Construction and Renovation of Academic Facilities); Title IX (Graduate Education); Overview, Volume 9

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Construction and Renovation of Academic Facilities); Title IX (Graduate Education); Overview, Volume 9 DOCUMENT RESUME ED 283 448 HE 020 426 TITLE Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act. Title VII (Construction and Renovation of Academic Facilities); Title IX (Graduate Education); Overview, Volume 9. Hearings before the Subcommittee on Postsecondary Education of_the Committee on Education and_Lab,Dr. House of Representatives, Ninety-Ninth Congress. First Session (Septebmer 11-12, 1985 and October 1, 1985). INSTITUTION Congress of the U.S., Washington, D.C. House Committee on Education and Labor. PUB DATE 1 Oct 85 NOTE 244p.; Seria1799-51. Figure_l may not reproduce well. Document contains small type. PUB TYPE Legal/Legislative/Regulatory Materials (090) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC10 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS College Buildings; College Housing; *Educational Facilities Improvement; *Federal Aid; *Federal Legislation; :inancial Support; Government School Relationship; *Graduate Study; Hearings; Higher SducationPrivate Financial Support; Public Policy; School Construction; School Maintenance; *Student Financial Aid IDENTIFIERS Congress 99th; *Higher Education Act Title IX; *Higher Education Act Title VII ABSTRACT Hearings on reauthorization_of the_Higher Education Act, Titles_VII_and_IX,_are presented. Title VII_concerns construction, reconstruction, and_renovation of academic facilities. Title IX provides grants to colleges to support graduate study. To assist in maintaining academic facilities, Title VII provides grants to undergraduate and graduate facilities as well as loans to colleges for building and renovation. It is estimated that the physical plant of higher education has a replacement value of $200 billion, and 20% of 1tbat plant needs replacement or renewal, with a total cost_of $40_ it_is recommended_that_taxexempt financing for public and private college facilities be retained, testimony suggests that a small_percentage of colleges have been able to obtain private financing to replace/renew facilities. The future of the college housing program is also considered in the hearings. In the area of graduate study, a bill, H.R. 2199, has been proposed to provide funds on a competitive basis to colleges to set up graduate fellowship programs for specific disciplines_of national needs. Another bill, H.R. 6379, would improve the system for providing aid to graduate students. The text of both bills is appended. (SW) *********************************************************************** * Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made * * from the original document. * *********************************************************************** REAUTHORIZATION OF THE HIGHER EDUCATION ACT Title VII (Construction and Renovafion of Academic Facilities); Title IX (Graduate Education); Overview Volume 9 HEARINGS BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION OF THE CO vl THE ON EDUCATION AND LIWOR HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NINETY-NINTH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION HEARINGS HELD IN WASHINGTON, DC, SEPTEMBER 11 AND 12 AND OCIOBER 1; 1985 Serial No. 99-51 Printed for the use of the Committee on Education and Labor U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 60-329 0 WASHINGTON : 1986 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 3 COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND LABOR AUGUSTUS F. HAWKINS,- California, Chairman WILLIAM D. FORM_ Michigan: JAMES M. JIKETORDVermont IOSEPH_ _GAYINDS;Pennsylvania WILUAM_F DOODLING, Pennsylvania WILLIAM: (BILL) CLAY; bissouri F.,_THOMAS COLEMAN, Missouri MARIORIAGGL_New York THOMAS:Limn Wisconsin AUSTIN J,__MURPHY, Pennsylvania MARGE-ROUKEMA, New JereeY DAIX KILDEE, MiChigin SMVE GUNDMON, Wisconsin PAT WILLIAMS, Montana STEVE BARTLETT, Texas MATITIEW G. MARTINEZ, California ROD CHANDLER, Washmirton MAJOR R. OWFINS, New York THOMAS J. TAUKE, Iowa RICK BOUCHER, Virginia JOHN R. McKERNAN, Ja.,Maine CHARLES A. HAYES, Illinois RLCHARD IL ARMEY, Texas CARL C.- PERKLNS;Kentucky HARRIS W._ FAWELL Illinois TERRY:L. BRUCE, Illinois PAUL B. HENRY, Michkrivn STEPHEN iL SOLARZ;_New York KERITYNIVUDYMALLY,_ California DENNIS-a RCKART, Ohio TIMOTHY J. PENNY, Minnesota CHESTER G. ATKINS, Massachusetts SUBCOMMITTEE ON POBISECONDARY EDUCATION WILLIAM D. FORD,Michigan, Chairman MAJOR IL:OWENS; New York R_THOMARCOLEMANsouri PAT:WILLIAMS, MonWna_ STEVE_GUNDERSON,_ Wisconsin MARIO:MAW:I; Now York JOHN R. MCKERNAN, Jii., Maine CHARLES- A -.