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Ontario Geological Survey Mineral Deposit Circular 16

Gold Deposits of the - Area Districts of Kenora and Rainy River by Richard C. Beard and Glen L. Garratt


Reprint of Ontario Division of Mines Mineral Deposit Circular 16 1976

Ministry of [jon Alan w.Pope © Minister Natural John R. Sloan Deputy Minister Ontario ODM 1976 Printed in Ontario, Canada Reprinted 1984

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Parts of this publication may be quoted if credit is given. It is recommended that reference to this report be made in the following form:

Beard, Richard C., and Garratt, Glen L. 1976: Gold Deposits of the Kenora-Fort Frances Area, Districts of Kenora and Rainy River; Ontario Division of Mines, MDC16,46 p. Accompanied by Chart A, scale 1:253 440 or 1 inch to 4 miles.

1000-76-HR 1000-84-B&M CONTENTS

PAGE Introduction...... 1 Names of Deposits...... 1 Location of Deposits ...... 2 References ...... 2 Remarks ...... 2 Abbreviations ...... 2 Sources of Information...... 2 Acknowledgments...... 3 History of Gold Mining and Exploration ...... 3 Gold Potential of the Area ...... 4 Guidelines to Prospecting ...... 4 References Cited ...... 6 Addendum...... 6 Index ...... 45


1. Gold Deposits of the Kenora-Fort Frances Area (in alphabetical order) ...... 7

CHART A (back pocket)

Gold Deposits of the Kenora-Fort Frances Area Districts of Kenora and Rainy River

