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Las Vegas Daily Optic, 1896-1907 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

5-7-1898 Las Vegas Stock Grower, 05-07-1898 The Las Vegas Publishing Co.

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r ij'f lÜlii i m mm Lf 7 XJ . JJL JL JLJ AND STOCK GROWER.

Fifteenth Tear No 7 EAST LAB VEQA3, NKW MEXICO MAT 7. 1808. $2 00 Tear.

Nkw York, May 8 I out met Ion When You Want Anything Think of lliYId's News. hare been tent to Cramp's ship llulld-in- g Telegraphic company by It. A. C. Smith, presi- lha dent of tha American Mail Steamship company, that the lint of the twin-vcro- ILFELD'S sells steamships now in course of Lu Vrgss, N. M. Madrid, May 6. Hour Kon& h1 conrt ruction at the yards, should be vices s y that Hi" Americans re re- christened Admiral Dewev. The hI (WHOLESALE & RETJJL.) ported to hate United at Cavile after and sinter ships are to tie leey Tin- - toro of tlm kind in the the. fresh tinmhaidincnt. limit with fpeciul reference to quick Digest Mar o. A special from and economical conversion luto naval Territory U now filled copiplctrly with auxiliary Véasele. Shanghai, published today, gives wh4 gu-n- t asoninent in every licpat tinetit. Japanese repoit of puiport to be tli Wasiiinoton, May 5 It Is expect-- the l!(tttnit at Manila, received via Dry Goods, Millinery, Clothing. II its, Shoes, Fermos. It says after disposing in Administration circles that I'ueito Carpets, furniture, Crockery, Spanish lleeltttand Cavile, Com- Kico will be taken by the foiled Sta'es of the high modore Dewey bombarded Manila tomorrow. A oniclal said loilav Hardware, Stoves. Tinware-- . Implements, Itself. (pilars, win soon that Important news might be expee'ed Bain Wagons, Ranch Supplies. on lire In many parta, the work chiefly from I'uorto Kico Sunday. Insurgents. A (treat loa of Always visit us when In town. of the May 6. A special from bund ua your mall ordara. life )h reported to have occurred among London, the Spauish. Shanghai says that Commodore Dewey London, My 8. The New Agency after crushing tha Spanish fleet and Agent fur'Itutierick Pattern and 'Delineator' of thlH city publishes a dispa'ch from disposing of Cavile, bombarded Manila Washington, 1). C. which sava that which was soon on tire. A great ins Sacreiarv Loiht admita he has received oi life is i e ported. an unofficial telegram from the far east ( to tlie effect that ( ommmiore newey London May 6. The Spanish FIRST NATIONAL BANK, bombarded Manila, doing an Immense authorities are Intimating that Coturno Inflicting Las Vegas, New Mexico. damage t the place and dore I) jwey has bean entrapped by tha enormous loss of life upon Us deiend- - Spanish gun bouts kept concealed out. en. side of tha harbor It Is believed, how JomiCA Kaynoi.ks President. Washington. May 8. Secretary us ever, they ara only trying to make .1, atiseuee of V. Zoi.lakh Vice I'resldent. n, - Ilfl I1SI in riiri ,7 ii jws from the American Meet. A. 11. Smith Cashier. the suliject of Commodore Dewey's bombarded Manilla. having Nkw York, May 8. Tbe Journal FKLT. VO ANXIKTY and Adcfrtiirr says: Walter Wellnisn Interest Paid on Time Deposits 8 firth day Washington. Msv The will start Tuesday on auother expedí since the battle oil Manila opened with- l Depository of Atcliison,Topeka yS: Santa Fe Rail-roa- d out bringing the sllgntest trace of news tlun in endeavor to reach tha North engagement, from any olllciclal I'ole. He liopes also to de'erinlne the of that isle ef Andree, who has not been heard source to the Navy Department. There Attention Given tn New Mexico Collections. no apprehansiou expressed however, from since two days after he stepped Special is Into bis balloon. 11a will go by way of to licet at Maulla, mm In New Mesleo. as the American UusMia. of mnf Itnok Hono Kono, May with Mauila has not been restored. Cl.KVKI.AM, Ohio, May 6. The splendid sleel eleam yacht, Comanche, Nkw Yokk. May 6. A special from built by the (.Julie Iron Vt orks for II . J, 7UV. H6RNHNDGZ, Jamaica, says: Four I' lilted M. I launa, iu WM, has bceu bought by KingHton, the government. States warships have been sighted oil l'uerto de llanesm, Cuba, i he are Kkklin, May tt. The crsmony of lyive Stock Broker, supposed to te part of Itear Admiral closing the session of the Kíichstag Samosou's tleet. CaUlo, Sheep, Horses. took place today. The Kmperor In the Wi'l fell and buy ara oIIkImmI. P O Ií.ij I. ma N M. London, May 8. It is said there speech from the throne, referring to Corroponilnnoo ÍI7 Vir, indications that Hear Admiral Samp-so- u ttie war betweia Spain and the t'mted may attack the Canary Islands. suite, said: The government will London, May . A story is pub- fully fnllill the duties involved by lished here In the effect tint the pasitiun. but on the other hand llnlish Admlial l yhon was nolilied by will protect as far as possible (arman "SANTA FE ROUTE." the Washington Naval Strategic Hoard navigation and commerce from moless IJrtttHh subject Irom tha tallón or injury. AUihlston. Toprkst Mt Mant Vm. Allwntlr t IWIflti K. K. to remove Luuiltiy CaftUlorui Canary Islands. It is said this ac- llr Drilisli second class Lisbon, May 6. The United States counts for the SERVICE TO cruiser Charybdis being sent to Las has protested against the dispatch of THROUGH SLEEPING CAB as, leads to the conlcusion I 'aim and ammunition, etc., from here to the of Los San and San Francisco, that Itear Admiral Sampson may at- S;.anih squadron at St. Vincent, after Chicago, City Mexico, Argues, Diego tack the Cañar; Inlands, which would war was declared. draw the Spanish th-e- t out of Cadiz or bIku toOAtVKSTON and the prlplal points In Tesas. give the rolled States a naval base Chicaoo, May 6. John A, Logan, r.H. IKIIOIITIIN, " W. J If LACK, irom which to attack Spain. son of (itn. John A. Logan, and Rus Uksssal Auiit, ElPío,Ti. O. P. T. Aitt.,Tok, Kn. Ths Hnt K lmim r pnpiilrftil Una. All stork train cnnia with sir sell Harrison, son of ut hraK. Lut lui,r,tv,-- l i.m k cr ,iniuwnt. 'ur ru, full iiiluiUiSLlua slid London, May 0 The Spanish em Harrison, will be appointed Colouals lu vaiu&hla furia for rtflM ah ,i i,,rM. m n... Mtock y army t.LI TITlS.C.u lüvi Art. bas-- denies that the Queen Urgent the Volunteer and assigned to Or, I. HKOOK, Luí" Mu Vsr la, duty on corps M IIMl intends to abdicate. volunteer staff. !.! block Al , ALm'imir. !. fcaaaaa, itt 13 WEEKLY OPTIC A 1ST 3D DIOCK' OHOWEB

MAHKK.T. Washington, Msy 8. It was an- WTirn snv part of tka, nounced at the War Department today hndy n't dotng the work Caul mn4 . beep. d Telegraphic km, that the Volunteer Army would con that enture intemli-- it to CiitcAno, May fi. Cattle Receipt, do. It puta the whole y, list ot seven cori s, each in command of tern ont of tntie ont of :i.r(Ml; slow, st atly; beeves, CI 'Mi't "o; a Major (imeial. It is understood that Harm on v. hirknrna heaf stackers and feeders, 3.7(ii(tó .Uti. Fort Myer, Vs., Atlanta, tía., Chlcka-manga- . lone part of the IwkIt 4 Key Wfit, May (On board Sheep Keceipts. n,(KO; steady to Term., Richmond. Va., and (likely to run Into all patiF I of the Wlr. When (hild. Press Despatch lioat Kate strong; natives, 3 I r(); westerns, Long Island, X. Y., have been virtually mum in.. Wil HUH rea stand a row of bricks cpei.ver.) The big rrrucii iiner La ff.i. eiy.ivi lumia, e, oicl .i.r i, on rna, tnry añora too l'ayelte, of S.inU Xarazle, with full the Volunteer Army. whole row down bv Kama City .Mock one brick. That it compliment of tafsengers and a gen- exactly what happen to eral cargo, bound Irom Cortina, Spain, Kansas City. Mar ft. Cattle Re Washi.swton, ttiay fl. Secretary the when the bow. Cage has for of el fail to perform their 23d, was oft Havana ceipts 5,XX; steady: Texas steers, fH.DO asked the resignation . . April captured proper function. Consti. i shortly befoie rundown last night by; lex 20; native Worthlngton C. Ford, chief of the pntion makes trouble sil alona; the line I steeis, 3. ".Vie I'.' 5; native cows and bureau of statistics, and will appoint the bvrr out of order, ia had foi the t)i Annapolis Tim I. it Fayette WMB - Cut heifers, 2.0lir, t Ml- mocker and feed- O. 1. Ausi'in, at present connected bad for the atomach. It lmMa in heading .lirwtly into Havana, hi.i1 11 ers, 3 Oli?j fill; bull.; 83.U0ÍÍ 1.75. with the National Republican Commit- me nofly poiuinou matter, and bei-an.-e H captured only an netting chase. tee, as his successor. cannot ro any place else, it gels into the ltr Sheep Receipts, 2,OK: llrm: lambs, niooa. ne Wood caiie It all ovei the Alter being boarded once by the oilieer ii.50'(t;.50; muttons, $3.7.'ftí 1. 110. tetn. That makra alueirishnr, lassitude,t. bad - of the Annapolis, hiio attempted to run I'ort Said, Egypt. May 5 The breath and foul tasu- in the mouth, fill tor, it, I ui was a ti compelled lo Metal the aton.ach with (ra and cause wind f Mark!. Spanish steamer Lett XIII, with troops belchinu. stop digestion In Ilia mí i in i , Newport and the atomach, Xkw May 6. D6; from Manila, has sailed for Barcelona. causea mitir etotiMch, hcail-ach- t..Merrill participated in the turo. Yokk, Silver, heartburn and Liad, Copper, 11,'. You can avoid all uch trouble, for For over two hniiia Captain Hunter, Í3Í0; iJr. Plerce'a Pleaaant Prllt-- t CUR coo. of he Annapolis, temporary ll tg oIUcit, ITEMS OP INTEREST. stipation and Its attendant eirij. mid Captain 'I odd, of tin1 Wilmington Money Market exchanged signal. After examina- NkwYohk. May on call t lea-a- urpt. tion of (lie Frenchman's papers, a One hundred centenarians die in Eng- ot Meadow City prize nominally al2ít2'í percent. I'llme land yearly. Ataretular meetlna crew from Annapolis was placed mercantile paper, Hi! per cent. Lori.a, liiv. 1112, U T. A. to H I.. K , a alioard her, and she sent lo Key The word "dad" Is pure Welsh, and Mrp. Mtt-ro- y, Chicago, drain. pleanant purpria vn tendired West under ftcorl of Hit) ilmingtou. means father. lii'w hlcl the Udie t te urn A very delicate International question May fi. Wheat May, wl'hl Chicago, London journals dwell on the fact her tnank tnr kindnra In prometlng Is thought to be ii. volved, because of 1.4'J?4j July, $1.01. the long consultation which tonally that California prunes are very popular the wt nf the onlrr. Mr. Mllroy wis sending to Key Wed. Corn.-M- ay, 33 f; July, 34 in that city. prenen'ed wlih a hndom allver benjr in her -- May, July, 'I ha act that she in thought to have Oata 304; Ztt. All the land above the sea level would p ti) lu a satin cae, by tba president, declara-ti.- m lift the pamsh port after the not lili up more than one-thir- d of the Mia. J. H. Ixi. e. Bjf "t if the Indve of war, to be a warrant for Maoimii, May C Hint still ramps stems raves throughout Spain, and c Atlantic ocean. alnceie tbanka waa returned to all thoae holding her. The large number of and ; threatens to break into revolu- In the announcement of marriages in whn rendered their aervh-e- alar the pro- male passengers alio;tra, leads to the gram eomniltti e, Hudtb and Mrs. carried recruits foi tionary war. It la apparent that the Spain, the ages of the contracting par- Mr. Rm suspicion thai she Ministry are afraiil to act Lloyd Tooinioii. Tl't r file ot the quilt was Havana. It is thought probable that Sagasta ties are always given. heroically. Mobs are temporized with, a ajranii The nf Panos 1 idg France may raise some miestion re- Tientlsin and other Chinese cities auooaa. ladie garding the rapture of La Fayette. where It is feared that shooting would J utied In g Urj, Milrcy, to wbiob lead more disturbances. have no lights at night except such as Km W'kst, Fit, May tl. it la mid to serious come from private houses. lodge ha alan belonc. theie is a international aspect In (iljon, province of Oviedo, the serious troops E K U )h t the capture of the J,n l avót e, an killing of women by during Lie A flying machine covered a distance lwsrd If nd end Mra. Lnra women 1 10 .(le eh motinU guns and is a F rench naval rioting of tisher and tobacco of yards in France, the other day, ran, two waiteia at tbe Arc restaur .lit, reserve vessel. girls, caused a tremendous demonstra- before it came down with a crash. e ii arrh d a me week a , and have (iuardia Civil has Joined the fi. tion. The lull for H it id, tnry are emplnyad Wasiiiniitiin, May The seizure rioters, many of the guards having The marine lamprey's adhesive power br. F Is 121 re, in a at placa. of Ilia rench In. cr I, a Fayette by the sweethearts among the disaffected such that pounds may be raised at waiti that gun boat Annapolis c.tusrd a sensation without forcing it to loose Itn hold. m women . TOl l IIKIllI II IIMKIIAV. in uiliclal diplomatic; circles. Olli-cia- ls ani Octroi duties were merely an excuse In 1MHS. the deposits In the IriBh av. Take l.aiatlra Bromo Quinine Talilela. All drilit-aiat- a of the Mule Department declare for the outburst. The men were in- Inge banks were $l!i,(XKJ,0O0. In 1VJ, reftinil Ihe maney U it falla to cure. KSc positively tha'. there can be no question cited by agitators working for t he the amount has risen to 931,100,0)0. the I. a F was a blockade that a'ayttte down-fa- ll of the government. The runner and as inch a lawful prize. It Uijou massacre Instead of putting According to careful estimates, three I said, however, that France will lodg-- i down the riot, Increased its violence. hours of dose study wear out the body a protest with the Mate Department Muttenngs of revenge against the more than a whole day of hard physical upon receipt of nitlcial information of soldiery are on all lips. The rioters exertion. the seizure). French representatives attacked Casa Itlauca and almost of Europe think the La Fayette ban been tlelay.d If the armies should march demolished it. The infantry fear to at a 4 mile pait, & abreast, 15 inches through luisapiirehensiog, and that 1U' venture from their barracks. apart, it would require days far 5 nd 11 relean , will follow speedily, (round Caveat, I obttncdnd May fi. at them to pass a g Ven point. "?nt buuncMCiniiu ir.t lor this view i llmt tdie sailed prior lo Madrid, Another mob Moolmatc Frrs. Marcial llred the town halls, pit JounOrrict ir OqhC U. I. PTtnTOrnet war, hts 'llie average life of a theater ii 23 v tiiiiaw-- ' t' m tuft Uiuc intuí iuwc the declaration of re- ..aii.u lit r Kky May tl. The otlicers of laged and tired the law courts and years. From lHtll to lhV7 inclusive. 'mnl il'lltl Wulhi:ii'1lH. N'kst, 17 S modrl, or priolo,, with the La F'ayette said her leased the prisoners from j . theaters were burned down, and 13 ev- hvnd dtiawmx that detention iti, W tlvic, it tir?niMiiid r at, 01 will become an International episode. ery year since liai been about the av ciirir, Our ice Ti thiu lili patrnt m ui ro. Fnsign 11. II. Ziegomeir, of the Key Wk.iT, Flu., May fi. Two more erage. Pamphlet, " Hw tu l .itf ntt," itli was prizes, Spanish tlshing schooners, were rot vi Muta in'lh U. S. ui Iurt.ia ovuntrw Annapolis, who in charge of the The handle of a new shaving brush prize crew on board La Fayeile Buys brought in here today. is hollow a soap, that, Ilia denies and contains stick of the romnmiider of latter They were the Oriente and Antonio which i.i torced into the bristles, by a c.A.srjow&co. that Spanish soldteis are on board. Suarez. The Oriente was captured by skiing, to discharge a small quantity earrtty Oreici, Whkinoto. O. C. The French commander, however, ad- O. the gunboat Helena, olT llelvena, yes- when the Pros'1 is dipped in hot water. mita that he left Comuna April 2.lnl, terday. She was bound from Yuen an after the declaratb'ti of war, and took for llava with a cargo of dried llsh At lea t 'Jin KM i.i Milled balls for ball m board Mantiiel la were ni, coun- passengers. lie and had been out thirty-liv- e (lays, oa beaiinus orted into this feigns Ignoiatice as to the nature of try littt jem M'.sl of them came from ICIHCmisinapiii account of galea and contrary winds. $ltaiTmmmmT the ship's cargo, and says he will he was enough to richweiulurxt. liermany, where the larg ' if von une the Pvtatum" f I w One blank shot bring - unable to anertain what she has on est manufactory of steel balls in the M- uhm ur A Hrwultri. It?' the little fellow to terms. l .k nn.ncy while board until he examines her manliest The skipper declared he knew noth- world is located. .Other r wasting ing of the existing war conditions. byolil procar. Xkw Mav ft. A The managers of the Ctttttl'jtftcU ait lxut Yokk, special from The Antonio was captured by the dis- Íl,HiHÍutrwTitra evrry Trans .Mississippi Kx be t-- San Jose, l'uerto Itico, i ays thai pre- position to held mrclrd for tlit, Catalogue ej fl patch boat L'ncas, olí Hocus Cleja, near at Omaha, already charging a fee art irle parations i re being made there for the is (die was signalling aie ef poultry btuuucM Havana. It laid 1 cents to reception of the Spanish t'ape Verde the steamer as lor admission the grounds, la information to French where over loo I men are work nut The44ERin licet, the arrival ot which expected land In- at mK. momentarily. only to where she could without ting up the buildings. ASa. tnrchaolmlly th best? almost The war terference from the blockading fleet. wheel, l'rctlimt model. E ship now in the harbor Is the Isabella. We mx Jacitic Cat Hereafter, a special train will leave A uen ta. cala-- i The harbor has been cleared of May 6. Certain powers vessels room London, St. Petersburg on the 2d and Ulth days lug ue,mailed ftee.givta to make for again overtures to (reat every I anchorage of Cape Ili'Cl have made of mouth, for Tomsk. The trip fi'MrfMrrMInti THr etc., AOFirr wahtkd. the Verde looking in the hLTALUM a1 IHÜBAT0R C0.,Pctalnma,C-il- . i llritai.i to intervention will take six days, and the train has , All merchantmen remaining have been JUit-sK- mm ti Mifta ht-- , war between Spain and the l ulled electric lights, restaurant, sleeping ac- Iíkancu Ia Atilde. pulled up under the protection of the (ireat Urittan persisted In lulls, fearing by States, but commodations, vestibules, a piano, a bombardment the her refusal. It is a signilicant fact uurary, etc. American lltet that the Itritish naval authorities de- immediately to commission two May 0. cided The reluctlon cn th prica of prstofllce Washington, Instructions new battleships, just completed. have been telegraphed to Admiral boxea baa bad a tendency to Ibcreai tbe i' j1 Dumber nuied c jni Ural.U. Tba ( r Simpson to send a warship Inunedl-ntel- y Cii AliI.KSTOM, K. C, May 6 Firing to NatttSBa at Rtii was beard olf Charlesti n, this OiUu U now ratitliiK 2K9 bnxoa and draw- - Inland for the relief T 1 of the Inhabitants, who are American morning, but no vessels have beeti era, lavlrig but elm eu ujits ta ttiat cill-- e not takeo. Lr "V '"' fr K ciliens. sighted. sk 'J i.rtl Weekly Optic and Stock Grower.

H'.fnnt h Year, No EAST LAS VI3A8, KIW MEXICO, MAT 7, 1893. $2.00 a Tear.

