. First Selectman David Dreselly proposed in Vernon, Toliand and The process leading up to the May, problems needing resolution. The Springs Rd. and Mile Hill Rd. in Tolland in said this week the charter proposed Willington. 1977 elections will follow the dictates average week is about 35 hours, he the relocating of an unnamed brook ate for the town is a serious and good The work wiil include the extension of 20 of the new charter. The election said. the extension of four existing pipes plus in­ document. cuiverts, relocating severai waterways, process begins in January. A major Two extra selectmen will relieve stallation of additional pipes in Tolland It will codify, on one place, what ' 9 m '% extension of pipes and construction of difference under the charter would the first selectman of some duties. Marsh Pond, Skungamaug River. the duties of town agencies are, es­ some new culverts. be a total of five selectmen instead of They will “stave off” the need for a Also relocating a part of Skungamaug pecially the Board of Selectmen, he Ralph T. Carver, colonel of the Corps of three. fulltime, professional assistant to the River; extension of the existing Interstate said. The first selectman’s job will Engineers, said more than 82,000 cubic One of the first money changes first selectman, he said. Rt. 86 bridge over the Skungamaug and also be spelled out more clearly. yards of material would be excavated and caused by the charter will be the pay But the time will come, perhaps in construction of a culvert under the It will help the government here the same amount of new fill placed. for the two extra second selectmen, three to five years, Dreselly said, relocated Cathole Rd. in Tolland. work tetter, be said. The new or­ r f f iii said Dreselly. It will total $1,200. when a fulltime man will be needed. dinance powers of the selectmen will Such a man can be hired without RE-ELECT benefit town affairs. Delays administrator changing the charter. The respon­ TAG talks on energy planned If passed by town voters Tuesday, The two new selectmen positions sibility for leadership will “still lie in TED it will take effect immediately. will delay for a short while the need rectly insulate and when and how to use the lap of the first selectman,” he Vernon However, it will take many months for the town to hire an assistant to vapor barriers. said. The Toliand County Cooperative Exten­ for any real changes to show. the first selectman, said Dreselly. On Nov. 8 John Bartok and Edward Youth leaders ready at Blessed Sacrament Church sion Service will sponsor two programs CUMMINGS For example, all elected and ap­ Dreselly is a first selectman, the Prediction Palmer, agricultural engineers, will con­ relating to energy. The first will be Mon­ pointed people will remain the same top town official, on a parttime basis “ I believe this charter will pass.” duct a program on wood stoves. It will Recently elected officers of the CYO at the Blessed Sacrament Church on Cambridge Dr., day and the second Monday, Nov. 8, both and remain doing the same basic only. He works as a property ap­ predicted Dreselly. cover buying the stoves, correctly In­ SUPPORTED East Hartford meet to plan the year’s events. They are, standing left to right. Treasurer at 7:30 p.m. at the Tolland County things. Tliose on salary such as the praiser for a Manchester firm “ Both parties have approved it. stalling them and the safe use of ^em . GENERIC DRUG LAW Peter Cyr, Assistant Treasurer Vanita Rattl, Secretary Cheryl Tessier, and vice president Agricultural Center, Rt. 30. first selectman will remain at the fulltime. There is no serious opposition to it. 1 Some time will also be spent on the Lorrle Nash. Sitting they are, center, Assistant Secretary Diane Tardif and President Don­ John Kolega, agricultural engineer. choosing and using of appropriate wood. ...Cuts YoHr same salary. The first selectman is However, he said he often puts in think the town will agree it is a 'escrlpOi na Rancourt.IHieir first full membership meeting is Sunday, Nov. 7 at 6 p.m. Guest speaker University of (Connecticut, will be guest Those planning to attend either or both positive step.” Coftsl will be newspaper reporter Const^ce Neyer. ker at the first program. He will speak programs should pre-register by calling t home insulation and will specifical­ the extension office, 875-3331. rly discuss when, where, and how to cor­ Boltonites worked long hours > STATE REPRESENTATIVE to prepare a sound charter Hatha Yoga starts Friday DISTRICT 12 a te will be open to those of second class if the number Wednesday mornings; a judge of probate. The charter provides for vacan­ ] Vernon DONNA HOLLAND all ages. It is designed to of applicants warrants it. mother and child art class Ih e Board of Selectmen will ap­ cies, audits of books and accounts of Tuesday, Bolton electors will be The Recreation Depart­ develop balance and self- Those interested should on Monday mornings; and VOTE point the following boards. Building the town, preparation and adi^tion of asked to approve a new form of ment will sponsor a 10- confidence, for regaining register, in person, at the a Saturday morning gym­ Code Board of Appeals (5), Conser­ the budget, special apprc^riations government as outlined in a proposed week program in Hatha youthful flexibility and to recreation office. Park nastics program for boys vation Commission (5), Board of and transfers. It provides for a DEMOCRATIC charter. Yoga starting Nov. 5 at the increase personal energy Place. There is a fee. and girls in Grades 5-8. Fire Commissioners (5), Board of capital reserve fund limiting ap­ The charter story began four years Lottie Fisk Building, Heniy and vitality. Openings still exist in a For more information on Health (7), Jury Committee (3), propriations from it to $1,000 or NOV. 2 ago. Park. One class is scheduled women’s slimnastics any of the programs call FOR MDES-649-9797 Board of Library Directors (7), more. A group was appointed in October The classes will be for Friday nights from 7 to program slated for the recreation office, 872- C um m ingt Commlttw# Public Building Conunission (5). 1972 to study the existing form of Town meeting taught by Frank Zarafis 8 p.m. and there will be a 7319. R iym ond F. 0 »m *to Senior Citizens Committee (5), con­ TrMt. government with a view toward Town meeting action is necessary stables (3-11). making changes. It was called the for adoption of the budget, issurance The First Selectman will appoint Town Government Study Committee. of bonds, appropriations over $5,000, the following officers for the town: It recommended a charter commis­ applications for state or federal Assessor, building official, civil sion be establi^ed. grants, purchase of real estate, sale preparedness director, dog warden, In April 1973, the Board of of townowned land, leases, creation health director and assistant, Selectmen appointed the town's first or abolition of commissions, aban­ municipal agent for elderly, park charter commission. It had 13 doning town roads, rejection of STARTS TODAY SATURDAY director, recreation director, town members. teacher’s contracts. SHOP SAT.-SUNDAY 10-9 P.M. counsei, town engineer, tree warden In June 1973, an improper balance The charter provides for power of and welfare director. of members was discovered. In initiative, power of overrule, action Town elections will be the first November 1973, the selectmen dis­ requiring referendum, minority FAUBAG Monday in May 1977 and bienially (Herald photo by Steve Dunn) LADIES' HIGH NYLON SLEEP solved the commission due to representation, incompatible offices, SXRTSnS BEAUTIES thereafter. FASHION PANTS ENSENIBLES questions concerning its l^ality. conflicts of interest, removal and SLEEP GOWNS A transition period for all offices is Bolton First Selectman David A. Dreselly conducting a nieetng Wednesday night. Immediately they ai^inted a new, recall. AND PAJAJMAS provided. In general, persons now UUCk 13-member charter commission. It provides for all boards to have Crmit serving wiil serve out their unexpired In January 1975, the group’s organizational meetings. Mrs. Helen Brink of Grist Mill Rd., Hebron urges Jay,Queen, 7, terms. proposed charter was rejected All boards must file the voting of Grade 2, Hebron Elementary School to learn his letters during YOUR 'The Board of Selectmen will assist CHOCE because of technicalities. record of members within 48 hours of the finance board with the annual Absentee ballots available a day at the Burrows Hill School. The one-room school restored Latest commission a meeting and minutes within 14 town report, create temporary ad­ days. by Mrs. Brink’s husband Harold (now deceased) served last May In December 1975, a 14-member visory conunissions, hold necessary Vernon The town clerk, Henry Butler, also bonafide residents ceiebrating their in a program to show Hebron Elementary children what school charter commission was appointed. Commission members reminds those whose rights matured 18th birtday during the period of Oct. B>vya I'OM VO ac"j "yicn Uy^ Members of the Charter Commis­ owtr kaouck V««v*k ravOP trO DOl r« 'Vv loom sion are Elaine Camposeo, John during the antique show in town. She will welcome visitors. bant ••lanMn tan often meeting four and five nights a staff including professionals, a c c^ t be completed and returned through sion, that they may still register up their citizenship since the Oct. 9 ses­ wJ Dockatt VtacPi^ ntoneo D jK9>ard ervn ^> iwr»w Gray t»o«p 'uM O' Buck 'td » g'Cnn S>zet 5 *5 give opportunities to help shape the supervise the administration of the Leiner, Joseph Licitra, Lorraine it on election day, Nov. 2. The only ones who may apply are armed forces. charter. affairs of the town. Maus, David Mitchell, John A voter applying for the ballot in The charter Ordinance power Morianos, Richard Morra, William person may complete it and leave it Rady, Lawrence Shaw, Ernest Hebron schedules To be elected by the people: Board in the town cleik’s office, Memorial The selectmen will have the right Shepherd, Marshall Taylor, and SHEER PANTV HOSE of Education (7), Board of Selectmen Building, Par Place. iHaurliFfitFr SuFiiing to adopt, amend or repeal ordinances Robert vanHeiningen. (5), Board of Finance (6), Board of The special ballot restricting B/umAMEiiiCMg and adopt emergency ordinances. A Its consultant is Irving Beck. 3 -s ^1 voting for president and vice presi­ antique show Aj" 'WVant lrrtgu«r» Vo''' t b«««> Tax Review (3), Zoning Commission publicize public bearing must be If approved Tuesday, the charter dent only must be received by mail ’"iPuFacTuiti S>m 10 *'i 5 7 (5), alternates (3), Planning Com­ held on all ordinances. Those opposed The Hebron Historical 'Society will con­ society’s booth autographing copies of 150 becomes effective immediately. by 8 p.m. election day or left in per­ mission (5), alternates (3), Zoning to any change may petition for duct an antique show and sale next Satur­ the “Hebron Old Houses Magazine.” The The final message from the com­ son. This bailot is for former Vernon Area news Board of Appeals (5), alternates (3), overrule. day at Rham High School from 10 a.m. to 5 Old Town Hall will be open for display and mission to townspeople is, “Be it residents who moved since Oct. 2 and Andover El'ington. Hebron South Windsor GIRLS' DEMM i LONG SLEEVE Tax Collector, ’Town Treasurer, By power of initiative, electors p.m. . Helen Brink will be at the Little Burrows JR. BOYS FLANNfl Ford or (barter. Vote yes on the therefore cannot register to vote in Coventry East Hartford Tolland Vernon JUNIPSUITS KNIT TOPS SHIRTS Town Clerk, Town Meeting may propose ordinances to the More than 300 dealers will display Hill School, keeping it warm and cozy and charter.” another town. The deadline for Moderator, Democratic and selectmen. collectable items to suit every age and open for the public. Admission to these two Question 5 on the ballot. applying for these ballots has passed. Republican registrars of voters, and purse. buildings is included in the price of the ad­ Society members are hard at work on mission ticket to the Antique Show and dried arrangements, plants and items for Sale. US. 151 U&1 KC.'S Mrs. Shirleyann McDonald, chairperson Cotton knii «l« n i v t t it ih-n* *0« :Aoa*td n ta't things as cakes, pies, casseroles, muffins, of the event, said there now remains space lOOS S«n«0> dyat Whitt too lo nM o>«n$ iftu'tnta' 7h# B< ghi Co a i{td • f'ont othti toi'dk S<(M toon mortt 'AIttt tathiOn eta-dt S-a' "nt cookies and the like will be offered. for less than 100 names on her famous Dntl S M L di«" af^t and Area political notes boni And ««AK Othf «»>« Cl >a>)c Cookbooks, notepaper, pen and ink Bicentennial Memory Quilt. Residents back Cont'ati And COtot prepare n CORDUROY CORDUROY League hints DENIM JEANS JEANS SLACKS FLARES dated by the state but paid for by denied unemployment compensation recently by the Ckmnecticut State Mrs. Barbara Wythe will also be at the ' The South Windsor and Vernon programs that the towns end up spen­ for fair towns and opposing binding arbitra­ to all workers who are firte or quit Federation of Teachers. ding the state funds just to meet the NOVUTY Leagues of Women Voters offer the COTTDN KNIT tion for teacher contracts. He urged regardless of the reason. state requirements which do not Vernon following information to the voters. 55th District SQUABENECKSUPOVED that businesses be allowed to make He said, “ I am as much against necessarily improve the education Members of the Greater Vernon Bucks undefeated Kt'll To vote for a write-in presidential the profits needed for expansion, freeloaders and cheats as is my oppo­ Dorothy Miller, Republican can­ 2.50us. 2.77 U&'7 programs or benefit our students. Jaycees are making plans for the Po'tcttt' doubw Sote co'X'Oi lonq t'atvtk CMXktit back kn.t ll|r« d'CM candidate, the voter must obtain the maintaining that this will create the didate for state representative from W hile Qoiua lAtatl ti>'ck I *o> i"t ' names of his candidate’s eight elec­ new jobs that (^mnecticut needs. the 55th District, issued today her Sim 4to6* would have viven undue power to the administrators are aware of our scheduled for Nov. 20 and 21 at the The Hebron Bucks are undefeated Sunday brought a 34-0 victory for the W ttt flit 29 na"i vVjti v m tors. For this information, call the final statement of the campaign. . to 42 29io B employer. Vernon Middle School, Rt. 30. Rams over the Coventry Panthers AB Elections Information section at the Vernon “One of the greatest opportunities students’ needs. If they had a free champions with five wins and one tie “If an unscrupulous employer fired Crafters from this area and as far Team. Chuck Medlin, Andover, scored 20 Secretary of State’s office, 566-3106, Chester W. Morgan, the that we enjoy is the right to elect our hand to spend state funds as and game for the 1976 Midget Football season. an employe, for any reason, at all, away as New York and Cape Cod will points and gained a total of 178 yards for or contact your town clerk. You must Democratic candidate for state leadership. where they are really needed is each They played their final game Saturday just or unjust, the employe under this participate in a variety of Hebron. obtain this information prior to representative from Vernon’s 56th “I ask the people of Andover, school system, our students and against the Coventry Panthers C Team bill could not collect unemployment Two other Andover players, David Knox Tuesday. It is not available at the District, summarized his campaign Bolton, Columbia, Hebron, programs would benefit directly and demonstrations of crafts. and brought home another victory. compensation. And if an employer and Keith Boccaccio, scored Ram polling places on election day. as one of dally contact with the Marlborough, and Vernon to vote for there would be no need for the state There will be special displays, harassed an employe to the point touchdowns. Greg Moore from Hebron You must write in the initial and voters. me. 1 believe that I am the best per­ to maintain a costly bureaucracy to drawings, prizes, and exhibitions as Scoring the winning points for the Bucks where the work became untolerable, contributed two points on a safety. THERMAL BLANKET last name of each of the eight elec­ “For the last eight weeks I have son to represent them and their In­ run local school systems. By well as hot food on sale. Admission were three Marlborough players, Jimmy forcing the employe to quit, the Cited for excellent plays were John tors in the ^ c e provided on the been conducting a door-to-door cam­ terests in the state legislature and at reducing the state’s role in local discount tickets are available from Sulzinskl, Doug Post and Scott McKay. employe would be denied all benefits education, we can reduce our taxes, merchants in Vernon, Tolland, and Lyman, Tom Mulcahy, ’Tom Guiffre, Ran­ ■MS ' 2'* Ibl ballot for write-ins. A voter cannot paign in the District. I have the state level. Due to an agreement among C Team ^ bmAng LOOS OOFfttW under this bill.” and improve our educational system Ellington. coaches in the Midget Football League, dy Simmons, Larry Wallace and Mike Wa"n ate hulty to* imM U61 r simply write in the name of his can­ attempted to reach as many He ended, "Show me a good bill “I am an experienced legislator Mxo.'W AAVAt)«r at the same time. Group or club discount tickets may the scores for the C Team games have not Terrier. POSftUr COItO" ^ didate. Also “stickers” carrying the households as has been possible.The that would eliminate the frauds but having spent 10 years in the state AN COnOO <>«Art VI J'PM n th* “State mandates for education be obtained by calling Robert be released, only whether the game was a The Rams will play their final game MMHieii cetork names of the eight electors cannot be economy, the need for jobs, and legislature representing small towns Sfn«4io*i Wqe project the honst worker and I would against Lebanon Sunday at the Gilead Hill glued to the wiite-in space on the spiraling inflation are on everyone’s ate I know the needs and sentiments have brought about a system Tedoldi, 872-2263. win or a loss. vote for it. But when I think of the whereby we no longer teach The fair will be open Nov. 20 from Field at 1 p.m. ballot. You must write in all e l^ t minds. When elected, these pressing consequences of this bill, I could not of the communities. During my children; we teach programs and the 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Nov. 21 from 10 WOMEN'S SCUFF names of the electors of your can­ issues will receive my attention. support it in its present form.” tenure, I continuously worked with didate for your vote to be valid. “During the campaign, I have the elected officials to solve each programs grow more and more a.m. to 6 p.m., rain or shine. Be sure to bring the list of eight suggested economies in government East Hartford community’s problems at the state elaterate all the time. By teaching programs instead of students, we names with you into the pollkg by adoption of a Sunset' Law Sen. Lowell Weicker this week en­ level. 1 will continue this service if have lost sight of basic education booth. It is also suggested that you requiring that the Legislature review dorsed Jim Gallagher, Republican, elected next Tuesday. Teacher sorority goals and escalated the cost to the Award winner have with you a pencil or pen In case the performance of each agency, or 10th District candidate for the House “Most important of all,” Mrs. MENS BOOTS ATHLETIC SHOE these are not available. local taxpayer. Gregory. H. Ames, 116 Main St., lAcr •»!>"« miw let it go out of existence if there is no of Representatives. Miller concluded, “I am available to lOM Soh MiPvV “Our aim should be to take all Talcottville, a student at Rockville OtI J i«nrt UV( •Kf* u» nm9f m CRAFT MASTER •Mu 1*^ Viuftv ffuaM r*» Ouil town and union are still trying to reach an agreement on. AUNT LYDIA’S HANDI-BAG IIV2 INCH CA$M IM I II WWt «NWi|W Ni fW ttt These include the "shotgun” issue. The union is seeking WIN (hi'Cl IA$T M School menus UaMUM « 0 to retain two men, the second known as the “shotgun” on Paint by M tM Mk (•*•> « ■"•#4 Rug Defender 'M M I H >«UI tM AtMi IM«fl Sandw ich each snowplow. The town wants to reduce the number to Num ber aEORlMl CuAMMHVtfiw one man per plow. Soldier Hebron Tuesday: Orange juice, Friday: Juice, becon slices, frankfurt on roll, potato puffs, gravy, mashed potatoes, «•** MUVMt ««t If Tierney said that after Thursday’s meeting, “We’re Yam Bags Set Elementary salami grinder, potato chips, muffin, milk. applesauce, vegetable, biscuit, ice cream. much more hopeful we can resolve the impasse.’’ garden ^lad, frozen creme Tuesday: No school, elec­ Thursday: Juice. Italian OlOOO The fact-finder is now given approximately 30 days to Monday; Hamburg steak, pie. tion day. Vernon grinder, chips, com. orange write his report, in which he will make recommendation^ gravy, mashed potato, Wednesday: Roast beef, Wednesday: Hamburg wedges, Pivotal arms, tegs carroto, pudding with nuts. gravy, rice pilaf, carrots, Middle School gravy, mashed potato, green Friday : Fish, tarter sauce, t IM 5 t»O t OCOtO COM Can wear all Gl Joe 3 pictures in each set. 12 oil colors, Tuesday: Orange juice, Reg 48C tkeirt P k g t o l 80 and siijiitar clothes. chocolate cake. Monday: Tomato soup, beans, peanut butter cookies. mashed potatoes, peas, roll, artists brush included. salami grinder, potato chips, SPEU WM Thursday: Giicken patty, frankfurt on roll, potato puffs, Thurrfay: Juice, grinders, lemon squares. pickles, apple. 0A( mashed potato, com, Jello. applesauce. onion sticks, fruit Jello with 'V Wednesday: Lasagna, green fivt ■ V Friday: Juice, bacon slices, Tuesday: Election day. no topping. & flH Y beans, Jello with topping. Parker Hicks 6-OZ SIZE PKG fries, cole slaw, peaches. school. Friday: <|ta'ioli with meat TWiNtr ASSORTED Thursday: Juice, taco, Monday: Hamburger on HUAOMO Wednesday: Barbecued sauce, salad, peaches. e* . OF 64 Spanish rice, applesauce, Breakfast roll, potato chips, green rHOUSARO beef on roll, mashed potato, Pine Sol Childrens cookie. Elementary and beans, peanut butter cookies. green beans, cake. Crayola Friday: Orange juice, Gilead Tuesday: No school. Thursday: Juice, grinders, Tolland fishwich, French fries, green Monday: Fruit juice, Wednesday: Hamburg N« >*q*-*d Liquid Crafts onion sticks, fruited Jello with Johnny Wonder's QUESTION CORNER C rayon s beans, frozen chocolate creme waffles, milk. Middle & High gravy, mashed potatoes, topping. square. Tuesday: Fruit juice, pop- Monday: Hamburger on vegetable, biscuit, ice cream. Friday: Ravioli with meat tarts, milk. roll, potato chips, green Thursday: Pizza, cole slaw, Rham sauce, salad, roll and butter, Wednesday: Juice, cold butterscotch pear. Y O U A A A Y B I A N Monday: Orange juice, peaches. beans, peanut butter cookies. tH6 SYsreM 3 « 0 OF A cereal, milk. Friday: Fish, tarter sauce, SERIES Entertaining, educ­ cheeseburger, French fries, Tuesday; Election day. No INSTANT WINNISI Cleans, disinfects, deodorizes 2 .M 64 brilliant colors! Thursday: Juice, grilled Elementary & Sykes School. mashed potatoes, peas, roll, ational craft kits. peas, applesauce. lemon squares. THE CUSTOAAARV MEA6URIN6 A. cheese, milk. Monday: Tomato soup. Wednesday: Hamburg SYSTEM USED IN THE NffDff'$ MOW YOU CAN BC A WfNNCMf UNITED STATES TODAY A IS NEARUV the s a m e f ,______- JUMBO Just stop in at your friendly Food Mort and pick up your freo Quik Cosh Cord. Erose the gold spot on AS THAT BROU5HT BY 32-OZ SIZE UNITED Community calendar the front of the cord with a pencil eraser. Underneath you will find one. two. or three letters. Sove THE c o lo n is ts FROM h PKGS OF 160 these letters until you con spell one of the words on the ^ ck of the cord (Thousond. Hundred. Twenty. SNSUANP. AIRLINES Coloring Ten. Five, or One) . . . then toke the cords to your Food Mart manager for your cosh pfizel W index / B Paper B ooks Slimnastics, Woodland Pre-school story hour, Friday mission, 7:30p.m.. Town Hall. Doll Luggage Andover School. Long Hill Dr., 6:30 Douglas Library, 10 a m. Today and Saturday, LU.31 Refill 192 Paget p.m. T hursday f N apkins M onday holiday bazaar, St. Joseph South Windsor Town Council, Town Hall, 8 Board of Selectmen, 7 p.m., Church hall, 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Assessor, 7 to 9 p.m., Town ivory Personal Soap | 1/ ■ Y p.m. TOB. M onday Office Building. (TOB) Union St. 2,J1 T hursday Zoning Board of Appeals. Holly Daze bazaar. First Town Council, 8 p.m.. Town 2 ^ J I Fire Commissioners, 7:30 ^ - m Miniature fashion lug­ TOB lower level. 8 p.m. Lutheran Church, 10 a.m. to 4 Hall Caucus Room. 3‘ OFF LABEL New TV cartoon p.m., firehouse. Freshman football, White assorted colors With Ammonia D gage Snap-open lids, jumbo books. Windham at EHHS, 3:15 p.m. p.m., 154 Orchard St., T uesday stewardess ID card T uesday J J Friday Rockville. Sewer Commission, 7:30 Election day, 6 a.m. to 8 BAR Girls swim meet, EHHS at Holiday Bazaar, First p.m., Town Hall. p.m., Andover Elementary Vernon Congregational Church of Schools closed. Election PACK School. Penney, 3:30 p.m. 1 3 - ! 1-LB BAG ASSORTED Testimonial dinner, Lt. Today- Vernon, starts 9:30 a m., Rt. Day. ASSORTED W ednesday Turkey supper, United 30, Vernon Center. WITH PURCHASE O f $10.00 OR MORE AND THIS COUPON AT FOOD M A R f. FIBER KING Russell Bernier, Manchester E X a u S IV E O f C O U PO N ITEMS, G O O D SUN., OCT. 31 THRU SAT., NOV. 6. I As the society of man advanced through the centuries, Picture Young At Heart, 1:30 p.m., Methodist Church, S to 6:30 Sunday Adult Army Navy Club, 7 p.m. to 1 LIMIT O N E 4 BAR PACK - ONE COUPON PER FAMILY. his haphazard measurements were changed here and Andover Congregational a.m. p.m.. Grove St., Rockville. Vernon Junior Miss contest. Polyester Puzzles Church. Meadow Hill Fair, 101 Sunday Rockville High School. 2 to 5 CPR course there to make them more reliable for measuring things G am es Connecticut Blvd., 7 to 9 p.m. Observance of Halloween. p.m., Loveland Hill Rd. accurately time after time. MARCAL Filling Bolton Saturday M onday to be given L.U.32 Moreover, new systems of weights and measures were Facial Tissues T oday Meadows Hill Fair, 101 Tolland County Chapter Coventry developed. Nearly every trade had its own system. $ W AARP, 1:30 p.m.. Elks Scenics. animals Bulldogs junior pony foot­ Connecticut Blvd., 11 a.m. to 2 M onday South Windsor Top Spred Margarine I The surveyor measured in chains, the printer in picas, box ol p.m. Carriage House, N. Park St,, All-purpose 100% Disney subjects ball, 1:30 p.m., Enfield. Town Council, 7:30 p.m.. the Jeweler in carats (derived from the weight of a carob poly filling and many more. Lee Vs Meade. Saratoga. Invasion ol Varsity football, EHHS at Rockville. The Young Wives, an af­ 200 tboxes Sicily others Sunday Town Hall. seed), and the seaman in knots. Fermi in Enfield, 1:30 p.m., T uesday Tigers midget football, 1 Committee on the Needs of filiate of the Hartford Windham at Penney, 1:30 Tolland County Art Associa­ 1 LB. PKG. Oftem a measurement had different values. A pound of p.m.. Bulldogs senior pony the Aging, 7:30 p.m., Town YWCA Nutmeg Branch, p.m. tion workshop, 11 a.m.-3 p.m., beans, for example, weighed 16 ounces (avoirdupois), yet football, 3 p.m., Herrick Hall. will sponsor a renewal QUARTERS Lottie Fisk Building, Henry a pound of gold weighed only 12 ounces (troy). CONTAC 60-MINUTE 44-QUART Memorial Park. T uesday course in Cardiopulmonary Hebron Park. Resuscitation given by the And there was not only the ton (2,000 lbs.), but the long BLANK Pepspdenti PLASTIC M onday Election day, polls open 6 Town Hall Closed except for election purposes, regular of­ .American Red Cross. WITH PURCHASE O f $10.00 OR MORE AND THIS COUPON AT FOOD MART. ton (2,240 lbs.) as well. C o ld Assessor, town clerk, tax M onday a.m. to 8 p.m. E XaU SIV E O F CO U PO N ITEMS. G O O D SUN.. OCT. 31 THRU SAT., N O V . 6. itSuki fice functions. I When the American colonists arrived in the New Cassette Waste collector, '7 to 9 p.m,. Town TOB offices open 7 to 9 p.m. T hursday Those attending must be LIMIT O N E PKG. ■ ONE C O U PO N PER FAMILY. PEPSODENT Housing Authority, 7:30 Hall. T uesday present cardholders. World, they brought their patched-up system of inches, C apsu les College night at Rockville p.m., Town Hall. Basket Limited voter making ses­ Election day, polls at High School, 7:30 to 9 p.m., Classes will be at St. grains, pecks and bushels with them. Our system of Tapes Tooth Paste GOP Town Committee, 8 sion, 3 to 5 p.m., Town Hall. Hebron Elementary School Loveland Hill Rd. Peter's Episcopal Church, p.m., Town Hall. L.U.33 measurements is quite accurate today, but It’s still Board of Selectmen, 7 p.m.. gym, Rt. 85, 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sand Hill Rd., Nov. 8 and 9 behind the times. PKG OF 3 Town Hall. W ednesday W ednesday from 7 ;30 to 10 p.m. For in­ 2.,m Board of Finance, 7:30 p.m., Large size heavy plastic Parks and Recreation Com­ Food Club Mushrooms (CONTINUED:) Pkg of 10 Easy to keep clean Reg 1.99 ea Town Hall. formation call 644-9438. 1.4 oz size T uesday Election day, 6 a.m. to 8 STEMS & “V" p.m. THERMOS inUIMBU - HEBRON - MARlBOROUliH - VERNON PIECES VASELINE BONUS VASELINE Bolton Woman's Club blood 4 0Z.CAN pressure clinic, 9 a.m. to PACK 11 PINT SIZE noon, 3 to 5 p.m.. Town Hall. Wipe Baby Bolton Scholarship Fund, WITH PURCHASE OF $10.00 OR MORE.AND THIS COUPON AT FOOD MART. Dentyne Thermos Bottle Inc.bake sale, 9 a.m. to 6:30 STATE REPRESENTATIVE E XaU SIV E OF C O U PO N ITEMS. G O O D SUN., OCT. 31 THRU SAT., NOV. 6. Baby p.m.. Town Hall. LIMIT ONE CAN - ONE COUPON PER FAMILY. Dipe I^a»«l»r Powder W ednesday WESTOWN G um $ 2 Senior Citizens, 1:30 p.m.. Steel cased vacuum bottle Town Hall. 2^J 1 Library Board, 8 p.m., U.S.D.A. .Ik' : 1 1 AKS Of I L )M INI-Oll'i •-( RVI' I I (Gel 50C refund direct from Thermos® Pkgs of 50 upon proot of purchase I 24 oz size Bentley Memorial Library. At AHEARN SIRLOIN STEAK CHOICE 411 HAirrORT RD. MANCHItTIR Saturday U.S.D.A. CHOICE 443-8RRO Bolton Congregational 'Wl I'MMUN iIY M t M l M S l R V u l sTOfiJ Church 18th annual ^ ristm as LONDON BROIL SHOULDER STAY FREE 5-INCH KING’S fair, church. CONFECTIONERS OPEN M in i Hanging } Sham poo East Hartford VOCAL - INDEPENDENT - HARD-WORKING I LB.. DOMINO SUGAR OR BROWN ' BOXES ALL MY Monday P a d s Pot Flu clinic. First Congregational Church, 9 a.m. to noon. "AL AHEARN is a leader who has earned the PILLSBURY FLOUR 65^ Sunday Varsity soccer, Penney at reputation after one term In the Legislature as a Conard, 3:30 p.m. Board of Education, Penney man of integrity who speaks out on the issues SEALTEST ICE CREAM .XcroH 99‘ High, 7:30 p.m. and fights for the people of his District.” East Hartford Paraprofessional Association, Raymond Library, 8 p.m, BUHERNUT SQUASH E i St, Issac Ladies Guild, Com­ munity Building, Cannon Rd., 8 p.m. RF-FI FPT Prices Effective Sundoy, Oct. 31 Thru Saturday, Nov. 6 St. Rose Ladies Guild, St. Rose Church, 8 p.m. T uesday Election Day Varsity soccer, EHHS at ALOYSIUS J. AHEARN Wethersfield, S.15 p,m. 41D WEST MIDDLE TURNPIKE W ednesday „„„ YOUR STATE REPRESENTATIVE Flu clinic. First VOTE AHEARN-DEIHOCRAT ««jjii..i«toB.a Congregational Church, 6 to 9 William J. Houra, Traaturar MANCHESTER p .m . PAGE TWELVE - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Mancheater, Conn., Sat., Oct. 30. im MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Sat.. Oct. 30, 1976- PAGE THIRTEEN