Scale: 1:253,440 or l inch to 4 miles





Districts of Kenora and Rainy River


Richard C. Beard^ and Glen L. Garratt^

INTRODUCTION Deposits are shown on Chart A (see back pocket) at a scale of 1:253,440 or l inch to 4 With the rather spectacular rise in the price miles and derived from the Ontario Department of gold which began in mid-1972 and continued of Mines Map 2115 (Davies and Pryslak 1967). through 1973 and 1974, interest in gold ex The area lies between the International Boun ploration in increased dary and the 50th parallel, and between the significantly. Since the Kenora-Fort Frances Boundary and the 92nd meridian. area has a long history of gold production This report consists of two sections: Chart (at one time accounting for over 55 percent A with a scale 1:253,440 or l inch to 4 miles, of Ontario©s gold production) and is known showing the location of all listed gold deposits, to contain a large number of small gold de and Table l consisting of a list of the deposits posits, an updated compilation of gold occur describing their locations, prime references, rences in the area was undertaken. previous production, development work, re Mineral Resource Circular 13, Part l, serves, and geology. "Gold Deposits of Ontario" by S.A. Ferguson, The deposits are classified and labelled H.A. Groen, and R. Haynes (1971), lists over as to the stage of development: mines, (all 200 deposits for the area. The present com past producers), with a minimum production pilation, carried out during the period Jan of not less than 100 ounces of gold; prospects uary 1974 to August 1975, adds over 120 with significant development work, usually deposits for a total listing of 331 deposits. consisting of one or more of the following: The present notes do not duplicate the a) significant production, other than for mill detailed information provided by the Mineral tests, but less than 100 ounces of gold; b) Resource Circular No. 13 (Ferguson, e t al. over 100 feet of underground lateral develop 1971). They are intended to serve as a brief ment work; or c) over 2,000 feet of diamond reference source for the specific area covered, drilling; and occurrences with little develop providing enough information to allow the ment work carried out. reader to estimate the relative merits of the various deposits and to retrieve any additional detail required© from the references listed. Names of Deposits The most common name of the deposit found in the references is used, with no attempt ^Regional Geologist, Ontario Ministry of Natural Re to utilize the name of the present owner. Clas sources, Kenora. sification is, for the most part, by the common name, but, when necessary, the qualifier (mine, ^Regional Geologist Assistant, Ontario Ministry of prospect, occurrence) has been changed from Natural Resources, Kenora. previous usage. If two names are in common usage, the second is included in brackets. Manuscript approved for publication by the Chief, Mineral Deposits Section, 11 February 1976. The deposits are arranged alphabetically ore zones, and mineralogy of the ore zones. and numbered consecutively, regardless of Available data are scarce for many de classification. These numbers correspond to the posits and the compilation only serves to point locations on Chart A (back pocket). to areas of observed gold mineralization or favourable geology. Where data, especially assay values, are conflicting, the authors have Location of Deposits attempted to be© as objective as possible in summarizing the information. For detailed Locations are given by NTS number, de descriptions of deposits the reader is advised cimal latitudes and longitudes, and by claim to consult the references cited. number of some patented claims. A brief geo graphic description is also given. The decimal latitudes and longitudes are Abbreviations sufficiently accurate to locate the deposit on Chart A with the scale 1:253,440 or l inch Ad...... Adit to 4 miles, and are not meant for use with Ag...... Silver larger scale maps. asp...... Arsenopyrite The location of the patented claims can Au...... Gold usually be found, but the exact location of av ...... Average some unpatented claims cannot be identified. ci...... Claim A file of old claim maps is available for refer- cp ...... Chalcopyrite ence at the Regional Geologist©s Office in Cu ...... Copper Kenora, thus facilitating the location of many DD ...... Diamond Drilling of the properties. DDH ...... Diamond drill hole EM ...... Electromagnetic survey fid ...... Feldspar References ft...... Feet gf...... Graphite Only selected references have been inclu- gn ...... Galena ded in Table 1. These are sufficient to lead the gp ...... Group reader to more detailed references as required. GR41 ...... Geological Report and number The most common reference used is the in...... Inches Regional Geologist©s Files, Ontario Ministry of MRC13 . .Mineral Resource Circular and number Natural Resources, Kenora. These files in ODM ...... Ontario Division of Mines Kenora are cross-referenced by NTS, company OFR23 ...... Open File Report and number or deposit name, and commodity and infor- oz ...... Ounce mation is easily found if required. po ...... Pyrrhotite For published references, the name, num- PR27...... Preliminary Report and number ber, page, and date are included. prop ...... Property py ...... Pyrite q ...... Quartz Remarks S ...... Sulphides Sh ...... Shaft The remarks column in Table l very Sn ...... Tin briefly summarizes available data on: a) the sp ...... Sphalerite dates and amount of production; b) the date, tr...... Trace amount, and type of development and ex- v.g...... Visible gold ploration work carried out on the property; c) reserves; d) significant individual or average assay values reported from grab, chip, or channel Sources of Information sampling or outcrops, test pits or trenches, underground development headings or stopes, Mineral Resource Circular 13, Part l, or diamond drill intersections; e) dimensions (Ferguson et al.) is the main source of infor- of ore zones or mineralized zones; f) geology mation for this compilation. Some of the of the deposit including related rock types, information from MRC13 has been updated or faults and shear zones, strike of shearing or expanded. An