I lyONKoN, May o. A letter just re cniNuioN, May 0 nucíais have AMiiNUTox, May u. Noconiirica- - Hews. ceived from Madrid, saya General about concluded there Is little pn spect tion li obtainable of the various reporta Telegraphic'3 Weyler and Señor Homero y Kohledo of rereiving news from Commodore concerning the movements of Admiral former minister of justice, are bound Dewey directly during the (lay, though Sampson's lleet. Persons who from to come to the front, as the military there is a possibility that a merchant their o Hid nl position might be sup- May Pari. 5. H Is said here that furo e has taken possession of the na- vessel may reach Hong Kong from the posed to share the coarldenee of the negotiations are now pending letween tion and the Spanish dynasty aa well Philippine", bringing some news of Administration Hie Ut the are credited with the i'ed States and Gre.t P.ritain, as the present government la by which the latter will suppoit the doomed battle and the subsequent events at titement that the Admiral has gone former. If the oilier powers Intervene Maihii, May 5. Troops are held in Manila. 'I he cabin Is ttclieverl tobe to seize I'uerto Itico It Is aserted In favor of.Spain. barracks ready to march against the cut some here its land ng with almost equal positlveness that the piace in m or Meet has gone mob or island l.uzm, point to meet the Oregon and Paris. May 6. The United Sutes, revolutionists. Cavalry and llolinao. and the City nf Manila This btinr her safely noitti. It Is added, has promised to capture Infantry patrol the streets from night- would be lieyond the reach of Com- Still another report is to the Canary Island and cede them fall to sunrise. All public buildings modore llewey. Presuming that the the elTect that the Admiral to Great Britain. are crowded wits foot and mounted dispatch boat sailed at the earliest has guie to seize M Unzas, to be used moment after the bombardment, Mon- as a base of operations. Olliciala re- police. The chief feur Is of a popular day Sam Francisco, May 5. San Fran revolution, which everybody causeo is evening, and allowing thrte days fuse absolutely to make public the cinco lias heroine the base of important brewing. for the passage, the ship is not due In plan of the strategy board. Hong Kong or Mira II. ly until tonight. A sigiullcant movement Is the ad- military and uaval operation. Itefore KIOTINO INCKKASINO. It Is already night by our time at either dition f the warship New Orleans maaydey armed men will be Madrid, Msy 6. F.lght thousand place. Delays wmud i.-cu-r before the to Com modere schley'a squadron at encamped on the Presidio reservation. striking miners made tumultous receipt of the cable here, through many Hampton li.iads, in place or tin l ie. oemoustration at Murcia, cspttal of the relav stations. So It In thought iiimbla. Without being as speedv as U . S. now sta- there The Fourth Infantry, province of They Is In department Co- that mime. shouted little chance nf otllcial news coming when lirst organized, schley'a squad- tioned the of the "Death to thieves!" ''Down In la lumbia, will lake their station Itn with during daylight hours. ron probably now able to meet on taxes!" and attempted to Are rsil-ro- ad be- the May 4. Despite even terms at least, the formidable mediately in Sun Francisco. It Is Oepol and other buildings. Then Waihinuton, Spanish lieved orders wiil be promulgated to hourly expectation of olllclal dispatch armored cruinera which sailed liegun n ovement towards from ( ape erde Islands for an un- sembla all organization of the A strong force from Commodore Dewey via Hong Fourth United states Cavalry of troops known destination. It Is possible at prevented the rioters from moving on K"t:g, there were no important advices Schley Is to were received yea-lerd- that about start lu quest Presidio Orders l he port. A large at the While House opto It o'clock. from Major General II. S. number of men of the Spanish squadron. were wounded. Washington, May 5 In the Sen- FKABS Merrliim to select a location for the en. are Also KOlt DKWEV. Disturbances threatened at ate consideration of the postollice ap- campment of fi.lMl volunteers from Carthagena, where martial law Chicago. May 6 A special to the Oregon, Washington and California. has propriation bill was been proclaimed. Similar scenes oc- begun. The Journal from Washington says that curred at Oviedo and Leon and other amount t arried by tbe hill as it passed the tear that Dewey may be bottled up Nkw York, May 0 The prize court town, where factory hands have tbe House was 'J,iri,:!l). As re- In Manila harbor. Is gaining ground. ported l 1 today is sii tint on the cuse of the struck woik. Strikers' are parading, to the Senate it ai rie 9 12,000 I hs entrance to Manila h is tbr tiirli Panama Testimony has been con demanding cheap bread and atoning trote. achsnnel planted with minee Dew-- eluded on the lluvia Ventura and the houses, steps taken by the authorities Washington, Msy 5 The House passed over these si. ntly In the night. Catalina. District Attorney Stripling resulted in restoration of peace at Committee on Foreign A flairs today and no opportunity was given the 1 saya there Is no doubt ahout the Cata- Malaga, where the llritisti steam yacht, discussed the Hawaiian annexation Spaniards to lire them. Now, If he has lina and the 'anaína being con temned Lady of Cleinell, was recently stoned resolution, but took no debilite action, notfoiced the surrender of the city and driven out of the harbor. It ap- adjourning until next Tuesday. It is and thus gained control of the switch-bosr- d Washington, May 5. Persons who pears that the Malag mob thought it claimed that a majority fuyor the used in firing the submerged resolution. explosives, any attempt ew I! e President today assert there is was an American vessel. to leave the May naruor by any or the ships composing strong likelihood that Puerto Itico will FAMINK AS WKLI. . Washington, 5. After some discussion, the Labor Arbitration Hill the Asiatic Squadron, would be met by be in the hands of the United Mates Madrid, May 6. A bill was Intro- an I paused the House. attack from tbe mines. 'ilBin 48 hours. The mined inte seiz duced in the Corlea to prohibit the tire of the Island, they assert, has been Washington. May 5. The House corn, (lour, rye, maised, Kky May 6.-- The ordered, though direct coiitirmation Is agreed lo h conference report on the Wkst. Fla. United potatoes and fruits, and suppressing States despatch boat Leyden, lacking. the duty on the Importation general Alaakin homestead and right sent to of those way bill. Cuba New York, May 5. A special from articles It is Intended to checkmate of early in the week, returned this Kingston, Jamaica, asserts that o 111 el nl speculators vt ho. owing to the enormous WOLCOTT ALL ItlUHT. morning wdh four of the six Cuban disi atches passing through, report that premium on exchange, now 111 psi asiiinoton. May 6 The Senate scouts who lelt here last Monday. The been at) autl-s- t anisli cent, commenced Immense ions on scouts landed, there has uprising exportai Commit'' on Finance aak Pot in ses-si- and roimnunic atinn vm in Puerto Klco, and the revolutionary of produce, for which they negotiated vMay, having adjourned until to established with the Insurgent toices movement is well under way. bills in foreign markets. These ex morrow, to permit the Democratic under Ueneral redro Delgado. The Ilur-row- ports Washinoton, May 5 Henatar s. created the scarcity of food, members to prepare a substitute for Leyden was twice tired upoa. she which is largely responsible for the the bond provisions of th Kavetiue bears bullet marks on her Smoke, stack. after seeing the President, said: rioting throughout TllA Slmniard whn nnotiMil Spain. l.ili. I here la no doubt that there is lira F.ver) thing is moving along smoothly driven heck by Insurgents. end well. What we want now la If national feelings run too h'gh a majority against the bond feature, as the Itlco. We ought to huve against. Senors Sagaata and Moret. Senator Jones, of Nevada, lias taken New Yok, May 6 A Key West Puerto really out I hat tomorrow. whu are in the in danger, the position against it. Senator Woicott, special says that the party thai lauded (usen probably will ask Marshal Cam- of Colorado, indicated that he will In Santa Clara province, Cuba, was , pos Piiilaiikm-iiia- May 5. The auxil- for a government for the defense oppose it If au acceptable substitute bred upon by Spanish cavulry in am-hua- ii. of the monarchy. las iary crui-e- r St, PhuI with Captain The disturbances can secured. The liepublicau mem- and that the Cuban land force Sigslee on the bridge, left Cramp's caused by high prices and s. arcliy ol bers, with the exception of Woicott, under General Diaz attacked the Span, shipyard this morning and steamed food continue in the province today. were in CMifeience over the situation ish, who wr imj strong. The Wil- flown the Delaware river, to league There have been freuuent conflicts be- several hours. mington shelled the enemy and they nayy yard On the shore crow da tween the rioters and the civil guards, Havana, May 6. The were routed The landing party, com-prise- d Island recently a were congregated, cheering as the St. and shootings are reported from various elected Cuban deputies assembled yes- score or more agents of the Paul majestically sailed down The points. At liarceloua, there has been terday to effect an organization Cuban J anta, the United States Com- renewed run on the bank, holders missioner, and General A cos ta, together St Paul's stny at League Island will be Havana, May 6. The Cuban Con- only long enough to take aboard her demandiag silver. with cavalry horses, arms and ammu- gress, elected under autonomy to gov- A ammunition. It is believed she will ernment, opened nition, for costas cavalry troops in , Washington, May 6 Owing" whs formally teday, the western part of Havana do scout duty along the middle At-- te with great ceremony. Captain General province. coast. war demonstrations in nearby waters, It is ollicially reported that none of lantic Illanco reads a speech lu which he said the or the Island of Navassa, one cf tbe small if tbe declarations of Americana the Cubans of the In that the United expedition were killed or wounded. Piiiladkli'UIa, May 6. Contrary te Islands the Carrtlean sea, off the States have been sincere, its guns to- announcement at Cramp's shipyard west coast of Ilaytl, is threatened with day ought be saluting the tlrsl Cuban Kinustov, Jamaica, May 6. Manuel that the St. Paul would stop at tbe famine. Senator Gorman today called Parliament, instead of threatening the Carrera, a Manzanillo merchant, who League Island Navy Yard, for am. the attention of the President to the lives of the members. necessity for lehef. There are repre- Just arrived on the schooner Governor munition, the big cruiser proceeded Make, says that General Pando has straight down the Delaware river and sented to be about seventy Americans Pkkin, China, May 5. An extraordi- on the Island, mostly from Maryland. ordered all the garrisons In eastern anchored at deep water point, near nary ollicial announcement was made Cuba to concentrate in Mazanillo, JScw Castle. Del. It te presumed that The President promised to take the today Prince Kong, matter up Immediately. that president of Nuevitas, Guantanamo, and Santiago the St. Paul will take on ammunition the Chinese Foreign o rflce, reported to del'uba. All other places have been In Delaware Hay, otf Beiobay Hook at have died Monday last, la alive. It evacuated. the same time she receives coal. Madrid, May 6. It was announced seems that be lapsed Into unconscious- spy, caught on The alleged Spanish ntUcially today that the Spanish eteatu-e- r ness and tbe Chinese doctors pronounc- Key West, May 6. The Steamer the St. Paul, was put anhore Just before Alfonso XIII., said to have troops es! him dead, but the Prince has since Alamo, from New York, arrived here the cruiser sailed. Tha evidence and valuable cargo on board, hud swakene I, Ills condition is said to be today, havleg on board a detachment sg.ilust him was net deemed sullicieut. arrived at Puerto Itico. still critical. of li"J engineers, from Wost Point. 4 WEEKLY CPTIC AND BTOCK OEOWEB

NOlll'll ATLANTIC SCUAIU' JIAKINU MAJO It (i F.N K HALS. i.ocai. WAR NOT. Hews. It is row srr.i n-- cl that the volunteers Telegraphic All laairatlona Pulnt la Karly Asilan II r Th Proalriant Pomlnalaa a K anther of will leava Pant Fa for Han Antonio, Tex-- , He bale ftampson'a Fleat. aérale, two In Nnaaher. on Saturday morning. Tory will oe- - . eupy twelve and w li paa t brought Probably Mors lrli Kkv Wfst, May 4. Indications here Washixoton, May 4, The l'resl-dec- t Ls Vigaa tenia time Hatnnlay afternoon. Xr.w York, May 4. A tliapatrli to point to an important move by prt ol has made these nominations! To The reerintt who left her thin aftr tlit 1Irruid from Nassau, liahamla, the North Atlantic Squadron at an be Malor (ieneralt. Brtfradler (eneráis nnnn f.,r u.n. yv. !I. TI. Wí.gHi nay: Two tlaniiii'm whose imnioa could early day. Past Kear Admiral Samp- Joseph C. Hreckeuridge, F.I well S. Ot is, Karl F, Tyler, Hv. O B. Murrlaon, Claud not le mail out, but from nil appear- son's fleet has arrived to coal. There John C. Copplnger, Wm. U Shaffer, K. Loes, Arthur J. Htuckbrldg, Irad Coch- ances Spanish vessels, in cotnptny with aie the llagship Now York,Km Indiana, William II. Graham, J. F. Wade and ran, Jr., Cha. Kiiisa'e, W, H. K. lloal uf-w- two supposed I 'nitcd Matet men ar Iowa, Mayflower Wilson, ml H. J. Kai kln. To thea were a tdail passed on Ride Cincinnati!, Detroit, Henry C Mernam, James H. the iouth of the Inland, Kay V. Clark ami baa. Watrous, of Wat-ou- a. way to and Marhlehead. The latter came In of Delaware; Fltzhugh lyee, of Virginia; apparently on their Cuban They were under chsrga of with the prize, the Argonauta. W. ,?. Sewell, New Jersey; Joseph the Cspt, witters. C W. U. Kelly. It la believed that the men-of-w- It seems unlikely so few vessels V heeler, Alabama. were ami would been Tbs Tuluntaers. the M. l.oul the Harvard, have left to maintain the Colonels be Brigadier untar Cao. Curryt Havana, de- to (eneráis; which sailed from Saturday, on scout hiocaadeof were It not Thomas Manderson, 14th Infantry; romlng from E My, Konwell, Lino In tnd duty, in Tuerto Idean wuteis. sired to have the strongest boats in a th it had bard tima of It yter-day- . some Charles K. CoinpUu, 4lh cavalry; 4. condition to remain time away (he conductor on (ha Kivostov, Jiinmlea, May Trouble from the base of supplies. Abraham K Arnold, 1st cavalry; John Kirt, Hnta S. I'olaad, iufantry; Simon Snyder Fa rrfus d to haul thorn, having r- - of a serious nature Is threatening Admiral Sampson received 1 number ltth nit Iiritish interestt ut Santiago de Culm of messages from Vashiigton. There UUh infantry; John C. Hates, 2nd In- civrd liiHtrucllnnt ennoarning vouchers. fantry; Andre S. Hurt, 2."lh infantry; However, Bern of A British third chins cruiser, the l'earl, Is belief that tome ships will be utilized tbfiu boa Mod tba an lo ever the lauding of the army of Hamilton Hawkins. 2oth infantrv; glas, and th engineer enultl not re.Ut Is now there. Within twenty-fou- r Koyal T. Frsiik. 1st Infantry ; Jacob V. marinea and the lied Cross supplies. thi'lr (orcrful persuaalon to pull out. A clans Kept, 21th Infantry; Samuel S. Summer hours the Itritlth third cruiser, Matanzas is generally regarded as the blf-- d sen tucb man thev, would J'alliiH and ltritihh sloop Alert prohably most likely place for this. Uh cavalry; Francis I .. (nenther, 4th mh1 make any g'neer pull, when will join hir. It was at the The lied Cross ship, Mate of Texas, artillery: (iuy V. Henry l'lth cavalrV; Chit) John I. Itodgt rs, Oth artillery; Louis II. rlosetort witb blrn in the cab. At Jamaica today that the British is awaiting orders and so is the 1'an-the- r, 4ih cavalry; Samuel II. M. Rlnc n the nien got a y CotiBiil, Mr. Bunion, had been attacked with nearly 7iXJ marines. It is Carpenter, acanty menl Young. 3rd ; M. Ilacon, u liy molí, whereupon h fired upon the reported thai the Iowa will be detached cavalry John and (hen the Harvey H manager crowd, killing a Spaniard and that he from the North Atlantic Squadron to HUi cavalry; Edward H. listón, 6th lo ti.ka a Toucher In pat mailt. I'g'y had been imprisoned. These State join l'lyliig SijuadroQ. artillery. wnrd paiaed I hliu a id Mr. Cm the Colonels, to b Hrigadier twen ly, metitr. are not ven'led. Lieutenant ending In Curry', flnorlug (he I, Aim The llrltish warship I'earl meltilng Will Drop. (eneráis: Henry W, Dawton, Inspector niiiiimr, H'li In- In tht inlerekt of peace, Felix M rt'iiex arrived ut l'ort Koyal, and though her Kkt Wi t, May 0:10 Hear general; (eorge M. Kandall, I th" bill and look the V uober Tbla offlcert are reticent, it ts believed that Admiral Sampson's fleet fantry; Theodore Schwau. assissant )l has sailed. An hodv of n róndala the tronhlH was not so serious as re. important engagement is anticipated adjutant general; Wm. Ludlow, corps of picked men. ported In the Jamaica club. or engineers; Aclna K t liallee. .Inl and all re bona Mile cob iji of Iba Umt Id the near future. (ieorge W. Davis, 14th Infantry; clan. Nkw York, May 4. A dispatch to Alfred K. Hates, deputy pay general. 4.-e- THK OIKIeiss the Journal and the Aderrtiter from Nkw Yoiik, May Hong Colonel Chas. I'atrnk Lagan, to be Kong Commissary (eneral of Subsistence Fur (he New Mexico bat'all n of volun- Madrid gives mi Interview obtained by correspondent of the World, says with the rank of Hrigadier (eneral. teer cavalry, tba following o 111 era beva special Tilth that Chief Aguinaldo, of the 1'hllip their commissioner the pine Insurgents, been (elected : had a conference with May (ueen Urgent. She said: We have I onsiil lldmaii.' lie agreed to riiiLADF.i.i'iUA, 1'a., 4. The Troop A, I'aptam, Frederick MnlUr, almost all Kurope us, in tub with and the nut to Commodore Dewey't orders report that a supposed Spanish spy Santa Fe; lieutenant, W illia.n K. (1 n, we and fir.t painful moments are now pansiug will conduct the land torces, been auxil- Manta Is and with had captured aboard the Fe; second lieutenant, fherrard through that grei. consolation, and ftUNKJ ed insurgents effectively iary cruiser St. Caul, Cramps ship Colemxn, HaDt i Fa. at the same time encouragement. back up Dewey at when be gains control Truop It. captain. Max Lnna. Lea Luna-- ; Kveryboiy here is ready to shed hit oi Manna. yard, last Bight, was confirmed today. last drop of blood to defend his country The epy't father It a Spaniard flr.t lieutenant, H. W. Weakley, Albu- We have llrm hope in the, future. Who querque; aeciind linuiauant, Maxwell Keea, New Yoiik, May 4. Yictory of The suspect enlisted as an oiler and can say that Kurope will not intervene The L a Luuaa. T Admiral Dewey wat gloriously cele wai under suspicion on account of his after the Urst serious battle Troop (', captain Luciu Welch, Farm-liigtn- n brated here today, In peculiar actions. Last night a marine connection with ; firm lleutanaut, J. W. Orran, Ual-lu- Mono Kond, May 4. The United the exercises in of commemoration on watch below the decks discovered a aeeend lieutenant, J. U. Leaby.Kstun States dispatch boat Hugh McCulloch the adoption of the new city charter man acting In a suspicious way, around Troop U, captain J. W. Flamli.g, M ver has arrived in Mira I lay. Is It was a general holiday. It said the powder magazine. A severe fight City ; flrt lieutenant, Onorae Curry, Tul-ar- she left Manila before the battle. followed. guard overpowered aecuiid L. May The lirutsnaul, C. Ballard, IIon Kono, May 4 No verification CuicaSo, 4. May wheat rose him, but not before the suspect had Kddy. has been obtained of the report of the ten cents a bushel la the last thirty received a great gash on the right side Adolpli J. Fisher, Hanta Fa, hoapital ariival of tie revenue cutter Hugh minutes, today, in the Hoard of Trade. of his face. sttwarU. McCullocU HI Mirs Hay. He was taken before Captain Sigs. July rose four cents, ltoth options A militant surgeon, J. A. Max is, made new records. Foreignert caused bee, who committed hi in to the "bug" Baula recerd-breakia- A thorough Investigan Fe. Washington, May 4. Tae, (overn a g bulge) by taking all for the night. ment had no news this morning from the. csnh wheat offered. Letter alone tioa is being made sold Ouo.OUO the i'hllippliies. bushels. .... New York, May 4 A dispatch to World Key West, Nkw Yoiik, May 4 A World corres- Madrid, May 4. 10 a. m. A state the from Florida, pondent vidted the Austrian warship of siege lias been declared ut (IJon, a says: The gunboat Wilmington des- Donan, near Halifax, fortilled teaport on the Itay of Kiseay, troyed a Spanish fort just being finished N.S., to learn miles east, of ( The Pillage law about four ojiuia. something relative to the report that being threatened. Martial Wilmington also II red at a troop of one of the sailors had been detected has been declared throughout Valencia. cavalry passing Jaruco beach, two D)Gx Interfering with th- - lock on a maga- r urther disturbances are reported. It mou were seeu to drop on the beach asJEE zine. The report was conliruud by Is believed that the resignation of the grow paylng'crnps becauae they're several of the crew and arrant Miera Spauish cabinet is imminent. Hints Washington, May 4. The Pres- fTeah and always tha brat. For The In an lialiiui-Au- ii oci'ured at La Lavera. The railroad prisoner lie in. ident announced today that he would aula everywhere. Kafuae suhmitutea. He will be kept ,ii coul, neinei t until station was seizsd, cars burned, uud O) several hoi were tired. shortly pardon Captain John D. Hart, Slick rry'a BtwdS and proaper. the ship returns lo Austria, and then set 1WI8 be Inn. led over to the Hiilhoriiies, of the filibustering steamer Laurada, Heed Annual frae. Write for It charged with having to now two-yea- rs' D. M. FERRY ft CO., DttrH, Mich. attempted blow Washington, May 4. The tiov-ernm- serving a sentence for up the Vessel. It was stated that Cuban filibustering operations. dvnamne had been fnuud in his hat obtained possession either I)obks1o:. I lie sailor admitted that i by purchase or rharter, of the Pacltlc Wasiunuton. iway 4. Secretary of he tampered with the lock of the mag- mail steamship City of f'ekin, now at the Navy Day, tent to the House today. IHFOrlMATIOH H (1 1 azine. It was stated that the e tempt sau Francisco, and she will be put In Worth If.i Weia-h- in afl IP Le W me iieiicieni-- estimate oí azu,vio,uuu 1 J to wreck the Vessel by dynamite was condition to sail by the loth at the "1 I will Uavllttt t lilt tviii-ti- mi m tHttU.U I'AI ti, V V for the remainder of the present fiscal will i ytu how to niftkn the wir fence latest, horae-hiB- he made while the ship was in New York with coal, stores and troops for year account llscal year on eerih. btK üt U and on ef the I c harbor. Manila. l Hi" ii it li uf ne. lh'jy. ilMlmanBrot. i H. RkívIM, Intl. Washington, May 4 Is expect Kingston, Jamaica, May 4. The It May 4. (Jor- - OSE-HftL- City or Mkxico. The AT F PRICES. ed that the ordinary expenditures for Hi Itish Consul at Santiago de Cuba BflTEiUiL has stopped the contemplated ! ) is trnnient i hiiiitK''" r M. tttity ijuttiii n y the Hnny and navy, on account of the said te have been attacked by a mob, meeting of Spanish clerks here, for the Woven Win Net liiaf I'ltlit Wli'n, limb Wiitt, hii to have killed a H.itmjelmw NaiiU, (unit lnn I'lliiaT. war for the lirst six months of the Spaniard and to be now purpose of raising money and volun- (('tiliHkt. riMtflltlCkl Vi tttfull Mil M.ikfl', ft coming lineal year, will make the gen- Imprisoned. teers for Spain. ati im-r- Kiim (iril l ucltx Hntllt-- t'tut limillltat, af.ll MolifM'lfl (.OodH. tv; ,y UUkd eral deiiclency appropriation bill, A 4. now (i rut a ft, May A Iiritish steam if lit It tlAIHlt..) It (kit Art.fl nthtit HIM0 lt . hliillt'. ft" rr k'Sing held in the House Committee on yacht, which Ihs lust arrived here, was Huenos Athkh, May 4 The Oregon ft i..w ttitf-w- ,rtftaf IiMtt tti hf world r Appropriations, nil ktnfn nf rnit! hMliif ;nt.I in v Hi ü t ul lui. reach the aggregate of obliged to leave Malaga, Spain, because and Marietta tailed today from luo CHICACO MOJSEWR6CKING CO. about .2u,uuo,uuo. was 1:10 p. m. fUf,l .( ,. . f.n I. she mobbed and stoned. Jausrio ut al CUh. fatt.kM UuidtM. iih uj IfMl St. CtllCAUO WE OFTIO XTX) GTCCKOROWEK B

