Indian Science in Indian Media Highlights of ISW stories - July 2017

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01 July, 2017, Meghalya Guardian

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ऺुद्रग्रहⴂ की तराश भᴂ जुटी ही यहती है खगोरीम ऩुलरस

नवनीत कु भाय गुप्ता, 01 July , 2017

नवनीत कु भाय गुप्ता। (इॊडडमा साइॊस वामय)। आकाश भᴂ झझरमभरात े ताये औय चद्रॊ भा के घटन-े फढ़ने जैसी आकाशीम घटनाएॊ सददमⴂ से भानव भन भᴂ योभाॊच ऩैदा कयती यही हℂ। तायⴂ एव ॊ खगोरीम पऩडॊ ⴂ को रेकय प्रचमरत सैकडⴂ कहाननमाॊ इसका प्रभाण हℂ। आकाशीम पऩडॊ ⴂ को रेकय की जान े वारी इन भानवीम ऩरयकरऩ‍् नाओॊ ने इनके फाये भ ᴂ अधधक जानकारयमाॊ जुटाने के मरए भनुषम‍् को प्रेरयत ककमा। वष ष 1788 भ ᴂ जभनष खगोर-पवऻानी जॉन इरटष फोडे ने जफ सौयभॊडर के ग्रहⴂ के भध्म की दयू ी को एक अनुऩात भ ᴂ व्मक्त ककमा तो खगोरीम पऩडॊ ⴂ के सॊसाय भᴂ झाॊकने की भनुषम‍् की इचछ‍् ा औय बी फरवती हो गई। फोडे न े ऩामा कक सूमष से फुध, शुक्र, ऩथ्ृ वी, भॊगर, फहृ स्ऩनत ग्रहⴂ की दरू यमⴂ का अनुऩात एक क्रभ फनाता ह,ै जजसभ ᴂ 3 का क्रमभक गुणन जैस-े 3, 6 आदद नजय आता था। इसका ऩूया क्रभ 3, 6, 12, 48, 96 था। तीसये औय चौथ े क्रभ भᴂ सॊख्मा 12 औय 48 थी, जजससे गुणन का क्रभ बॊग हो यहा था। इस जस्थनत को देखकय उस सभम इन दो ग्रहⴂ मानी भॊगर औय फहृ स्ऩनत के फीच अन्म ग्रहⴂ के उऩजस्थत होने की सॊबावना वम‍् क्त‍ की गई। तबी से वैऻाननकⴂ ने इन ग्रहⴂ को खोजना आयॊब कय ददमा।

कयीफ 200 सार ऩहरे आकाशीम पऩडॊ ⴂ को खोजने के मरए खगोरीम ऩुमरस काभ कयती थी। हॊगयी के फ्ाॊज क्सवय वॉन जैक नाभक खगोर वैऻाननक न े आकाशीम पऩडॊ ⴂ को खोजने के मरए खगोरीम ऩुमरस नाभक एक सभूह का गठन ककमा था।

इटरी के खगोर-पवऻानी ग्मूसेऩ पऩमा煍जी ने 1 जनवयी, 1801 भᴂ इस तयह के ऩहरे खगोरीम पऩडॊ मानी ऺुद्रग्रह को खोजा था। मह पऩडॊ सेयेस था। ददरचस्ऩ फात मह थी कक उस सभम ग्मूसेऩ पऩमा煍जी खगोरीम ऩुमरस सभूह का दहस्सा नहीॊ थे। इसके फाद तो खगोरीम ऩुमरस सभूह 饍वाया कई खगोरीम पऩडॊ ⴂ को खोजा गमा। उस सभम तक इन पऩडॊ ⴂ को ग्रह ही कहा जाता था। वषष 1802 भᴂ दसू या ऐसा पऩडॊ खोजा गमा औय 1803 भᴂ खोजे गए ऐसे पऩडॊ ⴂ की सॊख्मा तीन हो गई। मह मसरमसरा चरता यहा औय वषष 1868 तक ऐस े 100 पऩडॊ ⴂ को खोज ननकारा गमा। जफ इस तयह के सकℂ डⴂ खगोरीम पऩडॊ खोज मरए गए तो फहस इस ऩय

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शु셂 हो गई‍कक इन्हᴂ ग्रह नहीॊ कहा जा सकता क्मⴂकक इनके गुणधभष ग्रहⴂ से अरग हℂ। ऐसे भᴂ इन्हᴂ फौने ग्रह मा ऺुद्रग्रह कहा गमा।

प्रकाशीम पोटोग्रापी का ईजाद होने से ऩहरे ऺुद्रग्रहⴂ को खोजने के मरए स्टाय चाटष का उऩमोग कयके दयू फीन स े आकाश की ककसी पवशषे जस्थनत को एक ननममभत अतॊ यार ऩय देखा जाता था। खगोर- वैऻाननकⴂ 饍वाया उस स्थान पवशषे भᴂ मदद कोई ऐसा पऩडॊ ददखाई देता, जजसकी गनत तायⴂ के साऩेऺ फदरती यहती है तो वह कपय उसका पवस्ताय से अध्ममन कयते थे। इस प्रकाय ऺुद्रग्रहⴂ की खोज की जाती थी।

ग्मूसेऩ पऩमा煍जी 饍वाया खोजे गए ऩहरे ऺुद्रग्रह सेयेस को अफ फौने ग्रह की श्रेणी भᴂ यखा गमा है। तफ स े रेकय अफ तक खगोर-पवऻानी दो राख से अधधक ऺुद्रग्रहⴂ का ऩता रगा चकु े हℂ। बायत से सफसे ऩहरा ऺुद्रग्रह वषष 1885 भᴂ ब्रिदटश खगोर-पवऻानी नाभनष योफटष ऩोग्सन 饍वाया खोजा गमा था, जो उस सभम भद्रास वेधशारा भᴂ कामयष त थे। इस खोज भᴂ भद्रास वेधशारा भᴂ कामयष त एक बायतीम खगोर-पवऻानी धचतॊ ाभणी यघुनाथचायी का बी उ쥍रेखनीम मोगदान था। इसके कयीफ सौ सार फाद बायत से 17 पयवयी, 1988 को ऺुद्रग्रह खोजा गमा। बायत भᴂ के वरूय भᴂ जस्थत वेणु फऩऩ‍् ू वेधशारा से अफ तक अनेक ऺुद्रग्रहⴂ को खोजा जा चकु ा है।

वेणु फऩऩ‍् ू वेधशारा से खोजे गए दो ऺुद्रग्रहⴂ का नाभकयण प्रोपे सय एभ.जी.के . भेनन औय प्रोपे सय जे.सी. बट्टाचाम ष के नाभ ऩय ककमा गमा है। प्रोपे सय एभ.जी.के . भेनन बायतीम ताया-बौनतकी सॊस्थान के ननदेशक औय प्रोपे सय जे.सी. बट्टाचाम ष बायतीम ताया-बौनतकी सॊस्थान ऩरयष饍 के अध्मऺ यह चकु े हℂ। आधनु नक सभम भᴂ प्रकाशीम पोटोग्रापी ने खगोरीम पऩडॊ ⴂ के अध्ममन को आसान फना ददमा है। पोटोग्रापी का उऩमोग कयके आकाश के ककसी पवशषे दहस्से का पोटो पवमबन्न सभम अतॊ यार ऩय मरमा जाता है औय उस दहस्से भᴂ मदद ककसी पऩडॊ की चार तायⴂ के साऩेऺ फदरती है तो उस ऩय पवशषे ध्मान ददमा जाता है। इस प्रकाय नए खगोरीम पऩडॊ को खोजा जाता है।

इॊटयनेशनर एस्रोनॉमभकर सोसाइटी 饍वाया ऺुद्रग्रहⴂ का नाभकयण ककमा जाता है। आयॊब भᴂ अधधकतय ऺुद्रग्रहⴂ का नाभकयण मूयोऩीम नाभⴂ ऩय ककमा जाता था। रेककन फाद भ ᴂ इॊटयनेशनर एस्रोनॉमभकर सोसाइटी ने सुझाव ददमा कक ऺुद्रग्रहⴂ का नाभकयण वैजववक हो। तबी से ऺुद्रग्रहⴂ का नाभकयण उनके खोजकताष की ऩसॊद के आधाय ऩय ककमा जाने रगा। ऺुद्रग्रहⴂ के नाभकयण भᴂ कई बायतीम नाभⴂ को बी स्थान मभरा है। इनभᴂ हनुभान, ग셂ड, अ셁णा, सायाबाई, भणृ ामरणी, याभानुजन औय हरयशच‍् द्रॊ जैसे कु छ प्रभुख नाभ शामभर हℂ।

अधधकतय ऺुद्रग्रहⴂ भᴂ धातओु ॊ की भौजूदगी की सॊबावना व्मक्त की गई है। इन ऩय मभरन े वारी धातओु ॊ भ ᴂ सोना, चाॊदी, ओसमभमन, प्रैदटनभ, टॊगस्टन आदद शामभर हℂ। इसी फात को ध्मान भᴂ यखकय वैऻाननक इनके आधथकष भहत्व ऩय बी पवचाय कय यहे हℂ। बपवष्म भᴂ सॊबव है कक इन ऺुद्रग्रहⴂ ऩय खनन कयके वहा ॊ स े पवबन्न धातओु ॊ को धयती ऩय रामा जाए। कु छ देशⴂ ने ऺुद्रग्रहⴂ के अध्ममन के मरए अतॊ रयऺ अमबमान बी

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चराए हℂ। जाऩान ने वषष 2003 भᴂ इटोकावा नाभक ऺुद्रग्रह के अध्ममन के मरए हामाफुसा अमबमान चरामा था। ऐसे अमबमानⴂ का उद्देवम ऺुद्रग्रह के नभूनⴂ का पववरेषण कयना है ताकक िहभाॊड की उत्ऩजत्त स े सॊफॊधधत जानकारयमाॊ मभर सकᴂ । नासा बी ऐस्टयॉमड रयडामयेक्ट मभशन ऩय काभ चर यहा ह,ै जजसका उद्देवम ऩथ्ृ वी के सभीऩ के ककसी ऺुद्रग्रह से नभूनⴂ को धयती ऩय राना ह,ै जजससे उसकी सॊयचना को पवस्ताय से जाॊचा-ऩयखा जा सके ।

ऺुद्रग्रहⴂ के फाये भᴂ जाग셂कता के प्रसाय के मरए प्रत्मेक वषष 30 जून को अतॊ ययाष्रीम ऺुद्रग्रह ददवस भनामा जाता है। इस ददन ऩूये पववव भᴂ अनेक स्थानⴂ ऩय ऺुद्रग्रह सदहत खगोर-पवऻान से सॊफॊधधत कामक्रष भⴂ का आमोजन ककमा जाता है। एस्रोनॉमभकर सोसामटी ऑप इॊडडमा बी देश बय भᴂ अनेक स्थानⴂ ऩय ऺुद्रग्रह ददवस से सॊफॊधधत कामक्रष भⴂ को आमोजन कयती है। इस सॊस्था ने अऩनी वेफसाइट ऩय ऺुद्रगह ददवस स े सॊफॊधधत तभाभ जानकारयमाॊ पवमबन्न बाषाओॊ भᴂ उऩरब्ध कयाई हℂ। एस्रोनॉमभकर सोसामटी ऑप इॊडडमा की वेफसाइट ऩय ऺुद्रग्रहⴂ के फाये भᴂ कई योचक जानकारयमाॊ प्राप्त की जा सकती हℂ। http://astron- (इॊडडमा साइॊस वामय)

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Scientists test ancient remedy to fight drug-resistant kala-azar

Bhavya Khullar 03 July 2017

A low dose of the compound called Mahanine killed more than 90 per cent of the parasites within 48 hours A compound isolated from commonly used curry leaf, which also finds a mention in ancient Ayurvedic texts, has been found to be effective against kala-azar parasite that is increasingly becoming resistant to available drugs. The compound called ma hanine, isolated from leaves of Murraya koenigii (a curry plant commonly used in Indian kitchens), has been found to inhibit the growth of kala-azar parasite, according to Dr Chitra Mandal, professor at the Indian Institute of Chemical Biology in , who led the study. The plant was selected for the study based on its medicinal properties described in Charaka Samhita. Kala-azar is caused by a protozoan parasite Leishmania donovani. Nearly 40,000 cases of kala-azar are registered annually in the Indian subcontinent. An oral drug, miltefosine, is available to cure this disease but the parasite is becoming resistant to it. A low dose of mahanine (11 micromolar) killed more than 90 per cent of the parasites in culture within 48 hours. The compound increases death-inducing reactive oxygen species in parasite as well as cells that harbour the parasite. As a result, parasite‘s DNA gets degraded. It has also been used in laboratory mouse who were fed with it for five consecutive days. The results were comparable to a dose of miltefosine, according to results of the study published in journal Scientific Reports. The compound is non-toxic when tested with animals and cultured cell lines. ―It will be also useful to test this compound in asymptomatic individuals and patients with Post-kala-azar Dermal Leishmaniasis (PKDL),‖ added Mandal.

Dr Chitra Mandal, first from the top left, and her fellow researchers. Credit: India Science Wire

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The group is now in consultation with the Ministry of AYUSH for clinical trials in humans. ―We propose the introduction of this non-toxic herbal molecule as a potential antileishmanial agent. There is also the opportunity to use this herbal remedy as a combinational chemotherapeutic agent along with traditional antileishmanial drugs,‖ researchers said. Dr Mitali Chatterjee, professor of pharmacology at the Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research, Kolkata, who is not connected to the study, told India Science Wire, ―mahanine is a pure compound as opposed to a crude extract, which is desirable for clinical purpose. More safety studies are needed to see if the compound is toxic to the parasite at much lower doses than it is with normal cells. Otherwise, the study is well planned and results are decisive.‖ The research team included Saptarshi Roy, Devawati Dutta, Eswara M Satyavarapu, Pawan K Yadav, Chhabinath Mandal, Susanta Kar, besides Chitra Mandal. (India Science Wire) resistant-kala-azar-58191

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IIT Team Developing Affordable Trainer Robot for Medical Colleges

BY DINESH C. SHARMA 03/07/2017

The researchers estimate their robot will cost Rs 60-70 lakh, whereas commercial models cost Rs 12 crore. The difference could mean more hospitals will be able to afford the machine.

The IIt-M team with their trainer surgical robot. Credit: India Science Wire

New Delhi: Just like the industrial robots becoming increasingly common on factory floors, surgical robots are making their presence felt in hospitals. However, prohibitive costs and a lack of training facilities are hampering a faster rollout. A trainer surgical robot developed by the Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT-M) could help address this gap to some extent.

Surgeon-assisted robotic operations for several medical conditions are being performed at few tertiary care hospitals in the country. The use of robots offers greater precision and helps surgeons minimise the loss of blood by restricting incisions to smaller areas. Robotic surgery also allows for faster recovery and reduces the chances of complications. But not many hospitals can afford these robots due to their high costs and a lack of exposure to the associated technology.

Now, researchers at IIT-M have developed a surgical robot specifically for training purposes. Those varieties currently available in the market work on the master-slave principle. The surgeon, sitting away from the patient, controls the master robot and monitors surgery through a vision system, while a slave robot, holding the necessary surgical tool, performs and repeats the doctor‘s actions. The IIT-M training robot has a similar configuration. The master and slave arms have seven degrees of freedom each (i.e. seven ways in which they can act). The prototype has been shown to a few robotic surgeons, according to its developers, the feedback has been encouraging.

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―For it to be to converted into a full-fledged surgical robot, it needs to undergo a large number of safety tests and regulatory approvals and clinical trials,‖ explained T. Asokan, a professor in the department of engineering design.―This process can take a long time. But the robot developed by us can very well be used as a trainer robot in medical colleges.‖ Asokan led the research effort under a project funded by the Department of Science and Technology. The current design is aimed at abdominal surgeries – but the developers have clarified that it could be extended to include other procedures in the future. To develop the prototype, the IIT-M team collaborated with urologists from PSG Medical college, Coimbatore, and an industrial partner.

It is estimated that the trainer robot will cost Rs 60-70 lakh. ―The cost of a commercial robot is around Rs 12 crore. To get such a costly robot for training purposes would be impossible for medical colleges. An affordable trainer robot will help students to get trained on this futuristic technology,‖ Asokan added.

Robotic surgeons, however, feel that much work needs to be done for any developmental robot to become usable on a large scale. ―Just as airliners need skilled pilots, surgical robots are best operated by expert surgeons specifically trained in their nuances,‖ said Dr Gagan Gautam, head of urologic oncology and robotic surgery at Max Institute of Cancer Care, New Delhi. ―Surgical simulation, undoubtedly, is going to play a key part in getting the next generation of surgeons up to speed in performing next-generation surgeries.‖

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दैननक जागयण, 4 जुराई, 2017

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दैननक जागयण,4 जुराई,2017

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Why are we sweating in Shillong?

Dinesh C Sharma 04 July 2017

Because temperatures in India‘s biodiversity hotspot are on the rise

Shillong has seen a rise of temperature of 1 to 1.5 degree in the past three decades (Credit: Subharnab Majumdar/CSE)

Quick Read

 Meghalaya has some of the most vulnerable districts to current climate risks and long term climate change in the region  Changing climate would have widespread implications for forests, water resources, biodiversity, agriculture, livestock and human health

Sitting in the glass-and-concrete State Convention Centre in the capital of hilly state, Meghalaya, participants of a media workshop on climate change were feeling sweaty. The convention centre is not air-conditioned nor does it have ceiling fans. For the comfort of guests, some pedestal fans were plugged in. Why are we sweating in Shillong? Asked state information technology minister Dr M Ampareen Lyngdoh. The question may sound strange for those who have read in tourist brochures and text books about the wettest places on the planet being in Meghalaya and about its round-the-year cool weather. The answer to this question came in the form of a new study done by researchers from the Water and Climate Lab at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Gandhinagar. The study has shown that air temperature in the state is rising at the rate of 0.031 degree per year. The trend is consistent from 1981 to 2014, barring the years 1991 and 1992. This translates into 1 degree centigrade rise

Page 12 of 118 between 1981 and 2014, which is quite significant. Future projections indicate similar rise over next two decades. The state has also been witnessing highly fluctuating frequencies of hot days, hot nights, cold days and cold nights. ―The number of hot days and nights show an increasing trend while that of cold days and cold nights show a declining trend. These are indications of a consistently warming region,‖ pointed out lead author Dr Vimal Mishra while presenting results of the study commissioned by the state government. ―The higher number of hot night frequencies is a matter of concern for the state.‖ Based on historical and observed data as well as computer models, the study has projected changes over short-term (2013-2040), mid-term (2041-2070) and long-term (2071-2100) for the state. It is a high-resolution study in the sense that projections have been made for grids of 5 X5 km size, so as to help in vulnerability assessment for each grid and adaptation planning at local level. Future projections show an increasing temperature rise under different scenarios. Under these projections, the rise in maximum temperature in Meghalaya in the long term ranges from 2.65 degree to 3.8 degree, while the rise in minimum temperature will be between 2 degree and 3.5 degree in the long term. The increase in temperature may result in higher number of extreme hot days and nights. Under the extreme scenario projection, the number of hot days could be as high as 100 a year. Similarly, there may be a decrease in extreme cold days and nights. ―The state has already seen a rise of temperature of 1 to 1.5 degree in the past three decades, and the projections point to a similar rise by 2040. If temperature in Meghalaya will rise by about 3 degree in a span of half a century, we don‘t know what Meghalaya will be like in future - West Bengal or Assam?,‖ wondered Dr Mishra.

Credit: India Science Wire

There will be changes in the rainfall patterns in future. The central plateau region is projected to experience an increase in rainfall at a higher rate than the rest of the state. The occurrence of extreme rainfall events will also show an upward trend under various projected scenarios. ―The West Khasi hills which already receive very high precipitation is projected to face even higher rise in precipitation,‖ Dr Mishra added.

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The changing climate in Meghalaya, he said, would have widespread implications for forests, water resources, biodiversity, agriculture, livestock and human health. For instance, due to significant rise in temperature, forest fires may go up while extreme rainfall events will increase risk of landslides in high altitude areas causing siltation of water bodies downstream. The rise in temperature will also threaten endemic plant species many of which are already on the verge of extinction. Rain-fed agriculture in the state will be adversely hit with crop yields and production declining. Higher temperature will also induce premature breaking of insects and pests. ―Meghalaya has some of the most vulnerable districts to current climate risks and long-term climate change in the region,‖ pointed out Prof. N.H. Ravindranath of Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. ―Sectors like agriculture, forests, fisheries, horticulture are already subjected high climate risks currently and will be highly vulnerable to climate change risks in future. We need to prepare both incremental as well as transformational adaptation plans to make based on vulnerability assessments.‖ The workshop was jointly organised by the Department of Science and Technology, Indian Himalayas Climate Adaptation Programme (IHCAP) and Centre for Media Studies. (India Science Wire)

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Why is it sweating in Shillong?

By Dinesh C Sharma 04 July, 2017

Sitting in the glass-and-concrete State Convention Centre in the capital of hilly state, Meghalaya, participants of a media workshop on climate change were feeling sweaty. The convention centre is not air-conditioned nor does it have ceiling fans. For the comfort of guests, some pedestal fans were plugged in. Why are we sweating in Shillong? Asked state information technology minister Dr M Ampareen Lyngdoh. The question may sound strange for those who have read in tourist brochures and text books about the wettest places on the planet being in Meghalaya and about its round-the-year cool weather. The answer to this question came in the form of a new study done by researchers from the Water and Climate Lab at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Gandhinagar. The study has shown that air temperature in the state is rising at the rate of 0.031 degree per year. The trend is consistent from 1981 to 2014, barring the years 1991 and 1992. This translates into 1 degree centigrade rise between 1981 and 2014, which is quite significant. Future projections indicate similar rise over next two decades. The state has also been witnessing highly fluctuating frequencies of hot days, hot nights, cold days and cold nights. ―The number of hot days and nights show an increasing trend while that of cold days and cold nights show a declining trend. These are indications of a consistently warming region,‖ pointed out lead author Dr Vimal Mishra while presenting results of the study commissioned by the state government. ―The higher number of hot night frequencies is a matter of concern for the state.‖ Based on historic and observed data as well as computer models, the study has projected changes over short-term (2013-2040), mid-term (2041-2070) and long-term (2071-2100) for the state. It is a high-resolution study in the sense that projections have been made for grids of 5 X5 km size, so as to help in vulnerability assessment for each grid and adaptation planning at local level. Future projections show an increasing temperature rise under different scenarios. Under these projections, the rise in maximum temperature in Meghalaya in the long term ranges from 2.65 degree to 3.8 degree, while the rise in minimum temperature will be between 2 degree and 3.5 degree in the long term. The increase in temperature may result in higher number of extreme hot days and nights. Under the extreme scenario projection, the number of hot days could be as high as 100 a year. Similarly, there may be a decrease in extreme cold days and nights. ―The state has already seen a rise of temperature of 1 to 1.5 degree in the past three decades, and the projections point to a similar rise by 2040. If temperature in Meghalaya will rise by about 3 degree rise in a span of half a century, we don‘t know what Meghalaya will be like in future – West Bengal or Assam?,‖ wondered Dr Mishra. There will be changes in the rainfall patterns too in future. The central plateau region is projected to experience an increase in rainfall at a higher rate than the rest of the state. The occurrence of extreme rainfall events will also show an upward trend under various projected scenarios. ―The West Khasi hills which already receive very high precipitation are projected to face even higher rise in precipitation,‖ Dr Mishra added.

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The changing climate in Meghalaya, he said, would have widespread implications for forests, water resources, biodiversity, agriculture, livestock and human health. For instance, due to significant rise in temperature, forest fires may go up while extreme rainfall events will increase risk of landslides in high altitude areas causing siltation of water bodies downstream. The rise in temperature will also threaten endemic plant species many of which are already on the verge of extinction. Rainfed agriculture in the state will be adversely hit with crop yields and production declining. Higher temperature will also induce premature breaking of insects and pests. ―Meghalaya has some of the most vulnerable districts to current climate risks and long term climate change in the region,‖ pointed out Prof. N.H. Ravindranath of Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. ―Sectors like agriculture, forests, fisheries, horticulture are already subjected high climate risks currently and will be highly vulnerable to climate change risks in future. We need to prepare both incremental as well as transformational adaptation plans to make based on vulnerability assessments.‖ The workshop was jointly organized by the Department of Science and Technology, Indian Himalayas Climate Adaptation Programme (IHCAP) and Centre for Media Studies. (India Science Wire)

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दैननक जागयण, 5 जुराई, 2017

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Indian Astronomers Discover 25 'Giant Radio Galaxies' T V VENKATESWARAN 06 JULY, 2017

REPRESENTATIVE IMAGE Indian astronomers have made a sensational discovery of a bunch of large cosmic objects known as ‗giant radio galaxies‘. Astronomers led by Pratik Dabhade at Pune-based Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and (IUCAA) have surprised astronomical community with their discovery of twenty five new 'giant radio galaxies' (GRGs). These galaxies are among the largest stellar objects. They are so huge and rare that astronomers are puzzled how they got to grow to that colossal size. A typical galaxy like ours has about billions of stars and is about one lakh light years across. A typical radio galaxy could be as big as 30,000 to 30 lakh light-years in size. When some of these radio galaxies grow to enormous sizes, bigger than 33 lakh light-years across, they are called as giant radio galaxy (GRGs). A radio galaxy is as a strong source of electromagnetic radiation or radio waves. Although GRGs are mammoth in size - imagine placing 33 milky ways one after another in a straight line - they are extremely weak in radio luminosity making it difficult for even a sensitive radio telescope to detect them. They are often composed of numerous bright knots spread over a large area that it is not easy for us to tell which of these lobes are part of GRG and which are from unrelated sources. Although millions of regular galaxies and thousands of radio galaxies are known, Pratik Dabhade says ―during the last six decades, astronomers the world over have discovered just 300 GRGs.‖ Using data from 20-year-old Very Large Array Sky Survey of US-based National Radio Astronomy Observatory, the Indian team identified GRGs which had escaped the curious eyes of astronomers so far. The current study by adding 25 new candidates has added additional 10% to the list, which the astronomers say ―would be useful in understanding how these galaxies grow to be so large‖. The results are published in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Since the first discovery of GRG 3C236 in 1974, surveys by Ishwara-Chandra and Saikia, Schoenmakers and others have revealed the fascinating world of GRGs. Of the 300-odd GRGs identified so far, J1420-0545 spanning more than 160 lakh light years across is the largest. Of the twenty five GRGs identified by researchers, the physical size ranged from a 30 lakh light years to about 120 light years. ―Eight of them were even larger than 65 lakh light years‖, says the researchers. Super massive black hole - typically with mass ranging from one crore to hundred crore mass of the sun- is at the center of the GRGs. Acting as the `central engine', this black hole drives the

Page 19 of 118 dynamics of the GRGs. All the materials in the vicinity are sucked by the incredible gravity of the super massive black hole. As the materials fall inward, they become ionised and this motion of the charged materials create powerful electromagnetic force, which in turn blast away the materials at the edges. The jets of hot plasma blasting away from the black hole in opposite directions produce huge lobes of radio emissions that can span much greater distances than the galaxy‘s visible light. GRGs have been an enigma since their discovery. Since they are known to expand to such large sizes, astronomers believe them to be the last stage of radio galaxy evolution. Powerful GRGs are known to fade away as they go through death throbs in just ten thousand years, a blink of an eye in cosmological terms. Surprisingly some of them are also believed to be resurrecting after fading away, shining bright once again. The study is expected to aid astronomers understand the dynamics of the GRGs.

