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PSA High Country February 2015 Volume 38, Number 1 PAID NM Permit 8 ® CIMARRON T h e m a g a z i N e o F T h e P h i l m o nt S Ta ff a ss o c i aT i o N® U.S. POSTAGE Non-Profit Organization high countrY check us out! ® Mission unites (PSA) Association Staff Philmont The and present— staff—past Philmont the adventure, purpose of serving the the for Ranch Scout Philmont of experience and heritage Boy Scouts of America. and the 17 DEER RUN ROAD CIMARRON NM 87714 Our Mission HigH Country®—Volume 38, Number 1 PhilmoNT STaFF aSSociaTioN® February 2015 board oF direcTorS ed PeaSe, ediTor marK dierKer, layouT ediTor JohN murPhy, PreSideNT colleeN NuTTer, Vice PreSideNT, memberShiP raNdy SauNderS, associaTe ediTor Tim roSSeiSeN, Vice PreSideNT, SerVice in this issue bill cass, coPy ediTor WarreN SmiTh, Vice PreSideNT, deVeloPmeNT daVe KenneKe, STaff contribuTor adam Fromm, SecreTary KeViN “leVi” ThomaS, carTooNist maTT liNdSey, TreaSurer columns contribuTiNg ediTorS: roberT birKby, daVid caffey, NaTioNal direcTorS 4 from the prez bill cass, gregory hobbS, WarreN SmiTh , marK amy boyle STinnett, mary STueVer, STePheN zimmer KeN daViS 25 ranch roundup - nmgf@ponil bryaN delaNey HigH Country® iS The official PublicaTioN oF The caTheriNe hubbard 25 ranch roundup - grant reigelman Philmont STaff associaTioN® aNd iS PubliShed Six lee hucKSTeP 26 ranch roundup - wounded warriors TimeS Per year aS a beNeFiT To its memberS. dr. daN miller STeVe ricK 31 short stuff © 2015, The Philmont STaff associaTioN, iNc. all rights reSerVed. No coPyrighT claimed For regioNal direcTorS 39 good campsite PreViouSly coPyrighTed or Public maTerial. NorTheaST PermissioN granted For NoN-commercial rePrintiNg KaThleeN SeiTz or redistribuTioN WiTh ProPer attribuTioN. ricK ToucheTTe articles HigH Country®, Philmont STaff associaTioN®, ceNTral PSa® aNd The official PSa logo® miTch STaNdard 6 psa news - autumn adventure are all registered Trademarks oF: Phil WiNegardNer 15 psa news - Houston Christmas The Philmont STaff associaTioN, iNc. SouTherN 16 psa news - new year’s at psr 17 deer ruN road aNNe marie PiNKeNburg cimarroN, NeW mexico 87714 doug Wahl 18 psa news - psa@sbr 575-376-1138 WeSTerN 20 psa news - annual giving success For memberShiP aNd SubScriptioN informaTioN, NaNcy STicKelmaN ViSiT our WebSiTe aT: michael WaggoNer 24 c4p, cont. WWW.PHILSTaFF.COM 28 burrito banquet closes Jim lyNch, immediaTe PaST PreSideNT 30 linda davis honored marK aNderSoN, PhilmoNT STaFF adViSor On the cover: Members of the 2014 Autumn Adventure Trek rest atop 33 philmont history - dawson igH ountry® WelcomeS arTicleS PhoToS aNd ex oFFicio memberS H C , the Tooth of Time. See story on letterS For consideraTioN For FuTure issueS. emery corley, legal adViSor SubmissioN doeS NoT guarantee PublicaTioN. douglaS FaSchiNg, TechNology maNager page 6. other The ediTorS aNd PubliSher reSerVe The righT To SelecT aNd ediT maTerialS To be PubliShed. 5 bulletin board SeNd Submissions, letterS or comments To raNdy SauNderS, execuTiVe direcTor 37 trail talk “ HigH Country” aT The aboVe address or e-mail: dollie o’Niell, office maNager [email protected] PSA® FELLOWS ® iF you Would liKe To receiVe HigH Country BOB HArvEy FELLOW iN elecTroNic raTher ThaN PaPer FormaT, PleaSe PAUL And MARY JAnE HARVEY contacT The PSa office aT [email protected] GLEnn A. FOWLEr FELLOW BRUCE BARnES oPiNions exPressed iN HigH Country®are ThoSe oF GEOrGE A. BuLLOck FELLOW MeMbers only ACCess The WriTerS aNd, uNless oTherWiSe staTed, WILLIAM d. BRYCE Contributing Writers do NoT Necessarily reFlecT The Views oF The emery corley lee hucKSTeP JOE DAviS FELLOW user nAMe: WilDHorse Philmont STaff associaTioN®, Philmont BILL CASS daVid KeNNeKe daN miller ScouT raNch, or The boy Scouts oF america. JOHn A. MAxBAuEr, Jr. FELLOW PAssWorD: crookedcreek ricK Thom AnOnYMOUS Volume 38, number 1— February 2015 Volume 38, number 1— February 2015 3 from the president how the subject of Philmont always The PSA has been blessed to have a lot comes up. And to find out that of dedicated and visionary people give of someone else was a former Philmont their time to build the organization over One of the important things for any PSA was a struggling young associa- Staffer and is a current PSA member the years. Thanks to Mr. Holman and all organization is to document its history. tion. But, dedicated men and women makes it all very special. of you who have been a part of that team Where did we start from and what within the PSA have made it what it is since. I hope you enjoyed that look back as occurred back when the group was today. Berne J Holman much as I did. finding its identity? We have an archive Hopefully each