WMm, May 3. Inqtilry at the London. Muy 3 Dispatches from main otbceof the Feastern Telegraph Madrid say that the Spanish authorities Poor and Weak Co., tlila city, develops the fact that the intend to throw the whole naval lust message before the Interruption nf strength of Spa n into one uni'ed. su- Catarrh nnd Bronchial Trouble the rahle service, wan Manila! preme elTort against the Culled Mates. timed at Had no Appetite-No- w Bottor In fi o'clock, Monday evening, and nothing There Is no idea of surremler. Every Way-- A Child. n own received air.ce then. Mapkip, May 3. It Is stated at Delicate 1 too a sudden Madrid hv those resnnnali.U for naval 'Home time since rold r.n iKiv, oiay ó. A dispatch to and could not get rid of It. Being subject i movements, that It has been determined the World from London, says: Ue-p- or. to catarrh and bronchial trouble I coughed to avoid Isolated combats, on runal my n current in the House of Com- terribly. I lost sppetiie and crew terms with superior enemy, and they poor and wink and I did not feel like mons at midnight, that an oillcial now intend to throw the wlioln milled began Ksrsapa-rlli- a. telegram had been naval strength of .vpain into one work. I taking Hood's recived at the In a time cough disap- Foieign Onice from the Itritliih Consul supreme effort to crush the American short the deneral at Manila, announcing the squadron In Cuban waters. I'utll the peared, I slept well, had a good spetlie capitulation of Manila. The story is engagement U fought no proposal for and I was better in every way. Last unconlirmed. but It la known that sev- intervention will lie listened to. spring I was not feeling well, I had no ap- eral cable message passed between petite and no strength. I resorted to Halfnur and the Hritlsh ambassador at Sr Johns. X. F.. May 3 Telegraph Hood's Harsspnrllla and soon felt more w Madrid, in hich the ItrtUsh govern- operators at Cape Race and Trepassy, work. My little nephew was a deli- ment la like unders'ood to have advised the on the south coast of trd. Island, report cate child and had a humor which trou- Spanish cabinet to an n Absolutely Puro. honorable naving heard heavy ilruig in the oiling bled him so ha could not rest at night. an tlie bent way of safeguard- SHturday night. The tiring forll lavnln strength listed He has taken a few bottles of Hood's 'llraa arlAtMiirea lb f.Mni airatnst ing Spanish interests in the I'hilin for llfteen minutes and to the operators and rtalOifulii. a good shim and ft I f'trma of ftlilllrt(nn common pines, as well as those of other powors conveyed the impression of two ship and now he has appetite to lh"- - rhe. hrancta. koriL. Hakim I'uwuia concerned. engaged a and Is able to sleep." Miss Abuib J. Co., Nsw OH.. in sea tight. The telegraph wlies have since been Interi upted and Freeman, South Duxbury, Miss. Washington, May 3. French no further news has been obtainable. .Ainnassanor, m juies I anilinn, re May 3. -- "'píríi. News. ceived a' dispatch from the Foreign Washington, Representa Hood's Telegraphic Office at Paris, stating tliat the French tive Oraut offered a resolution In the iMrmOm-- True IU.smI Purifier. All ilriiKSlts. fl. Dewey Ambassador at Madrid, M. I'atenrote, llonse thanking and promoting nun io me ónice ui II .l IJMI., r Hie best alt hud forwarded ofliclal detalla aiiunrai. III7UU 3 I 1113 i4 iPge'llon. of tl: Washington, MaV 3 n, London, May 3 Tenia from Hong npaoisn reverse ai .Manna, nsaed on Secretar Long announced today that as Soon as Kong ahow that the cable was cut fifty the latest Spanish advices It states Spanish lleet in the Philippine islands, that, the department receive t olllcial word and the alleged unpreparediiess of 'he Manila. A week or fort- the Spanish cruisers Keina Maria mile from Christina and ( astilla totally from (ommodore Dewey, confirming Meet for the engagement. (ieneral re- veré press night tuny ehipae before It ctn be burned up after being set on lire by the accounts of his victory, a Heyitr is expected to initiate the paired. Olllcials of the company say bombs from the American ships Two cablegram would lie sent that oflicer Government debate today In the congratulating him upon according to their testa from Hong smaller ships were sunk to avoid fall- the splendid Senate. that ing pertot manee of the American lleet Kong, the rabie cut fifty miles from into the hands of the enemy. ni Otier Spanish ships, half destroyed, under his direction. Moreover, it Is Washington, May 3 The Secretary Manila. Tin y think a week or even a said by the Secretary that as soon as fortnight may elapue before It can be had taken ret o ire in Maker's Hay. of the Navy has sent to the Secretary Although without confirmation from the necessary continuation is at hand, repaired. as there ate no facilities to re sources, Dewey will be made an Admiral In of the Treasury for transmission to Con- In any event will ofliclal naval olllcials are dm pair ti e cable, and it posed to recognition of his valor. gress to be Itichidtd Id the l'rganl Den be diUlcuit to pick up the cable In deep attach some credit to the statement coming from 1'aria that at Washington, May 3. Repre ciency bill, istimates of appropriations water. last accounts from Manila, the Amen sentative Orout Introduced the follow reipilted by the Navy liepariineiit to lis-c- ul May 3. 1 rumored here can fleet was llring upon Corregidor ing: Whereas, the Intrtpeditv and comp'ete the service of the current Pari I., It by year, and next fiscal year ending warships the Island. Tills Island lies in the outer skill displayed Commodore Oeorge that the American 'cut entrance of Dewey, In his daring attack upon June 30, Im'.i'.i, amounting to IH,4so.(Nsi. cable, and took the end na the harbor of Manila, and the Manila twenty-flv- e Spanish lleet in Manila Tins la in addition to SiUOl'.iy.iM asked purpose of la about miles below the harbor, and its board for the city. It la crowned b a light house total ueairuciion, covered, as It was, for last week by the Secretary cf War. and ban several modem guns. by the protecting guns of the surround lug forts, marks him aa the possessor SptuNoriKi.D, III , May 3. Kxperts Sr.vr YottK, May 3. The Wall street ivkt vt fat, .May a. 10:10 a. m. of high qualities as a naval com. today who have tested the co itsnta of Xrtr Aqtnry sends out the following: The United States gunboat Castine Iliaiulei, therefore, the pnekagu found in one of the com- Hong Kong Manila has fallen. Stars brought In a small prize schooner, the lirmlred, that he ought to be pro pany boxes of the Third Infantry, Illi- and stupes wave over the Philippines. l asco moted to the rank of Admiral and the nois National Ouard, pronounced It President is hereby authorized to nom- Undoubtedly A ex- May 3. -- d)liamite. rigid Chicago. May 4 A pcial to the Kkt West. The 1'aco had a inate him for that rank to the Senate, amination was uude of ail the equip- cargo of Dsn, ann was oft which body The captured is hereby authorized to ment itnd baf".'ige ill the exposition lireord from Washington say: Muriel, while bound for Havana. Only conlirm him, the general laws regu capture building. Wiv le the regiment is quar- 1'resident received news of the one man it snot w as nccnyarv to cause lating promotions in the navy to the tered, hot nothing else suspicious was of Manila, last night, from the Lttliiah the liltie crfl to heave to. contrary, notwithstanding. discuiiered. F.mhassy. Sir .lulian Pauucefor. tried N ICW nil day to get Into communication with Key Hot, May 3.-- The United London, May 3 A Madrid cor til.u list til,- - authorities at Hong Kong anil Con States cruiser, Marblehu d, Commander respondent of the Etruing JSVir cables sneers until in Recent sensational gold discoveries sol at Manila, without It. C. McCalla, has not yet the following: Although lTemier the evening, when lie received a cable- arrived here In the Ked Hiver district, Northern gram announcing that the city of Man- with the big Spanish steamer Argonaut, Sagasta's conferences witli the Queen New Mexico, indicate that this locality de- Itegeul ila had surrendered, but giving no captured by the Nashville on Friday, and the liberal leaders. Mon w ill shortly he as widely celebrated as tero and Kioa, led to rumors tails. A copy was at once scut to the aim having on nourd, beBldea some of the Already White House. formation of a new national govern Cripple Creek. the rush of Spanish ariuy.ollicera and forty eight prospectors begun, passengers, a large aun, tint of mail ment, the facts are that Seuor Sagusta minera and has end London, May 3. The Spanish co mailer intended Captain placed the situation before the tiueen by the time the snow has fully melted, lor Illanco Kegent, slgtiillcain lonial ollice had advices of the and other Spanish olllcials in explaining the e of thousands will be on the ground. Cubi. tlia events in the Philippine islands, of the bombardment of Manila, the Argonaut Is regarded ua one of the Take the Santa Fe Route to Springer, most important .iU which indicated it maintained possible cable was cut, which said rm lures tu since from which point is a before the the outbreak of hostilities. Mih also solutions fur the future. Thereupon N.M., there Thus far the American shells have not had a large cargo of arms and ammuni the tiueen expressed her continued stage daily to Kllabethtown, Hematite readied the town proier, which la tion, intended tor the Snatiisn troona confidence In the (iovernment which and Hed Hiver City. For further par- strongly protected. The outlying The Spanish oltleiala will continua as now constituted, at are Colonel present. ticulars apply to quarters are in llames. Occasionally a t. least for the Seuors Oamazo of the Third Cavalry, lug express t has. r , .ionkh, Agt. shell fell Id the European town, where Sergeant-Majo- r, and seven and Mentero the opinion that were T'na 1 the present cabinet a few houses struck. bat other lieutenants. hey carried them should continue in A Trua Storj ul ViIInk. terlts of the citadel, especially the large selves with almost Dunctial- - power. humorous 3. Do you want to know the in guns, are vigorously replying to the lante, and told the American naval N Madrid, May Important papers truth American fire, and have indicted cons here Is regard to village life? licera It did their hearts good to see Insist that the cabinet crisis will tell you d&niige on lleet. well-fe- Tins without reservation. siderable the such a gathering of d and pros postponed only for few hours. A looking Argonaut It will repeat you the whole story, giv- perous men. The was vote of censure upon the Minister of ing you both the lights and the shad- London .May 3 It was announced bom d from liatano Cuba, for Cieufue- - Marine Is to be prepared lu the Cortes ows. Kvery gos, Trinidad and and reformer In of Commons that the Manzanillo. She left teday. should have a copy. Resides the co- the House Clenfuegos, where non cotubattant Itritisli government has no Information Madrid, May 3. Tba Impartial operative and colony matter it will give passeugeis were sent ashore under a you views Coast, retarding the reported bombardment llag of truce. Independent, and the Liberal, Moderate beautiful of the Oulf and destruction of Manila. Republican, Insist and much valuable matter concerning An hMnmg 1'tnt Key West special that the cabinet the South as a place of residence and says: One of the ollicera captured on crisis has been postponed only for newa business. Soon to be Issued from the liona Kono, May 3. No in toe Spanish steamer Argonauta, is re few hours. In the Cortes, a vote of press of the Orander Age. Address, retard to the battle at Manila has been ported to be a brother of Oeueral Wey-le- r. censure against the Minister of Marine enclosing ten rents for sing'p copy, or received here with the exception of the The Argonauta ia la the lower Admiral Hennelo, will be proposed, aa f0 cents for six copies, the (HANPKH Information cabled from London. harbor m tow of a crulsor. tha re&ult of the jiuoMug defeat oí the AnK, 11 unison Co., Mia WEEKLY OPTIC ÜTOCK OBOWEB

Wahhinoton, May 2. The Senate Finance Committee Is considering the Telegraphic Hews, reveaue measure passed by the House TEACHERS WANTED! last week. UNION TEACHERS' A(l EN CIES of A M E It I C A . Wamiinoton, May 30. The Tres BET L . I1AV, I. P., MtKAOrH a Sr.n Yoiik, May 2. -- A dispatch to idetit soon w ill Issue a proclamation in Vitti'ivrg, Ta., T'Tnnto, Cnn., A' t (hlrnni. It , A'w , A'. V, Wnthimjion, P. in , Al Cob the Jntirntil irnm V eahl nrrtoti uva restraint of Spanish subjects the 6'.. S'ii t'raiinnit. Vol., t'hirmjo. III íf. aiví; ninl lh htit. rad. L nttert states. Tl-- re ere Itiniiaanda of poaltlone to flllwl riiirinir the arlo el term, ratiaed lT realisation, daath, The Mate Pepartme nt learned through etc. W a had over s imsi varatirtea fliirltitf tha Deal aeaon. InniiahS. fw l hlea li.r l.larinr tead,-ar- a Washing May 2. Pres i r un it secret agenta that the wreck of the ton. The In eer part id Ilia I and t inula, a per rnt. el th"e ho rurlavrert Ivtarn ident ha In preparation a proclama- an iirxl poaliluna. Iinr - teiiiera In eflkra. Aililira all A li l lona to l lit.liars, battleship Maine, lying to Havana tion w hlrh vt ill he issued within a day ( ana V lyr harbor, has been destroyed by the or two, fixing the status of Spanish Spanish authorities. It la up poind by subjects la this country. eiiera:ly UfK TWO KI.KKTH. 3 pout.d.ra, two two 1.8 inch, 1l' tíldala of the administration Un speaking, the proclamatlou will make two and two machina gune. that it known to such subjects that they are aolloL has beeu taken to prevent the The eleven skips in the Spanish fleet Kslriiih Second t laa, speed nlnteen under suspicion, end It is believed wlli y: raiding of the wreck after the capture announce stringent measures to be at Manila, wtra: knots. Bait-r- One Inch and ten fire rlfl a, fl piuudsrifuur of Havana. taken to prevent their hindering the K'lna Maria Christina S, 520 tons, built elht pounlers and two machine guns. A Cabinet member said: We rhall speedy and auccesBful conduct of the 1KW1, apee t 17 knott. Battery: Two H.2-In- Concord Third rate, 1 7lsJ tons, speed make It a part of our first business war. Hontnna guns, two 1 7iurb and three erante-- n knot. Bst -- rv: Mis 6 Inch Miter taking possession of Havana, to W'A'BINoton, May 2. Tha Senate Inch rapid-fir- e rifl- -. aix 1.4 lnob anal i laroS p under rapid Are, tw 3 li lid out who were the perpetrators of Committee on Finance practically two machine guns. pounders, on the, one and four Itiachlee guns. that crime, night of Kotiruary derided to the tonmige tax t'aatllla-- .1l2t ona. built Htttarv Kith. If we find thai thfy have escaped eliminate 8 Pelrel K.iurtn rale, (WO lone, speed feature of the war revenue bill, to avuid Two Krnpp n h, tw from the island and gone back to Spain, r(,tol thirteeo knots. Bnttery : Four 6 Inch irritating Furopean countries. 3 1 Inch, four Inch rapid-fir- ami two we will follow them there and will tell IS (una, two rapid Ore, one nia nine guns. Spain that the war ahall not atop uutil and four machine guns. they re delivered up to us for punish, 1,152 Tampa, Fla., May 2. Kleven regi- Valaaco tons Btttwyi Two It will thus be seen that while fewer meut. 5 9 Inch Arnietrong rtfla, two tich ments of infantry, one of cavalry and In number, the American shies were FUKJKADK OONTISITO. Hontnrlas and two machine gum. ten batteries of artillery are concen- stronger in gun power. A battle ship ItoAiii) trated at Tampa, making a force ot I) n Antnnla tie UMos and Don le On Flaosiiip Nkvt York, Ju' was not eng iged on either side. eff Havana, May 1, via Key West, Ha., about 7 tKX) men. it Is generally be Ao'trln Each 1,1(11 lona, ap e 1 14 knot It ay fSlockaüe at lieved that this force w ill be augmented 4 Montorlaa, 1.1 Innli t llavanaconlinuea. Hatlrriea: Ir'Spa'n does not succumb to our Lulled states lliet la semewhat coneeu. n the near future. rapid-fire- , 1 15 two Inch and lo liinclilee naval tialed, lying about leu milts oil Moio Washington, May 2 Tha House guna. victories, this coiiutiy should Castle. raise aa army of I.OiO.irjo men and passed without division the War F.mer-genc- General (, i and Kl Can' Una veaarl The lirltish steamer, Strathdee, Cnp tramp out that country. We are not tain from I'rogrees to Sagua la bill. The Senate has agreed to ft.' 4 tons, liullt 1.HA, apea I 116 kn t. The t'ume, Is now lighting Spain alone, but all Kurope ex- (irande, In ballast, was made to heave-t- o adjourn until Wednesday, and Ueneral Leio baa two Hontorit nflea of S(-lnc- cept Kngland. at 1:30 this morning, alter two shots in executive session. rallher, una two email Of course, Spain is tha had been tired from the Musliip. The rapid-fir- e and one machine gun. Tie K.I uely one doing the flghtin; but all Slrathdre waa boarded, pioved her Washington, May 2. The House f aun, tliife 4 KUna, two email rapid-fi- r Kompe is locking on, anxious to see an Identity and was allowed to piuceed, at Committee on Appropriations reported and two machine guns. opening for interference. This country saguu la Urauue la not a blotkaded point. tha urgent deficiency appropriation, Marquee Del Duero U'Spatch beat, 501 should show Its ability by a prompt and 0:Ki,72O.lH5, for tut port of the army. tons. Battery: One smooth bore 6 2 overwhelming exhibition of power, IMHKIllATK ACTION.'ti expenses It Includes S for of. the Inch caliber, two 4 and r ne aiachine before which all Kurope sball q Washington, May 2. When Cuban expedition, and HoO.UUO for lake asked f gun. in If thn army waa preparing for the In- torpedo work. itt shoes. and d l.uton are both vasion of Cuba at an early date, secre- Washington, May 2. Chairman lata de Cuba I1 1,080 were six American ships In tary of War Alger replied: We are pre- Cannon, of the Appropriations Com- amall gunboats. They are of tons paring for immediate action, and are mittee, reporter! and the House passed displacement and carry four 4 lion-tor'a- the manila light against eleven Spanish trying to keep so prepared, but the the urgency deficiency bill appropriat- two small gum and two machine hipa. Tha enemy bad the larger lana made today may $.'( f of necessity ing about UMHKKI lor war expenses. number; but we had ciore nrndcrn véa- lave to be changed tomorrow, and that waa It explained that the volunteers d Mlndarao Cimpa da Trane-At- - sela, and greater gun calibre. la why we are compelled to keep inch will lie paid from time of enrollment, of arme I aa nrul-- e r, absolute silence, for every detuil that and their x penses from their homes to Untie Calis, lancth becomes doubttul necesítales another the place of enrollment must be borne 373 6, beam 43 S, groa tona4, IS."), epeed 13 3 Spain wasn't in it. If 1 ranee wanti change. by the government. knots. to combine with tha southern peninsu- NOT TODAY. The tlx American ship were:' lar, let her go. She will soon llnd that On Hoard Associated I'ress Ilispatch Washington, May 2. Tke House Olymple Kirat clae proteted cruiser. present bombast op and a glorious past agreed to report on Uoet Dauntless, via Key Mtst, Ha, the naval the naval S NHltona, launched II "Í ept-- d twenty ceu'l equal 4 glorious present. May 2. Demonstration by the Meet off appropriation bill and it goes to the knots. Bnttery: Four 10 inch, t n the cuast of Cuba is hardly 2 p. m., R exacted I'resiilent. At the enaie, rapid-fir- e suns, f urte-- n 0 pounders, aix mulo Udbarrl aud fhll.p Montoya today, but It la a re- have recently built understood that after an executive session, took a and four machine guns. two Very toy cottage! movement has been planned cess until 3 o'clock, after which it uu the weat aula. Ha'tltuore Urcond rate. 4 0D0 to' s. tpeea CONFKKEM'K elKLD. passed the emergency war bill. 20.H kunie. Ba'terv: Four B Inrb. f ur There was a long on conference the May 2. fl rapid-fir- flagship New Dk.weh, Colo., Adjutant ritlea, four pounder ZEWOLEUÑ York, yesterday, bet ween 8HCEP 18 III Hear Admiral Sampson, Captain (eneral Yulkmar, of the Depart aieiit two twe two f GOOD Kvans, of the Iowa, Captain Taylor, of of Colorado, saya It it likely that volun 1 8 inch, two 1 4 Inch and two oiarbine aVV.l I ,u ,i I , ..ftikiiiiMiwil .hK iirt mn. in ttrt r'tirremni f).ul n 1)mI l. inj.Tt ( the Indiana, and Captain Chad wick, of teers raised West or the Missouri river guns. ..i, (tu.) Ii.'nlt h j -- Kia ( ce) trrowt'i f wtxl. O net II '.'..II .1 ll't.t (t a the New York, purpose which will be sent across the P.tciilc in trans Boston Second rate, 8.1a tona, speed I'l l' ,,'. ,.l fl.ft IOii tl It iVH ill!., the of rfitrt-PAY.VCN- could not be ascertained. ports, to hold importan' posta in the fifteen knots. Ba'lery: Two 'li, two 0 DI S! NfECTANT CO., Philippine , Thof on the flagship who were Ig- Islands. rifles, two fl poaml rapid-fl-e- two u4"'''".sAii8u DETROIT, MICH, norant of the object of the conference, ronlidentlv expected lh it the recent New York, May 2 (Copyright.) A bombardment of the Spanish batteries cablegram from Singapore to the World BUY FRESH KANSAS IT r QfT r.rn.ti, Flrhl. Tr. anil Klnwar, all irrown ajld LaBSl LaMTB " - " al Matanzas and the llnng upon Wi-t- aiaWJ the says that upon arrival at Hung Kong, for aoll anil rlinmtf. AllMlfia, Kalllrrnrn a J troop of otln-- fuffitfw tilainta i a , ( oavtev I Spanish cavalry at ('abanas General Aguinaldo, Insurgent leader for tlif ll(nt lurrlt gaiit IhwJ IAR3AI F. IlitrtrlilMáfe Ta. were to be repeated upon the for- UtfUtJ U TtMkdJ will If UitviitHltUK m 4.liiUuO. M4elfVllUliB luW. SUO H0U8C 1 LAWKk.Ncti. Kami Av midable batteries near Havana. of the Philippine, will probably be Weather co'iditions, however, were un- transferred on the American dispatch favorable for an attack, for a ot boat to join Commodore Ilewey at 7EIIAVEt20AGEIlTS g tie was blow ing Manila. Aguinaldo'! policy, after the The flagship finally drew away from Philippines have been captured, em tMl ! oíd ir to the 1 A!XÍ the others and steamed slowly past braces the independence of the Islands, Ml ?rifv. MMBr hi at U a V n. f ( t 1 Moro sf.lwr rrutiu. Khip huj-t.- ' ' Castle without Incident. The internal affairs to lie controlled under lut uramuiifi. remainder of the lluet returned to their European and American advisers. lLr;ithlaW( fTtlla4 ll.t at ti ValiiiUi, various stations along the coast. V't Mi lei of likres. Hln.ply apply HwaTss's Oiktkist. No Inter GETTING puM-v- a. -- i 1 it; AIr. nal medicine required. Cure tetter, ecienis, f u f --t. arrttv- - Mobii.k, Ala., May 2. A call for Itrh, ill eruptions an the fare, hands, now, He. transports T1. FM-- a ha been received here. The leavlni lh (His clear, rolle Mid healthy. lie H. Bfrrw Rrfij $l4.U0. í War department wired Major 1'or.d to greet htallnu and enrettve powers arc poeseeawd A fe-- i for I i Cl.U aJIetlf M.téM. ,kvlt Muudlradri M A t ax it. Hm IML AM) UAU-lK- a ll secure at once two lighters and one bjr no other I mis) jr. Aak jour druiilat. for Fl KH ART AKJIAUK CO. U, U. 1'UATT. IMfc boat, canalile of carrying I'sM men with HWilUl'l OlNTHINT. 4ljT baggage It Is believed that the In- : tention is to make a landing some-whe- re Ten cars ot eattle ere li d up al this Is Ho al'irig the Cuban coast outside of point for luapaotlon. They irt hilled from DsDlliete Doláis itásmé any fortitli-- port. Usoeulo, N. at., to King-lay- , Kan. t homn r oirrls.

