Grace United Methodist Church Notes from Grace

September2020 The Reverend Dr. JaeHaeng Choi How Is Your Soul? How is your soul? We are living in a very challenging time. We very much desire to go back to a normal life before the COVID-19. We miss in- person worship, gathering in the chapel or sanctuary, singing hymns, and having fellowship afterwards. We also miss small groups and missions. Living in this difficult time, I often remember Peter who walked on the water when his focus was on Jesus, but was sinking when he diverted his atten- tion from Jesus to the waves of his surroundings. I also remember Rembrandt’s painting titled “Jesus Calming the Storm” below. This painting describes the sto- ry in Mathew 8:23-27, Mark 4:35-41, Mark 4:35-41, and Luke 8:22-25.

There are 13 people in the painting including Rembrandt himself. Ob- serve how the disciples were responding to the storm while Jesus was sleeping in the boat. Some struggled to control the storm by fighting with the ropes. Some cried out to Jesus, waking him up. Some fell sick. Others were praying for help. Inside this issue: With whom do you identify in the painting while living in this stormy October Sermon Series 2 time of the coronavirus? Do you struggle to control this stormy season and feel

Milestones 6 angry and frustrated? Or are you tired of this extended pandemic and feel sick? Or do you try to find strength in Jesus? Children’s Coloring Page 7

News Briefs and Notes 8 Jesus says, “Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11: 28). In Philippians. Paul, from October Calendar 9 his own experiences of faith in Jesus Christ, says that “Do not worry about any- thing, but in everything by prayer and sup- Pastor’s Letter continued on next page

Page 2 Notes from Grace September2020

Pastor’s Letter continued from front page plication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which sur- passes all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (4: 6-7). Jesus is our rock and the hiding place in our difficult time. Please spend some time with Jesus every day and find strength to live through this distressful time. I can say this with confidence out of my own experiences with Jesus. The Upper Room, a daily devotional book will be a good start to pray. Copies of September and October are waiting for you in the church narthex. Please come by the church during the office hours. Jesus never disappoints those who seek him. May God bless you and keep you, and give you power enough to live in peace each day! Grace and Peace, Pastor JaeHaeng

October Sermon Series The sermon series in October is “Jesus’ Teachings on Christian Life.” It is developed from the in- sight of Christopher Maricle’s book, The Jesus Priorities: 8 Essential Habits. Join Pastor JaeHaeng on Sunday mornings at 10 am via internet or telephone. Call the church office for more information. Sundays Scripture Sermon Title______10.4 Acts 11:1-18 Grace Binds Us Together (World Communion Sunday)

10.11 Matthew 19:16-22 Luke 12:33-34 Generosity 10.18 Luke 18:9-14 Humility 10.25 Matthew 28:19-20 Acts 1:8-11 Be A Witness to Jesus Christ

Events Cancelled or rescheduled Due to the continued COVID19 restrictions in place the activities listed below will be impacted as follows: • Thrift Shop scheduled for October 3 will be rescheduled after the new year. • Food Fest scheduled for November will be rescheduled for winter 2021. • Trunk or Treat scheduled for Halloween, on October 31, has been can- celled by the Town of Parksley

September2020 Notes from Grace Page 3

Conference Halted Food Collection

The virtual meet- On behalf Grace’s ef- ing of the 2020 Virginia forts towards Collecting Cans Annual Conference was for Conference, Jim Eckard de- halted by Bishop Sharma livered a total of 98 pounds of Lewis, at noon, on September 19. A statement re- non-perishable food to Food leased from Bishop Lewis is as follows: Bank in September. The col- lection of food was part of the “Because of the technical difficulties and 2020 virtual Virginia Annual because we were not able to properly organize the Conference. annual conference according to our Standing Rules” she said, “I am immediately invalidating and October Readers postponing the 238th Virginia Annual Conference to another date in 2020 if possible.” The bishop Scripture Readers for emphasized her preference is to have a complete October Worship Services: annual conference in 2020, but if not, conference 10.4 Bill Cheesman will meet in 2021 in Hampton. 10.11 Lou Bloxom Before the conference was cancelled, one of the Glory Sightings featured was the Una Familia 10.18 Revell Lewis program of the Eastern Shore and the impact they 10.25 Jane Kellam had on helping Latino students and families over the years. Unfortunately, that program has since been closed. Grace in mission

Additionally, the Denman Award for Cler- Thanks to all who donated gy which recognizes a person whose life and minis- items for college students at try exemplifies the teaching of Christ and the Grace. The church office did not Great Commission, was presented to Brenda Laws receive notification of students to of New Beginnings UMC in New Church. which we could send the items collected, therefore the items During this time of distance from in- were taken to Metompkin Elementary School to be person worship, please keep your offerings cur- used by students and faculty. rent. The church’s expenses are ongoing. Offer- Thank you again for your generosity! The ings can be made online or sent directly to Grace items were greatly appreciated by the faculty at UMC, P.O. Box 156, Parksley, VA 23421. Metompkin.

