NORTH EAST NORTH EAST Key Nationwide bus times Facts * over 61 million Customer services passenger journeys Monday to Friday 9.00am until 5.00pm were made on Stagecoach 0191 566 0231 @stagecoachNE North East buses
[email protected] or write to over 19 million miles operated Customer Services, Stagecoach North East Wheatsheaf, Sunderland, SR5 1AQ across the North East Disability helpdesk 99.5% Monday to Friday 9.00am until 5.00pm reliability 0191 566 0248 (TypeTalk enabled) and 91.9% punctuality on services
[email protected] throughout the North East Fax: 0191 566 0230 437 Bus Appeals Body buses across Newcastle, If you are unhappy with our response you may contact Sunderland, South Shields, the Bus Appeals Body Annual Hartlepool and Teesside 0300 111 0001
[email protected] Performance 1337 staff employed across six Stagecoach North East depots North East May 2018 - April 2019 * Calls cost 12p per minute plus your phone company’s access charge. All details correct at the time of going to print, July 2019. Our People helping to streamline the customer experience We work with drivers continuously to improve The key measures of our performance are the Investments renewed fundraising initiative led by driving and provide proactive and reactive support driving skills and use a monitoring system on reliability and punctuality of those journeys staff in the north east and delivered by the We are a major employer in the local wherever possible. buses called GreenRoad. Using a traffic-light and, in the past year, we operated 99.5% of Contactless, smart ticketing and the hard, collaborative work of key departments economy, with 1,337 employees, of whom LED system on the dashboard, GreenRoad our scheduled services.