Exoplanets in our Backyard 2020 (LPI Contrib. No. 2195) 3006.pdf PEAS: THE PLANET AS EXOPLANET ANALOG SPECTROGRAPH. E. C. Martin1 and A. J. Skemer1, 1Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA (
[email protected]) Introduction: Exoplanets are abundant in our Galaxy • Produce 2D surface maps of Venus, Mars, Jupi- and yet characterizing them remains a technical chal- ter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune lenGe. Solar System planets provide an opportunity to • Produce fiducial measurements that will be used test the practical limitations of exoplanet observations to plan instruments for future exoplanet mis- with hiGh siGnal-to-noise data, and ancillary data (such sions, such as HabEx/LUVOIR and TMT. as 2D maps and in situ measurements) that we cannot Long term: access for exoplanets. However, data on Solar System • Time-series observations of Solar System plan- planets differ from exoplanets in that Solar System ets to explore variability and weather patterns planets are spatially resolved while exoplanets are all on planets unresolved point-sources. • Comparison to historical data (e.g. [4]) There have been several recent efforts to validate techniques for interpreting exoplanet observations by • Study planetary seismoloGy (oscillation modes) binning images of Solar System planets to a single of Solar System planets pixel: For example, Cowan et al. [1] used images from the EPOXI mission to study Earth’s Globally averaGed PEAS Instrument Design Planetary light collect- properties as it rotated; MayorGa et al. [2] used data ed by the telescope will be split into a spectroGraph from the Cassini spacecraft’s fly-by of Jupiter to ob- system and an imaGinG system for simultaneous obser- serve Globally averaGed reflected liGht phase curves; vations.