si uty ep Hewssjuw! "WlEHJ-fCr- , V OPTIU A.XTI3 STOCK.' OJlOWEIi V

the flagship lielna Christiana was on London, May 2 Details of tha bat- - Manila. on Xwntá this moriiing.there whs tire. 1'he vessel was completely tie of Manila have been received by the great jubilation. The Itroukiyn was the tliic News. burned. In t Icbrai the Interval between the Hi Itlsh Colonial Ollice. They come in tust snip carry nnnnodore Dewey s two engagements Commodore Monlejo Hag, and through the Associated Press nioved Ins llag from Kelua Christiana two cable messages, received yesterday these messages were sent: to the smaller cruiser Isla de Cuba. evening, the substance of which have Nf.w Yohk, May 2 A OiKpatrh to 'To Dewey. Brooklyn, which first The cruiser Catilla, next to the llamdiip bet n furnished to the Associated Press flew your Mug, glories In your victory." ttie Irruid from London says: The the largest and most powerful of the by the olllcials of the Colonial tlllice (Signed) "l KKW AND OKFIl'K.llS. ' riMtiiitM iiii i i waa al o hitnud. Astatic S(uailnn of tliH 1'nilrd States, tounj . l'olevey. Flyinii Squadron says 1 be cruiser Don Antonio de Ulloa and I first cable Commodore Dcwy comm mding, yes- lie dispatch announces to Asiatic Squadron, Huily boys, .Mindlnao wer? alBo badly damaged. I terday engaged ami completely defeated that be American Heel entered Manila II . day Of hartxir at break, stationing Itself (Slgl d) "St IILFT. the Asistió Squadron of Spain. In the Farly reports said that five of Com- opposite the city. The, Fort opened harbor of Mmila. Philippine Islands. modore Deweys ships had lieen eunk Hie on the American ships, hereupon NAVT KF.I'ARTMF.NT All the news of tlit great naval battle Later ailvicea from Madrid put the they shifted their position to one near Wasimnoton, May 2. After speak. t Hay, t'ius far la coming number at wo. There were nndoubU Cavile, Manila engaging in herce lug in the terms of highest commenda i dly heavy losses in men on both sides, tight against botti foria and Spanish tion of I nnnnodore Dewey a Work. Sec- - FROM SPANISH SOI'fU'K-t- . due apparently trustworthy report fleet. aetary Long said: 'I he American '.'"O engagement las This shows conclimveiy that the Btatfi that the Spanish had killed The ed two hours lleet lis come up to what was e peeled and 4ml wounded. Trustworthy details and In of It. lis success snows it was a cable linca ant atllt under control of resulted the annihilation of the not of American loss of life will hardly be Spanish lleet. I his dispatch adds that rash undertaking of the aupartmeut to (Spain. From the fact th it even the obtainable until Commodore Drwwy tlie American ships withdrew to their send ships to Mamu, nailer such a advice received from Madrid show has taken Manila or has sent a vessrl magazine vessel, in the center of the Commander as Dewey. Ills ships were that the American war ahlpa fared with dispatches to Hong Kong. roadstead, for the purpose of coaling. posit ively expected to sweep the Span MORE INTKKKSTINU PARTICULARS. One American vessel, name of which la ish neti awavand take Manila. Ilia best, there ia hardly any doubt that . May 2. 8 a A special not mentioned, is said to have been action of the Navy Department order-- when the complete detalla are obtain- Madrid, in. o El l.ilifral, from Manila saya that Ad- dlsah ed. Commodore Dewey re- tng this movement, seems to be able, it w ill Le learned It wag a miral Montejo, the panlsh quested the Itrttish consul, K. II. thoroughly Justified. cominander. to convey message CIUM1INU DKKKAT FOR SPAIN. acknowledges the sptnish Meet to have a It CAULKS CUT. completely . the Spanish (iovernor tieneral demand- During the two engagements that t'tok heeii demolished lie adds London, May 2. 'I he first of the that the ciew of the Spanish warship ing the surrender of all toredo lioais place, Commodore Moulajo command- and gun at Manna, and possession of cable messages ends w ith the statement ing tlie Spanish Meet, loBl Mindanao had lieen the Spanish olllcials are conlernng The Hritish Consul at Manila, K. II. the cable ntlices, saying that unless that THKKK OK with the Hritish onaul end telegraph HIS LAR4IMT H1I". l!a has conferred with thess terms were complied with, he Ills flatikhip, the ateel cruiser Kelua Admiral Dewey. The United States would proceed to bombard the city, company's agent, and, pending a decis Christina and the armored cruiser ll"et has taken up a position In front of SIIK CAN'T UK DAUNTKD. ion, cahles were not permitted to handle message. second dis- Castilla were burned, and the cruiser Manila and established ihtt blockade. London, May 2. The Queen Urgent The cubic wan patch received by Colonial Ollice linn Juan de Auatria blown up. 'I he po)iulatloii of Manila Is lleelng is said to have declared her spirit the that announced Spanish (iovernor-(iener- al Several other Spann-- vtttneli were llouibardment ia expected evt ry mo-me- can never be daunted so long as the that the badly damaged. On report adds 'I he Spanish Minister admits rely refused to surrender the torpe- cao on the patriotism and courage does, guns pre- several otbrr Spanish ships were that the battle ended in utter rout of of the Spaniaida. ami cable others, and Meet, vented the agent of the telegraph com- SUNK BT Tit Kl R COMMANDKR4 the Spanish but they are res jlvrd IIF.LD IN not to spare any efforts In the defense CHECK. pany from conferring with Commodore to prevent falling into the ha ids of May 2. of the country. The American fleet Is Washington, Commoore Dtwey. The message ends with the the Americana. There wan heavy loss Dewey's him (iovernor (he believed to be much damaged. instructions permit to statement that tha Hritish of of life anion? Spanish. Caplvn bombard Manila, if necessary, to take Straits Settlement expected the bom- Darso, commanding the Iteina Chns-tin- a, NKXT NF.WS FROM LONDON. possession of tlie islands; but lie ia not bardment of Manila to begin Monday waa killed. Commodore Moutejo, Washington, May 2. Secretary to de s'i unless the city troops operate morning, when the Spaniards would commanding the fleet, shifted his flag Long up to II 15 o'clock, had received offensively against him. cul tne cable. I mm the a Christina to the de lila no word from tha Asiatic Squadron. MKAN'it rm ssagea was re- Cuba, mu oli smaller steel protected onys CAPITULATION. The fust of tlcse It would (alte Met ulloch three to ceived a U o'clock yesterday evening, the cruiser, just before the Christina sank. reach Hong Kong. Is believed thai Ciucaao, May 2 A special to the It second at inidtiltiht. No other uitss-age- s The blowing up of the Don Juan de Neir$ n the British consuls have orders to keep IMly from Washington says: Tha on the subject have la-e- received Austria was attended by their government posted, and the rl rat President and Cabinet teceived inform in Ijoiidon, although the Foreign Ollice news not sources, (ieu- ORKAT LOSS OK LIKR from Spanish will be ation thai the Spanish (iovernor - exM-c-t news from the Hritish Consul received by Foreiga ollice. among the crew, her commander the liriiish eral of the Philippine Islands has sent at Manila. Therefore, it is supposed a Hug or truce to Commodore Dewey. hlao being killed. M'ANISII WILD. that the expectation of the Governor of Madrid, May 2. Martial law will lie I his act la Interpreted to mean a capitu the straits settlement has been fullllled HOW IT IÍKOAN. proclaimed if there are any hostile lation of the Spanish forcea. arid the Spaniard have cut tha cable. Comu.odore Dewey's squadron, leav- MIOKT HUT BWKF.T. demonstrations in the streets, (ireat CAULK. OI'KIt ATOKS FLKD. ing Subig liny, a tew miles from discontent prevails and "lack af fore- London, My2. A cable message Is Xkw YtiRK, May 2 A Hons: Kong 4 o'clock Sat-iild- ay sight" charged. The government is has been received at the Fo'eigu Ollice Manila, about I afternoon, proceeded to- blamed for the disaster. Attheterml rrum Hie Hr.lish Consul at Manila, h, dispatch says: he bombardment of dtirk-ne- council, 8 a. m , Itawann Manila has Inhabitants ward Manila. I'nder cover of ss nation of the cabinet II. Walker, announcing that liron. lie he entered he harbor the Minis'er of Marina declined to fur tha bombardment lasted one hour and are tleelnii to the country. Operators of Manila in tl'.e cable of the butteries llp-r- e announcing his nisli any further Information for publi a half, and the Spanish Heel waa prac station in the mldat the lied to save lives. arrival. Itoth Me-- ls lined up for ba'tle cation. The government ia advised by tically annihilated by the Meet Ot the forts their Cable about 5 o clock Sunday morning. I he tha newspapers to arm all available I ui ted slatea. communication with Manila is puns of the American warships began shipping and attack American AMKRICAN1 AJTACKKD I'tKIUl'SLV. firing on Fortress avile and the ar May 2. A from OK CÜIHSK. Pauls, dispatch senal at Manila. I'nder protection of Madrid, to the 7Vi;n, says that accord- the guns or then rorl.ncatiuna, the London, May 2. The bombardment ing lo the dinpatcbes, the lirltish of Manila, it Is supposed, is Dow pro- Consul at Manila, in his visit to Com- YUKsiii-:t:- M'ANISII WARSHIPS OPKNKO KIRK ceeding. dip un the American llret. For modore Dewey, made repiesenlstious several only two nouns. in of the Coi, miar Corps against WITH hours tha harbor resounded with the May 2. Coy roar of guns, crashing London, Tha lirltish bomtmrumeul ol the town. i he dis the of steel and ernor of the Straits Set llcinenl cables patch also says: Mo Spanish war ship timbers, and the shriek and groans f the American licet, "annihilated ZENOLEUM the wounded. Thick clouds of smoke that surrendered, and tlie ninjorlty peilshcd the Spanish Meet in d two hours' en- 1 wo Spanish commanders were killed, (l It tfftvf rvtulu at at limes almost obscured the opposing while bt lleeta from A well gagement' resisting to the last moineut r each other direct- CAN'T UK DONK. Spanish losses are at Colorado College, ed shot reached the iron cruiser Don The estimated State M y 4 t men killed. The American Juan de Austria, a Vessel of 1,100 tons, London 2 A dispatch from sil Madrid says lb it the Spanish Ministers attacked furiously both the Span- A TERRIFIC K.XrLONiON FOLLOWLD. are ale'ermined to exhaust their ish squadron and Cavlte, where it Cheap and Effectual The ship was blown up. All the resources lu detense of "national caused great damage. time during the first, engagement the honor." CUBA ( OHM NKXT. l tins snrf Mtllphar. Uf 'PAnTKl R 4 l INK fur liiwk WnU American ships were under way, their WASltlNUTON.May 2. foreign L. !r mauoevering being Madrid. May 2. The publication of At the ptllM. intended to render legations an ACM K MKIIK l). marksmanship of gun- the Libtrnl't dispatch from Manila has embassies and Intense ALSITI'Ltt the the Spanish interest Is iu the Dews of the ner less Directive. The American removed the last bope of the Spaniards. shown Innitr, Celo It is admitted on all sides that the decisive victory of the American Heel squadron about 9 o'clock drew off to at Manila. was stated by a high the west side of the bay and took ra Spanish Meet has been completely des- It troyed Mild is probably a question of today thai another fuge behind some foreign shipping it FINE STOCK FOR SALE. had hours when, the Americana will occupy such victory would end the causa of The ships evidently Spain and force her to seek an armistice Manila. A. C. C. Jersey, Sl'FFKItKD CO.N81DKHAIILK IAMA0K The fact that the Liberal Is Sagasta's and peace. The universal belief In tne J. Holsteina and After hasty repairs, they returned to organ, gives additional significance to diplomatic quarters is that this stroke Ciuernseys. 4 breeds Pigs, Poultry tne conflict. During this engagement Its Irani announcement. in the Philippines will be followed Y.ggi and Dogs. 21 Jereey Hulls for or - ' immediately by aggressive Id trie funs avile maintained-- Señor Homero y Robledo, Conser- action ule. Come and in i pec t. steadier and stronger fire upon Com Cuba. vative leader, Is expected to Inaugurate Assocaited Stock Hreeders, mander Dewey s ships than iu the first a sensational debate in Chamber to- CONGRATULATIONS SKNT. (ioughkenanion, encounter, but the American guns were morrow, In which he will be backed by On Hoard Flagship Brooklyn off Va. being Carl'sta and Republicans. (ieueral Fortress Monroe, Va., May 2. Whea A good 30 inch paper t'SKD WITH TKI,!,IN KKFKCT. Wevler, whose popularity is Increasing, the newspsper boy biouirht the special For Sale. At the smoke lifted it waa sscu Uat will also provoke debate la the Senate. editions with the news of the bailie at cutter, at this ollice tf 8 "WJ3EJTCX.Y- - OPTIC GTOUK OEOWER

CJrnnt Count Mlnrn, the supervision of th." Cernían en Mexican amigos ta the rescue Then I Secretary Long' daughter, who is a Hilrr Cl'v Knterprls. glneers It contains live IS ton guns of took the rope with the Imti picket pin medical student in Baltimore, denle waded In che i as New Important discover- the newest pattern, and has earthworks fastened to one end and Doc that going to the front nurse. aud mining on I safety to ies ure made every In constructed the latest principles. and. threw the line him. It Is tahl that Crozier, who Invented heinir day (iraot Tha according of Soon one end was to the wagon county This Utest is reported from fort, to the opinion fastened the disappearing gun carriage, got his, Spanish engineers. Is a sufticlent defense and the other end wat held on shore idea from a Kansas prairie dog jump A point ni the Simla Una range, a few bvgan Mexican Intica northeast of Nauta lina, on for the port, but there is also Custeilo and we to unload, the ing Into Its hole. tin (In la Luz, which I wen line and carrying rldg tieurgetown und has repaired and friend to the There are In Calada Om.OoO btween the Cas-tell- o very children rearmed with the older guns from out our goods, the current being who )nrn' F'vnH rump. The dlaniTcry some- r&nnot get any Rv!,o..!n,g. As .san Francisco, hen the last swift. After lighting the load 1 was mad by Mr. M ver of the T box ' many as 1 73 new achoolhouaes t iiion Line steamnr touched at what, ropes were tied to the rtcr end are or gave called for, cost 1 ranch. Tho return of nine I'almns repairs were being also pushed help of our the of which estimáis tenth of un ounce gold and 40 and with the valuable ed at 4,G,IKJ llorín. per at Custeilo San Fernando and feur new amigos we got the wagon ashore; the ounces silver ion. 10 guns were la ook ramp, leading lead pro ton being mounted catastrophe over. l the Custeilo Mat Is b no goods gone, two April Wisdom ducer of New Mexico and of the south de to neglected. No tiret lost, but wet pantaloons nf Be sura your blond Is ure, your ap- went, la today more prosperous than ducks, weatlug the that On the W Ing. our amigo Juan. We have been petite good, your digestion ever before lu ltd history. I ho develop Just upon now very To the Editor of th Otitic. served with an excellent dinner by our To purify your blood and build up your menta projertle are his accomplished encnrraglng and int'lcata beyond doubt IIomk Hinoji April 27th, host, thaitas to brallb, take flood's Har.arerHla. or Jcak daughter, and In twenty minutes will the several large producing Tlil medicine acomui-IUlie- addiliuu'of Iv.t. This morning at the eatly hour be on the road to Mills' ranch, twenty ba remáll- minen lu the near enle cures of bl lut'ir. of seven, after an excellent breakfast miles below. Should w II nd a gallon all nil disease. It Is tb On the Othello and Desdemona On mines cooked at tha home of Henry Leese, at or so of water in an arroya, on the True Illood Purifier. tha Kansas City Smelting and Iteliniiig road w horse Hood'e Haraaparilla baa t hi liado Juan Fa Is, two gay young will swim the across. piwer uiiks Company or hi I'aao, bus a force ol Adío. K. V. L. ou well hy purifying and enriching your eighty employed. Fifty duckt fine pirita on miners tons of in pulled out th blood, giving yon an appetite and nerve, ore la the regular daiy shipment. road for Fuerta de N Luna and th ranch FINANCIAL fKKNtiTli. mental and dige-tl- v strength. On the Summit group of mine, bet- - of A, ( Mills. Everything seemed ter as proper known the !eel and roe prop! us. The l'ecos wat crossed In 1810 the wealth of the United ty. Jo llllchlns has a Ivsse and is tnak titit FOR HA I.E. 2, MO cree of patented comfortably any State was computed at ?i'j,037,C.M,197 Ing regular shipments. I his whs and without feeling of grasleg Und, In thrre pastures, situated In danger at the Kl liado crossing and and the debt per capita was VI2.37. formerly one of the bonanza mines of D'limlas Co., Colorado, thirty Ave miles the i amp and will undoubtedly be so over the mesa and along the Agua At the same time the wealth of Great egra, we a from Denver. Also two timber claim, again as the indications are very prom drove at ten mile gait. Britain was fl.l.friO.OOO.OtO and her locating siieep rancoes at the most which ran he pttentei! at once. All fenced. oting lor the early development of a debt per capita was SH7.7U Th large ore body. tavoranl point and discussing the Price, H rr acre f.r bole tract of J KID me country, we weHlth of Spain was 7,iHw ,000.0; 0 and No W'm. Kief Is exploring the Clara K. merits ol until reached cret. Ttrmscssb. trades considered. the l'ecos at I'uerto de I. litis. her debt per capita was 871,27. At Address Jons McMcsun, through two rhalts which have reached Along the Agua .Negra were numer depths of !) to IJI feet respectively . the same time two thirds of the people Fraokton. out bauds of sheep aud almost a mull! -t At the bottom of the HI feet shaft two lude of litlie lambs. At the l'ecos of old Spain can neither read uor Doug las Co , Colo. diifts have been run dixtance or till and near write nor tight. will be 80 feet with large ore Inter- crossing Juan Hinojo we paused It thus teen strlnirrr of long enough be- sected at every foot of to water tne horses that the wealth .of this country wat Thousands are Trying the dintanre. fore attempting to cross, fearing the It. On the riryan Mr. Kief bat a shaft nearly nine timet that or Spain, In Ib'JO; In order to prov lb great merit of 150 feet In depth which a iraciieroiis quick lands. Me In- from drift vestigated the crossing, and as we saw while the debt of Spain per capita, or Kly's Cream Balm, tb most effective cur Iimh been run loo feet but has not yet on each for Catarrh and Cold In Head, we bav encountered the mineralized rone fresh wagon tracks, uulerinlued it was Individual In the nation man, of safe, and stimulated at woman prepared a generous trial else for 10 cents. limestone which it Is x peeled will soon somewhat the and child was two and one. prospects good Oet It your or 10 be cut on Its dip toward the of dinner with the fifth time that of th United States. of druggist send cents ta drift. (ioldenberg boye and Jim Abercrom. BLY BROS., 56 Not a good showing for our friend, the Warren HI., N. Y. City. Ppaln'a Naval tie, and remembering also that (.'apt. I suffered from catarrh of th wor-- t kind Stations. aud Dick were enemy. Pittsburg 1)1. patch. Jenkt on ever sine a boy, and I never hoped for me otner aiue, wuiioul any mis- The Canary Islands, according to tha we plundered our, bui Rly'a Cream Halm seems to do givings Into the A IMIKTI V ILLl'flTllAl lON. most reliable, statements that can be river which really teemed a very quiet even that. Many acquaintances bav used It excellent resulte. Ostrotn, obtained, tor the pending conflict, have and safe stream, the lirst plunge A good tory come wh 0cr from Vancouver, Warren Ave., III. been equipped by Spain with form- Brought tnn water into the waaroii Led Chicago, and the second brought the horses up llritnth Columbia, a follows: Ely'a Cream Balm la idable defenses. The ('ape Verde tba acknowledged to their bellies In the quick tand and Fourth Ofllcer Hepbern of tb steamer cur for catarrh and contains no iHlauds will become cocaine, the centre of her then they began to flounder. In this Empress of Japan Ulls of a bin street fight mercury nor ny injurious drug. way we got one fourth across, Trie naal strength, and lu vlaw of this to about la Hong Kong. Just bsfors th ilmnir GOceuts. At druggist or by mall. both point much la the horses sinking deeper and deeper, seiled a row occurred In a saloon between ínter:, attached plunging lluully and ttruggling, and KiiHitn and Engdob adora. A for the American people. sticking fast up to the hips. squad of Tha Canary Inlands lit in the North Hoc had the presence r mind of an Kusslan sttlois picked up all tb Uerman Atlantic ocean and hate been In the old soldier and although his adjectives and French sailors on land, beld a council possession of Spam since H'i'S. The were or very expressive kind and Ins ut war, aud hostilities ware declared Cattle for Sale agalrnd th- - Anglo-Haxo- n several principal islands in the group voice attained a high key, he was unite. rsoa. In tblrty To h d of shout ,ano head of Teni-rille- , V IT are (iraud Ctuary, I'alma, equal to the emergency. 1 had the im minutes 400 (i. rineo, French aud V Langarote, Klllo aiiwkeaille In fark coantjr, Colorado, Is for Fuerteventura, (omero and pression lu going In that we tnould ailura were lined tbrea deep along Quen sale. Well lotated to proUtahlj continue tb Hierro, these seven Islands covering an hold well to our right, when e and the tieet, which U tweutv-fiv- feat wide, for huelneee. I.ande reserved, but use ran it area of about 4,000 square miles. horses began to p unge turn up rf aud the 100 y arda, f Juia tempi to th Kit en for a terra of reara. Fuerteventura lies ne.trettt to the river to left my suggestion was. rain water'. the due, and defied TUB KDDV H1HSKLL I.IVB BTOl'K CO. African its pull 1 tb Yankees and Jubnny coast, distance therefrom to the right." Image my excla t. A. K'lily, eee., him lloetn HI.1. Drover. being between lilty and sixty miles. mation, 'T)oc, pull em to the nirlit." Bulls to break tbelr ranks, Juertng them Santa Cruz de Santiago, on tha south 'pull to the right," must have beeu ve f.r cowards. srowih III) coast of Teuerille, la 1 Tb Y ankers 1,V) CTnptlia nf IMS Hook Ire the residence of hement and possibly imperious, for and Britlehera. strong, , - Write Joba ; Hlver the (ioiernor (ienerxl of th.- Canaries, remember line's exclamation. "How nut balf tb number ( tb suemy, Street Chlrago Chemical Delnuaer at llrueuleta. TenerilT being th largest island of the the d I can 1 get them to the right, the to Iba charge, shoulder to abuulder, group, potatoes, ligs. (rain, bananas horses will drown." At that moment some crying "Hail Columbia" and some grH pes, dates and oranges are among visions of I wo dead horses, two aud God Have tba Queeu." Tbey drove Ilka a the many products oí thb islands, and llrst-clas- s profesional cadavers lying nighty wtrig through - large quantities of w ine and raw silk In the tun, pulled out of the no, lower lb mast of for- F. BÜRKHARD, are exported. The Inhabitants are down Hashed over my mind, and a ignrrs. aliirhlly darker people chilly Tb allied (Jeruiao, French Ituaalan than the of kind of sensation passed and Manafacturer of tbe relelirated Spain, and the woman are not sulking through. Then Hoc shot over the forcea were loon aurruundml, end, la tb In respect of beauty. dashboard, unhooked the dogs, loosened wordi of an ey wlm-e- , "the email squad Hurklnird Stock Saddlo o IT The ('ape Verde Islands also lie the horses lrom the wagon and Molly of Anlo-Hkxo- ns knocked seven baila out the coast of Africa, but a crean r d made a plunge for terra Urina, then Hoc of them," Tb polio were powerless from it, the nearest of group, to the and Dandy and Molly became mixed Interfere. Tb nfllosrs Cowüirl Sido Saddle Jioa Vista, being 2no miles from the all up together, the horses heading for hurried to tbe shore mainland. The Islands belong to the shore and Doc holding on to the launches, but tb hostilities did not My New 1'ortugal, and are under the command lines, through the deeper water. They cease till tb allied forces cried for quarter Xo. 135 Stock f the (iovernorlii-cliie- f, appointed by reached the shore in safety leaving me ihi hows on a small scale what Saddle le tba beat saddle oa the crown. The group consists of ten in the wairon with the water rushing Lngland and the Uuited Slate could earth for tb aioner. Islands, of which Vincent now through bed In I'lUCK 38. si. it the the middle of the do, combined In an offensive and de- inobt frequently mentioned. The chief river. The chilla became more fre- occupation of the Islanders is cuttle, quent and much colder. fensive alliance. Harness, fishing. The total arm ot the Islands I happened to have a sun In my it 1,210 square mi es. They were dis- pocket and 1 tired tlx rapid and distinct Dr. 8. Fillinor Bennett, the author Spurs, covered in 1 1 II, and now have a popu- signals of distress. A Mexican boy of "The feweet Hy and Uy, is growing lation of about 1WJ.0UI. answered the signal but In the txcite-n- i blind, but hopes soon to complete a Chaparajos, Etc. On the Canaries, the fortt at Las nit of the moment I forgot my Span volume ot Terse on which he is now at Have juet pot la a full line of Spring I'aluiat ate four in number of which ish and could only yell, "Itlo mucha work. Wagone Buekboarda, Itkggle Cabtello San Francisco, 2'.t5 years old, Is malo. Mexicano pronto," and Doctor I'resldenl Crespo, of Venezuela, who and fbanUina. the most formidable, having been re- chimed, "Yes. devilish preuto," which wu killed by the lusuracuu. waa f 6ad for catalogue aod prlo list. tailed and remodeled last year under, bud the e fleet of bringing two 1 Indian descent stalwart 10-- l W. Mala ML, . TrlnldadCol- - OPTIC Jk.OSrXJ STOCK OHOWEH 0

