~~PRINCIPAL’S REPORT~~ P.O Box 843, LEETON 2705 Ph: 69532122 Fax: 69535085
[email protected] ABN: 22 761 278 122 Relieving~~PRINCIPAL’S Principal: Mr REPORT A Morschel~~ Issue No: 5 Term: 1 Week 10 Tuesday 29 March, 2016 , 2013 “Educating young people for active and responsible citizenship” ~~ RELIEVING PRINCIPAL’S REPORT~~ Leeton High School was particularly well represented during the SunRice Festival. Our bus was festooned in pennants for the parade, with a pleasing number of students choosing to join us on Saturday, with the Vengaboys providing a most appropriate sonic background. Mrs Schmetzer and some of our Hospitality students backed up to serve food at Leeton’s Longest Lunch in Mountford Park. Thank you to everyone who assisted throughout the weekend. 1 Good luck to the Class of 2016, who are buckling down for Mid-Course Examinations, in those subjects that choose to have them. As has always been the case, with no inkling of foreseeable change, I am sure that the marks earned will reflect the effort supplied. Students are advised to seek valuable feedback whenever they receive their results. Don’t forget to lend your support to our Open Rugby League and League Tag sides, as they battle Yanco Agricultural HS this Wednesday evening. The girls are poised to raise the Dave Sheldrick Cup, should they prevail and we are hoping that our lads can show the same pride that they displayed against St Francis. The winner of this fixture will advance to the next round of the University Shield. Special thanks must be extended to Garry Wilesmith, Clint Halden and Anthony Rudd who volunteered their time and energy to coach these sides, and to Mrs Anthony and Ms Becker for their managerial prowess.