Just as we can make an inference about air turbulence by observing billowing smoke from a chimney, we can learn a lot about interstellar medium from GRGs. One of the GRGs identified by this study, GRG15, ―clearly challenges the common belief that GRGs grow in sparse, non- cluster environment‖ say the researchers and claim that ―environment alone does not play a major role in exceptionally large sizes of GRGs‖. The researchers said they would be presenting more samples of GRGs along with results of statistical analysis and multi-wavelength studies of their properties in forthcoming papers. Besides Pratik Dabhade, the research team included Joydeep Bagchi (IUCAA), Mamta Pommier (CNRS Observatoire de Lyon), Madhuri Gaikwad (NCRA-TIFR Pune and Max-Planck Institute Bonn), Shishir Sankhyayan (IISER Pune) and Somak Raychaudhury (IUCAA). (India Science Wire) 25-giant-radio-galaxies/299513

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CSIR LABS TO CONNECT WITH SCHOOL KIDS Sunderarajan Padmanabhan July 6, 2017

New Delhi: The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)has joined hands with Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) to implement a student-scientist connect programme that will extend classroom learning with a well planned research laboratory-based learning.

Called ―JIGYASA‖, the programme would seek to inculcate a culture of inquisitiveness on the one hand and scientific temper on the other amongst both students and their teachers. It would connect 1,151 Kendriya Vidyalaya schools across the country with the network of 38 laboratories under CSIR, targeting 100,000 students and nearly 1000 teachers annually.

The programme has been designed to enable students and teachers to practically live theoretical concepts taught in science by visiting real life laboratories and participating in mini-science projects. The engagements would include arranging for student residential programmes, holding of laboratory specific activities and onsite experiments, visits of scientists to schools, setting up of science and mathematics clubs, and conduct of popular lectures and demonstration programmes. In addition, it would provide for student apprenticeship programmes, workshops for teachers and holding of science exhibitions.

―JIGYASA‖ is one of the major initiatives taken up by CSIR at the national level as part of its platinum Jubilee celebration this year. (India Science Wire)

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वनय् जीवⴂ के टकराव स े ननपटन े की रणनीनिया 車 नाकाम, कम नह 車 हो रहा नुकसान

उभाशॊक‍ य मभश्र

नई दद쥍री, जून (इॊडिमा साइॊस वामय) : जॊगरी जीवⴂ के इॊसानⴂ से टकयाव को रेकय ककए गए एक देशवम‍् ाऩी अधम‍् मन के भुताब्रफक वनम‍् जीवⴂ के हभरⴂ से ननऩटने की भौजूदा यणनीनतमⴂ के फावजूद पसरⴂ, भवेमशमⴂ औय जान-भार के नुकसान को कभ नहीॊ ककमा जा सका है। बायतीम शोधकताषओॊ 饍वाया ककए गए एक अधम‍् मन के भुताब्रफक वनम‍् जीवⴂ से भनुषम‍् के टकयाव से होने वारे नुकसान को कभ कयन े के मरए इस सभसम‍् ा से ननऩटने की प्रचमरत यणनीनतमⴂ की सभीऺा कयने की ज셂यत है। अधम‍् मनकताषओॊ के अनुसाय देश बय भᴂ 32 वनम‍् जीवⴂ की प्रजानतमाॊ रोगⴂ के जान-भार को गॊबीय नुकसान ऩहुॊचा यही ह,ℂ जजसे देखत े हुए इॊसान एवॊ वनम‍् जीवⴂ के फढ़ते टकयाव की घटनाओॊ को योका जाना ज셂यी है। वषष 2011 से 2014 के दौयान ऩजवचभी, भधम‍् एवॊ दक्षऺण बायत के 11 वनम‍् जीव अबम‍् ायणम‍् ⴂ के आसऩास भौजूद 2,855 गाॊवⴂ के 5,196 ऩरयवायⴂ के वनम‍् जीवⴂ से टकयाव एव ॊ उसस े फचाव के ऩैटनष का पवशर‍् ेषण कयने के फाद अधम‍् मनकताष इस नतीज े ऩय ऩहुॊचे हℂ। इस अधम‍् मन के नतीज े हमूभन डाइभᴂशनस‍् ऑप वाइरड‍् राइप नाभक शोध-ऩब्रिका भᴂ प्रकामशत ककए गए हℂ। अधम‍् मन भᴂ शामभर 71 प्रनतशत ऩरयवायⴂ ने भाना है कक जॊगरी जानवयⴂ के कायण उनकी पसरⴂ को नुकसान ऩहुॊचा है, जफकक 17 प्रनतशत ऩरयवायⴂ के भुताब्रफक वनम‍् जीवⴂ ने उनके भवेमशमⴂ को अऩना मशकाय फनाकय उनह‍् ᴂ नुकसान ऩहुॊचामा है। तीन प्रनतशत ऩरयवाय ऐसे बी ह,ℂ जजनह‍् ᴂ जॊगरी जानवयⴂ के हभरे भᴂ घामर होने से रेकय भौत की िासदी से बी गुजयना ऩडा है। अधम‍् मन भᴂ शामभर 11 अबम‍् ायणम‍् ⴂ भᴂ से चाय अबम‍् ायणम‍् जमसभॊद, कॊु बरगढ़, पु रवायी की नार औय सीताभाता उतत‍् य-ऩजवचभी बायत, ताडोफा अधॊ ेयी एवॊ कानह‍् ा सभेत दो अबम‍् ायणम‍् भधम‍् बायत औय फाकी के ऩाॊच अबम‍् ायणम‍् कारी, बद्रा, ब्रफरीधगयी यॊगासव‍् ाभी भॊददय, फॊदीऩुय एवॊ नागयहोर े ऩजवचभी घाट भᴂ भौजूद हℂ। अधम‍् मनकताषओॊ की टीभ भᴂ फॊगरू셂 जस्थत सᴂटय पॉय वाइरड‍् -राइप सट‍् डीज से जुडी सॊयऺणवादी वैऻाननक डॉ. कृ नत कयॊत औय सादहरा कु दारकय शामभर थीॊ। डॉ. कृ नत कायॊत नम‍् ूमॉकष जस्थत वाइरड‍् -राइप कनज‍् वेशन सोसाइटी औय अभेरयका के ननकोरस सक‍् ू र ऑप एनव‍् ामयभᴂट से बी जुडी हℂ। अधम‍् मनकताषओॊ के अनुसाय वनम‍् जीवⴂ एवॊ इॊसानⴂ के साथ होने वारे टकयाव को कभ कयने के मरए उऩमुक्त‍ नीनतमाॊ फनाने भᴂ मह अधम‍् मन भददगाय साब्रफत हो सकता है। शोधकताषओॊ के अनुसाय इस सभसम‍् ा की योकथाभ के मरए प्रबावी तकनीकⴂ की ऩहचान के अरावा भुआवजे से सॊफॊधधत भौजूदा मोजनाओॊ के सु饃ढ़ीकयण औय सथ‍् ानीम सभुदामⴂ, सयकाय एव ॊ सॊयऺणवादी रोगⴂ से आऩसी फातचीत कयना ज셂यी है। डॉ. सादहरा कु दारकय के अनुसाय ‗‗अतम‍् धधक गयीफी एवॊ सयकायी भुआवजे के फाये भᴂ जानकायी के अबाव के कायण वनम‍् जीवⴂ के हभरे से प्रबापवत रोगⴂ की जीपवका ऩय सफसे फुया असय ऩडता है।‘‘ इस अधम‍् मन के भुताब्रफक वनम‍् जीवⴂ के कायण रोगⴂ को औसतन 12,599 셁ऩमे भूरम‍् की पसरⴂ एव ॊ 2,883 셁ऩमे भूरम‍् के भव‍ ेमशमⴂ का नुकसान प्रनतवषष उठाना ऩडता है। इस तयह का नुकसान खेती एव ॊ

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ऩशुऩारन ऩय आधश्रत बायत की ग्राभीण अथवष म‍् वसथ‍् ा का एक फडा दहसस‍् ा है, जहाॊ फहुसॊखम‍् आफादी की आभदनी फेहद कभ है। डॉ. कायॊत के अनुसाय ‗‗वनम‍् जीवⴂ से इॊसानⴂ के टकयाव के सभाधान के मरए रोगⴂ औय सॊगठनⴂ 饍वाया सॊयऺण नीनतमⴂ एवॊ ननवेश के रक्ष्मⴂ की सभीऺा कयने की आववमकता है। इस सभसम‍् ा के फेहतय सभाधान के मरए ऩूवष चते ावनी तिॊ की सथ‍् ाऩना, भुआवजा एव ॊ फीभा प्रकक्रमा को द셁ु सत‍् कयने की ज셂यत है।‘‘ अधम‍् मनकताषओॊ के भुताब्रफक ग्राभीण ऩरयवाय पवमबनन‍् तकनीकⴂ का उऩमोग वनम‍् जीवⴂ से अऩनी पसरⴂ, भवेमशमⴂ औय सॊऩजत्त को फचाने के मरए कयते हℂ। कनाषटक एव ॊ भधम‍् प्रदेश के अबम‍् ायणम‍् ⴂ के आसऩास यहने वार े रोग वनम‍् जीवⴂ से फचाव के मरए यात भᴂ ननगयानी, डयाने के मरए मॊि का उऩमोग औय फाड रगाने जैसे तयीकⴂ का उऩमोग प्रभुखता से कयते हℂ। इन दोनⴂ याजम‍् ⴂ भᴂ वनम‍् जीवⴂ के कायण होने वारे नुकसान की घटनाएॊ सफसे अधधक दजष की गई हℂ। जादहय ह,ै इस तयह की तकनीकᴂ वनम‍् जीवⴂ के उऩद्रव से होन े वार े नुकसान से फचाव के मरए प्रबावी नही ॊ यही हℂ। देश के अनम‍् दहसस‍् ⴂ के भुकाफरे इन याजम‍् ⴂ भᴂ नुकसान की बयऩाई के मरए भुआवजा बी अधधक ददमा जाता है। इसके पवऩयीत याजसथ‍् ान भᴂ वनम‍् जीवⴂ से पसरⴂ एवॊ सॊऩजत्त के फचाव के प्रमास सफस े कभ ककए जाते हℂ। (इॊडिमा साइॊस वामय) reduce-loss/

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भारिीय वैज्ञाननकⴂ ने घाव भरन े के लऱए बनाया नया जेऱ

बाव्मा ख쥍ु रय

नई दद쥍री, जून (इॊडिमा साइॊस वामय): बायतीम वैऻाननकⴂ ने दो ऩॉमरभय का एक नमा मभश्रण फनमा ह,ै जजसका उऩमोग हाइड्रोजैर के 셂ऩ भᴂ तजे ी से घाव बयन े के मरए ककमा जा सकता है। दो ऩॉमरभसष के मभश्रण से फने इस नए हाइड्रोजैर का राब मह है कक मह शयीय के ताऩ ऩय तजे ी से गाढ़ा होकय जभ जाता ह ै औय इससे घाव के आसऩास ताऩभान नहीॊ फढ़ता। घाव ऩय दवा रगाने के फाद उसके गाढ़ा होने की प्रकक्रमा के फीच ताऩभान फढ़ने स े आसऩास के ऊतकⴂ के नषट‍् होने का खतया यहता ह,ै जजससे अफ फचा जा सके गा। Th अधम‍् मनकताषओ ॊ की टीभ भᴂ शामभर बावनगय जस्थत कᴂ द्रीम नभक व सभुद्री यसामन सॊसथ‍् ान (सीएसएभसीआयआई) के वैऻाननक डॉ. सुयेश कु भाय जेवयजका ने इॊडडमा साइॊस वामय को फतामा कक ‗‗नमा हाइड्रोजैर कोई सह-उत्ऩाद नहीॊ छोडता है। मह जैपवक 셂ऩ से सुयक्षऺत है औय आसानी से अऩघदटत बी हो सकता है। घाव बयन े औय ऊतकⴂ के ननभाषण के मरए हाइड्रोजैर ऩूयी तयह उऩमुक्त है।‘‘ वैऻाननकⴂ 饍वाया पवकमसत इस मभश्रण को ऩॉरीथीरीन ग्राइकोर के एक सॊशोधधत सॊस्कयण औय एक प्रनतकक्रमाशीर ब्रॉक को-ऩॉरीभय से फनामा गमा है। मे दोनⴂ- मौधगक प्रनतकक्रमा कयते ह ℂ औय चाय मभनट से बी कभ सभम भᴂ हाइड्रोजैर का ननभाषण कय सकते हℂ। इस अधम‍् मन के नतीजे मूके की यॉमर सोसामटी 饍वाया प्रकामशत भशहूय शोध ऩब्रिका ‗भैटेरयमरस‍् कै मभसर‍् ी फी‘ भᴂ प्रकामशत ककए गए हℂ। हाइड्रोजैर की खामसमत है कक मह ऩानी को सोख रेता है औय शयीय के ताऩभान ऩय जैर भᴂ ऩरयवनततष हो जाता है। अऩने इस गुण के कायण इसे शीशी भᴂ यखने मा कपय चोट ऩय रगाने के फाद जभने भᴂ भदद मभरती है। अधम‍् मनकताषओॊ का कहना है कक घाव ऩय इस े रगाने के फाद चोट के आसऩास इॊजेक्श‍ न रगाना बी आसान हो जाता है। कु छ ही मभनटⴂ भᴂ तयर जैर भᴂ ऩरयवनततष हो जाता है, जो कक प्रेटरेट को जोडता है औय यक्त के फहाव को योकने भᴂ भदद कयता है। इसभᴂ एॊटी-फामोदटक्स को शामभर कयने की ऺभता बी ह,ै जजससे चोट की जगह ऩय इसे रगाने से वहाॊ ननयॊतय दवा मभरती यहती है। सीएसएभसीआयआई के अयपवदॊ मसहॊ चदॊ ेर एव ॊ नूतन मबगॊ य‍ ददमा के अरावा अधम‍् मनकताषओॊ की टीभ भ ᴂ उतत‍् य प्रदेश की मशव नाडाय मूननवमसटष ी की शैरजा मसहॊ औय दीपऩका कनन‍् न बी शामभर थे। चहू े ऩय हाइड्रोजैर का ऩयीऺण कयके शोधकता ष अफ इस शोध को आगे फढ़ाना चाहते हℂ। वैऻाननकⴂ ने इॊडडमा साइॊस वामय को फतामा कक ―नैदाननक अनुप्रमोगⴂ भᴂ इसकी उऩमोधगता का ऩयीऺण कयने के मरए व्माऩक प्रमोग कयने की आववमकता है।‘‘ उनके भुताब्रफक बपवष्म भᴂ मे प्रमोग ऊतक ऩुन셁तऩ‍् ादन के मरए रचीरे एव ॊ कक्रस्टरीम हाइड्रोगजैर फनाने भᴂ भददगाय साब्रफत हो सकते हℂ। (इॊडडमा साइॊस वामय)

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पोन भᴂ रगे नैनो-सᴂसय से हो सके गी प्रदषू ण की ननगयान ी उभाशॊकय मभश्र | Publish Date: Jul 8 2017 11:21AM

उभाशॊकय मभश्र। (इॊडडमा साइॊस वामय)। फॊगरू셂 जस्थत बायतीम पवऻान सॊस्थान के वैऻाननकⴂ ने कभ रागत वारा अतम‍् ॊत सॊवेदनशीर नैनो-सᴂसय पवकमसत ककमा है, जो काफनष भोनोऑक्स‍ ाइड के नम‍् ूनतभ सत‍् य का बी ऩता रगा सकता है। इस े फनाने वारे शोधकताषओॊ के भुताब्रफक इस नैनो-सᴂसय के उऩमोग स े बपवषम‍् भᴂ भोफाइर पोन के जरयमे बी प्रदषू ण की ननगयानी की जा सकती है।

जजॊक ऑक्स‍ ाइड से फने शहद के छतत‍् े जैसे आकाय के इस नैनो-सᴂसय को पवकमसत कयने के मरए नई पै िीके शन तकनीक का उऩमोग ककमा गमा है। इसका पामदा मह होगा कक अफ इस तयह के नैनो-सᴂसय फनाने के मरए मरथोग्रापी जैसी रॊफी एव ॊ खचीरी प्रकक्रमा की ज셂यत नहीॊ होगी। इस अधम‍् मन से जुड े नतीजे हार भᴂ सᴂससष ऐॊड एक्च‍ ऐु टसष शोध ऩब्रिका भᴂ प्रकामशत ककए गए हℂ।

शोध टीभ के प्रभुख प्रोपे सय नवकाॊत बट्ट के अनुसाय ‗‗इस सᴂसय का आकाय एक मभरीभीटय से बी कभ है। इसे अगय मसगॊ र प्रोसेमसगॊ इरैक्र‍ ोनॉजक्स औय छोटे डडसऩ‍् र‍् े से जोड ददमा जाए तो उसका आकाय कु छेक सᴂटीभीटय से अधधक नहीॊ होगा। रैकपक मसगन‍् र ऩय एक छोटी-सी डडवाइस भᴂ इस सᴂसय को रगाकय उस े सेरपोन से जोडा जा सकता है। वह डडवाइस फर‍् ूटूथ के जरयमे प्रदषू ण सॊफॊधी आॊकडⴂ को आऩके सेरपोन ऩय बेज देगी।‘‘

ऩयॊऩयागत काफनष भोनोऑक्स‍ ाइड सᴂसय भᴂ जजॊक ऑक्स‍ ाइट की सभतर ऩयत होती ह,ै जो भेटर ऑक्स‍ ाइड सेभीकॊ डक्ट‍ य है, जजसके जरयमे पव饍मुत प्रवादहत होती है। काफनष भोनोऑक्स‍ ाइड के सॊऩकष भ ᴂ आने ऩय इस ऩयत की प्रनतयोधी ऺभता ऩरयवनततष होने रगती है, जजसका प्रबाव पव饍मुत के प्रवाह ऩय ऩडता है। प्रनतयोधक ऺभता भᴂ होने वारे इस फदराव से काफनष भोनोऑक्स‍ ाइड के सत‍् य का ऩता चर जाता है।

जजॊक ऑक्स‍ ाइड की सभतर ऩयत के कायण सᴂसय की सॊवेदी ऺभता तो अधधक हो जाती है क्म‍ ⴂकक गैसⴂ की ऩाय‍ स्ऩरयक कक्रमा के मरए उऩरफध‍् ऺेि फढ़ जाता है। रेककन, ऩयॊऩयागत तकनीक के जरयमे इस तयह के नैनो-सᴂसय फनाने भᴂ कापी सभम औय धन खच ष होता है। इसमरए इस प्रकक्रमा के फजाम शोधकताषओॊ न े अफ नैनो-सᴂसय फनान े के मरए ऩॉमरस‍ र‍् ीन से फने छोटे-छोटे फी蕍स का उऩमोग ककमा है। ऑक्स‍ ीकृ त मसमरकॉन की सतह ऩय जफ इन फी蕍स को पै रामा जाता है तो मे आऩस भᴂ जुडकय एक ऩयत फना देत े हℂ। इस ऩय जफ जजॊक ऑक्स‍ ाइड का उऩमोग ककमा जाता है तो वह फी蕍स के फीच षटकोणीम दयायो भᴂ सभा जाता है। फी蕍स को जफ अरग ककमा जाता है तो 3डी आकाय भᴂ शहद के छतत‍् े के आकाय का जजॊक ऑक्स‍ ाइड फचता ह,ै जजसभᴂ गैसⴂ की ऩयसऩ‍् य कक्रमा के मरए सभतर ऩर‍् ेट की अऩेऺा अधधक जगह होती है।

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अधम‍् मनकताषओॊ के भुताब्रफक ऩॉमरसर‍् ीन फी蕍स के ऩैके ट फाजाय से चाय हजाय से ऩाॊच हजाय 셁ऩम े भ ᴂ खयीदे जा सकते ह,ℂ जजसका उऩमोग हजायⴂ की सॊखम‍् ा भᴂ फेहद छोटे आकाय के नैनो-सᴂसय फनाने भᴂ ककमा जा सकता है। प्रोपे सय नवकाॊत बट्ट के अरावा शोध टीभ भᴂ बायतीम पवऻान सॊस्थान के चद्रॊ शखे य प्रजाऩनत औय सव‍् ीडन के के टीएच यॉमर इॊसट‍् ी絍मूट के वैऻाननक बी शामभर थे। (इॊडडमा साइॊस वामय) pollution/26947.html

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Indian Astronomers Make Surprise Discovery Of 25 ‘Giant Radio Galaxies'

New Delhi : Indian astronomers have made a sensational discovery of a bunch of large cosmic objects known as ‗giant radio galaxies‘.

Astronomers led by Pratik Dabhade at Pune-based Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA) have surprised astronomical community with their discovery of twenty five new 'giant radio galaxies' (GRGs). These galaxies are among the largest stellar objects. They are so huge and rare that astronomers are puzzled how they got to grow to that colossal size.

A typical galaxy like ours has about billions of stars and is about one lakh light years across. A typical radio galaxy could be as big as 30,000 to 30 lakh light-years in size. When some of these radio galaxies grow to enormous sizes, bigger than 33 lakh light-years across, they are called as giant radio galaxy (GRGs). A radio galaxy is as a strong source of electromagnetic radiation or radio waves.

Although GRGs are mammoth in size - imagine placing 33 milky ways one after another in a straight line - they are extremely weak in radio luminosity making it difficult for even a sensitive radio telescope to detect them. They are often composed of numerous bright knots spread over a large area that it is not easy for us to tell which of these lobes are part of GRG and which are from unrelated sources. Although millions of regular galaxies and thousands of radio galaxies are known, Pratik Dabhade says ―during the last six decades, astronomers the world over have discovered just 300 GRGs.‖

Using data from 20-year-old Very Large Array Sky Survey of US-based National Radio Astronomy Observatory, the Indian team identified GRGs which had escaped the curious eyes of astronomers so far. The current study by adding 25 new candidates has added additional 10% to the list, which the astronomers say ―would be useful in understanding how these galaxies grow to be so large‖. The results are published in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

Since the first discovery of GRG 3C236 in 1974, surveys by Ishwara-Chandra and Saikia, Schoenmakers and others have revealed the fascinating world of GRGs. Of the 300-odd GRGs identified so far, J1420-0545 spanning more than 160 lakh light years across is the largest. Of the twenty five GRGs identified by researchers, the physical size ranged from a 30 lakh light years to about 120 light years. ―Eight of them were even larger than 65 lakh light years‖, says the researchers.

Super massive black hole - typically with mass ranging from one crore to hundred crore mass of the sun- is at the center of the GRGs. Acting as the `central engine', this black hole drives the dynamics of the GRGs. All the materials in the vicinity are sucked by the incredible gravity of the super massive black hole. As the materials fall inward, they become ionised and this motion of the charged materials create powerful electromagnetic force, which in turn blast away the materials at the edges. The jets of hot plasma blasting away from the black hole in opposite directions produce huge lobes of radio emissions that can span much greater distances than the galaxy‘s visible light.

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GRGs have been an enigma since their discovery. Since they are known to expand to such large sizes, astronomers believe them to be the last stage of radio galaxy evolution. Powerful GRGs are known to fade away as they go through death throbs in just ten thousand years, a blink of an eye in cosmological terms. Surprisingly some of them are also believed to be resurrecting after fading away, shining bright once again. The study is expected to aid astronomers understand the dynamics of the GRGs.

Just as we can make an inference about air turbulence by observing billowing smoke from a chimney, we can learn a lot about interstellar medium from GRGs. One of the GRGs identified by this study, GRG15, ―clearly challenges the common belief that GRGs grow in sparse, non- cluster environment‖ say the researchers and claim that ―environment alone does not play a major role in exceptionally large sizes of GRGs‖. The researchers said they would be presenting more samples of GRGs along with results of statistical analysis and multi-wavelength studies of their properties in forthcoming papers.

Besides Pratik Dabhade, the research team included Joydeep Bagchi (IUCAA), Mamta Pommier (CNRS Observatoire de Lyon), Madhuri Gaikwad (NCRA-TIFR Pune and Max-Planck Institute Bonn), Shishir Sankhyayan (IISER Pune) and Somak Raychaudhury (IUCAA). (India Science Wire) radio-galaxies

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दैननक जागयण, 7 जुराई, 2017

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Kharagpur Scientists Develop Novel Nanomaterial for Smart Supercapacitors BHAVYA KHULLAR 08/07/2017

They attribute its superior ability to conduct electricity to the presence of both silver and graphene.

Representative image. Credit: Pexels/pixabay

New Delhi: Scientists at the India Institute of Technology, K haragpur, have developed a new nanocomposite material suitable for making energy storage devices called super-capacitors.

Unlike batteries, there is no electrochemical reaction in supercapacitors. Instead, they store energy by means of a static charge and can be charged instantly. And this is why they are most sought after for applications like hybrid transportation systems and, as micro-supercapacitors, for wearable electronics. Prepared by bringing together silver, graphene and pyrrole, the new composite has been shown to exhibit properties that could make it a good candidate for use as an electrode in such super-capacitors, according to its engineers.

Batteries have long been used to reliably store energy, but they are not preferred when repeated bursts of power need to be stored or retrieved. This is the case in cars, buses, trains, cranes, elevators and wind turbines. In these devices, they are used for regenerative braking, short-term energy storage and burst-mode power delivery – tasks that super-capacitors are better at enabling because they do not have to deal with chemical reactions and the associated changes in volume.

Saptarshi Dhibar, a doctoral scholar, and Chapal Kumar Das, a professor of materials science – both at IIT Kharagpur – examined the material microscopically and observed that the nanomaterial was made of a graphene sheet onto which silver nanoparticles, each about 15-20 nanometers wide, had become embedded uniformly. Both silver and graphene improve conductivity and the duo attributes the material‘s superior electrochemical properties to this combination. The results of their experiment and studies were reported in a recent edition of the Journal of Applied Polymer Science.

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The material was shown to have a high specific capacitance of 472 farad per gram at a current density of 0.5 amperes per gram. It could retain 95% of its capacitance after 1,000 consecutive charge-discharge cycles. ―Obtaining a capacity of 472 Farad per gram is good as per global standards,‖ Vijayamohanan K. Pillai, the director of the Central Electrochemical Research Institute, Karaikudi, explained. ―It is fascinating how the incorporation of silver nanoparticles opens up the possibility of making smart supercapacitors, where the nanoparticles produce light by a phenomenon called surface plasmonic emission and thus indicate how much charge is left in the supercapacitor.‖ Pillai was not involved in the study.