additional 121 deposits have been added. These data came mainly from the Kenora By the end of 1900, a large number of Regional Geologist©s Assessment Files. Informa mines had closed down. Some properties were tion was also derived from published Ontario worked intermittently until 1912 when prac Division of Mines reports and maps, unpublished tically all activities ceased. The discovery and property descriptions by Ontario Division of initial development of the Porcupine gold fields Mines geologists on public file in the Regional probably played an instrumental role in the Geologist©s office in Kenora, some unpublished decline. company reports and maps, and records of The second major period of activity, in personal conversations with local prospectors. the late 1930s and early 1940s, was brought Most of the information listed in this on by the revaluation of gold in 1934. During report is available for examination at the office this period, gold production from the area of the Regional Geologist in Kenora. Several was worth over three and a half million dollars deposits located near the eastern edge of the ^3,500,000), almost 70 percent of which came map-area lie within the District from the Wendigo Mine, southeast of Kenora. and some located in the northeastern part are From the late 1940s on, gold exploration within the District. Data for in the area was secondary to the search for base these are available for review at tile respective metals until the sudden rise in the price of gold Resident Geologists© offices. Some of the data in 1973. Interest was then renewed in many of are also available in the Assessment Files Re the old mines and prospects of the area and a search Office in Toronto but this source is not number of exploratory development programs as complete as the field offices, especially for were undertaken. The Cameron Island (Duport) earlier drill logs, trenching, and assay reports. Mine at Shoal Lake, the Sultana Mine, and the Gull Island occurrence in Lake of the Woods, the Golden Star Mine near Mine Centre, and a Acknowledgments number of deposits in the Dogpaw Lake area all received attention during 1973 to 1975. J.B. Gordon, of the Mineral Deposits Several other properties were also reexamined Section, Ontario Division of Mines, is grate in 1975 but to date results have not led to plans fully thanked for advice and information on for production. format and content. G. Clark, employed as Of the 27 past-producing mines listed in a summer assistant, undertook some of the the compilation, 13 are located in the Shoal more routine aspects of the compilation. Lake-Lake of the Woods area. In decreasing order of reported production, these are: Wen digo, Mikado, Sultana, Regina, Cameron Island, HISTORY OF GOLD MINING Cornucopia, Kenricia, Ophir, Gold Hill, Olympia, AND EXPLORATION Golden Horn, Champion, and Crown Point. With the exception of the Kenricia, all these Although the Kenora-Fort Frances area were brought into production during the early has no producing gold mines at the time of period of activity, between 1886-1906. The writing, the area does have a long and colourful first seven also produced during the later period. history of gold mining, dating back to the mid- In the Manitou Lakes-Gold Rock area, a 1800s. This activity occurred largely during two number of deposits were developed during the periods, from 1890 to 1910 when the area early period, 1890 to 1910. A government accounted for over 55 percent of Ontario©s road from the town of Goldrock to Minnehaha gold production and from 1934 to 1943. Lake, together with a dam which raised the While mining operations actually began water level and allowed better navigation of as early as 1852, little real development occur the entire chain of lakes, facilitated extensive red before 1885. These very early operations exploration of the area and a minor boom con reportedly involved rather large expenditures tinued until about 1912. The Laurentian, Big of money, but no significant production was Master, and Twentieth Century Mines were realized. During the years 1885 to 1895, a large brought to production and accounted for the number of gold discoveries were made and many greater part of the production from the area properties were brought into production during during the early years. The Big Master was what became known as the "Lake of the Woods reopened during the later period, adding to Gold Rush". Production peaked in 1899 with production from the Straw Lake Beach and production coming largely from the operations Elora Mines in the same area. at the Sultana, Regina, and Mikado Mines. In the Mine Centre-Bad Vermilion Lake potential for future discoveries of major pro area, production came from the Golden Star, portions. Olive, and Foley Mines during both periods Although the area has been heavily pros of activity. The Independence Mine produced pected in the past, most of this work was only slightly over 100 ounces of gold during carried out in early years when much of the the early period and failed to reopen in later development work was done with hand steel years. (i.e. trenching, drifting, drilling, etc.). Many With the advent of gold prospecting and small isolated showings discovered at surface discoveries in the Lake of the Woods and Mine during this time were not opened up because Centre areas, exploration extended to the of the time and expense involved. Underground Eagle Lake area about 1901. With the excep development work was generally limited to tion of the Baden Powell, Bonanza, and Re following known veins rather than exploring deemer Mines, which together produced only for new ones. about 600 ounces of .gold, attempts to develop Present emphasis appears to be on the other discoveries into mines failed. reopening of some of the older mines rather Also around 1900, the area northeast of than the search for new occurrences. In this Kawashegamuk Lake gained interest and was regard it is suggested that consideration be given dubbed "the New Klondike". The Sakoose to developing several small deposits in the same Mine, the only significant producer, became general area by utilizing one centrally located the center of activity for this area. Production mill. from the Sakoose was resumed in 1945 and 