- -HAYES, -MUMS PAUL B. HENRY, Mk.higan CARL-C, PERKINS, Ilitucky WILLIAM F. MX/DUNG, Pennsylvania ratRY L BRUCE, Illinois THOMAS E. PETRI, Wisconsin STEPHEN J. ROLARZ, New York MARGE ROUKEMA, New Jersey MER'VYN M. DYMALLY, California THOMAS J. TAUKE, Iowa DENNIS E. ECKART, Ohio JAMES M. JEFFORDS, Vermont TIMOTHY J. PENNY, Minnesota (Ex Officio) CHESTER1G._ ATKINS; -Massachusetts JOSEPWM.I GAYDOS, Penneylvania. AUGUSTUS_F. HAWKINS; Ceifornie (Bx Officio) CONTENTS Hearings held in Washington, DC, on: Page ptember 11, 1985 11 September 12, 1985 73 October 1, 1985 217 Text of H.R. 2199 179 Text_ofILR 6379 187 Statement of: Ae-7, Dr. Sheila, commissioner, Higher Education Coordinating Board of Miwouri 84 Royd,-Dr. Willard L., preside.. t, Field Museum of Natural History, Chico- go, IL 174 6.1-ireny, John, president, student government Rensselear Poly-Technical Institute 170 Chelstrom Marilyn, proadent_Robert Taft Institute 76 ClyncDT-EciwardJ., _associate pryfessor and head, department of politi- cal science,iMississippiState University 158 Cramer, John; statement on behalf of the Anierican Bar- Asiociation section of legal education, the -Ageociation of Aiiierican Law Schools, and the Law Scisiol Adinitoion-Council; and Mr. Millard Rude 116 DiBiaggio, Dr.-John, president, Michigan State University _2 Fox, Edward A-.,-presulent, Student Loan MarketingAssociation 32 Gardner,- David Pierpont, president, University of California 218 GriTen, Hen. Bill _ _ _ 74 Hayee, Dr. Kenneth P,, UniversiW of Maine 99 Lesesne Dr. Joak_president -Wofford Coll , Spartanburg, SC 19 Liebennam_Gerald _J.; professor, Stamlord University 95 McCunej)r. Ellis, president Califbrriia State UniversityHayward 90 Meier,: Dr.:Wilbir, Jr., dmn of the college cf engineering, the Pennsylva- 1: nia State University 43 Mills; Rrencis F., direttor of-financ resources, Roston College so Petillo, Msgr. John J., president, Seton Hall University, ,..:luth Orange; NJ__ 28 Ryan, Fidler-Edmund, S.J., executh% vice Rresident,-_Canisits College 103 Sainple, Dr. Steven, president_State UMversity of New York... 152 San&on. Dr. Jahn 1., M.D., dean; Boston University School of Medicine 134 Taft, Hen. Robert A., Jr.. ........ 75 Walter, Pro. Paul H.L., department of chemistry/physics, SkidinoreCol- lege -.... 164 'tepared stMements, letters; supplemental materials, et cetera:: AeriDr. Sheila; commissioner, coordinating board for higher education, State of Mbisenri, prepared statement of 58 Amaricim kstaciation ofiRetired Persons, prepared statement of 237 Bowie; Walter_C., D.V.M, Ph.D., dean, the Tuskegee Institute School of Veterinary liteldleine, pared statement on behalf of the Association of Minority Health Professions Schools ............ ........ ...... 70 R.Istd, Di.. Willard L., prepared statementon behalf of the Assuciated Natiikal- Science Institutions 175 Cërveny, John, prepared statement:on:L*61f of the NallonM Coalitionof Independent CoUegeand-University Students 172 Chelstrom,_Mmilmipresident the Robert A. Taft Institute of Govern- ment preparecIstatement of 78 ClyiWz_Edward J.; department of political science, Mississippi State Uni- iversity, prepared statement of 160 Ccdeman; E. Thomas- a Representative in Congress from the State of Missouri, opening statement of 89 IV Page Prepared_statements; letters; supplemental maUrials, et atera--ContiiiuSd Courant; Paul N4_letter to lioiL William D. Ford, dated May 30_, 1985 210 Cramton Roger C, prepared stateMent with appendixes, on behalf of the _ Joint Task Force on _Federal-Financial issistance to Law Students 119 DiBiaggio, Johnr-president, Michigan Suite University, prepared state- Ment On hehelf of the As4ociation of American Universities and the National Asinciation of State Universities and Land-Gault Colleges 5 nit, EdWaid A., president and chief executive officer; Student Loan. Marketing Association, preisired_ttatement nf......... 35 Gardner, David Pierpont, president, University of California; prePared statement of i 222 Green,: Rom:Bill; a Representative hi Congress from the State Of NOW i York; prepared statement of 75 Hayee; Dr; Ifennetli P., prepared Statement on behalf of the National Eduction Association 101 Johnson,lswience C, letter to Hon. William D. Ford, dated September 1 30, 1985,--enclosing a prepared statement 193 Lear W. Edfverd, letter to Hon. Bill Ford, dated September 30, 1985, enclosing a statement ....--.. 64 Lesesne, Dr. Joab, president, Wofford College,: prepared statementon behmlf of the National Association of Independent Colleges wnd Univer- sitim_ et al _....... ... .__. _., ....... .. .. 22 Lieberman, Gerald J.; professor; Stanford University, prepared Stater:dent _of. 97 Locke; Hubert a; letter to Hon. William D. Ford, dated June 12, 1985, with atWichment. 206 McCune, Dr. -Ellis E, president, California State University, prepared stateinent of 92 Meier, Wilber- L., Jr., dean, College of eermg, Pennsylvania State University,_prepared statement of , 45 Mills, Francis F director of financing resources, Boston College;pre- pared statement of 52 Nalbandian,LJohn,:letterAoilion. Willie; D. Fora; &Wad June 5, 1985 203 Petilick :Msgr. John J.; chancellor, Seton /tall University, South Orange, _NJ,:prepareck statement
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