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पोन भᴂ रगे नैनो-सᴂसय से हो सके गी प्रदषू ण की ननगयान ी उभाशॊकय मभश्र | July 8 2017 11:21AM

उभाशॊकय मभश्र। (इॊडडमा साइॊस वामय)। फॊगरू셂 जस्थत बायतीम पवऻान सॊस्थान के वैऻाननकⴂ ने कभ रागत वारा अतम‍् ॊत सॊवेदनशीर नैनो-सᴂसय पवकमसत ककमा है, जो काफनष भोनोऑक्स‍ ाइड के नम‍् ूनतभ सत‍् य का बी ऩता रगा सकता है। इस े फनाने वारे शोधकताषओॊ के भुताब्रफक इस नैनो-सᴂसय के उऩमोग स े बपवषम‍् भᴂ भोफाइर पोन के जरयमे बी प्रदषू ण की ननगयानी की जा सकती है। जजॊक ऑक्स‍ ाइड से फने शहद के छतत‍् े जैसे आकाय के इस नैनो-सᴂसय को पवकमसत कयने के मरए नई पै िीके शन तकनीक का उऩमोग ककमा गमा है। इसका पामदा मह होगा कक अफ इस तयह के नैनो-सᴂसय फनाने के मरए मरथोग्रापी जैसी रॊफी एव ॊ खचीरी प्रकक्रमा की ज셂यत नहीॊ होगी। इस अधम‍् मन से जुड े नतीजे हार भᴂ सᴂससष ऐॊड एक्च‍ ऐु टसष शोध ऩब्रिका भᴂ प्रकामशत ककए गए हℂ।

शोध टीभ के प्रभुख प्रोपे सय नवकाॊत बट्ट के अनुसाय ‗‗इस सᴂसय का आकाय एक मभरीभीटय से बी कभ है। इसे अगय मसगॊ र प्रोसेमसगॊ इरैक्र‍ ोनॉजक्स औय छोटे डडसऩ‍् र‍् े से जोड ददमा जाए तो उसका आकाय कु छेक सᴂटीभीटय से अधधक नहीॊ होगा। रैकपक मसगन‍् र ऩय एक छोटी-सी डडवाइस भᴂ इस सᴂसय को रगाकय उस े सेरपोन से जोडा जा सकता है। वह डडवाइस फर‍् ूटूथ के जरयमे प्रदषू ण सॊफॊधी आॊकडⴂ को आऩके सेरपोन ऩय बेज देगी।‘‘

ऩयॊऩयागत काफनष भोनोऑक्स‍ ाइड सᴂसय भᴂ जजॊक ऑक्स‍ ाइट की सभतर ऩयत होती ह,ै जो भेटर ऑक्स‍ ाइड सेभीकॊ डक्ट‍ य है, जजसके जरयमे पव饍मुत प्रवादहत होती है। काफनष भोनोऑक्स‍ ाइड के सॊऩकष भ ᴂ आने ऩय इस ऩयत की प्रनतयोधी ऺभता ऩरयवनततष होने रगती है, जजसका प्रबाव पव饍मुत के प्रवाह ऩय ऩडता है। प्रनतयोधक ऺभता भᴂ होने वारे इस फदराव से काफनष भोनोऑक्स‍ ाइड के सत‍् य का ऩता चर जाता है।

जजॊक ऑक्स‍ ाइड की सभतर ऩयत के कायण सᴂसय की सॊवेदी ऺभता तो अधधक हो जाती है क्म‍ ⴂकक गैसⴂ की ऩाय‍ स्ऩरयक कक्रमा के मरए उऩरफध‍् ऺेि फढ़ जाता है। रेककन, ऩयॊऩयागत तकनीक के जरयमे इस तयह के नैनो-सᴂसय फनाने भᴂ कापी सभम औय धन खच ष होता है। इसमरए इस प्रकक्रमा के फजाम शोधकताषओॊ न े अफ नैनो-सᴂसय फनान े के मरए ऩॉमरस‍ र‍् ीन से फने छोटे-छोटे फी蕍स का उऩमोग ककमा है। ऑक्स‍ ीकृ त

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मसमरकॉन की सतह ऩय जफ इन फी蕍स को पै रामा जाता है तो मे आऩस भᴂ जुडकय एक ऩयत फना देत े हℂ। इस ऩय जफ जजॊक ऑक्स‍ ाइड का उऩमोग ककमा जाता है तो वह फी蕍स के फीच षटकोणीम दयायो भᴂ सभा जाता है। फी蕍स को जफ अरग ककमा जाता है तो 3डी आकाय भᴂ शहद के छतत‍् े के आकाय का जजॊक ऑक्स‍ ाइड फचता ह,ै जजसभᴂ गैसⴂ की ऩयसऩ‍् य कक्रमा के मरए सभतर ऩर‍् ेट की अऩेऺा अधधक जगह होती है।

अधम‍् मनकताषओॊ के भुताब्रफक ऩॉमरसर‍् ीन फी蕍स के ऩैके ट फाजाय से चाय हजाय से ऩाॊच हजाय 셁ऩम े भ ᴂ खयीदे जा सकते ह,ℂ जजसका उऩमोग हजायⴂ की सॊखम‍् ा भᴂ फेहद छोटे आकाय के नैनो-सᴂसय फनाने भᴂ ककमा जा सकता है। प्रोपे सय नवकाॊत बट्ट के अरावा शोध टीभ भᴂ बायतीम पवऻान सॊस्थान के चद्रॊ शखे य प्रजाऩनत औय सव‍् ीडन के के टीएच यॉमर इॊसट‍् ी絍मूट के वैऻाननक बी शामभर थे। (इॊडडमा साइॊस वामय) pollution/26947.html

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Indian scientists develop nano material for smart super capacitors Incorporation of silver nano particles opens up possibility of making smart super capacitors

Bhavya Khullar July 7, 2017

New Delhi, July 7 (India Science Wire): Scientists at the India Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, have developed a new nano composite material suitable for making energy storage devices called super capacitors.

Unlike batteries, there is no electrochemical reaction in supercapacitors. They store energy by means of a static charge and can be charged instantly. That‘s why they are most sought after for applications such as hybrid transportation systems. Micro-supercapacitors are used in wearable electronics.

Prepared by bringing together silver, graphene and pyrrole, the new composite has been shown to exhibit properties that could make it a good candidate for use as electrode for super capacitors. ―Based on its superior electrochemical properties, the new nanomaterial can be used for next generation supercapacitor electrode material,‖ say researchers.

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Batteries have long been used to store energy reliably. But they are not preferred when repeated bursts of power need to be stored or retrieved such as in cars, buses, trains, cranes, elevators and wind turbines, where they are used for regenerative braking or short-term energy storage or burst-mode power delivery. In such cases, super capacitors are preferred as they do not have chemical reactions and associated changes in volume.

Researchers Saptarshi Dhibar and Chapal Kumar Das examined the material microscopically and saw that the nanomaterial was made of a graphene sheet onto which silver nanoparticles sized 15 to 20 nanometers were embedded uniformly. The scientists attribute superior electrochemical properties of the new nanocomposite material to the presence of both silver and graphene which improves conductivity. The results of the study have been reported in a recent edition of Journal of Applied Polymer Science.

The material has been shown to have a high specific capacitance of 472 Farad per gram at a current density of 0.5 Amperes per gram. It could retain 95 per cent of its capacitance even after 1,000 consecutive charge-discharge cycles.

―Obtaining a capacity of 472 Farad per gram is good as per global standards. It is fascinating how incorporation of silver nanoparticles opens up possibility of making smart supercapacitors, where silver nanoparticles will produce light by a phenomenon called surface plasmonic emission and thus indicate how much charge is left in the supercapacitor,‖ pointed out Professor Vijayamohanan K Pillai, Director of Central Electrochemical Research Institute (CECRI), who was not connected with the study. (India Science Wire)

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Eliminating dengue by infecting mosquitoes with dengue-killing bacteria

Dinesh C Sharma July 10, 2017

It may sound strange but scientists are generating evidence to show that the solution to eliminating dengue lies in breeding mosquitoes that are incapable of transmitting dengue, and possibly chikungunya and even zika.

Several research groups globally are engaged in developing new vaccines, drugs and are even breeding genetically modified (GM) mosquitoes to combat dengue, but with little success. The approach developed by scientists at Monash University in Melbourne is radically different. It involves using a naturally occurring bacteria called Wolbachia which when present in Aedes aegypti mosquito reduces its ability to transmit dengue.

Wolbachia is rather ubiquitous bacteria – present in 60% of 5 million insect species, but strangely not in Aedes aegypti mosquito which harbours and transmits dengue virus. Scientists have transferred Wolbachia (extracted from fruit flies) into Aedes aegypti – not by any genetic engineering but by injecting it into to mosquito eggs and then breeding such mosquito lines. They have shown that Wolbachia-carrying mosquitoes don‘t transmit dengue because the dengue virus can‘t replicate itself due to Wolbachia. And if enough number of such mosquitoes multiply in the environment, dengue transmission in a given area can possibly be halted.

The approach has generated huge interest in dengue-endemic countries, including India. Earlier this year, the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) signed an agreement with Monash University to work on the new approach in India. Research is on at the Pondicherry-based Vector Control Research Centre (VCRC) and if it proceeds as planned, the first trial of Wolbachia-carrying mosquitoes could begin in India as early as 2018. Field trials are on since 2011 in Australia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Brazil and Colombia.

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―We seed wild mosquito populations with Wolbachia in areas where dengue is endemic. This is done through controlled releases of Wolbachia-carrying mosquitoes that then breed with wild mosquitoes. Our prediction is that if Wolbachia – which is passed on from one generation to another through insect‘s eggs – can establish in wild mosquito populations in an area then it reduces transmission of dengue among humans,‖ Prof Scott O‘Neill, director of the Institute of Vector-borne Diseases at Monash University.

The studies so far have shown that the method can be deployed successfully and that Wolbachia can sustain itself in mosquito populations without any need for continued replenishment. ―We are now developing methods for low-cost, large-scale application across urban areas. Our first city-wide trial began in 2014 in northern Australia and we hope to undertake further large-scale trials in Indonesia and Brazil,‖ said Prof O‘Neill. A key objective of trials in large areas is to directly measure reduction in dengue following the release and availability of Wolbachia- carrying mosquitoes in a city.

Wolbachia is safe to humans, animals and the environment, scientists say. ―It is safe to humans because Wolbachia is already in our food chain, and it is commonly found in fruit flies, butterflies, moths and species of mosquitoes other than Aedes aegypti. Second, our approach does not alter naturally occurring population profile of mosquitoes, so there is no fear of other vectors replacing mosquitoes,‖ he added.

Safety and risk assessment studies conducted by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) of Australia have not found any risk. Wolbachia can‘t be passed to humans and other mammals. In the Monash lab, volunteers let caged Wolbachia-carrying mosquitoes bite them for 15 minutes periodically, and they have now shown any sign of Wolbachia or antibodies in their blood.

At VCRC in Pondicherry, research is focused on developing a local Aedes aegypti strain carrying Wolbachia by a series of backcrossing experiments involving Australian strain, wMel Aedes aegypti, and local wild Aedes aegypti strains. ―Laboratory experiments will be carried out to confirm that our strain carries all the properties (with respect to maternal inheritance, incompatibility and resistance to local dengue and chikungunya viral strains) of the Australian strain,‖ explained Dr Jambulingam Purushothaman, director, VCRC.

Once this is done, a laboratory cage experiment will be carried out to test the ability of resultant strain to replace local Aedes aegypti mosquito. ―This is a proof-of concept experiment and by the end of the study we would have characterized local strain of Aedes aegypti carrying Wolbachia and standardized methods for its mass rearing,‖ he added. Pilot scale trials could begin sometime in 2018.

The Wolbachia approach is different in many ways from GM mosquito approach – which is also being experimented in India. GM mosquitoes are supposed to suppress Aedes aegypti populations as genetically engineered male mosquitoes could render wild female mosquitoes unable to reproduce, and thus eliminate wild population. It requires release of huge numbers of GM mosquitoes and needs reapplication over time. On the other hand, Wolbachia approach does not tinker with population dynamics of wild mosquitoes and needs release of smaller number of

Page 37 of 118 male and female mosquitoes with Wolbachia. Over a period of time, the percentage of mosquitoes carrying Wolbachia increases and remains high without any further releases.

Prof O‘Neill is hopeful the Wolbachia method could help combat several vector-borne diseases in near future. ―We believe this technology works for other diseases – Zika, Chikungunya, Yellow fever – which are all transmitted by the same vector.‖ (India Science Wire) Keywords: Wolbachia, dengue, zika, chikungunya, Monash University, ICMR, VCRC, vector- borne diseases, Aedes aegypti, yellow fever. dengue-killing-bacteria/

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दैननक जागयण, 10 जुराई, 2017

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Eliminating dengue by infecting mosquitoes with naturally occurring bacteria Dinesh C Sharma Tuesday 11 July 2017 Novel research holds promise as India prepares to begin trials

The approach developed by scientists at Monash University in Melbourne is radically different. Credit: Dinesh C Sharma/ India Science Wire

Quick Read

 A naturally occurring bacteria called Wolbachia, which, when present in Aedes aegypti mosquito, reduces its ability to transmit dengue  According to scientists, Wolbachia is safe to humans, animals and the environment  The approach has generated huge interest in dengue-endemic countries, including India

It may sound strange but scientists are generating evidence to show that the solution to eliminating dengue lies in breeding mosquitoes that are incapable of transmitting dengue, and possibly chikungunya and even Zika. Several research groups globally are engaged in developing new vaccines, drugs and are even breeding genetically modified (GM) mosquitoes to combat dengue, but with little success. The approach developed by scientists at Monash University in Melbourne is radically different. It involves using a naturally occurring bacteria called Wolbachia, which, when present in Aedes aegypti mosquito, reduces its ability to transmit dengue. Wolbachia is rather ubiquitous bacteria – present in 60 per cent of 5 million insect species, but strangely not in Aedes aegypti mosquito which harbours and transmits dengue virus. Scientists have transferred Wolbachia (extracted from fruit flies) into Aedes aegypti – not by any genetic engineering but by injecting it into mosquito eggs and then breeding such mosquito lines. They have shown that Wolbachia-carrying mosquitoes don‘t transmit dengue because the dengue virus can‘t replicate itself due to Wolbachia. And if enough number of such mosquitoes multiply in the environment, dengue transmission in a given area can possibly be halted.

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The approach has generated huge interest in dengue-endemic countries, including India. Earlier this year, the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) signed an agreement with Monash University to work on the new approach in India. Research is on at the Pondicherry-based Vector Control Research Centre (VCRC) and if it proceeds as planned, the first trial of Wolbachia-carrying mosquitoes could begin in India as early as 2018. Field trials are on since 2011 in Australia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Brazil and Colombia. ―We seed wild mosquito populations with Wolbachia in areas where dengue is endemic. This is done through controlled releases of Wolbachia-carrying mosquitoes that then breed with wild mosquitoes. Our prediction is that if Wolbachia – which is passed on from one generation to another through insect‘s eggs - can establish in wild mosquito populations in an area then it reduces transmission of dengue among humans,‖ Prof Scott O‘Neill, director of the Institute of Vector- borne Diseases at Monash University. The studies so far have shown that the method can be deployed successfully and that Wolbachia can sustain itself in mosquito populations without any need for continued replenishment. ―We are now developing methods for low-cost, large-scale application across urban areas. Our first city-wide trial began in 2014 in northern Australia and we hope to undertake further large-scale trials in Indonesia and Brazil,‖ said Prof O‘Neill. A key objective of trials in large areas is to directly measure reduction in dengue following the release and availability of Wolbachia- carrying mosquitoes in a city. Wolbachia is safe to humans, animals and the environment, scientists say. ―It is safe to humans because Wolbachiais already in our food chain, and it is commonly found in fruit flies, butterflies, moths and species of mosquitoes other than Aedes aegypti. Second, our approach does not alter naturally occurring population profile of mosquitoes, so there is no fear of other vectors replacing mosquitoes,‖ he added. Safety and risk assessment studies conducted by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) of Australia have not found any risk. Wolbachia can‘t be passed to humans and other mammals. In the Monash lab, volunteers let caged Wolbachia-carrying mosquitoes bite them for 15 minutes periodically, and they have now shown any sign of Wolbachia or antibodies in their blood. At VCRC in Pondicherry, research is focused on developing a local Aedes aegypti strain carrying Wolbachia by a series of backcrossing experiments involving Australian strain, wMel Aedes aegypti, and local wild Aedes aegypti strains. ―Laboratory experiments will be carried out to confirm that our strain carries all the properties (with respect to maternal inheritance, incompatibility and resistance to local dengue and chikungunya viral strains) of the Australian strain,‖ explained Dr Jambulingam Purushothaman, director, VCRC. Once this is done, a laboratory cage experiment will be carried out to test the ability of resultant strain to replace local Aedes aegypti mosquito. ―This is a proof-of concept experiment and by the end of the study we would have characterized local strain of Aedes aegypti carrying Wolbachia and standardized methods for its mass rearing,‖ he added. Pilot scale trials could begin sometime in 2018. The Wolbachia approach is different in many ways from GM mosquito approach – which is also being experimented in India. GM mosquitoes are supposed to suppress Aedes aegypti populations as genetically engineered male mosquitoes could render wild female mosquitoes unable to reproduce, and thus eliminate wild population. It requires release of huge numbers of GM mosquitoes and needs reapplication over time. On the other hand, Wolbachia approach does not tinker with population dynamics of wild mosquitoes and needs release of smaller number of male

Page 41 of 118 and female mosquitoes with Wolbachia. Over a period of time, the percentage of mosquitoes carrying Wolbachia increases and remains high without any further releases. Prof O‘Neill is hopeful the Wolbachia method could help combat several vector-borne diseases in near future. ―We believe this technology works for other diseases - Zika, Chikungunya, Yellow fever – which are all transmitted by the same vector.‖ (India Science Wire) dengue-killing-bacteria-58259

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Indian Scientists Found New Way To Improve Efficacy Of TB Treatment

Bhavya Khullar July 11, 2017

Indian scientists have found a new way to improve the efficacy of existing TB treatment in patients reporting relapse of the disease after treatment. The new add-on therapy consists of injecting ‗heat-killed‘ bacteria of a species called Mycobacterium indicus pranii (MIP) into patients along with standard TB drugs. The approach has been tested in category II pulmonary TB patients and found effective in clearing TB bacteria faster. MIP had earlier shown immunotherapeutic effects in multibacillary leprosy patients.

Standard TB treatment consists of antibiotics, but in some cases, the infection reappears due to failed treatment or lack of compliance. Such cases are called category II pulmonary TB patients, and they are more likely to develop multi-drug resistance.

Electron micrograph of autoclaved Mycobacterium indicus pranii (MiP) A group of patients was given the adjuvant therapy along with DOTS (Directly Observed Treatment, Short course), while the other received only DOTS and a placebo. All the 890 patients were followed up for two years. In four weeks, 67% patients with the adjuvant therapy converted to sputum culture negative compared to 57% in the placebo group. By the end of the treatment, adjuvant therapy helped 94.2% patients recover compared to 89% in the placebo group.

“This demonstrates the superiority of MIP (adjuvant) in inducing early culture negativity and improving the cure rate of Category II Pulmonary TB patients with parameters that would include them in „difficult-to-treat‟ category,” said Dr. Rajni Rani of Institute of Genomics and

Integrative Biology in New Delhi, who led the research team.

―Our study has implications in eradicating TB in the longer run‖, she added. ―The study now has to be done on a larger group of category II patients and in multi-drug resistant patients to evaluate its efficacy.‖ The study results have appeared in journal Scientific Reports.

The team included Surendra K Sharma, Kiran Katoch, Rohit Sarin, Raman Balambal, Nirmal Kumar Jain, Naresh Patel, Kolluri J R Murthy, Neeta Singla, P K Saha, Ashwani Khanna, Urvashi Singh, Sanjiv Kumar, A Sengupta, J N Banavaliker, D S Chauhan, Shailendra Sachan, Mohammad Wasim, Sanjay Tripathi, Nilesh Dutt, Nitin Jain, Nalin Joshi, Sita Ram Raju Penmesta, Sumanlatha Gaddam, Sanjay Gupta, Bakulesh Khamar, Bindu Dey, Dipendra K Mitra, Sunil K Arora, Sangeeta Bhaskar, and Rajni Rani.

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The study was jointly done by the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi; National JALMA Institute of Leprosy and Other Mycobacterial Diseases, Agra; National Institute of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases, New Delhi; National Institute of Research in Tuberculosis, Chennai; SMS Medical College in Jaipur, Rajasthan; NHL Municipal Medical College in Ahmadabad; Mahavir Hospital and Research Centre, Hyderabad; RBTB Hospital, New Delhi; Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh; Chest Clinic and Hospital, New Delhi; and National Institute of Immunology, New Delhi. (India Science Wire) treatment/

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鏁ப்ꯁ 鏁யக்கி஬ இந்தி஬ லானி஬쯍 அமிஞ쏍 Published in Hindu Tamil : 11 Jul 2017

தஷ翀ர஭ன்쟁 லஶனில் க ஶ羿 க ஶ羿 毂ரி஬ன் ரின் பி஭ ஶசத்தஷல் ஑ரிர்ந்鏁 믂ன்쟁 நஶட் ரில் ஫ங் ஷ ஫றமந்鏁 கபஶன லிண்ரபஶ믅ள் ஑ன்மஷன் உண்ற஫ 믁 த்றதக் ண்翁பி羿த்ததன் 믂யம், லஶனி஬ல் ஫ர்஫ம் ஑ன்쟁க்埁ம் லிறை ண்翁பி羿த்鏁 அசத்தஷ஬ி믅க் ஷமஶர் ள் 믁ம்றப ஐஐ羿஬ின் ல믅ண் பஶகய஭ஶퟁம் அல஭鏁 ச ஶக் 쿁ம்.

இ஭ண்翁 ஭ஶட்சசக் 믅ந்鏁றர ள் ஑ன்쟁ைன் ஑ன்쟁 பிறைந்鏁 இ஭ண்翁ம் ஑ன்மஶ ஷ஬ நஷ ழ்றல இந்த ஆண்羿ன் ஜனலரி 4-ம் கததஷ அன்쟁 யஷக ஶ எꟁம் ஈர்ப்ꯁ அறய ள் இனம் ஶ迁ம் சஶதனம் ண்翁பி羿த்த鏁. ஜஷ.ைபிள்믃. 170104 என்쟁 அறறக் ப்பட்ை இந்த நஷ ழ்லின்கபஶ鏁 毁஫ஶர் 300 க ஶ羿 ஑ரி஬ஶண்翁 ள் ரதஶறயலில் 毂ரி஬றனப் கபஶய 19.4 ஫ைங்埁 நஷறம ர ஶண்ை ஑믅 믅ந்鏁றர믃ம் 31.2 ஫ைங்埁 நஷறம ர ஶண்ை கலரமஶ믅 믅ந்鏁றர믃ம் க஫ஶதஷப் பிறைந்鏁 毂ரி஬றனப் கபஶல் 48.7 ஫ைங்埁 நஷறம ர ஶண்ை ꯁதஷ஬ 믅ந்鏁றர பிமந்த鏁. இதஷல் எஞ்சஷ஬ இ஭ண்翁 ஫ைங்埁 毂ரி஬ நஷறம, ஆற்மயஶ ஫ஶமஷப் ரப믅ம் சக்தஷ லஶய்ந்த ஈர்ப்ꯁ அறய றர ஏற்ப翁த்தஷ஬鏁.

இந்தக் 믅ந்鏁றர ள் இ஭ண்翁ம் பிறைந்鏁 ꯁதஷ஬ ஭ஶட்சசக் 믅ந்鏁றர உ믅லஶன அகத லஶன் இைத்தஷயஷ믅ந்鏁 லஶனில் க ஶ羿 க ஶ羿 毂ரி஬னின் பி஭ ஶசத்தஷல் தஷ翀ர் என ஑믅 லிண்ரபஶ믅ள் ஑ரிர்ந்த அதஷச஬ நஷ ழ்றல வலஶய் தீퟁ ரில் இ믅க்埁ம் அட்ய எꟁம் லஶனி஬ல் ஆய்ퟁ 埁폁஫ம் ஜஷ.ைபிள்믃. 170104 நஷ ழ்ந்த பின்னர் இ믅ப鏁 ஫ைி கந஭த்鏁க்埁ப் பின் இனம் ண்ை鏁. 믂ன்쟁 நஶட் ள் லற஭ பி஭ ஶச஫ஶ ரஜஶயஷத்த அட்ய 17 ஏ.ஈ.믄. எꟁம் ரப஬ரிைப்பட்ை இந்த லிண்ரபஶ믅ள் பின்னர் ர஫ல்யர஫ல்ய ஫ங் ஷ ஫றமந்த鏁. ஑ரிற஬த் தலி஭ ஶ஫ஶ தஷர் ள் உள்ரிட்ை பய தஷர் றர믃ம் ரலரி஬ிட்ை鏁 இந்த லிண்ரபஶ믅ள்.

믂ன்மால鏁 믁றம஬ாக...

இ஭ண்翁 믅ந்鏁றர ள் இறைந்鏁 ꯁதஷ஬ ஭ஶட்சசக் 믅ந்鏁றர உ믅லஶ埁ம் நஷ ழ்ퟁ இனம் ஶைப்ப翁ல鏁 இ鏁 믂ன்மஶல鏁 தைறல. ஆ஬ிꟁம் இ鏁லற஭ கந஭羿஬ஶ இந்த நஷ ழ்றல ஬ஶ믅ம் ண்ைதஷல்றய. அறல ரலரிப்ப翁த்鏁ம் ஈர்ப்ꯁ அறய றர ஫ட்翁க஫ நம்஫ஶல் இனம் ஶை 믁羿ந்鏁ள்ர鏁. உள்ரப羿க஬ அட்ய 17 ஏ.ஈ.믄-தஶன் ஜஷ.ைபிள்믃. 170104 என்மஶல் இ鏁கல இ஭ண்翁 믅ந்鏁றர ள் பிறைந்鏁 உ믅லஶன நஷ ழ்றலக்

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ண்ை 믁தல் நஷ ழ்லஶ அற஫믃ம். அட்ய லஶனி஬ல் 埁폁஫ம், தஶம் ண்翁பி羿த்த அட்ய 17 ஏ.ஈ.믄. லிண்ரபஶ믅ள்தஶன் உள்ரப羿க஬ ஜஷ.ைபிள்믃. 170104 என்쟁 உ쟁தஷபைக் 埂மஷ஬ி믅க் ஷமஶர் ள். ரதஶறயக் ஶட்சஷப் ரபட்羿ற஬ அறைத்த பின்ன믅ம் சஷமஷ鏁 கந஭ம் ஑ரிர்ந்鏁 ஫றமல鏁கபஶய இ஭ண்翁 믅ந்鏁றர ள் பிறைந்தகபஶ鏁 ஏற்பட்ை பின்஑ரிர்ퟁ தஶன் இ鏁 என அலர் ள் 埂மஷ஬ி믅க் ஷமஶர் ள்.

஫றயப்பஶன இந்தச் ரசய்தஷ 믁ம்றப஬ில் இ믅ந்த ல믅ண் பஶகய஭ஶலின் ஶறத எட்羿஬鏁. அல믅க்埁 믂றர஬ில் ரபஶமஷ பமந்த鏁. ―இகத நஷ ழ்றல லஶனில் லட்ை஫ஷ翁ம் இந்தஷ஬ லஶனி஬ல் ரச஬ற்ற க்க ஶரஶன அட்க஭ஶசஶட் இனம் ண்羿믅க் கலண்翁க஫! உள்ரப羿க஬, உய ஷல் உள்ர ஫ஷ ச் சஷமந்த ஶ஫ஶ தஷர் உைர்஫ஶனி இந்த லிண் யத்தஷல்தஶகன இ믅க் ஷம鏁" என்ம எண்ை ஒட்ைம் அல믅க்埁 ஏற்பட்ை鏁.

