Steve Rainbolt
DECATHLON HANDBOOK & MEDIA GUIDE 24th THORPE CUP USA vs GERMANY TEAM DECATHLON Dusseldorf, GER July 29-30, 2017 by: Frank Zarnowski The Decathlon Association TABLE of CONTENTS SECTION #1 BACKGROUND (pp 2-5) Team Rosters: USA, Germany Page 2 Time Schedule 2 Outlook for 2017 Meeting 2 -3 Meet History 3 Previous Team and Individual Medalists 4 Individual Meet Records 5 SECTION #2 PAST RESULTS (pp 6-8) Recent Results 6-8 2016 2015 6 2014 6 2013 6-7 2012 7 2011 7 2010 7-8 SECTION #3 EVENT RECORDS (pp 8-10) Individual Event Records: 8-10 World 8 American 8 Collegiate 9 German 9 Thorpe Cup Meet, 10 SECTION #4 DELEGATIONS (pp 11-25) USA Delegation: 11-20 Steven Bastien 11-12 Kurtis Brondyke 12-13 Scott Filip 14 Dan Golubovic 15 Gabe Moore 16 Steele Wasik 17 Tim Wunderlich 18-19 Alternate: Thomas FitzSimons 19-20 Ed Fye, Head Coach 20 Steve Rainbolt, Assistant Coach 21 German Delegation: Nico Beckers 22 Marvin Bollinger 22 Ituah Enahoro 22 Felix Hepperle 22 Patrick Scherfose 23 Rene Stauss 23 Luca Weiland 24 Alternate: Manuel Eitel 25 Stefan Press, & Georg Zwirner--Coaches 25 SECTION #5 Personal Best Page 26 SECTION 1- BACKGROUND ROSTERS- U S A Name affiliation age hometown PR score seasonal best Bastien, Steven Michigan’17 23 Saline, MI 8015 (’17) 8015 Brondyke, Kurtis The Other Guys(Central’11) 28 Clinton, IA 7795 (’16) 7746 Filip, Scott Rice U’18 22 Bloomingdale, IL 7915 (’17) 7915 Golubovic, Dan Duke’17 23 Los Angeles, CA 7717 (’17) 7717 Moore, Gabe Arkansas’19 21 Freeport, FL 7699 (’17) 7699 Wasik, Steele Texas’19 21 Medina, OH 7715 (’17) 7715 Wunderlich, Tim Shore AC (Dartmouth’09) 30 Westminster, MD 7636 (’12) 7528 Alternate: FitzSimons, Thomas Santa Barbara TC 28 Hamden, CT 7791 (‘15) 7494 Coaches: Ed Fye, Doane College; Steve Rainbolt, Wichita State University.
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