Hall’s big 97 AMW game sparks members Altus in 35-7 learn about win over Jets community heritage SPORTS 9 FREEDOM FLYER 8 Serving Altus and Jackson County for over 112 years The 75¢ ALTUSTIMES.COM AltusTimesWEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2018 Rising from the ashes Informational Charter meeting loses formal structure and turns tense BY KATRINA GOFORTH
[email protected] Thursday night, the Altus City Council held a special meeting at South- west Technology Center to offer information and CHRIS RIFFLE JANICE CAIN answer audience ques- tions about the five char- ter propositions that will be on the Nov. 6 general election ballot. Each of the five propositions will be voted on separately. Propositions 3, 4, and 5 would make the chief RAVEN CADE MONTY Rick Carpenter | Altus Times of police, street commis- CLAYSON Altus High School Band Color Guard member Dakota Bevers, left, helps lift Tessa Roman during the band’s performance sioner and city clerk-trea- of Igor Stravinsky’s “Firebird Suite” during halftime of the Noble football game. The Color Guard enacted a presentation surer appointed positions it created called “Phenix.” During this scene, Phenix rises from the ashes and is reborn. whereas they are now elected by voters every four years. If the voters of Altus pass these proposi- More volunteers needed for Big Day of Serving tions, the elected officials BY RICK CARPENTER determined the city was Last spring, the group zation has hired a con- will answer to the city MIKE RON
[email protected] worth investing in. organized the first Ne- tractor to replace a slop- manager, Janice Cain.