தன鏁 ஫ஶைலர் 毁ஜற஬ உைகன ரதஶைர்ꯁ ர ஶண்ைஶர். அட்க஭ஶசஶட் லிண்ரலரி஬ின் ரதஶறயகநஶக் ஷ஬ில் இ믅ந்த சஷ.இழட்.羿.ஐ. எꟁம் ஶ஫ஶ தஷர் ரதஶறயகநஶக் ஷ தஷ஭ட்羿஬ த லல் றரர஬ல்யஶம் கத羿ர஬翁த்鏁 அதஷல் இந்த நஷ ழ்ퟁ 埁மஷத்த பதஷퟁ எ鏁ퟁம் இ믅க் ஷமதஶ என்쟁 கத羿ப் பஶர்க்埁ம்ப羿 毁ரஜ஬ிைம் ல믅ண் க ட்翁க்ர ஶண்ைஶர். இதற் ஷறை஬ில் அல஭鏁 ஫ஶைலி லி鏁ளஷ, லஶனில் அகத தஷறச஬ியஷ믅ந்鏁 ஶ஫ஶ தஷர் றரக் 埂翁தயஶ ரலரி஬ிட்ை ஜஷ.ஆர்.பி 170105ஏ எꟁம் சம்பலத்றத இனம் ண்翁 ரதரிலித்தஶர்.

க쏁ந்鏁றர஬ின் ‘ல쯍ீ ... ல쯍ீ ...’

毂ரி஬றனப் கபஶய இ믅ப鏁 ஫ைங்埁க்埁ம் க஫ற்பட்ை நஷறம ர ஶண்ை லிண்஫ீன் ள் அலற்மஷன் இ쟁தஷக் ட்ைத்தஷல் ரல羿த்鏁க் 믅ந்鏁றர஬ஶ ஫ஶ쟁ம். அவ்லஶ쟁 ஫ஶ쟁ம்கபஶ鏁, அறை믃ம் லிரக்埁 சற்쟁 கந஭ம் பி஭ ஶச஫ஶ ஑ரிர்ல鏁கபஶய, க ஶ羿 க ஶ羿 லிண்஫ீன் ரின் பி஭ ஶசத்கதஶ翁 ரஜஶயஷக்埁ம். பிமக்埁ம் 埁றந்றத ‗லல்ீ ... லல்ீ ...‘ என்쟁 த்鏁லதஷயஷ믅ந்鏁 埁றந்றத பிமந்தறத அமஷந்鏁ர ஶள்ரயஶம் அல்யலஶ! அ鏁கபஶய, ꯁதஷதஶ க் 믅ந்鏁றர பிமக்埁ம்கபஶ鏁 埁மஷப்பிட்ை பஶங் ஷல் ஶ஫ஶ தஷர் ள் ரலரிப்ப翁ம்.

ரநஶ羿஬ின் ப埁தஷ அரலில் ஏற்ப翁ம் தஷர்லச்ீ 毁 ஫ஶற்மங் றரக்埂ை இனம் ஶ迁ம் தஷமன் பறைத்த அட்க஭ஶசஶட் ஶ஫ஶ தஷர் ரதஶறயகநஶக் ஷ அந்த நஷ ழ்ퟁ 믅ந்鏁றர பிமக்埁ம் நஷ ழ்லஶ இல்றய஬ஶ என்쟁 சரி஬ஶ இனம் ண்翁 埂쟁ம் தஷமன் ர ஶண்ை鏁. அட்க஭ஶசஶட் த஭ퟁ றர

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றலத்鏁ப் பஶர்த்தகபஶ鏁 ஜஷ.ஆர்.பி 170105ஏ என்ப鏁 ꯁதஷ஬ 믅ந்鏁றரப் பிமப்பின் ரலரிப்பஶகை என்쟁 ரதரிலஶ ப் ꯁயனஶ ஷ஬鏁.

ஶ஫ஶ தஷர்லச்ீ 毁 றரப் பதஷퟁ ரசய்鏁 றலத்தஷ믅ந்த அட்க஭ஶசஶட் த஭றலத் 鏁믅லித் 鏁믅லி ஆ஭ஶய்ந்தகபஶ鏁 ல믅迁க்埁ப் ꯁதஷ஬ ரதரிퟁ பிமந்த鏁. 믅ந்鏁றர இறைந்த நஷ ழ்லஶன ஜஷ.ைபிள்믃. 170104-க்埁 இ믅ப鏁 ஫ைி கந஭த்鏁க்埁ப் பின்னர்தஶன், 2017 ஜனலரி 5 அன்쟁, லஶனில் அகத தஷறச஬ில் ஜஷ.ஆர்.பி. 170105 ஏ கதஶன்மஷ஬鏁.

எனகல, ஜஷ.ைபிள்믃. 170104-ம் ஜஷ.ஆர்.பி. 170105 ஏ-ퟁம் ஑க஭ நஷ ழ்லின் ரதஶைர்ச்சஷ஬ஶ இ믅க் 믁羿஬ஶ鏁. உள்ரப羿க஬ ஏகதஶ லிண் ஫ீன் ஫羿ந்鏁கபஶய் அதன் சஶம்பயஷயஷ믅ந்鏁 ஜஷ.ஆர்.பி. 170105ஏ என்ம ꯁதஷ஬ 믅ந்鏁றர பிமந்鏁ள்ர鏁; தற்ரச஬யஶ இந்த நஷ ழ்ퟁ ஜஷ.ைபிள்믃. 170104 ஏற்பட்ை அகத தஷறச஬ில் சற்கமமக்埁றம஬ அகத ச஫஬த்தஷல் நஷ ழ்ந்鏁லிை இ஭ண்றை믃ம் ஑ன்쟁 என 埁றப்பிக்ர ஶண்翁லிட்கைஶம் என் ஷமஶர் ல믅ண்.

ர ஶறய ரசய்தலன் லில்யன்; ஆனஶல் தற்ரச஬யஶ அறமக்埁 உள்கர லந்த நஶ஬ ன் ர ஶறயக்埁ப் ப஬ன்ப翁த்தப்பட்ை த்தஷற஬க் ற ஬ில் எ翁க் அகத கந஭த்தஷல் தற்ரச஬யஶ கபஶலீ ல஭, நஶ஬ ன்஫ீ鏁 ர ஶறய஬ஶரி என்ம பறஷ லி폁ந்鏁லி翁ல鏁கபஶய இ஭ண்翁 믅ந்鏁றர ள் இறைந்த ஜஷ.ைபிள்믃 170104 என்ம நஷ ழ்ퟁ நைந்த அகத தஷறச஬ில் ஆச்சரி஬஫ஶ , க ஶ羿 க ஶ羿 லிண்஫ீன் ரின் பி஭ ஶசத்கதஶ翁 ரஜஶயஷத்த ஜஷ.ஆர்.பி. 170105ஏ 믅ந்鏁றரப் பிமப்ꯁ நறைரபம, இ஭ண்றை믃ம் கபஶட்翁 வலஶய் லஶனி஬யஶரர் ள் 埁றப்பிக்ர ஶண்翁லிட்ைனர் என நஷ쟁லி லிண்ரலரி ꯁதஷர் ஑ன்றம லி翁லித்鏁ள்ரஶர் ல믅ண்.

- த.லி. வலங்கடேல஭ன்,

஫த்தி஬ அ஭சின் அமிலி஬쯍

வதாறி쯍ꏁட்ப அற஫ச்சகத்தின்

„லிஞ்ஞான் பி஭சா쏍‟ என்ம

தன்னாட்சி அற஫ப்பி쯍 믁鏁நிறய லிஞ்ஞானி;

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िᴂगू खतभ‍् कयने भᴂ भचछ‍् य ही हⴂगे नमा हथथमाय ददनेश सी. शभा ष , 11 जुराई 2017

डᴂग ू से ग्रसत‍् इराके भᴂ हभ भचछ‍् यⴂ की आफादी को वारफ‍् ाककमा से सॊक्रमभत कयत े हℂ। इसके मरम े वारफ‍् ाककमा से सॊक्रमभत भचछ‍् यⴂ को अनम‍् भचछ‍् यⴂ की आफादी के फीच छोडा जाता ह,ै जहाॉ वे प्रजनन कयके अऩनी सॊखम‍् ा भᴂ फढ़ोत्तयी कयने रगते हℂ। भचछ‍् यⴂ के अडॊ ⴂ के जरयमे उनकी एक ऩीढ़ी से दसू यी ऩीढ़ी तक ऩहुॉचने वारा वारफ‍् ाककमा भचछ‍् यⴂ की आफादी भᴂ अऩनी जगह फना रेता है औय डᴂगू का सॊक्रभण इॊसानⴂ भᴂ नहीॊ पै रन े देता।भेरफनन/नई ददरर‍् ी, 11 जुराई (इॊडिमा साइॊस वामय) : मह सुनकय ककसी को बी हैयानी हो सकती ह,ै भगय डᴂगू के उनभ‍् ूरन भᴂ आझखयकाय भचछ‍् य ही काभ आएॉग-े ऐसे भचछ‍् य जो डᴂगू को पै राने भᴂ सऺभ नहीॊ हⴂगे।

वैऻाननकⴂ ने इस तयह के भचछ‍् य की िीडडगॊ शु셂 कय दी है। म े ऐस े भचछ‍् य हℂ जो डᴂगू के अरावा धचकनगुननमा औय जजका जैसे वामयसⴂ को बी नहीॊ पै रा ऩाएॉगे। इस तयह के भचछ‍् यⴂ का ऑसर‍् ेमरमा, इॊड‍ ोनेमशमा औय िाजीर भᴂ ऩयीऺण हो चकु ा है औय शीघ्र ही बायत भᴂ बी ऩयीऺण शु셂 हⴂगे।

भेरफनष जस्थत भोनाश मूननवमसटष ी के वैऻाननकⴂ ने वातावयण भ ᴂ ऩाए जान े वार े वरफ‍् ाककमा नाभक फैक्ट‍ ीरयमा से डᴂगू पै रान े वारे एडीस एजजऩट‍् ी भचछ‍् यⴂ को सॊक्रमभत ककमा ह,ै जजससे उन भचछ‍् यⴂ भᴂ डᴂग ू के वामयस नहीॊ ऩनऩ सकᴂ गे।

वारफ‍् ाककमा कीट-ऩतगॊ ⴂ की कयीफ 60 प्रनतशत प्रजानतमⴂ भᴂ प्राकृ नतक 셂ऩ से भौजूद यहता है। रेककन, मह फैक्ट‍ ीरयमा एडीस एजजऩट‍् ी के शयीय भᴂ नहीॊ होता। वैऻाननकⴂ ने वारफ‍् ाककमा को पर की भक्खी से अरग ककमा है औय उसका उऩमोग एडीस एजजऩट‍् ी भचछ‍् य को सॊक्रमभत कयने के मरमे ककमा है। रेककन, इसके मरमे जेनेदटक इॊजीननमरयगॊ का उऩमोग नही ॊ ककमा गमा है। एडीस एजजऩट‍् ी भचछ‍् य के अडॊ ⴂ को टीके के जरयमे वारफ‍् ाककमा से सॊक्रमभत जाता है। इस तयह ऩैदा होने वारी भचछ‍् यⴂ की नई ऩीढ़ी बी डᴂगू का सॊक्रभण नहीॊ पै रा सकती।

इस वष ष के आयॊब भᴂ इॊडडमन काउॊमसर ऑप भेडडकर रयसच ष (आईसीएभआय) की ओय से बायत भᴂ इस तकनीक के उऩमोग को रेकय भोनाश मूननवमसटष ी के साथ एक सभझौता ककमा गमा है। ऩुद楍ु चये ी के वेक्ट‍ य कॊ रोर रयसचष सᴂटय ( वीसीआयसी) भᴂ इसको रेकय शोध ककमा जा यहा है।

सफ कु छ ठीक यहा तो वषष 2018 तक वारफ‍् ाककमा सॊक्रमभत भचछ‍् यⴂ का ऩयीऺण बायत भᴂ बी शु셂 हो सकता है। ऑसर‍् ेमरमा, पवमतनाभ, इॊडोनेमशमा, िाजीर औय कोरॊब्रफमा जैसे डᴂगू से ग्रसत‍् देशⴂ भᴂ वष ष 2011 से ही इस इससे सॊफॊधधत ऩयीऺण ककमा जा यहा है।

वीसीआयसी के ननदेशक डॉ. जॊफुमरगॊ भ ऩु셁षोतत‍् भन ने फतामा कक “वारफ‍् ाककमा से सॊक्रलभत ऑसट्र‍् ेलरमाई भूर के एिीस एजजऩट‍् ी भचछ‍् य का उऩमोग हभ सथ‍् ानीम भचछ‍् य की प्रजानतमⴂ को सॊक्रलभत कयने के लरमे कय यहे हℂ। रैफ भᴂ मह सुननजचचत कयने के लरए ऩयीऺण ककमा जा यहा है कक मह प्रमोग

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सथ‍् ानीम एिीस एजजऩट‍् ी की प्रजानतमⴂ भᴂ िᴂगू की प्रनतयोधक ऺभता ववकलसत कयने भᴂ ककतना प्रबावी हो सकता है।”

भोनाश मूननवमसटष ी के शोधकताष प्रोपे सय सक‍् ॉट ओ. नीर ने इॊडडमा साइॊस वामय को फतामा कक “िᴂगू से ग्रसत‍् इराके भᴂ हभ भचछ‍् यⴂ की आफादी को वारफ‍् ाककमा से सॊक्रलभत कयते हℂ। इसके लरमे वारफ‍् ाककमा स े सॊक्रलभत भचछ‍् यⴂ को अनम‍् भचछ‍् यⴂ की आफादी के फीच छोडा जाता ह,ै जहाॉ वे प्रजनन कयके अऩनी सॊखम‍् ा भᴂ फढो配तयी कयने रगते हℂ। भचछ‍् यⴂ के अिॊ ⴂ के जरयमे उनकी एक ऩीढी से दसू यी ऩीढी तक ऩहुॉचन े वारा वारफ‍् ाककमा भचछ‍् यⴂ की आफादी भᴂ अऩनी जगह फना रेता है औय िᴂगू का सॊक्रभण इॊसानⴂ भᴂ नही ॊ पै रने देता।”

अधम‍् मनⴂ से मह फात साब्रफत हो चकु ी ह ै कक इस प्रकक्रमा ऩय सपरताऩूवकष अभर ककमा जा सकता है। वैऻाननकⴂ का कहना मह बी ह ै कक भ楍छयⴂ की आफादी भᴂ वारफ‍् ाककमा फैक्ट‍ ीरयमा आसानी से जजॊदा यह सकता ह ै औय फाय-फाय प्रकक्रमा को दोहयाने की ज셂यत नहीॊ ऩडती।

प्रोपे सय ओ. नीर के भुताब्रफक “शहयी इराकⴂ भᴂ िᴂगू स े ननऩटने के लरए अफ हभ कभ रागत वार े ऐस े तयीकⴂ का ववकास कयने भᴂ जुटे भᴂ हℂ। इससे सॊफॊथधत ऩयीऺण वष न 2014 भᴂ उतत‍् यी ऑसट्र‍् ेलरमा के शहयी ऺेत्र भᴂ ऩहरी फाय ककमा गमा था। ब्राजीर औय इि‍ॊ ोनेलशमा जैस े देशⴂ भᴂ बी हभ फड े ऩैभान े ऩय मह ऩयीऺण कयना चाहते हℂ। फडे शहयी ऺेत्रⴂ भᴂ वारफ‍् ाककमा सॊक्रलभत भचछ‍् यⴂ की ब्रीडिगॊ से हभ देखना चाहते हℂ कक आखखय िᴂगू पै राने वारे भचछ‍् यⴂ से रडन े भᴂ मह प्रमोग ककस हद तक कायगय हो सकता है।”

दनु नमा बय के वैऻाननक डᴂगू से ननऩटने के मरम े नए टीके एव ॊ दवाईमाॊ पवकमसत कयने के अरावा जीन सॊवपधषत भचछ‍् यⴂ की िीडडगॊ जैसे प्रमासⴂ भᴂ जुटे हℂ, ऩय इसभᴂ फहुत अधधक सपरता नहीॊ मभरी है।

वैऻाननकⴂ के अनुसाय “वारफ‍् ाककमा इॊसानⴂ एव ॊ जानवयⴂ के साथ-साथ ऩमानवयण के बी अनुकू र है। मह फैक्ट‍ ीरयमा ऩहरे स े ही खा饍म �रखॊ रा भᴂ भौजूद है। एिीस एजजऩट‍् ी को छोडकय मह नततलरमⴂ, परⴂ की भजखखमⴂ, ऩतगॊ ⴂ औय भचछ‍् यⴂ भᴂ ऩामा जाता है। इस ऩद्धनत भᴂ भचछ‍् यⴂ की प्राकर नतक आफादी से छेडछाड नहीॊ की गई ह,ै इसलरए ककसी नई प्रजानत के ऩैदा होने का खतया बी नही ॊ है।”

प्रोपे सय नीर को उभभ‍् ीद है कक वारफ‍् ाककमा का उऩमोग बपवषम‍् भᴂ डᴂगू के अरावा जजका, धचकनगुननमा औय ऩीत जव‍् य जैसी कई वेक्ट‍ य जननत फीभारयमⴂ रडने भᴂ भददगाय साब्रफत हो सकता है। बाषाॊतयण : उभाशॊकय लभ�

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भानसून के प्रवेश饍वाय ऩय नमा यडाय

Navneet Kumar Gupta , 12 July 2017

देश भᴂ पवकमसत एक यडाय की स्थाऩना के यर के कोचीन भᴂ की गई ह,ै जो वामुभॊडरीम अध्ममन सॊफॊधी शोध कामⴂ को फढ़ावा देने भᴂ भददगाय साब्रफत होगा

Quick Read

 इसकी यᴂज भᴂ सॊऩूण ष ऺोबभॊडर औय सभताऩभॊडर की ननचरी सतह होगी। इस प्रकाय मह यडाय 315 भीटय से रेकय 20 ककरोभीटय तक होने वारी सबी भौसभी गनतपवधधमⴂ ऩय नजय यखेगा।  इसके जरयमे बायी फारयश, कोहया, झॊझावातⴂ एवॊ फादरⴂ के पटन,े आसभानी ब्रफजरी जैसी भौसभी आऩदाओॊ की जानकायी मभर सके गी। चक्रवात की जानकायी के मरए बी होगा उऩमोगी।  वामुभॊडरीम घनत्व, भौसभी ऩरयजस्थनतमⴂ की जानकायी देने भᴂ सऺभ मह यडाय ऩूयी तयह ऑटोभैदटक है। इसका उऩमोग जरवामु ऩरयवतनष सॊफॊधी अध्ममन भᴂ बी ककमा जा सके गा।

भौसभी गनतपवधधमⴂ ऩय ननगयानी के मरए हार भᴂ देश भ ᴂ पवकमसत एक यडाय की स्थाऩना के यर के कोचीन भᴂ की गई ह,ै जो वामुभॊडरीम अध्ममन सॊफॊधी शोध कामⴂ को फढ़ावा देन े भᴂ भददगाय साब्रफत हो सकता है।

सभताऩभॊडर-ऺोबभॊडर ( स्रैटोजस्पमय-रोपोजस्पमय) यडाय पै मसमरटी की स्थाऩना कोचीन मूननवमसटष ी ऑप साइॊस ऐॊड टैक्नोरॉरी के एडवाॊस सᴂटय पॉय एटभोसप‍् े रयक यडाय रयसच ष भᴂ की गई है। इसका औऩचारयक उ饍घाटन 11 जुराई को पवऻान एवॊ प्रौ饍मोधगकी एवॊ ऩथ्ृ वी पवऻान तथा ऩमाषवयण भॊिी डॉ. हषवष धनष ने ककमा है।

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मह पववव की ऩहरी पवडॊ प्रोपाइरय यडाय ह,ै जो 205 भेगाह絍षज की आवजृ त्त ऩय कामयष त है। इसकी यᴂज भ ᴂ सॊऩूणष ऺोबभॊडर औय सभताऩभॊडर की ननचरी सतह होगी। इस प्रकाय मह यडाय 315 भीटय स े रेकय 20 ककरोभीटय तक होन े वारी सबी भौसभी गनतपवधधमⴂ ऩय नजय यखेगा। मही वह ऺेि ह ै जहा ॊ अधधकतय भौसभी गनतपवधधमा ॊ घदटत होती हℂ।

अयफ सागय औय ऩजवचभी घाटⴂ के भध्म जस्थत होने के कायण कोचीन शहय भᴂ इस यडाय की स्थाऩना की गई है। इसके अरावा के यर से ही भानसून बायत भᴂ प्रवेश कयता है। इसमरए यडाय की स्थाऩना के मरए इस स्थान को चनु ा गमा है। इसकी स्थाऩना के मरए पवऻान एव ॊ इॊजीननमरयगॊ अनुसॊधान फोड ष न े रगबग 25 कयोड का पवत्तीम सहमोग ददमा है।

ऩरयमोजना के प्रभुखडॉ. के . भोहनाकु भाय ने इॊडडमा साइॊस वामय को फतामा कक ''इस यडाय की खामसमत है कक मह रगाताय कामष कयता यहता है औय खयाफ भौसभ भᴂ बी इसके ऩरयचारन भᴂ 셁कावट नहीॊ आती। इसके जरयमे बायी फारयश, कोहया, झॊझावातⴂ एवॊ फादरⴂ के पटन,े आसभानी ब्रफजरी जैसी भौसभी आऩदाओ ॊ की जानकायी मभर सके गी। चक्रवात की सटीक जानकायी के मरए बी इस यडाय का उऩमोग ककमा जा सकता है। वामुभॊडरीम घनत्व, भौसभी ऩरयजस्थनतमⴂ की जानकायी देने भᴂ सऺभ मह यडाय ऩूयी तयह ऑटोभैदटक है। इसका उऩमोग जरवाम ु ऩरयवतनष सॊफॊधी अध्ममन भᴂ बी ककमा जा सके गा।''

इस सार जनवयी से कामयष त मह याडाय अऩने 619 एॊटीनⴂ के जरयमे सूचनाएॊ प्राप्त कयता ह,ै जजनका उऩमोग एमयऩोट,ष सैन्म सेवाओ,ॊ अतरॊ यऺ अमबमानⴂ भᴂ ककमा जा सकता है। मह एक फहुउद्देवमी यडाय ह,ै जजसका उऩमोग सॊचाय सदहत खगोर-बौनतकी के ऺेि भᴂ ककमा जा सके गा। भानसून एवॊ इसकी गनतशीरता की पवशषे ताओॊ औय उसभᴂ होने वारे ऩरयवतनष ⴂ के सॊबापवत कायणⴂ के अध्ममन भᴂ बी मह यडाय सहामक होगा।

(इॊडिमा साइॊस वामय)

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Dr Swati Subodh, 12 July, 2017

Dr. Bhudev C. Das in his lab

New Delhi: A major concern in cancer treatment is the tendency of some cancer cells becoming resistant to radiation therapy. Indian scientists have now deciphered how such resistance develops in cervical cancer cells, and claim that these cells can be made sensitive to radiation if treated with curcumin – a compound found in turmeric.

Cancer cells as well as tumors harbour a small population of stem cells which become resistant to drugs and radiation treatment. That‘s why even after most cancer cells get killed with treatment, these cells continue to grow and cause lesions which could make cancer reappear over time.

Earlier research had suggested pivotal role of a human protein, AP-1,in development of resistance to radiation in various cancers, but how it happens was not known. The new study delineates the exact mechanism of resistance in cells from cervical cancer caused by Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). Researchers feel the mechanism could be similar in other cancers as well.

―We have identified a target for effective cancer therapy and it could allow recurrence-free survival of cancer patients in future,‖ said Prof Bhudev C Das, one of the lead researchers of the study published in journal Scientific Reports.

The study builds upon earlier findings that pre-treatment with curcumin – a safe herbal compound derived from turmeric – makes cancer stem cells sensitive to radiation therapy. It has found that combined effect of curcumin and exposure to radiation was markedly more effective in lowering AP-1 levels thereby rendering cells unviable for growth and replication. When treated with radiation alone,there was delayed but increased rate of proliferation and tumor formation.

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The mechanism of curcumin-induced inhibition lends credibility to AP-1 as a drug target and therapeutic utility of curcumin for radio-sensitization of cervical cancer stem cells for better treatment outcomes.

The study was undertaken jointly by scientists from the Ambedkar Centre for Biomedical Research; National Institute of Cancer Prevention and Research, Noida; Amity Institute o f Molecular Medicine and Stem Cell Research; Defence Research Development Organization; and Department of Zoology, University of Delhi. The research group was led by Dr Das and Dr Alok C. Bharti, and it included Abhishek Tyagi, Kanchan Vishnoi, Harsimrut Kaur, Yogesh Srivastava and Bal Gangadhar Roy.