and every one of PSA President 1986-1990” of documents, but I wondered what we you who has chosen to be a PSA Mem- John Murphy would learn from PSA Past Presidents ber knows that you are helping to en- PSA President as they look back now. This is a letter I tice generations of Scouts and Scouters received from Berne Holman, PSA Past who visit, train and work at Philmont. President (1986-1990), describing how You help carry on the traditions of BULLETIn BOARd the PSA survived during those early Philmont in your scouting interests, Upcoming PSA® Events times. Thank you Berne for this special school, work and pleasure from what look at the PSA in the late 1980s and you have taken away having been a PSA Florida Regional Reunion – Saturday, January 31, 10:00am to 4:00pm your message for PSA members today. Philmont Staff member. Paynes Prairie State Park, Near Micanopy, FL Contact: Randall MacDonald at [email protected] “For those of you who have recently I encourage each and every one joined the Philmont Staff Association, of you to continue to pay your yearly PSA Weekend at the Summit – June 19-20, 2015 you have joined a very special group of dues, become a PSA Life member Summit Bechtel Reserve, Beckley, WV dedicated Scouters who’s love is that of and be active in your Regional PSA PSA Summer Reunion – July 10-12, 2015 Philmont Scout Ranch and the perpetu- reunions. Share your stories and Philmont Scout Ranch ation of Philmont to future genera- Philmont experiences within the High PSA Summer Trek – July 12-18, 2015 tions who come to explore the majestic Country magazine. Come back to the Philmont Scout Ranch Backcountry, training programs and Ranch on a PSA Trek or attend a PSA staff experience. annual meeting or be a Crew Leader PSA Autumn Adventure – October 11-16 Philmont Scout Ranch As I look back on where the for those young Scouts. And if you can Philmont Staff Association has come afford it, donate to one of the PSA proj- and when I was President, the PSA has ects or General Fund. It all helps the come a long, long way since that time. Philmont Staff Association, Philmont I am amazed. In the late 1980s we had Scout Ranch and the Boy Scouts of less than 500 members. The High Coun- America. from the editor try magazine was published on a hap- Yes, as I look back on the Philmont The December 2014 issue of High Country included an article based on the impact hazard basis. We had just begun the Staff Association, it has come a very of the 1965 flood on Philmont’s South Country, and the reminder that the 2015 PSA Backcountry treks. The Rayado long way from the fledgling days when PSA Trek will cover much of that territory, now 50 years later. Included in the scholarships were just begun. We had I was President. I am proud to be a article were a number of pictures, for which we failed to give credit. We do now no internet. There was no Executive part of this organization and I enjoy - to Phil Yunker, Camp Director at Fish Camp that fateful year. Thanks, Phil - and Director and the Philmont management reading the High Country and staying in we look forward to seeing you at the Ranch this summer as we commemorate that was not as supportive as today. We did touch with many fellow Staff members. summer and the work you and so many others did to put Philmont back on its not have an office on Philmont property Whereever I go in the United States on feet. or a mailing address at Philmont. The different Scouting experiences, some- Volume 38, number 1— February 2015 Volume 38, number 1— February 2015 4 from the prez bulletin board 5 psa® news 2014 Autumn Adventure trek by Rick Thom a guide, we decided to combine the crews since most people wanted to do Steven and Cynthia Truemper orga- the same trip. nized the PSA Autumn Adventure Guides Colin Bowser and Sarah again in 2014. Twenty adventurers Burgess helped us to select our food, gathered at the St. James Hotel in distribute group gear, and review our Cimarron for the traditional pre-trek individual equipment. As we loaded dinner on the night before leaving for our gear at the Backcountry Services the Backcountry. dock the weather looked foreboding. October 12: As we discussed itin- Dark clouds gathered over the west- eraries on Sunday morning, consensus ern Backcountry and winds gusted formed around a South Country trip to 30 mph in Base Camp. Our guides that would include a layover day at reported that snow was in the forecast Fish Camp, side hikes on that day, and for that night. During lunch at the PTC Rest Break At The Notch. an option to climb the Tooth of Time on dining hall a cold rain spit against the photo by George Segelken the last day’s hike.
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