1947. Minor production was obtained from the GUIDELINES TO PROSPECTING Violet Mine north of Rowan Lake around 1900. Gold deposits occur in a great variety of Total reported production from the 27 geological environments in which either host producers shown on Chart A (see back pocket) rocks and/or favourable structures both re was about 180,000 ounces of gold. Of this gional and small-scale play an important part amount, about 75 percent came from 13 mines in controlling distribution of mineralization. of the Shoal Lake-Lake of the Woods area. The available geological data on many gold Three mines, the Wendigo, Mikado, and deposits in the study area are vague and in Sultana, were responsible for approximately complete. Nevertheless, some general guide 63 percent of the total reported production. lines for gold prospecting can be offered. A high incident of gold mineralization with intrusive rocks, especially felsic intrusives, GOLD POTENTIAL OF THE AREA is indicated. This association has also been noted by R. A. Riley e t al (1971). Data from With abundant rock exposure and easy the present compilation also suggest a strong access, the Kenora-Fort Frances area has been association with mafic metavolcanics but this intermittently yet extensively explored for gold may simply be a reflection of the relative for well over 80 years. While a great many abundance of mafic metavolcanics in the area. individual discoveries have been made during The association of gold with felsic intru this period, with significant production (over sive rocks might more properly be described 100 ounces) obtained from 27 separate depo as an association with felsic volcanism. This sits, no major discoveries have been made. observation was also made by Riley e t al. In general, widths and tenor of the ores have (1971, p.38), "...the epizonal felsic intrusions been narrow and erratic. to which the gold deposits are suggested to The geology, however, appears very fa be genetically related do occur within or along vourable for gold mineralization. There are the margins of the metavolcanic-metasedimen- numerous areas of felsic tuffs, many small tary belts. These intrusions are probably a porphyry masses and larger high-level granitic concomitant intrusive phase of felsic volcanism intrusions as well as several major "breaks" and represent the subvolcanic equivalent of or fault zones along which gold occurrences the felsic metavolcanics. The gold deposits appear to be concentrated. With the large are thus related to the volcanic process but number of small occurrences known through appear to have been concentrated in the mag out the area, there would seem to be good matic rather than extrusive phase of felsic volcanism." The correlation of gold deposits with mafic low-grade deposits should be further investi to ultramafic volcanism has been suggested by gated in this area. recent studies by D.R. Pike (1975) as well as 2. Upper Manitou Lake. Most of the recent work in Russia and South Africa. occurrences in this section are located in areas Based on the data used in the publication of felsic to intermediate metavolcanics. Further of this compilation, the following geological work should be concentrated in the horizons settings are recommended for gold prospecting of fine-grained felsic tuffs, the volcanochemical in the Kenora-Fort Frances area. sediments, and along the major Manitou Lake 1. Areas of high-level granitic intrusives shear zone. genetically related to felsic volcanism. These 3. Manitou-Straw-Pipestone-Dogpaw Lakes intrusives are typically quartz and/or feldspar Linear. Numerous occurrences have been noted porphyries. Narrow sills of porphyry are of along much of the length of this major structural special interest, as are relatively small stocks feature which extends from the Manitou Lake within or closely associated with volcanic belts. section, mentioned above, westward into the Larger granitic bathohths not genetically related Lake of the Woods. This structure has, in a to volcanic belts are usually of little interest. number of places, been described as a sheared 2. Felsic pyroclastic horizons, especially zone, ranging from several tens of feet to several very fine grained felsic tuffs. thousands of feet thick, consisting largely of 3. Sericite- and carbonate-bearing shear sericite and carbonate. The character and zones may actually represent sheared volcanic composition of this zone may reflect the original tuffs which contained syngenetic gold minerali lithology, which locally was probably an easily zation remobilized into favourable structures. sheared felsic to intermediate tuff. Areas of 4. Narrow horizons of volcanochemical sericite-carbonate rock along the length of this sediments (sulphides, chert, carbonate, graphite) structure should be investigated. within felsic to intermediate volcanic sequences. 4. Northeast side of Shoal Lake, west of 5. Mafic metavolcanics containing signi Kenora. Extensive gold mineralization occurs ficant quartz-carbonate veins. both in the volcanics and the adjacent Canoe The heavy concentration of gold occur Lake quartz diorite intrusion which is suggested rences within the volcanic belts in certain by Campbell (1973) to be a high-level intrusion. areas shown on the Kenora-Fort Frances sheet Additional work might be warranted along the (Davies and Pryslak 1967) is striking and is of entire contact zone of this intrusion. obvious significance for exploration. Further 5. Northeastern Lake of the Woods. A work is recommended in the following sec significant number of occurrences appear to be tions: concentrated along the contact between the - 1. High Lake area near the Manitoba metavolcanics and the large Longbow Lake- border. Numerous gold occurrences have been Dogtooth Lake batholith which is intrusive into noted both in the granitic high-level intrusive the volcanics. While many of the deposits in rocks and in the adjacent metavolcanics and this area are described as being associated with volcanic sediments. Copper and molybdenum shears and quartz veins, ore control for these mineralization has also been noted in the in occurrences is not definitely known. A more trusive rocks. Possibilities of large tonnage, detailed study of this area is required. REFERENCES CITED