The research was funded by Department of Science and Technology (DST), Department of Biotechnology (DBT) and Indian Council of Medical Research, among others.(India Science Wire)

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अभय उजारा, 13 जुराई, 2017

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दैननक जागयण, 13 जुराई, 2017

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Indian astronomers discover of galaxies, name it ‘Saraswati’

India Science Wire, 14 July, 2017

The supercluster named Saraswati

New Delhi: A team of Indian astronomers has identified a cosmic behemoth – a supercluster of galaxies – about 4 billion light-years away from us. The new discovery has been named Saraswati – which in Sanskrit literally means ‗ever-flowing stream with many pools‘. The supercluster spans over 650 million light years in its expanse, containing over 10,000 galaxies in 42 clusters. Its total mass equals 20 million billion suns. The team of astronomers was led by Joydeep Bagchi of Inter-University Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA), Pune, which used data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. The discovery is forcing astronomers to rethink about early stages of the evolution of the universe and it provides vital clues about mysterious dark matter and dark energy. The results of the study were published in The Astrophysical Journal on Thursday. ―This supercluster located in the constellation of Pisces has many clusters and groups moving and merging like the mythological Saraswati river, which prompted us to give this name,‖ say the researchers. ―There are hundreds of in size range of less than 100 million light years, Saraswati supercluster clearly stands out in the sky as an especially rare, and possibly among the mega superclusters exceeding 500 million light years in size,‖ said Somak Raychaudhury, one of the co-authors and the Director of IUCAA, Pune. ―A large-scale structure this massive evolves very slowly, and therefore it may reflect the whole history of galaxy formation and the primordial initial conditions that have seeded it,‖ said Joydeep Bagchi. Our Sun is one among billion stars in a vast cosmic structure called Milky Way galaxy. However, Milky Way extending 120,000 light-years across is just a pin-head in cosmic scales. Gravitational interaction between galaxies results in a much larger structure called ‗galaxy clusters‘. Our Milky Way is part of ‗Local Group‘, a cluster containing around 50 galaxies and measures more than 10 million light-years across. Recent surveys have shown even larger cosmological structure, ‗cluster of clusters‘, superclusters. Interestingly, Somak Raychaudhury, co-author of this study, discovered the first massive supercluster of galaxies of this scale during his PhD research at the in

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1989 and named it ‗Shapley Concentration‘ after an American astronomer, Harlow Shapley, in recognition of his pioneering survey of galaxies. The supercluster Laniakea – of which our sun, our Milky Way and ‗Local Group‘ are a part — consists of about 100,000 galaxies. Was the Universe built from the ‗bottom up‘, with galaxies condensing first, then aggregating into clusters, superclusters and other large-scale cosmic structures? Or did it happen the other way round, with vast gas clouds that fragmented into smaller clouds; each of the smaller clouds then evolving into a galaxy. Which model is correct? Cosmologists are split. The long-popular ‗Cold dark matter‘ model of evolution of Universe predicts that small structures like galaxies form first, which congregate into larger structures. The existence of large structures such as the ‗Saraswati Supercluster‘ evolved as early as 10 billion years since the Big Bang is a challenge to this model. The time elapsed since the Big Bang is not adequate for the slow process of gravitational attraction to have created such a large scale structure. ―The discovery of these extremely large structures thus forces astronomers into re-thinking popular theories of how the Universe got its current form, starting from a more-or-less uniform distribution of energy after the Big Bang,‖ says Prof Raychaudhury. In the large-scale cosmos, gravity is not the only force to reckon with. While the mutual attraction of gravity tries to bind the ordinary and still elusive dark matter together creating lumps like galaxies, clusters and so on, the still unknown dark energy repulsive in nature causes expansion of the Universe to accelerate, hampering the growth of large-scale structures. ―Our work will help to shed light on the perplexing question; how such extreme large scale, prominent matter-density enhancements had formed billions of years in the past when the mysterious Dark Energy had just started to dominate structure formation,‖ said Bagchi. ―This paper is unique because it is a direct product of IUCAA‘s associateship programme, under which a faculty member of an Indian university or a post-graduate department in a college can visit IUCAA for periods of short and long durations over a span of three years to develop his or her interest and expertise in astronomy and astrophysics,‖ added Prof Raychaudhury. The research was funded by the University Grants Commission and Indo-French CEFIPRA programme of the Department of Science and Technology (DST). While the lead author Bagchi and co-author Raychaudhury are from IUCAA, other researchers are Dr Prakash Sarkar (National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur postdoctoral fellow at IUCAA), Shishir Sankhyayan (undergraduate student at Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune), Pratik Dabhade (Research Fellow at IUCAA) and Dr Joe Jacob (Newman College, Thodupuzha, Kerala).

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दैननक जागयण, 14 जुराई, 2017

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Lab notes: A compound in turmeric could make cancer cells more sensitive to radiation Swati Subodh, Jul 14, 2017

Indian scientists are testing curcumin for its possible role in radiation therapy.

A major concern in cancer treatment is the tendency of some cancer cells becoming resistant to radiation therapy. Indian scientists have now deciphered how such resistance develops in cervical cancer cells, and claim that these cells can be made sensitive to radiation if treated with curcumin – a compound found in turmeric.

Cancer cells as well as tumors harbour a small population of stem cells which become resistant to drugs and radiation treatment. That is why, even after most cancer cells get killed with treatment, these cells continue to grow and cause lesions which could make cancer reappear over time.

Earlier research had suggested pivotal role of a human protein, AP-1, in development of resistance to radiation in various cancers, but how it happens was not known. The new study delineates the exact mechanism of resistance in cells from cervical cancer caused by Human Papilloma Virus. Researchers feel the mechanism could be similar in other cancers as well.

―We have identified a target for effective cancer therapy and it could allow recurrence-free survival of cancer patients in future,‖ said Professor Bhudev C Das, one of the lead researchers of the study published in journal Scientific Reports.

The study builds upon earlier findings that pre-treatment with curcumin – a safe herbal compound derived from turmeric – makes cancer stem cells sensitive to radiation therapy. It has found that combined effect of curcumin and exposure to radiation was markedly more effective in lowering AP-1 levels thereby rendering cells unviable for growth and replication. When treated with radiation alone, there was delayed but increased rate of proliferation and tumor formation.

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The mechanism of curcumin-induced inhibition lends credibility to AP-1 as a drug target and therapeutic utility of curcumin for radio-sensitisation of cervical cancer stem cells for better treatment outcomes.

The study was undertaken jointly by scientists from the Ambedkar Centre for Biomedical Research, National Institute of Cancer Prevention and Research in Noida, Amity Institute of Molecular Medicine and Stem Cell Research, Defence Research Development Organization and Department of Zoology at the University of Delhi. The research group was led by Professor Das and Dr Alok C Bharti, and it included Abhishek Tyagi, Kanchan Vishnoi, Harsimrut Kaur, Yogesh Srivastava and Bal Gangadhar Roy.

The research was funded by Department of Science and Technology, Department of Biotechnology and Indian Council of Medical Research, among others. more-sensitive-to-radiation

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Awareness Alone Cannot Reduce The Risk Of Increasing Lifestyle Diseases: Study


Children knows how unhealthy food is a risk factor for CVDs yet they indulge in eating junk and unhealthy foods. Indian kids have reasonable knowledge about lifestyle diseases and their risk factors, but this knowledge does not translate into preventive action, a new study has revealed. For instance, adolescent children know that unhealthy food is a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) yet they indulge in eating junk food and unhealthy snacks. In spite of better awareness, there is huge knowledge-practice gap among teenagers, the study done among school children in Kolkata has found. Most of these teenagers (who are aware) showed poor and unhealthy eating lifestyles like more than three major meals a day, frequent snacking (more than four times in a day) and consumption of street food. The trend of poor eating habits was visible more of older students and those belonging to affluent families as compared to students from low or middle-class socio-economic status. The study, published in journal BMC Public Healthrecently, was conducted jointly by hospitals in Kolkata along with Mission Arogya Health and Information Technology Research Foundation and the University of California. It was led by Dr. Tanmay Mahapatra. It included over 1600 ninth grade students in urban Kolkata. Researchers collected data on knowledge about lifestyle diseases, physical activity, and eating patterns from these adolescents. They found that about 20% of the participants reported a family history of CVDs while a majority had little information about heart disorders. Boys tended more to be involved in physical activity (adequate physical activity as one hour every day) along with those who had better knowledge about risk factors. About 82% of the adolescents did not perceive themselves to be at risk for future CVDs and even those who perceived the risk showed poor dietary practices. One of the probable explanations might be that adolescents considered CVDs to be a problem of the aged, and

Page 61 of 118 underestimated their own future risks, researchers said. ―Promotion of school-based cardiovascular health programs might be crucial in dispelling myths and misconceptions with eventual prevention of early onset atherosclerotic changes in arterial walls,‖ the study has suggested.

―Compared to the West, in India, the transition from predominantly infectious disease to non- communicable diseases has happened over a rather brief period of time. Solutions require strategies such as an emphasis on prevention, early detection, treatment using both conventional and innovative techniques along with the effective implementation of evidence-based policy‖ suggested Amjad Husain, professor of life sciences at Glocal University. He is not connected with the study. ―Healthy eating habits and lifestyle behaviour inculcated at adolescent age can prevent a lot of diseases like obesity, hypertension, early onset of diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, metabolic syndrome, diseases of spine and joints etc,‖ says Dr. Vijay Malhotra, President, Delhi Medical Association. He suggests that relevant information and knowledge about lifestyle diseases should be made a part of the curriculum in secondary classes. diseases/299568

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Bhavya Khullar 14 July, 2017

New Delhi: Doctors have long been using biopsy to diagnose liver fibrosis. A new study says it may be possible to diagnose the liver disease with a blood test in future.

Researchers at the All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS), New Delhi, working in collaboration with Justus Liebig University, Giessen in Germany, have identified diagnostic markers for liver fibrosis. With these markers, it will be possible to diagnose liver fibrosis from blood samples. It will make diagnosis easier to perform, non-invasive, and less prone to sampling errors, researchers say in their study published in journal Clinical and Translational Gastroenterology.

The new study has reported that patients of liver fibrosis have elevated levels of two proteins- Cathepsin L and Cathepsin B – in liver tissues as well as blood plasma, compared to healthy people. The increased levels of these two proteins open the possibility of designing a new and better diagnosis for liver disease. There is progressive increase in concentrations of the two proteins with advancement in the stages of liver cirrhosis, making them potential diagnostic tools.

The observation was first made in animals and then humans. It was seen that the two proteinsare elevated in kidney, heart, and lung fibrosis, which led to the idea of testing their diagnostic relevance in liver disorder. Since the findings are based on blood samples from 51 patients, researchers have recommended studies involving larger group of patients to further validate their work.

However, an expert working in the same field pointed out that ―previous studies have als o reported biomarkers for liver fibrosis. The challenge is to find a marker that can differentiate between mild and severe stages of the disease in addition to distinguishing between healthy and severely ill conditions.‖

Liver fibrosis is caused by several factors including alcohol consumption, viral infection, and metabolic disorders. It is also congenital in some cases. It is marked by the formation of scars and nodules in the liver, which is due to accumulation of specific proteins.

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The study team included Mansi Manchanda, Prasenjit Das, Gaurav Gahlot, Ratnakar Singh, Elke Roeb, Martin Roderfeld, Siddhartha Datta Gupta, Anoop Saraya, R M Pandey and Shyam S Chauhan.(India Science Wire) blood-samples/

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The answer to dengue may be more mosquitoes By Dinesh C Sharma 14 July, 2017

It may sound strange but scientists are generating evidence to show that the solution to eliminating dengue lies in breeding mosquitoes that are incapable of transmitting dengue, and possibly chikungunya and even zika. Several research groups globally are engaged in developing new vaccines, drugs and are even breeding genetically modified (GM) mosquitoes to combat dengue, but with little success. The approach developed by scientists at Monash University in Melbourne is radically different. It involves using a naturally occurring bacteria called Wolbachia which when present in Aedes aegypti mosquito reduces its ability to transmit dengue. Wolbachia is rather ubiquitous bacteria – present in 60% of 5 million insect species, but strangely not in Aedes aegypti mosquito which harbours and transmits dengue virus. Scientists have transferred Wolbachia (extracted from fruit flies) into Aedes aegypti – not by any genetic engineering but by injecting it into to mosquito eggs and then breeding such mosquito lines. They have shown that Wolbachia-carrying mosquitoes don‘t transmit dengue because the dengue virus can‘t replicate itself due to Wolbachia. And if enough number of such mosquitoes multiply in the environment, dengue transmission in a given area can possibly be halted. The approach has generated huge interest in dengue-endemic countries, including India. Earlier this year, the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) signed an agreement with Monash University to work on the new approach in India. Research is on at the Pondicherry-based Vector Control Research Centre (VCRC) and if it proceeds as planned, the first trial of Wolbachia-carrying mosquitoes could begin in India as early as 2018. Field trials are on since 2011 in Australia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Brazil and Colombia. ―We seed wild mosquito populations with Wolbachia in areas where dengue is endemic. This is done through controlled releases of Wolbachia-carrying mosquitoes that then breed with wild mosquitoes. Our prediction is that if Wolbachia – which is passed on from one generation to another through insect‘s eggs - can establish in wild mosquito populations in an area then it reduces transmission of dengue among humans,‖ Prof Scott O‘Neill, director of the Institute of Vector-borne Diseases at Monash University. The studies so far have shown that the method can be deployed successfully and that Wolbachia can sustain itself in mosquito populations without any need for continued replenishment. ―We are now developing methods for low-cost, large-scale application across urban areas. Our first city-wide trial began in 2014 in northern Australia and we hope to undertake further large-scale trials in Indonesia and Brazil,‖ said Prof O‘Neill. A key objective of trials in large areas is to directly measure reduction in dengue following the release and availability of Wolbachia- carrying mosquitoes in a city. Wolbachia is safe to humans, animals and the environment, scientists say. ―It is safe to humans because Wolbachia is already in our food chain, and it is commonly found in fruit flies, butterflies, moths and species of mosquitoes other than Aedes aegypti. Second, our approach does not alter naturally occurring population profile of mosquitoes, so there is no fear of other vectors replacing mosquitoes,‖ he added. Safety and risk assessment studies conducted by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) of Australia have not found any risk. Wolbachia can‘t be passed to humans and other mammals. In the Monash lab, volunteers let caged Wolbachia-carrying

Page 65 of 118 mosquitoes bite them for 15 minutes periodically, and they have now shown any sign of Wolbachia or antibodies in their blood. At VCRC in Pondicherry, research is focused on developing a local Aedes aegypti strain carrying Wolbachia by a series of backcrossing experiments involving Australian strain, wMel Aedes aegypti, and local wild Aedes aegypti strains. ―Laboratory experiments will be carried out to confirm that our strain carries all the properties (with respect to maternal inheritance, incompatibility and resistance to local dengue and chikungunya viral strains) of the Australian strain,‖ explained Dr Jambulingam Purushothaman, director, VCRC. Once this is done, a laboratory cage experiment will be carried out to test the ability of resultant strain to replace local Aedes aegypti mosquito. ―This is a proof-of concept experiment and by the end of the study we would have characterized local strain of Aedes aegypti carrying Wolbachia and standardized methods for its mass rearing,‖ he added. Pilot scale trials could begin sometime in 2018. The Wolbachia approach is different in many ways from GM mosquito approach – which is also being experimented in India. GM mosquitoes are supposed to suppress Aedes aegypti populations as genetically engineered male mosquitoes could render wild female mosquitoes unable to reproduce, and thus eliminate wild population. It requires release of huge numbers of GM mosquitoes and needs reapplication over time. On the other hand, Wolbachia approach does not tinker with population dynamics of wild mosquitoes and needs release of smaller number of male and female mosquitoes with Wolbachia. Over a period of time, the percentage of mosquitoes carrying Wolbachia increases and remains high without any further releases. Prof O‘Neill is hopeful the Wolbachia method could help combat several vector-borne diseases in near future. ―We believe this technology works for other diseases - Zika, Chikungunya, Yellow fever – which are all transmitted by the same vector.‖ (India Science Wire) Keywords: Wolbachia, dengue, zika, chikungunya, Monash University, ICMR, VCRC, vector- borne diseases, Aedes aegypti, yellow fever

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अब एडीज म楍छरⴂ पर ऱगाम ऱगाएगा यह बै啍ट ररया

India Science Wire 2017/07/14 12:07:32 PM

नई दद쥍री/अकॊ ु य शुखरा। डᴂगू को ननमॊब्रित कयने की ददशा भᴂ एक फैक्टीरयमा काभ आएगा। इसकी भदद से डᴂगू पै राने वारे एजजप्टी भ楍छयⴂ को सॊक्रमभत ककमा गमा है। जजससे भ楍छयⴂ भᴂ डᴂगू के वामयस ऩनऩ नहीॊ ऩाएॊगे। इस फैक्टीरयमा का नाभ वा쥍फाककमा है। वैऻाननकⴂ ने फाकामदा इस प्रकक्रमा के तहत भ楍छयⴂ की िीडडगॊ बी शु셂 कय दी है।

खमा आऩको ऩता है कक कॉपी ऩीने से फढ सकती है उम्र?

भ楍छयⴂ को सॊक्रमभत कयने वारा ऩयीऺण ऑस्रेमरमा, इॊडोनेमशमा, िाजीर, पवमतनाभ व कोरॊब्रफमा भ ᴂ 2011 से ही ककमा जा यहा है। शीघ्र ही इसका ऩयीऺण बायत भᴂ बी शु셂 कय ददमा जाएगा। ऩयीऺण भ ᴂ तकनीक के उऩमोग को रेकय इॊडडमन काउॊमसर ऑप भेडडकर रयसचष ( आईसीएभआय) औय भोनाश मूननवमसटष ी के फीच सभझौता हो चकु ा है।

जजसके फाद ऩाॊडडचये ी के वेक्टय कॊ रोर रयसच ष सᴂटय ( वीसीआयसी) सॊफॊधधत शोध बी ककमा जा यहा है। भोनाश पवपव के वैऻननकⴂ ने वातावयण भᴂ ऩाए जाने वारे वा쥍फाककमा फैक्टीरयमा से डᴂगू पै राने वार े एडीज एजजप्टी भ楍छयⴂ को सॊक्रमभत कयने भᴂ काभमाफी हामसर की। वीसीआयसी के ननदेशक डॉ. जॊफुमरगॊ भ ऩु셁षोत्तभन के भुताब्रफक स्थानीम भ楍छयⴂ को सॊक्रमभत कयने के मरए वा쥍फाककमा से सॊक्रमभत ऑस्रेमरमाई भूर के एडीस एजजप्टी भ楍छयⴂ का उऩमोग ककमा जा यहा है।

अफ िᴂगू के खतये से आगाह कयेगा फामोसᴂसय

ऐसे हुआ भ楍छयⴂ को सॊक्रलभत कयना सॊबव वैऻाननकⴂ ने ऩहरे इस फैक्टीरयमा को पर की भक्खी से अरग ककमा। कपय उसका उऩमोग एडीस एजजप्टी भ楍छयⴂ को सॊक्रमभत कयने के मरए ककमा। खास फात मह ह ै कक इस प्रकक्रमा को अजॊ ाभ देन े के मरए जेनेदटक इॊजीननमरयगॊ का इस्तभे ार नही ॊ ककमा गमा।

इस प्रकक्रमा के तहत एडीस एजजप्टी भ楍छय के अडॊ ⴂ को टीके के जरयमे वा쥍फाककमा फै ैक्टीरयमा स े सॊक्रमभत ककमा जाता है। वा쥍फाककमा से सॊक्रमभत भ楍छयⴂ को दसू ये भ楍छयⴂ की आफादी के फीच छोड ददमा जाता है। जजसके फाद भ楍छय प्रजनन कयके अऩनी तादाद भᴂ वपृ ध कय रेते हℂ औय अडॊ ⴂ के जरयमे उनकी एक ऩीढ़ी से दसू यी ऩीढ़ी तक ऩहुॊचन े वारा वा쥍फाककमा उनकी आफादी भ ᴂ अऩना स्थान फना रेता है। जजससे भ楍छयⴂ से इॊसान भᴂ होने वारा डᴂगू सॊक्रभण नहीॊ पै र ऩाता।

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Blood test possible to diagnose liver fibrosis: new study Bhavya Khullar

Doctors have long been using biopsy to diagnose liver fibrosis. A new study says it may be possible to diagnose the liver disease with a blood test in future.

Researchers at the All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS), New Delhi, working in collaboration with Justus Liebig University, Giessen in Germany, have identified diagnostic markers for liver fibrosis. With these markers, it will be possible to diagnose liver fibrosis from blood samples. It will make diagnosis easier to perform, non-invasive, and less prone to sampling errors, researchers say in their study published in journal Clinical and Translational Gastroenterology.

The new study has reported that patients of liver fibrosis have elevated levels of two proteins- Cathepsin L and Cathepsin B – in liver tissues as well as blood plasma, compared to healthy people. The increased levels of these two proteins open the possibility of designing a new and better diagnosis for liver disease. There is progressive increase in concentrations of the two proteins with advancement in the stages of liver cirrhosis, making them potential diagnostic tools.

The observation was first made in animals and then humans. It was seen that the two proteins are elevated in kidney, heart, and lung fibrosis, which led to the idea of testing their diagnostic relevance in liver disorder. Since the findings are based on blood samples from 51 patients, researchers have recommended studies involving larger group of patients to further validate their work.

However, an expert working in the same field pointed out that ―previous studies have also reported biomarkers for liver fibrosis. The challenge is to find a marker that can differentiate between mild and severe stages of the disease in addition to distinguishing between healthy and severely ill conditions.‖

Liver fibrosis is caused by several factors including alcohol consumption, viral infection, and metabolic disorders. It is also congenital in some cases. It is marked by the formation of scars and nodules in the liver, which is due to accumulation of specific proteins.

The study team included Mansi Manchanda, Prasenjit Das, Gaurav Gahlot, Ratnakar Singh, Elke Roeb, Martin Roderfeld, Siddhartha Datta Gupta, Anoop Saraya, R M Pandey and Shyam S Chauhan.(India Science Wire)

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तकनीक औय साभुदानमक सभझ से मभर सकᴂ गे बूसख‍् रन के सॊके त Umashankar Mishra, 14 July, 2017 | बूवैऻाननक सवेऺण सॊस्थान रयभोट सᴂमसगॊ औय बौगोमरक सूचना तिॊ जैसी तकनीकⴂ की भदद से बूसख‍् रन सॊवेदनशीरता भानधचि फनान े भᴂ जुटा

Ravleen Kaur/ Cse

Quick Read

 जीएसआई ने इसके मरए वष ष 2014 भᴂ नेशनर रडℂ स्राइड ससेजप्टब्रफमरटी भैपऩगॊ (एनएरएसएभ) नाभक ऩरयमोजना शु셂 की थी, जजसके वष ष 2020 भᴂ ऩूया होने की उभभ‍् ीद है। इस ऩरयमोजना के ऩूया होन े के फाद देशवम‍् ाऩी बूसख‍् रन सॊवेदनशीरता भानधचि औय आॊकड े उऩरफध‍् हो जाएॊग,े जो इस आऩदा से ननऩटन े भᴂ प्रबावी बूमभका ननबा सकते हℂ।  बायी फयसात की भाय से कभजोय चट्टानᴂ टूटती हℂ औय बूस्खरनⴂ का मसरमसरा शु셂 हो जाता है। बूकॊ ऩ से धयती का डोरना औय उभडती, उपनती नददमⴂ का उनभ‍् ाद इसे एक पवनाशकायी आऩदा भᴂ फदर देता है। इसीमरए ब-ू पवऻानी फाॊध फनाने, सुयॊग छेदने जैसी मोजनाओ ॊ ऩय अभर कयने स े ऩहरे प्रकृ नत के वम‍् वहाय को नजयॊदाज न कयने की सराह देते हℂ।  बू-वैऻाननक भानत े हℂ कक रयमर टाइभ भॉननटरयगॊ , सटीक ऩूवाषनुभान, ऩूवष चते ावनी तिॊ औय तव‍् रयत प्रनतकक्रमा बूसख‍् रन की जस्थनत भᴂ जान-भार के नुकसान को कभ कय सकती है। एनआईडीएभ से जुडे वरयषठ‍् वैऻाननक डॉ. सूमप्रष काश फताते हℂ कक बूसख‍् रन की सभसम‍् ा स े ननऩटने के मरए इॊसट्रू‍् भᴂट आधारयत मससट‍् भ के फजाम सभुदानमक बागीदायी जम‍् ादा कायगय है।

हय वष ष की तयह इस वष ष बी भानसून के भहीनⴂ के दौयान बूसख‍् रन की खफय ᴂ देश के कई दहसस‍् ⴂ स े आ यही हℂ। देश बय भᴂ इस वष ष हुई बूसख‍् रन की अरग-अरग घटनाओॊ भᴂ दजनष ⴂ रोग भाये गए ह ℂ औय सॊऩजत्त का बी कापी नुकसान हुआ है।

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जाग셂कता के साथ-साथ तकनीक के उऩमोग से बूसख‍् रन स े होन े वार े नुकसान को कभ ककमा जा सकता है। हाराॊकक बायी वषा,ष फाढ़ औय तपू ान जैसी आऩदाओ ॊ की तयह बूसख‍् रन का ऩूवाषनुभान नहीॊ रगामा जा सकता ह,ै रेककन वैऻाननक इस ददशा भᴂ ननयॊतय कामष कय यहे हℂ।

बूसख‍् रन, फाढ़, बूकॊ ऩ औय चक्रवात जैसी प्राकृ नतक आऩदाओॊ के प्रफॊधन भᴂ पवमबनन‍् बौगोमरक ऺेिⴂ की भैपऩगॊ भहतव‍् ऩूणष साब्रफत हो सकती है। बायतीम बूवैऻाननक सवेऺण सॊस्थान (जीएसआई) रयभोट सᴂमसगॊ औय बौगोमरक सूचना तिॊ ( जीआईएस) जैसी आधनु नक तकनीकⴂ की भदद से ऩूये देश का बूसख‍् रन सॊवेदनशीरता भानधचि फनाने भᴂ जुटा है।

जीएसआई न े इसके मरए वष ष 2014 भᴂ नेशनर रडℂ स्राइड ससेजप्टब्रफमरटी भैपऩगॊ (एनएरएसएभ) नाभक ऩरयमोजना शु셂 की थी, जजसके वषष 2020 भᴂ ऩूया होने की उभभ‍् ीद है। इस ऩरयमोजना के ऩूया होने के फाद देशवम‍् ाऩी बूसख‍् रन सॊवेदनशीरता भानधचि औय आॊकड े उऩरफध‍् हो जाएॊग,े जो इस आऩदा से ननऩटन े भ ᴂ प्रबावी बूमभका ननबा सकत े हℂ।

एनएरएसएभ के अतॊ गतष बूस्खरन के प्रनत सॊवेदनशीर देश के रगबग 66 पीसदी इराकⴂ भᴂ जहाॊ भानवीम आफादी औय सडकᴂ ह,ℂ वहा ॊ रयभोट सᴂमसगॊ औय पी쥍ड इनऩुट के जरयम े इस काम ष को अजॊ ाभ ददमा जा यहा है। रगबग 34 पीसदी इराके ऊॊ ची ऩहाडडमⴂ ऩय फेहद दगु भष ऺेिⴂ भᴂ जस्थत ह,ℂ जहा ॊ ऩय हाई येजो쥍मूशन रयभोट सᴂसय से मभरन े वार े इनऩुट भैऩ की भदद से मह काभ ऩूया ककमा जा यहा है।

इसयो के नेशनर रयभोट सᴂमसगॊ कᴂ द्र (एनआयएससी) की बूमभका बी इस ददशा भᴂ कापी अहभ साब्रफत हुई है। उऩग्रह धचिⴂ की भदद से आऩदा से ननऩटन े की तमै ायी, ऩूवष चते ावनी, तव‍् रयत प्रनतकक्रमा, याहत, ऩुनवाषस तथा योकथाभ के मरए ज셂यी सूचनाए ॊ भुहैमा कयाकय एनआयएससी आऩदा प्रफॊधन की जदटरताओॊ को कभ कयन े भᴂ भदद कय यहा है।

अभतृ ा मूननव‍ मसटष ी न े बी के यर के भुनन‍् ाय भᴂ बूसख‍् रन की ऩहचान एव ॊ ऩूव ष चते ावनी के मरए वामयरेस सᴂसय नेटवकष मससट‍् भ सथ‍् ापऩत ककमा है। अभतृ ा मूननवमसटष ी के सᴂटय पॉय वामयरेस नेटवकष ्स‍ ऐॊड एऩर‍् ीके शनस‍् की ननदेशक भनीषा सुधीय ने इॊडडमा साइॊस वामय को फतामा कक उनह‍् ⴂने इस तयह का मससट‍् भ मसजक्कभ भᴂ बी रगामा है। इसके अरावा अभतृ ा मूननवमसटष ी दहभारम ऺेि एव ॊ ऩजवचभी घाट ऩय सथ‍् ापऩत अऩने ननगयानी तिॊ से प्राऩत‍् आॊकडⴂ के आधाय ऩय बूसख‍् रन की ऩूवष चते ावनी के मरए ऺेिीम आधाय तमै ाय कयने भᴂ जुटी है।