5;Wititwscoupooai>da$7 50purch6S9 L T I § Halloween The anatomy i Rree! P| of a campaign guidelines I^Glory|j Beveragesp HARTFORD (U PI)— Children who go trick or treating Reg.orDiel-28oz.No- great Democratic schisms of 1968 on Halloween i^ ld not eat any of thdr treats—candy Return bits.-Asst. Flavors ^ I But Carter’s biggest problem as Sun.Oci 31-SaI.N ov 6. or fruit — until they get home, the Connecticut Safety M p»r cuittyntf 464^1 By STEVE GERSTEL and 1972. the campaign moved from His aim was to put together the old Commission says. WASHINGTON (UPI) - Four September into October was his in­ FDR coalition. To reassure liberals Aithough incidents of tampered treats are not years ago, Richard Nixon buried ability to inspire confidence in the ly and labor, he picked Walter Mondale, widespread, the commission said parents should inspect George McGovern for a second four- voters. His primary opponents had tiB coupon »nd 1 1/ SO oufCha»t1 ' I. I a Senate liberal and Humphrey all treats hefore their children eat them. year term. charged that he was “fuzzy” on the I protege, as his running-mate. To help make sure the children don’t nibble, parents The same day, Rep. Gerald Ford, issues and to many voters he should prepare a big, favorite dinner (or youngsters on Sto^Shop |i R-Mich., was easily re-elected and The polls looked so good that remained an unknown quantity. Halloween. Chunk looked forward to retirement after Carter had to warn against overcon­ But Ford had his own troubles; Here are some safety rules the commission two more years and a quarter- fidence. ’There seemed to be no way Light He was hit in quick succession by recommends that parents keep in mind: Tuna century in Congress. to keep the Democrats out of the disclosure of Agriculture SecretaiY — Costumes should be light-colored, preferably made BVz oz. And a little-known Georgia gover­ Earl Butz’s racial slurs; admissions of reflective material. Avoid costumes which might be nor, Jimmy Carter, privately can he accepted free golf outings from flammable or long enough to trip your child. set up I planned a daring assault on the 1976 YOU see. we’ve ^ conitee- „ot. u u . ^,^3 be in oil lobbyists during his terms as a con­ — Children should use makeup or face paint instead of 3 9 m eets them alt- (jditionat charge money Good Sun, Oct 3i-S«l.Nov. 6. Democratic presidential nomination. gressman; an IRS audit showing he masks which can be bard to see out of. y |< g U m « o n 9 C«nptfCuHon)»f 467S The next four years radically had used campaip contribution to — Each child should carry a flashli^ t, but never a can­ r ______changed Ford’s life, but not Carter’s pay for a vacation and buy clothes dle. strategy for capturing the White which he later reimbursed; and a — Don’t let your children go alone. Accompfuiy House. ] ^ W ith ihi« coupon and a S7 50 pufChiM claim by John Dean that Ford had youngsters and be sure older children go in a group. Glory Brand IS The resignation of Spiro Agnew sought to block one aspect of the — Set neighborhood trick or treat boundaries and strict White House after eight years in 1 6 0 Z. elevated Ford, the conservative, Watergate investigation. time limits. Send the children out early and have them %\ party-line House GOP leader, to the exile. S to p 8* cans Major gaffe home early. vice presidency. The resignation of It didn’t look that good for the Stevt/ed Shop 3 Republicans in Kansas City. There Then Ford pulled a major gaffe. In — Review pedestrian safetv rules with the children, IkeCreamil Nixon on Aug. 9,1974, made Ford the reminding them to use sidewalks or walk on the left band first president to take office without was no open split but the ravages of the second debate, he said certain T o m a t o e s ... 5 Sun Gloryj side of the road and to cross streets carefully. stops 32^ 59“’ standing for national election. the nomination battle left its marks. Eastern European countries were Shop m> I Asst. Fearing Reaganites would sit out the noi dominated by the Soviet Union. A — Keep street crossings atjih minimum by telling your ^ Shortly after, it became clear Ford children to stop at all the hoines on one side of a street I Flavors wanted to win the presidency on his election. Fold picked as his running- potent ethnic bloc — which by rights and then return on the other side. i Mavonnaip I Good Sun . Oct 31-Sat . Nov 6 own. mate Sen. Robert Dole of Kansas, a should have been in Ford’s comer — • Umd orw ctn par cuitomtr. 4 6 5 I rough, slashing conservative. was shocked. ’There was no telling — Skip unlighted or unfamiliar homes. At the end of 1974, Carter com­ — When the children return home, inspect ail candy »WI Tm w i pleted his term as governor. ’Twenty- how bad that could have hurt the Debate challenge issued wrappers carefully for signs of tampering, and wash and two months before the 1976 election, President. ^ili!iiW.t!j.(MiLil^^^^ In his acceptance address — con­ section fruits. Throw away unpackaged items. i^ W ith this coupon and a $7 50 purchue he began his campaign for the ’The economy came to a virtual sidered the best speech he has given — If you’re expecting neighborhood children to call at Democratic nomination. — Ford challenged Carter to debate. standstill after an early recovery. Ford continued to suffer from the im­ your houK, put your front lights on, clear your porch and StmOlofy Spotlight on Ford Carter immediately accepted, yard of tripping hazards and tie up the dog. assuring the first face-to-face pression that he wasn’t quite ^ I j While the spotlight was on Ford, presidential timber. — If you’re driving on Halloween night, keep a close Carter wandered a lonely road across presidential confrontations since the eye out for children on the streets, and remember; Kennedy-Nixon debates of 1960. The three debates, sponsored by the United States, a virtually un­ the League of Women Voters and they’ve probably got their minds on all the loot they’re SLICES known southerner preaching an anti- The polls began to narrow after planning to gather, not on you. 16oz. Ford clinched the nomination, but seen by audiences ranging from 80 to Washington campaign in a soft 100 million, provided neither can­ pkg. drawl. Carter still enjoyed a healthy edge. SunGtorV AQ® As the traditional campaign Labor didate with any great momentum. At : Good Sun. Oct 3 1 -^ . Nov e 1 Carter was not the only Democrat best. Carter and Ford solidified 250ct..t p'y P 9- Lvnit one pkg p»r cuatomaf. 4 b 0 ^ | Day kickoff approached, the Ford Dairy Dept. and Carter strategies came into previous support. A timely reminder The lighter side: C . t 6 0 Z . $ '4 focus. Carter, admittedly nervous and awed, lost the first debate. Ford, The Wolfgang brothers took to the woods with their clock to remind Herald readers that at Sun Glory J* cans I Carter, the favorite son, was going 2 a.m. Sunday Daylight Saving Time ends. Homeowners, before retiring tonight, shguld set to bank heavily on sweeping the expected to do best on foreign policy Sliced pears-P eas South and go after the big electoral and defense issues, surprisingly clocks back one hour and thus follow the dictum of “spring ahead, fall back,” in keeping vote states in the North stretching dropped the second. Most observers pace with the changing times. Erick is 4 and Peter is 6Mt and they are the sons of Mr. and from New York to California. The felt Carter narrowly won the third. Mrs. Barry Wolfgang of 193 Grissom Rd. (Herald photo by Pinto) Hoof-in-mouth With three weeks to go, the cam­ with visions of the White House. potential of a big victory was there. paign took the low road. There were many — Jackson, Udall, Like Carter, Ford refused to con­ ^i^^^x■xc^■xwx^«««^^^xx^«^■:^.^x•^>x.>:.:^x•^^^x^•w^:^^Xft•■:XftW:X:XS:XftX^^x*x•x•x•xcjX*X4»x•x•x•:«•x•:•:•x•x•:•:•:•^x•:•:w^^^ Carter charged that Ford was disease plagues 100 ct. Bayh, Shriver, Wallace, a hesistant cede any state. But it was clear that W a x B e a n s - 4 ' ^ “brainwashed” on the East Euro­ Humphrey. he would have to win in the big in­ box pean issue, was “stonewalling” on But Carter, pre-empting the center dustrial states of the Midwest, hope both parties Good Sun Oct 3t-Sat. Nov 6. the Watergate investigation, and vir­ Town to seek four I f! with a brilliantly organized cam­ for a break in New York and Califor­ _ Limit one box per customer 4 o o f ^ | tually accused him of lying. paign, broke away from the pack nia, perhaps make some inroads into i . . I For his part, Ford accused Carter ■ w n a lo es 3 with a dizzying series of primary vic­ the South, and add the Rocky Moun­ By DICK WEST of “wandering, wavering, wiggling tories. When they were over June 9, tain and Plains states. Public Works projects | ■ WASHINGTON (UPI) — More than in any previous and waffling” — willing to say I ^ With Rtis coupon and a $7 50 purchase » -TI he had clinched the nomination. Carter hit the campaign trail at the campaign, the candidates this year have been bothered anything to get elected. He said available to the program, When Ford announced he would opening whistle. Ford campaiped The Town of Manchester projects all designed and submit at least one by p^loralitis, a political malady commonly known as |i jC avoC lV ii from the White House, seeking to Carter held positions on taxes, spen­ had originally hoped to sub­ set to go, it would be easy application, for sidewalk these applications could Freezer stocidng values. ^ SaveSO' seek the presidency, a number of foot-in-mouth disease. ^ ^ t O O S orange juce from Florija mM ^ ding and defense cuts which in some mit nine projects this year to fill out the forms,” he improvements, and the then be considered for the ^tOOS orange juice from Florija GOP aspirants, including Sens. project a “presidential" image and At first, the outbreak was pretty well confined to the Rath Pork Festival-Fine meats from Iowa. !lstop&shop-i ib.cang| cases were untrue and in others out­ for funding through the said. Police Department will additional funds, Giles Charles Percy of Illinois and Howard claiming he could not stray lest presidential candidates. But now there are signs it is Congress “go off the deep end.” dated. Public Works Employment This, however, was not submit one for a detention said. Orange Juke Baker of Tennessee, quickly folded spreading to the vice presidential level. their tents. Both candidates tried from time to Voters not swayed Act. Now, at most, the the case. All nine of the facility before the rating The sidewalk work has CoSieel Seeking to learn more about the strange affliction, I But Ronald Reagan, the 65-year-oId time to focus on issues — mostly the Although Ford and Carter, in the town will submit four, ac­ Manchester projects are date. been expanded. Giles had [ Regular,Reoular. Drip,Drin. Automatic Drip,D fin ^ l originally estimated sub­ had a talk with one of the nation’s leading pedaloral former California governor, could economy — but the campaip quickly third debate, staked out widely cording to Jay J. Giles, still in the preliminary After the rating date, the Elec, Perk g l not be frightened off. Answering the degenerated into a series of mis­ seperated positions on many issues— director of pubiic works. stages. Thus, Giles had to town can still submit mitting about 10 miles of specialists. Following is a transcript of the interview: Good Sun Oct 31 Sit Nov 8 §^| French Fries sui Limit one can per customer 4 69 | call of party conservatives, Reagan takes, accusations, and name­ jobs, taxes, housing, urban needs, The Elconomic Develop­ do engineering and applications, but there is sidewalk and curb repairs 1 0 O Z ; ^Center Cut at a total cost of $1 million. challenged Ford for the nomination. calling. abortion, the environment, school ment Administration, the architectural work on all no guarantee that they Q. What are the main symptoms of foot-in-mouth dis­ Stops Shop Corn 5 bOi99 The Reagan campaign was so And neither man generated much prayer and others — no single issue division of the Commerce the projects before the would be considered for The actual application will ease? t0 oz be for twice that amount, Stops Shop Peas 5 bOi*S strong that Ford came within a hand­ enthusiasm. seemed to sway the voters. Department that will applications could be com­ funds presently available A. The most common symptom is a rash of retractions I With (his coupon and a S7 50 purchase I I j about 20 miles worth of im­ Green Beans Cut ^ 5 r. *1 ful of votes from becoming the first Both men spent valuable time As the campaign neared the final govern the act, began pleted. through the act. and clarifications. Anytime you find a candidate giving Giles said that the Public If more funding is made provements, valued at $2 Republican incumbent denied trying to climb out of holes they dug stage, pollsters found an unusually accepting applications on multiple choice answers to trae-or-false questions, it’s a French Style Beans 5 *1 for themselves. Oct. 26. Works Department will million, he said. PoikQipps]?Mealy chops with a succulent flavor. (Loin) nomination since Chester Arthur in large number of undecideds. They good sign he is suffering from pedaloralitis. Stop s Shop Twin Pizza 99^ The employment act will on Stop & Shop 1884. Raised a storm also bad Carter still ahead. 1:1 The Harris-ABC poll had Ford provide federal funding to Chicken Noodle CJasserole BO' See^saw battle Q. What happens when a candidate contracts the dis­ Slop Shop' 12 ounce pkg. ^ 1 Carter raised a storm — much of it closing the gap. Carter, who had public works projects, es­ i After a see-saw battle through the among his fellow Baptists — when he ease? Assorted Pork Chops "SrifS'cw 99 enjoyed a 50-41 per cent lead, had his pecially those which will Macaroni & Beef v 69= m primaries — with Ford using every revealed in a Playboy magazine in­ A. Pedaloralitis effects the papillae of the tongue. FkNir edge cut to 44-40. create jobs in areas of high (Loin) leverage available to an incumbent— terview that he had lusted in bis S to p & S h o p d airy sa v in g s. $1 51b. bag In the Gallup poll, however, the unemployment. These are the small projections that give the top of the Countrystyle Pork Ribs he narrowly defeated Reagan at the heart for other women. He conceded Good Sun. Oct 31-Sal Nov 6. Georgian held a six-point lead, 47-41 Connecticut will receive tongue its roughness. One of the functions of papillae is to Limit one bag per customer 470^1 Kansas City convention. in the third debate the interview Stop i Shop 3 lb. with no sign of slippage. about |42 million for keep the tongue from slipping. They work on a principle pkg. I O'ucery Dept. In contrast to the bitter Ford- never should have been given. Margarine Breakfast Sausage (1 lb. pkg, 99c lb.) 89s Harris said just b ^ r e the final projects through the act. similar to spikes on golf shoes. Reagan battle which split the party Another interview gave the im­ debate, that the momentum was Giles said that applications When a politician has an attack of pedaloralitis, the Hot or Sweet 31b. almost down the middle. Carter pression — seized on by the GOP — Sun Gioiy ^ i ib^ ■ i “going Ford’s way” and added should be in within the next papillae become worn down, causing the top of the tongue (1 lb. pkg, SI .09 lb.) pkg. came out of New York’s Madison that Carter would raise taxes of Golden Quarters ^#pkgs J g Primo Italian Sausage 99S “Make no mistake about it, this elec­ two or three weeks if they to get smooth and slippery. As a result, he has a lot of Square Garden having healed the middle-income wage earners. Carter Stop a Shop e4o< cQc tion is up for grabs.” are to be “rated” for funds slips. Orange Juice From Conctniralt cartoi' had to work hard to dispel it. presently available. Stop! Shop $1 Save 2 0 'El Low Fat Yogurt A»sl Fl«vo>S *TA cups I The projects will be an large fa$t^ aze padtages! on a 3 lb. can ' ^ | rated according to the Q. What causes the papillae to erode? A. Papillae erosion is caused by friction created by the From our own ovens. I Stop&Shop %\ Flu clinics set number of jobs they will create and their lasting candidate putting his foot in his mouth. Stop&Shop effect on the community. A. Is pedaloralitis contagious? iShM teniiigl for Newington 1 1 Because of the complexi­ 3 Good Sun Ocl 3t Sal Nov 6 ty of the application forms, s m * Regular contains not more than 28% fat. lb 3 Lvnit one can per cuslome, A two-day swine flu clinic at Newington Children’s Q. A best we can tell, there is a germ of pedaloralitis in Hospital for high risk handicapped children ages 3-17 who however, Giles expects iGfOCeiy Depl.|'V that the town will submit, almost every campaign issue. In some issues, it remains o r are patients at the hospital will be Monday and Tuesday, dormant. But if it is activated, that issue then becomes a Sandwich Rollsi 3^pi 9 A.M. ■ 5 P.M. “Ink Dipper” will bring the Aeiorted 2 Good Sun Oct 3t S«l Nov 8 J T Q g - j AVON GLASTONBURY Hanging Plants 5Wm pot Gem Bologna or Salami 59 Shrimp Salad 1- 3 I'n'*! kW pAg pe'.w*i*”^er ...... 99* B lo u s e ...... 99* latest ratchetrjawin’ from CB-land. PnoneRactweSun. Oct )l-Sal.Nov 6 lir laeneuloalour cuatomera leeraaarveiMiigMtoWneaaieatottiratpAchagMofartYiiainaiceptwtereotwmAenoird Rama offered MANCHESTER EAST HARTFORD D ress...... * Watch for it every Satuiday in The It* aaie nm avaaaHc •» caae tola orio omei ret*i deaieri« wteieaaiera *CopvtqM asfS by Stop i Step SupermaAettA* n^ua reatrved ______B K ■■ m ap.' 1.39 ^ Herald’s Weekend magazine. M A N C H F ^ T F R . ^MMidtHeTumiulitWcsl Chailet Oak Mai! Stlvri Lane & Foibes St- Ris 8.I& JOVfiniinCiii'le m nivaanC iO l b n lint. l0p.m.Mtm.$il.9i.m. 4p.m.SUNMV •EAST HARTFORD 8 a.m. 10 p.m. Mon. Sal. 9 am. 4 p.m. SUNDAY •VERNON 8.1 m 10pm Mon $jt 9jm 4pm Suk.lA) MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Sat., Oct. 30, 1976- PAGE FIFTEEN PAGE FOURTEEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Sat.. Oct. 30, 1876 Obituaries Herald angle ] H a rrie rs th ird best

Earl Yost I despite best effort Trinity ex-president, Sports Editor A. C. Jacobs, 76, dies Identical scores of 21-36 went best high school triangular meet in dividual winner with a time of 11:21 against Manchester High New England this year. over the 2.41 mile layout, only two Edgartown, Mass. ”We ran the best meet of the seconds off the course record held by HARTFORD (UPl) - A funeral is won’t be available until Dec. 1. The He is survived by his widow, the yesterday in Springfield, season,” commented Manchester planned in Ann Arbor, Michigan Sun­ Whaler Manchesterites opening night program will feature a Stetson Aronold, who is now starring former Loretta Field Beal, three Mass., as the Indian cross Coach George Suitor, “We lost to the at Providence College. Xavier is day for Albert Charles Jacobs, presi­ Five members of the New England doubles match between four top children, six grandchildren and one country team was Upended by best in Connecticut and the best team now 17-0 for the season. dent emeritus of Trinity College. He Whalers are now residing In women pros and a singles match sister. in Massachusetts. What I am really Top finisher for Manchester was died Friday at St. Joseph Mercy I Manchester. Danny Arndt, Alan between male representatives of host Springfield Cathedral and pleased about is that we are ready senior Co-Captain Glenn Flosdorf in Hospital in Ann Arbor at the age 76. Benjamin A. Wilson Hanglesben, George Lyle, Gordie Australia and the United States Xavier High of Middletown. Jacobs, a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford Roberts and Rosaire Paiement have for the state meet next Friday. We fourth place with Wes Fedorchak ROCKVILLE - Benjamin A. squads...A letter has been received Xavier defeated Cathedral, 25-30, University and the first full time local in-season addresses. Paiement only had a 48 second gap between our taking eighth position. Senior George Wilson, 82, of 107 W. Franklin Park from Germany for Graham Holmes, handing the Springfield school its American Fellow at an Oxford is the only homeowner In the group. first man and our sixth man. This is Trian was 12th, sophomore Ed died Friday at Johnson Memorial one-time local lightweight pro boxer. first loss In three years. Xavier is un­ College, was Trinity’s president 15 Dave Hynes is renting In Vernon and what we need to do well in the state Lemieux 15th and recovering Dave Hospital, Stafford. Anyone knowing his address may defeated in two years and one college years, retiring in 1968 as president Tom Earl in South Windsor. Ralph meet. Locke 19th. Mr. Wilson was bom April 6, 1894 contact this office...Among the coach called yesterday’s meet the emeritus. Backstrom Is a homeowner in Xavier’* Tom Jolie was the in­ in Broad Brook and had lived in Manchester men who took in a World A 1921 Michigan Phi Beta Kappa Glastonbury...Supervisors at the Rec Rockville most of his life. Before his Series game In New York were graduate, Jacobs received first class Centers for the fall and winter season retirement, he was employed in the Lyman Ford and Jeff Koelsch...One honors in jurisprudence, a Bachelor's will be Neil Pierson at the West Side Rockville textile industry. Writing of the biggest boosters for Brad degree in civil law and a Masters in Rec, Alan Noske at the East Side Rec was his hobby, and many of his Steurer, a substitute physical educa­ Art at Oxford where he taught law and Sally Robinson at the Y...Carl poems and letters to the editor have tion teacher at C3ieney Tech, is John Benches biggest thrill three years. Silver reports the inter-town basket­ been published in area newspapers. Garofalo, Tech director. Steurer, a ball all-star team will not be formed From 1927 to 1949, he was a He was a member of Union professional soccer player, would this season as junior high rules will member of the law faculty at Colum­ Congregational Church, the like to get into the teaching field on a (Herald photo by Dunn) prohibit youngsters from bia University where he was named Rockville Lodge of Odd Fellows, and fulltime basis. He was a standout playing...Rec Men’s Volleyball Provost in 1947, serving under then King Hiram Lodge of Masons, baseball player as well as a soccer came in playoff game League play starts Monday night at Columbia president Dwight D. Shelton. Spooks invade Bentley School standout during his career at the West Side Rec with the women Eisenhower. Survivors are 2 sons, Melvin W. Manchester High...Referees in the that it a as rompletely genuine catcher. Defensively, he was unfor­ Ghouls and other weird creatures for a Halloweeh party were a large getting under way Nov. 10. Bob NEW YORK (UPI) - She Jacobs authored books on landlord Wilson of East Hartford and National Basketball Association get tunate not to have been blessed with were roaming around Bentley School ghoul (Pat Brow, president of Parizeau will referee the male was a lady in her mid-50’s that's the kind of person and tenant and domestic relations Qarence A. Wilson of West Hart­ $18,000 to $45,000 a season, plus $800 a lie is. Then came the Series. Those a powerful arm, but he has adjusted Friday afternoon. Among those Bentley PTA) and C^nt Dracula matches and Jim Herdic the and numerous legal articles. ford; a daughter, Mrs. Anthony J. month for food and hotel expenses. perhaps, perfectly groomed very well. He’s a good hitter. He’&> gathered in the school gymnasium (Wesley White, a Grade 2 student). women’s play...Dan McDavid, liome runs made me feel good, hut He was Chancellor and professor of Muska of Broad Brook; 10 Baseball umpires are in the $16,000 to and obviously of some means I'll tell you something that made driven in 100 runs the last two years law at the University of Denver from grandchildren and 8 great­ Ireland’s top marathon runner who $40,000 salary range, plus $49 daily judging by her clothes, her ran away from the field in the Six me feel even better — just looking and hit .300 the last two years. That’s 1949 until 1953 when he accepted th grandchildren. for hotel, taxi and meals. National jewelry and her manner, all of in the eyes of the guys on the something I haven’t been able to do, Trinity "presidency. During his The funeral is Monday at 11 a.m. at Police report Mile Race last summer as part of the Hockey League refs have salaries Bicentennial Relays staged by which suggested she had told lieneli and seeing hoa happy they hit .300.1 don’t know of any manager academic career, he received 15 White-Gibson-Small Funeral Home, that run $11,500 to $40,000, plus hotel aere...the aay they hug and grali who wouldn’t lake him. Maybe Manchester Community College, is her chauffeur outside not to go (;LEVN FLOSpORF honorary degrees. 65 Elm St. The Rev. Paul J. Bow­ and air fare and $24 expense money you. Tliere's no other sensation Sparky wouldn't, but then Billy (Mar­ Jacobs served both in World War I man, pastor of Union Congregational Friday at 11:40 a.m. in Vernon with back in the United States. He took daily. National Football League of­ getting lost in any movie Fourth place part In the New York marathon last like that in the whole world.” tin) wouldn’t take me, either.” in the Army and in World War II as a Church, will officiate. Burial will be • Francis B. Deere, 51, of 5C the aid of the Vernon Police on a ficials draw $325 to $575 a game, plus because she was going to take Sunday and placed eigth. The way he Bench is 28. He looks younger Naval captain, winning the Legion of in Windsorville Cemetery, East Thompson Rd. was arrested Friday court warrant charging him with $60 weekend expenses, plus hotel and ran away from Amby Burfoot last no more than an hour for except when he plays hurt, which he Merit. Windsor. at 5:40 p.m. at his home and charged third-degree burglary (two counts), meal money. summei* many would like to see the lunch. did a great deal this year, and then he He was largely responsible for Friends may call at the funeral with disorderly conduct and assault second-degree larceny, third-degree slender Irishman in the Five Miler She had been in the high-ceilinged looks older. He sprained his thumb in rewriting the serviceman's home Sunday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 of a peace officer. The charges stem larceny, and third-degree criminal here Thanksgiving morning...Did you Here ’n there lobby of the swank Plaza Hotel only a spring training and picked up another Bruins willing Dependence Allowance Act as well p.m. A Masonic service will be con­ mischief. from a domestic disturbance. He is notice that there were 6,657 no-shows Howie McHugh, the fine publicist few moments or so when she nearly injury two days before the Reds as the Missing Persons Act. He also ducted Sunday at 7:30 p.m. at the The charges stem from breaks scheduled to appear in Common The Mattesons are ready for guests at Giant Stadium for last Sunday’s for the Boston Celtics, reported tht was swept aside by a sudden rush of broke camp when he was hit on the revised the entire casualty funeral home. Pleas Court 12 in East Hartford Nov. Sept. 12 and Oct. 2 into the Knights of Giant-Pittsburgh game? The the home teams in the NBA keep all newsmen, photographers and TV back of his hand by a foul ball. Then procedures of the Navy. The family suggests that any 15. Columbus Hall on Main St. Mr. aiul ^ s . Stanley Matteson of 486 Parker St. are all dressed weather wasn’t the best but interest the gate receipts. Thus, the rich get people following closely on the tail­ he developed spasms in his shoulder. After retiring from Trinity, Jacobs memorial gifts be made to the • Steven W, Munsell, 25, of New He was released on $2,000 nonsure­ to sign Howe Everytime he tried swinging the bat maintained homes in Ann Arbor, and waiting to welcome trick-or-treaters to their home Sunday. in the Giants is waning in another richer. In other sports, baseball and coat of a good-looking, athletic young Masonic Home and Hopsital in Britain was arrested today at 1 a.m. ty bond for court Nov. 15. it felt as if someone had a pair of Mich, and on Chappaquiddick Island, Wallingford. • M ichael T. Daly, 20, of 16 By the time their guests arrive, their home will be converted losing season...Hard to figure football in particular, the visiting man not too sure where he was sup­ on Main St. near O n ter St. and ten.Ti gets a percentage of the gate pliers in his back. BOSTON (UPI) — Boston Bruins General Manager Harry Hathaway Lane was arrested Friday into a haunted house complete with spooks as it has been every department: Attendance for the New posed to go. charged with misuse of the highway while playing on the road...The His swing became messed up. He Sinden says he’s willing to sign Houston Aeros forward Mark at 11:30 a m. and charged with Halloween in the past 25 years. Children are encouraged to bring England Whalers’ three home games “Isn't that the gentleman who hit by a pedestrian and third-degree es­ biggest shot in the arm for the NBA wasn't moving his hands out in front forgery (seven counts) and third- to date has been off and the exhibi­ the ball in the World Series?” she Howe, 22-year-old son of Gordie, anytime Mark gives the signal, Area police cape from custody. UNICEF cans. Some of the spooks are well-known Manchester in years has been the demise of the of ball the way he should've been. He degree larceny (seven counts). The tion basketball game featuring the asked her woman companion, the Boston Herald American said Saturday. He was allegedly attempting to residents, but their idenity has been kept a secret for 25 years. Boston Celtics drew just half capaci­ ABA and the arrival of Dr. Julius Er- brushed up against the side of the didn't get his hitting stroke back hitchhike from the center of ^ in charges stem from the cashing of again until a day or so before the "I don’t expect the Howes will do Nearly 300 children visit the haunted house each year, and last ty but the Celts drew better than 10,- ving. Erving, peddled by the New wall along with her. we should leave right now. and they Andover Mrs. Kerr was admitted for over­ St., police said. At police stolen checks in Manchester recent­ playoffs when it suddenly came back anything until the season ends," said year, a tiny gray and white kitten “Spooky” wandered into the 000 paid for their opening NBA test York Nets to the Philadelphia 76ers, "Two of them. I think," offered her Sinden. who is in Montreal for Satur­ tried to trade us.’ Melvin E. Young, 22, of Williman- night observation. headquarters, he allegedly ran from ly has attracted two record crowds in to him with the watchful help of Ck>urt date was not available. Matteson home and stayed. Mr. and Mrs. Matteson said they are Thursday night at the Hartford Civic friend, immediately placing the face day night’s game with the Canadiens, Mrs. Howe says Gordie. 