Campbell, S.W. 1973: Mineralization in the Canoe Lake Stock, Lake of the Woods-Shoal Lake Area, Northwestern Ontario; unpublished M.Sc. Thesis, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg. Davies, J.C., and Pryslak, A.P. 1967: Kenora-Fort Frances Sheet, Kenora, Rainy River Districts; Ontario Dept. Mines, Geo logical Compilation Series, Map 2115, scale 1:253,440 or l inch to 4 miles. Com pilation 1963-1965. Ferguson, S.A., Groen, H.A., and Haynes, R. 1971: Gold Deposits of Ontario, Part l - Districts of Algoma, Cochrane, Kenora, Rainy River, and Thunder Bay; Ontario Dept. Mines and Northern Affairs, MRC13, 315p. Pyke, D.R. 1975: On the Relationship of Gold Mineralization and Ultramafic Volcanic Rocks in the Timmins Area; Ontario Div. Mines, MP62, 23p. Riley, R.A., King, H.L., and Kustra, C.R. 1971: Mineral Exploration Targets in Northwestern Ontario; Ontario Dept. Mines and Northern Affairs, MP47, 72p. TABLE 1 GOLD DEPOSITS OF THE KENORA-FORT FRANCES AREA NAME LOCATION REFERENCES REMARKS 1. Abraham, M. Willingdon Tp., N. of ODM Vols.: 40 ft. Sh.( 4 DDH©s reported. Occurrence Snake Bay, near Sioux 44,pt.4,p,33-35 (1935) 3 ft. wide q. zone (main vein l ft. wide) Narrows 52,pt.4,p.l6-17 (1943) in a shear zone in basalt. NTS: 52E/8NE Shear zone traced for 1,000 ft. length. Lat: 49.380 Long: 94.030

