C2 | SUNDAY, APRIL 11, 2021 CASPER STAR-TRIBUNE Contact OPINION Letters to the editor:
[email protected] The Personal Constitution: Natrona Tribune: Est. in 1891; The Casper Daily Tribune: Est. Oct. 9, 1916, by J.E. Hanway; The Casper Star: Est. in 1949 | A Lee Enterprises newspaper 170 Star Lane, Casper, WY 82604 Embodied in First Amendment
[email protected] | 307-266-0500 ext. 0 MICHELLE ROBINSON he concept of the “Personal The “great object” of the Bill President Constitution,” which we in- of Rights, James Madison had What were DALE BOHREN Publisher Emeritus T troduced in this column last said, when introducing his draft JOSHUA WOLFSON Editor week, is personifi ed in the First of amendments to the House of they thinking? SALLY ANN SHURMUR Community News Editor Amendment freedoms, particu- Representatives, was to “limit and The Constitution is currently a COMMUNITY BOARD MEMBERS: larly in the rights of religious lib- qualify the powers of Govern- hot topic, but many honestly may Steve Degenfelder erty and freedom ment,” for the purpose of making have a more shallow depth of Dave Freudenthal of expression. The certain that none of the powers knowledge than needed to pro- Jamie Purcell exercise of these granted to the government could ductively discuss the Constitution, liberties summons be exercised in forbidden fi elds, its impact on our government and the most funda- including religion. Since Con- our daily lives. With that in mind, mental beliefs that gress was granted no authority the Star-Tribune is pleased to human beings pos- to impose religious orthodoxy, present this weekly column, writ- STAR-TRIBUNE EDITORIAL DAVID sess.