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TCU DAILY SKIFF Vol. 87, No. 47 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1986 Fort Worth, Texas Students awaken to closed classes By Kathy Fuller 'When I walked by at Staff Writer around 11 p.m., four With her coat buttoned to her neck, Dawn Prillaman buried herself with people Were already blankets and sat in front of Heed Hull camping out so I knew Tuesday at 11:30 p.m. to vie for prior- ity in Wednesday morning's registra- then I had to hurry up tion line. and get my stuff to make Reed-Sadler Mall was covered with blankets, Dunkin Donuts sacks, class sure I had a good spot.' schedule forms and desperate stu- DAWN PRILLAMAN, dents by the time the registrar's office opened at 7:30 a.m. registrant "When I walked by at around 11 p.m., four people were already camp- should be held in the Rickel Building. ing out so I knew then I had to hurry That way students could keep out of up and get my stuff to make sure I had the night air, he said. a good spot," said Prillaman, a junior "TCU needs to work with us during furnishings major. registration," McCraw said. "Offering Prillaman, who is a marketing more sections of each class, especially minor, said the only reason she slept the business classes, would help a outside Tuesday night was to ensure lot" her a seat in the buver behavior Elizabeth Woods, a junior advertis- marketing class. ing/public relations major, joined the When registration finally began, registration line at around 7 a.m. She Prillaman said she knew she would said it's worth it to get up early, be- get all of her classes-but she didn't. cause one morning decides your next The lady behind the computer ter- semester. minal turned to Prillaman and in- Woods said she commends the reg- formed her that buyer behavior had istrar's office for opening the doors been filled the day before, Prillaman before the usual 6 a.m. said "Getting started at 7:30 really TCUDMIySkNI/JoeD Williams "I was so mad," Prillaman said. helped move things a little faster," Welcome end to ■ long watt - Rae Jean Richard, a junior design major Sadler Hall. Advanced registration will continue through Wednesday "You would think before the registrar Woods said. gels cleared for registration by Ann Thompson Tuesday morning in Nov. 26. employees leave the office that they Woods also agreed more sections would post a list outside the building should be provided for each class. stating which classes had been filled "I noticed most of the people in line for the day. were business majors. You'd think the "When I asked the registrar why a business school would realize the Chemicals may hide heart disease list wasn't posted, she said they put in problem and open more sections," very long hours, and they don't wait Woods said. "Lots of my friends are DALLAS (AP)-The opium-like said in an interview. Some research has suggested that shown no effect of naloxone, Sheps around to do it," Prillaman said. held back in their major because of brain chemicals that may be associ- He described his findings Thursday increased production of endorphins said. More research will be required "The registrar told me they worked this conflict." ated with "runners' high" could be at the annual meeting of the American produces the feeling of exhilaration to answer the question, he said. until around 4:30 or 5 p.m. Wei', if TCU Registrar John DuPree said hiding symptoms of dangerous heart Heart Association, and said the study called "runners' high" experienced by- "This study is very preliminary," he you ask me, I think they should be the registrar's office has no control of damage in some people, researchers is scheduled for publication in the some runners, but that issue remains said, referring to his new findings. "1 able to stay there a little longer just a how many sections are offered for said Thursday. American Journal of Cardiology early controversial. would not wan* to overemphasize the few days each semester to help the each class. Heart disease patients who experi- next year. Sheps said his own studies cast results." students out and compose a list of "It is something that each college is enced no pain during exercise had 35 If the finding is ultimately con- doubt on the theorized link between closed classes so that other people responsible for," he said. Sheps and hit colleagues studied 25 don't do what I did and not realize to 40 percent more of the chemicals in firmed, it should be possible to give endorphins and runners' high. patients with some blockage of the "We are registering about 700 stu- their class is closed." their blood than did patients who felt people drugs that would block the ac- Some previous studies have shown coronary arteries that supply blood to dents a day," DuPree said. "We post a Even though she didn't get the the chest pains known as angina, said tion of the chemicals. That would that naloxone, a drug that blocks the the heart muscle. class-closing list each morning. Post- Dr. David Sheps of the University of allow heart patients to feel the stress action of opium, will increase pain class she wanted, Prillaman said ing it a; night is inapplicable, because North Carolina in Chapel Hill. on their hearts so they can reduce during episodes of reduced blood flow The disease was recognized be- everyone who slept out for registra- when we leave here in the late after- The finding may explain the puz- their activity appropriately, Sheps to the heart. cause the patients had all experienced tion had a good time. noon we send the list to the printer, zling phenomenon called "silent said. Those studies support Sheps find- some chest pain, he said, but some of "We sat around talked and passed and we are unable to wait around for it ischemia," a painless reduction of The chemicals in question are cal- ings, because they suggest the nalox- the patients did not experience chest the time," she said. "I just wish the to print." blood flow to the heart. It can lead to led beta endorphins. They are re- one is producing its effect by blocking pain with every stressful episode. university would allow us into the DuPree said the list is picked up serious heart damage in some patients leased by the brain and behave like the action of the opium-like endor- The 25 subjects were given an exer- building or something because it's so first each morning and posted next to because they have no warning that opium in the body, acting as natural phins. cise test. Fifteen of them felt chest cold outside." the door of Sadler Hall. their hearts are under stress, Sheps pain-killers. Other studies, however, have pains and 10 did not. Lin McCraw, a sophomore Advance registration will end accounting major, said registration Wednesday, Nov. 26. Khomeini opposes Chance of drug abuse greater for some By Francesca Taylor nizations that have parties centered students drink. Benison said. around the keg instead of friendship Staff Writer U.S. ties and fellowship, and children of alco- 'The absolute best tool we have in the battle "The main reason that most stu- NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP)-Iran's holics, Benison said. against drugs on campus are the students who dents tell me they drink is to get The setting: a college campus. drunk, and to experience that high, revolutionary leader Ayatollah The elements: late-night study ses- Benison, who has been teaching Ruhollah Khomeini on Thursday courses on drugs and health for the want to help get their peers off of drugs and that euphoria and to get that altered sions, pizza binges, Greek life, room- state," Benison said. ruled out reconciliation with mates . and drug abuse. past five years, said trying to inform abusiveness/ In dissuading st"dents from using Washington and said any Iranian This was the subject of a lecture students about the damage subst- BETTY BENISON, PhED instructor drugs, she said she reminds students officials who seek to improve rela- given Tuesday at CareUnit Outpa- ances do in the human body is the they are not in control of situations tions are "Satan-oriented." tient services by Betty Benison, an most important part of her job. when under the influence of che- "I never expected such things instructor in the TCU physical educa- "In teaching drug education, I want show between 82 and 93 percent "We also know that for everyone micals. from these people," Khomeini, 86, tion department. them to know what drugs do inside drink occasional I y-about one to three who drinks or has a problem with said in a speech at his residence in A faculty specialist on drug abuse, their bodies," Benison said. "I've had to tell people the same times a week. drinking, about four other people north Tehr n. His remarks were Benison defines drug abuse as the use "All I can hope for is to present the thing over and over again, 'You feel "Based on these figures, approx- known as 'significant others' are broadcast by Tehran radio and of mood -altering chemicals or drugs information to students who are re- just a little better when you have that imately 5,400 to 6,200 drink occa- affected," Benison said. monitored in Nicosia. resulting in negative social, physical ceptive and hope they make the right chemical in your body that makes you sionally, but that's a lot of young peo- "Those people can be boyfriends, 'This is a time when they should and or emotional consequences.