ELLEN DESMET Contact Faculty of Law and Criminology Ghent University Universiteitstraat 4 B-9000 Ghent, Belgium T. +32 (0)9 264 69 13 M. + 32 (0)477 321 382
[email protected] Summary Ellen Desmet is the first holder of the Chair in Migration Law, established at Ghent University in October 2016. She teaches Belgian, European and international migration law as well as legal anthropology, and coordinates the migration branch of the Human Rights and Migration Law Clinic. Her PhD from the University of Leuven concerned indigenous rights and nature conservation, including fieldwork in Peru. She then held positions at the Children’s Rights Knowledge Centre, the Law and Development Research Group of the University of Antwerp and the Human Rights Centre of Ghent University. She was a guest lecturer at universities in, among others, Peru (PUCP), the DRC (Université Kongo and Université Président Joseph Kasa-Vubu) and China (Chongqing University). Ellen Desmet’s research interests include asylum and migration law, human rights – with a focus on children’s rights and indigenous rights –, and legal anthropology. She often combines legal and socio-legal research methodologies, and has developed solid organisational and management skills. Professional experience Oct. 2016 – present Assistant professor of migration law Ghent University, Faculty of Law and Criminology, Department of European, Public and International Law Oct. 2012 – Sept. 2016 Senior researcher in a coordinating role (50%) - Ghent University, Faculty of Law and Criminology, Human Rights Centre - Coordination of the Interuniversity Attraction Pole (IAP) ‘The Global Challenge of Human Rights Integration: Towards a Users’ Perspective’, www.hrintegration.be (BELSPO, 2012-2017, 2.695.040 euro in total, of which 900.000 euro for UGent) Oct.