Im- ITEMS OP INTEREST. Wasiiinotoí, April 30. An Slaater Sal. WARiiixttTov, April 30.-- Tha Comp- portant announcement is made at the fud'lo Dote It hereby I, th liombay is the leading peart mart of aleen that troller of Currency today received a the world. national headquarters of the American ond rlgnd, by virtu of a deer rrn-1e- rt telegram fiom Hank Examiner F.wer, France pays In pensions every year Federation of Labor, In this city, m th PiMrlcl rnurt of the Fourth stating he had taken charge of tha 70,(Ki,CXl Judicial t, nf of New frntics. which, in effect, cancels all the elabor- Di.trli ths Territory Hampshire County National Hank, Only 8 percent In M- of of Knasfa's enormous ate arrangements completed by Meneo. snd for the county of 8n Northampton, population can that iguel, IV, Mas. The president, read and write. on lb Mh day of Fehruer,, A. who The Hcllly group contain 40 organization for the Inauguration of the examiner says is a defaulter to about IstM, in a certain cane In eeld ennrt fund. Í','5,IXX) Island, only five of them inhabited. the big movement for an eight-hou- r the amount of or 8iX,UA, is Ing. bains Number imi, William Maltioeuf reported nilHMinif. The preaiilent nf Mtidie'a Circulating library hit 3,(JH,. woikday. aid Andrleo A. Jonee, plelnHfN OX) v. the national bank was also president of hook constantly In circulation, and Ia accordance with the de Chrlet W.Wiley d Emma P.Wiley, the Hampshire Savings liaak. employ 171 peopie. The cision of the last gen- defenrlsnta, will on the 2ltn of May, (overument examiner arranged Vienna's oldest dr In- painter, Itudnlph eral assembly of the Federation, lslH,t to hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at tb through tbe State examiner for an Alt, ha been voted a pen- municipal held dnur nf the coin t bout In th vestigation of the two banks, at the sion of a year. at Nashville last December, leadi at ftoit same time n siting It Impossible f Ing trades throughout the In I I county Hn M igurl, offer for tale for There were 3o!l more pnaoriers In enntrv. if those in charge to transfer funds from v. living moie tlixti i.odo.oiio men in all, nd Mill for ra-- b In I th blgbent MasHauhusetia on March 31 than un the bod one to other to cover up a shortage. year. wen to simultaneously demand au nd ll il.l r to tif th turn of Un lime date last eight-ho- ur was hl dv, and tomorrow the Hizty ud 0 Dollar. (IUUCÍI) n Reward Iord lnifTerin is said to hare twelve dale set for tne inauguration Hundid lioo. of the wnh 1 from 6th, while cats, almimt exactly alike, for movement. During trie Inst six months tret ihr..u Ftnurv The reader of thU paper will b pUaaed w hich he pnld ?o,nr. Mr. (Jumpers visited New York, lwtw, at ih rt of twelve pir cent, per to learn that ther la at lrat one dreaded ba annum, Hale, While Turkey la known to be bank- Chicago and oilier large cities and per- to dt of Judgment, and diaeaa that clenre has bten able to cur tlliad-Terilieme- rupt, the Sultanía believed to be the sonally superintended many of the ar- - eoat of court and further coata of In II da atag snd that ts Catarrh. Hall's rich) it man In Europe. raugements. it was fully expected by and sal, tb follow! g Catarrh Cur is th i nly positive cur now the great would An astronomical photograph recent-l- y leaders that strikes be priprty, to wit: known lo the medical fraternity. Catarrh found necessary A D prepared I 1ondon, Berlin and i'arla before the battla could undivided of all tb follow leing a om niltull iral dieaxe, require a revéala ivs,(k),(imj tara. be won. Ing deirrlhed lot or parral of land and raal The war, however hn changed all this. constitutional tr.atnient. Kail's Catarrh tat eltuate, lying and being In lb - The average weight of the br'ln of a Without a dlsseiiliug von e the board Cur ia taken tiitemady, aetin- directly Scotchman Is larger than that of any of director of the Federation has come County o' 8o Miguel and Territory of Uon th blood and muc uamrfnreof the othtT race on the globe. to the conclusión that to stir up strife Nw Meilci, and better deecrlbed and yatem, thereby deatoylrg the foundation Four years and elgnt months Is the between employer and employed at the bounded f illowa, to wit: Beginning at of th dlaraar, and Riving the ratixnl average time that the Berlin borne car present time would be both Inadvisable a point on tb aat lina of the Mora road atreiith by bubding up the conallnitlon une company multes of a hora. and unpatriotic Oillcinl notice has from which the eoiitheaat corner nf book anil al'tiiig nature in doing n woik, - Mai- o Check Castle, Id county, accordingly been sent the International N . Right (N) of Kaynolda and HirrolJ'. Th propilrtur have ao much lalth In it Ohio, 1 ton Association of Machinists and the In- which 1'latl made fatuous, addition tu tb loan of Eeat Vegaa. aa curative powrra, that they oiler tin is to be turned luto a summer ternational IVsHinen's union, which 1 resort. on a plat of addition no file and a-- organizations had been chosen as the shown Hundred I)ol ara fue any i e tt at It tail The Maxim cavalry gun, which lire of record In lb oltl of th ! nhata t'leik to cure He. d for bat ot "(X) a standard bearers of tbe movement, that Testimoníala. shots minuteweighs but thirty nd ei-nfl- lil. for aald County of pounds and can be strapped upon a sol the strike which they were expected to declare tomorrow been Hart Miguel, eaat 878 tliano titer's back. has indellnitely fe; J poetponed. north 64 ' 8.V, hrK. 178 feet, lo a atone in tb Thieves let out the water of an arti- mi.lill of wlr fence; Ibenc along ficial near Cumberland, Aid., Urn' lake and H. 7 W. ttXX) (la . 30. A aid fence, feet to tbe stole all the larger lish, leaving the Atlanta, April special - ainall ones to perish on the banks. to the Journal from Key West, says: eal lln of th Mora road; tbrnca along VUHHO AT SMALL Com- lu .naa. ola,- - Clalha'a Oeejnlrw Traa (pal'tll weclion c Mr. Is aald road 8. ' OL', E 6tt to th petition It is reported that Kipling an Fort Cubanas, a small foi tilled town ft 2"J 87 lot! from hipa, aplne anil txinr'. lo ihr of lieginuing, containing snd I'alltMMifio-pa- his way home from the Cape, where he - ntlural cttahlona of muvlra. thlrty-lv- e miles west was acre niagneilt- courage. 11 hap of Havana, aaea rupture' tnrre to rrtalit m II passed the winter, and that ha is Hied on Friday evening and de- Held nrnperiy to u sold a wbol or Our book ernt Ire, inIn plain araltd e'lvaloji due in Kngland early next month . molished The firing began at 8:30 separately. CH1C10IHI M.'lJWiyitiwirnir.O'tRP'T.MICH The expedition of Major (ibbons, to and ltKtd fifteen minutes. Ten shots l)t.l Inn lirii amy or April lui W. K. UoHTSsa. cross Africa from Cae Town to Cairo, were tired from the New York's bat- A. KOV, No. 0 41 Maaiar. HIVK will have aluminum launches that may teries. The first shot was fired by the Hpcii . U. La ('oea. Mora County, New Meiko. be separated into sections for carrying. Spaniards. W a. C. HllV, Haime, ManauT, April 30.-Ur- evet llrlg- - Lieutenant Keywitch. of the Ameri- St. Pavl. HprlliKr, New Meilro adier (euerl Kdwla C. Mason, U. S. RanK Meatano and ojo Hotllo, Mora Co., N. M . can army, and i'rincess Louise, of Be- KitY West. April 30. Incoming lgium, who recently eloped, are said to A.,agel sixty sven, died this after say tiring by the flagship e. boats that the noon of heart Calila brand Ht NiV be on their wy to the United Sta'es. New York, last night, was on Cabanas, N"' k"'t ui The (erman Empress has accepted a small fort anout ten miles west of Kent nn and all the Invitation of Ijneen Victoria to Mariel. The torpedo boats Porter and Calll branded fill f Ai In. rea I iro (pend a part of the summer In Aber Kncsson wers scouting closi to the In I In.i Hun. I. geldie Caxtle, in Scotland. She is in coast when a small battery opened lire lightens J 1 poor health. or. them with rapid lire guns. The Mayor Carter II. Harrison, of Chi- torpedo butt I a quickly withdrew and the If Dor tlrrttd - boulder. cago, in his first annual message con- untitled the lUwsliip which was ruining load I gratulates tbe cily council on "the slowly In a westerly direclon. The remarkable scarcity of vicious legisla- New York promptly returned the fire, shortens f The Wonders of Science sending In, here, tion" last var. it is said about twelve the Mrs. Evelyn S. Tome, the widow of shots from six and eight inch guns. the Iste Jacob Totne,tle philanthropist, The batteries ashore made no response. road. Lung Troubles and Consumption tiring was by no means in the (JOEAGE bus jiiNt been elected President of the The Can be Cured! Cecil National Hank of Tort Deposit, nature of a bombardment. Makes the wagon pull easier, Md., LKAUNEI) WIWDOM. hcll the team. Save wear to succeed her husband. HAD . I n . . . I m IK Mi fccl V An it tnt Turk C'tivmU. nnd With reference to the examination of Kkv Wkst, April 30. It s under- k ' . y Nw female clerks for the llrltish postotlice ultai MHkn Kr Oflvr 10 stood here thai the New York aad Our Kmflire. service, the announcment la made that Helena tried tne lire from the lie 4 todrw each candidate must at least feet batteries of Havana and Mallei, but t; ,.- - 10 inches in height without boots. failed to do so. dliiMneiil'hM chrmlitt, T. A. Mlocum, of Wheat Is growing so fast In the Wi- Nrw Turk t liv, tieiiinoMtriKiUtg til f r mltlcrnr tur 4 "itiiiiii(lon t.iliiHorr Tu llamette Valley, Oregon, that the farm- Wasiiikciton, April 3U. It is en- Texas and Pacific hrrui'.iOi lirtmcbiat, lunv and rhrl IriMiblini, ers are turning the aheep In to ear it tirely possible that the operations of HtttM.orn ctiiikf rattatrrhi.r mtfriitmm, irvofritl and even mewing It lest it attain fleet in In tillii0 airiii wchKii) i! of flfssti, am ft bII down, the American Cuban waters Popular Route of wftftttiii. w y, wll- ftfiiil TH HKK KH K growth vessels The Great such a rank that rust strike it. tbe matter of seizing Spanish lti T rLr tli 4liltiDi ) of hlu Nw Itrovrt( The age of tbe whale Is calculated ac will soon be completely eclipsed by the Humean tbi Kaat and West. loan) illittiU rsvk'r of iblppr wrlilDK for grey- thpni. cording to the number of laminae, or performance of the swift ucean HIlOItT LINK TO Now b liov-ernni- M Trtmnt" crril layers, of the whaleboi.e.whtch lacrease hounds recently purchased by the thoiixartdw pnnintiitlv liv lis II tur ly u, kiirl h yearly. From these Indications, ages from the American line. New Orleana, at. Loula, hlcaco, Kaauu ronaUilr it ft linpiv rufsiiloiial ditty lo nftW-lii- kf is, Clly, New Vork, Waahlngtoa.Bnd huunltjr to dwüt m trial of bla iufalPila of 30U to 300 years have been assigned These vessels, St. Lor St. Paul and cum. Harvard, been i.tted with armor K wondwra, to whales. have All Points In the North, East and Southeast ivnr dally ilviip Dw and thlt protection over all their exposed ma tfrrnt i'.itMntut, pailntty X(Mr1nnnttn lor 30. Ameri- chinery have already received good Car ha pPMliHftl raiil(a aa Dntrt lM lo humanity Nfw York, Apill The and Pullmaa I'alaoe Hleeflns aa ran rlalm1 by any iomlra fDtit. Ilia batteries. was the intention of the awMirti'iii lunwt can line steamer, City of Paris, arrived It Ht. Uallaa, Ft. Worth, Kl thai trouhlt, aul t''nuititt)un Dallv betweon arw In any la proven ! "(.fart-- f Southampton.after a department to considerably supplement i , ' rtirahla rltntaie this morning from and Han Kranrleio, al alai Maraliall i navy yards faao a lU4ra of ura'lf udts," fllvd ta hla Amcrlt-Mt- rough passage. After clearing land. these batteries at the lint snd Now Urleaua wllhout cbann. and hnro,ao llHira'orla la liiouaanda from April 22nd, Captain Waikins shaped owing probably to the receipt of infor. Solid Train fro in ) Pud to St. Leal th- - ra'rd In all parta of tha world. his con rue north, and after a run of matlon from abroad of the movement 1 ha dffawl Ciniittiiipilon( unliiUrriiptd, mana very Spanish Flrat-elaa- a ennU aienl. SnrecoBDee tfjr and rrlain dath. thirty miles headed for home, keeping of some richly liden Faettlm. A T A M C , W tloua. K that tlrkal read la Tenaa Hlmply writs lo Hlorom, Pina usum, vessels, does not, con- jour , N about thirty miles from the the department Harlnc Halloar. ' Kr map. Urn tablea, llckata York, Klvlnif poMi'lUr and fiprca course. The City of Paris will here- sider that time remains to complete the ralea ami all required Inlormailon, call un or ad aildrM, and tha fr iudu Iii4 will ba promptly as work in an ordinary manner at the draee anr ol the Ticket Aírenla, or atni dlrM-ti- Imih hi laOoralnry after be known the Vale. H V. OAhllkMIIKK, níTetrura ahoulil Ink luaiaut apantana of hla Hto JKNARIO, Itrail, April 30. 6 p navy yards, now overwhelmed with W. A , El rao, gHr,rMi propltlon. r. I. Teiae. !).-- i 4w tt46 . that yon tMa tLa m. 'I he war ship Oregon baa Juot other woik. so the traiioforiu&J lib&rs K f. Tl;KNU, n aad Tal. rif ull ir tu la arrived. are to be rushed to sea. Jiallaa, 'lenaa. Htuck iirt'wrr attd Kariuar, !a Vcitaa. N. M. lo T OPTIO AütTÜ BTOCK GROWER ITEMS OF INTEREST. VKIISATII.K CAPTAIN HK.HIIKK American Srajrltie Ahmad Tha tales of American securities hava Captain Sijsbee, the naval command- been, according to I.r idon adrice, vary ON T0CUBA fio woman Ir allowed In Ilerlin to rids abroad of lata. If I b la ol thlnga on the tup of omnibus. er, is known to the whole world -- a man tari ilute bu buida. Ibera will be an lncreaing Indus of í'.ljtht eegs of Indomitable courage, cool demeanor ni'llion have been found llriti.h fold Into Ihla market. Tbla Are r'ou Ready to Answer I tin of a cixliUli . the'X in rf ninul and good judgment. Hut not so mxny the faith al road in tha ataMllty A caterpillar In the conree of moot people know that this gallant oMcer has of our credit. There la another point of Expected Call of Our Go- will devour fiuo times Kg own weight In other talents liesldet the ability to corns filth for which lha people, not only of tlila vernment For food. mand a war veasel, or that he haa won but foreign countries, bar g Hid grnumla Manitoba traces It h origin from Man. diatlnction In other fields, tajs the Pitts-bur- for credence, and that ia belief tn the y Itoti. trip Indian appellation of "The bravery wis- of Hoalatter'e Hloma-- Rutera for Ureat Spirit." liip)tih. Ills and dom In Havana harbor, whsa his Halen nialadlei wldeh affect tha eloniacb, 40ü,000VoluntcGrs Re- liver, bowels, kidney a and Argentina, now the Argentina did battle ship was blown tip, were suf- nérvea. public, iiww its mima to the silvery re- billoueneea, conatlnatlun and rheu I I tnem ficient to Thm mn rrAltr dti(rr tfmo flection f ita rivera. overshadow his former matism ara conquered ty it. It hasten, H)ul-- huIlM. C'ul ban an uiitiAlltif including bis exploit of rliniatft, whi- h noue but baniy, viguroiH In the 23 libraries of fterlin. which achievement, convaleecance, and diffuaea a geoeroua running the Maine Into a New York h'Hlta pan are public or helling lo olliciitl boil i en, warmth and arnatlon of physical comfort T(U mayrtt.bé oui of tht fplrrviM army; there are over ',m,m volume. dock to avoid collision with crowded through the ayaiem. hpitc, if you t arold a miveraliia excursión boat. rtciiiM of tirknexiti, ur pon-i- b' wom you In every school In Paris there la a If the Spanish naval authorities are nti ul'1 at Ttoe put four yt'0 lo rou'tl-t(- n restaurant where tree mela are served It Is a fact, however, that Captain o withtani lha banaful Cul-- i ell counting upon finding Í , to the children who are too poor to pay. Sigsbee Is an artist of no meiin order, the Atlantic mitf), If your diifilln lioiorb-d- b'ooti wholly unprotected, It so Imptira. tmwrli ur ynu have ma- Pernambucn means "the month of an Inventor who might hare made a coast as baa irrnular ofien beon represented by European larial ffrnta In your avtarn. taka liberal hell," In allusion to the violent aurf al- brilliant success In the patent o like, and at 1 frqiipnt i at of 1'rtrkly Ah Hittrm; ways soeii at the mouth of Ita chief a scientist of practical character As and even American publications, the y It greatuat ayftm refruiator And river. w ill meet a tremendous surprise when blood pur. tier on rarth. It rifa lha commander of the survey steamer that one battleship and four torpedo borrlnt cur connttrAtlnn. ralifva inii-vafo- Itrazil is a Portuguese term, derived bloted, lilake, Captain Sigsben rendered vain-ab- le boats come In contact with what Is viraliiKt lha atrpi gthpna from braza, "a live coal," relative to the awaiting tha ai Inpyi.liTor. utamach an I boWHia. lit red lyeweo with which the country service to his country in peaceful them. marvlou purify luff and trei (((hw.inic abound). paths. The deepest depression In the pr'pfrti will a i fortify tha tun) y thnt it Old papera, 15c per hundred, at Taa Op-Ti- c will pmof of (ulf of Mexico was named Sigslx-- ba ftKBtn t tbd grm The longest ennal In the world la In office. lit it fvfr, malaria or chola a. In abort. It ItuNHla. It axleada from St. Valley In big honor by the paityof keep t)) lyMem in prf ct unit r. to the frontier of China and nieim-ure- a scientists which accompanied the lilake Ortega dr Hanehea. widow of tha Put a BoTTM in Your KNAPSACK nearly 4Ty MJ miles. as a token of their appreciation oflila Uta J nan Hanehaa, haa rec-iee- d tiecs. pv from in- - Fenalon irariiient aniountirig If only pure milk was sold In London clentiflc assistance and his invention to eim'rfhilig over $100. WllKN liarcu inarches toward tlin it la sat minted that from M.WXI to liu,-- to facilitate their work. As an Illus- Havana that pait of the stoiy more cowa would be wanted to keep GO up the supply. trator he won recognition beiore he bad TO ALASKA will lie ne.irly told. secured a command in the ni.vy. By a A French agriculturist has grafted Reliable Line. "CATARriMTíTijITDr' tomatoes upon potatoes, with the result In brief, Captain Sigslien Is one of Steamers for that his pbint produces potatoes under- those versatile, forceful men who might l'eople ara be(rimiiiir t learn Unit DAWSON CITY, KOT-ZEB- UE ground and tomatoes above. win fame in almost any occupation to CATAHUII is a IochI (lienst, caiinrd by rr pea ted colds in hi-a- The Correspondence, published In which they might turn their attention. SOUND and all ths rmibimr expreanea In fliliirg.-incii- t of the soft hones of the Madrid, conlldence the Withal he Is a gentleman cons points in ALASKA. "eventual triumph of Justice." And with nose, iliit'keuiii and ulceration of the that Is what l.'ncla Sain plus his faith science as active as his mentality. lining with its constant upon. When he declared his belief that his ThelSfPHTÉDUE of iiiititoiltliy iNiiriiM ami pus; every brnxtli Is chiefly used for ship was Mown up by an enemy he had that is tainted before the Oakum caulk inir GOLD MINING and DEVELOPMENT rvHi'hi-- s ths lungs; is tlm hipa; it is also largely used for surgical air thnt it good reasons for believing it, and the trm hav. king, expec-torntln- In in himpitxta citusn of couslaul purposes dressing the of Spanish dogs, at big will Company of Yukon. nose headurlies, psr (ireat liritain and on the Continent. barking heels, bloediliK. neither frighten him nor weaken the loss of liearliiif, liolnes Ih tlm bead, There !M be a partial eclipse of the lllHKCTOaS-- . deiifuess, Impaired vision, laosltiide, de- .1 confidence of the American people in moon til 3, annular eclipse of the sun Mr. Joseph l.adue, Dawaon. Jí. W. T. bility, Ions ol rest suit Impaired Hp pe- er hia July IS. it partial eclipse of the sun ii.tegrtiy and sincerity. Captain Hon, Chaunrev M. Llepe. New Yoik. tite, und bud bre ilh; that it is tlia piln-cip- VI, and a total eclipBe of the Sigabee la a typical American and the Hon. I H. Meclnln.b, Kegina. N. W. T. cause of bronchitis, pneumonia 2."i. Mod. Thomaa L. Jamee, New moon l ecember Yorh. and consumption lungs; I II nation may well be confident of victory Mr. H. Waller WeOh, York. of the AT ground In Sw CAN ON LY l!K( TKKI) KV LO-CA- L The the vlcinltv of the when It remembers that il baa such Mr. Klmer K. Bntaf .rd. I'lattsbuig, N. Y. IT )5ank of Kngland la estimated to be A.. TKKATMKNT; that tlis AMKIU men Mr Kit Uage. t'hlfago. worth not leas than StO.UiO.OiK) per acre. In command of ita naval vessels Mr. William J. Arkell, New Ynrk. ICAN CATAKKII t'UUK is tha only Land in Pull Mall haa changed hands and such citizens behind ita guns, both Hod. Hnil'b N. Weed. I'lut'at.urg, N. Y. remedy known that can cure the dis- at 'J..Vmi.()ih) an acre. on sea Mr. William llrnon. New York enso: that it is not a patent medicine,, and land. Hon J Ne.liitt KircbolTer, Some Philade'idilans are calling upon Manitoba. but tha private prescription of a phtai-cia- n, Mr. Krwlil C. rlluiup. New York. who ' the police to enforce a Mr. K. Br New Devoted years to the study Something of the historical character h. win, York. (linease-- , which a Mr. K Ma-url- and treatment of the and whit ordinance of the city, forbids of wus twin Jr.ay Pltv.N.J. vehicle following another In the streets the Spaniard displayed In the Mr. 'Ibna.W.Kirkpatriek Uawaoa.N. W.T. thought the time had come when tha at a lens distance than ID feet. telegram of the Governor of the Phil- Operating tha public should have the bonetll of hia LADUB-YUK- experience. A pair scales, much like those ippine. Islands to the Government at TMaNSHURTATION of of AMKKK ( modern pharmacists, are among the ob- Madrid, that he was in hourly expecta- Company. AN CATAKKII t'HK. jects discovered this year, In excava- J.noo-ton- e ataamcra, leaving iaa Pranclaca, Sold by all druggists, or mailed any- tion for the battle with the American about Juna iat and Keattla about J'ine giH for ai.iKj. tions about I railes from Thebes, und where, for KjuuJroii to begin, while 5t. Mlchaela, connecting thera lth alcaant Trepare.! liv l( M. recently exhibited In London. Admiral river boata for 1'iema, kolrebua Aound and Wll .IONKS. I).. liewey i.oolly advised his Government other polnta In Ala.ka- Our veaela ara Hablad 8th and Iteed Sts., I'hiludelphia. I'a. There could not possibly tie a whiter by electricity, have elefant tablea and luom. city than Cadiz, unless it was built of at Washington that there might be a anodallona, ladlea bfiudinra, apaclal cabina, snow. As you near coast, you see collision 1 crandaalon, anclal hall, imoklni roo mi and but the between Ills own an the let. ptircelaln bath tube, ateant In you ap- heat. front of a white musa which Spanish naval forces in three dsyg. It paeaage and freight adüraaa: í pears to lie flouting upon the water, JOIfN.aON.UKKe MliWCaNtlLE COMPANY. V SMLKE Y3UU MEAT VTH just as you are. is the cool fellow who gets there awry time. 609 Market M.t 5an or beattla, Waahlngton. aJjj.CiiiCUUl. KKAUSEB MlLTUH. Spain'm very liberal cone tssions to 1401 5w-Si- t. tb.vJ. PL American commerce have not pre- TllK I'nlted States have been a happy WE SFtl DIRFCTT0THE FARMER. Steel LaudaliJe liuublc lloenl t'l.., vented her from making a prize of an nation today. Such glorious results in ttKKl glee, .hiiiiBiA au American schooner, laden with coal, two hours time, have probably never Dn.GUrjrJ'S i ti. ni near Manila. The question naturally bien equaled and certululy never arises whether Spain has changed Its ONE FOR ADOSE. plmnUa. ftmnv Vfvmt 0itr rlowd.W, C...maV mind on the subject ef coal us contra- rtihori.rtaNiai, Htirtff th- 11. wnl. PILLS ft in. W4wu, aw. t completa Cum lrM'iift band of war. Knr. A mtiVftiiatut flf lh ImiomU .t.w - UT Tlie. 'a. " UioaoiTowN, N. M., April ÍS, 18!lS. hMlth. n.ill...... 1141'i.UUD PLOW CO. -- lli.AllM. JiL m V uiii ur lull ho 1W la TllK President baa declined wltb Henry tilichera, of this place baa beeo it ul bjr iiruKsuhv OH. BUiANKOir, CO. Pbilfc Pa. thanks Miss Helen tiould'a offer of takliu tbs famous uiuiliciue. Huail'a Her ,8 nCST ENCUNES f 100,000 for wur purposes. Can anyone spirilla, fur boil sui hloU-be- which ap- wa liifc LNUXNLH. JCÍ JLl peared on bit and body. He asya t,.nii:i-- oh s'ir- - 4Hlllli I J" toll why y It would have saved that btd liiv lHillr Ilk.. tl.JAi ni iiu. f be e covered who tbain from bead to IPOTATOES Tú?. ni. vr. much taken from tho toll sweat h.nirln-a- i (est J and of foot, 1 mrww4 MÍ POTATO mrmmmw tm A erlea, vr. tl) but after taking api.etit. liuprov.d l.t .r tT lid lavrt-- ril on irAt the masses, she can well afford it, while ia 3 li power lip. V and ba able to sleep tban for , (tfi belter I V they will miss every cent of contribu- l'rirr aili-- t akrat. Utir liuuk, I I I" CtlXatl aw )eara. Hood's Haraapnilila U moat Urn kaiei.l. a, I L irl,for Kit I. fie. for I ritéi ha..k I MUI, at.tUtU.,Lat rej.a.,Waa. Mtt 'lafliH-t- Huil.-i- - ' at-- Jlsm tion to that sum. (effective r nirdy fjr mil tae.aM.lafn k.l4.h.H ami ' ultod diaeaeei. VVVWVYVVVYVyVVVVefVWw,Ji M J A Mi. aVatllAi. CO., t.Q.h Lmpntiaua, "WIEEiCIi 3T OPTIU AND OTOCK.' OROWER

