Name of Deceased (Surname First)
Date before which' Name of Deceased Address, description and date of death of Deceased Names, addresses and descriptions of Persons to whom notices of claims are to be given notices 6f claim (Surname first) and names, in parentheses, of Personal Representatives to be given GOLDMAN, Winifred Jane 2 Downsbridge Road, Beckenham, Kent, Spinster. Midland Bank Executor and Trustee Company Limited, Midland Bank Chambers, 139 13th March 1959 24th September 1958. North End, Croydon, Surrey, or Levett Son & Hessenberg, Midland Bank Chambers, (269) High Street, Bromley, Kent, Solicitors. LAWSON, Allan 3 Drake Road, Brockley, London, Telephone Striker Holford & Co., 89 Lewisham High Street, London S.E.I3, Solicitors. (Derrick 13th March 1959 Operator. 21st November 1958. Straker.) (270) PIKE, Mary Jane 70 Lee Road, Blackheath, London S.E.3, Widow. Straker Holford & Co., 89-91 Lewisham High Street, London S.E.I3, Solicitors. 13th March 1959 4th December 1958. (Barclays Bank Limited.) (271) KEVERN, John Howard... 24 Cleveland Road, Baling, London W.I3, Friendly Lloyds Bank Limited, Executor and Trustee Department, 39 Threadneedle Street, 14th March 1959 Society Secretary (Retired). 10th December 1958. London E.C.2. (272) HILL, Samuel 30 Cambridge Drive, Denton, Lancashire (formerly Brighouses, " Clarendon House," St. Georges Place, Southport, Solicitors. (Thomas 10th March 1959 of 11 Birkey Lane, Formby, Lancashire), Heating Hague Sutton and Alec Vernon Cunliffe.) (273) Engineer. 25th February 1958. HARRIS, Arthur 64 Kingsway, West Wickham, Kent, Retired Salesman. Pringle & Co., 5 Friends Road, Croydon, Surrey, Solicitors. (Lea Marie Harris) 23rd March 1959 1st November 1957. (274) HURLEY, Lilian Edith ... 19 Park Lane, Wallington, Surrey, Spinster.
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