48. plans tic was out of luck twice this mor­ All vehicles were towed from the the building. Patrolman Thomas his first two road appearances. He's coach Ted Kluszewski. • Michael D. Armstrong, 17, of 527 Center. if not the name. "But hey, if Mark wants to sign now, to move into general business as well ning, state police said. About 1 a.m. scene. Holben nd Sgt. Richard Thurston ap­ so pleased in the way children have acted while touring the not scheduled to appear in Hartford As a catcher. Bench has the Lake St. was arrested Friday at 4:15 It’ll probably will come to her by it's OK with me." as hockey. he was driving a car on Rt. 6 when he Court for Tyoisczak is Nov. 12. prehended him just outside. haunted house. (Herald photo by Dunn) against the Celtics in regular NBA roughest job on the ballclub. It's p.m. and charged with breach of Team riding high and by. "I've met with Mrs. (Colleen) The money problems concerning ran off the side of the roadway en­ Court is set for Nov. 8. play...Sidney Wicks, 6-9 and 225 wearing and. as strong as he is, he's peace. He posted $200 surety bond for For hitting those two home runs in Howe 12-15 times since we drafted the Howes began in the off-season. ding up on the opposite sid, police • Robert R. DeLisle, 26, of Staf­ Former Manchester High football pounds, will make Boston fans forget the final World Series game, for beginning to feel his years. said. court Nov. 15. • Mark, the last time on Sunday in Buf­ Gordie resigned his position as ford Springs was arrested Friday at standout Mike Simmons has his Paul Silas in a hurry. Wicks is one of “I get tired now," he said. "The • Bryan G. McMahon, 17, of 114 leading everybody else with his .533 falo, of all places," he said. team president and signed a one-year Several motorists stopped to give 5:10 p.m. at 65 Bissell St. and A b o u t tow n Rockville High football team riding the super stars in the NBA and will legs hurt more than they used to. but Florence St. was arresteid Friday at average, for keeping the bases Colleen Howe is the business agent playing contract for this season. him aid. However, the car driven by charged with third-degree assault. high with six victories in as many be well worth his six figure, plus, 1 wouldn't be here now if 1 wasn't a 7:20 p.m. and charged with reckless cleaner than a surgeon’s scalpel with for her husband Gordie and two sons Mark and Marty, under contract Kevin T. Rocks, 22, of 194 Karenlee The charge stems from an attack starts. During his schoolboy days salary. The 6-7 Curtis Rowe won’t catcher. Ever since 1 was 18 years driving. Ck)urt is Nov. 12. that shot-gun arm of his and for con­ Mark and Marty. Ali three are for this season, have not signed their Rd., Glastonbury came on the upon his wife, police said. Court is St. John’s Polish Natio.ial Catholic Manchester Rod and Gun Club will Simmons was a fine running hurt the Celtic cause either...A team tributing to the Cincinnati's second old. it has been on my mind that I crowded scene at 1:15 a.m. Nov. 15. • William F. Abetz, 41, of 34 Beech Church will observe All Saints Day back...Jim Gallagher, long-time wanted to play only until I was 32. currently with the World Hockey contracts. Neither the Aeros' offer hold its annual fall cleanup day at the of UCLA grads would do mighty well straight world championship in the nor the amount the Howes have The Rocks car heading west on Rt. • Roy T. Dudzic, 16, of 255 Henry Rd., Tolland was arrested today at Sunday with a Mass at 8:30 a.m., and secretary-treasurer of the Hartford When I get to be 32. I may not feel Association Aeros. clubhouse, Daley Rd., Coventry, Sun­ in the NBA with players like Wicks, grand manner he did. Johnny Bench While the Bruins hold the draft asked has been made public. 6 swerved to avoid the parked St. was arrested Friday at 4:33 p.m. 12:12 a.m. at the rear of Cavey’s All Soul’s Day Tuesday with Masses day starting at 8 a.m. Dinner will be Twilight Baseball League, is running that way. I don't know how much Rowe, Bill Walton, Kareem Abdul was given a slick new maroon and rights to Mark, the Montreal "Mark Howe is the brightest young vehicles, struck the left front of at the Northway Pharmacy on N. Restaurant on E. Center St. and at 8:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. served. for a seat in the House of Represen­ longer I'll catch. Maybe two more Jabbar and Jamaal Wilkes to list a white automobile here Thursday by player under 25 years of age in Young’s car, and spun around to hit a Main St. and charged with fourth- charged with breach of peace. Court tatives in the 10th District. He years. It's up to Sparky Anderson. Canadiens own the draft rights to few...Closest race in the American Sport Magazine. He got the car as the hockey today — any place. ” said car of one of the people assisting degree larceny (shoplifting). A 15- is Nov. 15. resides in East Hartford...Tickets for He's the manager. He knows what defenseman Marty. League All-Star balloting was at first Most Valuable Player in the World Sinden. Young, police said. year-old youth with him was also • Daniel P. Scully, 20, of 9 Penfield all four days of the Aetna World Cup he's doing and I go by what he says." Mrs. Howe said earlier this week base where Rod Carew of Minnesota Series. ■ I'd rank him with the top five or Young, standing near his own car, charged with fourth-degree larceny Ave., Ellington was charged with Yesterdays Tennis Tournament March 10-13 at After he posed for pictures with his Tt doesn't appear Gordie, Mark and beat out Chris Cambliss of New York The personal high spot for him. he six forwards in the game. " he said. leaped out of the way to avoid the ac­ and referred to Juvenile Court. Cknirt evading responsibility after a one-car the Hartford Civic Center are now on new car Thursday, a car he is giving Marty will be in Houston next year. by one vote, 10-9...Have a nice said, didn't come after those two "Yes. right up there with people like cident and suffered contusions when for Dudzic is Nov. 15. accident Friday at 11:50 p.m. on sale at the Aetna office in the Civic to his brother, Ted, Bench had to They (Aeros management) wouldn’t 25 years ago weekend. homers against the Yankees in the Guy Lafleur. Richard Martin and he hit the ground. He was taken to • Lewis A. Young, 35, of Hartford Avondale Rd. west of Woodbridge St. Daughters of Isabella. Center. Tickets for single sessions answer some more questions about fulfill their obligations to us and they A car was driven off the side of the Manchester Fire District installs Series, but after the ninth-inning gave us an ultimatum to get the boys Gilbert Perreault. He's a dynamite Windham Memorial Hospital where was arrested Friday at 1:45 p.m. at 10 years ago homer he hit against the Phillies in the way Sparky Anderson had rubbed he was treated and released. Caldor on Tolland Tpke. and charged road onto lawns at 10 Avondale Rd. a new fire alarm system. to sign or leave Houston. They told us prospect. ” Mrs. F. Leo Barrett is installed as This date was a Sunday; The the final National League playoff Yankee catcher Thurman Munson The driver of the third car left the with fourth-degree larceny (shoplif­ and 394 Woodbridge St. striking Herald did not publish. the wrong way during the Series. The several objects including a pile of regent of St. Margaret’s Circle, contest. That one tied the score at 6- scene without leaving an identifica­ ting). Court is Nov. 15. all, and the Reds went on to wrap up Reds' manager said Bench was in a tion. • Robert Kiernan, 17, of 125 firewood and a tree, police said. The continue class by himself and shouldn't be - S e t for 23rd appearance the pennant in the same inning. Police are still investigating. Mather St. was arrest^ Friday on a driver allegedly backed off the lawns compared with Munson or anybody and left the scene, police said. When Bench came back to the Vernon court warrant charging him with Reformation Sunday dugout after that homer off Phillies' else. harassment and third-degree A witness called police. (}ourt is "Sparky believes 1 can walk on Stanley Tyoisczak, 24, of Nov. 9. reliever Ron Reed, he remembers Bridgeport was charged with failure criminal mischief. unbeaten pace Joe Morgan pumping his hand and water sometimes," Bench said. "He Phinney files entry, to grant half the highway in a three- Arrested with Kiernan was Frank gets carried away. It's unfortunate 'The Lappen Building at 164 E. services announced saying to him: car accident Friday on Rt. 83 near A. DeCiantis, 18, of 527 Lake St. and "You're unbelievable! I knew you that he said it, but he didn't mean it charged on a court warrant with Center St. was broken into Friday Action in the Manchester Midget Football League last night Merline Dr. . Ck>ncordia Lutheran Church will Strand said. could do it. Honestly. John, I knew if that way. It just means Sparky loves breach of peace, harassment, and n i^ t before 9:30 p.m. Tyoisczak was heading north when celebrate Reformation Day Sunday The expanded use of hymns and saw the Jets remain undefeated at 6-0 with a 20-0 victory over anybody could do something like me so much, he doesn't think 1 can do checkforRoacI Rac4‘ disorderly conduct. The charges in A cleaning crew arrived at 9:30 he swerved to avoid hitting an object at 10 a.m. with a special service. choral music will be another aspect the 1-5 Eagles and in the nightcap the Chargers just got past the that, you were the one who could." any wrong. You can't imagine how both cases stem from their alleged p.m. and saw a typewriter, in the road, police said. He struck the The service will draw heavily on of the service. The Children’s Choir Joe Morgan saying that meant pleased he was for me. It was at a By EARL YOST calculators, and a radio on the stairs winless Patriots, 8-0. Persico, Vernal Arnum and Bob Ber- car driven south by Gerald (Corcoran, Sings Sunday harassment of a teen-age girl in the two rites which remain and Senior Choir will be participating everything to Bench, who had been time when he was emotionally high. Sports Editor Manchester. at the back door to the building. They After a scoreless first period, the dat. Mike Mazzotta, John Foley, 44, of Cheshire and then hit headon milestones in the development of the in the service. Trumpeters will be impeded by injuries all year long and But he meant no disrespect of Thur­ The Rev. Tedd Fish of Columbia, Both were released on |500 surety told police later they did not think too Jets got on the scoreboard in the se­ Martin Joy, Dave MacBryde and Ron the car also driven south by Walt contemporary Lutheran liturgy — Fred Holmgren and Gordon Smith. hit only .234. man Munson, You should've heard Twenty three years ago, Paul Phinney made his first S.C. will lead a Gospel session of bonds for court Nov. 15. much of it at the time as some of the cond canto on a three-yard run by Gerrish were best for the Eagles. Lambert, 19, of 114 W. Main St. Dr. Martin Luther’s "Deutsche The music will include voluntaries ''P i ‘0 |ile iiaturiilly lliink a him in the dugout. Everytime Mun­ appearance in the Five Mile Road Race in Manchester song Sunday at 7 p.m. at the Vernon • Steven K. Stiles, 16, of 101 offices are moving within the Dean Gustafson following bursts of Bob Johnson scored with 12 Corcoran, Lambert, and Lambert’s Messe" ( German Mass) of 1526 and for two trumpets and organ by luill|ilavvith 27^ Pistons' scoring with 19 points. I MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Sat;, Oct. 30, 1976 - PAGE SEVENTEEN PAGE SIXTgFN - MANrHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Sat., Oct. 80, 1976 Whalers end Scoreboard NCAA drafts new plan Investment for Plunkett paying off NBA "I want to prove that I can still be NEW YORK (UPI) - Jim season, San Francisco has recorded day. John MeVay will make his debut as Friday's Results six victories in seven starts to lead ^ Pro football a good NFL quarterback,” says In other games, Kansas City plays Indiana 90, NY Nets 89 for eight’sport schools Plunkett may have been the Plunkett. "I want to produce and at head coach of the Giants this week as the NFC West by a half a game over Tampa Bay, the New York Giants New Orleans 111, most expensive investment in the same time be part of a winning New York seeks its initial win of thd goal famine the Los Angeles Rams (61-1). It meet Philadelphia, Cleveland is at season. MeVay, who coached the Washington 93 one guy can’t turn around a team. We’ve had a good running The NCAA would deter­ than two years. If it still "T hird, m embers of the 30-year history of the San marks the best start by a 49ers team Cincinnati, Denver meets Oakland, By EARL YOST Phoenix %, Chicago 82 MISSION, Kan. franchise. But Jim is the player we game and the defense has been Memphis Southmen during the 1V6 (UPI) - The NCAA mine which division — 1,2, failed to qualify with the Division 2 and 3 could com­ Francisco 49ers. since 1959 and Plunkett has played no Green Bay travels to Detroit, years of the World Football League, Kansas City 130, San An­ pete in from one to four hope to build around.” super. So far, I think I’ve contributed Sports Editor h a s drafted a or 3—a school would be in minimum points after two Plunkett was acquired during the small part In the turn-around with a Minnesota plays Chicago, New took over as head coach Monday tonio 102 years, the school would be Division 1 championships, off season from the New England NFC co-leading 10 touchdown passes. Plunkett is hitting 58 per cent of his my share.” England journeys to Miami, New by how nnany varsity inter­ passes this season for 1,064 yards. when the club fired Bill Arnsparger. "Family Night” fans, 8,364, voiced their acceptance last night Los Angeles 118, Atlanta reorganization plan reclassified to another depending upon program Patriots for quarterback Tom Owen "The quarterback situation here St. Louis is also in a must win Orleans battles Atlanta, the New iOl collegiate teams it q>on- His arm will be vital to any success as the New England Whalers ended their scoring famine and for its large college sored. division. Details of the size, in addition to the six and three high draft choices, in­ had been in turmoil (or several situation because the Cardinals are York Jets engage Buffalo, Pittsburgh Seattle 106, Detroit 103 the 49ers attain this week when they in a second place tie in the NFC East brought a smile to Coach Harry Neale’s face with a 5-1 decision division b a ^ for the The proposal says a plan were mailed in a ’common’ of all-divisional cluding a Couple first rounders. In years,” said first-year San Francisco hosts San Diego and Seattle visits (Only games scheduled) take on the St. Louis Cardinals, who with the Washington Redskins, one school would have to meet memo to members Oct. 22, championships. Basketball exchange, the 49ers received a first Coach Monte Clark. "Leadership is Los Angeles. “There nothing wrong with this over Phoenix at the Hartford Civic Center. first time on an eight- defensively rank first against the run game back of the Dallas Cowboys. Rugged rookie George Lyle tallied NHL sport athletic program “a minimum performance but are based on three prin- would be included as a place football team. essential at the position and I believe On Monday night, Houston travels team that a victory wouldn’t cure,” So well did the defense play. ciples on which the sport in which a member of Through the first half of the Jim Plunkett can'provide it. I know but 10th against the pass in the NFC. And Dallas plays Washington Sun­ to Baltimore. twice and Whaler teammates Friday's Results instead of solely on a standard thoughout the MeVay claims. Phoenix’ high-scoring pair of Robbie Washington 2, Colorado 1 program,” based on a table Steering Committee Division 2 or 3'could com­ Rosaire Paiement, Tom Webster and school’s football team. Mike Rogers added single tallies to Ftorek and Del Hall were held (Only game scheduled) that would weigh the drafted the new approach. pete in the Division 1 tour­ offset the Roadrunners’ Seppo scoreless. Ftorek came in with 11 All 247 members of Divi­ school’s travel squads, "First, any member nament.” McGee battling wind^ goals and 15 points and Hall had 13 WHA sion 1 and Division 1 con­ financial aid commitment, would be eligible for Divi­ Under the plan, the Bow ling Celtics’ Charlie Scott game but lame Repo's first period tally. Friday's Results 'The Whalers bad on their shooting points. It was the first time in nine ferences have been invited intercollegiate schedule sion 1 membership if it number of sports in which Scott, who has scored at least 20 games Ftorek failed to score a goal. Cincinnati 4, San Diego 2 to discuss the proposal at a and success in NCAA com­ sponsors a broad athletic an institution could enter cold in title defense SAN ANTONIO, Texas (UPI) - treatments and was to receive more points in each of Boston three wins irons, getting off a season-high 43 Indianapolis 6, Quebrc 4 COUNTRY CLUB- Vic Charlie Scott will be game but lame treatments Saturday prior to the shots on goal while the defense held Phoenix is 5-4 in the Western Divi­ meeting Nov. 15 in (Chicago petition. These evaluations program. This must in­ ' into Division 1 play would BLOSSOMS- Barbara this season, was hurt in the 112-105 sion and the Whalers moved to a 3-4-1 New England 5, Phoenix PENSACOLA, Fla. (UPI) - Jerry McGee Is battling A braitis 160-393, Ted Saturday night when the Boston game against the former American Phoenix to 21 as Bruce Landon called by the NCAA Coun­ would be on a sport-by­ clude at least eight sports, be based on the number of Sullivan 186502, Sherry win when he reached around Buffalo a second Family Night promotion 1. bitter wind and cold to defend his ^nsacola Open title Backiel 356, Larry Bates Scorso 176. Celtics meet the San Antonio Spurs Basketball Association team. kicked out all scoring attempts but cil. sport basis. including football and sports it sponsored. guard Randy Smith (or an attempted with tickets available at special Winnipeg 11, Edmonton 3 because, he says, it’s a matter of pride. 146385, Ken Bennett 156 for the first time in the two teams’ "There is definitely a contusion at one. The proposal was Each school would earn basketball, and each sport "An institution with fopr steal. Smith’s elbow made solid con­ rates. (Only games scheduled) McGee pulled one stroke 380, Carl Bolin 358, Norm existence. the crest of the right hip,” Celtics’ Consistent play marked the developed by the NCAA points for meeting each must be conducted in Divi­ or five varsity sports could CATERERS - Laine tact with Scott’s hip. Division Steering Com­ minimum standa'rd, then sion 1,” the NCAA said. compete in Division 1 in ahead of Georgian Tommy in his four-birdie, three- Clark 355, Maynard Clough Knowles 144-345, Joanne Scott, who scored 31 points in trainer Frank Challent said Friday. "It should be all right in a few Whalers latest effort and despite Aaron Friday to take the bogey round Friday came 156379, Rich Clough 186 Boston’s Thursday night win over "In layman’s terms it's called a hip trailing 1-0 after the first 20 minutes, mittee and reconunended have to meet a minimum "Second, Division 1 In­ one sport; six, seven or Cochran 127-346, Betty days,” said Scott, in his second year by the policy-making coun- total of 80 points over a stitutions and conferences eight; two sports in Divi­ lead going into today's on the fourth hole when of­ 359, Ding Farr 356, Dick Ritchie 126, Helene Dey Buffalo, limped to practice Friday pointer. with Boston .after playing with the team fired away and the puck third round. He shot a one- ficials allowed him to Gardella 366, Sal Lombar­ with a painful right hip. He un­ "I would say he is probable for the finally settled in the Phoenix nets in MCC harriers beat U of H cil. three-year period to will not be guaranteed sion 1; 10 and 11: three; 136126350, Carol Rawson Virginia of the ABA and the Phoenix under-par 71 for a 36hole move his drive two club do 355, Pete Staum 390, 139. derwent a series of three heat San Antonio game.” the second period. Webster, paie­ Membership in Division qualify for and maintain appearances on the and 12 or more; four divi­ Suns. Taking five of the first six places, ^9*^ ® 25:26 clocking. Following total of 137. lengths away from the base Tom Turner 146367, John ment and Lyle tallying in that order. 1 now is dependent upon Division 1 membership. Association's football sion 1 sports.” Manchester Community College’s hne were Cougars strength of football and Should a school fail to television series. A The plan will be spon­ But the best score of the of a tree. Wilks 136, Wimpie Wilson The latter collect^ an assist to go cross country team copped a 20-35 Brian Collins, Bruce Bayles, Bruce day belonged to hometown "To take a left-handed 353. along with his most productive game basketball sd>edules. The achieve the minimum member would have to sored by the NCAA Council OPEN TODAY SAT. 10-6 • SUN. 10-6 decision over the University of Hart- Caldwell- Mike Martin and Ted boy Jerry Pate, who shot a shot at the ball, I would of the season. proposal requires points over the three years, qualify on the merit of its at the 1977 convention in ford yesterday. DeCarli. The next four were from 67 over the rough Pen­ have had to stand on a cart EASTERN BUSINESS- Rogers’ goal was his first of the "institutional support of a it would be placed in a ten- program. Appearance Miami Beach in January, Form er MCC h arrier Larry Hartford but not enough for the win. sacola Country Club course path,” McGee explained. A1 Bonini 171-143-435, season as well as his first point. He broad-based, eight-sport tative Division 1 guarantees would be where all legislation for Woykovsky took first place for Hart- sports a 7-3 record with for a totaPof 142. So he consulted PGA of­ Larry-Seretto 161-151-447, also had two assists. athletic program.” membership for not more offered Divisions 2 and 3.” the NCAA is enacted. one meet left on the schedule. McGee thinks Pate ficials, who agreed he was BlllZwlck 158-400, AlanGr- "may be the man to beat,” eligible for relief. zyb 158-400, Hauk Gilberto although he Is five strokes McGee then sliced a 156399, a iff Jones 146397, C z s . off the pace. beautiful seven-iron shot Gabe Gzabo 147-388, Tom Scholastic results Villanova McGee says defending through the trees that Harrison 145, Mickey his title in the $125,000 golf block^ his view and the Holmes D44-384, Ted Kow- worries ■-'-M tournament “has ball landed 25 feet from the zun 141, Dave Grzyb 141- •’a.- i Football adding the fourth tally. with a time of 17:11 over a something to-do with pride. pin. He sank the putt for a 413, Joe O’Neill 141-405, Playing well for East were 2.25 mile course but four of BC coach “It’s the same pride that birdie. Mike Dumaine 141, Tom RENNET the next five finishers were Bennet Junior High’s Mark Marciano, Kevin BOSTON (UPI) - This Jerry Pate showed with his Aaron scrambled time Fahey 140, Ron Joiner 399, Williams and Fred Nassiff. from Glastonbury. Kate one is a "supposeta” ftw 67 after that 75 on and again to salvage pars Mickey Holmes 384, Bill football team battled to a Hennessy garnered fifth 12-12 tie with J.F. Kennedy Coventry outsbot the Boston College, which is Thursday.” after getting into trouble Manning 371. Eagles, 18-9. place and linda Lemieux Pate won this year’s U.S. with his long irons. GOES OUT OF why Eagles coach Joe of Enfield yesterday. John and Janice Meyer seventh Hanley and Eric Gauruder Yukica is so worried. Open and is playing his Aaron said temperatures COP- Harriet Haslett CHENEY TECH and eighth respectively for Once-beaten Boston first pro tournament in in the low 50s and a cutting 176477, Carolyn Wilson scored touchdowns for 3-1-1 Three goals by Doug Vic­ the SiUc Towners. College is "supposeta” Pensacola. wind made it “tough 177-463, Ceil Ray 180, June Bennet. John Walrath, tor led the Cheney Tech Results: 1. Veal »cH r» . )»*r

Help W a n t e d ______IS LOCAL CHURCHES AREA I Wings of evening By Cliff Simpson VOTE Tuesday CHURCHES _ ALUID MAL ESTATl and the first and third Thursday evoilngs S i t e IS4 NEW LONDON TUNNFIKI ST. BARTHOLOMEW'S CHURCH, 9 a.m.. Divine Worship; 10:15 a.m., OUtTONaURY » S33-ISa3 from 7 to 9 except holidays, a free public to consider 2S calls per week a good E. Middle Tpke. Rev. Philip Husecy, Sunday School and Youth Forum; 10:10 to COVENTRY PRESBYTERIAN Converted by a painting lending library is maintain^. average to seek, depending on the CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BI-LINGUAL (Spanish / pastor. 11:35 a.m.. First and Second Year Youth CHURCH, Nathan Hale Sdiool Rd. 31. In western Pennsylvania the first Saturday Mass at 5 p.m.; Sunday size of the congregation. ’Diese |toes Ekigllsh) clerk-typist for our Instruction. ST. M ARrS EPISCOPAL CHURCH, Rev. Dr. Richard W. Gray, pastor. Masses at 8:30,10:15 and 11:30 a.m. church buiiding defeated to the Export Department. Should Church and Park Sts. Rev. Stephen K. 9:30 a.m.. Worship; 11 a.m., Sunday of relaxed conversation, of listming, COMMUNITY BAPTIST CHURCH, worship of God was erected by the of opportunities for prayer, enable be excellent typist. Must be GOSPEL HALL, 415 Center St. AN AMERICAN BAPTIST CHURCH, Jacobson, rector; Rev. Ronald E. Sdiool; 7:30 p.m., Bible Study at par­ capable, translating letters Heppineee le • Moravians. It was established on the the Holy Spirit to work its way in the PHONE 643-2711 10 a.m., Breaking bread; 11:45 a.m., 585 E. Center St. Rev. Ondon Stairs, Haldeman, assistant to the rector.' sonage on ConiwaU Dr. banka of the Beaver River for the FOR ASSISTANCE IN PLACING YOUR AD Spanish to English and ' DANCINO to TNi 7:30 a.m.. Holy Eucharist, Rite 1; 9 on-going life of the fellowship. English to Spanish. Some dic­ Sunday School; 7 p.m., Gospel meeting. minister; Rev. Frederick Lanz, director HRST ASSEMBLIES OF GOD, 763 Delaware Indians. The Moravian MAIN STREET BAND of Cihrlstlan education. a.m.. Holy Eucharist, Rite 2, with ser­ •••••••••••••••••••••••••• #••••••••••••••••••••••••• taphone transcribing. 40 hour ST. BRIDGET CHURCH, 70 Main St. Oak St., East Hartford. Rev. RaAph F. movement was started by Count A chuckle week. 8 a.m. to 4:30 p^.m., Saturday, Nov. 19th. 9:15 a.m.. Church School for all ages, mon by Father J a c o b s , Church School, Help Wanted______M Rev. John J. Delaney, pastor. Rev. JeUey, pastor. ’The other day the Wall Street Jour­ INDEX Monday through Friday. Com­ 0-1 kindergarten through Grade 4 continuing Nursery care, followed by coffee hour; 11 Zinzendorf who was converted by a □ NOTICES William J. Stack, Rev. William J. 10 a.m., Oiurch School; 11 a.m., Mor­ nal pictured a congregation at . . NOTICta pany paid insurances; life, at Main SIraat Armory, during service. Sharing Class, 20-40 Class a.m.. Holy Communion, Book of Common painting in the art gallery in Killeen. ning Worship; 7 p.m., Ehming Sovice. worship with the minister in the 1 - Lom And Found hospitalization, surgical and led by the Rev. Mr. Lanz, 40-pIus (Hass Prayer, with sermon by Father Jacob­ Dusseldorf. It portrayed Christ on 2 - Manchaatar Saturday Masses at 5 and 7:30 p.m., pulpit announcing the offering; PoraonaM Lost and Found major medical. Profit sharing led by the Rev. Mr. Stairs; 10:30 a.m.. son; 4 p.m., Halloween Eucharist for VERNON ASSEMBUES OF GOD, 51 the Ooss. Beneath it was the inscrip­ 3 - Armounonmtntt VOTE and retirem ent plan. On Given by: school auditorium; Sunday Masses at Tuesday Morning Worship, message: "On Being a children, followed by party in Neill Hall; Old Town Rd. tion; “And now, brethren, let us give in 4 » Entnrtalnmnnt busline. Free company 7:30, 0 and 10:30, in church; 10:30 a.m. 9 > Auctions LOST - Shepherd / Pinscher - AQWAY. INC. The Manchester Redeemer,” Nursery provided; 6 p.m.. 5 p.m.. The Daily Office, Rite 2. 9:45 a.m., Sunday School for all ages; “I did this for thee. accordance with what we reported on 640 NEW STATE ROAD parking yard. Call Jeannette and noon in school auditorium. FINANCIAL 80 pounds, black with brown Midget Football Youth Fellowships, Discussion and Study 11 a.m.; Morning Worship; 7 p.m.. the Form 1040.” markings, name “Kip”, MANCHESTER • 643.S123 Van, Personnel Office, 522- EMANUEL LUTHERAN.CHURCH, What hast thou done for me?” 6 - Bondi-Slockt-UoflgogM 1184, for appointment. Auxiliary THE SALVATION ARMY, 661 Main Group led by Pastor Stairs. Church and Chestnut Sts. Rev. Ronald Evening Evangellffic. The Count stood for a long time This reminds me of the Internal 9 » Porwntl Loont vicinity of Tolland H^h TIokata: St. Capt. and Mrs. Arthur Carlson, corps Revenue’s call to a minister asking if 10 - insurnncn School, Pinewood Acres. 872- RN SUPERVISORS - Feel CHURCH OF CHRIST, Lydall and Fournier and Rev. Dale Gustafson, UNITED CONGREGATIONAL before this picture, studying the face that you need a change? You THIRD s h if t Openings for 646-8963; 646-0419 officers. EMPLOYMENT 8472. Vernon Sts. Eugene Brewer, minister. pastors; Miss Jennie Jones, intern. CHURCH, UNITED CHURCH OF of the man who hung upon the cross, it was true that John Smith had given needid somethin! m o re electroplaters for circuit 9:30 a.m., Sunday School; 10:45 a.m.. 13 - Hnip Wantnd ig 9 a.m., Bible Classes; 10 a.m.. 8:30 and 11 a.m.. The Service with CHRIST, Tolland. Rev. Donald G. and pondering the question asked. $500 to the church. ’The minister 14 Butindu OpportunniM LOST - Grey male cat, exciting, and you fe« you are board operations. Will train Holiness Meeting; 6 p.m., Open-Air 15 - Situation Wahtad Worship, sermon: "Some Poignant musical emphasis; Chapbl service for Miller, minister. hesitated for a moment, then assured neutered, wearing white capable of handling a super­ sharp Individual. For inter­ Meeting; 7 p.m., Salvation Meeting. The rest of his iife was devoted to his view call 646-4100 between 9 Paradoxes” ; 6 p.m.. Worship, sermon: children; 9:45 a.m.. Church School and the agent: EDUCATION collar. Forest Hills area. Call visor's position? We need 9:30 and 11 a.m.. Worship Service and response. 18 - Pfivata instructlona a.m. and 5 p.m. Equal oppor­ "(Christian Courage.” Adult Forum; 9:45 and 11 a.m.. Nursery Church School; 7 to 8:30 p.m., PUgrim 6460614. supervisors for our 3 to 11,11 MOUNTMI UUIKL GMOnS FULL GOSPEL INTERDENOMI­ 'ihis is a dramatic story, but I think “He hasn’t given it yet, but he will. 19 - Schoola-Claaaaa to 7 shift. Please call 647-9196, tunity employer. NATIONAL CHURCH, 745 Main St. for infants; 2:30 p.m.. Chestnut Hill FeUowship. 20 - Instructlona Wantad presents S TRINITY COVENANT CHURCH, 302 the account of the creation of this Yes, he surely will.” LOST - Beagle-Boxer. Tan and or apply at Meadows Con­ Rev. Philip Saunders, minister. Nursery Sctoil, Hallow^ party. REAL ESTATE ’’CAMPAIGN F M $ Hackmatack St. Rev. Norman E. picture is equaiiy startling. The wrath of God white older dog. (?all 649-73M. valescent Center, 333 Bidwell 10:30 a.m., Praise, Worship Service ST. MARGARET M ARrS CHURCH, 23 y- Homaa for Salt HARM ONr I Swensen, pastor; Milton Nilson, assistant NORTH UNITED METHODIST Wapping. Rev. William McGrath and This week a very intelligent man 24 - Lots-Land for Sala Street, Manchester. and Bible study for all ages; 7 p.m., “It is the Lord” Invaslmartt Proparty Personals (A MuMcM Shew) S to the pa^r. CHURCH, 300 Parker St. Rev. Earl R. Rev. Joseph Schick, co-paston. 29 ~ 2 Deliverance Service. Three hundred years earlier in brought a "fishbone” to me concer­ 29 - Businasa Proparty LEGAL SECRETARY - Small VOTE fmtmiing ^ Custa*, pastor. 