देश के कु र बौगोमरक ऺेि का 12 प्रनतशत स े अधधक दहसस‍् ा बूसख‍् रन के प्रनत सॊवेदनशीर भाना गमा है। जीएसआई के अनुसाय देश का 4.2 राख वगष ककरोभीटय ऺेि बूकॊ ऩ की आशॊका स े ग्रसत‍् ह,ै जजसभᴂ से 1.8 राख वगष ककरोभीटय दहसस‍् ा ऩजवचभ फॊगार के ऩहाडी इराके दाजजमष रगॊ के अरावा मसजक्कभ, असभ, अ셁णाचर औय मभजोयभ जैस े याजम‍् ⴂ भᴂ है। इसके अरावा 1.4 राख वगष ककरोभीटय ऺेि उतत‍् य-ऩजवचभी दहभारम भᴂ जस्थत ह,ै जजसभᴂ उतत‍् याखडॊ , दहभाचर प्रदेश औय जभभ‍् ू-कशभ‍् ीय जैसे याजम‍् हℂ।

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तमभरनाडु, के यर, कनाषटक, गोवा औय भहायाष्र जैस े ऩजवचभी घाट औय कⴂकण की ऩहाडडमⴂ भᴂ फस े या煍मⴂ का रगबग 90 हजाय वगष ककरोभीटय इराका बूस्खरन के प्रनत सॊवेदनशीर है। इसके अरावा आॊध्र प्रदेश की अयाकू घाटी का 10 हजाय वगष ककरोभीटय इराका बूस्खरन वार े ऺेि भ ᴂ जस्थत है।

बायी फयसात की भाय से कभजोय चट्टान ᴂ टूटती ह,ℂ धगयती ह,ℂ कपसर जाती हℂ औय बूस्खरनⴂ का मसरमसरा शु셂 हो जाता है। बूकॊ ऩ से धयती का डोरना औय उभडती, उपनती नददमⴂ का उनभ‍् ाद इस े एक पवनाशकायी आऩदा भᴂ फदर देता है। इसीमरए ब-ू पवऻानी फाॊध फनान,े सुयॊग छेदन,े बवन फनाने मा कपय रोगⴂ को फसान े जैसी मोजनाओ ॊ ऩय अभर कयने से ऩहरे प्रकृ नत के वम‍् वहाय को नजयॊदाज न कयने की सराह देते हℂ।

कई ब-ू वैऻाननक भानत े ह ℂ कक रयमर टाइभ भॉननटरयगॊ , सटीक ऩूवाषनुभान, ऩूवष चते ावनी तिॊ औय तव‍् रयत प्रनतकक्रमा बूसख‍् रन की जस्थनत भᴂ जान-भार के नुकसान को कभ कय सकती है। वही,ॊ एनआईडीएभ से जुड े वरयषठ‍् वैऻाननक डॉ. सूमप्रष काश फतात े हℂ कक बूसख‍् रन की सभसम‍् ा स े ननऩटन े के मरए इॊसट्रू‍् भᴂट आधारयत मससट‍् भ के फजाम सभुदानमक बागीदायी जम‍् ादा कायगय साब्रफत हो सकती है।

डॉ. सूमप्रष काश के अुनसाय ‗‗प्रकृ नत खदु आऩदा का सॊके त देती ह ै औय उन सॊके तⴂ को सभझन े के मरए साभुदानमक सभझ पवकमसत कयना ज셂यी है। जैस-े फयसात के भौसभ भᴂ ऩवतष ीम इराकⴂ की नददमⴂ भ ᴂ भटभैरे ऩानी का फहाव मा कपय मभट्टी का रयसाव बूसख‍् रन का सॊके त हो सकता है।‘‘ वह कहते ह ℂ कक ‗‗बूसख‍् रन के प्रनत सॊवेदनशीर इराकⴂ भ ᴂ रोगⴂ को मह फताना ज셂यी है कक जर-जभाव, मभट्टी का कटाव मा रयसाव, नारⴂ भᴂ गॊदगी का जभाव, वनⴂ की कटाई औय भानकⴂ के झखराप ननभाषण कामष खतये को फढ़ावा दे सकते हℂ।‘‘

बूवैऻाननक ऐस े कई सॊके तⴂ का जजक्र कयत े ह,ℂ जो बूसख‍् रन की दसत‍् क का आबास कया सकत े हℂ। दयवाज े तथा झखडडकमⴂ की चौखटⴂ भᴂ अटकन, डकै तथा फयाभदे फाकी के साये घय से कु छ दयू ी ऩय झखसक गए हⴂ मा झुक यहे हⴂ, जभीन, सडक मा पु टऩाथ भᴂ नई दयायᴂ मा उबय आई हⴂ, ऩेडⴂ, रयटेननगॊ (प्रनतधायक) दीवायⴂ मा पे जन्सॊग (फाडⴂ) भ ᴂ झुकाव, ऐसे इराके जो साभान्म 셂ऩ स े गीर े नहीॊ होते वहा ॊ ऩानी का अचानक ननकरना, रयसाव मा जभाव हो यहा हो तो उस े नजयॊदाज कयना ठीक नहीॊ है क्म‍ ⴂकक मह जभीन झखसकन े का सॊके त हो सकता है।

(इॊडिमा साइॊस वामय)

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Awareness alone not enough to address lifestyle diseases Dr Shikha T Malik

In spite of better awareness, there is huge knowledge-practice gap among teenagers, the study done among school children in Kolkata has found. Indian kids have reasonable knowledge about lifestyle diseases and their risk factors, but this knowledge does not translate into preventive action, a new study has revealed. For instance, adolescent children know that unhealthy food is a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) yet they indulge in eating junk food and unhealthy snacks. In spite of better awareness, there is huge knowledge-practice gap among teenagers, the study done among school children in Kolkata has found. Most of these teenagers (who are aware) showed poor and unhealthy eating lifestyles like more than three major meals a day, frequent snacking (more than four times in a day) and consumption of street food. The trend of poor eating habits was visible more in older students and those belonging to affluent families as compared to students from low or middle-class socio-economic status. The study, published in journal BMC Public Health recently, was conducted jointly by hospitals in Kolkata along with Mission Arogya Health and Information Technology Research Foundation and the University of California. It was led by Dr Tanmay Mahapatra. It included over 1600 ninth grade students in urban Kolkata. About 82 percent of the adolescents did not perceive themselves to be at risk for future CVDs and even those who perceived the risk showed poor dietary practices. Researchers collected data on knowledge about lifestyle diseases, physical activity, and eating patterns from these adolescents. They found that about 20% of the participants reported a family history of CVDs while a majority had little information about heart disorders. Boys tended more to be involved in physical activity (adequate physical activity as one hour every day) along with those who had better knowledge about risk factors. About 82 percent of the adolescents did not perceive themselves to be at risk for future CVDs and even those who perceived the risk showed poor dietary practices. One of the probable explanations might be that adolescents considered CVDs to be problem of the aged, and underestimated their own future risks, researchers said. ―Promotion of school-based cardiovascular health programs might be crucial in dispelling myths and misconceptions with eventual prevention of early onset atherosclerotic changes in arterial walls,‖ the study has suggested. ―Compared to the West, in India, the transition from predominantly infectious disease to non-communicable diseases has happened over a rather brief period of time. Solutions require strategies such as emphasis on prevention, early detection, treatment using both conventional and innovative techniques along with effective implementation of evidence-based policy‖ suggested Amjad Husain, professor of life sciences at Glocal University. He is not connected with the study. ―Healthy eating habits and lifestyle behaviour inculcated at adolescent age can prevent a lot of diseases like obesity, hypertension, early onset of diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, metabolic syndrome, diseases of spine and joints etc.‖ says Dr Vijay Malhotra, President, Delhi Medical Association. He suggests that relevant information and knowledge about lifestyle d iseases should be made a part of the curriculum in secondary classes. (India Science Wire)

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आसेननक प्रदषू ण से फचा सकती है जाग셁कता औय सही तकनीक डॉ. शुभ्रता मभश्रा 17 जुराई, 2017

अधम‍् मन के भुताब्रफक भौजूदा एजᴂमसमⴂ को भजफूत फनान े से बी आसेननक के कायण होने वार े नुकसान के प्रनत रोगⴂ भᴂ जाग셂कता फढ़ाई जा सकती ह ै औय उनको आसेननक-भुक्त ऩानी ऩीने के मरमे 煍मादा स े 煍मादा प्रेरयत ककमा जा सकता है।वाको-द-गाभा (गोवा), 17 जुराई, 2017 (इॊडिमा साइॊस वामय): देश के कई दहसस‍् े आसेननक प्रदषू ण के खतये स े जूझ यहे ह ℂ औय इस सभसम‍् ा से ननऩटन े के मरमे वैऻाननक तकनीक एव ॊ अनम‍् उऩाम बी उऩरफध‍् हℂ। इसके फावजूद मह सभसम‍् ा जस की तस फनी हुई है। एक ताजा अधम‍् मन भᴂ इस जस्थनत के मरम े जजभभ‍् ेदाय कायणⴂ का ऩता रगामा गमा है।

इस अधम‍् मन भᴂ उन कायकⴂ का ऩता रगामा गमा है, जजनके चरते रोग आसेननक से फचाव के मरम े पवमबनन‍् तकनीकⴂ के चमन के प्रनत अरग-अरग धायणा यखते हℂ। आसेननक से प्रदपू षत जर के खतयⴂ स े फचने के मरम े जम‍् ादातय रोग नरकू ऩ, 絍मूफवेर औय वषा ष जर सॊचमन के फजाम आसेननक कपरट‍् य औय ऩाइऩⴂ के जरयमे की जाने वारी जराऩूनत ष ऩय जम‍् ादा बयोसा कयते हℂ।

इसके अरावा आसेननक-भुक्त ऩानी उऩरब्ध कयाने भᴂ जुटी पवमबन्न एजᴂमसमⴂ के प्रनत रोगⴂ का पवशव‍् ास बी एक फहुत फडा कायण है। मही कायण ह ै कक रोग आसेननक कप쥍टयⴂ ऩय 煍मादा बयोसा कयते हℂ। जफकक ऩाइऩⴂ से जर आऩूनत ष औय नरकू ऩ व 絍मूफवेर ऩरयमोजनाएॉ कई फाय व्मावहारयक तौय ऩय सपर नही ॊ हो ऩातीॊ। इसमरए रोगⴂ का इन ऩय पवववास ऩूयी तयह नहीॊ फन ऩाता। वही,ॊ वषाषजर सॊचमन प्रणारी ऩूयी तयह से रोगⴂ की जाग셂कता एवॊ इ楍छाशजक्त ऩय ननबयष कयती है औय ग्राभीण इराकⴂ भᴂ जाग셂कता की कभी के कायण इस े फहुत अधधक सपरता नहीॊ मभर ऩाती है।

मह अधम‍् मन ऩटना के अतम‍् धधक आसेननक प्रदपू षत ऺेि भानेय भᴂ ककमा गमा है। इसके नतीज े कयॊट साइॊस शोध ऩब्रिका के ताजा अकॊ भᴂ प्रकामशत ककए गए हℂ। अधम‍् मनकताषओॊ की टीभ भ ᴂ बायतीम वैऻाननक सुशाॊत के . मसहॊ के अरावा अभेरयका की भॉन्टेक्रेमय स्टेट मूननवमसटष ी के वैऻाननक यॉफटष डफर‍् म‍् ू. टेरय औय हेमान सु शामभर थे।

अक्स‍ य मह देखा गमा है कक नीनत-ननभाषताओॊ, शोधकताषओॊ औय सभुदामⴂ के मरमे मह सुननजवचत कय ऩाना चनु ौती होती है कक रोग आसेननक भुक्त जर के मरमे उऩरब्ध तकनीकⴂ का इस्तभे ार ककस सत‍् य तक कय यहे हℂ। वैऻाननकⴂ को उभभ‍् ीद है कक भौजूदा अधम‍् मन के दौयान रोगⴂ की साभाजजक, आधथकष एव ॊ शैऺझणक ऩषृ ठ‍् बूमभ के साथ-साथ प्रशासननक जाग셂कता औय आसेननक-भुक्त तकनीकⴂ को चमन कयन े की उनकी वयीमता ऩय कᴂ दद्रत ननष्कष ष इस सभस्मा से ननऩटन े भᴂ भहत्त्वऩूण ष साब्रफत हो सकते हℂ।

अन्तययाष्रीम भानकⴂ के अनुसाय जर भᴂ आसेननक की भािा 0.01 मभरीग्राभ प्रनत रीटय से अधधक होन े ऩय उसभᴂ आसेननक प्रदषू ण का खतया फढ़ जाता है। आसेननक प्रदपू षत जर के उऩमोग से चभष योग, चभ ष कℂ सय, मकृ त, पे पडे, गुदे एवॊ यक्त‍ पवकाय सॊफॊधी योगⴂ के अरावा हाइऩय के योटोमसस, कारा ऩाॊव,

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भामोकॉडडमष र, स्थाननक अयक्तता ( इसक‍् ै मभमा) आदद होने का खतया होता है।

अधम‍् मन के भुताब्रफक भौजूदा एजᴂमसमⴂ को भजफूत फनान े से बी आसेननक के कायण होने वार े नुकसान के प्रनत रोगⴂ भᴂ जाग셂कता फढ़ाई जा सकती ह ै औय उनको आसेननक-भुक्त ऩानी ऩीने के मरमे 煍मादा स े 煍मादा प्रेरयत ककमा जा सकता है।

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Indian scientists develop new method of combating tuberculosis, identify molecules that inhibit growth

India Science Wire July, 17 2017

New Delhi: A group of Indian scientists have identified molecules which are effective in inhibiting the growth of tuberculosis-causing bacteria - Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

Professor Anil (R) along with his fellow researchers. India Science Wire

The molecules target an important gene, IdeR, which is essential for the survival of the bacteria. This development could lead to new drugs against tuberculosis (TB) in future. ―We have identified inhibitory molecules against IdeR, a key iron regulator that is crucial for survival of the TB pathogen,‖ said professor Anil K Tyagi, a senior scientist at the University of Delhi and lead researcher of the study. The findings have been published in the journal Scientific Reports. In laboratory studies, the new molecules were not toxic in human liver cells and kidney cells and could efficiently reach the bacteria present within the cell, researchers said.

For decades treatment of TB has remained unchanged. Patients have to take multiple drugs over 6 to 9 months, which makes the treatment effective but largely inefficient due to associated side effects and high rate of patient non-compliance. This, in turn, increases the risk of developing drug resistant form of TB which is difficult to treat. Therefore, scientists are searching for better treatment which is shorter in duration and requires fewer drugs.

―We employed computer aided drug discovery and experimental approaches to identify inhibitors against an essential protein of TB bacteria,‖ explained Dr Garima Khare, one of the

Page 75 of 118 lead researchers. In doing so, researchers were able to identify additional features that contribute to better inhibition of this protein‘s activity.

The study holds promise as it reports the structure and properties of likely drug molecules which are effective in inhibiting the bacteria by targeting a single essential bacterial gene vis-a-vis the multi-gene approach of the present treatment regimen. ―These inhibitors will open new avenues for rational modifications for developing more potent molecules against IdeR for the development of new TB drugs‖ hopes professor Tyagi.

The study was conducted at Department of Biochemistry, University of Delhi South campus by Akshay Rohilla, Dr Garima Khare and Dr Anil.K Tyagi. The research was funded by the Department of Biotechnology (DBT). combating-tuberculosis-identify-molecules-that-inhibit-growth-3823099.html

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दैननक जागयण, 17 जुराई, 2017

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दैननक जागयण, 17 जुराई, 2017

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बयतऩुय के के वरादेव से पवरुऩत‍् हुℂ कई जीव प्रजानतमाॊ Umashankar Mishra 18 July 2017

जीवⴂ की आफादी भᴂ होने वारे ऩरयवतन के लरए सथ‍् रीम एवॊ नभ आ�म-सथ‍् रⴂ भᴂ फदराव को जजभभ‍् ेदाय भाना जा यहा है

Quick Read

 याषर‍् ीम उ饍मान के वरादेव भᴂ यहन े वारे जीवⴂ की पवपवधता भᴂ पऩछरे ऩाॊच दशक के दौयान फडे ऩैभाने ऩय फदराव हुआ है औय महाॊ यहन े वारे सत‍् नधायी जीवⴂ की कई प्रजानतमाॊ सथ‍् ानीम तौय ऩय पवरुऩत‍् हो चकु ी हℂ।  याषर‍् ीम उ饍मान के ऩारयजस्थनतक तिॊ भᴂ होने वारे फदरावⴂ का असय महा ॊ यहने वारे वनम‍् जीवⴂ ऩय बी ऩडा है। वष ष 1966 से अफ तक महाॊ यहने वारे जीवⴂ की आठ प्रजानतमाॊ सथ‍् ानीम 셂ऩ से पवरुऩत‍् हो चकु ी हℂ।  ऩाॊच दशक से अधधक सभम के दौयान के वरादेव याषर‍् ीम उ饍मान से फाघ, तᴂदआु , कारा दहयण, सभ‍् ूद कोटेड ऑटय, तᴂदआु ब्रफरर‍् ी, देसी रोभडी औय हनुभान रॊगूय सभेत कई जीवⴂ की प्रजानतमाॊ पवरुऩत‍् हो चकु ी हℂ।

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बयतऩुय जस्थत पवशव‍् प्रमसध याषर‍् ीम उ饍मान के वरादेव भᴂ यहने वार े जीवⴂ की पवपवधता भᴂ पऩछरे ऩाॊच दशक के दौयान फडे ऩैभाने ऩय फदराव हुआ है औय महाॊ यहने वारे सत‍् नधायी जीवⴂ की कई प्रजानतमा ॊ सथ‍् ानीम तौय ऩय पवरुऩत‍् हो चकु ी हℂ। मह खरु ासा बायतीम शोधकताषओॊ 饍वाया ककए गए एक अधम‍् मन भ ᴂ ककमा गमा है। अधम‍् मनकताषओ ॊ के अनुसाय पऩछर े कयीफ छह दशक के दौयान के वरादेव याषर‍् ीम उ饍मान के ऩारयजस्थनतक तिॊ भᴂ होन े वार े फदरावⴂ का असय महाॊ यहन े वार े वनम‍् जीवⴂ ऩय बी ऩडा है। वषष 1966 से अफ तक महाॊ यहन े वारे जीवⴂ की आठ प्रजानतमाॊ सथ‍् ानीम 셂ऩ से पवरुऩत‍् हो चकु ी हℂ।

सरीभ अरी ऩऺी-पवऻान एवॊ प्राकृ नतक इनतहास कᴂ द्र, गु셁 गोब्रफदॊ मसहॊ इॊद्रप्रस्थ पवशव‍् पव饍मारम औय भनीऩार पवशव‍् पव饍मारम के शोधकताषओॊ 饍वाया ककमा गमा मह अधम‍् मन कयॊट साइॊस शोध ऩब्रिका के ताजा अकॊ भᴂ प्रकामशत ककमा गमा है। कई भाॊसाहायी एव ॊ शाकाहायी जीवⴂ के पवरुऩत‍् होन े औय प्राकृ नतक आवास के सव‍् 셂ऩ भᴂ ननयॊतय हो यहे फदराव का असय महाॊ की जैपवक पवपवधता ऩय ऩड यहा है।

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पऩछरे ऩाॊच दशक से अधधक सभम के दौयान के वरादेव याषर‍् ीम उ饍मान से फाघ, तᴂदआु , कारा दहयण, सभ‍् ूद कोटेड ऑटय, तᴂदआु ब्रफरर‍् ी, देसी रोभडी औय हनुभान रॊगूय सभेत कई जीवⴂ की प्रजानतमाॊ पवरुऩत‍् हो चकु ी हℂ। इसके अरावा साॊफय की आफादी बी कापी कभ हुई है। जफकक पऩछर े कयीफ 25 वषⴂ के दौयान नीरगाम औय चीतर जैसे जीवⴂ की सॊखम‍् ा फढ़न े के कायण के वरादेव भ ᴂ यहन े वार े खयु दाय जीवⴂ की कु र आफादी फढ़ गई है।

जीवⴂ की आफादी भ ᴂ होन े वार े इस ऩरयवतनष के मरए सथ‍् रीम एव ॊ नभ आश्रम-सथ‍् रⴂ भᴂ फदराव को जजभभ‍् ेदाय भाना जा यहा है। रगाताय ऩडन े वार े सूखे के अरावा जर-खबुॊ ी, ऩैसऩेरभ डडजस्टकभ औय ऩी. जूरीफ्रोया सभेत आक्रभणकायी ऩौधⴂ की इन तीन प्रजानतमⴂ से बी मह याषर‍् ीम उ饍मान जूझ यहा है। इसके अरावा जानवयⴂ के ऩयसऩ‍् य सॊघष,ष कटाई, ऩशुओॊ की चयाई, कै चभᴂट एरयमा से पवषाकत‍् यसामनⴂ की सॊबापवत भौजूदगी औय याजनीनतक उठाऩटक के कायण ऩानी की अननममभत आऩूनत ष के कायण सभसम‍् ा को फढ़ावा मभरा है।

अधम‍् मनकताषओ ॊ की टीभ भ ᴂ शामभर डॉ. एच.एन. कु भाय के भुताब्रफक शाकाहायी वनम‍् जीव वनⴂ के सव‍् 셂ऩ, उतऩ‍् ादकता, ऩोषण चक्र औय मभट्टी के ढाॊच े को प्रबापवत कयके वनⴂ के ऩायीजस्थनतक तिॊ भᴂ भहतव‍् ऩूण ष बूमभका ननबात े हℂ। वनम‍् जीवⴂ के वम‍् वहाय औय उनके जनसाॊखम‍् कीम सव‍् 셂ऩ के फाये भᴂ जानकायी होने स े ऩमाषवयणीम सॊतरु न फनाए यखने औय जीवⴂ के सॊयऺण से जुडी प्रबावी नीनतमा ॊ फनान े भᴂ भदद मभर सकती है।

अक्त‍ फू य, 2014 से जून, 2015 के दौयान ककए गए इस अधम‍् मन के भुताब्रफक वषष 1964 भᴂ ही तᴂदएु के इस ऺेि स े रुऩत‍् भान मरमा गमा था। भगय हार भᴂ कपय स े तᴂदएु के ऩैयⴂ के ननशान महा ॊ ऩय देख े गए हℂ। के वरादेव भ ᴂ फाघ की भौजूदगी के ननशान बी मभर े थ,े जफ 1999 भ ᴂ ऩहरी फाय एक फानघन को महा ॊ देखा गमा। हाराॊकक, कु छ सभम फाद उसकी भौत हो गई थी। वष ष 2010 भᴂ एक फाघ यणथफॊ ौय याषर‍् ीम उ饍मान स े के वरादेव ऩहुॊच गमा था, जजसे फाद भᴂ सरयसक‍् ा र े जामा गमा।

भत्स्म-पवडार (कपमशगॊ कै ट) को बी के वरादेव स े पवरुऩत‍् भान मरमा गमा था। रेककन इस अधम‍् मन के दौयान कपमशगॊ कै ट को दोफाया देखा गमा है। इसी तयह सथ‍् ानीम 셂ऩ से पवरुऩत‍् भाने जा यहे सॊकटग्रसत‍् हॉग डीमय (ऩाढ़ा) को बी कपय से देखा गमा है। बूये यॊग की धफफ‍् ेदाय ब्रफरर‍् ी (प्रामोनेरयस 셂फीजजनोसस) को कै भय े भᴂ ऩहरी फाय कै द ककमा गमा है। बायतीम ऩगℂ ोमरन बी कई फाय ददख े हℂ। इसके अरावा अधम‍् मनकताषओॊ न े चभगादडⴂ की चाय प्रजानतमⴂ के होने की उभभ‍् ीद बी जताई है।

खयु वारे जीवⴂ की आफादी के वरादेव भᴂ सफसे अधधक ऩामी गई है। खासतौय ऩय चीतर की आफादी वष ष 1989 के भुकाफरे ऩाॊच गुना अधधक ऩामी गई है। इसी तयह नीरगाम की आफादी बी यणथफॊ ौय, धगय औय सरयसक‍् ा जैसे याषर‍् ीम उ饍मानⴂ के भुकाफरे के वरादेव भᴂ अधधक दजष की गई है। अधम‍् मन भᴂ मह सऩ‍् षट‍् ककमा गमा है कक साॊफय, चीतर औय नीरगाम सभेत महाॊ यहने वारे जम‍् ादातय खयु वारे जीव नभ ऺेिⴂ भ ᴂ यहना अधधक ऩसॊद कयते हℂ।

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चीतर, नीरगाम, साॊफय औय वनⴂ भᴂ यहन े वारे ऩारत ू जीवⴂ के वॊशज जानवयⴂ (पे यर कै टर) के मरगॊ ानुऩात भᴂ बी असॊतरु न ऩामा गमा है। अधम‍् मनकताषओॊ के भुताब्रफक प्रतम‍् ेक 100 भादा ऩय नय चीतर, नीरगाम, साॊफय औय पे यर कै टर की सॊखम‍् ा क्रभश: 61, 76, 75 औय 52 दजष की गई है।

के वरादेव याष्रीम उ饍मान हजायⴂ की सॊख्मा भᴂ दरु बष प्रजानतमⴂ के ऩऺी ऩाए जाते हℂ। कयीफ 29 वग ष ककरोभीटय भᴂ पै रे के वरादेव याषर‍् ीम उ饍मान को अनौऩचारयक 셂ऩ से ऩऺी अबम‍् ायणम‍् 1956 भᴂ ही घोपषत कय ददमा गमा था। रेककन आधधकारयक 셂ऩ स े वषष 1971 भᴂ इस े सॊयक्षऺत ऩऺी अबमायण्म औय कपय वष ष 1981 भᴂ याषर‍् ीम उ饍मान का दजाष ददमा गमा। इसके फाद वषष 1985 भᴂ इसे मूनेसक‍् ो की पववव धयोहयⴂ की सूची भᴂ शामभर कय मरमा गमा था।

इस याषर‍् ीम उ饍मान भᴂ ऩक्षऺमⴂ की 350, यᴂगने वार े जीवⴂ की 13 प्रजानतमा,ॊ उबमचय जीवⴂ की सात प्रजानतमाॊ औय भछमरमⴂ की 40 प्रजानतमⴂ के अरावा आवतृ फीजी ऩादऩ सभुदाम की 375 ककसभ‍् ⴂ के ऩाए जाने की जानकायी मभरती है। के वरादेव भᴂ 43 सत‍् नधायी जीवⴂ की प्रजानतमⴂ का बी जजक्र मभरता ह,ै जजसभᴂ से 30 प्रजानतमाॊ आज बी भौजूद हℂ।

अधम‍् मनकताषओ ॊ की टीभ भᴂ एच.एन. कु भाय, आकृ नत मसहॊ , अददनत भुखजी औय सुमभत डुककमा शामभर थे।

(इॊडिमा साइॊस वामय)

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In caste-ridden India, genetic isolation causes certain diseases

Dinesh C Sharma 18 July 2017

Indian scientists now suspect that genetic diseases in certain subpopulations in India and other countries in South Asia could be due to genetic isolation caused by endogamous marriages over generations. Endogamous marriages - meaning people marrying within a subpopulation based on caste, gotra, language or culture - lead to reduced genetic variation.