rnRMIt'M PKKVAKICATOKS. ITEMS OF INTEREST. COMNsÜ IIKR HKWKY. The warmer waiher wh'ch will coin elth the approaching- aprinjr iimnthe The manner In which Ignorant The victor of Manila it the hero of shnuM find you and lu liealih, the The yineyardi of Italy cover nearly atroinr rolmt masses in Spmu are cajoled and 8,UUU,(iO aerea. the hour. Such a triumph hi he se- your blood t ure and ynur tnpttita good. cured in the Philippine Other) you will ha ill dang r of ceirrd by their government li shameful lees island, tskei iir out No than five systems of law are one lllneas Purify end enrich your lilnod lays the PittNburg Ditpateh. Tlie newt lu use In (iermany. back to the days of Iec8tur, Perry with Hood'a "pre-pir- e thwt the Spanish fleet wat yet at Cape ami Paul Jones. Only One seaman- and tboa Alexandria possesses the Urgett arti- tor prl g " 1 h ia luedii ine make Yerde Islands a complete surprise ship, combined with military ability of whi ficial harbor iu the world ri h. red blond and gire vij r at d vlt lit T to Spanit-- people, who had the highest character, could have the been There are 23f glaciers In due It III gtxrd ynu riangpr from tbs the Alps what be did Manila, on ai.lnv led to tx'lieVM the Vi.caytt mid Oiiuando said to be over five miles in length. at Sunday. char g which will iO"ü lake pla e were in American waters, Hint that the George Dewey was bom lu Vermont, Almost all the camphor ns wl by the and was appointed Colon and Marin Theresa, with the worm comes rrora Japan aud t ormosa to thn Naval Does anyone suppose that there ia torpedo were our academy In Hot, from whicn he gradu- another nation on the face of Ihe boatt, threatening Web to the lenrth of 2'' miles hs earth. Atlxntic roa-t- . Similarly the I'elayo been drawn from the body of a tingle ated in 1SÓS. At once he entered Into where the commander of a great lleet, and its convoys were supposed to be in spider. active service taking a prominent part which had been annihilated, would in thn tlcinlty ot lioaton or Ns York, The Mormon colonies in northern the civil war which began loon telegraph home that he had won a when they were actually at Gibraltar. Mexico are to be connected by tele- after. victory? Spain's commander iu tie It might be difficult to believe that phone lines. lie participated In the capture of Philippines did this. And then, too, such deception could be Jeliberately A patent authority tiys that not more New Orleans, Port Hudson, Dontldson- - he is known as the' 'lighting admiral." practiced bv a liovernmeut upon Its than one Invention in lit) la ot any ville and Fort Fisher, during that war. Thlt can but show the ignorance of the practical use. people were it Dot for other clrciim. lie was commissioned at Lieutenant people, the corruption of the govern- stances. The American people hare In a cubic foot of phosphorescent sea in lHfil, Lieutenant lemmander in ment, and the rottenness of a nation- water there been found 25.UX) liv IWio, Commander In 1K72, Captain In ality which should at once cease long been familiar with the typewrit, ing creatures. to eu victories of the Captains (eneral IHS4. He now bears the rank of Com- exist. ii contra- Ia proportion to population, eiacilr modore, given him In I suit. Cuba, which were always as much Is three times spirits drunk lu he keeps up pace Manila, dicted when the American correspond- Scotland as in It the set at bo YEARS' he will soon wear the highest honors yV ..... EXPERIENCE ents could obtain the facts. But It Is It is a curious fact that red haired go In the power of the American people I'' not necessary to back to those false people a.e less apt to go bald than those reports for evidence of the most with other colored hair. to convey. abominable misleading of the Spaaiah The "life tree" of Jamaica grows and public. thrives for mouths after beinir uproot la Loving Tribal. The ollirial report of the bombard- ed and e i poseo to the tun. a terrible chilling wind, over the flowers, wee announcement in Tkadc Marks ment of Matanzas Is a graphic enough Among wnsnen In (ermany, the utnuier tbe laat evenlnsj'e Orne, of the death of a . illustration. After a tew shots were American hoot it to popular that many ' r t MM AC. foreign makes are told as such. lovethle Mayme Dter Bporlrder. fer- - AnTnti Tíí11rif akevtrh attd r1rripM'in may tired, these reports say, ' the American baps no (trl had mora true, hiving friends qtili'klf aaretrtmn our oinntfui fro wiirthe-- r aa Today Finland has about l.2iO mile tttvevtifton pmhrthly ptffitiltlf. f'onimtinlrav fleet Wis obliged to retreat." The In thla enmmuulty tbaa the dear deed, ami Itorm llaiitliMenk on r'ntitL of railroads In operation and quite a cut f r, tt. ,( auiancy for nvurlhir ,tfntit. Spaniah loss Is given at seven men and long af'er the tregüe forra baa bren re- - I'atmita ta,aftn thnnivh Munn A (u, nolr number of lines unde: construction. 9prUU ivrfica, wtthimt charti lu lib "the American loss Is unknown." tuod lo earlb, the memory of bar bright Japan ranks sixth In population, be- smiling face, and loveabie manners will The Liberal newspaper on the same ing surpansnd only by China, India Scientific Jlmcricaiia day tells Us readers the American live In tbs memory ot tboae wbo knew A hanrtaomaly lllnaraM w f ,anrMrt that Russia, the United Mates and Germany of an? MtnttO Journal. 1 nnoa, It and loved ber. : ships are rotten and Inefficient; ihat enr four month. L &lbf mi nwmimU Niicra. A law recently enacted In Norway Bo young, so charming. their crew are ignorant and undisci- It is difficult lo iíüNHCo."'-Ne- York makes girls ineligible lor matrimony realise (bat ber bright, happy spirit baa plined, and that the American troops until they are skilled iu tewing, knitting Hrmeak imam. Om V PL, WaabliW)l n I'. and cocking. gone to tbe quiet land where nothing die- - are worse. It contrasts American ex- turbe or awakene. and lo the circle of citability witli Spanish culm and cool-ti- e It is declared, on the authority of a bleb eb waa always tbe life and ai'trlt, is. Swiss tcieutisl, that micrebea do not there bee been made a vacancy wbicb will exiHt in an A day or two earlier the Spanish mountain air at altitude of be bard to All. over 2.0UU feet. tA HIALTHV SKIN liovernor of the Philippine Hands Haynie Lifer ttporleder was no for MBANS A HEALTHY It it laid that in many Welch Villages f IHIir, a manifestó declaring the Ameri the yew tree and the cliurchiare of the whom all will motlrn, aba was one of lho I THE cans to be cowards and many other wbo JnoDiisrlou'lr poaaeeeed the Iniee- - time age, the one being plaoted when ti 1 tnings which they are not, representing tne other is bum. erltiable attraction known aa 'charm." ZENOLEUI end one alwaya felt the better for baying . that their eipiditlon against' Maaila Our pineapple supply comet chiefly SHCCP DIP INBURt THAI coma In eootact was wholly pass near I uu with ber. No Lice. N" Tt. a, No Roah. for the purpose of plunder, in ti ailing boats which Cau bata, t ni imr. BoUr PH . and that If they should be victorious and the uban crop is usually shipped Hbe la dead. G n fr 'in all tboae who bmiil,ltalasUawri Wiaa. b) way or loved so. and In the heerta of wbo Write for prioe and eroof. AaanU wai a4. they would in Havana. ter ad insiere and enslave the Zcnnor-Raymo- nd Disinfectant when were her frlenda and aaao dates In (be 'a., Inhabitants of the archipelago. All this It It computed that marching St Atwsier atraes, DITROIT. M 1H. seventy-riv- e prlngtime of ber youth, there Is a wound purpose frightening soliiieit take steps per for the of an minute, in quick marching 108, and iu whlrb will not beat. Ignorant people luto ulHilug for the UiO charging steps. While ad bearta bi-a-t in sympathy with 'yj v - u - - . . ' . u SpanUb defense. Pope Leo XIII, uses muff, and it Is tbe bertaved onei, yet not one of us who The governing class of a nation which made expressly for hliu by a firm In heve never been railed up n to peaatbrouub Is capable; of such deception and fraud Baltimore. It it tent to Home In one-- the "Orry flood" dare brratbe on word of five-pou- la naturally capable of the cowardice pound and nd jait. conaeU'inn. Indeed, their sorrow le fr and cruelty charged against tbetr ene The Kuglish and Chitóte languages ton deep to b underatnud n ua, ', with AND mies. The history of Cuba and the ara said to be the only two among all one i cnord. w bow our beada In rsaprct FOR IRRIGATION THE those known that class inanimate ob Philippines, of Mexico and South t r their greet miction, and each one In PUMPING AND jects as of the neutt r gender. we, too, are eaddeued America, proves that this la so, and that our heerta feel that DISTRIBUTING In Sweden the railway stations where hy the exlinguablng ao suddenly of the tf walrr for any fit hs every crime charged again! the Ameri- by Ihr lMat and ntoat - meals are served are known the brliiht lUbt. Iliinili'Hl rtm HH--f art t ha cans has been committed uy Spain in a crossed knife fork op picture of and Good deer. May tbe long sleep yon LEFFEL ENGINES Us colonies until Its cowardly hand has ponite the name of the ttation. by, are now aleeulog b one dreamless quiet; Helalw OH I lis lMst I titea been thrown off by a people who could f tba l)tt timlrlMla Sirca 18S7. fourteen United Mates your memory will live with aa wbo knew with Ilia brat nrk- - endure uo more. Senators have died in oillce and twelve and loved you. And may tbe hearts of niMllalllpa V"'''k uf ful. alter leaying it. It it the heaviest mor tboae wbo are left be oouiforted by tbe Hajtira In caNU;II) 'stni 1 up. cfUi-er- a tality iu the history of the Senate. can- hrM x'Wr ilaliitev Tba militia bsve endeavored to aroma of lovt which pringa from the tilnm fur ntitiilttir Irriga ot the service bearle, Purr pa. OranMr - Impresa spoo lbs members Cyclon etera are lu use ea pu'iltc car- ear of our sorrowful Ration - raiorai rtsa in rni- that it was la do way lo be louked upon as riages iu Berlin, Leipaio aud Dreaded W. B. M. r Cu ia. Wood Htwi fie, disbooorable or unworthy fur any ludlvl. 'I hy record the exact amount of miles Honl f i i..4k tm Unirltu-- and It- rw. 8. Hey of the Tenth In- t dual BOt to etaltat for eetvice lo ttis war. traveled aud the legal late of the occu Captain Y. bum, eiX8 LLffZl ft CO., Dux VlUt, ftKXNOyiiXD, 0. of This Is fully true, and It ou(bl to b pants. fantry, wbo. waa regimental adjutant t In T To MIR. strongly empheeietd. No man should The flying frog of Borneo has long tbe Tenth Infantry wbil stationed nnlU lrte. so. Manta Fe In 1IH9, 90 and 81, bas been I kc ml sullai uuIhi bs really withes to do toes, which are webbed to the tips, lis rraar later' PrivB steff of general lain, hulkjf Fluw. lain H. His membership iu ths luilllit was out teet thus act at little parachutes and to duty oo tbe lbs I'luwa.W Holhoaf it'uJifr. ail. II. Ml. 4 T. Lavar llaiiuw, OO. Moatm. deaigued to cover the of a foreign enables the frog to leap I rom left y trees of tbe army. hlJina i'ta.tea, it 4 i Hay ktaka. a, Is obligatlou lo and descend gradually. Mm Hrn, til war, aud be under do com-pan- y Natrón, Hiirtrta, HaciaB, Tbe tax suits agalnat lbs Same Ke ( MliU, serva. fVf Hrtwlftff Mshti.tM,l. Jj were poetponed thle morning, ( urn eiiiwi.ejr, l( H hi III. r.t W I Sidney Huger, lata ot Carrillos, was oo aaia line I'm! .b. an-- uihe-- r tMira le-'- a I fr-- tbs C..u.;ord. out ot ,tUe victor i la ia order to give tbs defendants time to te- Bt t", tlwtf '""S irifHS 'Btfi-t- A fond safe (or eale, tt a am; In HansjoW riow la., Ilt Ilk. Alloa, lit luir at this olliue. lr lH-- il , tus Maulla tight, nure additional teitlinony. fast aS fUl IeWtrf WiatU I BaaMekfl aOMI M likt WSwaSSO --wküsicIjY orxio and btock okowek

VA1 ItlOTI AVI VH. l'OCKKr. TERRITORIAL NEWS. It it ugliness which is expensive. F.very ium, where tha detail! of everything per- borne owner in F.ddy should improve taining n the care an 1 general welfare of Henry Clews & Co., the New York and beautify Ins property. th patientt and th management of tha bariKera.'say : A report sent out from LI I'aao says inil'tuilon ware looked Into. They found A. M. and Mrs. Uelle Y. May Although there le no probability of anv llobertsun Colonel tieorge lor, well known everything; la icelluit condition, which Alie left for Nilomonvllle, Arizona, to In Lddy, being for a smnunt of being immnlintrly resident here la certainly no mora tha to be lerg mnnf attend the trial of the Foster for kill- years, been promised a posi- an Seo several has from needed by the Government, yel lh ing A. It. Allen at liubcan tome lime tion on the staff of (enera! Fitzhiigh Hlewart Ward and Mra. te'arv la evidently lnpreaed with t" since. Lee. Colonel liny, or was on the stalT tllinger. nf ampie appropriations beln A. O. Morgan, th brick and til of (eneral Albert Sidney Johnson Cefil WMpmenle, mde eerly pie-ibt- matitiiacturer, left for bis home at Hiring the civil war. Thl feverish activity to Issue honda, llurlingauie, Kansas, and will probably Dr. (eorge Monroe, April 2', Dlcklnann A Edwardt paatad compared with the dilatory character shape up his bu;uess so as to return of F.ddy county, returned to th valley thrrugh with 53V yearling steers from her and locate. f the administration' action In ill from Since leaving here Kc'on 'iutitv leías, ron.tjrne.l to .lfle, A jolly crowd of twenty young last fall the doctor has taken a conree Tb-e- a to tin" prosecution about Cnlnra.lo. iteera cost !8 at tbe matters pertaining people, members of Mr. Sclleck's king- in bis profession of medicine and will loading point. fif th war. Is entirely In line with ing class weut picuiclng to the trans-l'ei-- os in all probability remain here perman- April ill. A. O. Jahr-- n President McKlntey's pandering to th lakes. ently., fei S0 Mexlesn atoek cattle at tha lira I yards today hilled demands of the bond holders. J. T. Kvmia' i.T, ATIrt, ha enlisted Fortysthree cars of riUle were de- In livered by company (Mia, to Kl Dorado, Kansaa. I Issue the hlh infantry, regular army, aud th railway at There no need fer the of Will-ingha- has a gooil position in the commissary the shipment belonging tu C. ft. Apr I '80, f lay, K bin. on ft Co., pasead hnnds, a far as the successful department, at Fort liuesell, Wyoming. and having been b ought up tlirouifh with 1.2T'.' head of nux-- 1 war Is concerned. rattla endnrt of th He expects to go to the front toon. from Van Horn, Texas. After being bought of the Sn Hlinon Cattle company, yf hav, and ran raise, enough money Mrs. M. E. Itlcharann, of Sterling. branded the cattle will be turned loose for Denver, Coin. on range. If th war wer prosecuted vigorously, Kansas, and Miss Ldith Priest, of the Mr. Mrs .1. (). April . HnllM Torrance hed 9Xi without bonds. Sedalia, Mo., were expected to arrive and Cameron cln at (Ireenlield on A visit to U. A. Itlch-ardso- n hra'ed th liflli anniversary of their yetrlinc ateera through from Midland, Ttut this do not iult Mark Ilanna and family. wedding. A number of friends met at Ten at, for Kifle, Colo. the and the net ef the sharks. Henc. A. Hammond Is building a new stone their heme and participated In what L. Baldwin ft Co., fed 1 207 Old Mexico pos- ü.'ix-l- was most enjoyable war i to he prolonged as much as blacksmith shop fett on the aite a occasion, rattle al the lo al yards, billed to tbelr sible, and th bonds are to t Issued of bis present building. It will be a ANTA Frí. Lamar, Colo., rana. drag- substantial building and shows him to S. B. Warner and Mi Mary A. Just as eoon as Congress can be May I, J. V. Vlck'rs had 419 be an enterprising, progressive citizen (ieiger were married In the Guadalupe .took cattle ooned Into subserviency. from Oer. nlmo for Texilna and ls4 Chas. II . Sparks hail Stay, (111 church. The wedding was public and f.r has Col Cuba could hare been taken, Havana .He Co., put ni (V 0 feel of water pipe on the friends of th contract log parties rado md Kanata pointa. bombarded and destroyed. Illanco taken bis premises for watering his trees, a were cordially invited to tie present. The Kansas Cltv lira atock cnannlaelnn prisoner and his forces driven into the very small hole in the pip opposite The bosrd of penitentiary coin c mipsnv throutch tbla week wi h sea, a week the declaration each tree keeping it well supplied with missi'. ners met yesterday morning at l.OJH yearling atttra from Marta, Texas, for within after water. of war. Does anybody doubt 10 o'clock. Contracts were let fer Dmtge City. It is prohahl that a postónica will be furnishing the penitentiary with tup-pli- es this? Certainly not. Vet established at South Spring, on the d for the nsxt six mouths. Th're 39 104 be.d of cattle passed In- to Colorado during of these things ha not beei. Th ( hisum ranch, the coming tall, 't here Hon. W. S. Hopewell. Omaha ex- the month April, of war is unnecessarily being prolonged, are some twenty-liv- e families la the position commissioner, reports that thte 14,143 were bandied during Mia It-- t and the ordy seeming solution Is that tieig.herhood wh will I) nd it great sierra county will have a large exhibit four dva of tbe nonth. This la seloet convenience. Ul.RO for tbe of April the purpose of the war is not to whip ready t go to the Transmisnlppi moatb Theodore Johnson cam In from also that through cor- Spain but to Issue bonds. Cieeiiville, Miss., to visit his family. respondent a hat arranged for a FOR SALE. He was accompanied by his daughter good exhibit from various sections, CJKT A OVK, I.ydi who had been in Louisiana and of wool, mohair, goat skins, etc. Farming for proilt In southern Calif-f-i MisssiitsHlppi for some tune visiting Th Santa Fe Amatdtira and th rnia, where from one to tlx crops can Take possible for thinking, all the tlm with relatives. College lllues crossed bata on th col- b grown yearly. Free passage to was tiia advice of Uenerel Jack-on- , but C. L. Hallard, deputy I'nited States lege grounds. Score, 2U to 4, in favor each purchaser of ten acres when tbe time for action baa comt it T for of the The lllues outclassed of laud. marshal left Socorro with Tora latter. Refer h thinking. Chleaya llrrurtt. .Moors of Lincoln county who is their antagouirts at the bat. liatttriet to ading banks of California. This was the advice f "Old Hickory," charged with having robbed a mail box tor tli Amateurs, Lira liaa and For all information address Heinet 1 i Laud Co., Ilctnel, Cal. who showed wisdom In tli battle uaer ton to City, auove Fort Mantón Hoberto Montoya: fir the lilues, A. its of Castillo and MacKluzie. New Urlaana, where he secured oae of J. A. Uiahwiiler returned from his lan trip of seveial months to Katmiig, Ne- In ball game between a team pasture for i.Uin cattle. Aleo email the great victories of modern history. braska and llliuoia. He nade the trip picked from th volunteer rillrtuen GOOD paeturee to rent. McKlnley will do well to President shut to Kansas aud return in bia wagon, for and the United Sla'es luditn school O. 8. Bl l l.AHD. hit ears to the bond-holders- , and lint health reasons, being twenty eight days team, the score resulted in a tin, 9 to 9. (arden dir. Kaneaa. tate Jackson's example. going aud twsnty feur roturniug. The reason the deciding innings were Mrs. J. A. Stapp and three not played was dun to th fact that YOU CAN SAVE children some Some easter-- i paptrs are atill in- of Weed, were passengers on their way el the soldier ladt had to report at quarters at 5 o'clock. dulging in th folly of talking about to Fayetlevilie, Arkansas, to visit Her V. K. A handsome gold badge has been th Spanish fleet's attack on New friend. daughter, Mrs. Smith, came this far with her and re- designed by S. spitz, the jeweler, for York. Tliis Is worse than tolly. 1 he lumed to sed the following day. th New Mexico 1'ioneer association. fortincalloiik for th protection of that L. M. Long and brother, Tom, started The design consiste of a squor cross, are twenty miles from spukaiiH for .Seattle and two crossed swords with the words city located from the al which ' city and are considered Impregnable. point they will secure boats and sup New Mexico Pioneers" in a circle bmi plies for their ttip to the Klondike gold In black enamel. The badir Is a very The guns In us have a carrying power lields. appropriate and beautiful alTuir. Their bruther. John Lotnr. and B using a Hong RrrAiRisn Oi Trir Ynn r.n which -- of ten miles, will keep the ens his partner, John lilooiu, will jolu them S. E Van Noorden. deputy supreme do vour nun halfxillnir Hmit, line, Nnhlivrs, emy thirty miles from the city. No there or at Dye. president of the Fraternal I'nluii of iisriifMantt niwtrn repairing. Kpslrltig outfit No t, rnliipld SU artil les, unir .i Oil i guns in use a dis- r . Morgan, live stock America, organized - innnt anywhere will carry r. 8L'nt of the branch of that Nn tí. sin ae No I. arifit 11 irni,, mil Ti tance of over ten to twelve miles. Santa Fe rail way, was a passenger on order. There are twenty names on this tiKils, f t oo Ordxr rilrri t or write lor i lrriHara XewTork City, therefore, should be Monday mornings traiu, bound for list, consisting of e'anta Fe't best peo- lo f II MitOItlIAl. Naw (uuiurJ.III gxfe. He lio ?H. considered perfectly from attack. Amarillo. used the water from P. ple. The meeting was held in Kuighls N. B Airent wanted: Mheral Terme. It is a well known I a-- t that gun S. McCurtv'a sulphur well while here, of Pythias ball. The order will Insure placed on a solid foundation can throw and was so gratly betmeiitled that be American army aud navy volunteers. a projectile further than one on the will make Koswell bis home herealter deck af war vvssel. as noon as he can perfect arrangements Aaylum Hord Meet, or FOn 14 CENT! seining tiown. lie will be baca The Terrltorlsl lna"e Atyluin hoard Whii. k the Hebrew race Is net here aboul Muy Mb . totlietra. anil liHiiemfld met al the oflloa of Ci I. U. Brunnwlrk. on 1 i'kil í't llatw Ira. 7 quarrelsome or warlike one, says the t:iDY. the aids yesterday. Tbe full board I PWg. Krl- - Hirinii Turnip, lian Dr. Whlchsr was called wt rtirilHat Hell Mewl, II sq Pittsburg IHtpttteK, its sympathies are to attend th wat prakent, as fellowa: J. W. Z illara, B. hiaiiian-- Juriiiuttr, I0c slxleeiiyearMjid son of V. L. t ivis u Lajttuo. lio in this Spanish Imbroglio to Walk Ins, Romarn, M. Branawlek, Frank Croman of Kl'nniykt) Mttinu. Hhj rusd wnu was turown Jtimteo (itutit 1so point and dragged by a Karon, aud tb oawly ppoiuled mouibar, Onlon, the of armed intervention. It is horse Th boy was hurt a limit the net the least of th encouraging sigiiB head, but it is thought not dangerously. K. H. Fi-r-- a. rth rj 14 ewntaV Tbe tmcar of tha board alfctad f r tbe Ahora 10 pktra. worth UO, w wi f the times to see the usual services In K.E. Hryant Is engaged in remodel- mtl f u ir-- , loafcthr iih our nailing year ar J. W . Z illars, presidan! l'lttnt ami Krwd ( 'at alorti ing aud enlarging airtt ( the synagogues of l'lttsburg and else- lis bous in La utMtn roaiit of him Dtir and 14c. nd - ill ' W where throughout the country giving llusrla, on the Hillside dairy farm Mr. U. Wrunawlck, secretary and treat- .vil fititr 4Uil llryant wife now urer, Tbe board app for the com S (1 11 uow whin loa our trr HaUir'a over the usual religious rsremouies to aud occupy the Klliee ilnt'd I 1 f tu W1" gm a Mm ti w ll h- - residence, but will move ing year Dr. W. H. Tipton, medical , J '" thin. Pulnlufai at ft I ..O held patriotic servirá arid pledge their to their own I stsaaia hum l i... Mbl.CaUloy aluua&o. rt a. InT support te the I'nited .States liovern-me- nt during the coming mouth. director; (Jan. W Ward, steward; Mrs. -- OH a. ULXKH U., LA WIH. In the cause of humanity. If Many envy the pretty homes of their Camilla Olllnger, matron ; and H, A. Con-nai- l, there ia one nation on th earth, which neighbors, aud yel indulge in no pUas machinist. AM r the Jews have good cause to hate or eltorts to secure taaterully adorned After completing tbelr hutlueta, hind biiHivry work din j tlf tba 1 i Mt flléft- t.. .. s, . I. above all others, it ia Spain. homes for themselves Jisauty is - lerit- ll (i SVB, v II cheap; board, at a bule, adjourned to tba aey- - oUloe. jWlí "WEEKLY OPIIC AND BTOCK OKOWER X3