8:30 a.m.. Worship Service with the Saturday Masses at 5 and 7 p.m.; Sun­ ning the “wrath of God.” He had 27 - Raaort Proparty WANTED RIDE - From East Hartford law firm. Tuesday S Award Winning QtmrUU a 10 a.m .. Worship Service, Bishop Germany, Stenberg finished his first 28 - R«tl EtllM WinWd FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH, Orange Rev. Mr. Swensen preaching, Trinity day Masses at 8:30 and 11:30 a.m. attended a Bible Study group which Bissell Street to Hartford Shorthand required. ZINSSER AGENCY TONIGHT OCT. 30th g Edward G. Carroll, bishop of tte Boston sketch of the Redeemer and then MI9C. ftERVICEB 7S0 MAIN STREET OlMlonbufy High Bchool g Hail 72 E. Center St. Rev. James Tots for 3 year olds through Road, vicinity of Cheney Experience preferred. To MANCHIiTER • $4f-1S11 Area of the Uniteid Methodist Church, ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, 673 called in his landlady’s daughter to was discussing the book of Romans 31 - Sarvicas Offarad \ P.M. DontUont I4.0Q ^ Beliasov, pastor. kindergarten. Nursery for infants; 9:30 32 - Painting-Paparing Mills. Hours 7 a.m. to 3:30 $175. 289-8825. a.m., Bible School with classes for all will preach, no church school today. Ellington Rd., South Windsor. Rev. John ask her what she thought of it. Her where Paul talks of God’s wrath. He Building-Contracting p.m., call 646-2719 after 5 p.m. 9:30 a.m., Sunday School; 10:30 a.m.. 33 - LISA CO. is developing this Worship Senice; 7 p.m.. Evening Ser­ ages 3 through adult. Nursery for infants; Nursery for children 5 yean old and C. Gay, pastor. Rev. Eugene M. Kilbride. comment was, “It is a good man.” could not reconcile this idea with the 34 ~ Roofing-Siding JANITORIAL WORK - Part Saturday Masses at 5 and 7 p.m.; Sun­ 35 - Haatlng-Plumbing time. 2 1/2 hours per evening, area with Jewelry vice. 10:50 a.m.. Worship Service with the younger, coffee fellowship afto' the ser­ ’The artist knew he had failed. He “God of love” in whom he had long 34 - Flooring day Masses at 7:30 and 11 a.m. five evenings per WMk. Cali Demonstrators and Rev. Mr. Swensen preaching. Trinity vice; 8 p.m.. Membership class at the tore up the sketch, and after praying believed. 37 - Moving-Trucliina-Sloraaa Managers. No investment. CHURCH OF THE ASSUMPTION, chui^. 38 - Sarvicas Wantad 249-6880. i HAPPY BIRTHDAY i Tots for 3 year olds through ST. MARrS CHURCH, Rt. 31, Coven­ for greater skill, he finished a se­ I tried to explain that Paul did not v o t e Generous commission and Adams St, at Thompson Rd. Rev. MI8C. FOR SALE " kindergarten. Children’s (Hiurch for picture God, as it were, sitting on the Tuesday Bonus. Call Toll Free 800-631- Edward S. Pepin, pastor; Rev. Paul SOUTH UNITED METHODIST try. Rev. F. Bernard MUIer, pastor. Rev. cond. A'gain he called in the girl. 41 - Arliclaa for Saia REAL ESTATE - Lessenger MOM i Grades 1 through 3, Nursery for infants; (Herald photo by Pinto) edge of a cloud holding a thunderbolt 42 ~ Building SuppHas WENDY’S HAMBURQER8 Co. is looking for one licensed 1258. Trinque. CHURCH, 1226 Main SL Rev. George W. Paul F. Ramen. “ Whom do you think this face 260 BROAD STREET 4 p.m., Ail-Church b u sin g meeting 43 - Pats -Birds- Dogs sales person within ten miles I Love, I Webb and Rev. Laurence M. Hill, Saturday Masses at 5:15 p.m.; Sunday in his hand waiting to zap a mis­ 44 - Livattock MANCHESTER • 646-1463 Saturday Masses at 5 and 7:30 p.m.; followed by a coffee hour with Social St, John^s Episcopal Church, East Hartford. represents?” he asked. Again he was of their Bolton branch office. PRINTING - Hartford area •i Matt an(j Linda % Sunday Masses at 7:30,9,10:30 and 11:45 pastors. Masses at 7:30, 9:30 and 10:45 a.m. erable sinner. Rather, the “wrath” is 45 - Boats ft Accassorias shopping guide looking for Group 15. disappointed in her answer for she 46 - Sporting Goods Please contact Kurt a.m. 9 and 10:45 a.m.. Worship Services, AVERY ST. CHRISTIAN ROCKVILLE BAPTIST CHURCH, ST. PETER'S EPISCOPAL said, “It looks like a great suffer.” the working out of God’s law, as im­ 47 - Oardan Products Announesmsnts Lessenger 646-8713. experienced production super­ 46 - Antlquaa visor to head staff of paste up CALVARY CHURCH, ASSEMBUES Pastor HUi preaching, sermon; “The REFORMED CHURCH, 861 Avery St, 69 Union St. Rev. Robert L. LaCounte, CHURCH, Sand Hill Rd., South Windsor. personal as the law of gravity. This is UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH, Faith of a Refbrina'"; 9 a.m.. Adult Bi­ This sketch he also destroyed. He 40 X Wantad to Buy artist, type setters, classified OF GOD, 647 E. Middle Tpke. Rev. South Windsor. Rev. Peter Mans, pastor. Rev. Bruce Jacques, vicar. praying again, meditated upon the quite different from the concept of a I Happy Birthday | 165 Woodbridge St. Rev. Robert Baker, ble study in Pastor Webb's office, Grades 8 a.m.. Holy Communion; 10 a.m.. Holy RENTALS NEED MONEY for the and production, and other Kenneth L. Gustafson, pastor. minister. 9 a.m.. Worship Service; 10:15 a.m., personal vendetta that God carries 52 - Rooms for Rant pastor. through 6 Sunday ScbooL Junior High Communion, first and third. Sundays of task, and completed a third attempt. TO BE AUCTIONED holidays? Surprise your fami­ related duties. We’ve out­ I GRANNY WOOD p 9:45 a.m., Sunday School Bible classes 1 8:30 a.m., “ Badr to God” hour radio Sunday School; 7 p.m., E v ^ n g Service. on with sinners. 53 - Apartmants for Rant grown our systems, and need 10 a.m., Sunday School; 6:30 p.m., Class with Mrs. Jean Hill, Nursery Calling the girl in he said, “Who is 54 - ly. Earn extra $$ selling Avon for children and adults. Nursery care for broadcast w n c (1080); 9:45 a.m., Sun­ each month; Morning Prayer second, 1068 Ford Station someone with retail and food Love, "Sound of His Coming" radio program on tbrougb 5 year olds; 10:45 a.m.. Junior ST. BERNARD'S CHURCH, it?” She looked at the painting, This is illustrated in the parable of 55 - Products in your spare time. I i the little ones; 10:50 a.m.. Service of day School and Adult Bible Study; 11 fourth and fifth Sundays. 56 - Raaort Proparty for Rant Wagon, Modal CT-1, I'll show you how. Cali 523- composition experience. WINF; 7:30 p.m.. Evangelistic Service. and Senior high Sdio(d students’ class. Rockville. Rev. John J. White, pastor, dropped to her knees and exclaimed, the Prodigal Son which is Jesus’ 57 - #7E74F164909 I Kate and Tim | Worship, Pastor Gustafson preaching. a.m.. Worship Service; 7 pjn., Eivening UNION CONGREGATIONAL Wantad to Rant 9401. Camera and stripping Nursery through 5 year olds; 7:30 p.m.. Rev. William J. Flynn, assoc, pastor. moving account of the forgiving love 56 - Misc. for Rant PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 43 Junior Church for children; 6:30 p.m.. Service. Nursery care tor smaU childra CHURCH, Rockville. Rev. Paul J. Bow­ “It is the Lord.” Monday, Novambar 1 experience helpful. Cali Rare Praise and Teadiing Service. Rev. Frank Alagna, weekend assistant. of God. Although the prodigal wasted AUTOMOTIVE Reminder at 529-9995. Spruce St. Rev. Mack Weiford, pastor. Prayer meeting; 7 p.m., Sovice of praise (Huvided. man, minister; Rev. David B. Eusden, He was at last satisfied. It was this 9:00 A.M. at Saturday Masses at 5 and 7 p.m.; Sun­ his substance in the far country in 61 Autos for Sala Walt’s Amoco ooeoooooooettoooeoeeaeooot 9:15 a.m., Sunday School; 10:30 a.m.. and Bible preaching; 10:30 p.m.. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE, 236 associate minister. picture that changed the life of the 62 - Trucks for Sala ST. MATTHEW'S CHURCH, Tolland day Masses at 7, 8:30,10 and 11:30 a.m. “riotous living,” he was forgiven and 63 » Station Worship, Nursery provided; 7 p.m.. In­ Revivaltime radio service on WINF. Main St. Rev. Neale McLain, pastor; 9:15 a.m.. Adult Bible Gass; 10:30 young count, Nicholas Zinzendorf. Haavy Equipmant for Sala Hifp IVanM tJ Rev. Francis J. O’Keefe, pastor. received with open arms when he 64 - Motor cyciaa-Bicyctas Routa 6, MAINTAINER formal Worship, snidy and fellowship. UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST Rev. Donald Kauffman, associate pastor. SECOND CONGREGATIONAL a.m., CJiurch School, infants through 65 - Camp^s-Trail^t-Mobila Saturday Masses at 5 and 7 p.m.; Sm- Homat Andover, Conn. VOTE Manchester Community 9:30 a.m., Sunday School classes for all CHURCH, UNITED CHURCH OF Grade 8; 10:45 a.m.. Morning Worship, Speaking our returned to his father. He repented Tuesday ST. JAMES CHURCH, Msgr. Edward SOCIETYi East, Community Y, 79 N. day Masses at 8:30,10:30 and 11:45 a.m. 66 - Automotiva Sarvica (06232) College seeks a man or ages; 10;ti a.m.. Morning Worship, CHRIST, Rt. 44A, Coventry. Rev. sermon topic: "A Window Over ’The and he was forgiven. He was given a 67 - Autos for Rant-Laasa BELFIORE AOENCY J. Reardon, pastor; Rev. Bernard Main St. Rev. Arnold Westwood, on social issues 431 MAIN STREET woman to perform KiUeen. minister. message by the Rev. Mr. McLain, MESSIAH EVANGELICAL Robert K. Bechtold, minister. Sink” ; 11:45 a.m.. Coffee Hour in the robe and a ring and a feast was MANCHESTER • S4T-1413 VOTE Recently a poll was sponsored by Children’s Church and Nursoy provided; LUTHERAN CHURCH, (Wisconsin 9:15 a.m., Christian education for all Social Room; 2 p.m.. Senior Pilgrim prepared, “and they began to be custodial work at the Tuesday Saturday Masses at 5 and 7:30 p.m.; 10:30 a.m., Mrs. Leslie Panchule of the National Council of Churches to main campus on Bidwell AAMCO AUTOMATIC Chookee descent will present some of 7 p.m.. Evening Service, message by the Synod), 300 Buddand Rd., ^ t h Windsor. ages; 10:30 a.m.. Service of worship. Fellowship will meet at the church for a merry.” LEGAL TRAY ROOM and laundry. 6- TRANSMISSIONS Sunday Masses at 7:30, 9, 10:30 a.m., find out the attitude of the clergy on a Street, from 4 p.m. to the traditions of Indian culture in the last R ^ . Mr. McLain, Nursery provided. 9 a.m., Sunday School; 10 a.m.. bike hike; 6 to 7:30 p.m.. Junior Pilgrim But, this forgiveness did not bring 10:30 p.m. Laurel Manor, 649- S3 TOLUND TPKE. noon and 5 p.m. VERNON UNITED METHODIST NOTICE, □ EMPLOYMENT midnight. Contact Mr. MANCHESTER « S43-24ST of the “Back to Basics" series. Nursery Worship Service. Fellowship will meet at the church; 8 number of questions. I was surprised 4519. CENTER CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, Rt. 30. back the money that was squandered. Mancarella, at 646-4900, ST. JOHN'S POUSH NATIONAL and Sunday School, coffee and discussioo. p.m.. Marriage Encounter Information to read that nearly 2,500 ministers ’This forgiveness did not remove the ASSEMBLERS and coil CATHOUC CHURCH, 23 Golway St. CHURCH, UNITED CHURCH OF ST. JOHVS EPISCOPAL CHURCH, 11 a.m.. Worship Service, Church gave a low priority to either speaking Due to Election Day RN or LPN - 3 to 7, or 3 to 11. Ext. 216. winders - We are taking Night at the Annex. diseases which may have resulted Help Wanted 13 Rev. Walter A. Hyszfco, pastor. JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES, Kingdom CHRIST, 11 Center St. Rev. Newell H. Rt. 30, Vernon. Rev. Robert H. Wellner, School for all ages. out or working on social issues. The Tuesday, Nov. 2 Part time or full time. Laurel applications for our part time Curtis Jr., Rev. R. Winthrop Nelson Jr., rector. BLR.NSIDE UNITED .METHODIST from dissolute living. This •Manor. 649-4519. 9 a.m.. Mass in E n f ^ ; 10:30 a.m.. HaU, 726 N. Main St. ST. GEORGE'S EPISCOPAL survey included my own denomina­ The Board of Diractora PHONE FROM home to ser­ night shift. Must have finger 10 a.m.. Public Bible discourse “Your pastors. 8 a.m.. Holy Communion; 10 a.m., CHURCH, 16 CJiurch St., East Hartford. forgiveness did not help the il­ dexterity and be capable of Mass in Polish and E n j ^ . CHURCH, Boston Tpke. (Rt. 44A) tion (the United Church of Christ) Comment Session vice our customers in the HOUSEKEEPER - Live-in for Part in Keeping the Congregation 9 a.m., Lighthpuse Bible Study in FamUy Service and (Smrch School. Rev. Henry J. Scherer Jr., pastor; Rev. legitimate children when he may Scheduled for 9 a.m. that Manchester area, flexible fine work. Will train. Hours CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF Bolton. Rev. John D. H u^es, vicar. that has a long tradition of preaching Green Lodge, a home for the 4:15 p.m. to 9:15 p.m. Apply 9 Clean"; 11 a.m.. Group discussion of OcL Nursery, Worship Service, Fedoation Gwendolyn M. Arslen, associate pastor. have left behind in the far country. day will NOT be held. hours, super earnings, 249- aged. Call for appointment, LATTER-DAY SAINTS, Woodside St. & Room, the Rev. Mr. Curtis, leader; 10 OUR SAVIOR LUTHERAN 8 a.m.. Holy Conununion; 9:30 a.m.. 10 a.m.. Worship Service, Church and working for the "social gospel.” 7773. VOTE a.m. and 4 p.m., Able Coil and 1 Watdtower magazine article “Ap­ CHURCH, 239 Graham Rd., South Wind­ Church Scbool; 10 a.m.. Holy (tommunion On the spiritual level his sin was 649-5985. T uesday Electronics, Howard Road, HiUstown Rd. Wendel K. Walton, bishop. preciating the Treasure of Sacred S«- a.m.. Worship Service, Sanctuary, the School for Nursery through junior high; 9 Other denominations included in ALCAR AUTO PARTS, INC. sor. Rev. Ronald A. Etbe, pastor. and sermon, Nursery care provided; 11 wiped away by his father’s SALES POSI’nO N - Straight Bolton, 646-5686. 8:30 a.m.. Priesthood; 9:30 a.m.. vice.” Rev. Mr. Curtis, preadier. Church a.m., (^urch.School for senior high and the questionnaire were The INSURANCE SECRETARY 221 SPRUCE STREET forgiveness. On the physical level the commissions, leads furnished MANCHESTER • 643-ISS1 Seminary; 10:30 a.m., Sunday School; 5 School; 11:15 a.m.. New Member Conver­ 9 a.m.. Worship and S o ^ y School; a.m.. Parish Coffee Hour. adult classes. Reformed Church in America, the Whalers for East Hartford office. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, 10:15 a.m.. Worship Sovice. results of sin remained. In this to home owners. Call 242-5402. FULL or PART Time - Elec­ p.m.. Sacrament Service. sation in Federation Room, Coffee TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH, , the United General agency background trolux now open for sales and SCIENTIST, 447 N. Main SL ST. DUNSTAN'S CHURCH, WE HAVE Immediate Shoppe, Woodruff HaU. CRYSTAL LAKE COMMUNITY Meadowlark Rd., Vernon. Rev. Donald respect Omar Khyyam was right: may get needed. Will deal with fire, service personnel. Be smart CONCORDIA LUTHERAN 11 a.m.. Church Service, Sunday School Manchester Rd., Glastonbury. Rev. Presbyterian Church and the United ESTABLISHED Realtor has homeowners, and automobile openings for two mechanical­ UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, McClean, pastor. ‘"rhe moving finger writes, opening for highly motivated and start $$$$$$$$. 9 to 11 CHURCH, 40 Pitkin St. Rev. Burton D. for pupils up to the age of 20, care for SECOND CONGREGATIONAL Joseph R. Bannon, pastor. Church of Canada. If the results of rating. Typing necessary. ly inclined persons, who are EUington. 8 and 10:30 a.m.. Worship Service; 9:15 And having writ, moves on. salesperson with real estate able to work well with other a m., and 4 to 5 p.m. Post Strand, Rev. David W. Rinas, co-pastors. very young pupils, subject of the lesson- CHURCH, UNITED CHURCH OF Saturday Mass at 5 p.m. this poll are accurate, it must be that Salary basM on experience. 10:15 a.m.. Coffee hour; 11 a.m.. a.m., Sunday School. Nor all your piety nor wit tax break license. Ask for Mr. Bissell, people, to serve our product in Road Plaza, Hartford Turn­ 8:30 a.m.. Holy Communion, CJnirch sermon: “Everlasting Punishment,” CHRIST, 385 N. Main St. Rev. Josqh Sunday Masses at 9 a.m., 5:30 and 7:30 the mood of our younger ministers is Philbrick Agency, 646-4200. Benefits. Call 528-9831. ’ pike, Vernon, Conn. 872-3303. School from Grade 10, Nursery for small Worship Service, Sunday School. Can cancel half a line the field. If you're not now golden text from the B ^ , “Hold up my Zezzo, intmim minister. SACRED HEART CHURCH, Rt. 30, p.m. changing. HARTFORD (UPI) - earning at least $15 weekly, children; 10 a.m.. Holy Communion, goings in thy paths, that my footsteps slip 10 a.m.. Horning Worship, laity Sun­ Vernon. Rev. Ralph Kelley, pastor; Rev. I was not surprised to see that Nor all your tears wash out one PART TIME,- Sales - If you Hi Han TIM Following OpfMUng: RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF UNION CONGREGATIONAL The state tax department we want to talk to you. This is Church School through Grade 6, Nursoy not. I have called upon thee, for thou wilt day, Nursery through Church School word of it.” are area professional a permanent position, with a FRIENDS (QUAKERS), Hartford Michael Donohue. CHURCH, Rockville. Rev. Paul J. Bow­ “sermon preparation” received the would get nothing and the 02876289 for small children. hear me, 0 God." Psalms 17:5, 6. The G i ^ 12, Samoo by Rodoldc Wright, Saturday Mass at 5 p.m.; Sunday As I told my puzzled friend, it salesmen in the day time and national organization. Local Friends Meeting House, 144 S. (Juaker man, minister; Rev. David B. Eusden, most attention in the minister’s financially ailing New VOTE Christian Science Reading Room, 918 deacon, “Sparse Sowing, Sparse seems to me that this impersonal want to sell at night and make work, with opportunity for ad­ Tuesday ZION EVANGELICAL CHURCH Lane, West Hartford. Masses at 7:30, 9, 10:30 a.m. and noon. associate minister. weekly activities. Unfortunately, this more than your day’s PURDY CDRP. Main St., is open to the public Bloiidays Reaping,” Fellowship Hour foUowing 10 a.m.. Meeting for Worship. “moving finger” is what is meant by England Whalers would get 586 Hilliard St. vancement to right person. EDMUND OORMAN AOENCY (MISSOURI SYNOD), Cooper and H i^ WAPPING COMMUNITY CHURCH, 9:15 a.m.. Adult Bible Gass; 10:30 same group of clergy indicated that more money under a deal fun and easy!!! Call Mr. Phone 872-4515 between 9 a.m. Rullora - MLS Sts. Rev. Charles W. KuU, pastor. through Fridays from 10 a.m. to 3 p.nL this service; 5:30 p.m., Halloween party the “wrath of God.” Douglas, 525-9134. Manchaatar 647-9917 104 MIDDLE TURNPIKE EAST in FeUowship HaU for children ages 5 PRINCE OF PEACE LUTHERAN 1790 Ellington Rd., South Windsor. Rev. a.m.. Church School, infants through they spent too little time in home worked out between the Equal Opportunity Emptoyor and 2 p.m. only. MANCHESTER • S4S-4040 through 10. CHURCH, Rt. 31 and N. River Rd.. Harold W. Richardson, ministei'. Grade 8; 10:45 a.m.. Morning Worship, visitation. They were aware of this A maxim hockey club and city ad­ Coventry. Rev. W.H. Wilkens, pastor. 9:15 and 10:45 a.m.. Worship Service sermon topic: "(Jod Gives, So Yoii Can” ; deficiency and of the importance of The lift of spirit which comes to us ministration. 11:45 a.m.. Annual budget meeting in the EAST HARTFORD - Hair­ 9 a.m., Sunday Sdiool; 10:15 a.m.. and Church School. pastoral calling. as we enjoy the beautiful days of The proposed new Warship Service, (9 a.m. during July and Sanctuary; 3:30 to 6 p.m., Tolland I believe that a poll taken among v o t e dresser, experienced. Salary FIRST CONGREGATIONAL autumn reminds me of George San­ arrangement, now before Tuesday plus commission. Call 528-3149 Bishop Carroll to speak August). Association meeting of the Connecticut the congregations of these same CHURCH OF ANDOVER, UNITED (inference at Union Church. tayana’s comment: the City Council, makes the D. F. REALE, AMlton after 5 p.m. 568-4971, Sunday’s QUALITY CONTROL churches would also indicate the 17S MAIN STREET also. ST. PETER'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH OF CHRIST. Rev. David J. “Interest in the changing season is city the promoter of home MANCHESTER • B46-4S2S CHURCH, Rt. 85, Hebron. Rev. William Reese IH, minister. BOLTON CONGREGATIONAL need of more Opportunity for pastor TECHNICIANS a much happier state of mind than hockey games at the Hart­ SCHOOL BUS D rivers - Persing, rector. 9:45 a.m.. Church School for CHURCH, Bolton Center Rd. Rev. J. and people to talk privately. We used being hopelessly in love with spring.” Sunday at North Methodist ford Civic Center. CARPENTER - Full time Knowledge of Manchester 8 and 10 a.m.. Worship Service, Church kindergarten through Grade 8; 11 a.m.. Stanton Conover, minister. necessary. Clean police 10:15 a.m.. Church School, Nursery; The city would “hire” employment. Call 742-6062, School and Nursery. Worship Service. between 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. record required. Five-year Positlona Immediately avallabla In our Talcottvills The Rev. Edward G. Carroll, 10:30 a.m.. Worship Service, sermon: the Whalers to play the 40 and Stafford Springs (acllltlsa on the 2nd and 3rd the 386 United Methodist churdiM in ROCKVILLE UNITED METH­ FIRST CONGREGATIONAL driving experience preferred. bishop of the Southern New Englahd “The Roots Of The Reformation"; 6:30 regular season games and Call 643-2373. ihitta (or quality control technicians. Applicants mutt Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode ODIST CHURCH, 142 Grove St. Rev. Conference of the United Methodist CHURCH, Vernon. Rev. John A. Lacey, p.m.. Junior Pilgrim Fellowship. exhibition and playoff SALES PEOPLE - Older be high tchool graduataa. Couraat In Chamltlry will Island, Massachusetts and eastern John W. Mortimer, pastor. minister; the Rev. Edwin W. multi-million dollar company Church, will be guest preacher Sun­ KofC breakfast Nov. 14 matches for 80.1 per cent EXPERIENCED Individual enhance tha applicant’s quallflcatlont. Connecticut. 9:30 a.m.. Worship Service. Bartholomew, assistant minister. UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, of ticket sale receipts. with young ideas has openings with general machine shop day at the 10 a.m. w or^p service at 1040 Boston Tpke. (Rt. 44A), Bolton. Rev. for people who are loolcing for 10 a.m., Worship Service, child and in­ Campbell Council, KofC, will have Ernest J. Harriman will be the City officials say that by background needed for second Salary will ba commanaurata with axparlancs and North United Methodist Church. The bishop and his wife, the former ST. JOSEPH CHURCH, 33 West St., fant care available, coffee fellowship David M. Campbell, pastor. a future, in sales and manage­ shift fabrication position. Call proven ability (or individual raaponsiblllty. Rockville. a Communion breakfast Nov. 14 at principal speaker. ’There also will be assuming some risk as ment. Opening due to in-house ’Tbelona Valentine, will be guests of after the service. 10 a.m.. Church School for age 3 the council home on Main St. a karate demonstration by the Multi-Circuits 646-4100 for ap- After the service, there will be a Saturday Masses at 5 and 7 p.m.; Sun­ through Grade 12, Nursery available; promoter of the games, promotions. This company pointment. Equal opportunity Wa otter axcellant amploysa banatits including the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Earle R. ST. .MALIUCb'S CHURCH, Hebron The event will open at 7:30 a.m. Okinawan Karate Academy. has more financial success coffee fellowship. The bishop will day Masses 8:30 (Polish) at 10 a.m. 10:45 a.m.. Coffee and Conversation; 11 ticket sales would be employer. Blue Croat and CMS paid by tha company. Custer while in Manchester. Rd., Bolton. Rev. Robert W. Cronin, stories than any other in New lead a study on the Holy Spirit for the (Folk) at 11:15 a.m.. Vigil of Holy days at a.m.. Family Worship, Nursery for in­ with Mass at St. Bridget Church. More information may be obtained exempted from the state’s pastor. England, no limit on what you Apply Monday through Friday, or if you pratar, mall 64 ministers of the Connecticut 7 p.m.. Holy day at 7:30,9 a.m., and 5 and fants through Grade 2, sermon; “Are We Breakfast will be served in the coun­ by calling Paul R. Veguard, 875-6709, 10 per cent admissions tax MATURE WOMAN To baby Saturday vigil Mass at 5:30 p.m.; Sun­ can earn. Call Doug ^sk in , sit in my home. References. your raauma of axperianca and salary raquiramants Valley District of the United 7 p.m. Confessions; Saturday 4 and 7:30 Ready To Reform?”; 12:15 p.m., Par­ cil home immediately following the or the council home, 646-9044,. after 7 which was $271,544 last 525-9134. p.m. day Masses at 7:30, 9:15 and 11 a.m. Call 643-8037. to; Methodist Church Monday from 9 sonage Committee. Mass. p.m. year. ' a.m. to 3 p.m. at North Clurch. STARTING to take applications for full time AMF GUNO DIVISION Bishop Carroll was pastor of Mar­ TK\ employment. Call 872-4515. An vin Memorial in Silver Spring, Md., Study reviews prison sentences equal opportunity employer. 47 MAIN STREET Cherokee to address Unitarians B«IE VOTE TALCOTTVILLE, CONN. 06066 before being appointed to his present SKMS PART-TIME help needed for Tuesday An Equal Opportunity Employer post in 1972. He is resident bishop of Mrs. Leslie Panchule, a Mrs. Panchule, an oc­ dian tribes. who will sing tribal HARTFORD (UPI) - More than 42 while third and fourth degree larceny in prison sentences in 90 per cent of fitting and drilling bowling BLANCHARD ft R088ETT0. the Boston area and is in charge of Cherokee Indian, wi)l be cupational therapist at Also participating in the prayers. Indian poetry will By bails Must have experience. RM/tors Bishop Edward G. Carroll Eugono per cent of those convicted in convictions resulted in jail terms the cases. 189 WEST CENTER STREET guest speaker Sunday at Mansfield State Training program will Mrs. Carla be offered and artifacts Inquire at Vernon Lanes, MANCHESTER • MS-2482 Browor Superior Court over a one-year only 38 per cent of the time. The OLR study concluded the ratio Route 83, Vernon. the 10:% a.m. meeting of School, will discuss the Johnson, a Mohawk Indian, displayed. period did not go to prison, but most Threatening and second and third of nonjail sentences has not changed the Unitarian-Universalist obstacles American Indians Political observers cases Involved less serious crimes, a degree assault convictions led to significantly in the past nine years. RNs & LPNs. Full time and Society; East at the Com­ face in trying to preserve sqem convinced that legislative study shows. prison terms in only 43 per cent of the In 1967, it was 38.6 per cent; in 1969, irt time opening available on perhaps half the qualified to 11 and 11 to 7 shift. We are munity Y. Her topic: “Up­ their culture and the social The study made public Friday by cases, while convictions of rape and it wa^41 per cent; and in 1973, it was r dating New England Indian voters will not exercise the looking for professional peo­ and political concerns of the Office of Legislative Research deviate sexual intercourse resulted 37.4 per cent. ple interested in working in a Covenant Bible School Culture.” Connecticut’s several In­ ballot Tuesday. They blame It on disillusionment also showed the average convict sent bright, exciting environment. with government due to re­ to prison served about half the Excellent wages go to the per­ ATTENTION difference between the minimum and son who fills our needs. cent scandals. Interested? Call 647-9196, app­ starting new adult course Probably the more maximum sentences imposed by the ly to Meadows Convalescent Have You Seen Our weighty culprits are a court. Witness says button Center, 333 Bidwell Street, The Sunday Bible School Neumuth, a member of the instructor. lengthy relative affluence, Connecticut laws requires Manchester. TIMES CARRIERS of Trinity Covenant Church MINIATURE NOV. 1st with its twin, low self- miniinum and maximum sentences church. Also open to new DIETICIANS - Modern con­ will offer three new adult The third course is based DOLL FURNITURE? discipline. Prosperity in almost all criminal cases in students are two courses A FULL SERVICE tends to spoil its bene­ matches those of Gold’s valescent home seeking an courses starting tomorrow on Ken Boa’s book “God, I begun in September. They Superior Court, which handles all ADA Certified Dietician full at 9:30 am. at the Keeney JEWELRY STORE ficiaries. who try to shift Don’t Understand,” which are Bible 100 ta u ^ t by Lee 977 MAIN responsibilities. Declining felonies and serious misdemeanors. time. Excellent wages and benefit package, call 647-9196, It you are Interested St. School, which is adja­ examines the mysteries of ’Twombly, and a sequel, Bi­ Downtown Located In the New to seriously study issues Tlie OLR study showed 3,226 per­ WATERBURY (UPI) - A plastic found near the body of Mrs. cent to the church. sons were convicted in Superior or apply at Meadows Con­ the Bible. John Morris, ble 200, taught by Phil Itke Sfateli Manchostor Mini Mall on Main St. and candidates is businessman testifying in the double Pasternak matched the plastic from valescent Center, 333 Bidwell The six-week courses are New England director Woodrow of "New Life.” rationalized by parroting Court from July 1, 1975 to June 30, murder trial of Murray Gold says a a button fastening kit found in Gold’s Street, Manchester'. In having a newspaper route all on the Bible 300 level of “New Life,” will be the o i f n H o r SEE US FOR EXPERT... the slothful excuse; 1976 and only 1,%8 were sentenced to button found in the b^room of the Forest Hills, N.Y., home. and are open to all those in­ “ Voting doesn't do hny prison or committed to mental health Mon.-8ai tM 9:30: Thurs- til 9 victims is identical to four plastic Gold is on trial for the slashing terested. "The Mark of good anyway.” institutions. buttons found in Gold’s New York deaths of his former in-laws Sept. 26, • WATCH REPIURS Christians should be the Christian” lecture and Of the 1,368 who were not confined, apartment. 1974. Gold was tried earlier this year, discussion course for j among the best citizens in 1,189 were given suspended sentences 647-9946 or647-9947 any society, taking their Under cross-examination however, but the jury was unable to reach a women only will be taught | Hospital notes and put on probation; 106 were given button distributor Leonard Ullman verdict. Ilhl Yon by Mrs. Heather Isoma, a • ENGRAVING prerogatives seriously, (WhII. You WMt) prayerfully. If they are to suspended sentences without proba­ said Friday about 300,000 of those member of the church. Ilie pay taxes (Matt. 22:21). tion; 46 were finest; and 27 were buttons were sold in 1974, the year Ir­ Discharged Thursday: Know? course is based on a book Bolton; Susan Hale, 25 obey rulers (Rom 13). and given other types of nonconfining ving and Rhoda Pasternak were slain Mary Konjoyan, 170 Diane P E P m AND There are terrific by the same title written Benedict Dr., South Windsor; • APPRAISING pray for such (lTim.2). sentences. Dr., South Windsor; Anna in their Waterbury home, and by Francis Schaeffer. Marcia Palizza, 244 Autunui REPLACEMENT surely they should exercise bargains in good, MANCHESTER But the OLR study Said a majority Undholm, Lindholm Corner, millions since have been sold since. The Ladies Guild of the Church of “ How to Give Away St. this freedom to choose! serviceable home Andover; Wilbur Nelson, 16 — free estimatee— QhAND OFININQ SPECIAL of the convicts not confined were ac­ FBI agent Thomas Delaney also Also, Cheryl Sposito, Shod­ Choice of candidates is a the Assumption will meet Monday at Your Faith,” an action Kennedy Dr., Bolton; Robert cused of generally less violent testified footprints in a pool of blood furnishings of all dy Mill Rd., Andover; Allen 10% OFF right — voting that choice 8:30 p.m. in the church hall. Kathy course enabling one to put Macatee, 896 Main St.; Mary crimes, like forgery and possession on the victims’ kitchen floor were Turner, 19 Winthrop Rd.; is a duty! • Landerfin will be guest speaker. Her kinds in the Want into practice the principles Grzejka, 15 Old Post Rd., Deborah Bandy, New Britain; ALL PURCHASES of drugs. similar in design to some of Gold’s learned in Paul Little’s W M lTM tlU topic; “Cooking with Spirits.” She Ads. Tolland; Minnie Latouche, Grace Wilkinson, 17 CHURCH OF CHMST Murder and manslughter convic­ shoes. will also demonstrate the making of EVENING HERALD I 646-4464-649-4464 book by the same name Willimantic; Linda Christopher Dr., Vernon. Lydall and Vernon StreeU tions resulted in prison terms in 92 On Thursday, a police witness said will be led by John (^uunberland, 49 Hebron Rd., 811 mUU ST., MANGIIESTiR 648-8767 holiday liqueurs. The program is per cent of the cases, the study said. a one-quarter-inch long piece of open to all interested women. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Sat., Oct. 30, 1976- PAGE TWENTY-ONE PAGE TWENTY - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manche«ter, Conn., Sat., Oct. 30, 1976 VOTE Schoo/i-CfaMM 19 Schoo/t-C/aMM 19 Homaa For Sah 23 H o n m For Mala 23 Homaa For Sala 23 Tuesday National Weather Forecast DILLON ronO or TK MVn KM. ESTA1E MlUffil zqpo JftX O O M .n n « 3000 VOTE NEW Sit MAIN S TR U T •■‘W * — ' ...... MANCHISTIR • S4S*2148 REAL ESTATE COURSE Tuesday HPT THE U T C H GIFT SHOP Builder says sell! Extra large three bedroom Ranch In MANCHESTER S77 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER • tSS-MTO with first floor fireplaced family room. Hardwood the floors, one and Vk baths, garage, appliances, large HOKOFTK MANCHESTER - Sacrifice eat-in kitchen, convenient location. $50,900. ADVERTISING 6 Weeks-Mon. & Wad. Evenings at 7 P.M. price on this six room Town Classes Start Monday, Nov. 1st. House Condominium. Three RATES WmAMCISOQ bedrooms, spacious master bedroom, formal dining room, 1 dty . word por day complete appliances, REALH carpeting, drapes, 21/2 baths, im F IS H 3 dayi . .H word par day 646-4968 These MANCHESTER HIGH SCHDDL garage. Only 333,500, 6 days . 6< word par day 134 E m I Middle Tpke. - Room 125 26 days . 7 i word par day minimum down ^ym ent. Call ------realty company (Tall* U M MkMI* Tpin. lo BrookIMd tt. In •tudwii parking arM) 15 words. $2.00 minimum Robert D. Murdock, Realtor - U&R Realty Co. Inc. 643-2692. CUTE Two bedroom home. Happy Ads ...... $2.15 inch NEW TO MARKET - Char­ Local SOUTH WINDSOR - Over­ Baseboard heat, heatolator ming seven room older fireplace, paneling, carpeting, Registration 1st evening class at 6:30 > [ H mni (Z ia -o w l sized Cape. 6 rooms, Colonial in excellent condi­ patio, $29,800. Hutchins Agen- fireplace, half acre lot, nice tion. Fireplace living room, We’v6 Scooped the Housing Industry Again view, low 340s. J. D. Real beautiful natural trim cy, 646-3166.______UPIYYIAINIIPOVOCASIM EsUte, 646-1980. 646-3778. woodwork, formal dining Realtors EAST HARTFORD - Valuable With These Exclusive Listings Consider an exciting course in Real Estate! The room, den, modem bath, wall- four income property. Store For period ending 7 a.m., Sunday, Oct. 31. Saturday night will CAPE - Seven rooms, full to-wall carpeting. $30's. Keith or office plus three course covers the major areas including con­ shed dormer, three bedrooms, Real EsUte, 64M126, 649- tracts, mortgages, deeds, financing, appraising, find showers and rain in the Pacific Northwest, the Ohio- apartments. Separate master is king-sixed. 1922. heating. Priced for immediate listing and law. This course meets the minimum Tennessee valley, the Lakes area and most of the Northeast. Beautiful rec room, WHAT’S YOUR CHOICE? Qear to partly cloudy elsewhere. Minimum temperatures in­ sale, $49,900. Owners 643-5641, requirements of the Connecticut Real Estate aluminum siding, treed lot, 528-7311. LAMER THAN IT LOOKS CAN FIND clude: (approximate maximum readings in parenthesis) Atlan­ new kitchen. (Jnly 335,900. MANCHESTER Main Street Commission. ta 45 (62), Boston 46 (61), Chicago 38 ( 42), Oeveland 40 ( 48), Phllbrick Agency, Realtors, location - Eight Room Colonial, good potential for of­ Attractively decorated 1 bedroom unit with Dallas 44 (62), Denver 30 (60), Duluth 23 (39), Houston 48 (72), 6466200. basement rec room or extra bedroom. Fee: $75 Jacksonville 55 ( 75), Kansas City 34 (52), Little Rock 41 (58), fice and Income apartment. JUST Los Angeles 56 (74), Miami 69 (82), Minneapolis 30 ( 44), New COLONIAL - Eight rooms, Plenty of parking. Low $50s. Private setting. one and 1/2 baths, four ill ownei VOTE CONTINUOUS PROGRESS Orleans 50 ( 66), New York 47 (61), Phoenix 52 (86), San Fran­ Tuesday cisco 49 (67), Seattle 46 (57), St. Louis 37 ( 50), Washington 44 bedrooms, formal dining room with fireplace, garage, BEAUTIFUL clean Duplex - PRBtTIQI PRINTING ADVERTISING J62). 104$ MAIN S TR U T *28,900 THE EDUCATIONAL CENTER beautifully landscaped Two bedroom and three MANCHISTIR • 646-61I1 DEADLINE grounds. Only 315t900. bedroom. Living room, 232-9015 Phllbrick Agency, Realtors, kitchen and bath. Quiet area, 12:00 noon lha 2iay bafore near busline. $60,000. Frank publication. 646-4200. ______Nm t IQ Morktl HOUSE Filloramo, Real Estate Oaadllna for Saturday and Homaa For Sals 23 Homaa For Sals 23 MAJESTIC COLONIAL Monday is 12:00 Noon Friday. MANCHESTER - Fifteen Broker. Call 643-9508 or 649- Help IVantod 13 Privat* Initruetlona 19 room antique Colonial, 5635 after 3 p.m. Three bedrooms, one and D.F. REALE ’ s ? ® “ “•““ OPEN HOUSE restoration nearing comple­ Vk baths, large fireplaced 175 Main St. 30 FOR YOU! REMEDIAL READING and 646-4525 34 Stont Straet tion. Three baths, nine living room (screened MANCHESTER >36,900 PLEASE READ math; individualized work fireplaces, beautiful setting. porch adjacent), formal program, Ust-8th grade) by Sunday, 1-5 p.m. Surrounded by 16 acres of dining room, sunny eat-ln Easy living can be yours in this spotless, 6 1 YOUR AD VOTE Masters degree teacher. 568- land. Phllbrick Agency, Tuesday New six-room, three bedroom Colonial. Aluminum siding, VOTE fully applianced kitchen, room RANCH, very tastefully decorated. M .T0N Classifiad ads ara lakan ovar 8075. Realtors, 646-4200. THE HAYES CORPORATION spacious fireplaced living room, formal dining room, one Tuesday wall-to-wall carpeting, Post & beamed living room with fireplace, lha phona as a convanianca. 55 CAST CENTER STREET Tha Herald is rasporulbla for and baths, large eat-in kitchen and deck with sliders. PHILBRtCK AGENCY draperies, 2-car garage. “Vermont Log Home” MANCHESTER • S4S4191 GUITAR-BANJO Teacher - 1.7 ACRES - plus a two-family R—tton fully carpeted dining room, private yard, only one incorrect insertion and Your home, or my quiet Lovely quality built home. 343,9(XI. house with income. Let us 364 MAIN STREET Extremely well main­ than only to tha size of tha GET TO KNOW US immediate occupancy can be yours. studio. FREE loan guitar. MANCHESTER • 646-4200 tained beautifully original insertion. Errors which DIREXmONS; Heading west on Center St., lake 1st right after McKee show you this unusual proper- do not lessen tha value of the Bob Stirber, 64^6557. St. (Stone Street has no street sign). ty . (Jnly asking 343,900. landscaped yard. Includes advartiaamant will not be cor­ Phllbrick Agency, Realtors, SPACIOUS CONVENIENT extra lot. Call Arthur or rected by an additional inser­ MATURE PROFESSIONAL Teacher DUBALDO-LESPERANCE AGENCY 646-4200. Ranch. Verplanck School Suzanne Shorts, 646-3233 tion. will give piano lessons in your area. Applianced kitchen, BARROWS home. Call 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. 646-0505 breakfast bar, dining area, J. WATSON BEACH PERSON 64fr6851,______VERNON wall-to-wall carpeting, three REAL ESTATE CO. ^ewws ajiww “N«w York bedrooms and fireplaced 6 4 7 -9 139. WALLACE Hs/p WMnt0d 13 Doll-Typo” living room. Ceramic tile COMPANY OPEN HOUSE MANCHESTER PARKADE as hostess for Rein's New New Raised Ranch bath, sunroom, cedar panelled York Style Dell. Call for an family room, one-car garage, Reduced For Quick Sale * 8 5 ,0 0 0 VOTE Set. ft Sun. 2 to 5 P.M. many ex tras. Mid $40^s. appointment, Tuesday 6 4 6 - 7 8 3 3 BOLTON — Sopor Ralsod Ranch. Hugo te c room, b Ib o Owner, 647-1085. n in e m u l t ip l e l is t in g s e r v jc e s CHERRONrS PACKAGE STORE COLONIAL REDUCED TD a Aral floor family room. Tw o haH hatha VOTE 872-9987 922 E. MIDDLE TURNPIKE OFFICES t h r o u g h o u t CONNECTICUT Tuesday Seven rooms. First floor family room, three MANCHESTER • 94$-7027 $37,ODD COLUMBIA BUILDER'S own Lota-Land For Sala 24 with aunkan tub. Patio daek, quality plua. JOHN HANCOCK bedrooms, three baths and garage. Home offers lots Campbell Avenue Beautifully situated on 1.3 acres in a fine MUTUAL u re INS. CO. 7 1/2 Room Ckilonial, with ’ s ? Much, much mora. Aaking WS/XIO. SS4 WEST MIDDLE TFKC. of extras. Elat-in kitchen, central air, large in- Between Dobson Road fireplace, garage, 26 foot x 30 COLUMBIA - Four building residential neighborhood. Six room “L” 40 MANCHESTER • S4S-1124 □ REAL ESTATE ground pool, wall-to-wall and much more. Offered and PhoenU Straet foot bam, on eight plus acres, lots. At good area. Beautiful M A N C H ES TER — Maadow Lana. Larga Ralaad Ranch PART TIME Nights - views. Owner may subsidize RAISED RANCH with large fully equipped with 4 badrooma, axacutiva araa. Dishwashers, waitress, and at $54,500. (380 foot fronUge), beautiful F.J.SPILECKI rural area, near lake. $85,000. to responsible builder, Leeds kitchen, extra wide living room, dining Raducad to $62,900 but owner vary hostess, weekends required. Homaa For Safa 23 Raaltora 643-2121 Realty, Hartford, 242-6027. Professional room, 3 bedrooms, semi-finished family anxloua. Looking for ottara. Apply to Tacorral 246 Broad Broker owned, 228-3080. EARN Street. Manchester. room with floor to ceiling fireplace, 2 car TWO FAMILY, central loca­ R&D REALTY DUPLEX - Rambling 6-3. TWO APPROVED Lots - Nice Relocation Service At No Extra Cost! MANCHESTER — Highland School. Sevan room GOOD tion. nice lot, four rooms each 646-4968 area, non-development, $8,500 garage, outbuilding and more. Convenient Ralaad Ranch. Immaculate. Priced CONTEMPORARY Ranch - Fireplace, carpeting, each. Broker owned. 228-3080. Bualnatt Opportunity 14 floor, good condition. 343.000. aluminum storms, trees, $445. We're your RELO real estate broker backed by over 17 occupancy.______SEE HOMES IN COLOR to aall. Low 190’a. eight rooms, featuring •••••••••••••••••••••••••a SPENDING 646-24», 9-5. income. $36,900. Hutchins yaare of experience and earvlce to transferred people. SMALL ENGINE Service beamed cathedral ceilings in MANCHESTER — Clean vacant alx room Colonial. living room, with white brick Agency, 646-3166. Real Batata Wanted 28 One call putt ue to work marketing your home here and MONEY Corporation expanding dealer COVENTRY - Spacious Two car garage. Raducad to $37,- Contemporary seven room MANCHESTER - 5-5 Duplex. fireplace, two sliding glass finding a new home for you anywhere. netw ork. No experience 3 bedrooms, country k itten , ALL CASH for your property 900. B0YS& necessary. Complete training Split. Acre wooded lot, im­ doors, 2 1/2 baths, redwood Call u$ today. wall to wall carpeting, new and aluminum exterior, 2-car within 24 hours. Avoid r ^ program. 3500. investment mediate occupancy, 352,900. VOTE tape, instant service. Hayes E.D. Taddei, Preiident GIRLS Welles Agency, 742-73Si6. aluminum siding, garage, garage, professionally CM Real Estate Center required to start your own assumable 7 1,'2% vA Tuesday Corporation, 646-0131. business. Ideal for retired or landscaped grounds with DUPLEX The Barrows & Wallace Company 5 Evoningo A Wook mortgage. Call now. F. J. SPILECKL RuDon minimum care. $69,900. part time. Detaib on request. BEAUTIFULLY kept expan­ 2J4 CENTER STREET Large 6i6 Alomioum SELLING your house? Call us r m 646-4144 6 p.m. to 8 pjn. Mr. Barker. ESCA Field dable Cape. Four rooms, plus Frechette & Martin, 646-4144. MANCHESTER • S4S-2121 Phllbrick Agency, Realtors, siding, nirnaces. two MANCHESTER HARTFORD fll 646-4200. car garu?I^Lno. first and we'll make you a FREGHEHE & MARTIN, Realtors Training Division Box 619, lovely enclosed porch. cash offer. T.J. Crockett, 646-7833 728-6615 Call Wading River, New York. Fireplaced living room, tree MANCHESTER - Pleasant W AIffiEN L Realtor, 643-1577. 263 Main St, Manciwstar 11792. shaded park-like vard. Low country setting, near nark BRICK DUPLEX - living HOWLAND 647-9946 330’s. Keith Real & tate, 646- with pond. 6 room Cape room, kitchen, formal dining ffM/tors MANCHESTER - Small varie­ 4126, 649-1922. features - fireplaced living room, three bedrooms, rec ’ s ? VOTE 6 4 3 - 1 1 0 8 Manchester ty store. Great opportunity to Tuesday room, dining room, eat-in room, 2-car garage, excellent 50 0 condition, $51,900. Phllbrick MANCHESTER *59,900 Hcralb build you own business. MANCHESTER - Meadow J.D. REAL ESTATE A AFFIUATE8 kitchen, three bedrooms. 338,- AVAILABLE NEW LISTINGS Asking 39,500. B/W Realty Lane, 2700 sq. ft. Raised *1t CENTER STREET 500. B/W Realty. 647-1419, Agency, Realtors. 646-4200. VOTE Elegant DUTCH COLONIAL with super MANCHESTER • S4S-1tS0 Tuesday 647-1419. Ranch. Central air, large MANCHESTER - Lovely seven room Cape with first HARTFDRD RDAD ENTERPRISES worKing kitchen. Raised panel cabinets, 4 spacious rooms, many extras, GLASTONBURY - Expansive Inc. SMALL GROCERY Store for priced reduced to 362.900. SPAQOUS CONVENIENT - eight room Raised Ranch on floor family room, two 276 HARTFORD ROAD bedrooms, 2 walk-in closets in master REAL ESTATE Career - Must Ranch. Verplanck School b^utiful Minnechaug Moun­ fireplaces, wall-to-wall MANCHESTER • S43-240S IF YOU CAN’T sale. Ehccellent volume, low FYechette & Martin, 646-4144. bedroom. Paneled first floor family room, have license, or in process. rent. Priced right to in­ area. Applianced kitchen, tain. Fir^laced living room, carpet, garage, located near attached 2 car garage and a 20x35’ in- Part timers considered. breakfast bar. dining area, and family room. Large deck VOTE schools and shopping. Mid terested buyer. For appoint­ Pasek, Realtor, 289- Tuesday $40's. Zinsser Agency, 646- Ilj^MEDIATE Cash for your ground pool. Ralph ment call 646-4163 between 8 wall-to-wall carpeting, three from sliding glass dmrs off property. Let us explain our COME TO US 747V bedrooms and fireplaced kitchen, r4.500. B/W Realty, MANCHESTER AUTO PARTS, INC. 1511. a.m. and 10 a.m. only. 270 BROAD STREET fair proposal. Call Mr. living room. Ceramic tile 647-1419. MANCHESTER • S49-4S2S Belfiore, 647-1413. RNs-LPNs - life - Med Ser­ SHuaOon Wantod 15 VOTE bath, sunroom. cedar paneled “MINI-FARM" In Manchester. Authentic Early vices is seeking more capable, Tuesday family room, one-car garage, MANCHESTER - Autumn MAY WE BUY your home? DONALD S. G ^O VESI many extras. Mid 340’^s. leaves are falling around this RANCH - Seven rooms, three American Farm House, with licensed professional nurses WILL CARE for your child in INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. bedrooms, modem kitchen, L Quick, fair, all cash and no Immediately is Uils newly listed full dormered Cape in WE’LL COME eight rooms, four bedrooms. 1 to add to our growing staff. my licensed home. Full or 1011 MAIN STREET Owner, 647-1085. lovely eight room Colonial. quiet area. Kitchen wlUi butlt-lns, formal dining room, 2 shaped living and dining 1/2 baths, modem kitchen, problems. Call Warren E. We are a dynamic nealtb- part time. Central location. MANCHESTER • •49-2121 Four large bedrooms, large room. Large paneled family Howland, Realtors, 643-1108. full baths, finished rec room, oversized two car garage, service organization that tries 64^7880. rec room, pleasant screened newly decorated with Colonial room in basement, garage, flair. 1 1/2 acre country lot, many extras. Inspect today. TO YOU Lovely 7 room Colonial. 3 bedrooms, I'A baths, large to utilize whatever hours you porch, country location. 367,- SELL y o u r 'H ouse through ELUNOTON SS3,t00 patio, 300' deep lot. $39,m. with abundant fruit trees. eat-ln kitchen, all new fireplaced living room, formal have available, and turn Uiem 000. B/W Realty, 647-1419. Phllbrick Agency, Realtors. J. Watson Beach Real Estate into productive work for you. DuBaldo-Lesperance, 646- dlnln^oom^off living room. BUILT IT CRAFTSMBi 6464200. 0505. Company. Professional real EXCELLENT RN-^2S per hour; LPN-34.2S estate service lor nearly 50 Value, just reduced, six room Cape in quiet location, p a hour. We will be inter­ CAPE - Bowers School - large years. Call our Manchester of­ large kitchen, 4 bedrooms, IVk baths, screened porch, viewing in Manchester this VOTE Quality workmanship MANCHESTER - Large Two VERNON Tuesday eat-in kitchen, living room fice, 647-9139. many extras. >61,500 week. To make an appoint­ throughout. 3 bedrooms, family, eleven rooms, con­ C-21 TEOFORO REAL ESTATE HOUSE VOTE with fireplace, formal dining venient location, reduced to Surrounded by mature shade trees, is this 8 ment, please call 677-9^, or RTE.44-A modem kitchen, dining Tuesday room, three bedrooms, $35,000. Paul W. Dougan, PLANNING TO SELL? - Our 677-7709. SOLTON • 947-9914 room, liv. room, oversized HARRISON'S STATIONERS aluminum siding, 2-car gar­ counseling can help without, PERFECTION room "plus” COLONIAL with 4 bedrooms, S49 MAIN STREET Realtor. 643-4535. In every respect, (Colonial styled Raised Ranch in 2)4 baths, paneled first floor family room, ’S? bath each floor. 2 car gar­ MANCHESTER • 949.7272 age, treed lot, immaculate of course any obligation. Sunday condition. $39,500. ^ilbrick Odegard Realty, 643:43195. preferr^ location, 3 large bedrooms, fireplaced family 60 age with circular driveway VERNON / BOLTON Lake - enclosed porch & in-ground pool sur­ all situated on 2 treed Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. Six room split, beamed room, fenced Vk acre, 4Vk year young. This house must be rounded by cyclone fencing. Desirable area acres of land. A truly ceilings, remodeled kitchen seen. WANTED MANCHESTER - New to of fine homes. exceptional 2 family borne. I FIRST OFFERING and bath, oil heat, basement, □ MISC. FOR SALE 2 SANFORD ROAD *36,500 market. Beautifully Manchester landscaped seven room storms. $31,900. Owner 649- Lovely 6 room Ranch, 3 bedrooms, carpeted dining Bldt for snow nm oval awLMBKw nmt 3169. NOW ONLY Raised Ranch on quiet street. room and living room w/fireplace, eat-ln kitchen, gar­ to r BARROWS A WALLACE BeautHul Articlaa lor Sala 41 w hdib nni b i m Features many built-ins. age w/enclosed patio plus cement patio w/gas grill. m u u tnisis ISix rooms, two baths, Manehoater Evonlng HonM •M-itt] Priced to sell in the low $S0’s. ALUMINUM sheets used as SENTRY [fireplaced family room, | HOURS: parking lot * 3 9 , 9 0 0 Ibuilt-ins, two air con- B/W Realty, 847-1419. printing plates, .007 thick, mvnsH Dally 8:30 - 8 p.m. Sundaya Cloaed Covantry, [ditioners, wall-to-walll 23x32". 25 cents each or 5 for Real Estate Services twTO ''^6lty company MERRITT AGENCY 646-1180 Icarpeting, patio, city] VOTE $1. Phone 643-2711. Sal. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Bids can bs submittad to Manchaatar Evsning BIrchwood Driva MANCHESTER 66 Duplex - MANCHESTER - Two Family Tuesday REALTORS 122 EAST CENTER ST. [ utiUties, two car garage. Duplex. Three bedrooms HaraM, P.O. Box 591, Attention: Mark Abraltls. Good income, nice home, 3 ^ . LA BONNI TRAVtL CLEAN USED refrigerators, 289-4331 LARGE 10 ROOM J. D. Real Estate, 6^19M, I MUST BE SEEN TO BE each, three years old, extra S7 BAST CENTCR BTRKET ♦a»#aaaaaaaa»a»»aaaaa»a»»aa»»»»a»»a»a»»4! ’ APPRECIATED! nice, owner 568-7687. MANCHESTER • S47-SS4S ranges, automatic washers, ' COLONIAL. 646-3778. OntlesLesperance with guarantees. B.D. Pearl's Four bedrooms, two baUis, Appliances, 649 Main St., 643-. fireplace, country kitchen, TWO FAMILY - in prime A- 649-7620 2171. “THERE'S HO HOME UKE THE (HE YOU OWH" BEST BUYS BY BELFIORE privately set on % of an zone lo catio n . Cflose to REDUCED TD >54,900 JOE LOMBARDO acre. Oiraers very anxious. schools, bus, shopping. DARK LOAM - Five yards, ANDOVER: “AN AFFORDABLE DREAM” has just listed a seven room Colonial in a very desirable Take Route 31 toward Aluminum sided, newer roof, $30., plus tax. Washed patio area. It is a child oriented home with a possible four 2-car garage, enclosed porch, TOLLAND -Three bedroom OPEN HOUSE Coventry Lake, right on Raised Ranch. Family room, and pool sand, gravel, stone. bedrooms, two full baths, an enclosed porch and attrac­ SANTA’S large landscaped lot. 346,900. 643-9m. Daly RMd, first right on Keith Real Estate, 649-1922. one and 1/2 baths, 2 tive rear deck, plus a good sized yard with a nice com­ fireplaces, large treed lot, Sunday — l:00-4d)0 Knollwood Drive, 3rd SEWING MACHINES - 1976 bination of sun and shade. A job transfer (sudden) is in­ right. cul-de-sac street. Immediate volved. The price is real right at $40,900. Call Joe now. HELPERS occupancy. Owner, 875-0574. Zig Zags unclaimed layaway. $48.50. Singer Touch and Sew, ALEX MATTHEW FOR SALE or rent with option ^ $389. now only onl l a S T $68.40. Fully guauaranteed . Call ExpandablG Ranch, 18x22 kltchtn with Artplae*, offers a first-time on the market immaculate nine G. Fox & Co. invites you to apply now VOTE to buy. Superb 6-room Raised 236-1123, Dealer. mMtor bedroom 18x18, living room with W/W 16x20. room Colonial, completely redecorated and with Tuesday Ranch in prestigeous area. Btaullhil naw Ihraa badroom Colonial. Plrtl floor teml- for holiday positions. Full time and part RaaHora THE ISUNOER FtorfdR room, brooioway, groonhouEO, gardon, garago aluminum siding! Nice natural woodwork. Wall to wall. Beautiful kltcnen-famlly ty room wHh glaaa tlldtrt, dock and flraplaca. Formal time sales positions available for 546-8713 423-9291 ITS TOLUND TURNPIKE room with fieldstone A P PL IA N C E S - U sed. with oloctrlo opoiwr and only 142,900. Schools, shopping, churches, and bus are nearby. $40,500. plus room aluminum sided MANCHESTER • S4Z-S82S Refrigerator, range, disposal, living and dining rooms, saparate laundry and lavatory, experienced sales personnel. fireplace. Nicely landscaped, Nuff said. Colonial in excellent location with many extras. East Coast airconditioner. Guaranteed. doublo garagt, and mart. Realty, 528-9668, 643-9969. Appliance Repair, Inc. 643- HEBRON: “FABULOUS FAMILY ROOM” JIM DEROCCO level lot. Three large bedrooms, Earn extra money and save with your SOUTH WINDSOR REDUCED TD *38p9D0 is partial to homes with an attractive stone front , es­ modernized large bath. Screened Christmas discount privileges. MANCHESTER - Northfield pecially if the rest of the residence has maintenance-free Green. Picture this ... your UNIFORMS WANTED - Cub Scouts, Boy and Girl Scouts, aluminum siding. This seven room Cape has both, plus in porch off formal dining room. own condominium home with wall to wall in several rooms. Another feature is value- Applications accepted Monday and three big bedrooms, 2 1/2 39 Harlan Straat Brownies, nurses. East Fireplace in living room. Moder­ Tuesday between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. at Catholic School. 649-1225. enhancing plastered walls. Custom designed and con­ baths, finished recreation venient, with an oversized garage, and beautifully treed nized kitchen with pantrv, laundrv room, full carpeting, outdoor Manchester the G. Fox Distribution Center in ^u th JOE NAMATH electric foot- yard. Ask Jim to show you this immaculate, convenient off kitchen. Charming foyer with Windsor, Conn. patio, storms ana screens. Charming 4 bedroom Colonial Cape situated on ball, never used, $3.00. Tonka Plus central air conditioning home. $39,500. large treed lot. Fireplaced living room, fireplaced car carrier, good condition, Dining room, 3 bodroomt, 2 flrtplMM, dock, many open staircase. and heating, complete kitchen $7. Call after 5 p.m. 643-i^. and much, much more. Must family room, 2 good sized bedrooms, dining room, •irtraK Immaoulato throughout, aero woodod and JIM FINNEGAN be seen to be appreciated. All kitchen and bath on first floor, two additional private lot. Shows extromoty w b II. $40,900. thinks this 4 bedroom Rockledge Colonial, custom built by * 3 9 ,9 0 0 TWO SNOW Tires - Steel Cambolottl, is a fine value in the mid fifties. Two • 7)4 Room Ranch • Beautiful Treed Lot this for 337,000. Call today, bedrooms and bath on second floor, walk to schools > Call us anytime, we’re Ready, Able and Willing SpackMia e-room Capa boauIHully dacoratad and 643-9797 or 6464555 for ap­ (kindergarten - high school), close to shopping. belted radial with wheels to Serve you." flreplades and a two car garage, a country kitchen with 6 4 9 - 2 9 1 3 • 1st Floor Fanijf Room • Woodbnd Area pointment. Good tread. Size 222-15 (JR78- maintelnad. Flraplaca, formal dining room, beam solarian floor, a front to back living room, and wall to Priced to sell. callings plus garage and traod lot. 15). Call 646-3233. wall in live rooms are features of this fine home. Can be G. FOX & CO. • 1)4 Bath3 • Move-in Comfition DIRECTIONS; North on Main St. to Henry, east on V Inspected any time by asking for Jim. • Garaie Henry to Harlan. OnhiQK TEDFOBD i W O L v e r t o n Hartford Btai ESTATE MANY MORE • CALL US • WE WORK REAL ESTATE VOTE ZINSSER AGENCY m i REALTOR8-ML8 An fiqual Opportunity Employer SHOREY REALTY Tuesday VOTE THE WILLIAM L BELFIORE AGENCY aGency^ Tuesday R lA L U T A T l' 647-9914: 169 Waal Canter Straat 646-2482 REALTDR8 647-1413 872-8878 okoEIAK D R ^ A L L OOHPANV 646-1S11 ^ ..RIO realty Sri OEHTIR atRBET kSAAAAlMAAAAAAAAAAAAd MANOHlSfXR • 44MSU b PAGE TWENTY-TWO - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn,, Sat., Oct. 30, 1976 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Sat., Oct. 30, 1976- PAGE TWENTY-THREE ACROM DOWN Answer to Previous Puzzle FfMi m a ifiMSi Room* tor Rant 82 RpartmMit For Rwrt 82 OMcM-8 torM tor Ron( 88 Rutot For tato 8f D3®|?fl®©P ' I I MskedHigns 1 Skinny fish U U U Q Charles M. Schultz MANCHESTER - Female j^NCHESTER GARDENS- 1966 JEEP Wagoneer • New on melsl 2 Genealogicsl □ □ (3 D □ A r Tl I travel 1 ^should HAVfi roommates, vrorklng gals or “Two 'bedroom, ‘ D upla apart- # | | m 6 Alcohol lamp record □ r n j a \ I E paint and clutch, plow and CD 1 students wanted to share ment, |1W monthly, includes ^ | g o ^ tires. Call 649ttl5. 9 Porcine home 3 Adduce agenn» ~ w a r n c d V o u ^ Dear Abby 12 American 4 □ □ m f l - _ _ house with same )B . weekly. neat, hot water, appliarillances, Hiwthorne □ SE n A N 7 M9-800S. parking. Superintendant 645- Tuesday Indian heroine I DON'T SUPPOSE HOO'D D. W. nSH REALTY 0 0 . 1963 CORVAIR - Good running □ □ A A a NO, I wouldn't cape UKWLD YOU PEAO ONE E R N i e . . . o m . ^ r t C . White Co. 126- 13 EgypOsn daily 6 Well n T U i VERNON OIROLI condition. $150. or best offer. By Abigail Van Buren CARE TO HAVE ME TELL OF OUR pamphlets? Rpartmanis For Rant 52 8M1, ^ u a l Housli VIRNON • BAS-im 14 Htvi debts visualized D a A 9 T e ^ FOR THAT AT ALL > Needs valve cover gaskets. 15 Ls s s m 0 •fOU ALL ABOUT THE Nevep S t w A 643-0291. M a o ____ □ A A M1 WE HAVE customers waiting FOUR ROOM Apartment lOOnttonth Tung (3 £ N t 7 T D "6(?EAT PUMPKIN*?? T Adults only, no pets. Parking, M ANCHESTER - M ain Mors □ 1 D A M 6 PLUMBeR TO for the rental of your apart­ 1970 COUGAR XR7 - Vinyl DEAR ABBY: After raading the latter tram HEAVY- security. MomingB or after 4 Street, one, two and three u K ? ’ fastidious □ 0 t N U ■ 7 ^ ment or home. J.D. Real roof, power steering, ISBetgitttsd ■ T T VENiCe OM Ml p.m., 649-1266. room offices available. Call HEARTED DAD whoM pragmmt daui^tar wasn't avsa Oriental □ n n a i B • 5 Estate Associates, Inc. 646- Paul W. Dougan, Realtor, 643- automatic and air, excellent throvgh al^ th grade, I had to write. This is far aU tesnags 20 Osvouring a 1980. Seed pods Smith 48 Bsgin 4S35. condition. $1800 firm. 6496989. riris whose boyMands tiy to pressure then into going all 22 Um up VACATIOM. m m m K n m 23 Gentile IdentlesI 30 Story •gain AptrtniMt aYtlUbl* Novtml»r the woy: libllng fabricstor CM*'*''" >V ' V Hrq tis ll*' Th m ^ LOOKING for anything In real ATTRACTIVE Four room • 1987 OLDSMOBILE mstarlsl 46 Words of un- estate rental - apartments, lit. WtU-to-wall urpiU ni, Imt, I’m 16 and my boyfriend Is 18. Sure, we go peridng and 24Cover H SifNrMker 31 Chtrity •MlliiRn, I sir conSmoiwn. office. Central downtown Toronado. Good running con­ dsrtunding (2 - 0 - 3 0 I . J 1 homes, multiple dwellings, no dition, $500 or best offer. 649 make out, but when he msntione fo u ^ bees, 1 sat Um 31 Sooner state *8 Fifty psreent 37 First-row wds.) By DICK CAVAUI AmlU, no p*U, location. In professional straight right away. WINTHROP fees. 6ill J.D. Real EsUte building with parking, heat, 4913. C h In sM position (2 49 MongrtI dog Associates, Inc. 646-1960. CHARLES LItK M N G C and air conditioning. My fesUng la this; We have our whtde Uvea ahead of ns, phllotophy wdt.) 50 Stinging address 24 City in 6 4 S -7 tM Available November 1st. Call 1969 CHEVROLET. 4-door, 9 so why take a chance on ruining it whw wa’re yoong? 38 Nixon psi inisctt ROCKVILLE - Accepting 33 Communiet. Norway 6492865. cylinder, automatic transmis­ If your boyfriahd ttys, "If you lovs ma, you'D prove it Rsbozo 52 Dirsetor Mickey Finn — Morris Weiss n 'i p ^ applications for one bedroom, MANCHESTER - Newer sion, good condition. $750. by going all tbs way,'^ tall him to gat lost. Keep a level tkms agency Contsstsd 41 King (Fr.) Prtmingtr $127 per month, two-bedroom, 43 Mott pitsfsnt 63 Formsriy three bedroom apartment. MANCHESTER • 122 Bast After 5 p.m. or Sunday, 872- hMU and don't aver go ao far you can’t turn badi. It's not 34 Ife^’ Thsrtfort ■'TT $161 p er m onth, th re e Modem eat-in kitchen with 8827. worth it. Sign me... Outtr (prefix) 45 German Persia MR. FMN-WOULD WOU SUT WILL GML LET ME ASK bedroom, $174 per month. Center Street, 530 sq. ft. first 38 Stags o4s lubmsrint 54 Burning gliis SC WILLING 1D SPEND AGRES TO------HER—RM2NT appliances, carpeted, air con­ floor, modem office. Ample A FIRM "NO” joumsy SongstTHS -THE WEEKEND HERE— NOWI Rent Includes all utilities, ditioned, private yard in quiet 1969 TOWN and Country (comp, wd.) 87 You (fr.) wall-to-wall carpeting, and ^ ^ In g . Merritt Agency, 649 36 Btth neighborhood. Immediate oc­ Chrysler. Wagon, new brake DEAR FIRM: Congratulatfanal FIftaw ytan ago 1 39 HIghlsndsr's 1 2 r 4 S I 7 1 t 10 11 parking. Call 1-237-1^ for In- ccupancy. ^ n c y . $265. per month. 649 job, new water pump, cip tormauon. EHO. wMta a book, "DEAR TEENAGER,” bat the e h ^ 12 13 14 BOLTON NOTCH • Modem of­ excellent tires, good running 40 Fragrance condition. $500 fftm. 649-681C "Shoiild 1 PMvs My Lovaf” is still sound adviea far 42 JMks Of fice or showroom building, tSSBSWSe Afid Im n It It! II tt 17 FIVE ROOM Second floor storage buildings on four In­ betur apartment with appliances. G ^ sn ead to "prove thsir lovs” throngh OBdt a n 44 Setonging to tl It 20 21 dustrial commercial acres. 