The occurrence of genetic diseases in certain subpopulations in India and other countries in South Asia is well known. Indian scientists now suspect that this could be due to genetic isolation caused by endogamous marriages over generations.

Endogamous marriages - meaning people marrying within a subpopulation based on caste, gotra, language or culture - lead to reduced genetic variation. They are different from marriages among close relatives (consanguineous marriages) – a practice also prevalent in parts of South India.

In genetics, the phenomenon of a small number of ancestors giving rise to many descendants is known as 'founder event' or a population bottleneck. A study of anthropologically different subpopulations in South Asia has revealed that many of them are a result of strong 'founder events'. In each of such groups, large stretches of DNA originates from a common founder in the last about 100 generations.

There is less genetic variation because these subpopulations have lived in genetic isolation despite co-living with other groups for centuries due to various factors including caste. Such populations are vulnerable to recessive genetic diseases (in which an offspring gets disease- causing genes from both parents).

This risk, researchers say, is very different from that due to marriages among close relatives. The study, led by scientists at Hyderabad-based Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB), appeared in the latest issue of scientific journal Nature Genetics. Scientists analysed samples from over 2800 individuals from over 275 distinct South Asian populations belonging to various social and linguistic groups from India, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh. They developed an algorithm to quantify impact of 'founder events' in each group based on stretches in DNA shared from a common founder over generations. "We found that 81 out of 263 unique South Asian groups, including 14 groups with estimated census sizes of over a million, have a strong founder event," said Dr Kumarasamy Thangaraj, who led the study along with David Reich of Harvard Medical School.

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These large population groups with founder events include Gujjar (Jammu & Kashmir), Baniyas (UP), Pattapu kapu (AP), Vadde (AP), Yadav (Puducherry), Kashtriya Aqnikula (AP), Naga (Nagaland), Kumhar (UP), Reddy (Telangana), Kallar (TN), Brahmin Manipuri (Manipur), Arunthathiyar (TN) and Vysya (Telangana). Researchers have highlighted the problem through example of Vysya population which has size of more than 3 million. The Vysyas have about 100-fold higher rate of a metabolic disorder called Butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) deficiency compared to other groups. Such people are highly sensitive to anaesthesia administered prior to surgery.

"The next step would be to identify specific recessive diseases among various subpopulations and identify genes responsible for them," Dr Thangaraj told India Science Wire. The research can have significant public health applications, as has been done with some population groups like Ashkenazi Jews, Finns, Amish, Hutterites, Sardinians, and French Canadians in the West. Once recessive genetic diseases specific to different groups are mapped, preventive steps like prenatal testing, premarital counseling and screening can help decrease burden of such diseases in communities.

The team of researchers came from Columbia University; Broad Institute of Harvard and Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Manipal University; Centre for Human Genetics, Bangalore; Mangalore University; Fetal Care Research Foundation, Chennai; Amity University, Noida; Genome Foundation, Hyderabad; Anthropological Survey of India, Kolkata; and Birbal Sahani Institute of Paliosciences, Lucknow. certain-diseases-206130

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Genetic Isolation May Be Harmful To Health In Caste-Ridden India

Dinesh C Sharma 18 July 2017

New Delhi, July 18: The occurrence of genetic diseases in certain subpopulations in India and other countries in South Asia is well known. Indian scientists now suspect that this co uld be due to genetic isolation caused by endogamous marriages over generations.

Endogamous marriages – meaning people marrying within a subpopulation based on caste, gotra, language or culture – lead to reduced genetic variation. They are different from marriages among close relatives (consanguineous marriages) – a practice also prevalent in parts of South India.

In genetics, the phenomenon of a small number of ancestors giving rise to many descendants is known as ‗founder event‘ or a population bottleneck. A study of anthropologically different subpopulations in South Asia has revealed that many of them are a result of strong ‗founder events‘. In each of such groups, large stretches of DNA originates from a common founder in the last about 100 generations.

There is less genetic variation because these subpopulations have lived in genetic isolation despite co-living with other groups for centuries due to various factors including caste. Such populations are vulnerable to recessive genetic diseases (in which an offspring gets disease- causing genes from both parents). This risk, researchers say, is very different from that due to marriages among close relatives.

The study, led by scientists at Hyderabad-based Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB), appeared in the scientific journal Nature Genetics on Tuesday. Scientists analysed samples from over 2800 individuals from over 275 distinct South Asian populations belonging to various social and linguistic groups from India, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh. They developed an algorithm to quantify the impact of ‗founder events‘ in each group based on stretches of DNA shared from a common founder over generations.

―We found that 81 out of 263 unique South Asian groups, including 14 groups with estimated census sizes of over a million, have a strong founder event,‖ said Dr. Kumarasamy Thangaraj, who led the study along with David Reich of Harvard Medical School. These large population groups with founder events include Gujjar (Jammu & Kashmir), Baniyas (UP), Pattapu kapu (AP), Vadde (AP), Yadav (Puducherry), Kashtriya Aqnikula (AP), Naga (Nagaland), Kumhar (UP), Reddy (Telangana), Kallar (TN), Brahmin Manipuri (Manipur), Arunthathiyar (TN) and Vysya (Telangana).

Researchers have highlighted the problem through an example of Vysya population which has a size of more than 3 million. The Vysyas have about 100-fold higher rate of a metabolic disorder called Butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) deficiency compared to other groups. Such people are highly sensitive to anesthesia administered prior to surgery.

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“The next step would be to identify specific recessive diseases among various subpopulations and identify genes responsible for them,” said Dr. Thangaraj. The research can have significant public health applications, as has been done with some population groups like Ashkenazi Jews, Finns, Amish, Hutterites, Sardinians, and French Canadians in the West. Once recessive genetic diseases specific to different groups are mapped, preventive steps like prenatal testing, premarital counseling and screening can help decrease the burden of such diseases in communities.

The team of researchers came from Columbia University; Broad Institute of Harvard and Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Manipal University; Centre for Human Genetics, Bangalore; Mangalore University; Fetal Care Research Foundation, Chennai; Amity University, Noida; Genome Foundation, Hyderabad; Anthropological Survey of India, Kolkata; and Birbal Sahani Institute of Palaeobotany, Lucknow. The research was funded by Department of Science and Technology (DST), Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). (India Science Wire)

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Umashankar Mishra , July 19, 2017

Over a span of five decades, eight mammal species have become locally extinct in Keoladeo National Park in Bharatpur, a study has revealed.

Many species of wild animals including tiger, leopard, black buck, smooth-coated otter, leopard cat, Indian fox and Hanuman langur have become locally extinct in the last fifty years in Keoladeo National Park formerly known as Bharatpur Sanctuary. This has substantially changed the mammalian diversity and condition of the habitat, say researchers.

Although blackbuck has become locally extinct and sambar density has significantly reduced, chital (spotted deer) and nilgai (blue bull) as habitat generalists have increased in density in the last 25 years, which has contributed to an overall increase in ungulate population in Keoladeo National Park.

This study was jointly conducted by the researchers of Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural history, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University and Manipal University, and has been published in journal Current Science.

Disappearance of many of these species can be attributed to continuous modifications of both terrestrial and wetland habitat. In the past few decades, the park is facing degradation due to repeated droughts and threats from invasive species- Eichorrniacrassipes, Paspalamdisticum and P. juliflora. Other reasons include logging and cattle grazing, likelihood of toxic chemicals in the water from the catchment area, besides political pressures often lead to irregular water supply,the study says.

‗‗Changes in habitat affect species richness, population abundance and distribution, thereby affecting the local distribution of the species around the world. Understanding the social behavior and demography of the wild animals plays a major role in population monitoring and effective conservation planning‖, says H.N. Kumara, one of the key member of research team.

In 1964, leopard was exterminated from the area, but has recently been observed through camera-trap technique by the forest department. Tigers have been reported twice from the area with first sighting in 1999 when a tigress ventured into the park but was later found dead. In 2010, a tiger came from Ranthambore National Park and stayed in the park for the four months until it was relocated to Sariska tiger reserve.

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Keoladeo National Park is a world heritage site spread in a 29 square km. dynamic ecosystem with rich floral and faunal diversity. It was officially recognized as a protected bird sanctuary in 1971 and then National Park in the year 1981. After this, it was included in UNESCO‘s World Heritage list in 1985.

There are references of 43 mammalian species in Keoladeo, out of which 30 species are still present in the park. Keoladeo National Park is popularly known as a ‗bird paradise‘, is also rich in flora and fauna,with more than 350 species of birds, 13 reptiles, 7 amphibians, 40 fish and 375 species of angiosperms.

Apart from H.N, Kumara, Akriti Singh, Aditi Mukharjee and SumitDukia were also included in the research team. (India Science Wire)

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दैननक जागयण, जुराई, 19 2017

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New way to grow sandal trees could boost production

India Science Wire July 20, 2017

New Delhi: Cultivation of sandalwood trees could get a boost with Indian researchers figuring out how sandal trees derive their nutrition from other plants.

Sandalwood is a parasitic plant deriving its nutritional requirement from other plants. It has modified roots called haustoria which penetrate host plants and draw nutrition from them. Scientists from the College of Forestry and College of Horticulture under Kerala Agricultural University in Thirussur have found out how sandal trees suck nutritional food from the ir host plants.

The study has revealed that a sandal tree could connect with its host plants up to a distance of three metres. Not just this, an individual tree can form a network with several hosts including the grass around them. This process of nutrition uptake, however, is not one-sided. While meeting their nutrition needs from hosts, sandal trees partly meet nutrition needs of their hosts, according to the study published in journal Current Science.

―Till now only a few studies were available on the relationship between the host and field-grown sandal trees. Since understanding of the anatomy and functional status of haustoria in field- grown sandal would give important clues on how sandal takes up food material from the hosts, we carried out studies to understand physiological state of haustoria,‖ explained lead researcher Dr A V Santhoshkumar.

At present, sandal trees and host plants are grown alongside each other in the same pit. The new findings would mean that farmers can try out innovative cropping patterns like agroforestry to get maximum benefit from a given plot of land.

In recent years, production of sandalwood has dwindled while the demand has been going up. Production has dropped from 4000 tonnes in the 1950s to 500 tonnes a year, mainly due to indiscriminate felling of trees. The central and state governments have taken measures to attract farmers to sandalwood tree cultivation, but large scale planting has not picked up because trees don‘t get established properly.

The study team included P.K.Ashokan, E.V.Anoop and D.Rocha of College of Forestry and P.Sureshkumar of College of Horticulture. production/

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Recycling is the only viable answer to India’s water woes!

Dr T V Venkateshwaran and Jyoti Singh, July 20, 2017

According to international norms, 1700 cubic meter per capita per year is required for healthy living and what we have is less than the international norm making India 'water stressed' The per capita availability of water in India is going down progressively and the situation may become precarious unless the country takes measures like recycling of water in an organized manner, a leading water expert has warned.

The average annual per capita availability of water which stood at 5200 cubic meter per capita per year in 1951 reduced to 1816 cubic meters in 2001 and further plummeting to just 1545 cubic meters as per capita by 2011. This means there has been a decline of 70% decline since 1951. Estimates show that the annual per capita availability is predicted to decrease to 1401 cubic meter by 2025.

According to international norms, 1700 cubic meter per capita per year is required for healthy living and what we have is less than the international norm making India ‗water stressed‘. ―If the availability falls below 1000 cubic meter per capita per year we would reach ‗water scarce‘ situation,‖ Dr Sharad Jain, Director General of New Delhi-based National Water Development Agency and senior scientist at the National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee, has warned in an interview.

Dr Sharad Jain, Director General of New Delhi-based National Water Development Agency and senior scientist at the National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee.

―India has been witnessing rainfall of 1160 mm annually as compared to world average of 1110 mm. The overall rainfall is bountiful in some years, while in others is a shortfall. Within one monsoon season too, there could be wide variation in rainfall across geographical regions. But the water crisis is not largely due to variability of rainfall but essentially due to increase in population‖ says Dr Jain. There has been significant increase in the demand of water. At the time of independence India‘s population was 33 crores and now it is 133 crores and the amount of water available is almost the same.

The solution, according to Dr Jain, is to promote the concept of recycling of water. ―If we do not recycle water many times before we discard it as waste, we are in for serious trouble. In Frankfurt, for instance, one drop of water is recycled eight times before it reaches the sea. Here, we do not recycle even once.‖

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In domestic and industrial sectors, possibilities for recycling water exist. ―There is a need to reach the stage of `zero water‘ industries where industrial units would take care of all their water needs by adopting recycling techniques and not depend on outside sources,‖ Dr Jain suggests.

Over the years when the demand for water increased, with little or no surface water to exploit, we have turned to groundwater. Prior to this, groundwater was being used for irrigation. However the scenario changed with the arrival of electrical pumps to lift water from deep inside the ground. ―Estimate shows that about 15 per cent of our food production and 85 percent of drinking water in India comes from groundwater sources‖ says Dr Jain. As the demand for water increased as a consequence of the increase in population, we started exploiting groundwater beyond sustainable limits leading to alarming levels of depletion of ground water.

He emphasised the need to bring about changes in agricultural practices and noted that the government was already encouraging modern methods of irrigation such as micro-irrigation or precision irrigation using techniques like called drip or sprinkler irrigation. Pointing out that Israel was able to grow eight to ten times more apples than India for the same extent of land and same quantum of water, he urged that India learn from countries like Israel and Netherland, which have developed techniques for growing crops with lesser water. ―Traditional agriculture methods are often water intensive and it is time we focus on water conservation methods‖.

Dr Jain also stressed on the need for policy makers and other stakeholders conscious of the fact that significant quantities of water is being exported in the form of articles and other products, which is complicating the water balance.

―Virtual water is the water that has been consumed to produce a particular product, but which you may not see it. For example if you drink a glass of water it is evident that you drink a glass of water but if you eat an apple you do not see water but after all water was used to produce that apple. Thus, when apple is exported, along with the product in an unseen way water is also transported. This transport of virtual water also has to come under scrutiny when we talk of water crisis‖, he says.

In addition to ‗virtual water‘, there is also a need to look at `water footprint‘ which is the amount of water that is used by an individual or a community. ―The footprint depends on lifestyle of individuals. It would depend on aspects such as how much water a person uses, whether he or she wastes or conserves water. For example, a villager in Rajasthan would have a totally different water footprint than a resident of a mega city like Delhi‖.

A Ph.D from University of Roorkee, Dr. Jain‘s research interests span a wide range of issues from surface water hydrology, water resources planning and management to application of advanced tools such as artificial neural networks, remote sensing, GIS and decision support systems. His contributions to the world of hydrology include the development of a software package for reservoir analysis. (India Science Wire)

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Scientists Discover Antibiotic Resistant Bugs In Raw Chicken, Sprouts BHAVYA KHULLAR 20 JULY 2017

Scientists have detected antibiotic resistant bacteria in commonly consumed food items like raw chicken and sprouted beans. It was discovered after they isolated bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics, from food products available in the market. Consumption of such items could make people resistant to drugs and make treatment of infections with antibiotics difficult. ―We have isolated multiple antibiotic-resistant bacteria from chicken and mung sprout samples, which can have serious health concerns‖, says Dr Archana Rath, professor at the University of Mumbai and lead author of the study.

Researchers collected fourteen samples of raw chicken from retail shops and thirteen ready-to- eat sprouted mung bean samples from street vendors. Chicken samples were procured within 2-3 hours of slaughter and sprouted mung beans were less than 72 hours post-sprout. The samples were analysed in lab, bacteria were isolated from these samples and then these bacteria were tested for sensitivity to various antibiotics. It was found that many food-derived bacteria were resistant to one or more commonly used antibiotics such as penicillin, rifampicin, streptomycin and ciprofloxacin. ―Abundance of opportunistic pathogens like Acinetobacter, Enterobacter, Klebsiella in mung, and Acinetobacter, Enterococcus, Serratia, Providencia in chicken could be a serious health issue. Acinetobacter is a clinical pathogen known to carry genes for antimicrobial resistance,‖ researchers have noted in the study published in journal Current Science. Most of the bacteria in mung samples were similar to those found in wastewater treatment plants of in contaminated manure. ―Sprouted mung is generally consumed raw hence the presence of resistant bacteria in it is a matter of concern,‖ Dr. Rath told India Science Wire.

In chicken, high number of resistant bacteria could be attributed to indiscriminate use of antibiotics in livestock industry. Although chicken is cooked before consumption which kills microbes, it can still spread antibiotic resistant bacteria to raw salads or veggies in the vicinity especially in fast food joints and restaurants, Dr. Rath added. The study team included Onkar Naik, Ravindranath Shashidhar, Devashish Rath, Jayant Bandekar and Archana Rath at the University of Mumbai and Food technology division and Molecular Biology Division of the Bhabha Atomic Research Center. (India Science Wire) raw-chicken-sprouts/299659

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Study Finds Antibiotic Resistant Bugs In Chicken And Sprouts Bhavya Khullar, 20 July 2017

New Delhi, July 20 (India Science Wire): A study in Mumbai has detected antibiotic resistant bacteria in commonly consumed food items like raw chicken and sprouted beans.

Scientists have isolated bacteria resistant to antibiotics from food products available in the market. Consumption of such items could make people resistant to drugs and make treatment of infections with antibiotics difficult.

―We have isolated multiple antibiotic-resistant bacteria from chicken and mung sprout samples, which can have serious health concerns‖, says Dr. Archana Rath, a professor at the University of Mumbai and lead author of the study.

Researchers collected fourteen samples of raw chicken from retail shops and thirteen ready-to- eat sprouted mung bean samples from street vendors. Chicken samples were procured within 2-3 hours of slaughter and sprouted mung beans were less than 72 hours post-sprout.

Dr. Archana Rath in her lab The samples were analyzed in the lab, bacteria were isolated from these samples and then these bacteria were tested for sensitivity to various antibiotics. It was found that many food-derived bacteria were resistant to one or more commonly used antibiotics such as penicillin, rifampicin, streptomycin, and ciprofloxacin.

“Abundance of opportunistic pathogens like Acinetobacter, Enterobacter, Klebsiella in mung, and Acinetobacter, Enterococcus, Serratia, Providencia in chicken could be a serious health issue. Acinetobacter is a clinical pathogen known to carry genes for antimicrobial resistance,” researchers have noted in the study published in journal Current Science.

Most of the bacteria in mung samples were similar to those found in wastewater treatment plants of in contaminated manure. ―Sprouted mung is generally consumed raw hence the presence of resistant bacteria in it is a matter of concern,‖ Said Dr. Rath.

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In chicken, a high number of resistant bacteria could be attributed to the indiscriminate use of antibiotics in the livestock industry. Although chicken is cooked before consumption which kills microbes, it can still spread antibiotic resistant bacteria to raw salads or veggies in the vicinity especially in fast food joints and restaurants, Dr. Rath added.

The study team included Onkar Naik, Ravindranath Shashidhar, Devashish Rath, Jayant Bandekar and Archana Rath at the University of Mumbai and Food technology division and Molecular Biology Division of the Bhabha Atomic Research Center. (India Science Wire)

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दैननक जागयण, 20 जुराई, 2017

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New Discovery By Astrosat Dashes Hopes Of Alien Life On Nearest Exoplanet

By Dr T V Venkateswaran 21 July, 2017

NEW DELHI : A new discovery by India‘s space telescope, Astrosat, has dashed hopes of alien life on our nearest stellar neighbour, Proxima Centauri. Highly energetic flare simultaneously observed by Astrosat and NASA‘s space telescopes on Proxima means it is not habitable as thought till now.

Astronomers say the strong flare observed on Proxima Centauri On May 31 rules out alien life on this exoplanet. ―It makes it highly improbable for earth like life forms to exist there, unless we find special radiation resistant life forms‖ observed Prof. K.P. Singh of Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Mumbai, who was involved in the discovery.

Proxima Centauri, the nearest exoplanet discovered till date, is not much larger than the Earth and is mostly likely a rocky planet. It has been orbiting in the so-called ―habitable zone‖ that astronomers think could harbour life. Some even ventured to claim that perhaps the first alien we would encounter would come from this planet.

All such hopes were dashed on 31 May when joint observation by Astrosat along with Chandra X ray space telescope, Hubble Space Telescope, and a ground-based observatory High Accuracy Radial velocity Planet Searcher (HARPS) observed a very intense flare resulting from an explosion on its surface.

The star is known to flare often, but the flare that was observed in May lasted for about 1800 seconds and released energy in the order of 1030 erg. ―The typical energy released during a solar flare is of the order of 1026-28 erg. That means this flare is hundred times that of those seen on the Sun,‖ pointed out Prof Singh ―If a flare like the one observed on Proxima Centauri occurs on our Sun it might disrupt power grids, broadcast and electricity on the earth and also affect astronauts in space.‖

Powerful and frequent flaring events, as seen on Proxima, may produce large radiations and particles which may significantly influence its atmosphere habitability, according to Prof Jürgen Schmitt, another member of the research team.

The hefty flare observed on the surface of Proxima Centauri spewed a dash of strong X rays and far-UV rays, ten times the normal, bathing the planet in a rain of deadly radiation. ―The high- energy photons like the UV and X-ray photons are absorbed by the planetary atmosphere heating it to 10s of 1000s of Kelvin affecting the capability of the planet to sustain its atmosphere and in particular to sustain water in liquid form,‖ pointed out Dr. Lalitha Sairam of Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bengaluru.

Not more than five to ten times the mass of Earth, revolving around a star just 12% as massive as our Sun and 0.1% as bright, Proxima Centauri may not be that appealing. Given an orbital period of just 11 days, the exoplanet was thought to be warm enough but not close by to be scorching hot. The host star, Proxima Centauri, is joined by stars Alpha Centauri A and B, 15000 astronomical units (AU) away in creating a multi-star system. Thus from the planet, one would have been able to see three ‗sun‘s floating in the sky. All would be fine if these stars were well behaved. But it is known that Proxima Centauri flares frequently.

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In ‗cool dwarfs‘ like Proxima Centauri, as a result of fluctuating magnetic reconnection on its surface, large amount energy and ionic particles are released all around. Such events called as ―flaring‖ can have timescales of few minutes to hours.

The Indian team had another special reason for being happy with this observation. ―For first time, Astrosat is part of such a large observing campaign with other space-based observatories like Chandra and Hubble,‖ said Prof Singh, who developed the Soft X-ray Telescope which is on board Astrosat. (India Science Wire) nearest-exoplanet

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‘Recycling is the answer to India’s water woes’

Dr T.V. Venkateshwaran and Jyoti Singh, 22 July 2017

Water expert Dr Sharad Jain believes that unless India adopts recycling of water in an organised manner, the country will soon become water scarce.

The per capita availability of water in India is going down progressively and the situation may become precarious unless the country takes measures like the recycling of water in an organised manner, warns Dr Sharad Jain, director general of New Delhi-based National Water Development Agency and senior scientist at the National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee.

The average annual per capita availability of water which stood at 5200 cubic metres per capita per year in 1951 reduced to 1816 cubic metres in 2001. It plummeted further to just 1545 cubic metres as per capita by 2011. This means there has been a 70 percent decline since 1951. Estimates show that the annual per capita availability is predicted to decrease to 1401 cubic metre by 2025. According to international norms, 1700 cubic metre per capita per year is required for healthy living but what we have is less than the international norm making India ―water stressed‖. ―If the availability falls below 1000 cubic metre per capita per year, we would reach a ―water scarce‖ situation,‖ Dr Jain explains. ―India has been witnessing rainfall of 1160 mm annually as compared to the world average of 1110 mm. The overall rainfall is bountiful in some years, while in others, it is a shortfall. Within one monsoon season, there could be a wide variation in rainfall across geographical regions. But the water crisis is not largely due to the variability of rainfall but essentially due to the increase in population,‖ he says. There has been a significant increase in the demand for water. At the time of independence, India‘s population was 33 crores, now it is 133 crores while the amount of water available remains the same. What is the solution? The solution, according to Dr Jain, is in the recycling of water. ―If we do not recycle water many times before we discard it as waste, we are in for serious trouble. In Frankfurt, for instance, one drop of water is recycled eight times before it reaches the sea. Here, we do not recycle even once.‖ The possibilities for recycling water exist in domestic and industrial sectors as well. ―There is a need to reach the stage of ‗zero water‘ industries where industrial units would take care of all their water needs by adopting recycling techniques and not depend on outside sources,‖ Dr Jain suggests. Over the years, when the demand for water increased, with little or no surface water to exploit, we turned to groundwater. Prior to this, groundwater was being used for irrigation. However, the scenario changed with the arrival of electrical pumps to lift water from deep inside the ground. ―Estimate shows that about 15 percent of food production and 85 percent of drinking water in India come from groundwater sources,‖ he says. As the demand for water increased as a

Page 98 of 118 consequence of the increase in population, we started exploiting groundwater beyond sustainable limits leading to alarming levels of depletion of groundwater.

He emphasises the need to bring about changes in agricultural practices and notes that the government is already encouraging modern methods of irrigation such as micro irrigation or precision irrigation using techniques like drip or sprinkler irrigation. Pointing out that Israel is able to grow eight to 10 times more apples than India with the same amount of water within the same area, he urges that India learns from countries like Israel and Netherlands, which have developed techniques for growing crops with lesser water. ―Traditional agriculture methods are often water intensive and it is time we focus on water conservation methods,‖ he says. Various forms of water use Dr Jain also stresses the need for policy makers and other stakeholders to be conscious of the fact that significant quantities of water are being exported in the form of articles and other products, which is complicating the water balance. ―Virtual water is the water that has been consumed to produce a particular product but you may not see it. For example, if you drink a glass of water, it is evident that you drink a glass of water but if you eat an apple you do not see water but after all, water is used to produce that apple. Thus, when apple is exported, along with the product in an unseen way, water is also transported. This transport of virtual water also has to come under scrutiny when we talk of a water crisis,‖ he says. In addition to ―virtual water‖, there is also a need to look at ―water footprint‖ which is the amount of water that is used by an individual or a community. ―The footprint depends on the lifestyle of individuals. It would depend on aspects such as how much water a person uses, whether he or she wastes or conserves water. For example, avillager in Rajasthan would have a totally different water footprint than a resident of a mega city like Delhi,‖ he adds. A Ph.D from the University of Roorkee, Dr Jain‘s research interests span a wide range of issues from surface water hydrology, water resources planning and management to the application of advanced tools such as artificial neural networks, remote sensing, GIS and dec ision support systems. His contributions to the world of hydrology include the development of a software package for reservoir analysis.(India Science Wire)

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India’s first trauma registry raises hope for accident victims

By Dinesh C Sharma, 22 July, 2017

Over 1.4 million lives are lost in road accidents in India every year and, for every death, many more are severely injured or permanently disabled. While it is critical to enforce road safety norms, improve road engineering design and implement ban on alcohol sale on highways, improving quality of trauma care can go a long way in saving lives not just due to road accidents but also other types of traumatic events.

Trauma care scientists in India and Australia, working jointly for the past four years, are confident the casualties can be reduced substantially through simple steps like better data collection and notifying hospitals before patients arrive.

Significant steps towards this have already been taken and are promising good results. India‘s first multi-centre trauma registry has gone live a few weeks back and this experience would pave the way for developing a national trauma registry.