ITEMS OF INTEREST. I'ltOHATK (nl'T KOTIC. court was In lon Mnndev and Tneeday Very nmny tvirt-eighlr- sople have and will continuóla Inn prominent ejee. until Friday. The Weakness Candelario Florae praenteil annual tins a bs Fvery ltmii regiment chirop- report of his Kuardlanihlp. odist in Its ranks. W. n. Hunker sdoiln'a'rnr of H. place Mealon denote the or se it of Frankentbal was t r lered by the c url to m W ar. Woman. the of II of Ilia realeaiate, belonging lb a to átala. liain fall on tha eastern cnant of Ire- Chrle Mrljman, administrator of Ooetare land about 'IH data in tha year. Slegie, preaented hl flnai report to rt, A woman who has suffered eighteen years, who has Hollvtn perpetuóte the numw of (en. art.leb wea approved, an. tha h i again in , I a i been cured after a life of misery ami ires the l liollvar, the libertor of I" rii . niimitrator and til lion in n b K " The laot will and teatam.nt of Jam W. sunshine happiness, speaks to other women in words A blind but avoid and nb-- If of 'res Lock wee I atructinne an enaily a It could see probate- a' d L. F. II. mli r w of no uncertain meaning. perfectly qus'lfled ai adininletrator I. y virtu of a written requeat of tbewdiwof the A grawth doctor tint tha of who reaidra in th t of Illinois. children takes place entirely when they a woman's story. of despair. Day by day my trouble grew J ltihl duly quaiifl-- d are aideep. Ínt ttrtngc bfcaow it hippens fvcry day. wont, and dark indeed wat the day before ( the eatate of W K. ('time. Dot romantic or thrilling, but fust a story of my delivers nee. Tha widow of Ilia Tlchhnrne claim Manuel Uwnralea y Muran tendered bia miicry and eutiering such as only womca A friend of mine told me about Dr. Wil- la be- ant pemillen, and a relief fund In realgnallnn ad nlniatratnr of Andrea know. liams' J'ink Pills lor Pale People and what ing Matted. Onliaelea, which was accepted. For eiehteca years, Sara E. Bowen, of tliey had accomplished for others in my A eel been Peru, Indiana, cutmii a burden of pain-Nig- ht condition. whiatlirtr has discovered 44 In the Fiji Islands. It only whistles Pin ellera Kite aipala. and day, without mpite, the eui- -I It was the fint glim pie of the tun of hap-pine- sa when excited. Til I O I ufll depart in- ut b s laaued the rid the most dreadiul experience that ever through the dark clouds of mnery. f.l n. ... ieD to the lot of woman. " 1 brxjgtit a boa and toc:k them. Even The frreat harrier reef Along tha coast Ordered, 1 hat pending tha runt'nnatira That she did not die is almost beyond then I felt their effect-- I boorht more and of Australia ' about ITjCK) miles long, of boa ill lea in I nit-- 1 aiaui belief- - continued to lake them until I was well nit Mpai i. nobtea a Iliaca or the work of coral inserta. oiher That the is well to-d- k a miracle. and strong. mall lu ,U r 11 In wm n Ilia lintel Mrs. Bowen'i trouble requires no descrip- " They liberated me from the most ter-'b- le Phntcgrapha hnva recently been sue-cfi- f ami .'l n for Hjimn, or ad- - Htifs tion beyond symptom, which every bonds that ever tortured a woman. They ii II y tiiken under water at a dis- .lraa, d t all v pi.l.itl , port or other, the tance of ten or twelve feet. tillan yvllhitl ill- - in ...I 4 mm ..I1 hi ..... - woman will 'nUntly recogniie. brought me new hie when death was It V Of hi r Coton ea ilet enil-ncte- . i r to In describing them Mrs. Bowrn says I we'eome. M In Japan, eyery werkmnn wears en any re-I- d lig witbiu ib j niaoln-iini- i "For eighteen years I suffered with I recommend them to my friend, and I his cap an inscription stating his boni- of Pimm. fa as no iron tha we.iknea peculiar to my lex. do not hcutate to say to every sotfoing llas and his employer's U It d a In in-l- r aalrl : was s broken down rnece of human- woman I , world that Dr. Vuliamj naiae, hint-far- . "I fie provided, that nothing herein ity t a shadow of a woman. Pink Pillt will core her." Tha expenses for the electric under- contained ehail be eoliairued til hut i ail' itt "My brain aas tortured until I could re- Dr. 'Wuliams' Hnk Filia for Pale People ground road now being built In London ill- - luir or rtrlr. non of aav e oe I have en far amounted to eOUi,uxi. mail- Hpaln cruel lai ng in other member but little. I not sleep or eat arc a specific for all lormt of weakness. rountrv. or oriai matins- o hoain aid and wat reduced in weight to a mere tkelc-to- n. The blood ii vitalized and becomes preg- Utile di- oí ner- The Volume of water emptied Inn de.tiiied for any oilier ciiiiutrt , ni-- hrr What I did cat could not be nant with t't elements hie. T he the ocean by the l ukon is vrenti-- by K tuny or leiaiirnr. anu I., gested in my weakened state, and caused vous system reorgantred, all irregu lathes one laira tutti mal or Ilia Missi.HNippl. nv- -r tha titrrilury i f tha V di-- d ht tea me untold misery. arc corrected, rcngth returns ana dueaie lha for ttia porno-- a ot aiec-it- g tha "My tkin was muddy, my eyes were diuppeart-- oo remarkable have been the a'Hiva I A medical correspondent at Paris anil fnr.Bi.ini nrd.r. lora heavy. I was all the time and to- cures performed by these little pilla that at Hichanva iilltoa i.f ea duty aava Hint Dr. Mssn has antabl'Mhed the tte United Ma tally unfit toe e ordinary their fame has spread to the far ends of are bare y Inairuntoil to ret l t ' en houiework. fact that the blood of eeli la poinonniis irn " Doctors foe civilization. M'he wrll-- r and Ihare-i- h re lb prescribed me without avail. rever ou go you will Northern Italy, which hnd an utinsii- - le't- ra or ickaa; inntaiu tea return Medicine was recommended and taken in f:nd the most important article in every IS me enu-r- , an man pro quantity but it did no good. drug ttore to be Dr. Wdlianvs' Pink Pills Bliy warm Winter. aiOllltlg lor It Willi mtnar M the coldest, rainiest spring within bt'uted iliipaicb an aliova atatad; aid Time and time aeaia 1 was at the brink foe Pale Ptocle-- memory. whan ncb letter ur do not p n the t lli writ-- or return rant I A man d Ing lleht work naeda about axuilnr, aui-- niaiter nmt te forwarded to Calarrh t'annot ba fared sP"" Kilily-RUe- Cattle To ntttce, r- - 17 ounces of food per d:ty; doinu hard th dad le ter to lured tu tbe Mb LOCAL ArPLlC,TIOJH, as tbey Knur P Mareeere. i w-- 3(1 ; writer lu th r i'iuri t) : Heven Klrer, N. work, ounce for very hard physic, cannot racb ilia seat of tha Ca- - f. al labor, 43 ounces are necessary. diat. l. Kanife, oa tha Tecoe This la loir Oppot tualtr. tatarrb la a lilm d or ematlutloa dtteata, bear rievt-- Itivere Western Australia is now the only Un racaipt of tan cantt.oaab or stamrs, a and in onier to cure It muat take nn the Jon llora hran. Vj left one of the Antipodean colonies that leiieruua sample will ba mailed of tba moal Hall's Oatarrb Cure Is fs pannages hnullier grants frtte to eligible, female popular Catarrh and Hay Kaver fare tak-- n Internally, an I acta directly on the enigranU from the i iritis tt Iles. (Ely's Cream Dsliu) uftlcleut to demon- - blocd and mucous surfacee. Hall's Catarrh The fondón lancet continues its late the great ni- - rila of the remedy. Cure la not a quack medicine. It was pre- war on the dangerous habit of kissing scribed by one of tbe but pbyalclens In the liitile in courts. It calls the butut a &0 W arrea St.. Nw Yo'k C'ty. this country for years, and It a regular "comparatively modern and useless in- Kev. John Kel ,Jr K'la.Mont , prescription, lc is beat novation." composed of the recornmeiided Elv'i Craam Balm to uta. I tunld knnwo, combined with the beat "self-denial- The recent week of ," ob- can his tateruent, It a p al I emphaalx "It I loo purifier, acting direcily on the mil-oo- served by the .salvation Army, lias tiva our for catarrh it uaed aa directed " I t HUll tawlllM llllan s urfaces. The pr(i:t combination cf Yielded lu the firttiih IhIi-- alone tl'i.',-(im- ). Kev. W. Poole, Paator W Ii I'KTvlM. .MaHlfapsT. Francia Contral two ingredients Is H or nearly ltl,(MX) more whs tbe wbtt produces such Owttff1ret Kort Htiinntsr Ko(vtJ, N.M, than Pre Church, Ilaiena, Mont. Rtintfa, at Cwlir i'mnttD, lU rtvr similarly tained last year.- - wnnderful reaultl In curing Catarrh. Heud in l'om Kly'a Cream Balm la tha acknowledged for free, Homo JrvVrfl oo f?ft nd Cm rtkfh Ilninbay is one the gates tea'iinonials. htrw brAa1d bapij bl W et chief to rura for otiarrb and o ontaina n mercury ium thiU Indtn, and a lovely view of it la obtain- F. J. CHE.NKY A Co., Prop-a.- Toledo. O nor auy injurloua oOceula. ed from the aea aa tha vexael draws drne. Pri. H 'bi by DriiKs'IMa, Kr Htark e.crt crop left, epiil rlvhl near ta the harbor, which puta Inland News arvlca HitcaJaat. Hall's Psmlly Pilla are the beat. and Is by town. turrouuded the Ht. Hrjiuhltc recamly in ait ar- - Tha Loula t bclaug-Ingtoth- NOTICE Although there are 30 palaces n raneeuienta with tba caula e- uipanlaa, ttal Katata Tranfra. Imperial family In various wheretiv diraot Dawn, from all ecdnna of a? parts of Japan, present Kmperor tha civilised world, are received. It now J. D. W. Veder to Anna Ward; ronaid- - eaeal the has T4n on except M. Laa never occupied bu two or three of prints tuure autrianilo forelg-- naw than ration, $11)6 M: conveys lot 1J, block 20, tiriinewlrk, of eeaa, any oiber papar, and continues to keep a Kaat Lst Vagas. N M , ha a tight to !) cattle hramled fJTt them. Some them be has never recora an uawa on rlnlit aula. lis for puoiianitijt toe noiue l rxl There Is a regioa iu Macedonia known Tba outlook for tba vaar la oua of kilar United 8tstas to Hannah Cair; patent WISTKItNIi. as The Mountain or the Monk." be- new evauta, fist aucceedtn; aacb other, for lands. cause there are no fewer than 'H tnon-axteri- and thry will ba hluhlv Inlereaiine tc of Is Montgomery Bell and wife to Patrick F. scattered la tha sheltered re- rvoa Tba price tba llrjmtilta dvllv cesses or on to crags. W a yer, or II 60 for ttitea mouths. .oían ; oomlderatin, i'0; conveys lands. the of the lofty will 5 Tha Tuiice Mrmlillc remain W. K. special master, to (Jilbert A' Kmtierer Vvlllam has set aside a large tame one dollar a year, by aiall twice-a-wM- tlortner, I number of copies of new tiainphlet ou ; lt-t- i . CurtUs; rousiderstloo, 1120; eouveys Siea rower." for distribu- aa In Bevk grant. 'tiertuauy'a DO VOU K oa lntret tion, as a icial reward for good con. In oltlca you Rack Ulanet KsaiU Play lag Carde. duct, among the best boys the That at Ta Oktio cau have K. Whltmore, printed : Tbe sllckeet carda on tha market ara tbe Vlalilng cards, Hock Uliu l'i." They are alao tbe clieai Jalllnss ring, Han Mttcael County, 1. at Flleat IMIa.l I liivliatniii caída, eat. and we wilt send you tbeae excellent llliliiV file. rrnp I lá Symptom: Molatura; InteuM Itching and standard goods at the low rate of Bine Rtr matk. both ear. at I lloraehrand. Proaraina, unii.rlill oa left ear. I , t. I oa Uft tip. sIidkIiik: nimt at nlfht; wuraa by arriu-hlui- It I,uer dt eents per pack If you order five or more stamps atlowitd to ruatlBua tnniora form, srhli-- often Knveltipaa, packs. Hand luouey order, draft or Meada, they will be promptly tiy T. litKNn. bleed sod slcerata, becumlnivrr aor, bwaTMs's Hill snd tent eiprese, I. or any otbar kinds of coiumeroial prlntlnsjt cbaraea prepaid. Order (or sicKle pack T.J. Ksr, ataoaeer. OiKraiNT sloutt lh Itehlns; and hleedlne, beata. stiH-- oainte A aood of slatlouary to saUct (ruin, niuat coulatu twelve in ttaiupa, ae l O.! Park View, ft. 4.j nlcerattoa, sad la moat cae reinoviaa tli t ny rn work oatiy and promnttv asecuted and tbey will be tent mall. Addreaa. I euim I I i, Illii Arrllia 'Oitlilv. I atlle hratiO- - tnurt. At driiiuleU, ur by mall lm U. Ir. at reaeooauie rata. Oiv as a trial and be lona haaaaTiaa u. f. A., oa rti:ht aloe. Marlt , the ears spill, inore .jfue 4 ao, t'tiUadnlpUls. 411 1 ounviuced. Ctnoage brauii, earn 4. callle WKHKLY OPTIC -InI DTOCK QBOWiCTJ

ITEMS OF INTEREST. A Daetartlljr Art. INTKltKH I STOCK ITKM9. Raton Peporter. Roiwell i. v i . Itrooklyn I to hate the world' big- J. W. Fleming, U. S. coal mine In From the far west to Nw F.ngland gest sugar rellnety. spector, arrived here on a tour oC theie is a general disposition to return i le Over I (XX) toni of copper re made Inspection of the coal mines of this to the sheep industry. every world. day, in the country. On the 21st, while Inspecting Two hundred thousand people earn ,4 could Hinfj ."Ml Farlnellt note! without the rior-xbiir- mine No. 4. he dlscov. 9iir.uix.K.KJ a year in the wool industry drawing breath, while OOexbauitt most in the United States. lingera. ered place In the mine where a keg Kanaae, Santa Fe Time Table. Thtre uro 43 match fnrtorl.-- n tn Ja- of bl.ick powder Lad been scattered Secretary Corvirn, of claims pan, employing mi avetage of nearly promiscuously for a distance of about that the Kansas and Nebraska sheep Umo operative! a day. tlfty feet, in an entry about the center clip, eight periods ts the lleece. is the of the mine. Inrgest average in the union. Wear SOUND. In Home parts of central and southern Ho. I Tea. arrive lí: 1 p m. Dep. 1:10 p.m. He savt that some person must have W . Arrlca single fireily give so much Capt. J. James delivered to J. F. No. IT Paa. arrive m. " p. m. scattered the powder with the full year-- , :p. ln light that It Illuminates a whole room. Hinkle the 43 head of shorthorn No SB rrelght " 7: a. at Intention of blowing the mine up; ling balls sold Mm for the l'enyasco Of the :ii2.(k) totally blind persone In because had this powder been Ignited star annuo. HuhhIb Cattle Ce., some time since. No. 1:0 a. m. t)p. a. m. Europe, ki are In that is to by some innocent miner's lamp, a dust tt Pan. errlte tilt say, one out of every HJ tuLJecu of the. exploetna would surely have lollowed The growrra of mohair In l'olk coun- No. S Pm. trnn 4 a. m. Ip. 4i a. m. So. W " 7 .SO a. C'ar la Mind. ami every man in the mine would have ty, Oregon have formed a combination Froinht n, Two WonlwU h. Me., men made the and sail their product together. 'H aliforals l.lmlu-d-" No. 4, last his Ufa. Wpdnmriate queerest horae trade on record. The Mr. Fleming thinks banging too week they sold 12.1) pounds of thel.tVH and Hamrilara, arrive S:56 p. owner of the borse swapped the animal good for any persea guilty of such an clip at 3u',' cents a pound. m., depart 9.00 p. in. Wt-bound- No. S, Mon- for 14 roosters. offense. The Inspector had water dara, and Krldaje, arrive 7:19 a. mn depart 7:1ft The Diamond A roundup with about a. m. I The creatures known as ocean hydra hauled Into the mine and had the 2 were on Iterando, 000 steers the Sun. No. Bl la Denver traía ; No. 1 la California and have no heart, no lung, no liver, no place Hooded with water and then bad 1,500 day; and the I' A bars with about No. 17 the Meilco train brains, no nervous system, no organs the entry swept up clean and all the head were at North Spring Iliver, Mon- save mouth and skin. powder and dusi hauled out of the dan la Fe braacl trains connect witb No. 1, t, day. The first herd started for the 4 S, 17 and 1. The l'hoei-- umbrella is the State mine. Had it not been for the In- drive to Montana, and the latter herd umbrella ef the Chinese, and U always spector's timely appearance, something waa on its way to Springer, N. M. HOT MPKfNOa HHANt H. In processions, of Which terrible might have happened. Lv Laa Vegaa :l a. m. At Hot Sprint at lined Imperial lambs baa been t:Sri an important feature. The demard for fat Lv l.a 11 :SUam. Ar Hot aprlng :( m It forms on for orna time, and such Viaa the increase Lt Laa Vruae 1:10 p m. Ar Hot bprln 1 p m Dustless rand are niade passible by PROTKCTIVK TAIIIFK IICMIJIO a sheep In :0 goods bring lietter price than Im rm 1:116 p m. Ar Hot Spring t.fS pm new material, composed of tine earthy any There is another ad other lorm. Lv Laa Vff-a- S OU p a. Ar Hot Springe b:A p m or mineral matter charged with heavy According to the Hepuhlitnn Prttt vantage applies to all butchers' on levelad bed of ordi- that oil, placed the Srrricr, a paper for the ICepublican stuff, that In selling early a greater Lv not Hprliiga :40 a m. Ar Laa Vfgaa 10:10a m nary roads. Is profit, becauae Lv Hot Hpringa 111:15 p m. Ar Laa Vruae 14.46 p m press : proportion of the prut In the aoiithe iftt earner of San I!er-nardi- uo a given weight of feed goes further Lv Hot Hiring :10 p at. Ar Laa Vae t:e p m county. ( al.,Hn expediton from la the nildet ot war preparations, It U with lambs than with older sheep; and Lv lint Mpringa t:u p m. Ar Laa Vega 4:10 p m Nin Francisco ha discovered rich gratifying to not that tb demand for our still another, there is much Ust risk Lv HolHprlDg 6;S0p at. Ar Lee Vrgae t:tni p tn turquoise mine, apparently worked manufactured article li groólo la msuy from disease er accident. Noe. I and i, FacISc and Atlantic expreae, have many centuries ago by a prehistoric direction!. Orders bevo Increased tbit people. Fultmaa palace drawing rooni care, tonrlet yr, for American railroad Iron, engines, The Ooata Bican Counterfeiters. eleeplng care and coarbee between Cblraxo and America lias been slow to recognize plows, cultivators, reapers, threshers, Loe Angele, Van Diego and Haa Franclaco, and g Illcan coun- the Importance of the products derived bulléis, cotton-workin- machines, stamp For months the Costa No.'s 17 and SH hat Fnllmaa palace car and as peanut oil from the peanut, audi and mills and steam engines. American elec-trlo- terfeiters have been issuing bogus coarhe beiwee Chicago and the City of Meilco. now first peanut outter, but the factory machinery has control of whole of the Government of the island Komid trip UckeU to potuu net ovr ll mllee in the United fetales la being erected at tbs relet electrical field. Nat long ago tbrse watar until the amount, it la laid, has reached at In per cent reductlua. Norfolk, Virginia. Commntatlna llckete between Lie Vegaa wberle, of 4.V) power eh, were ssnt secret and A 743 miles diep and 743 hors. il.OOO.noo. Inspector of the Hot ttprloga, 10 flora I on. tiood ftOdare. bucket aompany In f utiles from aide to side would hold to an lcrc motor Japan. ervlce bureau were chiefly instru- CHA. F. JUNK, machinery Is raplaolug every drop of the ocean. The bucket American that of mental In bringing the malefactors to Agent Lee Vegae, N. M. could rest quite tlrmly on the ltrituh ft ral n make in Mzlco. Kuaala bat fol- justice. The elliciency of the secret Isles. To till the bucket one would lowed Japtd In ordering naw battle ships service la undoubted, but It Is by no has been whole lO.OU) pumps, It ralculated that the need to work sleitir. each In our yards. Tb Hpantsb will find that means a secret, but a patent fact that coul supply of our planet would baiely sucking up l.UJU ton of sea. wt can look attar coiuraerolallina reason- the service that Hostetter'a Stemach so (lice to produce beat equal to that A professional beggar of Hong Kong ably wall, Ten with a war on our band. Hitters does the weak, aervoua and winch t'ie sun dissipate iu one tenth hat just built a line three-stor- tea We quote the foregoing a double dyspeptic Is of genuine value. There of a second. house outside the south gate of the fr have been from time to lime counter- city. At the only three story butlnlng purpose. First, because it is an op- feit ef it. but the mlnalure note of in or about Hong Hong, it Is an object portune answer to the hysterical wall hand on the label, and the vignette of South St. Joseph, Mo., is at a loss for of great pride to the natives, whose ing of the Texas Farm and linnth. St. George and the Dragon, are not a solution of the tramp problem. The wanderers gather iu in charity helped s largely In its erection. quoted in another article; but chiefly stiecessfully Imitable. This tonic multitudes the A MethodiBt Carthage, prevents and remedies ma- packing houtte quarter of town, some minister at because it naturally leads one to ask: IX) once, Mo., preached such an eloquent pa- laria, rheumatism, liver complnint and timet at tiegglng during the triotic sermon on Sunday night lust Now much longer will these infant in- dyspepsia. day and stealing at night. that twenty of his hearers all of whom dustries, already giants in their com-jielili- on ware colored men Immediately went with the world, need the home i i i i u i u en "i m m mi e and ollered themselves for servico in protection of an extortionate tariff? the regiment of volunteers being or- "!! ganized there. The most raagnlllcent tomb In the FOIt 11IK I'li'MPPlNKH. world is deumed to l the palaca Tem- (enerrl Henry C. Merriatn, who has a space of ple of Karnak, occupying aa M'jor nine acres, or twice Hut of St. lVer's been nominated leneral, and at Itome. The temple space is a poet's who it is thought will be placed In dream of gigantic columns, beautiful command of the forces for the Philip- courts and wondrous aveuuee, of pine islands, burn in Maine, Nov sphinxes. wai ember 13, is:)7, and consequently is in Nobody ran tit down in the Queen's presence being requested to do his III it year, and in three years more SHIP YOUR without """aaaaaaenaeanannaeaasMnanaBaawm, iw 0-- will bo placed on the retired list. to by her. and in the air men 1 paces DIRECT TO MARKET. It the only v :y to t muni not come nearer than three He wus appointed from civil life, a IU true value provided uu have a rraMiut.ti.ld li neo to her person. The (Jneen must not be captain In the Twentieth Maine Volun- to tmudle lt for rou. We offer oumelvra aa am li to nil ri would lilts to ship to this a:nl who Imv addresxec until alia speaks nrtii, ana 1ST,2. market dilra to people may not speak to each other in teer Infantr), August 2U, In the their wend sold PROMPTLY at its FlU, VALt'f. her presence following January he resigned to be- .".íítkPU,CKIEW S QUSCKtH t.f -- T URNS lor wool than any house tn Il la inurk, V i Careless or Impolite rdltori are not come Captain in the F.lghtietli United way we have succeeded Iu pli'alti)f our uhlpiH-r-i - tolerated in China. The I'ektng (liuttie States Colored Infantry, lie was bre-- . lug thrlr trade, until the year j7 llaila ua on t S , city, pilck aalee and prompt rcturn:i we hitva to v et-- t announce! that an editor of that vetted Lieutenant Colonel for gallantry i . who in referring to certain dead rhlneae REVOLUTiONIZCDtlioaool tra le lu tin. uiarkr-- rulen bad omitted to give their full at Antietam, and Coloael for conspic- We Unite enrrebH.udiucetn;ia all partirá who have wo I captare t ' t l1' I v v"í r I aiidenpecInüyth.Mewlio bateslilpiwd tothls mnrketwlta titles, hat just bad bis punlnhment uous gallantry at the of Fort unsatisfactory renults. Hrud us yoi.r samples tí you waur commuted from being slowly sliced to Illakely. He was made Colonel of ' to know the (?rale and valua of your wool before shipping. pieces to simple decapitation. Volunteer for meritorious services . .i!-- : Wrltefor our WOOL AEPORT It wlU ive you tl j rnnce of the market and liifurinat Ion of value D E A L LI B In the (lag manufacturing depart- campaign agalnBt Mobile. Brooklyn during the ADVANCES MADE. SACKS FURNISHED ment of the Navy ard there f REE. WealHohaudloHAY, CHAIN aud CfcNIR is an old sailor whone duty it Is to ins Tampa, FlaMay 6. Col. Lawton, ef AL PRODUCC, .I pect the liuirihed emblems and to pass his Gen. Shifter's stuff, sailed tor Key upon their quality. He is noted for ESTABLISHED 1880. SUMMERS, MORRISON 5 CO. careful requirements, and not the West, today. It is believed that he ha issrtMiosj, lili paajf. slightest irregularity la diiuenslaul nor gone to map out plaus fur an early for- COMMISSION MERCHANTS, defect Ui material escapo hit eyt). ward iuoYcuieut. 1" 174 SOUTH WATÜH. BTKKIÍX. CIIICACiO, IlXa winiHicLTr opric and stock: grower