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Healthy church Team Charge Conference Date

The Healthy The Annual Charge Church Team met twice Conference will meet at 4 in September to discuss pm, on Sunday, October 25 . moving towards in- This meeting will be virtual person worship at Grace. (Zoom) and is available to all Strict guidelines issued members of the church via from the Bishop must be in place and all require- internet or a toll free tele- ments must be met before in-person worship can phone number. The meeting will include the elec- resume. Those restrictions are: tion of a slate of officers proposed by the Leader- • Masks must be worn at all times ship Committee and approved by Church Council • Strict social distancing must be maintained as well as a budget prepared by the Finance Com- mittee. • Those attending will be asked to read and affirm questions on a poster before entering the Grace will be in conference with Guilford, church Cape Charles-Capeville, Greenbackville and Melfa United Methodist Churches. • Bibles and Hymnals removed from Sanctuary • No singing Because Pastor JaeHaeng arrived at Grace • No paper materials can be distributed (bulletins, under the extraordinary circumstances of announcements, etc.) COVID19, she has asked existing officers to serve one more year in their current position. With the • Bathroom facilities are NOT available except for exception of a very few who could not continue to emergencies serve, each person agreed to serve an additional • Handshaking/hugging are not permitted year. • Hand sanitizer will be available • Designated seating will insure that congregants are spaced out in the Sanctuary District Conference

A plan has been developed and approval is The final conference of the expected by Church Council. Once Council ap- season is the annual Eastern Shore proves the plan it will be submitted to the District District Conference. The meeting Superintendent for final approval. will be held, via Zoom, at 10 am, If everything falls in to place, it is ex- on Saturday, October 31. pected that the congregation can return to Information will be forth- in person worship, with the strict guide- coming with details of the meeting. If you have any lines in place, on Sunday, November 1. The questions, please contact the District Office, (757) congregation will be notified!! 665-6295.

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Direct appeal to members for projects

On August 27, a spe- the membership so that we do not have to consider cial meeting of Church Coun- going into debt. The goal is $75,000 in contribu- cil was held in LeeMont Hall. tions or pledges (payable over the next three years) . The meeting was called to These are difficult times and many people discuss several issues present- are experiencing financial difficulties. Members ed by the Trustees. who are able to give are asked not to do so in lieu of The first issue regarded the failure of the normal tithes and offerings. It is not expected for Sanctuary air conditioning system. The system was anyone to make a gift if not comfortable in doing so. installed in the mid 1970s when the building was Cost cutting measures and continued sup- built. Repairs were attempted but the final deduc- port from the congregation have managed to keep tion was that the repairs that needed to be made Grace in a financial condition that has allowed bills were costly enough that it made sense to replace to be paid during the past several months. Extraor- the whole system. The 20 ton heat pump system dinary expenses such as those outlined in this article will include an ultraviolet air purifying device for are part of maintaining aging buildings and equip- reduction of bacteria, virus particles, dust and ment. mold. As of September 24, $17,500 has been Also discussed at the meeting was the need raised. If you wish to help with the cost of the pro- to restore the stained glass windows in the Sanctu- jects and haven’t sent your gift, please consider do- ary. The windows were first deemed in need of ing so as soon as possible. repair during the complete renovation of the church in 2012/13. Help Wanted! Finally, the Trustees recommended pro- As of press time, the po- ceeding on a long scheduled plan to replace the sition of Administrative Assistant jalousie windows and doors in the parsonage at Grace has not been filled. breezeway. The windows are original to the house Dottie Smith’s last day was (mid 1950s) and are not energy efficient. There is Thursday, September 17. She has agreed to come rot around the front windows which will also be in one day a week until the position is filled to help repaired. A side benefit is that replacement will update financial records. greatly enhance the appearance of the parsonage. If you know of someone who might be in- In order to support the cost of these pro- terested in this part time position, please ask them jects and get them underway as soon as possible, to call Pastor JaeHaeng or any member of the Pas- Council approved a direct fund raising appeal to tor Parish Relations Committee.

Page 6 Notes from Grace September2020 October Milestones Birthdays Charlotte Tyler, Sallie Hickman, Wayne Core, Allison Hart, Margie Phillips, Mac Mackie, Stewart Kambarn, Ellie Harvie, Fritz Lauer, Dana Drummond, Sarah Lewis, Clay Reese, MacKenzie Burkhead, Virginia Tyler, Caroline Krouse, Tanner Parks, Blaire Bloxom, Pat Parrish, Tom Anderson, Sr., Michael Turner, Margie Byrd, Tanya Fears, Danny Taylor, Lindsey Hart, Thomas Johnson


Mac and Elsie Mackie John and Anny Kellam Cecil and Marie Marshall

Deepest sympathy is expressed to the family of Wayne Barnes Ewell, 79, who passed away on September 12, at his residence in Wilmington, North Carolina. Born in Bloxom, Virginia on October 10, 1940, he was the son of the late Walter Ward Ewell and Amanda Barnes Ewell. He is survived by two daughters and their families, Chelsea, Jason and Cole Thornhill; and Clair Ewell and Zander Barnes McCabe, all of Wilmington. He is also survived by three sisters and their fami- lies, Angela Benton, Theresa Lewis, Lynwood Lewis and Lisa Lewis, and Andrea and Donnie Mason, all of Parksley. Wayne graduated from Virginia Commonwealth University and obtained an Master’s of Educa- tion from Salisbury University. After graduating, he traveled to China and lectured English in Dalian and Lushun. He further taught communications workshops in Bangkok, Thailand.