1- rslatfans Uka a maoaa nsads a hat rack. Unheated. Garage. Call after 2294460. us 1 ViOTE 4 p.m., 528-1712. Why Bot “prova your love” iw atidifaig year baad ia the 47 Ftdersl 22 23 1 Tuesday OFFICE FOR rent • 288 oven and tondng oa the gaaT Or ptoyiag laim-Brag oat fas InvMtigstors IT 21 U 3t 30 31 OPTICAL STYLE BAR, INC. MANCHESTER - Four rooms square feet floor space. Air the trafBaf It’s about as aafa. 46 Absorb 7SS MAIN STREET B VOTE molsturt 12 111 MAIN STREET with heat, hot water and gar­ conditioned, center of town, Tuesday Claar the eobwaba out of your head: Aay fallow who ArtIciM tor Sa/a 41 Artlcl** lor Solo 41 Building Suppiloo 42 Andquot 41 61 Shy 1 1 MANCHESTER • S4S-I1SI age. $225. Adults only. Securi- near hospital. 643-1188. ORIINB AND THINQB aaka jron to ‘proyajronr love’ la trying to taks jioa far tba IS U deposit, references. Mr. S4S BROAD STREET Mggtat, moat gnlUbla faol who aver walkad. Thatit prevkM 66 Ttko to court TAG SALE - Sunday October NATURAL SZONE for WANTED Antique furniture, MANCHESTER • S4S-1SSS 86 Upon 1 1 1 1 FOR SALE - SO gallon barrel MODERN TWO bedroom (Midon. Gordon Realty, 643- bH la one of tba cUos iavsirtadl 40 43 wood stove. Call 228-9617. 31st. from 10 a.m. to 3p.m,, at retaining walls, veneers, glass, pewter, oil paintings, or 86 To bo (Fr.) *’ 1 1 109 Lenox Street. Ootning for patios, etc.Pick up by the other antique items. R. Townhouse, Blast Hartford, 2174. OmCE SPACE Dom h e love YOU? It doesn't aoand Uka h. SoaiaoM heat and hot water, 1 1/2 69 Summer (Fr.) 44 41 Priscilla’s Pop — Al Vermeer LOAM - Washed sand, gravel all, and miscellaneous. Rain pound or delivery by the ton. Harrison, 643-8709. FOR RENT Trucks lor Solo 63 . who lovM yoa wranto whatovtr ia bast far you. But now 60 Vast period of 1 baths, disposal, dishwasher, RESPONSIBLE Person - 41 t S S S and stone. Complete date November 7th. Miton Notch Stone Quarry, flgura it ont. Ha wants you to: timo 4 .. 3 3 4 laundry hook-ups, $240. Call Male or female to share two IlSO square feel, center oil 1966 INTERNATIONAL 1 POP GOT '■ A POLICEMAN WANTED TO landscaping. Fireplace wood. 649-3163. Commtt an immoral act... 61 BsMbtllsr SS WHERE HAVE YOU ALL TYPE Vacuum Cleaners KEEP SMILING 528-1708 days. bedroom apartment In I Manchester, air caidillonlng and I Dump truck. Loadstar 1600 V- Surraadsr your rirtaa,.. St 57 SI INVOLVED IN A KNOW WHY HE COULDN’T 3 Musisl BEEN? I WAS Call 742-7833, or 649-2178 Manchester. Call Dick 872- I parking. Cail 643-SUI. guaranteed. $49.95 up. 8, 5-speed transmission, 2- Throw away your aalf-raapeet... 62 Ands (Fr.) Sf to SPEED- REAPING REAP A SIGN THAT evenings. George H. Griffin he. K E E P H A P P Y SECOND FLOOR - Five room 7202. 61 (BETTING WORfRlEP.' CONNECTICUT VACUUM, speed rear axle with Baker Risk the loaa of your pradons raputotfoa... 63 Ridicule COURSE.' SAID. ’SPEED. 3SMPH'.' flat. All appliances, fully 12 13 S GARAGE .SALE - October 419 Main Street, 646-5495. SCREENED LOOM plow. Best offer. 623-8384. And risk gstting hito troubia... 64 Weight units 4 carpeted, basement storage THREE and 1/2 Rooms - aaeeeaoeeaseessaeeseaaeaee aesessasaaeeasaassaesasaas X 30th., 31st. to to 4. Hospital • Sand • BrmI • FM with washer and dryer con­ Modem kitchen, appliances, Wanisd to Ront $7 Dom t)jat sound m tboyffh hi w n tt iHist*i b itt tot bed. household items, lawn Heavy Cquipmont (NEWSBABin ENTinpniSE ASSN) Andovar nections. Convenient to garden, security. $ln. plus lor Solo 63 rooT TUs is tbs laugh d ftoa esatary. Ha traata what’a mowers, plumbing, electrical, 742-7886 schools and shopping. $260. No heat. Call 649-0969. No GARAGE - Vicinity of Oak btat far HIM...ha wants a tbifll ha can brag aboat at your carpentry items, furniture, VOTl".'Utilities. CaU Mr. Peterman, tXptBite children, no pets. and Cottage Street. Call 649 TROJAN on rubber. Six antiques, miscellaneous. 204 VOTE Tuesday 649-9404 or 6446659. LovsT Who’s Idddlag whomi A boy iriio Iovm a girl 0103 days, nights, 643-2838 ask Hawthorne Street, DUBALDO-LESPERANCE AOENCY cylinder Cummings Diesel Tuesday MANCHESTER - Unusual one for Mr. Bowers. two yard bucket. Asking $6500. uyuld sooasr cut off U s right ana t h n hurt bsr. If you Manchester. MANCHESTER PAINT A Oogs-SIrds-Pats 43 «S7 CENTER STREET MANCHESTER • 64S4SSS CARRIAGE HOUSE - New bedroom townhouse Call 6497907. YFant my opinion, this aalf-aMving so-aad-ao bM abasidy Win at Bridge WAUPAPER CO )0 luxury 4-room Ranch style apartments. Private en­ Mftc. tor Ront 56 HOTPOINT STOVE - Self I t s MIDDLE TPKE. WEST proved that ha DOESN’T love you. MANCHESTER • S4S-«1«S DOG-CAT BOARDING apartment. First floor laun­ trances and patio. Full base­ An ordinary match-point iozp cleaning oven, two years old; bathing grooming. Complete ANTIQUES Wanted - fur­ Molorcydos-BIcyclos 64 Tbs pradletabU aftanaoth of "praoT’ of tU s Uad always dry, 1 1/2 baths, cabinet ment, includes heat, MANCHESTER - 525 square flnds Doo Juan tiring of Ua apart. Thot’a whaa ba d n m player would probably do just modern hutch with glass modern facilities. Canine niture. oriental rugs, pain­ kitchen with new smliances, NORTH P-30 TWO G78X15 Radial Snow appliances, carpeting and air feet industrial space. $85. TRIUMPH 1976 Bonneville goto that also, but how about the doors, both in excellent condi­ Holiday Inne. 200 Sheldon tings, pewter. Windsor diairs, formal dining, slioing glass YOU, ideka up Ua Una and caatiag daevriiara far AQ104 Tires. $65. CaU 6466347. d e ^ . potterv, weathervanes, conditionirig. $2o0. per month. monthly including heat. 750, 8000 miles, oil cooler and Uggar and equally ailly flab. expert who wants an over- tion. 646-1292. Road. Manchester. 646-5971, doors to pnvate sundeck, No pets. Damato Enterprises, Warren E. Howland Realtors, » Q 2 baskets. Ron Konne, 643-1691. rack. $1,750. 289-4042. At timM, etin aaothar version of this modem tragedy trick. Captain Easy — Greeks and Lawrence SINGER SEWING Machine southern exposure, central air 6491021. 643-1108. a J 10 5 4 ocenra, as indieatod by this latter 1 once laeaivad: Our expert will win the first and maple cabinet. Ehicellent conditioning, full private' Compers-Trollors « K J 106 WH-WHUPPIP VOU PIP you NOT WANTED - Complete estates, basement. &S. CaU warren DEIAR ABBY: I went ataady far Savm months with a trump in dummy and lead the yv-w-wAiT A miijute: -BUT ALL OF A SUPDEN condition. Phone 875-4321 clocks, phonographs, steins. DELUXE 4 1/2 Rooms - Mobllo Homos 65 MAY6E I CARRIED YOU SOMETHING TELLS ME X!»4 PUT IN THIS BLANKETY- ASK FOR CREAM evenings and weekends. E. Howland FL^Itor, 643-1108. Townhouses. 1 1/2 baths, all boy I thought woo the moat wondatful peraou in the wUila WEST(D) EAST jack of diamonds. If East BLANK COFFEE «! ND SU G A R 1 Will buy outright or sell on ducks, our expert will go up UP the MOUWTAINSIDE-- THE OWE WHO SOT TAKEN VOTE appliances, two air con­ □ AUTOMOTIVE 18’ CAMPER trailer - single w i ^ . 1 thought I’d dways stay decant. After a YrUle wa *765 * 8 3 FOR A RIPE I VOTE consignment, anv quantity. Tuesday NEWER THREE bedroom - weren’t ootioBod with Just Uaeing. WAKJ7 wioas3 with his king, ruff his last TAG SALE - Sunday. Three Tuesday 644-8962. ditioners, carpeted, heat, hot axle, excellent condition. BOLTON PHARMACY families. Something for SENTRY REAL ESTATE SERVICES Duplex. 1 1/2 baths, all water, patios, sound proofing, Eleven years old. $1,500. Call He aaked ma to prove my fava. I thought as long as wa SQS2 OATS heart, run trumps and make N 7 BOSTON TURNPIKE as CONN. BLVD. Autos For Solo 61 BOLTON • S4S-«1tS everyone. West Street, yipliances. $260. monthly. washer ‘n dryer hook ups, 742-8930. planaad to be married in a bw years, what Yronld it *653 *0742 the last four tricks wiUi Uie EAST HARTFORD • XSS-4SS1 THE PACK RAT - Collec­ Frechette & I^rtin, 64M144. SOUTH clubs to wind up with an over­ Hebron. Follow signs. 10 a.m. tibles. and turquois jew el^, storage, basemoit garages, mattarT to 4 p.m. some available with NEED CAR? Credit bad? *AKJ02 trick and a top score. CLEAN SEASONED COLLIES - AKC Sable male, 8 suitable for holiday gift Bankrupt? Repossessed? SOMETHING Special - One of MANCHESTER - Nice, quite firqilaces, and two car gar­ a kind. This home offers lot. He loat aU tMpect far me. He started going rrith othar V9S4 Doesn’t our ex|wrt risk his hardwood - Split and ready for wedis. Tri male, 6 months, giting. Sunday 12 to' 6, 40 one bedroom apartmoit m a Honest Douglas accepts aK03 Rora Road, off Route 85, ages. 6490800, 6491540. private front dining room, girla. He even talked about ma to other b m . contract by that line of play? fireplace. Deuvered. Call 742- To placa a Claasifiad shots, housebroken Price small adult apartment com­ lowest down, smallest *AQ K69 anytime. Bolton. with bar. Large living room, Please print tUa far aU the girls to saa. Maybe R wUl Of course, he does, but the 643-2711. reduc^. 684-4666 plex. Price includes private JUST MARRIED? Second payments. Douglas Motors, Both vulnerable 345 Main. hugh master bedroom. A must help eomeone who is tempted to ptova her love like I did. risk is snnall. West has dealt entrance, paiking. heat, hot floor four room apartment to see. Large selection of new, and passed and not acted athis ANTIQUE GUN AucUon - An­ FREE KITTENS - Need good water, kitchen appliances, SORRY NOW West Nerth East Saetk tique guns, edged weapons available now. Stove and and pre-owned homes. Trades next turn. He has ^own up MOVING ■ 40 inch Hotpoint homes. Fully bouse trained. □ RENTALS basement storage and laundry refrigerator supplied. No WE PAY $15 for complete If he lovM you, let HIM prove U s love—by mardiiag Pass Pass Pass 1 * a ^ related items. From D.L. caU 643-5814. junk cars. Clall Joey, Tolland welcomed. New 14 foot wide, you to the altorl with the ace and' king of electric range, deluxe modeL facUities. $225 per month. No pets. Security and references from $9,995. Im m ediate Pass 2 * Pass 4 * Helman collection and others. pets. Damato Enterprises, Auto Body, 5291990. Pass Pass Pass hearts. He is most unlikely to Sunday, October 31, S p.m. double oven. Pbilco required. 6492210. parking, excellent financing also hold the ace of dianrands. refrigerator, two-door, large Soats-Accassorfas 45 Rooms lor Root 52 646-1021. Opening lead — K u Holiday Inn, Blast Hartford, PARTS Department now open available. Plaza Home's, 1348 Furthermore, if West did bold Ct. 1-84, R ^ rts Street Eiit. freezer. Sell both for $2«. IMMEDIATE Occupancy - Wilbur Cross Highway, Berlin Alley Ocp — Dave Grace ExceUent condition. 649-7387. 17 FOOT Thompson - Wood ESSEX MOTOR INN - Weekly FOUR NICE Rooms - Stove, Four room apartment. Saturdays. Complete line of that ace of diamonds he Inspection 4-5. Terms cash. deep huU Runabout. 50 HP Chrysler parts. Chorches Tpke., Berlin, Conn. 1-829 almost surely would have led Consignments accepted. rooms, single $56.. double $0. refrigerator, parking, con­ Appliances, beat, hot water, Astro-graph EASY, txxr.' DORK, FOR VDUR OWN NO, MR. BOOM, I OKAY, LITTLE V - > O Motors. 6493646. COW MitNURE - $8 and $16 JiAnson. Newer trailer, aU in plus tax, continental venient location, $155. security, lease. Central loca­ it at trick three. ■ COOL IT / GOOD n> ADVISE YOU REFUSE! AFTER exceUent condition, plus many How'about East? Should he 20" MAGIC CHEF. $50. CaU loads. Also Roto TiUing. caU breakfast, maid service, color Married couple, one child, 649- tion. $205. per month. 649-3340. FRONT KITCHEN - 12 Foot By BERNICE BEDE 080L TO LEAVE HERE AND ALL, t h e e x - , 6496731. extras. Must be seen. $1250. TV, utilities, parking. Call, 8350. By Otwald * James Jacoby rise with ace of diamonds? X MEAN nCMT PERIMENT 6....' 649-1796. 649-7895. wide, two bedrooms, needs NOW/ 646-2300. work. $3,495. Call Plaza Yes, he should, but everyone MANCHB5TBH - Three room Today’s band will be of little may make a mistake when SEASONED OAK Fireplace Homes. Broker. 1-828-0369. S C O R P IO (O cL 24-Nov. 32) At a ■ f G ordon Products 47 CLEAN furnished room fcN apartment in a two family For Sunday, Oct. 31,1978 interest to rubber bridge given a chance. wood for deliveries. Call 742- DAMATO Bnanuscs VOTE social gathering today don't get players. After West starts out mature person. Central. Call bouse. Appliances, utilities, Tuesday 1971 APACHE Mesa Pop-Up. 7886. 646-4701 after 6 p.m. Large vanety d Apartmenls and ARIES (March 21-AprH 19) In Involved with an opinionated by cashing the ace and king of BOTTI'S FRUIT Farm - $175. J. D. Realty 646-1980. Townhoutei tkrougkooi RAYMOND F. DAMATO Solid state with heater, $500. person who’s trying to belt you Fresh apples, pumpkins, Mancfaerter. financial matters, you’re likely to hearts and shifting to a trump TAG SALE - Lots of VOTE 649-2530. let the big tlsh get eway while you Into an argum ent. It’ll a c ­ Tuesday Rantal Ottea opam daOf >*S, housewares, tools and clothes. pears, and fresh sweet apple LARGE Comfortable room - ATTRACTIVE Three Room, complish nothing. our rubber bridge player will A New York reader wants to REOAL MEN'S SHOP IN d Paiking, on bus line, must S«t Sitf9d»|r 11‘i 1975 CORVETTE - Automatic, capture the minnow. Keep your 46 Clark Road, Bolton, Oc­ cido'. 2W Bush Hill Road, modem apartment, beat, hot factory-air, power windows, Automotive Service 66 priorities In order. SAQITTARIUS (Nov. 29Doe. win in his hand, r ^ f his last know what a forcing pass is. SOT MAIN STREET have r^erences. Call 649-ffi26. 646-1021 tober %th and 31st. MANCHESTER • S4S-247S Manchester. water, appliances, garage. tilt steering wheel, am/fm, TAURUS (April 29Msy 20) Be 21) II you’re trying to gel heart, draw trumps, cash four It is a p ^ made in a com- AdulU (My. $195. 643-4884, 240 New State Rosd CB radio, 9track Upe player. ELM MOTORS - Toyota, Dat- aware of being boastful today, or something for the home with the club tricks and concede a dia­ peUUve situaUon when you .'-■vi? - .r,. 646-7268. MANCHESTER Must be seen. Reasonable. sun specialists, factory of having grandiose schemes. eld of two friends, don't count on mond to wind up with exactly know your partner will do the one who promises the bigger C Dealer. 6492791. trained, one day service, 114 You could turn on the vary peo­ 10 tricks. - ...... discount. He won't produce. someUiing when the bidding East Main, Rockville. 871- ple you’re trying to Im prau. gets back to him. TRIUMPH Spitfire, 1974, 1617. O E M IN I (M ay 21-3uiw 20) You’ll CAPRICORN (Dee. 22-Jan. IS) probably have only partial Don’t attempt to oversell Ideas to Berry’s World m CLEAN Two-bedroom yellow, excellent condition, VnTF success today because you lend others today. Just tell them The Flintatones — Hanna-Barbera Productions Townhouse apartment. like a make an offer. Call 646-4938 Tuesday to exercise faulty judgment. Try enough to whet their appetites, home of your own. Immediate after 5 p.m. then stop talking. FDOARTV BROTHERS, MC. occimancy, credit references to see where the greatest value lies. AQUARIUS (Jan. 29Fab. 19) v o u 'u . SIS BROAD STREET needed. Children and pets MANCHESTER • MB-4tSt CHEVY BELAIR - 1968 4- VOTE CANCER (June 21-July 22) II You’re likely to be ovarindulgent Im a v e t o welcomed. Perfect residential door. Small V-8. Radio, Tuesday you’re in the company of one with those you love today. Ba location for your family. automatic transmission, fair PHOtO HUT, INC. kind, but don't overwhelm them. m h MANCHESTER - Raodi ^ you're overly anxious to Impress FOR Schools within walking dis­ condiUon. $400. Call 742-8400 211 CENTER STREET PISCES (Fab. 29l^indi 20) A ooe bedroom apartment in a MANCHESTER • $40*6206 today, don't put on airs. Just be YOUR­ quiet convenient location. tance. $140 to $155. 2293125. after 6 p.m. yourself. pal who Is prone to exaggerate SELF Price includes heat, hot LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Be very may pass on some Intriguing tala Sorrieoo OHorod 31 Sarvfcaa OHorod 31 PolnOng-Popoiing 32 Roodng-Sldlng-Chlmttof 34 water, wall-to-wall carpeting, BEDROOM For Rent - Share 1976 TRIUMPH TR 7 - Op­ careful If managing the affairs of to you today. II you repeat It, give air conditioning, kitchen 11/2 baths, kitchen privileges tions, air conditioning, U m others today. You might take voice only to what you know to CLOCKS REPAIRED - Pen- HAVE TRUCK wUl travel. PAPER HANGING Expert. ROOFER will install roof, appliances, basem ^ laundiy with owner, and ooe other te­ deck. 16,000 miles. Originally Angel Rug risks you wouldn't dare to with be true. Julum, Cuckoo, 400-day (an­ Light tmeking, caU 6434059. Your average paper, in siding or gutters for low dis­ facilities and storage. $235. nant. Security. 6497630. $7,000, asking $5500 or best your own resources. niversary). Quality at average room, $30. Mr. count price. Call Ken at 647- per month. No pets. Damato offer. Must sell. Call 5699348 VIROO (Aug. 23-Sepl. 22) Not a Your reasonable prices. 643-6004 SNOW PLOWING - Depen­ Ricbman, 6493864. 1566. Enterprises, 6491021. Homos lor Ront 54 after 5 p.m. good day lor you to make major evenings, weekends. decisions. Don’t be pressured dable service, low rates caU Into agreeing to something you Birthday 273-4862, between 8 and 4; caU MANCHESTER - Eight room COLONIAL 6 Rooms - 3 1970 CHEVROLET station CUSTOM DRAPERIES made QUALITY PAINTING and bedrooms, handy location, haven't studied. OcL 31, 1070 6493371 alter 5, ask for Tom Paper Hanging by Willis bouse, appliances, available wagon. Power steering, power to specifications. Free es­ references ana security brakes, autom atic. Good LIBRA (Sept. 23-O ei 23) You’re Hite; or 6492283 after 5, ask Schultz. Fully insured, Novembw 1st. $ ^. J. D. likely to be disappointed finan­ A very active social life Is likely timates and measurement. required, $300 per month. shape. Asking $1,000. Call 649 for Jim. references. 649-4343. VOTE Real Estate. 6491980. cially today II you expect more for you this year. Two new pals Call anytime before 9 p.m. Tuesday Philbrick Agency, Realtors, 8519 will each Initiate you Into 6494266. 6494200. then you’re entitled to. Seek only Born Loser — Art Sansom ELECTRICIAN - All types of J. WATSON BEACH, RMNan MANCHESTER - Three room your lair share. dllfarent circles of friends. Bulldlng-ControcOng 33 I t s E. CENTER BT. 1970 REBEL - Automatic, wiring, electrical improve­ MANCHESTER • t47-t1St apartment, second floor, close REWEAVING bums, holes. ment, and repair work. FREE to Main Street. $145. per SIX ROOM Colonial - Four good condition, 6-cylinder, Zipyers, iunbrellas repaired. WES ROBBINS carpentry years old. Three bedrooms, three tires extra, tape estimates. Call 6466^. remodeling specialist. Au­ month. Paul W. Dougan, o / . I HOPE HE Window shades, V e n e tia n BIDWELL Home Improve­ Realtor, 6494535. carpeted, 2 1/2 baths, all cassette. $1,000. Call 11 a.m. Jl 'WWT W Knew? V HTN blinds. Keys. TV for rent. ditions, rec rooms, dormers, appliances, including ODD JOBS - You name it, we ment Co. E x ; ^ installation to 2 p.m., 6496070. Bugs Bunny — Halmdahl and Stoffal UK5 JOHU (XO^JDHUIMWS' HE PASSED k c M , .RDlO'TDECf Marlow’s, K l Main St. 649 do it! Experienced, all work built-ins, bathrooms, of aluminum siding, gutters w am r/dryer. $360. monthly, 5221. kitchens, 6493446. JUST REMODELED Five • 1976DyNEA.I. Inc. guaranteed. 6492097,647-1384. and trims. Roofing installa­ rooms, second floor for clean 6491919. FORD - Gran Torino. 1973. FLITISH THAT'S A tion and repairs. 6tt-6495, sh- adults, no pets, one month’s Vinyl top, low mileage, snows. ThtoT'S 12 liU S A Y ONE OSEDTD SHAME., CiM TREE Service - Free es­ WINDOW CLEANING - NEW CEILINGS and 9109. TOLLAND - Nine room. 4 Good condition. Asking $2350. "Golly, Governor, I cant toll you how proud I timates, discount senior archways installed, ceilings security, references. $220 STRAtOHT (3AMES THING...YER A Commercial and residential, monthly, with heat. 646-0423. bedroom, 2 1/2 bath executive Call 6494068 or 633-05OT. am to In charge of ‘halo eltecV this evening!" SAH- citizens. Company resurfaced, unique and com­ HORACE Tetrauit — Siding, home for lease. References. YfliVE U5Sr, FUDDSY/ GOOD LOSER.' Manchester owned and fully insured, free estimates. mon ceiling textures. Drobiak Call Quality Maintenance, roofing, storm windows, aw­ SIX ROOM Duplex - One and Available immediately. 879 1975 CHEVROLET Monza. HAD ENOU<3M? Our Boarding House — Csrrol & McCormick operated. Call 646-1327. Dry Wall Co., The Ceiling and nings. (Quality workmanship, 8063, 649-9565, 875-5151. Towne Coupe. Five speed, low i N/e l e a r n e d Inc. 6466845. Wall People, Manchester. 649 1/2 baths, no utilities, two free estimates. Fully insured. children a accepted. c c e p te mileage, excellent condition. TO CONTWOL GENERAL RemodeUng and 8882.______8726187, 6493417. $2,600. 649-7550. HU6TLE HIM BA<3< TO painting, interior and References and security. No MY TEMPER/ WHERE YOU aor HIM'. exterior. Free estimates. Pointing-Poporing 32 pets. $215. monthly. Available WE PONT WANT ANY SPECIALIZING cleaning and November 1st. 64iob7. MUST SELL FAST! 1966 References. Reasonable repairing chimneys, roofs, EXTRA TROUBLE WITH 3 Falrlane GT. Good body, and prices. 6497831. INSIDE - Outside painting. new roofs. Free estimates. 30 VOTE THE FUZZ COMIN’.' tLL DUPLEX Three bedroom - Interior. Rebuilt 428police In­ Special rates for people over VOTE Years Experience. Howley, Tuesday BURN THE EVIDENCE ' Appliances, six rooms, willing terceptor engine, CFM 855 QUALITY Refinishing • 6b. Fully Insured. Estimates Tuesday 6495361. MANCHESTER DRUO TO KEEP THE UPON' Custom reupholstery, 199 given. Call 6497863. SCRANTON MOTORS to redecorate, near Charter TIT MAIN STREET Holley carb. Four speed, all TALCOTTVILLI RD„ RT. SS Oak. No pets, security, MANCHESTER • S4I-4S41 new tires, snows on rear on WELL TAKE CARE Forest Street, Manchester. VIRNON • S4S-11I1 Hooting-Plumbing 35 Ace - Wirth Caning, r^airs. Very references. 64941^. chrome wheels. Many extras! OF BIS MOUTH This Funny World PAINTING - interior and MANCHESTER - Five rooms Needs little work. Make an t A TEBI reasonable. Free estimates. exterior, paperhanging, SEWERLINES, sink lines, 6466574. LEON CIESZYNSKI builder - FOUR COZY rooms - In a two family house. Three offer. Call 742-7780, or 643- lo/y excellent work. References. new homes custom built, cleaned with electric cutters, Appliances, all . utilities, bedrooms, garage, $175. J. D. 9293. \NHEN FWUSTWATED, W H'/PIDMT You PASS To Free estimates. Fully In­ remodeled, additions, rec ^ professionals. McKinney carpeted, on bus line, near Real EsUte, 6491960. BRICK-Block, stone, sured. Martin Mattson, 649 rooms, garages, kitchens Bros. Sewage Disposal Com­ I ASSUME THE YtXSA M6.-TW)ASWlOeoPeU . fireplaces, concrete, chimney hospital. Available im­ 1969’ AMBASSADOR - Clean, WSITION AND 4431.______remodeled, bath tile, cement pany, 6495308. mediately. Adults, no pets. MANCHESTER - East Middle good condition, many extras, repairs. No job too small. work. Steps, dormers. MEDITATE/ z - ' SEE YA 0 Save. Call 644-8356 for es­ PAINTING - Interior. Paper Security, and references. 649 Turnpike, Four Room Cape. must be seen at $895.6492482, Residential or commercial. 9258. Appliances, $240plus security. . 649-8989, Charley. TOMORROW/ timates. hanging. Neat work, Call 6494291. cats MUTm ANUB references. Insured. For free a n d 0M wMan an ho^ 6#1540, 646460(r 2056 FORMICA TOPS - Cabinets THREE ROOMS - Heated, 1969 BMW-20092. Runs good. estimates call Brian Henry, TIMOTHY J. CONNELLY lip«t npMf Mi unin m il tjfn il A treat for under-the- and doors made to order. Top 6466161. WCl4 ffltM ~ hltaHMrtl M stove, refrigerator, near OlWees-Stores tor Ront 66 Mounted radial snows. trcc, a ilnrling angel rug. 0 quality work, reasonable Carpentry and general con­ busline. 6499(B1. Am/fm, body rust. About $800. prices. References. 6497831. tracting. Residential and T.P.MTKIIUIIC. Cali 872-35^. No. 2056 line pattern commercial. Whether it be a piece; tranifer; dlrec- 'LANS 64M 7B8 ONE BEDROOM Apartment - separate front room offices. tions. EXPERT TREE removal and small repair job, a custom "Slmn I9S4” West Middle Turnpike. Heat, 953 Main Street. Call 643-4846. HAVE TO OSSIS, inS 7H In net Ht- land clearing. Free estimates, built home or anything in and air conditioning. No BEEN .Q- fully insured. 24 Emergency NOTICE between, call 6491379. children or pets. Immediate 1 spac< O’HANOED, Painter needs work. Win­ occupancy. $175 monthly. FIRPO- service. Ail-State Tree Blxpert NO JOB too small, toilet tral Main Street. Call 6491442. ANNI OABOT s im p l e , IM A POCK Co. 7426591. dows puttied and painted. CONCRETE Stone walls, repairs, plugged drains, Security required. Call 649 VOTE Monehettor ■•eiUnf HeraM <>WmiWi*>»c IMflsqUSPMOfl Need help? sidewalks, patio, fireplace, kitchen faucets replaced, 4838. Tuesday 11S0 Avs. el AmetleM OFFICE SPACE - For rent. U BOLL HSALTONB New Vert, N.Y. 1MM TRUCKING - Odd Jobs - We'll do the hard work, steps, (new or repair) repaired, rec rooms, One room on first floor, 15x18 flagstone. Phone 643-0851,229 H r BABMINOTON AVI. Short Riba — Frank Hill Cleaning cellars and attics, you do the easy. Complete bathroom remodeling, heat FOR RENT five rooms - Se­ ft.; one room on second floor WIBT HARTBOHD • ZS9SSSI coolP.W ml llifli*!'••• Kaietir. »IOi IIP moving large appliances, also cond floor of two family 'BUXCHIERYOUVE VERY special PIPE. interior and exterior pain­ modernization, etc. F ne es­ 14x30 ft. H eat, a ir con­ 1077 ALBUM with a bound- LETS S /'^ E I stone and loam delivered. 644- ting and papering. 25 timates gladly given. M & M house. Stove and ditioning and parking in­ 1969 PLYMOUTH Fury - in "All-Season Gift Book" •UM PEACE 177s, 644-9532. CARPENTRY - Repairs, Plumbing It Heating, 6492871. refrigeraator.ig« No pets. cluded. Contact; John H, P IP E . I— ^ ' hkoblEM years experience. remodeling, additions, gar­ Hardtop, automatic transmis­ of 24-pogesl Price...$2.()0. wMrrEfyE O'- •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Security required. Aval Lappen, Inc., 164 Blast Center sion, power steering and tllO THIII SOOKS «T II Jl IMN. ■— “ N—* ages, roofing. Call David Flooring 36 immediately, $225 monthly. S tm t, Manchester-phone 649 649-0495 Patria 644-17M. brakes, air conditioned, Nt. o-tii-iiUi siiioN ouiirs. ©1S7S - Call 6494471. 5261. mechknically excellent. $800. Cntslu ilitni Intqr qallli. HcNsaght Syad., Ik . /C-Jo FLOOR Sanding - Refinishing, 6492741 weekdays; 537-1709 Ne. q-itr-ouiiTs ON nude. floors like new, no waxing ROCKVILLE - Remodeled, Olfcetlm Hr tlHtn qsllti. VOTE MANCHESTER - Four new evenings and weekends. K- S-.IIO-OUNOMOtHH'l FLOW- “The man who owns the lot next door is .Tuesday A hand full of cash la (specializing in older floors'! small, sunny, second floor, paneled and carpeted offices. IN OUllTS. 10 luclMtlsi qellH. PAINTING, Paper hanging. trying awfully hard to sell it to usl" B/W BBALTV battar than a garaga Ceilings and inside paint four room apartment. 94 Main Street location. Warren 1971 DATSUN - 240Z. One Ns. q-lll - NMIIICN'I FAVOIITI 1M BAST CKNTIR BTRIIT Carpentry work. Call 643.-4453, John Verfaille, 6495750, Village Street. Call for E. Howland Realtors, 643- IFONNNI. * Inelllst iilHtits. MANCHlBTf B • S47-141S lull of atult. owner. Good condition. Call Ni, a-1M-MAH « SIFT. Hn| 2222. deUils, 684-4331. 1108. 647-9557. ■nil lir Irinli sal Im IIf. r PAGE TWENTY-FOUR - MANCHESTER EVENtNG HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Sat.. Oct. 30. 1976

An Open Letter to Our Employees and the Community

Plans to adjust the manpower requirements in the Commercial Products Division of the Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Group are tied almost directly to the currerlt state of the commercial airline industry. It is well known that in recent years both U.S. and foreign airlines have suffered either financial losses or sharply reduced profits. Last year these airlines reported a total net operating loss of $400 million. Many factors have Influenced this situation. These Include the worldwide recession, escalating wage and other costs due to Inflation, and rapidly rising fuel costs. To some degree, the plight of the U.S. carriers is also attributable to the slowness of the regulatory process to approve badly needed air fare increases to meet these costs. Although this year there has been some recovery of airline traffic and most airlines are reporting improved profit margins, it will still be some time before their financial position can be regarded as healthy. Consequently, despite aging fleets and the need for replacement aircraft embodying the latest technology available for reduction of fuel consumption, ’ noise and emissions, many carriers have postponed ordering such improved aircraft for their fleets. Our projections Indicate that the airlines should be adding 170 planes a year to replace older aircraft and take care of growing demand, but in fact they took delivery of only 22 transports last year. M^or financial Institutions, normally the prime source of funding for new aircraft, have openly indicated their reluctance to provide financing for many airlines. As a result, new airplane projects have been delayed since no airframe manufacturer is in a position to commit the very large resources required to undertake a major development program without substantial firm orders. This, in turn, has resulted in a significant decrease in their employment levels. During 1977 the airline industry Is looking toward a continued recovery, and, between now and 1985, the carriers are expected to need about $26-billlon worth of new airplanes. Yet it will be some time before they will be in a financially viable position to order advanced technology planes. Pratt & Whitney Aircraft does not anticipate orders for a new type of aircraft will materialize before 1978 or beyond. The delay in the Initiation of these new programs has resulted in a reduction of the work available for engineers and supporting personnel in the Commercial Products Division. Regrettably, this will mean the reassignment of some employees and the layoff of others. Employees have already been advised of a number of openings for reassignment which are available in other departments of the Commercial Products Division as well as in other divisions of the Group. We are attempting to fill these requirements through a volunteer program. Personnel requirements have also been identified in other divisions and subsidiaries of United Technologies Corporation, and every effort will be made to place employees In these areas. The company is doing everything possible to minimize the impact on its people of this reduction It is forced to make. The employees affected will be notified within two weeks. Considerable publicity has been given to various inaccurate rumors, including that of an 800-person layoff. It is not possible at this time to Indicate the exact number of employees who have to be laid off since this will be determined by our success in placing as many people as possible in other positions throughout the Group and the Corporation. It will, however, be substantially lower than 800. Although such adjustments are always painful, we still have great confidence in the ‘ future of the commercial airline and aviation business. We Intend to remain the major supplier of quality engines for both commercial and defense needs and will do everything possible to achieve that goal so that Connecticut will maintain its proud position as the leading jet engine-producing state.