2. Alice, A. Little Turtle River, ODM Vols: Shallow test pits and 2 Sh., 46 fi,, Prospect E. of Mine Centre,p.l29 (1898) and 95 ft. deep with 90 ft. of lateral NTS: 52C/16SW 8.p.l-46 (1899) development. One 2 stamp mill-150 to Lat: 48.770 9.p.75 (1900) 200 tons milled. 10 ton sample ran Long: 92.470 0.63 oz. Au/ton. Q. stringers in felsite schist. Cu, gf, Py. 3. Alto-Gardner N.E. part of MacFie Mineral Resource Branch 1937-41: Trenching and 2 DDK. Prospect Tp., SE of Sandy beach (Ottawa) File-(Alto- 1946: 125 tons milled from Tr, over Lake Gardner Cis.) av. width of 6V4 ft. ran 0.23 oz. Au/ NTS: 52F/16SW Kenora Regional Geolo ton. Grab samples to 0.37 oz/ton. 2 Lat: 49.77 0 gist Files (Sandybeach ore shoots outlines. Avg. widths4V6 to Long: 92.330 Lake Synd.; Gardner- 6 ft. Q. veins at contact between q. Alto Prop.) porp. dike and andesite. ODM Vol.50,pt.2,p.58-59 (1941)

4. Ambrose Gull Island, Lake of ODM Vol.45,pt.3,p.30-31 1898: 40 ft. Sh. and Ad. Prospect the Woods (1936) 1937: 3509ft. DD A tr. (Gull Island NTS: 52E/10SE Kenora Regional Geologist 1965: 3 DDK (1206 ft.) Occurrence) Lat: 49.520 Files (Lake Hill Mine; 1974: 11 DDK (1762 ft.) Long: 94.51 0 Kuryliw, C.J.; Arjon) 5 q. veins in a zone 450 ft. long by 10 12 ft. wide. Assays from DD core gave results of trace to 1.79 oz. for short interval samples. No.2 vein reported averaged 0.345 oz/ton over av. width of 2.24 ft. and a length of 100 ft. Au associated with q. porphyry in chlorite schist. 5. Ash Bay Ash Bay, Lake of the ODM Vol.45,pt.3,p.38 Q. vein - 8 to 20 in. wide yielded 0.19 Occurrence Woods. (1936) oz. Au/ton NTS: 52E/10NW Lat: 49.640 Long: 94.780

6. Austin Near Gates Lake, Kenora Regional Geologist Explored and sampled for Au; results Occurrence Manitou Stretch. Files-(Austin Claims) reported as not encouraging. Sb re NTS: 52F/9NW ported to occur. Lat: 49.130 Long: 93.210 7. Avery Lake Avery Tp. Mineral Resource Basic metavolcanic host rock. Occurrence E. of Dinorwic Circular 13. NTS: 52F/9NW Lat: 49.680 Long: 92.400

8. Baden Powell S.W. part of Eagle Lake ODM Vols.: Production: 1902-1905: 288 oz.Au, Mine NTS:52FA1NEANW 10,p.96(1901) and 6 oz. Ag from 163 tons - 1.77 Lat: 49.680 13,pt.l,p.65 (1904) oz./ton Long: 93.250 15,pt.l,p.54(1906) 2 Sh; 140 ft. deep w/129 ft. of drifting 48,pt.4,p.23(1939) on one level; and 50 ft. deep. One 5- Kenora Regional Geologist stamp mill. Files (Northern Lights 3 NW striking q. veins cut granite; Mines Co.; Baden Powell sparse py, v.g. noted. Mine) 9. Bag Lake S W of Dogpaw Lake Mineral Resources Branch Au-bearing py in shear zone, 4 to 8 ft. Occurrence NTS: 52F/5SW (Ottawa Files - Bag Lk.) side, in basic metavolcanics. Up to 2 Lat: 49.330 ODM Vols: 42,pt.4 (1933) oz./ton Au -i- Ag values in 24 samples Long: 93.970 52,pt.4 (1943) taken. Kenora Regional Geologist 1961: 7 DDK (1647) gave Au values Files (Selco Expl. Ltd.) associated with small pods of q. filled + pyritized fractures lacking.

10. Hardyke Ewart Tp., 27 mi. W. ODM GR 41,p.44 (1965) Oxidized shear zone near granite dikes Occurrence of Kenora Kenora Regional Geologist in basic vole, rocks. Preliminary samp NTS: 52E/11NE Files - (Bardyke Mines) ling reported encouraging. Lat: 49.730 1961: Geophysics and stripping. Long: 95.150 11. Barker Lower Manitou Lake ODM Statistical Files 1899: 62 ft. Sh. with some drifting. Prospect NTS: 52F/6SE (Barker Mine, Rainy Also 100 ft. open cut on vein. Lat: 49.280 River Dist.) Q.veins in greenstone. Long: 93.060 Kenora Regional Geologist 1898: Said to have produced 24 oz. Files - (Barker Mine) Au from 70 tons (0.34 oz./ton) ODM Vols: 8,p.76(1899) 9, p.63 (1900) 43, pt.4, p.19 (1934)