------Deepest sympathy is expressed to the family of Bryan Keith Powell, 62, who passed away Sep- tember 23, at Riverside Regional Medical Center, Newport News. A native of Painter, he was the son of the late James Lee Powell, Sr. and the late Jean Harris Powell. He was president and owner of Eastern Shore Termite Company and a member of Central Lodge #300 AF&AM. Bryan is survived by two sons, George Keith “Gee” Powell of Lynchburg, and Ryan Keith Powell and his wife, Elizabeth, of Onancock; a sister, Pat Nottingham and her husband, John Lee, of Keller, VA; two brothers, James Lee Powell, Jr. and his wife, Ginny, of Painter, and Brent Powell and his wife, Kendra of Melfa; three grandchildren, Madison Grace Powell and Ella Mae Powell, both of Onancock, and Har- bor Finn Powell of Lynchburg; and numerous nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by a brother, Trent Powell.

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Children’s coloring page

Page 8 Notes from Grace September2020 News Briefs and Notes Memorial gifts • Church Council will meet in LeeMont Hall at 7 pm, Monday, October 12. The following memorial gifts have been received at • The deadline for the November issue of Notes from Grace is 9 am, Wednesday, October 21. Grace as of September 24: • As of September 24, year to date income is $95,687.43; the amount given to mission, nur- In Memory of Byrd Godwin ture and outreach this year is $8,259.08. Esther Blake • Food Bank Sunday is October 25. Please drop In Memory of Evelyn Ray off your non-perishable foods on Tuesday, Esther Blake Wednesday or Thursday mornings. Connie Taylor

From the Editor ago...and when you think that loved ones, and everything else Fall is decidedly here! The John Herman was our interim that has been a part of COVID19, cool morning temperatures of the pastor at that time, a lot has we can each agree that it has been past week or so heralded the changed since then! quite a few months. change of seasons and had us We have seen the arrival of So, as we move towards searching out blankets while mov- our new pastor who has had tre- some level of normalcy, we can ing the thermostat from air condi- mendous obstacles to overcome each do our part by adhering to tioning to heat! Colors of yellow as she settled in to her new home the guidelines put forward by the and orange are starting to appear and church. We have also seen Healthy Church Team. The team on trees and nature is getting the departure (almost) of Dottie is staying between the lines drawn ready for the arrival of cold weath- Smith who was a loyal servant at by our Bishop so that we can safely er months. Grace as Administrative Assistant return to worship. We want to The arrival of Fall brings for almost a decade. keep everyone healthy and abiding the news that we should be getting These two changes are by the rules should give us com- back to in-person worship soon. If enormous but when you com- fort towards that goal. everything works out, we should pound them with having to wor- It will be good to be in the be back in church (with a host of ship via the computer (or phone), Sanctuary with friends again. We restrictions) at the beginning of isolation and not being able to see look forward to seeing as many of November. We have not wor- and visit with each other, masks, you a possible. Come to shiped in person since Sunday, social distancing, cancellation of church…you will be glad you did. March 8. It seems like a long time all church activities, the loss of Lisa W. Lewis

September2020 Notes from Grace Page 9 OCTOBER 2020


1 2 3 Church Office Closed

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 am Zoom Worship Church Office Closed

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 10 am Zoom Worship 7 pm Church Coun- Church Office cil Closed

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 10 am Zoom Worship 9 am Newsletter Church Office Deadline Closed

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Food Bank Halloween

Sunday 10 am Zoom Worship

Grace United Methodist Church Non-Profit Org Post Office Box 156 18484 Wilson Avenue US Postage Parksley, Virginia 23421-0156 Paid Return Service Requested Permit No. 4 Parksley, VA 23421 Church Office Telephone: (757) 665-4783 Church email: [email protected] Parsonage Phone: (757) 665-1452 Pastor’s Cell Phone: (408) 838-2193 Pastor’s email: [email protected]

Church Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9 am - 1:30 pm Friday Closed

Pastor of Grace UMC : The Reverend Dr. JaeHaeng Choi

Pastor’s Office Hours: Tuesday - Thursday 9 am - 1 pm Fridays by appointment

Church Staff Administrative Assistant Dottie Smith Organist Kenny Lang Custodian Robin Ford Child Care Worker Ellen Johnson

Newsletter Editor Lisa W. Lewis (757) 787-3352 [email protected] Web site