' ft:

4 -t Bruce N. Torell, President Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Group United Technologies Corporation

PRMTajWHITHEY#^^ AIRCRAFT GROUP %i0 technoijogks. ;wf '* V ■ l i k-

, 'i: Th« Herald ■.-■: :

Oct. 30, 1976

Forum of the arts

Brecht play'at MCC Manchester Community College will present “The Good Wonuin of Setzuan,’’ a comedy parable with music written by Bertolt foecbt, Wednesday through Satur­ day at the MCC auditorium on Bidwell St. campus. The comedy parable is about three gods in search of a good person in a world filled with greed and selfishness. They arrive at the town of Setzuan and find Shen Te who demonstrates goodness. Her only problem is that it is impossible to stay good and survive at the same time. How she resolves that dilenuna is the substance of the play. C ^ t in the play are Danielle Pelletier, Jim Pasqurell, Michael Koski, Toni Fogarty, Clay Massey and Jerry Schwartz. Directing the play is Charles Alan Plese, who is the producer of Theatre 3. He will direct “Tartuffe” for Little Theatre of Manchester next spring. The music for the play is composed by Robert Richardson, English professor at MCC, and musical director for several past productions in the area. Clay Massey is the scenic and costume designer. He designed “Fiddler on The Roof” for LTM. Tickets will be available at the door. For infomiation, call 6464900, extension 259.

Multi-media show The choir of the Manchester Church of the Nazarene, under the direction of David Blaney, will present a multi-media performance of the musical, “I Love America,” Friday, Nov. 5, at 8 p.m. The church is at 236 Main St. John Peterson and Don Wyrtzen have composed the musical in thrm sections: Patriotism for America, recounting some of its history; Praise for America, a tribute to our country, and Prayer for America, a plea that our country will turn Shown in a rehearsal scene for “The Good Woman of Setzuan” are Mike Koski as back to its spiritual foundations. Soloists are Rev. Donald Kauffman, San­ Wong, a water seller, leaning over a balcony while observing a pair of young dra Swain, Fran Blaney, Pamela Stetson lovers, Danielle Pelletier, left, as Shen Te, and Jim Pasqurell as Yang Sun. The and Walter Edwards. Other participants musical play will be present^ at Manchester Community College auditorium are the Rev. Neale McLain, Dee Kauff­ Wednesday through Saturday. (Herald photo by Dunn) man, George and Beth Swain, with Martin McLain as flag bearer. Blaney will be assisted by F r ^ Adamson, sound, and Ron Richards, slides. Refreshments will be served. This is the last event in the church’s year-long celebration of the Bicentennial. Supplement to The Manchester Evening Herald Page 2 ^ WEEKEND-Oct.-3e. 1976 WfeEKENDr^ dcL'i). 1 » 7 6 ^ ^ ^ Area theater The Producing Guild of Hartford opens This week’s movies on television _its season with the musical "Candlde” Forum based on Voltaire with music by Lronard Today 1:00 (9) “Tower of London” 4:05 (2) “Passport to Bernstein. The production will be (1939). Boris Karloff, Basil China” (1961). Richard Thursday presented at 8:30 p.m. Nov. 4 through 7 1:00 (5) “The Brain From Rathbone, Vincent Price. Planet Arous” (1958). John Basehart, Lisa Gastonl. 3:00 (5) “Madeleine” 11:00 (5) “The Bride Came ^ Ask Kleiner of the arts and 24 through 27 at the Tower Theatre, Agar, Joyce Meadows. Hartford Insurance Group, Asylum Ave. (1950). Ann Todd, Leslie C.O.D.” (1941). Bette Davis, By Dick Kleiner 1:00 (9) “The Son of Banks. James Cagney. at Cogswell St. Parking is free. For reser­ Frankenstein” (1939). Boris vations, call 522-8309. 3:00 (9) ‘"The Phanton of the 2:30(9) “The Naked Dawn” At the Bushnell Karloff, Basil Rathbone, Bela Opera” (1943). Qaude Rains, Tuesday (1956). Arthur Kennedy, Betta Athol Fugard’s "The Blood Knot,” a Lugosi. Nelson Eddy, Susanna Foster. 11:00 (5) “Rulers of the St. John, Roy Eingel. DEAR DICK; Conld you tell me why Chad Everett (Dr. Th^ Bushnell Memorial Hall in Hartford 1:00 (22) “ High Sierra” Gannoa of Medical Center) has that long piece of hair on the sensitive dual portrait of tangled iden­ 4:00 (8) “Tower of London” Sea” (1939). Dougbs Fair­ 4:00 (9) “ Ride the Pink features the first show in its travelogue (1940). Humphrey Bogart, Ida back of his neck. He’s tnch a neat dresser, but that hair drives tities in South Africa has opened at the (1939). Basil Rathbone, Boris banks, Margret Lockwood. Horse” (1947). Robert series tonight at 8 and Sunday at 2 and 5 Hartford Stage Co. in Hartford and will Lupino, Arthur Kenney. Karloff, Nan Grey. Montgomery, Wanda Hendrix, me crazy. MRS. R. SHORT, Garden Grove, Ca. 2:00 (30) “Santa Fe Trail” 2:30 (9) “Gypsy Wildcat” He has that long piece of hair on the back of his neck p.m., with “The Life of Rome” being play through Dec. 5. For reservations, call 4:00 (22) “The Big Sleep” (1944) . Maria Mratez, JohnFred Clark. narrated by Robin Williams. (1940). Errol Flynn, Olivia De 8:00 (9) “ Between Heaven because he likes it. Nobody else does and, in fact, his studio 5254258. (1946). Humphrey Bogart, Hall, Gale Sondergaard. (MGM) has argued with him about it. But (Hiad wants to keep Tuesday through Nov. 7, the musical Havilland, Raymond Massey. Lauren Bacall, Martha & Hell” (1956). Robert At University of Connecticut in Stores, 4:00 (9) "The Ride to it and, after all, it’s his hair and his neck. He thinks it’s his “Raisin” will be presented starring 3:00 (3) “ King Kong vs. Vickers. Wagner, Terry Moore, Godzilla” (1962). Michael Hangman’s T ree” (1967). trademark and, apparently, believes it gives him a dash of “The House of Blue Leaves,” a comedy by 5:00 (9) “Brotherhood of Broderick Crawford,. Virginia Capers. Check the box office for Keith, James Yagi. Jack Lord, James Farentino, macho. John Guare, is billed for the Harriet S. Satan” (1971). Strother Mar­ 11:30 (9) “Games” (1967). time schedules. 4:00 (30) "The Doughgirls” Don Galloway. . Dancers are shown in a scene from "Raisin,” the Tony and Grammy Jorgensen Theatre Nov. 5 through 13 at tin, L.Q. Jones. 8:00 (9) “ 1777” (1972). Simone Signoret, James Caan, Nov. 8 at 11 a.m., Adela Rogers St. (1944). Ann Sheridan, Jane 8:15 p.m. 5:00 (20) “No Exit” (1936). Blythe Danner, Howard Da Katharine Ross. DEAR DICK: I am a fan of Lindsay Wagner and I have Johns begins the Bushnell Morning Lec­ Award winning Best Musical which opens at Hartford’s Bushnell Wyman, Alexis Smith. 6:30 At Yale Repertory Theatre in New Valerie Hobson, Billy Milton. Silva, William Danieb. 12:30 (5) “The Bellboy” wondered for some time if she is married, and, if so, to whom? ture Club. Lectures are available on a Memorial Hall Tuesday for a run of eight performances, Virginia (5) “All Through the Night” Haven, “Suicide in B flat” and 6:00 (5) “Scorpio” (1973). 9:30 (24) “ A Lesson in (1960). Jerry Lewis, Alex LORI WALKER, Ponca » ty , Okla. membership basis only. Capers stars in the role she created on Broadway, (1952). Humphrey Bogart, Burt Lancaster, Alain Delon, Gerry. Lindsay is not exactly married, but she and Actor Michael Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar” play in Kaaren Verne. Love” (1953). Eva Dahlbeck, Nov. 10 at 8 p.m., “Manhattan Paul Scofield. 2:20 (2) "The World of Suzie Brandon have been — to put it delicately for family repertory through Dec. 17. For reser­ 6:30 (9) “The Deadly Man­ Gunnar Bjomstrand, Yvonne Transfer” returns to the Bushnell stage. will be followed by the Rodgers and 8:00 “(9) “The Man in the Wong” (1961). William newspapers — “keeping company” for about 18 months now. Events at WadsWorth vations, call 436-1600. tis” (1957). Lombard. For reservations, call the box office at Hammerstein classic, “South Pacific,” Grey Flannel Suit” (1956). Holden, Nancy Kwan, Michael ••• The Tri-Town Players of Vernon will 9:00 (20-22-30) "McQ” 11:30 (9) “Last of the Ski 246-6807. Nov. 27 th r o ^ Dec. 19. For information about current Gregory Peck, Jennifer Wilding. DEAR DICK: My friend and I have a $100 bet going on the present “Cactus Flower” Nov. 5 and 6 and (1974), John Wayne, Eddie Bums” (1969). Ron Funk, Ed At Coachli^t Dinner Theatre in East exhibitions and events at the Wadsworth Jones, Fredric March. Ricks, Mike Zuetell. movie aboot the skier, Jill Kinmont, “The Other Side of the 12 and 13 at the Vernon Middle School on Albert, Diana Muldar. Dinner theaters Windsor, Arlene Fontana stars in the Atheneum in Hartford, a special 24-hour 9:00 (8-40) “Live & Let 12:30 (5) “Submarine DI” Mountain.” He says the picture was shown on TV. I say it Rt. 30 in Vernon, at 8:15 p.m. Reser­ 9:00 (57) “Sawdust & never was. Who’s right? C. C. RAWERS, Troy, Ohio musical, “Flower Drum Swig” through tel^hone number, 247-9111, is available to Die” (1973). Jane Seymour, (1937). Pat O’Brien, George Friday Winding up its run at Pine-^rook Dinner vations may be made by calling 872-3718. Tinsel” (1953).Harriet Ander­ Roger Moore, Yaphet Kotto. You’ve just won yourself $100. Not only has the picture not Dec. 1. callers. son. Brent. Theatre in Higganum is “Camelot” which 11:00 (5) “Man of a Thou­ 2:30 (2) “A Day At the 11:00 (5) “To Secret Affair” been on TV, it has still not been sold to TV for the future, ac­ concludes .Sunday. Opening Wednesday is Lecture-recital At M C C 11:15 (40) “Behold a Pale sand Faces” James Cagney. (1957). Susan Haywood, Kirk cording to Universal, the studio that made it. Horse” (1964). Gregory Peck, Races” (1937). Marx “Fiddler on The Roof” ^ c h will con­ Bruce Simonds, pianist, will offer his At the Stairwell Gallery of Manchester 11:30 (30) “No Time For Brothers, Allan Jones. Douglas. Anthony Quinn, Omar Sharif. Comedy” (1940). James 2:30 (9) “A Lawless Street” tinue through Dec. 5. Nov. 15, the Amato third in a series of lecture-recitals on DEAR DICK: Please settle an argument between me and a Community College, 146 Hartford Rd., an 11:30(3) “Cool Hand Luke” Stewart, Rosalind Russell, (1955). Randolph Scott, Opera Th^tre will present Verdi’s Exhibit at Foot Prints friend. Did Joan Crakrford marry into the Coca-Cola or Pepsi­ Wednesday from 10:30 a.m. to noon in the exhibition is in progress of editorial car­ (1967). Paul Newman, (^ rg e Genevieve Tobin. Angela Lansbury. “Aida” at Pine-Brtx* complete with a Foot Prints Gallery at 466 Main St. will Kennedy, J.D. Cannon. Wednesday Cola company. I say Pepsi. EARL BURNS, Loretta, Wis. music room of Weldi Building atthe Hart­ toons and statements daily except Sunday 11:50 (40) “The Wrong Box” 4:00 (9) “The Midnight buffet dinner. Other operas scheduled are show a phot<^ra{diy and ceramics exhibi­ ford Conservatory, 834 A^Ium Ave., through Nov. 15. 11:30 (5) “Trog” (1970). 11:00 (5) “Spawn of the My correspondents are so smart this week. You’re right, (1966). Michael Cain John Story” (1957). Tony Curtis, too. It is Pepsi-Cola, and she never drinks anything else. “Cavalleria Rusticana” and “I Pagliac- tion by Nancy Carta, Reoiie Schmerl, Hartford. Tonight at 8 p.m., the movie “Don’t Joan Crawford, Michael Miles. North” (1938). Henry Fonda, Marisa Pavany, Gilbert • •• ci,” Nov. 29; “La Traviata,” Dec. 6 and Joseph Peters, Gary Obsharsky, Susan Look Now” will be shown free in the Gough. 1:20 (2) “House of Wax” George Raft. Roland. “Die Fledermaus” on Dec. 20. Newman, Howard Dresdier, Mary Lou New Jazz 11:30 (8) “ M acKenna’s (1953). Vincent Price, Frank 2:30 (9) “Bait” (1954). Qeo 8:00 (3) “Snoopy, Come DEAR DICK: Was Brian Keith a child actor? We saw a lit­ college auditorium on Bidwell St. tle boy on an old RKO “Little Rascals” on TV who looked as At Chateau de Ville Dinner Theatre in Bodo and Barbara Katz from Monday Gold” (1969). Gregory Peck, Lovejoy, Phyilis Kirk. Moore, Hugo Maas, John Home” The Bobby Naughton Unit featuring A one-man show of photographs by Omar Sharif, Telly Savalas. Brian must have looked as a child. M.W., Winston, Ore. Elast Windsor, Pat Cooper, night club through Nov. 20. There will be a reception 3:30 (2) “The Devil Doll” Agar. 8:00 (9) “On The Water­ Bobby Nau^ton on vibes will perform Richard P. Daley of Manchester is on dis­ 1:30 (5) “The Uttle Kid­ Although Keith was bom into an acting family, and grew up entertainer, is billed tonight and Sunday. Saturday from 7:30to9:30p.m. The public (1936). Lionel Barrymore, 4:00 (9) “Back to Bataan” front” (1954). Marlon Brando, new jazz music toni^t at 8:30 and 11 p.m. play 4brough Nov; 19 in the Picture Place nappers” (1954). Duncan (1945) . John Wayne, Anthony backstage, he only did one acting stint as a child. That was in a Cole Porter’s “Can-Can” opens is welcome. For further iirformation, call Maureen O’Sullivan. Eva Saint Marie, Lee J. Cobb. at Real Art Ways (RAW), 197 Asylum St., next to Room 16 in the basement of the MacRae, Jean Anderson. Quinn, Beulah Bondi. long-forgotten movie Called "Pied Piper of Malone.” He was Wednesday and plays through Nov. 21. It 643-8953. HartfonT. 9:00 (8-40) “Nightmare in never a Little Rascal — but he’s bemme a Big Imp. MCC Hartford Rd. building. 1:50 (2) “The Bride Goes 8:00 (3) '‘Juggernaut” Badham County” (1976). Wild” (1948). Van Johnson, (1974). Richard Harris, Omar Deborah Baffin, Lynne June Allyson. Monday Sharif, David Hemmings. Moody, Della Reese. 2:50 (2) “ Ellery Queen: Pay TV this week 11:00 (5) “Skylark” (1941). 9:00 (24) “ Documentary Don’t Look Behind You” Channel expansion and the consumer Claudette Colbert, Ray 8:00 (9) “ Little Shop of Showcase” (1973). Here is the week’s program­ Monday (1971). Peter Lawford, Harry Horrors” (1961). Jackie 9:30 (3) “ Play It Again Morgan, E.G. Marshall. Milland, Brian Abeme. ming for Home Box Office 5:30 — New Adventures of Space By INK DIPPER Joesph, Jonathan Haze. Sam” (1972). Woody Allen, (Channel 14) on Greater Hart­ Explorers And they see a risk in converting buy out a big part of the inventories. lot of directions to find a deal, but make 4:45 (2) “Haunted 2:30 (9) “The Tijuana .Story” (1957). James Darren, 8:30 (26-22-30) “Stalk the Diane Keaton, Tony E b erts. ford CATV: 7:30 — Adventures of Frontier Fre­ (Editor’s Note; Ink Dipper (KYZ-3916) because no one is certain bow the Federal Besides retrofitting and price cub, sure you know what you are getting into. Honeymoon” (1940). Robert mont Robert Mc(}ueen. Wild” (1976). David Janssen, 11:30 (8) "The Wolf Man” is the handle of the editor of The CB Communications Cenmnission will react manufacturers are offering other deids to If the salesman says that there is a Montgomery, (ionstance Cum­ Joesph Bottoms, Benjamin 9:00 — Nashville 4:00 (9) “ P .J .” (1968). (1941). Lon Chaney, Evelyn Today Midnight — On Location Times-Joumal.) to convert CBs. lure in customers for 23-diannel unib.' retrofit or repbeement offering being mings. Bottoms. George Peppard, Raymond Ankers. 3:00 — Wrestling Tuesday Expansion of the Citizen’s Band from 23 When the eaqMuision was announced, the One manufacturer. Sharp, will repbee 11:30 (9) “Stopover Tokyo” made by the manufacturer, get it in Burr, Gayle Hunnicut. 11:45 (3) “Harper” (1966). 5:30 — Murder on the Orient 5:30 -Missouri Breaks to 40 channels has stopped some prospec­ FCC added new electronic filtering (1957). Express each radio it selb from Jd y 26 to Jan. 31 writing. 12:00 (9) “Laura” (1944). Paul Newman, Lauren Baqall, 7:35 — National Horse Show tive CB buyers dead in their tracks. Sunday 7:45 — Coming Your Way on HBO requirements to lesson possible television with a “comparable featur^” 40Kdiannel TTie companies with the offers should be Gene Tierney, Dana Andrews, 12:30 (5) “ Brief Encounter” Julie Harris. 11:00 — Arena The new 40-channel rigs (1947). Celia Johnson, Trevor 8:00 — Missouri Breaks reception interference. radio. The repbeement cost will be $30. givbg out certificates guaranteemg it. 7:30 (30) “ Devil’s Canyon” Clifton Webb. 12:30(5) “X The Unknown’" 10:15 — Murder on the Orient Wednesday won’t be on the maitet Manufacturers are now trying—and not Another company, Hadnic, U.S.A., will And if the certificate has to be mailed to (1953). Dale Robertson, 12:30 (5) “Pursued” (1947). Howard. (1957). Dean Jaggar, Edward Express 5:30 — New Adventures of Space until early January, and 1:30 (2) “Flight to Tangier” Explorers always successfuUy — to gain FCC ap­ allow custtmiers buying ib C h a n n el un- the manufacturer for the retrofit or Virginia Mayo.. Teresa Wright, Robert Chapman. manufacturers are using (1953). . Jack Palance, Joan 1:30(2) “Shadow of the Thin 7:30 — Man with the Golden Gun proval for new 40-diannel units under tte ib to purdiase 40-channel seb at half repbeement, make a photostatted copy of 12:00 (5) “Triple Trouble” Mitchum. Sunday 9:45 — Ghost Goes West a variety of approaches to (1950). ^ w e ry Boys. Fontaine. Man” (1941). William Powell, 11:15 — Man with the Golden Gun tou^ened requirements. And gaining ap­ price without having to return the 23- it just m case your radio is lost in the 1:30 (2) “Our Vines Have 3:00 — Adventures of Frontier Fre­ sell out inventories of 23- 1:00 (5) “The Big Qock” Tender Grapes” (1945). 3:45(2) "The Black Orchid” Myma Loy. Thursday proval for retrofitted rigs, some numufac- channel seb. expected shufflfi. (1959). Anthony (}uinn, Sophia mont channel models. (1948). Ray Milland, Maureen Edward G. Robinson, 3:50 (2) “Pardners” (1956). 4:30 -Halloween on HBO: 5:30 — Two Tails turers feared, would be an even steeper If you want to buy a CB, you can go b a Loren. Most are doing one of O’Sullivan, Charles Laughton. Margaret O’Brien. Dean Martin, Jerry Lewis. Comedy of Terrors 6:00 — Maids hill to climb. 6:00 — Adventures of Frontier Fre­ 8:00 — On Location two things — either A prospMtive CB buyer can find mont 9:00 — Arena offering to convert 23-channel models to slashed prices on radios Qiat can't be 7:30 — Halloween on HBO: 10:30 — Game of the Week 40-channel capability or cutting prices on Comedy of Terrors Friday retrofitted, with scmie modeb selling for This week’s sports on TV 9:00 — Mandingo present stock without offering conversion. half the regular price. 23-ehannel sets still useful 11:15 — Mississippi Mermaid Listings not available. Hy-Gain was one of the first companies The radios won’t be obsolete in the 1:00 (9) Champions. Today M onday Featuring The offering to “retrofit” recently purchased sense that they can’t be used, but a CBer In the wake of Federal (bmmunications 23 channels will be continued and the Friday models, and it estimates that adding the 1:45 (8-40) College Football: 8:00 (9) Ara’s World of World’s Largest who buys one of than won’t have the action to expand the Citizens Radio Band radios now in use will be good for many 11:00 (9) NBA Basketball new cluumels will cost about |20 per radio. To be announced. Sunday Sports. Selection Of freedom of 17 new channeb. Most CBers, from 23 to 40 channeb, some people have years to come. Knicks vs. Lakers. Ice Cream Most conversion plans are similar to that. 3:00 (22) Wrestling. 11:00 (22) Notre Dame 8:30 (9) NBA Basketball: finding channeb crowded with the lower the idea that 23-channel seb will become 5:00 (8-40) Wide World of C aA }kl. Products Officials for companies offering 23, will want a radio with 40 channeb. Highlights. Knicks vs. Kings. obsolete. REACT, an btemational citizens radio Sports. • 1:00 (3) NFL Football: retrofitting plans say they want to sell a An exception to that b the trucker, who 9:00 (8-40) NFL Football: 36 FLAVORS - 60 VARIETIES But Dave Squazza, president of the emergency communications organization, 6:00 (9) Racing from Eagles vs. Giants. 0)lts vs. Oilers. product that will not be obsolete in a few relies on channel 9 and 19. Channel 9 b the Connecticut Sbte and County REACT Aqueduct. ICANES - CRUTCHES months. monitors CB Channel 9, the offieial 1:00 (20-30) NFL l^ootball: Midnight (18) Notre Dame Custom Decorated Ice Cream Cakes emergency channel and channel 19 b the Club, REACT Team 3375, says the infor­ 6:00 (20) Game of the Week. Jets vs. Bills. Highlights. But companies not offering to convert Emergency and Motorists Assistance BACK B a r s trucking channel, and you don’t need a 40- mation he has received indicates that the Channel, as a public service. 8:00 (9) NHL Hockey: 1:00 (22) NFL Football: Open All Year CBs don’t want the expected headaches of Rangers vs. Penguins. channel model to operate on them. present 23 channeb won’t be affected by Further information about REACT b Patriots vs. Dolphins. W ednesday 1227 Burnside Ave. 528-6751 setting up temporary conversion Manufacturers are betting, if they don’t the new channeb being added Jan. 1,1977. 11:30 (9) Harness Racing 4:00 (3) NFL Football: ARTHUR DRUG Powder Mill Shopping Center East Hartford facilities. available from the local club, telephone from Roosevelt. offer conversion, that the tmdiers will According to the local CBer, the present 6464209. Redskins vs. Cowboys. ' 9:30 (9) NBA BasketbaU: Across from Marco Polo Restaurant Midnight (9) Wrestling. 10:30 (5) Sports & tra . Knicks vs. Nuggets. Pajte 4 - WEEKEND - Oct. 30,1976 WEEKEND - Oct. 30.1976 - Page £ Today, Oct. 30 Daytimt programs, Monday — Friday IKK) 1 4 8 6HK) Holmes and Yoyo ...... 8-40 Film Festival...... 3 Wrestling...... 22 Mary H artm an...... 57 M orning News...... 3-22 NHL Hockey...... 9 PTL a u b ...... 18 0:36 Kitty Today...... 22 3:15 Movies...... 5-22-9 Woman...... 24 1 :1 5 Break the Bank ...... 5 700 O u b ...... 18 Julius Levin ...... 57 8:00 Bewitched...... 5 Hot S eat...... 40 General H ospital...... 840 Dick Van Dyke...... 20 3 J 0 Music Hail A m erica...... 30 Racing from Aqueduct___9 Em ergency...... 20-22-30 1 1 4 0 To be announced...... 3 Lassie...... 9 12:30 3:30 Lilias, Yoga & You...... 24 Andy Griffith ...... 5 Game of the Week...... 20 A Matter of Size ...... 24 News...... 3-8-40 1 4 0 Read Your Way U p ...... 5 To Tell the Truth...... 30 Mickey Mouse a u b ...... 3 Kidsworld ...... 30 Search for Tomorrow...... 3 PTL a u b ...... 18 Getting O n...... 24 Election ‘76...... 57 Dolly...... 5 Best of This M orning...... 3 6:30 Fllntstones...... 40 Porky, Huck k Yogi...... 5 Join those who shop our Gamer Ted Armstrong... 40 Phil Donahue ...... 9 Faculty Conversation___24 Black Perspective...... 30 Mary H artm an...... 57 M ovie...... 5 To be announced ...... 3-830 10:00 Gong Show...... 2822-30 Hodgepodge Lodge...... 24 Christmas decoration 1:30 4KK) Open Door...... 57 8:30 1 1 :1 5 Mary Hartman...... 57 Huckleberry Hound...... 5 I*rlce Is Right ...... 3 All My Children...... 40 Lilias, Yoga k You...... 57 wonderland, you’ll be pleased What’s It All About?...... 3 Adam 12...... 5 6 J 0 D o c...... 3 Dick Van Dyke...... 20 1 4 0 7:00 Andy Griffith ...... 5 IKK) 4:00 Pre-Game Show...... 8-40 with our wonderful selection, It Takes a Thief...... 9 News...... 3+20-22-30-40 Peter Marshall...... 5 News...... 22-30 M ovie...... 2 News...... 3 All My Children...... 8 Call of the W est...... 20 Match G am e...... 3 Gilligan’s Island...... 3 and even more pleased with Star T rek...... 22 M ovies...... 5-9 Mr. T and Tina ...... 8-40 M ovie...... 40 1:55 Underdog...... 5 Romper Room ...... 9 Wall St. Week...... 24' Midday...... 5 Bugs Bunny...... 5 our fairway prices! Human Relations...... 24 Zoom...... 24-57 Eames Celebration...... 24 1 1 4 5 Mary H artm an...... 57 Little Rascals...... 8 Sanford & Son ______2822-30 Ryan’s Hope...... 840 Brady Bunch...... 8 What About Women...... 30 Movie...... SO we 6ore m r y c 7K M Eugene McCarthy...... 57 Mary Hartman...... 57 2 :15 Today...... 2830 Leave It to B eav er...... 40 Woman’s ^ c e ...... 20 M ovie...... 9 1:45 Sesame Street...... 57 IllUe thing! ^ Agronsky and Co...... 3 6 4 0 1 1 4 0 Risk of Marriage ...... 30 Good Morning...... 40 10:30 Som erset...... 2830 Som erset...... 20 College Football...... 8-40 4 J 0 “where a < F i^ t for Congress ...... 8 Mary Tyler Moore...... 3 M ovies...... 3-5-8 2:20 7:30 I Love Lucy ...... 5 1 J O Hogan’s Heroes . ^...... 22 2KK) Missimi: Impossible...... 5 (• i Lawrence Welk...... 18 S t a r ^ & Hutch ...... 8-40 Harness Racing...... 9 Bugs Bunny...... 5 Edge of Night...... 8 As the World ’Turns...... 3 Sesame Street...... 24-57 the wnroel* of moiaftrUt | dollar’s Soul T ra in ...... 3 Self Inc...... 24 Mary H artm an...... 57 Human Dimension...... 20 M ovie...... 20-22-30 Munsters .. . r ...... 8 Celebrity Sweepstakes Family Feud...... 840 Cross W its...... 30 dowfltown manehutor worth a ^ To be announced ...... 20 1 1 4 5 2:48 (• 5KK) News...... 22 M ovie...... 57 News...... 9 ...... 282830 Celebrity Revue...... 9 Mike Douglas...... 40 doUarl” Week in Review...... 24 Saturday Night...... 2822-30 Mary Hartman...... 57 Bobby Vinton ...... 3 Rebop...... 24J7 6 4 0 8:00 I Love Lucy ...... 40 Days of Our Lives .. .2822-30 4:30 M ovie...... 30 11:5 0 2:80 Wide World of Sports ... 8-40 Hee H aw ...... 30 Bob Newhart...... 3 Captain Kangaroo ...... 3 11:0 0 2:00 Dinah ...... 3 2-JO Mary Hartman...... 57 M ovie...... 2 Ironside...... Bonanza9 ...... 40 Jerry Falwell...... 18 Fllntstones...... 5 Gam bit...... 3 $20,000 Pyram id...... 8-40 Fllntstones...... 5 Brady Bunch...... 5 To be announced ...... 20 7 J 0 1 0 4 0 Midnight 3 :10 Cartoons...... 8 M ovie...... 5 Star T rek...... 8 24 HOUR TOWING 2:30 r 643-5135 Black Per^)ective...... 24 Dolly...... 22 Getting Down to Business . 3 Carol B urnett...... 3 W restling...... 9 Mary Hartman...... 57 Public a ffa irs...... 9 Hot S eat...... 8 PTL a u b ...... 20 3KK) Adams Chronicles...... 24-57 Fight for Congress ...... 8 Weekend N ew s...... 5 12 :15 3:35 T oday...... 20 Straight'Talk...... 9 Guiding L ig h t...... 3 Brady Bunch...... 22 I Movie...... 3 5-JO Nashville on the Road ... 20 Mary Hartman...... 57 Mary Hartman...... 57 Wheel of Fortune___2822-30 Mickey Mouse a u b ...... 5 Partridge Family...... 30 Most Wanted...... 8-40 8:30 I Love Lucy ...... 5 Campaign 76 ...... 3 As Sdiools Matdi Wits .. . 22 Visions...... 24 12:40 44 0 Edge of Night...... 40 One Life to Live ...... 840 5:00 R inTinTin ...... 5 M ovie...... 9 / M O R I ^ T Y ^ m t T H E R S ; U.F.0...... 9 $128,000 Question ...... 5 Once Upon a Classic ... 24-57 10 4 0 Mary Hartman...... 57 Mary H artm an...... 57 11:3 0 Bewitched...... 5 Dusty’s ’Treehouse...... 5 Living Word ...... 18 Connecticut R eport...... 18 Living Faith ...... 18 BKK) 1 4 0 Love of Life ...... 3 Lassie...... 18 Black News...... 5 .4 :4 5 Joe FYanklin...... 9 Doctors...... 282830 Pelicula ...... 20 In Seardi O f...... 22 Jeffersons ...... 3 Happy Days...... 8-40 Em ergency...... 22-30 Firing L in e ...... 9 Champions...... 9 M ovie...... 2 Antiques...... 57 315 CtNTtR ST.. MANCHE5TER.CONN.«Phone 643-5135 9:00 Hollywood Squares . .2822-30 Mister Rogers...... 24-57 This Morning ...... 3 3:00 5:30 FOR PROFESSIONAL OUALITY Sunday, Oct. 31 Partridge Family...... 5 • Afternoon All in the Fam ily...... 3 Partridge Family...... 5 CONTROLLED AUTO BODY REPAIRS Catholic Service...... 9-22-30 Phil Donahue ...... 822 N o o n Howdy Doody...... 5 Odd Couple ...... 8 Hour of P ow er...... 9 Christx)5* er Ooseup ...... 3 Jimmy Swaggart...... 18 340 8:30 Not for Women Only...... 30 News...... 3-9 PTL a u b ...... 18 Bozo’s Big Top...... 18 on all makes... Latino...... 40 The Churdi Today...... 18 6 J0 State Senate D ebate...... 8 Jimmy Sw aggart...... 18 Strum’n Drummers...... 40 12 O’aock Live ...... 8 Another World ...... 2822-30 Electric Company...... 24-57 As Man Behaves ...... 57 Meet the P ress...... 20-22-30 PTL Q u b ...... 18 Camera Three ...... 3 9.-00 ITV Preview ...... 57 Fun F acto ry ...... 2830 Victory Garden...... 57 News...... 40 10J0 Firing Line...... 57 LOAN and RENTAL CARS Rev. Qei^hus Robinson ... 5 4 4 0 K o jak ...... 3 Best of this Morning...... 3 12J0 7KH) NFL Football...... 3 Special: Rise of the I Available by Appointment... | Point of View ....’...... 9 Voice of Faith 18 Sales & Service Insight ...... s M ovies...... 822 Red N avy...... 5 Chris Panos...... jj Grandstand ...... 20-22-30 Monday, Nov. 1 Wonder Window...... 5 To be announced...... 20-30 M ovie...... 8-40 Jewish Heritage...... 40 140 6:00 This is the life ...... 8 Wild Wild West ...... 40 Word of L ife...... 18 DIRECTORY As Man Behaves ...... 57 News...... 3+22-30 Adam 12...... 5 Athanson’s F orum ...... 18 ! STAN OZMEK, Manager Howdy Doody...... 22 NFL Football...... 3 Referenda ‘76 ...... 57 Masterpiece Theatre ... 24-57 Midnight 10:45 Brady Bunch...... 5 Politics ‘76...... 8 To be announced ___2822-30 Ring Aroand the World .. 30 M ovies...... 5-9 540 9:30 CONSUMER SALES - News...... 8-40 301-315 CENTER ST„ MANGIESTER Voyage to the Liar’s a u b ...... 9 Wolf ’Trap ...... 24-57 7 J 0 Jewidi life ...... 30 State Senate D ebate...... 8 Mission: Impossible ...... 5 Oral R oberts...... 18 Manchester Parkade SHOP M ovie...... 9 NFL Football...... 20-2830 A ttorn of the Sea ...... 9 Friends of Man ...... 20 9:30 11KK) M ovie...... 820 10 4 0 US LAST. Name brand Notre Dame Arthur t Company...... 