TERRITORIAL NEWS. George W. Smith and partners have Ir. It C. llryden, the railway Bur- ( nl niaka fepoals shed the work on the geon and physician at Winslow, cama lielmleer, the valuable properly belong- in Irom the west. To the EOltor of the Optic. ouLir, ing to the m near the Albemarle, I. as Vedas, N. M , May lien WUtlrk liBf )ot the war fever W. II. I'ers'in, representing the 8th My at. George Muck lias force lien-ve- triitii.n has I. n-- ma- ( badly mid would like to be footloose a at work on Smith Premier typewriter, wuli r called to a dimi Mia one llei. JUSt HOW. Smoulder, ot the Nomane as his bsadipiarteya, is here an. falsi asi tanilaroiia pononal group, under leae and bond to VT. .1 . S. Miller, Hillshoro, In Iwl'pentlirntf of May Sill. (iallup hnn a few hundred men who t I. of pmmd tto ft arlan, and Is making good headway. through the city for Santa Fe, to attend Wliil I am n.. In lbs of tailing are ready and ener to Iilil lor the old I he work causista of driving a tunnel 11. a meeting of the penitentiary board. notice el any otdb ary g When needed. to crosscut Ilia vein of the Siuiiuij ntpaprr atiacka, Mr. Wt lientltier lina secured the Geo. .1. Common, the well. known San Hila Isa ui.u.iiaily vonemoua and falsa, W.M. Mcllroom. formerly of Santa bouk-makt- r, -- tniul carrying contract to lv-- Francisco horseman and lhat It in due to mye f, family and Fe. and now of t olorado spring, was arrived to attend the race. IUiich. 1 hete la lo Le here,iler h Gaily in lil and on Monday Investigating the th public st lb s lime that It bo'ilj be ( l'rof. James Harvey Ward left for rsaonlast and tlia put. He truthfully in- aniion and Little Mollis claims for Portland, John ('.. Spears wng token quita ill ihfl purchase of which he ig negotiating Oregon, atler t;andinf twe form a it. past winter iu this city and making a will neurnlgni in the rcKloii ot the wlili the owners, K nier A. Wlxton, Tha rf the ImUiKmiirntr itati-- a la (1 1 host friends his lieart wnile tit woik h ti was brought George Marsh F, of during brief stay hia a and bomas Abbott, here. artice aramia; othrr tin , fal- - bene luiTirliiu mifiiscly. He win The .Inha No. 2 was rec-oll- located llamlvra, that I have bean engaged In l Dr. of Fe, c 'tulned to is room for a couple oi by lleiinaii Clauseii in Colla canon, Slon, Santa passed down a days. Ihe road bound for liosalu hot spungs oryaii i'ii liieiy uf man ti prolwt Kl and from reporta Is nno big I n it of the Mexico, he hopes s Vos' f ilnt dinlnyal, nativa Mu-ien- Half H hundred (Iallup boys out of a properties or the district. 'I he vein ot where to receive reiiel from a seTere attack S9(ip a aini that I haw aiatod tnat thousand, 6 per rent, of Hie grown Kond. looking quartz Is from tweiily-flv- e of rheumatism Ihi y atara diah yal t.i lh av male populHl mu, left fur .Santa IV in 10 one bundled teet wide sod shows D. A. Greenless, wife nod two child- courtrjr anil irad 1 s ir Up antagonism chntge of First Lieutenant J. W. ludieationa of posscs-d- i R Value, ren, of Chicago, came in from the north between Green, to prepare to defend the flag The owners am Merman loasen, Miss J. H. Scott, a California young t a ratl. propia and oiher Americana. ana whip Spain. Few pi ire will Charles F. Yardman ami Adoipii J. lady from tlin "Cuy (.f Angels," came W'lat motiva cm Id bava pronielad this show a luiger percentage ou the lirst Fischer. F.Xtensive (level. ip oel.t was In from the west. adltor to hate prniit I eil h falaa begun on call. this valuab'e property recentl- John I lrker, of llolen, ami Gi.stav vanaeful atuff la i.rJer rir. init- I y . lie Gutierrez killing has reMilled in and will be pushed with Vigor. Ibn-ker- of spii"gerville, io trjr to destrny tha friend y another travesty on liw and justice. Arizona, are LA r.KI.t.E. attending the races. relations tha hava ala aya been 'I he defendadla were hailed o ill ou lu-- i V. V. Garrett, ir.aerT.d btween iiijaelf and family .Ignilicaut bonds. In the exciu mi-i- Merchant I'.ert 1'iatt, of Midnight, the popuh.r sheriff of ot war the tjltnurr trtiRtn that li e ieo'le was in enmp. Dona Ana county and a horseman of with I he imllv pt upla In Ihe Territory aa wi le ) will keep their eyes open lo J istice ut reputation, is here t take in the well as with tha n romera ia to tne Prospecting is becoming lively as the races. home as well a in t iib, and watch snow uinappeais. ti'e. I sin nut i f Ihi nwnai'r C I. J II. Hunt, who had been at , out of thin Messrs. l'earce and Livingston were olla ml taking n i young while boxing In one Chllui.ihiM the past, live on a t 111 Two rrn over troin 1'i.nil paik. months pal i nlille iT.itra n r t each aa anv of the busnus ullices of the town u,l visit to his tons, Charles F. Hunt and a ell n baa a ii,ht and duty to talking of Harvey Finen lias returned from his June A. Hunt, returned to l.ria i io the iaiiinh and bcfoie the city I ike. H i far sa taking part In any military knew got trip to the the southern mini, g dis- and left for Cimarron, Colfax county, they it, to enthusiastic that or a 1 on ot them bruised and t ul the lime tricts. w heie he wi'l visit his son, James Hunt. ilIilHMi, have alin,ilr 1'll'nK nthala, of the other and he bus been wearing W. L. Terrett will visit lied ltiver He n ports June Hunt in the milling sig a roll a in hi .er of tha Natlouat court plxttler mice. and vicimtv on mining business. mid estate ImntMH, and his son Volunteer Keaerve, aud taken oiua niter-ea- t t K. Newcomer, the deputy Hheriff A. .1. Downey it much Improved in Ch'.rle In the hotel business, wit li In nritiglng thu orouiiatlon In ihe mine iu from I he county sent, return- dealt h and hopes to be on duty In a Thos. Gut.le, late ot Sauta Fe, us his notice nf others. Tins nil itary ni vamriit ing nccompanier1 by John l'oi r who lew diiji. partner. He reports the whole Albu- waa lirf.rtlly end ir.e-- l by Un. O ero as made, on Mnjor querque colony at Chihuahua us pros- an assault Green. Jaa. Illy Is reported en route wall aa nth) r Uovvrnora of all tha stales, 1'niiz la rmr.y and should t put la an from pering. Trinidad with freight. He may take with liun. Ire la el other pstitutiu men iu asylum for a while. O O It charge of the stage line. ALAMO no. puhlic ai d o Ivaie III- -. It U n lhat any JKMKZ HOT hriUNOS. IJrighum & Terrett will resume work T. A. Goodwin has completed Ms patriot c Aniailca.i raí enduran and J il i Hp ! I Curreepuodence if t'l'iirii. on the O.K. Hoisting apparatus will new house north of town. no uiatier from hat other nationality ha Last Saturday our population wan be pu; In. Jones I in is Hie making adobes may be da rembd. f ir taku g pait In ill s increased by one newcomer who In- The development of the Copper avid will soon have a new house move. The mlvrmlirntr ya It thanks , tends' to make Ins permanent home K Glance property on Comanche creek A new dining room ia the latest ad le iuiu mu ii .at l.aa Vegas us. was a bouncing boy, t. r i . with it will likely be resumed. dition In camp. s'tneiiod o whic it whose arrival gladdened the hu .ie of talaelyext ga a . 'Inora ta. however, our venerable pioneer, V1. Frank Messrs. Savelle, Madden, Walters Sunt. Jerry Kiley has moved camp iUkLf t. nut in his chfitg, iu warra c li . and Ashley a i i i , I l J'eri-a- Aa pater familias, the colonel packed burro train and to the sou' lieast corner of the park . ta'i ins i ad not a ui prrnarad aia in Hie bilia tor a few days prospect- ah ill. I u. h in aliempt he r. la undoubtedly a succe.s. The II. Crouch gndintr camp Is now - 1 Ml I m a in- hoi I ing. located f t ai liave never Kveryboriy up bere is now busily en- six miles south tier. ul a Kow die-- Trout fishing is now native Mexican ieak a I gaged planting gardens and (laid, prime and many T a many trees recently set out in ) al word b- - Unit d Htutaa n I in engaga In ttnaiuai and the weather la just as nica and that sport. There are tew Alaiimnordo paik are beginning to bud il oreeated iiiruora U thai liner localities tor tlshing parties than effect. Yuura, K. piensan! for this purpose as could be Belle, and shade will soon be plentiful. A.ltLK. wished lor. the neighborhood of La T. A. Frx.ier is now completing his Word baa reached mo city The editor and the devil will visit the well that there Fruits of all kinds will be plentiful and claims to have the beat water a e a uf of this season, as there was not the county capl'al and It la not to be In- yet found. Mr. Fra.ler struck water auiall px at Hone, i. M , eouie thlr'y-llv- a nilUa aou b bligbteat damage by frost. terred that the editor is always iu coin at a depth of llfly-si- x feet. pany with the devil. vl he a, and ihal a r umber of crilldren Captain Tetard and wife are still with S. II. To those who do not believe in plain Sutherland, II. Klmberlln and bava do d in the pst a . k from ti e peat us, and the former tins completely re- Luz, II y Hulling It might be hinted Or. Frank Stuart, of La passed from his cough. that a a covered Galiaher and can through on the stage for Kl Paso. .a, ain i . p w w li. Nadoch supply the "ft i ia,i jimmmmr- 1 Walter border, from Iüsbee, Arizona, time-honore- y approved aod d Luz la w has received sor'.of bait. La full of strangers hunting Ith It atlarhmanta' I'lao ciiltlvatr who great beuelilfrom the lug ' with lltrlitnliitf .I.Hlr, imi. milky .l.wa. 1 locations for homes, ami the nn un 15 I lialhs lure, will visit the A number of the Midnight force are III S H ll.w.W, alkliitf bullhorn tain section is filling up rapidly. A t.r liai lllngriiltl,al..rjia.iv luolli lavar V 4 for a lew days, and then go on to about unlit, for duty tne illness arising hrr..w, t, au. iIimi hay rake, I pin t y of passed aft: S aii j Jiland. from surtace water In the springs. It sixteen families tin watf..n. a'.w, laatlir I.uwr. James cafion looking tor laud to locate ail aewhttf III. 1141 ..Oiri In,. la not wise to use, too A el'-!!- ..ii hall ilKali-n- . - Ned Gold, from Santa Fa, a sufferer much water at upon. at 1,. t from diabetes, Is Improving great y, say season of the vear. Y..liMi.Maea4riael.,llalia,Aitlu ' ( f I and goes out hunting every day with At.lll'(UKIllJl'K. William, the thirteen-year-ol- son .,AlM,'...".;ÍTf.f.TH.v guild success. Joseph liibo, the lleinalillo geaeral and only child of Mr. and Mrs. W K. 11. J. Maphens, from Council Illuffa, merchant, was In the city. Carmack, died after a ten days' Illness mAJLAJkJWUUAJUJkJkJt,A an,, aaaa in pulling on Ileso very rapidly and of pentmiills. Kvervthlng possible feels like a new num. J. T. McLaughlin, the San IVdro was done to save his life but the case miner, was In to CLOVER SEED l. A. Judtand A. J. Otero have Albuquerque attend was hopeless from the tl ret. their bath hmiaes now in fine the spring races. la Ani' TtcaV. tVr avrrtkm. Our uriH MiKurtM li order and Mrs P Coghlan, of Tularosa, who hrVtlmit. Mtiátilowai avi)fti In Aurtl will mirm are ready for bunirieni, as are also the W.T. Cliver, of the Santa Fe rail- g rmp in Jtilr. ri'g d'rt cboap. Mm- - been sariouply ill for over two 4 moth ctaliiiu iiT 11 likgm. drtM nT Orktua hotels. way land oiiice, was a passenger weal hd ( months, Is again able to be up and sf (r fur but iM.(.tr. a.tiufii ioon Jm. bound. JBH , n land. aoout. 4. AH IB III! Ct U CfMta, U. It is expected lhat woik will begiu D. K Morse ana wife, of Grafton, N. ou the Crown l'oiut mine next week. M., are at the Highland. They will MeiidenhaH's stag makes dailv trips take Id the spring races. to the end of the K. P. & N . li! track The Itland mill turned out two more at RliGlSThR YOUR Lais of bullion (luring thu week and Thos. N, Whlktrsnn, the attorney, Jarilla. Conltuuea successful operations. who was ut Socorro on legal ruatlers, POLAND CHINAS Herman Clausen's operations on the returned to the city, What Everybody Says Julia, iu Colla canon, ate showing Mrs. F.lla O. Shiwlda, formerly of thu About Hood's Siii'siipiirillu Is that It in thti.SuuUiwt'Htcrn Polaiiil that valuable properly up well. city, Is now at Santa Fe, where ato purifies their bluoil, Ives them an Robert Don but, the elllcleut super- will reside for a short time. appctitu uiul make them feel strong. GeorgeB, engineer, Glu intendent of the property, Is paying oil Frank and t. Tbeso threii k together: Pura blood, China Krroru Associát n all the indebted tiesa of the Washington Turner, cama in from Winslow. appetite, Hti'ciMtli. If you want to group of mines. Arthur Iilackwell, of Trinidad, Colo , feci well take 1 1. mil's Siuapurillu, the At the Albemarle! the steel frame of came Iu from the north. Oho True llloo.l 1'iirllier. Stin k for salt? $10.00 js r liare. the mill and machinery is being set up. Mrs. V. U. French, wife of a popular Write to Iii'e Sctjtt, St'crcturv mid the uswil extensive mining develop railroader ut Wtnslo', cama la Iruui H00(J'S PÜU are Ihe only pills to tnent continues. the west. be taken with Hood's Saisapnrilla. Üijilcy, 'J'ctniu'AM'o. f J --LO WEEKLY OPTIO AIíD nTOCK QliOWETl

Tlllltnim MT WAXTKI. shniue and r?ret that while this I tru f the Mexicans (generally. It is Tle Auioi lean peofli! re prand not true ot all in !,. Veirs. Thare Huleli nson Slock Yards onnrv conglomeiatlon of b!I the rivili7.o) na- are a few here who are traitors in the a tions of tti art li'. The l'nited States fullest sense of the term. They openly ilUTCIIINnOlT, ItANBAH. ref'ijjH trom Infancy have bren the of favor Spain in this war as against their AwVLlnndKVVIH', VAFin Bl'PfS'ltsai. Air pie eminiU'iilailni fi.r faille and s.ep. Ihls a le t cunnm-tio- - ruaile. the jioor or the ojipre seed la every hind own count, y. ley argue In the nieipan; jar bare dire with all rHrMii rumiiiiif Intu lluuhincn Se Hence, we h:ie hd B2irrrg;ition of streets, they condemn their own gov- i-- mvi:x in blood ami of rivilizutluiia, not kuown ernment and exptexs their approval of srixiAL caui: stock transit. elsewhere In the world. the enemy. They sorrow at Spain's A Short Run to Kansas City after Feed anl Best. Many theorist have looked upon thlri osnes and refuse to rejoice at Ameri- with alarm, tul tmvo predicted from it can success. They scowl at the II ig AS A STOCKER AND FEEDER MARKET t the overthrow of the great I!emllic they sneer at the military, they have Th4 jftrdi nffer nprior lndurvrnvnta. Itt.dtatrlbuittiit pufot In Kan rif They hare thought (hat an the iron and treaion on their tongues and treason Oood 1'iuitnr mtul Vk'mtr on oar own for Nherp In T rl ly in the limine hl h Neliuchadnez-7&- - TJXXTJ". T.A in their hearts. I ftirn) h4 npn nrt W. BN KUA Di;I, M a a w in lui dream, could not he These men are known. Tu Orne Miiiilgmiiated into an homogeneous or could mention their names, but it is KsTAIII.IKMF.U lAN. ihiiikioian.ii inr., een adhesive whole; so the people not necessary, Patriots hive marked coin nijf from vury land under the mm, them and public Indignation rould nut lo combined into one patri- is grow ing and darkening around them. otic and dWtliiet American rice. Tiie very fact tliat some of them have Jrom k tap y lint f.icl h.x contradicted th.'ory, in been chronic o dice seekers and ollice mmm this particular. The streams of popu- holders, for many and many years, OTP Tkd lation, eminatini from inch diverse money 1CEW EXICO. , that hey have drawn the of the and incongruous booive-- liave nation, enjoyed the protection of the blended into the one niihtv river, laws, derived benelil from our Institu- VnoLESriLE Qroceks known ns the American people. The tions, have been honored and made becmn-- a foreigner of today In his gun, Vy prosperous American citizens VISQ-A-- Q J-N- the American patriot of tomorrow. LAS BOCOBBO ITEiW MEXICO these things i but add to the deeper The une, toiluy, the laninge of , steaks daiu'iation of their Infamy, their per-idy- Ills father land, read the papera from their tra'torous words and con-due- t. h 8 old home, and casts many loving glance of memory upon the scenes of TnE Ul'Ttf would advise these men hit) child. The aon, tomorrow, knpws no to quietness and decency, for w hilo the language but the American, no home American people ara long suffering, t .r iJ?------'"" tin t the United States, no Hag but the there comes a tin. e when public wrath f i ... .m-- ...,... 'Tr "V ' Stara end Stripes, for which when c .lli-- overleaps nil boun'is and sweeps every on he gladly and gloriously lays down -- thing before it. J I . . . -- .J f Lis lire. 1 . 1 Such has been and continúes to be Is speaking of the battle of Manila, the case all over tliia broad mid be- the Salt Lake TrUmite says: loved land of ours. Norwegian and Ths audacity and niaJ-st- T of tb fight IS weed, (ierman and Iuti;h, Jtusnian upon 006 at il U thu-jgh- l orar. Il and Austiian, and Italian, wasniaahl that tbra wrte luirte iiiiiHl (he (Spanish and Mexican, Kiiglish, lrl-- Sum in Iha fortiAVatiotit; that barhor c5t wined, lb K snl-- h flxat JXlining Stxpplies and Scotch wUulever me rationality u anl that wat Ranch Impatient a chapea to atiika for the of the Immigrant, his descendants even fur WOOL, niDES, PELT3 AND GRAIN. "honor" nf rSialu. In me toa ot al', Ccm in the lirst gcni-ralio- are true, loyal modnrt Dewry steamed straight In, an 1 I and loving Americans, devoted to the engaging tba halterio and ttaa ships at tba THE CONSOLIDATED CATTLE COMPANY land that gave them birth and to the ama thna eruaatiei, anj smashed, and Vegas, 7J, M. Hug that protects their liberty and niaabad at them until the lotteries wr THOMAS CARSON, Manager, Las their lives. llll and tba fleet all auuk eaoept some ASSOOIATSO WITH ANO MPHIalNTtD BY VMS SCOTT SM BtOaTOAOa ANO LAÑO INVISTMSNT COKArM HUQH LOUDON. MANAoaa. been somo little koala thet got aerajr un tba barbor Of NfW MIX'OO. LIMITS D., Il has rumored for time Tafife. altla. Calila lile that the native citizens of New Mexico crl pi d and limiting. are an exception to this otherwise uni- TlIK Army and --Vnry (Jattttt thus versal rule; that In our present trouble speaks its mind: t a a - Sp'iin a with trouble exclusively for Think ot Harvard aa a nam to fight the relief of a down trodden people ol undiT, aben not a Tesiet In lb ser Ire on tack Mil Itft tUH Irl iu and hip If1 tidt tack Aa Spanish descent the I biiixira list of William Main' rlilK or All tarrease to go lulo the I "J I (hnreeatuie) brand, and Mexico sympathize, with laeeo Hull ur Jamas Lawrence or Jubo the enemy and are traitors In heart to Paul Jubo ! Cooceiee of railing a great tba Yala and a wieu-hn- l lit'la their own count, y. cruierr K. ltiuruB. Tiik Orno has been unwilling to tirpdo boat tba Ferregut 'U tba Decatur I $200 Reward Notice. Only una step further and "bail have P. o. : Fort t'nlnn, N. r.uit.tO so abhorrent a charge, and one C 1 tba United rltatae monitor Vaaear and tba liante. Mora To , In l TM fchovn reward will h paid for 4Tltliir which would put our Mexican cilizeus l4i It Untied Hiatal tmtllrahip Hie Miasen Julius's Inili til Yuri I nlim. Iffttlliiir th run tlnn rl lini'rliMtnfnfrti la at such disadvantage in mark, rnp arid () of ftnr I'rtMiu Itiit'lli alHsl In tUm comparison heiniotry. Ilarvarii aud Yale and not over and undeibit in III thnft of isiitH)), WifPt, (ule ur tuijr uiinU in f t thsa fnihiH it.,; : With the rest of the woild. Lack of Junes ur Hull ! Shades tba ear. brinili Paul uf mility h OB patriotism, lack of fealty to lliu luud dead! theIrelelt ahouldxr.'ill of one's birth, to turn agaiiiHl one's A to Xetri says: Left Dutive luud lor auy other, even though hpkcial the Denver Mngdmrnn l.nnd nntl Cnttlo ( o, etiuulder liora, muí nd cttl brand aa New that other had been the home of our to tba rattle situation id B. I. Ohhick, Mhuatir. CD ancestry these things are the darkest Mmoo stata that lo Sao Miguel ooanty, s VoArr nip to ft titd t49ple fork oh-r- a at uoa tiuia tba raucas pastured P. O. to riirhi for crime possible to any people. Mni'.!nlt'nfi, N. t'od-- r over 175,000 bead, lesa slrp to tnft ntl itHpU fork there ara than Kalltiii' ,M NiraUl- iVHr-bl- l is therefore glad Unit aa Vfiib for wihttr. Thk Oi'Tlo It rj.OOÜ new Other sactlona of tba Terri- Vnilfv, Mwmu tli can say, say Sun M B.t4.s nd and truthfully and tory uo baiter IT and tha rroi-oau- ara tcautr M,'Ulen nimio-tsvln- V: S. KEYES, Y correctly, that It Is satisfied the charge of berda ara baina; further diuiiulabad Moewell.N. against Mexican A rncb k the people of this dally. calila famine la that atlstrlcl, lu H"r i non, Territory is false and slanderous. As one so proline la sto k, Is fast becoming a r.-fc- i Crop . P. (iiui. PrvKt. H. II BitAEKi t.( Vlc rr't iwr'aluty. Tba fact la acknowledged by it t. V an KvM,bHjr. ftutl Trt5U. a people, in Sail Miifiiel county as else- riüerlo.e lfi. where lu New Mexico, sloe ni en from that section wbo bava been SnUo C'ntilt-- 4 lUtou.luoa. the natives of lururpurfttrti...,( Spanish descent are devoted Ameri- hers this week. I AlMXTlOKiL It KA II OS. hm.rh P. O. i Pnrto cans, true to their country and its It is Interesting to knew jitRt at this dt Luna, N M f ,,ü,8 " i I a aat-k- Hrlha'M, (Htiltfiu, tí fi ?ause, ready to rally to their couulry's time that in the United Stalea Senate W ílii1 rottriiy crop .f II wherever their aervice hall be iheie are 12 Senators whe served in the left side, J --J (rered fonr) lefl dip .sr inrk, and ' QPJ U ii 'Iff Mt nm-- fur rmon and who served in the Con. HilfMsM tlfitUtj, ded, no matter whom the fob or liureea OB let f--) left rtnit u federate army. There are 57 liepreaent I,;TI B .... ice they come., J ulp U.I shonlder Ca?tip ifti ut. at Ives who served iu the Union army No l'raiiit kpt a p bnl trie mule elioe bar ttrle The Ui'Tiu confesses with and 30 wbo are ex Confederates.- sud luuii aUwe uii Ltp.