A registry is not just registration of injured coming to trauma centres or ‗injury surveillance‘, but a database containing full spectrum of care for every patient. Over a period of time, such data can reveal how trauma centres are responding to the injured and how they can improve quality of care to save lives.

―If we know that we do to with patients when they arrive, it will help us improve patient care,‖ explained Dr Joseph Mathew, a trauma care consultant at the Alfred Trauma Service and National Trauma Research Institute (NTRI) in Melbourne. Trauma care is complex, often involving multiple disciplines within a hospital and external players in public and private sectors. Registries can help improve coordination and delivery of care to patients.

The unified registry which has been established at the Jai Prakash Narain Apex Trauma Centre at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in New Delhi, connects trauma centres at three other hospitals – Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital (New Delhi), Seth V S General Hospital (Ahmedabad) and Lokmanya Tilak Municipal General Hospital (Sion, Mumbai). The registry has already captured data about 4500 trauma patients from four centres. ―We have demonstrated feasibility of setting such a unified registry and this can serve as a template for developing a national trauma registry,‖ said Dr Mathew. The registry is one of the main projects of the Australia India Trauma System Collaboration (AITSC) initiated in 2013. It is jointly funded by India‘s Department of Science and Technology (DST) and Australia‘s Department of Industry, Innovation and Science.

―The trauma registry at JPN Apex Trauma Centre helped us realise the importance of ‗golden hour‘ concept. We were taking almost three hours in emergency department for resuscitation and stabilisation of trauma patients. By performing ‗trauma audit‘ using data from the registry, we identified the gaps and once we bridged those gaps, we could reduce the emergency department (ED) time from 3 hours to 30 minutes,‖ explained Dr Mahesh Chandra Misra, former head of J P N Apex Trauma Centre, and co-team leader of AITSC.

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Dr Misra said a national registry should be established in India soon. ―We need to establish hospital-based trauma registries as soon as possible and network all trauma care facilities to generate good data. It is already late.‖

Scientists have also developed a system for pre-hospital notification so that a trauma centre is ready before a seriously injured patient arrives at the centre. Pre-hospital notification is communication sent by emergency staff from ambulance to a receiving hospital while the injured person is on the way. For this a mobile app – named Soochana – has been developed. ―No such system of pre-hospital notification existed in India till this app,‖ said Dr Misra. The app is used by a designated person in trauma centre to receive the notification and relay the same information to selected doctors and departments within the centre so that they are ready when the injured arrives. This is called ‗trauma team activation‘. ―It is a like pitstop in car racing. Everyone is ready when a trauma patient arrives,‖ notes Dr Mathew. Pre-notification alone can save number of lives.

Another mobile app has been developed to help in rehabilitation of patients after they are discharged. Trauma patients need post-hospital treatment, care and support for a long time. In many places rehabilitation facilities are not available. In such cases, people could be helped via the mobile app. A clinical trial is underway to evaluate effectiveness of the intervention.

The Australian model of trauma care is much sought after globally. Australian trauma experts have also been approached by some state government in India to develop trauma plans for their respective states, but progress is very slow. ―A state like Uttar Pradesh with population of over 200 million has just one ‗level 1‘ trauma centre. It needs at least 8 such centres,‖ pointed out Dr Mathew.

―We were, 20-30 years ago, in the same situation as India is today. Four of my cousins died in car accidents. Now we have demonstrated how simple steps can save lives. Integrated trauma systems ensure that right person goes to right centre at right time,‖ said Dr Mark Fitzgerald, Director of NTRI and team leader of the joint programme.

―We have been able to bring down mortality due to traffic accidents by 62 percent. About 450 to 500 people die in India every day in road accidents. At least 75 percent of them can be saved by improving quality of trauma care and response,‖ summed up Dr Mathew.(India Science Wire)

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U R Rao – launching ISRO from experimentation to establishment

Dinesh C Shrama, 24 July, 2017

Udupi Ramachandra Rao was one of the architects of India's space programme – who transformed ISRO to the leadership position in space technology. Besides laying foundation for self-reliance in satellite building, Rao is credited with building a new way of executing complex technology project – which many call the 'ISRO Culture'.

The Indian Space Research Organistaion (ISRO) is today counted among the best space agencies globally. Much of the credit for this goes to UR Rao who helped the agency master technology for making complex communication, weather and remote sensing satellites with limited resources and difficult circumstances such as technology denial. Having started his career as a doctoral student of Vikram Sarabhai in 1954 at Physical Research Laboratory (PRL) in Ahmedabad, Udupi Ramachandra Rao spent his scientific career spanning almost half a century for developing and nurturing the Indian space programme. After a brief stint in America as a postdoc at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), Rao returned to India at the behest of Sarabhai.

Throughout the 1960s, Sarabhai was feverishly trying to put together a plan for developing space technology applications in India after having successfully set up the sounding rocket facility at Thumba in Kerala. He asked Rao, who had worked on spacecraft systems while being at NASA, to prepare a blueprint for development of space technology in India. Then he asked Rao to implement the plan. The rest of Rao's life was spent in doing so, beginning with the fabrication of India's first satellite – Aryabhata – launched in April 1975.

Aryabhata, weighing 358 kg, was built from scratch by a young team of engineers and scientists put together by Rao at a newly created facility in the Peenya industrial estate in Bangalore. The facility later became the ISRO Satellite Centre with Rao as its founding director. The Soviets launched Aryabhata from the Kapustin Yar Cosmodrome, without charging any fee, purely as a friendly gesture. This was followed by launch of Bhaskara 1 and 2, and Rohini series of satellites.

If Aryabhata got a free launch from the Soviet Union, the first experimental communication satellite - Ariane Passenger Payload Experiment (APPLE) – was launched for free on a development flight of Ariane vehicle of European Space Agency (ESA) from Kourou in 1981.

The American media ridiculed India's foray into space when it was ridden with other problems as poverty. News weekly, Newsweek, carried a picture of APPLE being transported from the hanger to test center in a bullock cart with a caption 'Collision of Centuries'. Many years later, Rao explained why the satellite was carried on a bullock cart: "We had to ship the satellite for EMC (Electromagnetic Interference/Capability) testing, and trucks made of metals were throwing off reflections that were affecting the satellite's antenna. Then somebody hit on the idea of a bullock cart, which is made of wood. It worked perfectly."

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With the experience gained from building experimental satellites in the 1970s, Rao came up with an ambitious idea of building larger communication, remote sensing and multi-purpose satellites with practical applications. Thus were born the legendary series of Indian satellites in the 1980s – the INSAT (Indian National Satellite) and IRS (India Remote Sensing Satellite) – which provided communication, broadcasting, weather and earth observation services to a variety of Indian users. Thus within two decades, Rao could demonstrate the applicability of space technology for national development, as envisioned by his mentor Sarabhai. This is despite the problems Rao was facing in the 1980s with successive failures of Augmented Satellite Launch Vehicle (ASLV).

In all, over 20 satellites were designed and launched under his guidance. Besides laying foundation for self-reliance in satellite building, Rao is credited with building a new way of executing complex technology project – which many call the 'ISRO Culture'. All space projects are complex, challenging, multi-disciplinary, time-critical, and – in the case of India – have to be executed with limited budget. Rao mastered this art. Leveraging his experience of working with NASA, Rao introduced a matrix management structure for managing projects by ensuring optimal use of available resources.

The ISRO culture encompasses decentralized decision making for technology development, systems engineering, quality assurance, peer review and thorough failure assessment. Actually this is what differentiates ISRO from other scientific agencies in India. establishment-207927

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Yashpal: A people’s scientist Dinesh C Sharma, 25 July, 2017

A great scientist, an institution builder, an able science administrator, an educationist and a science communicator par excellence. Professor Yashpal, who passed away on Tuesday, was all this combined and much more.

Whichever role Yashpal donned, he brought an air of freshness, innovation and radical ideas. He took every job entrusted to him by his mentors like Vikram Sarabhai and Satish Dhawan – as well as Prime Ministers – Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi – seriously and executed with dedication. In every position he held during a career spanning half a century, Yashpal left his indelible mark.

Like several of contemporary scientists in independent India, Yashpal began his scientific career at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) which was the fountainhead of space, atomic energy and electronics development. As space technology began to grow in the 1970s, he was asked to head a special project SITE – Satellite Instructional Television Experiment – which was originally conceived by Sarabhai but executed much after his death.

Instead for going in for easy option like sending scientists to NASA or importing equipment, Yashpal pushed the envelope and developed indigenously the technology for satellite earth station and communications. This not only made SITE hugely successful but also, in some ways, laid the foundation for satellite television and communication revolution in the decades to come. As advisor to the Planning Commission, he catalyzed major changes in the communication sector.

Given his deep interest in making science education meaningful, the government made him the Chairman of the University Grants Commission (UGC). His work at UGC and in the education sector was legendary. He wanted to reform the higher education sector, and at one point, even suggested that all colleges and universities be closed down for one year so that they can re- invent themselves. He saw the university as a place with ―universal approach to knowledge‖ where ―boundaries of disciplines be porous and scholars be constantly on guard against the tendency towards ‗cubicalization‘ of knowledge.‖ He wanted universities where humanities and sciences meet and coexist, and not live in isolation. Yashpal had also emphasized on the role of higher education in creating an institutional space for dialogue and liberal inquiry.

He was equally concerned with school education. Referring to the load of books carried by children to schools, he had observed in a report to the government: ―So far as physical load of the school bag is concerned, the situation has become worse over the past few years. However, the weight of the school bag represents only one dimension of the problem; the more pernicious burden is that of non-comprehension.‖

Yashpal was a great communicator of science. He became popular as one who could explain science to people with no background in science. He had begun experimenting with science communication through television during SITE. In the 1990s, he anchored science

Page 107 of 118 programme Turning Point on Doordarshan and used to answer questions sent by viewers. He used to answer questions in a manner that would make viewers think and seek more knowledge instead of giving direct answers. The programme ran for 150 episodes and had film actors like Naseeruddin Shah as hosts. He was also Chief Advisor for television serials such as Bharat Ki Chaap, Tur-rum-tu, and Race to Save the Planet. He was the face of live telecasts of total solar eclipse programmes in 1995 and 1999, and the transit of Venus in 2004.

Many people are intrigued about his name. Yashpal had no surname, rather he had dropped his surname. He had revealed the full story to his biographer, Biman Basu, a few years ago. As non- believers in the caste system Yash Pal‘s family had already given up using their surname (Bhutani). But when he was 13 and had to change his school, he took on the surname of Arya and he passed his matriculation examination under this name. In 1942, at the age of 15, when he joined college, he took on the surname of Bharati – influenced by the students movement and the freedom struggle. A couple of years later, he dropped Bharati too. ―But interestingly, he could not escape having a surname. He acquired one after he started publishing scientific papers because people started calling him ‗Pal‘‖, says Basu

Yashpal was born at Jhang (now in Pakistan) on 26 November 1926. He spent his early childhood in Quetta (Balochistan). He went to school in Quetta, Jabalpur, Lyallpur and studied BSc in Punjab University, Lahore. After post-graduation from Delhi University, he went to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) for doctorate.

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जाननए 啍यⴂ ब褼 रह 車 ह ℂ आकाशीय बबजऱ गगरन े की घटनाए 車 नवनीत कु भाय गुप्ता| 26 July 2017

पऩछरे कु छ वक्त से आकाशीम ब्रफजरी धगयन े की घटनाओॊ भᴂ ईजापा हुआ है. वैऻाननकⴂ 饍वाया ककए गए ताजा अध्ममन भᴂ इस फात का ऩता चरा है कक आझखय ब्रफजरी धगयने की घटनाओॊ भᴂ क्मⴂ फढ़ोतयी हुई है.

एक ताजा अधम‍् मन के भुताब्रफक हवा भᴂ जहा ॊ ऩय एयोसॉर की भािा अधधक होती ह,ℂ वहाॊ ऐसी घटनाएॊ होन े की आशॊका अधधक होती है. आकाशीम ब्रफजरी धगयन े के मरए प्रदषू ण बी अफ एक प्रभुख कायण फनकय उबय यहा है. बायतीम वैऻाननकⴂ ने ऩामा है कक वामु प्रदषू कⴂ की पे हरयस् त भᴂ शामभर एयोसॉर आकाशीम ब्रफजरी धगयने के मरए एक भुख् म कायण हो सकता है.

अध् ममनकताषओॊ की टीभ भᴂ शामभर शोधकताष डॉ. एसडी ऩवाय ने इॊडडमा साइॊस वामय को फतामा, ‗पवमबन्न वामु प्रदषू कⴂ भᴂ से एक एयोसॉर, हवा मा कपय ककसी अन् म गैस भᴂ सूक्ष् भ ठोस कणⴂ मा तयर फूॊदⴂ के यासामननक मभश्रण को कहत े हℂ. इसका ननभाषण ठोस मा तयर ऩदाथ ष के कणⴂ के ककसी गैस भᴂ ननरॊफन से होता है औय मे अऩनी पवशषे ताओॊ से वामुभॊडर की पवमबन्न प्रकक्रमाओॊ को प्रबापवत कयत े हℂ.‘

ऩुणे जस्थत बायतीम उष् णदेशीम भौसभ पवऻान सॊस् थान (आईआईटीएभ) औय 셂स की एआई वोमकोव भेन ऑब् जवेटयी के शोधकताषओॊ 饍वाया ककमा गमा मह अध् ममन हार भᴂ एटभॉस्पे रयक रयसच ष नाभक शोध ऩब्रिका भᴂ प्रकामशत ककमा गमा है. अध् ममन भᴂ शामभर वैऻाननकⴂ के भुताब्रफक एयोसॉर सौय पवककयणⴂ के प्रकीणनष औय अवशोषण से ऩथ्ृ वी के ऊजाष चक्र को सीधे तौय ऩय प्रबापवत कयत े हℂ.

वैऻाननकⴂ ने मह बी ऩामा है कक एयोसॉर फादरⴂ के गुणⴂ को बी प्रबापवत कयत े हℂ. एयोसॉर की उऩजस्थनत औय घनत्व ऺेि पवशषे ऩय ननबयष कयता है. अध् ममनकताषओॊ के भुताब्रफक जजस स्थान ऩय प्रदषू ण अधधक होता है , वहाॊ एयोसॉर की भािा अधधक हो सकती है. जरावन के मरए जीवावभ ℂधन का फढ़ता प्रमोग, वाहनⴂ से जहयीरी गैसⴂ के उत्सजनष औय सडकⴂ ऩय उडने वारे धरू कण वामुभॊडरीम एयोसॉर की उऩजस्थनत को फढ़ा देत े हℂ.

हय सार धयती ऩय रगबग 2.5 कयोड ब्रफजरी धगयने की घटनाएॊ होती हℂ. आकाश भᴂ चभकने वारी ब्रफजरी को तडडत मा वज्रऩात कहत े हℂ. वैऻाननकⴂ के अनुसाय इनका औसत ताऩभान सूम ष के सतही ताऩभान से रगबग ऩाॊच गुना अधधक हो सकता है.

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ऩमाषवयणीम पवऻान भᴂ एयोसॉर को भुख्मत: ‗भास कॊ सन्रेतशन‘ मानी वामुभॊडर के प्रनत इकाई आमतन भᴂ भौजूद इनके बाय के आधाय ऩय प्रदमशतष ककमा जाता है. जरवामु ऩरयवतनष भᴂ एयोसॉर की भहत्वऩूण ष बूमभका को देखत े हुए वैऻाननक हार के वषⴂ भᴂ आकाशीम ब्रफजरी सभेत फादरⴂ से जुडी पवमबन्न प्रकक्रमाओॊ ऩय शोध काम ष कयने भᴂ जुटे ह,ℂ ताकक इसके रऺणⴂ के फाये भᴂ सभझ पवकमसत की जा सके औय इससे होने वारे जान-भार के नुकसान को कभ ककमा जा सके .

बायतीम भौसभ पवबाग , बायतीम उष्णदेशीम भौसभ पवऻान सॊस्थान औय देश के कु छेक पवववपव饍मारमⴂ भᴂ आकाशीम पव饍मुत ऩय शोध काम ष हो यहे हℂ. बायतीम उष्णदेशीम भौसभ पवऻान सॊस्थान भᴂ वामुभॊडरीम वै饍मुत वेधशारा को स्थापऩत ककमा गमा है , जहाॊ देश भᴂ ही पवकमसत उऩकयणⴂ- जैसे पी쥍ड मभर , चारकता उऩकयण, ऺेि ऩरयवतनष एॊटीना आदद के 饍वाया आकाशीम ब्रफजरी के गुणधभⴂ का अध्ममन ककमा जाता है.

डॉ. ऩवाय ने फतामा , ''ऩुण,े खडगऩुय औय गुवाहाटी के ऊऩय तडडत-झॊझा मा ब्रफजरीमुक्त तपू ानⴂ की पव饍मुतीम पवशषे ताओॊ के अवरोकन के आधाय ऩय हभने ऩामा है कक बायत भᴂ आकाशीम ब्रफजरी औय उसे प्रबापवत कयने वारे कायकⴂ के गुणधभ ष पववव के अन्म स्थानⴂ से पवमशष्ट ह.ℂ इन ऺेिⴂ भᴂ फने कु छ झॊझावातⴂ के ननचरे फादरⴂ भᴂ धनात्भक आवेश कापी प्रफर औय पवस्ततृ होता है औय अधधकतय आकाशीम पव饍मुत वारी गनतपवधधमाॊ ननचरे ऋणात्भक 饍पवध्रवु ीम ऺेि भᴂ होती है.''

वैऻाननकⴂ के अनुसाय इसके अरावा आकाशीम ब्रफजरी को प्रबापवत कयने वारे कायकⴂ भᴂ ऩवतष बी शामभर हℂ. बायत के उत्तय-ऩूवी ऺेि भᴂ आकाशीम ब्रफजरी ऩय ऩवतष ीम प्रबाव बी देखा गमा है. इसके कायण ऩहाडी घादटमⴂ की नभी को यात भᴂ भेघ गजनष औय ब्रफजरीमुक्तव तपू ान की उत्ऩजत्त के मरए जज륍भेदाय भाना गमा है. मही कायण है कक ऩहाडी ऺेिⴂ भᴂ आकाशीम ब्रफजरी के कडकने की दय फहुत अधधक होती है.

अध्मनमनकताषओॊ के अनुसाय'' ऩुणे के साथ-साथ ऩूवी औय ऩूवोत्तय बायत के ऊऩय ब्रफजरीमुक्तक तपू ान ऩैदा कयने वारे फादरⴂ के अध्ममन से मह बी ऩता चरा है कक इस ऺेि भᴂ फपीरी साॊद्रता को फनाए यखने के मरए फादरⴂ के ननचरे दहस्से भᴂ पवशार भािा भᴂ फपीरे नामबकⴂ की साॊद्रता धनात्भक आवेश ननमभतष कयती है.''

आधनु नक उऩकयणⴂ की भदद से वैऻाननक आकाशीम ब्रफजरी के रऺणⴂ को सभझने की कोमशश भᴂ जुटे हℂ. आईआईटीएभ भᴂ फारयश की फूॊदⴂ के गुणधभⴂ के ननभाषण औय पवघटन ऩय पव饍मुतीम प्रबाव का अध्ममन कयने के मरए प्रमोगशारा भᴂ ऊध्वाषधय ऩवन सुयॊग का उऩमोग कयके मसभुरेशन प्रमोगⴂ को ककमा गमा है.

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इस प्रमोग से ऩता चरा है कक प्रदपू षत फूॊदⴂ भᴂ पवकृ नत को फढ़ावा मभरता है , जजससे उनके गुणधभ ष भᴂ ऩरयवतनष होता है औय ननचरे पव饍मुतीम ऺेि भᴂ भहत्वऩूण ष स्खरन होता है , जजसके कायण खासतौय ऩय शहयी ऺेिⴂ के ऊऩय फादरⴂ भᴂ आकाशीम ब्रफजरी की गनतपवधधमⴂ भᴂ वपृ ध देखी गई है. अध्ममनकताषओॊ की टीभ भᴂ डॉ. एसडी ऩवाय के अरावा वी गोऩारकृ ष्णन , ऩी भु셁गवेर, एनई वेयभ,े एए मसकॊ पवच शामभर थ.े says-pollution-is-the-cause-74137.html

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New method developed to identify pests with precision

Bhavya Khullar July 27, 2017 The scientists at the Centre for DNA Taxonomy in Kolkata, have developed a DNA barcoding technique to identify thrips insect species in India and found that this technique is effective. New Delhi: Scientists have developed a new method to precisely identify a class of plant sucking pests which affect several commercially important crops. Thrips are tiny plant sucking insects, one to three millimeters in length that cause damage to crops by direct feeding and by transmitting plant viruses. At present, these insects are identified based on their physical features like color and body architecture. A major obstacle in correct identification is their small size and high degree of similarity at some stages of their life cycle. Identifying these insects correctly is important for designing appropriate pest management strategies. Now scientists at the Centre for DNA Taxonomy, Zoological Survey of India in Kolkata, have developed a DNA barcoding technique to identify thrips insect species in India and found that this technique is effective. It could be of immense value as thrips cause huge losses to crops such as onion, chilli, brinjal, capsicum, watermelon and tomato. Identifying thrips correctly can help design relevant pest management strategies to prevent these losses. Researchers collected 336 insect samples from 78 locations in India. The sample collection was done for 4 years between 2011 and 2015. In 3 years, they have made a library of 370 DNA sequences that can be used for precisely identifying these plant pests. DNA analysis was done to analyze the sequence of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase gene, said Kaomud Tyagi, who is the first author on the study. The results have been published in a recent issue of the journal Scientific Reports.

Left: Samples were collected from various regions of India indicated in red. Right: Different species of thrips insects classified on the basis of physical features. he research team included Kaomud Tyagi, Vikas Kumar, Devkant Singha, Kailash Chandra, Boni Amin Laskar, Shantanu Kundu, Rajasree Chakraborty, and Sumantika Chatterjee. “We have standardized and confirmed DNA barcoding method to be used for identifying thrips species correctly. Our study has also revealed that similar looking insects can belong to

Page 112 of 118 different species. Identifying species of thrips is now possible at the larval stage or even from a small portion of the body”, mentioned Dr Vikas Kumar, a member of the research team. Thrips also leave white streaky trails after feeding on fruits that makes them unfit for exports. In the long run, using DNA barcoding for identifying thrips could help increase income from exports, believes Dr Kumar. The study will help design appropriate pest management strategies as different species respond to different pesticides and doses. Sharad Mohan, a scientist at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, who is not connected to the study agrees that, “barcoding is of immense value in validating the diversity of pests in different agro-climatic zone of India. Instead of using conventional taxonomic ways that may take months, barcoding helps in identifying pests that helps recommend and implement specific management protocols without wasting much time”, he says. Kailash Chandra, Director of ZSI, revealed further “We are starting a new project on large scale barcoding of insect pests and vectors of agricultural and veterinary importance soon”. (India Science Wire)

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New antibiotic delivery system could improve cancer treatment

Dr Swati Subodh 27 July, 2017

An all-woman team of Indian scientists has developed a novel antibiotic delivery system that enhances action of drugs at cellular level and overall efficiency of conventional antibiotics. The system could help improve cancer treatment in future.

Development of antibiotic resistance due to inefficient and indiscriminate use of antibiotics poses a treatment challenge. The severity of the problem increases in patients with weak immune system like in cancers. In the absence of new and more potent antibiotics or other viable alternatives, scientists are focusing on improving efficacy of existing options.

Research team of IIT Delhi

Researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi(IIT-D) have used nanoconjugates – nanoparticle bound with molecules to render them added biological features – in this context. The new study demonstrates that the nanoparticle-bound antibacterial agent, a short molecule called sushi-peptide, was more efficient than anti-bacterial agent alone. ―We used nanoparticles as efficient delivery vehicles for the antibiotic and cancer cell-specific biomarkers for specific targeting‖ explained Dr Shalini Gupta, one of the lead researchers of the study published in journal Scientific Reports. The strategy, according to researchers, may specifically be useful in treating infected cancer cells where conventional antibacterial agents cannot reach. Dr Gupta elaborates ―our strategy is to reach and kill these bacteria that lie hidden inside the cancer cells‖. The study demonstrates this by effectively eliminating E.Coli and S.typhi bacteria in cells under laboratory conditions. The gold nanoparticle-based conjugate was efficiently taken up by the cell and demonstrated no toxicity. Adding to this, Dr Neetu Singh, another member of the research team, said ―the nanoparticle system offers a platform for new generation of antibiotics, which are active at much

Page 114 of 118 lower dosages thus addressing a very common problem of bacteria developing resistance to most of the known antibiotics due to overdosing‖. The study team included Rohini Singh, Smita Patil, Dr Neetu Singh and Dr Shalini Gupta. (India Science Wire) 22759

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Scientists develop new method to identify pests with precision Bhavya Khullar, 29 July 2017

Scientists have developed a new method to precisely identify a class of plant sucking pests which affectseveral commercially important crops.

Thrips are tiny plant sucking insects, one to three millimeters in length that cause damage to crops by direct feeding and by transmitting plant viruses. At present, these insects are identified based on their physical features like colour and body architecture. A major obstacle in correct identification is their small sizeand high degree of similarity at some stages of their life cycle. Identifying these insects correctly is important for designing appropriate pest management strategies.

Now scientists at the Centre for DNA Taxonomy, Zoological Survey of India in Kolkata, have developed a DNA barcoding technique to identify thrips insect species in India and found that this technique is effective. It could be of immense value as thrips cause huge losses to crops such as onion, chilli, brinjal, capsicum, watermelon and tomato. Identifying thrips correctly can help design relevant pest management strategies to prevent these losses.

Researchers collected 336 insect samples from 78 locations in India. The sample collection was done for four years between 2011 and 2015. In three years, they have made a library of 370 DNA sequences that can be used for precisely identifying these plant pests. DNA analysis was done to analyze the sequence of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase gene, said Kaomud Tyagi, who is the first author on the study. The results have been published in a recent issue of the journal Scientific Reports.

―We have standardized and confirmed DNA barcoding method to be used for identifying thrips species correctly. Our study has also revealed that similar looking insects can belong to different species. Identifying species of thrips is now possible at the larval stage or even from a small portion of the body,‖ Dr. Vikas Kumar, a member of the research team, told India Science Wire.

Thrips also leave white streaky trails after feeding on fruits that makes them unfit for exports. In the long run, using DNA barcoding for identifying thrips could help increase income from exports, believes Dr. Kumar. The study will help design appropriate pest management strategies as different species respond to different pesticides and doses.

Sharad Mohan, a scientist at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, who is not connected to the study agrees that, ―barcoding is of immense value in validating the diversity of pests in different agro-climatic zone of India. Instead of using conventional taxonomic ways that may take months, barcoding helps in identifying pests that helps recommend and implement specific management protocols without wasting much time,‖ he says.

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Kailash Chandra, Director of ZSI, said, ―We are starting a new project on large scale barcoding of insect pests and vectors of agricultural and veterinary importance soon."

The research team included Kaomud Tyagi, Vikas Kumar, Devkant Singha, Kailash Chandra, Boni Amin Laskar, Shantanu Kundu, Rajasree Chakraborty, and Sumantika Chatterjee. precision

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दैननक जागयण, 31 जुराई, 2017

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