Comparison of Unity and Unreal Engine
Bachelor Project Czech Technical University in Prague Faculty of Electrical Engineering F3 Department of Computer Graphics and Interaction Comparison of Unity and Unreal Engine Antonín Šmíd Supervisor: doc. Ing. Jiří Bittner, Ph.D. Field of study: STM, Web and Multimedia May 2017 ii iv Acknowledgements Declaration I am grateful to Jiri Bittner, associate I hereby declare that I have completed professor, in the Department of Computer this thesis independently and that I have Graphics and Interaction. I am thankful listed all the literature and publications to him for sharing expertise, and sincere used. I have no objection to usage of guidance and encouragement extended to this work in compliance with the act §60 me. Zákon c. 121/2000Sb. (copyright law), and with the rights connected with the Copyright Act including the amendments to the act. In Prague, 25. May 2017 v Abstract Abstrakt Contemporary game engines are invalu- Současné herní engine jsou důležitými ná- able tools for game development. There stroji pro vývoj her. Na trhu je množ- are numerous engines available, each ství enginů a každý z nich vyniká v urči- of which excels in certain features. To tých vlastnostech. Abych srovnal výkon compare them I have developed a simple dvou z nich, vyvinul jsem jednoduchý ben- game engine benchmark using a scalable chmark za použití škálovatelné 3D reim- 3D reimplementation of the classical Pac- plementace klasické hry Pac-Man. Man game. Benchmark je navržený tak, aby The benchmark is designed to em- využil všechny důležité komponenty her- ploy all important game engine compo- ního enginu, jako je hledání cest, fyzika, nents such as path finding, physics, ani- animace, scriptování a různé zobrazovací mation, scripting, and various rendering funkce.
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