3 Conversations W ith...... 40 appliances, televisions. Community College...... 24 Candid Camera...... 22 All’s F a ir...... 3 Yogi Bear . r r r ...... 5 Fl“ tstones...... 5 Anyone For Tennyson . . . . 24 Highlights...... 18 N ova...... 57 Delvecchio...... 3 Lowest prices in town Gunsmoke...... 40 Connecticut...... 24 Wilburn B rothers...... 18 Oddball Coq>le...... 8-40 Conversations W ith...... 30 12:30 Worship For Shut-Ins News...... 5 guaranteed. Service after the Zoom...... 57 Hollywood Squares ...... 30 10:00 Rex Humbard...... 9 140 Protectors...... 40 Ironside ...... 3 C hristopbm ...... 9 Living Faith ...... 18 sale. 6:30 Polka ...... 40 To be announced ...... 3 Jerry Falwell...... 18 State Senate D ebate...... 8 5 :3 0 M ovie...... 5 Rex Humbard...... 22 Connecticut P ro files...... 24 I Love Lucy ...... 5 MacNeil-Lehrer ...... 57 News...... 5 M ovie...... Tredwnse Club...... 20 Bnllwidkle...... 40 Educations: Problems___8 BARLOW’S TV • Zenith Sales It Takes a Thief...... 8 30 Sherlock Holmes ...... 57 News...... 82822-30 PTL Club...... 18 Jerry Falwell...... 40 Notre Dame Highlights .. 22 240 Faith For Today ...... 18 • Service on Standard Brands, 8:00 Prisoner...... 40 1 0 4 0 805 Hartford Road, Sports O nly...... 18 Rhoda...... 3 Decision ‘ 76 ...... 2822-30 Carrascolendas...... 30 State Senate Debate...... 8 Connecticnt H o ita g e ____24 1.-00 8KK) Sports Extra ...... 5 Manchester Telephone 643- Community College...... 24 Cross W its...... 5 Soundstage...... 24-57 We Believe ...... 3 Everybody’s Business__57 Day of Discovery...... 18 FOTmby’s Workshop ...... 30 Tomorrow...... 2822-30 Firing Line ...... 24 5095. Villa Alegre...... 57 To be announced ...... 8-40 10:30 RENT-A-CAR Wonderama...... 5 _11J0 Wlty M e ...... 24^7 My Partner the Ghost ... 40 1 0 4 5 7:00 Ara’s World...... 9 Political Program ...... 3 1:30 Catholic S « v ice...... 8 M ovie...... ^ 40 640 TWENTIETH CENTURY Political Program ...... 3 News...... 3-22-40 Little House on the Steve Allen’s Laughback .. 9 International Zone...... 3 Davey & Goliath...... 9 How to Follow the 240 Movie ...... 5 Television, Inc. 176 Burnside 1 1 4 0 Andy Griffith ...... 5 Prairie ...... 2822-30 M ovie...... 2 Voice of Faith ...... I8 E lection...... s-40 State Senate D ebate...... 8 Candid Camera...... 8 Avenue, ^ s t Hartford. 528 11KK) Concentration...... 8 'Adams Chronicles...... 24-57 Joe Franklin...... 9 Sesame St...... 57 Conversations W ith...... 20 Hqpr of P ow er...... 18 Human Dimension...... 18 News...... 822-30 1554. Sales and Service, Zenith News...... 822-24-30 Joyce Davidson Show...... 5 and Quasar. Bowling For D ollars...... 9 8:30 2KK) SJO Adelante...... 30 340 News...... 22 Love American Style ...... 5 iasSir M ovie...... 9 700 a u b ...... 18 Phyllis ...... 3 News...... 5 Everybodys Business ____57 M ovies...... 59 Survival K it...... 24 Dick Van Dyke...... 20 My Neighbor's Religioa ... 3 PTL a u b ...... 18 To be announced ...... 20 Mtrv Griffin...... 5 2:40 Noon State Senate Debate...... S Connecticnt Newsmakers. 30 Mary Hartman...... 57 Imight ...... 8 Lyndon LaRoucbe ...... 57 MacNeil-Lehrer Report .. 24 R angers...... 9 Outer Limits...... 5 Day of Discovery...... 9 Face the S ta te ...... 3 Weather Machine...... 24 640 11:30 Movie...... 5 1 1 4 0 Mary Hartman...... 57 To be announced ...... 18, Ironside...... 3 3:35 Oral Roberts...... 22 U J. Senate News...... 8282830 B it p a r t s As Man Behaves ...... 57 Sacred Heart...... 40 Issues k A nswers...... 8-40 Candidate Debate...... 57 This is the Life ...... 18 News...... 8-40 9:00 Love American Style ...... 5 With Jeanne Parr ...... 2 7:30 6 4 5 Victory Garden. . ; ...... 24 1 1 4 0 Gladys Knight and the Pips American Documents...... 3 Johnny Carson ...... 2822-30 4 :0 5 Prl^ Is Right...... 3 NFL Football...... 840 Davey & Gtdiath...... 40 Superman...... 40 Peter Marshall...... 3 celebrate their 25th anniver­ News...... 57 M ovie...... 2 G abe...... 5 Rent a New 9 M World Press ...... 57 sary together this week. PTL a u b ...... 18 Barrio...... 3 740 Sid Caesar will sta r in M ovie...... 30 Tuesday, Nov. 2 1977 GRANADA New D a y ...... s GENTLEMEN... Campaign 78 ...... 3 “Billy” for Trans-Atlantic Frank P. Zeidler...... 57 Enterprises. Election Oral Roberts...... 9 Bill C » ^ ...... 8-40 6:00 MacNeil-Lehrer Report .. 24 M ovie...... 24 from Day of Discovery...... 22 Ironside...... 9 Lome Greene will make his Everybody’s Business_57 Synthesis...... 57 Coverage ... 3+2822-30-40 country music television News...... 3+22-30 Christopher C lo s ^ 40 Goqrel Ju b liee...... 18 Space: 1999 ...... 22 7:3 0 10:00 Love American Style ...... 5 Dillon Leasing Corp. debut on “Hee Haw.” Brady Bunch...... 5 M ovie...... 9 Sesame St...... 55 World of D im ey...... 20-2830 1 1 4 0 Adam 12...... 5 Election Voyage to the News...... 57 Only $70 per week, plus mileage 6 :15 Woman...... 24 S aint...... 8 Re-release of “The Exor­ Liar’s aub ...... 9 ITAUAN-AMERICAN CUISINE A ttorn of the Sea ...... 9 Coverage .., 3+2822-3840 to qualified renters. Davey & G oliath...... s Victory Garden...... 57 Movie ...... 40 cist” this year brought its ear­ Community College...... 24 Connecticut...... 24 News...... 5 12:30 6 4 0 * 740 MKHlIpfn nings to 178.5 million, placing Gunsmoke...... 40 MaNeil-Lehrer Report .. . 57 PTL a u b ...... 18 M ovie...... 5 646-3161 Black Perspective...... 24 David Susskiiid...... 5 it third behind “Jaws” and To be announced ...... 57 1:00 International Zone...... 3 Zoom...... 57 8:00 Many cars and trucks Election ‘ 76 ...... 57 rioo ‘"rhe Godfather” in all-time 10:30 Election Dusty's ’Treehouse...... 8 8:30 Special; W ings...... 5 tor rent at low, fowl invites Sunday Sportsmen 840 Face the State ...... 3 box office ratings. M ovie...... ’...... 9 Woman...... 57 Coverage 3+2822-3840 FORD You Are Why We Are Here 9 News...... 3+2822-3840 rates! Word of L ife...... I8 Sonny k C her...... 3 David Niven’s World...... 9 I Love Lucy ...... 5 Woody...... 24-57 11:00 1:30 Dr. Robert Schullar ...... 22 to watch the games with usi Lawrence Welk...... 5 1 4 0 Rebop...... 57 8:30 News...... 3+22-3840 Joe Franklin...... 9 Let Us Celebrate...... 30 Six Million Dollar M an. . 8 ^ Movie ...... 2 niEEDEUVERY 7:0 0 Sing k Share...... 18 Mary H artm an...... 57 2:30 319 Main St., Manchester M ovie...... 9 In sight...... 40 1 4 0 OPEN ALL HOLIDAYS Election 9:00 Topper ...... 9 M ovie...... 2 Phone 643-2145 MOST DRHKS ONLY Chris Panos...... 18 10 4 0 Challenge...... 3 • Coverage . . . 3+2822-30-40 Special; Elton John...... 5 Dick Van Dyke...... 20 2:35 flora irooMvrao oonrad In tho lounQO». Big Event ...... 282830 Lamp Unto My F e e t...... 3 3 4 7 U T H U R DRUG Andy Griffith ...... ____5 New Directions ...... 18 11:0 6 The S aint...... 5 Evening At Symphony .24-57 U a t t ftl Hot Pudge...... 8 Newsmakers...... 2 Bowling For Dollars . . . . . '. 9 0:30 F ilm s...... 24 4:25 700 a u b ...... 18 Nashville on the Road . . . 18 11:3 0 With Jeanne P art ...... 2 , 6 - ygsKEW) - Oct 30. m m s a m - m w i ^ - Wednesday Nov. 3 6:00 Wild Kingdom...... 20-30 Dick Van Dyke...... 20 rOVRi MISSIN6 MAJOR reaourees of the ocean News...... 3-8-22-30 L ottery...... 22 11:30 IpMitor’s Note: This is the eighth of 16 Brady Bunch...... 5 Connecticut...... 24 million for six tracts, totaling ap­ Iro n sid e ...... 3 weekly articles in the Courses by Voyage to the Superman...... 40 proximately 31,000 acres, on which they Love American S tyle ...... 5 MOVIES LIKE THESE IF Newspaper program, “Oceans: Our Con­ Attorn of the S ea ...... 9 MacNeil-Lehrer Report .. 57 Rookies ...... 8-40 foiiiid no commercially producible oil. In Community College...... 24 8:00 M ovie...... 9 tinuing Frontier,” published in The other cases, low bids have won leases on Gunsmoke...... 40 M ovies...... 3-9 Johnny Carson ...... 20-22-30 VOOON’t have Herald’s Weekend magazine each Satur­ tracts that became major producers. Zoom...... 57 Cross W its...... 5 N ew s...... 57 day. The course is offered for college As a result of these leasing 6:30 Bionic Woman ...... 8-40 Midnight credit by Manchester Community College. arrangements, some portions of industry I Love Lucy ...... 5 The P ractice...... 20-22-30 Living F a ith ...... 18 For details about this and future Courses believe that they are forced to take un­ News...... 8-20-22-30 Live From Lincoln ___ 24-57 by Newspaper, call MCC’s Division of reasonable economic risks for the public Sports Only ...... 18 12:30 ^^th ls month 8:30 Iro n sid e...... 3 Community Services, 646-2137. Community College...... 24 good. Conversely, some industry critics Merv Griffin...... 5 M ovie...... 5 Mandingo Copyright 1976 by the Regents of the contend that the practices allow private Victory Garden...... 57 Voice of f a ith ...... 18 Nashville 12:40 University of California. companies to exploit publicly owned 7:00 M ovie...... 20^-30 Galileo News...... Mystery of the Wed: ... 8-40 The Arena By DON E. KA8H resources for unjustified company profits. 9:00 IKM Shampoo Added to tbe state-federal conflicts, these Andy Griffith ...... 5 B aretta...... 8-40 All but hidden by the clamor over th& Concentration...... 8 T om orrow ...... 204Q-30 The Missouri Breaks disputes further confuse orderly develop­ 9:30 Bowling For D ollars...... 9 1:30 M rder on the Orient Express energy crisis is what some believe to be ment of offshore energy resources. B asketball...... 9 Dirty Money an approaching minerals crisis. 700 Q u b ...... 18 M ovie...... 2 miho? Mining the dMp mm Outdoors...... 20 10KK) International Zone...... 3 Four Musketeers Both crises share two interrelated MacNeil-Lehrer Report .. 24 Campaign '76 ...... 3 Joe Franklin ...... 9 problems—the growing shortage of The location of undersea ores and the News...... 5 Young Frankenstein Mary Hartman...... 30 2:15 The Longest Yard domestic resources and thus our in­ technology for recovering them differ Charlie’s Angels...... 8-40 As Man Behaves ...... 57 Outer Limits...... 5 creasing reliance on potentially unfriend­ greatly from those for offshore oil and PTL Q u b ...... 18 7:30 3:15 ly nations for minerals as well as energy gas. At present, there is no large-scale Quest ...... 20-22-30 marine mining. fS.OOO P y ram id ...... 3 With Jeanne P arr ...... 2 HBO GIVES YOU CURRENT HIT MOVIES UNEDITED. supplies. Aluminum, copper, manganese, Adam 12...... 5 11KK) S.-45 tin, nickel, cobalt—all crucial to the Initial mining activities will likely Break the Bank ...... 8 N ew s...... 3-8-22-3(M0 WITHOUT COMMERCIALS. YOUR OWN MOVIE attempt to recover large deposits of Mary Hartman...... 5-57 M ovie...... 2 modem technology that supports our Liar's Qub ...... 9 THEATRE IN YOUR OWN HOME. economy and life-style-must be imported ferromanganese nodules under 12,000 to Don’t MtoH pother Day For Your Family To in ever-increasing amounts to meet needs 18,000 feet of water in the mid-Pacific. Thursday, Nov. 4 not covered by domestic production. These nodules have a sufficiently high Enjoy This Groat Entarbinment Valua. But will these dwindling supplies content of manganese, nickel, copper, and 6:00 That G ir l...... 40 N ew s...... 3-8-22-24-30-40 automatically mean that the United States cobalt to persuade experts that they can News...... 3-8-22-30 MacNeil-Lehrer Report .. 57 Mary Hartman ...... 5-57 Call 646-6400 and other developed countries must pay be commercially recovered from these Brady Bunch...... 5 8:00 Tem per...... 9 any political or economic price asked by great depths. Voyage to tbe Waltxms ...... 3 Dick Van Dyke...... 20 the exporting countries in the future? A Two mining methods are proposed. One Attorn of the S ea ...... 9 Cross W its...... 5 GREATER HARTFORD CARLE TV 11:30 vocal and growing group answers, “No, uses a bucket line dredge, which basically Community College...... 24 Welcome, Back Kotter .. 8-40 Iro n isd e...... 3 801 PARKER ST., MANCHESTER consists of a revolving loop of steel cable Gunsmoke...... 40 Clark G able...... 20-22-30 not if we are willing to expend tRe effort Love American Style ...... 5 and money to tap resources beneath the from the ship to the sea floor. Buckets at­ Zoom...... 57 Connecticut Heritage ____24 Sts. of San Francisco ... 8-40 tached to the cable collect the nodules and 6:30 Masterpiece Hieatre ...... 57 M ovie...... 9 ocean.” With more than 70 per cent of the i t . * carry them to the surface. The other I Love Lucy ...... 5 8:30 Johnny Carson ...... 20-2230 mining method pumps water with the Merv Griffin...... 5 N ew s...... 57 earth’s surface covered by the sea, the News...... 8-20-22-30 Saturday, Nov. 6 nodules suspend^ in it through a pipe Sports Only...... 18 Barney Miller...... 8-40 Midnight ocean floor is thought to be a bountiful Ctace Upon a C lassic...... 57 Living Faith ...... 18 6:30 Science Fiction Theatre ... 9 source of energy and mineral resources. from the sea floor to a surface ship, Voice of Faith ...... 18 BKM) something like a giant vacuum cleaner. 7M> Fourth Elstate...... 24 Ag-USA...... 3 Mister Rogers...... 24 Current estimates are that the ocean floor 12:30 Bugs Bunny...... 5 One American company, Deepsea Ven­ News...... 3-22-40 9Mt Ironside ...... 3 Patterns for Living...... 5 10:00 contains more than 30 per cent of the Tom and J e r r y ...... 8-40 tures, plans to begin commercial Andy Griffith ...... 5 Tony Randali ...... 40 M ovie...... 5 6:45 Newark & R eality ...... 9 Shazam/Isis...... 3 world’s remaining oil and gas and 50 per operations with a mining system of this C o n ^ tra tio D ...... 8 Best Sellers...... 28-22-30 12:40 New D a y ...... 8 Woody Woodpecker . .2822-30 B ew itched...... 5 cent of its hard minerals. Also, many of Bowling For D ollars...... 9 type in late 1976. V isioas...... 24-57 Dan A ugust...... 8-40 8:30 M cDuff...... 2822-30 the ocean’s resources should be high 700 a u b ...... 18 9-.30 7 M Big Blue Marble ...... 3 Sesame Street..; ...... 24 As will be discussed in a later article by Music Special...... 20 IdN) grade, as compared to the increasingly Nancy Walker...... 8-40 Instructional program ...... 3 Flintstones...... 5 10:30 NORTH SEA GIANT — Concrete supporting shafts, or pylons, of William T. Burke, undersea mining has MacNeil-Lehrer Report .. 24 T om orrow ...... 20-22-30 lowdr grade of resources on the land. 10d » U nderdog...... 5 Viewpoint on Nutrition___9 Partridge F am ily ...... 5 “Beryl A,” the world’s first concrete oil drilling and production threatened existing international law and Mary Hartman...... 30 1:30 Recent technological advances have Hawaii Five-0 ...... 3 Cartoon Carnival...... 8 Pink Panther ...... 282830 Krofft Supershow...... 8-40 created a new arena of political conflict. Everybody’s Business___57 International Zone...... 3 made deep-water resources available for platform, rise 310 feet above Gants Fjord near Stavenger, New s...... 5 Howdy D oody...... 22 9:00 Monster ^ u a d ...... 2822-30 Only advanced countries have the 7:30 Joe Franklin ...... 9 the first time. With offshore oil and gas Norway. It was built in 1975. (UPI photo) Sts-of San Francisco ... 8-40 Consultation ...... 30 Ranger Station ...... 3 11:00 technological know-how and capital L ottery...... 3 2.-02 technology leading the way, a new marine New York R ^ rt ...... 9 7:30 M onkees...... 5 Ark n ...... 3 necessary to mine deep-water mineral Adam 12...... 5 One Step Beyliond...... 5 resources industry is now opening all the PTL Q u h ...... 18 Ranger S tatio n ...... 3 Ja b b e rja w ...... 8-40 Soul T r a in ...... 5 Action Newsmakers ...... 8 2^0 resources. A single mining system may Best Seller...... 20-22-30 Huckleberry Hound...... 5 Connecticut Report...... 9 Action Theatre ...... 9 world’s oceans to development. of Louisiana in 1947. The gradually sloping coasts with no history of petroleum Liar’s Club ...... 9 M ovie...... require an investment of |750 million. 10:30 2 Little Rascals...... 8 Electric Company...... 24 Land of the Lost . . . .2822-30 Undersea energy and mineral resources Pop Goes tbe Country___20 ocean floor in that area allowed industry production. In these areas, political and Many of the less-developed countries Gamer Ted Armstrong___9 2:35 N ew s...... 9 Electric Company...... 24 differ greatly in physical character, loca­ Hollywood Squares ...... 22 9:30 to develop exploration and production environmental conflicts are heightened by argue that such resources are the com­ Connecticut Profiles...... 24 Hitchcock Presents...... 5 Kidsworld ...... 22 tion, stote of industrial development, and Connecticut...... 24 Sports World...... 3 11:30 technology step by step into greater water uncertainty whether petroleum deposits mon heritage of mankind and thus the Jeanne Wolf ...... 57 4:50 Hogan’s Heroes ...... 30 associated political issues. WHNB-TV Special Edition 30 Mayberry RFD ...... 5 Q ue C lub...... 3 depths. The experience gained off actually ddst. profits from the minerab should be used 1 1 KK) With Jeanne P arr ...... 2 Je tso n s...... 40 Big Jo h n ...... 2822-30 Oil and gas technologies are well Scooby-Doo...... 8-40 Louisiana contributed directly to explora­ to pay for their economic development. Mister Rogers...... 24 developed; operations take place near tion and production technologies used in Generally, the individual states own all Conversely, major mineral producers, Noon Friday, Nov. coastlines and involve primarily domestic such diverse areas as the North Sea and undersea resources within three miles of such as Zaire and Chile, oppose essentially Fat A lb e rt...... 3 issues. Hard mineral tmlmolo^es are not 6:00 offshore Indonesia. their shores. Beyond that point, the all marine mining as a threat to their 700 C lu b ...... 13 Eastside C om edy...... 5 New s...... 3-8-22-30 Sanford & Son ...... 20-2830 commercial; mining will initially take federal government is the owner. Most of To be announced ...... 20 1830 12:30 Junior Almost Anything economies. The controversy is so complex Brady Bunch...... 5 Week in R eview ...... 24-57 place in deep water and will involve inter­ Present technologies should be the nation’s offshore petroleum is in MacNeil-Lehrer Report .. 24 Jersey Side 9 Movie Goes ...... 840 that no resolntion seems near. However, Voyage to the 8:30 national issues. For these reasons, the two adequate to recover most of the estimated Mary Hartman...... 30 Kids from federally owned areas. As a result, states some of the developed countries appear Bottom of the S ea ...... 9 Merv G riffin...... 5 1230 major resource categories are discussed 55 to 70 per cent of undersea petroleum Infinity Factory ...... 57 IldM C.A.P.E.R...... 2822-30 contend that they suffer the major disad­ inclined to claim that these are free MundoReal ...... 24 Champions...... ' ig Dragnet ...... 40 separately. resources located in water depths of 650 7:30 Mary H artm an ...... TV Garden Club...... 24 vantages of ofMore development while minerab owned by whoever recovers G unsm oke...... 40 Chico & the M an ___ 203230 537 1 30 feet or less. Match Game PM ...... 3 Knicks ...... 9 Candlepin Bowling...... 40 OflDhora oil the federal government enjoys the them first. Zoom...... 57 WaUSt. Week...... 2437 Midnight Special ... .282830 Adam 12...... 5 N ew s...... 82824-3840 12:30 Large-scale development of undersea benefits. The states want a portion of the The history of petroleum and hard 6:30 1 3 0 In 1975, offshore, sources accounted for Muppet Show ...... 8 Dick Van Dyke...... 20 Way Out G am es...... 3 petroleum resources began off the coast nearly 20 per cent of the daily world revenues, a role in managing the develop­ minerab development on land has always I Love Lucy ...... 5 9:00 M ovie...... 2 Liar’s Qub ...... 9 11:15 Little Rascals...... 8 petroleum production, or approximately ment, and sufficient information and lead involved high risk and great controversy. N ew s...... 8-20-2^30 D olly...... 20 Movies ...... 8243037 Joe F ran k lin ...... 9 Sports Only ...... I8 N ew s...... 3 M uggsy...... 2822-30 time to plan for development. As such activities move into the marine 1100,000 Name That Tune. 22 Rockford Files ...... 2822-30 13 5 10 million biuTels. The U.S. portion of that Self, Inc...... 24 1130 Victory Garden...... 24 environment, those characteristics are Connecticut...... 24 9:30 International Zone ...... 3 was 1.2 million barrels. With constantly Villa Alegre...... 57 Love American Style ...... 5 likely to be magnified, not reduced. Hollywood Squares ______30 M ovie...... 3 2:15 decreasing terrestrial supplies, the The uncertainty over the existence of 7:00 M ovie...... 8 The World’s Best Muppet Show ...... 40 Sing It Share...... 18 Outer L im its...... 5 offshore production percentages appear petroleum in offshore areas can only be NEXT WEEK: C.P. Idyll, study direc­ N ew s...... 3-22-40 Johnny C arsem ...... 282830 Perfumes-Colognes MacNeil-Lehrer Rqx>rt .. 57 3 3 5 certain to increase in the near future. resolved by exploratory drilling. To gain tor of the National Ocean Policy Study of Andy G riffith ___ 5 lOdW S.W.A.T...... 40 8:00 N ew s...... 5 N ew s. “fi w a m Wrapping" The mgjor constraints on offshore the rights to drill on federal lands, com­ the National Oceanographic and At­ Concentration ...... ,.8 ...... 87 With Jeanne Parr ...... 2 M ovies...... j-p Meet the Mayors...... 9 n ^ f s petroleum development in the U.S. have panies must bid on lease tracts, in effect mospheric Administration, asks the Bowling For D ollars...... 9 3:55 Donny & Marie ...... 8-40 Serpico...... 282830 Movie M ovie...... 2 COURSeS DY N€WSIVU>eR been political and social, particularly in paying thousands of dollars for a hunting crucial question, “Can the Sea Feed the areas sudi as the Atlantic and Alaskan license, hi one case, Exxon paid |632 Land?" Pages-W EEKEND-Oct. 30,1876 73 Medals gone, but 76ers still on sale

By RUSS MacKENDRICK Parish" and the date, 1823, palmed in a If you were too far back in the line to get handclasp. Then below there is an more than a fleeting glimpse of the 1973 excellent engraving of the first Cheney Manchester Sesqui medal — here it is Mill and an over-flowing cMnucopia. The again. The silver Minuteman is supposed to be fortifying his pieces were sold out musket with some Manchester-produced in half an hour and gunpowder. Above the gun barrel there the bronzes went Stamps floats a Pioneer paradiute and beneath soon after. Try and and this a d^iction of the Pitkin Glass Works find either one now. of which some remnants still survive at A survey of the coins Parker and Academy Sts. three Main St. The medal can be had in prooflike silver dealers came up (.999 fine) and bronze. Prices: $19.76 and may have changed world history. It was Lighthouse Flag carried by his atourage with zilch. There are simply none to be $3.50. It was designed by Jidm S ^ v a n (rf used m many certificates, savings bonds at that time. had. One lucky collector pi^ed up a silver this town and execute by the Roger that “Brady and the Cooper Union speech We have it as straight stuff that he piece for $20 a few nnonths ago but that is Williams Mint of Rhode Island. made me presidat of the United States.” breakfasted at Bri^am’s Tavern in fi» only activity to repml on the 1S73 The chairman of the medal committee, Anottwr local winnar Covatry and passed twice through Orford Mancbeker medids. Joe McCarthy, will be in the lobby of jthe Another Manchester Philatelic Society Parish, a c e taking a drink of water at All this is to put the 1976 Bicaitennial Mandiesto* ^ t e Bank on Mboday to m em ba has w a a big-time award. At the Manchester G re a ’s Woodbridge Tavern. medal into the proper perspective. It is show you the {ueces in real life. recat SO JEX (Sath Jersey clubs) (Now the site of the self-service gas sta­ shown here in views (d the front and back. Stamps start as photos Richard Hooper, MPS program chairman, tion opposite Papa J w ’s). You can see the four Connecticut Signers: The magazine “Modem Photography” to(dc a loonze medal for an exhibit of Otiwr event* Huntington, Williams, Sherman and makes the point that virtually every precancds. It showed their evolntia from At Enfield tomorrow there will be a Wokx>tt — each with his autograph in­ 1847 to the presat: a conprebensive stamp starts out as a photognqih. They Coin and Stamp Exhibition and Bourse at scribed across the dtesL The lower part of show the Matthew Brady ^oto of study of methods used and precancel S t] ^ . the St. Adelbert Scbwl, n a n to 6 p.m .' ftis side shows authentic writing equip­ Atuaham Lincoln on the ScM No. 1282, ment of the times. And a elatia night, at the K of C four-cat r^ u la r issae. This was ta k a in FARVEX in Avon On the other side there is “Qrford Hall, 138 Main St., Manchester, the 174th 1860 in B ra d ’s Washingta studio, and The Fanningta Valley Oub will have meeting of the Catral Connatiat Coin their annual FARVEX at the A v a High Club. Y a will have a chance to view, and School tomorrow, 11 to S, with an au ctia pertiaps acquire, besides a variety of at 3 p.m. There will be UN and USPS coins, some off-beat items such as Libraries add many books booths and four cacheted covers to com­ savenir cars, a Japanese mint set, a 19M memorate G. Washingta’s trips through NENA medal, etc. Tliere will be p la ty of New books at kiandiester’s Fleming — To make an un­ present the state — “slq)t-ha«s” or othowise. time to take tUs in and have refrohments Mary --Cheney library: derworld They will have a postmark showing the and get home for the returns. ric O O fi Kay — The year the lights Adler — The Henderson came on New books at Manchester’s equation SeynxMr — The glory boys Whiton Manorial.Library: ORDER FORM Bryant — Blue Russell Simenon — The hatter’s Fiction Bryce — Governraent nurse phantoms Aiken — Castle Barebane Manchester Bicentennial Commemorative Medal C r^ )— The Gotland deal Vonnegut— Slapstki Atwood — Lady Oracle Manchester Bicentennial Committee Dei^ton — (X d i a falling WiWen — To die elsewhere Cookscm — Love and Maty m Williams — A lady bought Arm Box 1776, Manchester, Conn. 06040 Detanar — McKeever with rifles Gilbert — Given the am­ Dobler — The last rush Woodward — Valley of Please order im the following Manchester Bicentennial munition Medal(s): (Indicate number of medals ordered in box) North romance Hilton — Rescue from the Faulkner — Three little IfOfUIClICNiWJ--^rt$nei Rose 999 Silver Medal(s). $19.76 donation] jBronze Medal(s). $3.50 donation each. words Dicfcoson — Amoog those Milbiser — Willing hostage sach. Linuted edition, serially immbered.| | Siddons—Heartbreak Hotel Nonfiction Enclosed is my check or money order f o r ...... to □cover medals ordered. Checks. made payable to LH)rary hours Budiwald — Washington is leaking Manchester Bicatennial Cmunittee. Clark — Champagne and Mary Chorny Ubrary baloney NAME Adnlt — 9 ajn. to f pjn. Saturday. 'Henttfi — Jarz is... Monday through Friday, 9 Whtton Momorial Library A D D R ^ ^ “ Logan — Josh: My iqi and am . to 6 p.m. Saturday. Adult and Juvenile — 10 down, in and out life CITY AND STATE Juvenile — 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. a.m. to 8:30 p.nL Monday ZIP Ponte — The cooling Monday through Thursday, 9 through Friday, 10 a.m. to 6 Sbirer — 20th century a.m. to 6 pjn. Friday and p.nL Saturday. journey Here’s bookmobile route American* are reading Fiction Here’s next week’s schedule 2:10 p.m. — Homestead Thursday 5. Russians —Smith fcr the Manchester Public Park Apartments. 10:30 ajn. — Head Start 1. Trinity —Uris 6. Born Again —Colson Liluery bookmobile; 2:50 p.m. — Evergreen Rd. (South School). 2. Touch Not the Cat -Stew art 7. A Man Called Intrepid: The Secret ■onday 3:30 p.m. — (}raoent and 1:30 pjn. — Bliss St. 3. Dotores —Snsann War —Stevensa Durant Sts. 10:30 a.n> - W. Middle 2:10 pjn. — Elsquire Dr. 4. Price of the Pacock -Holt 8. Lyndon Johnson & the American 4:10 p.m. — Parkade Tpke. 2:50 pjn. - Bretton Rd. 5. Ordinary People -G uest Dream —Kearns 11:10 a.m. — Green Lodge Apartments. 3:30 p.m. — Barry Rd. le s t Home. 6. Crowned Hads —Trya 9. Loretta Lynn; C a l Miner’s Daughter 4:10 p.m. — Loomis St. 7. Ldnely Lady —Robbins —Lynn 1:30 p.m. — Hamlin WodiiMday 2:10 p.m. - Clinton St. near 8. A g at in Place —Machines 10. Surgan Under the Knife -N olen OakSL 10:30 a.m . — Lincoln 9. Stranger in the Mirror -Sheldon O nter. 2:50 p.m. — Meadow Lane. 10. Deep —Benchley 11:40 a.m. Friday 3:30 p.m. — Ferguson and — Ivy Manor Cartb Rds. Apartments. 1:40 p.m. — Falcon Ridge 1:30 p.m .— Apartments. Nonfiction 4:10 p.m. — Alice Dr. Briarwood Dr. 2:10 p.m. — 2:20 p.m. — Pine Ridge TuMday Leland Dr. 1. Final Days —Woodward Bernstein 2:50 p.m. — Santina Dr. Apartments. 2. Passages —Sheehy Read Herald Ads 10:30 a.m.—Squire Village. 3:30 p.m. — Winthrop Rd. 3:10 p.m. — Croft Dr. 1:30 p.m. — T^imbull Rd. 4:10 p.m. — 4 p.m. — Rachel Rd. 3. Doris Day; Her Own Story—Hotchner Squire Village. 4. Year of Health & B auty -S a ssa n