12. Barymin Ewart Tp., Electrum Lk. Kenora Regional Geologist 1953: Geological survey. Volcanics Occurrence NTS: 52E/11NE Files - (Barymin Prop.) and metasediments intruded by q.- Lat: 49.720 feldspar porphyry. Long: 95.090 13. Batch River N. of Pickerel Arm of ODMGR75,p.23(1969) 15 ft. wide, N.E. trending zone con Occurrence Minnitake Lake. Sioux Lookout Resident taining q. veins l to 5 in. wide in NTS: 52F/16NE Geologist©s Files - tuffaceous and variolitic lavas. Lat: 49.970 (Batch River) 1950: 1100 ft. DD. Best assay was 6 Long: 92.130 ODM Map 2155 (Western ft. intersection of 0.1 oz. Au/ton. At Minnitake Lake Area) surface, 9 sections of the zone were channel sampled across 22 ft. width. One 3 ft. section assayed 0.1 oz. Au/ton. Other samples yielded trace to 0.04 oz. Au/ton.

14. Bath Island Bath Island, Lake of the Kenora Regional Geologist 1899 - 100 ft. Sh with 32 ft. lateral Occurrence Woods Files-(Bath Island; development. NTS: 52E/9SW Arntfield) Lat: 49.51 0 ODM Vol.8,p.60,(1899) Long: 94.450 15. Bee Hive Manitou Island in Lower Kenora Regional Geologist 1898: Sh. on main vein, 135 ft. deep. Prospect Manitou Lake Files - (Bee Hive; Three q. veins outlined. Main vein NTS: 52F/7SW Gaffney Mine) traced for over 200 ft., sampled in Lat: 49.280 ODM Vol.42,pt.4,p.31 1943. Six samples along 16 ft. length Long: 92.250 (1933) av. 0.58 oz. Au/ton w. av. width of 2Vz ft. Grab samples from Sh. in 1900 ranged from 0.67 to 80.42 oz. Au/ton 16. Bethune Lower Pipestone Lake ODM Vol.44,pt.4,p.24 Q. porphyry dike and q. vein in mafic Occurrence Area (1935) volcanic rocks. 5 channel samples NTS: 52F/4SE across 2 ft., at intervals of 200 ft. Lat: 49.070 along vein, reportedly assayed from Long: 93.670 0.02 to 0.98 oz. Au/ton. 17. Big Dick N. end of Mosher Bay ODM Vol. 42, pt.4,p.26 Trenching on 10 ft. wide q. vein with Occurrence in Upper Manitou Lake (1933) assoc. tourmaline and tr. py, cpy. (C1.HW66) Trends 3Qof900 . To NW is a parallel NTS: 52F/7NE vein of q. porphyry. Wall rock is Lat: 49.390 sheared chlorite schist with Long: 92.690 Chip sample of chlorite schist assayed 0.05 oz. Au/ton. Grab sample of q. assayed 0.007 oz. Au/ton. 18. Big Master E. of Trafalgar Bay, ODM Statistical Files Production: 1902-43: 2565 oz. Au * Mine Upper Manitou Lake (Kenwest Gold Mines 184 oz. Ag from 14,470 tons s 0.18 (Kenwest Mine) NTS: 52F/7NE Ltd. -1939) oz. Au/ton Lat: 49.440 Canadian Mines Handbook 3 Sh: 638 ft.; 99 ft.; 52 ft. deep with Long: 92.700 -1969-1970; p.195 4,850 ft. lateral development. 36,831 Northern Miner-March 9, ft. DD. 1967 1967 Drilling indicated 30,000 tons in ODM Vols: 10,p.98(1900) 3 shoots av. 0.36 oz. Au/ton over 3.5 11. p.245-47 (1902) ft.; 19,000 tons of 0.30 oz. Au/ton 12.p.91 (1903) reported available in the old workings. 47,pt.l,p.92-3 and pt.6, p.3-6 (1938) 52,pt.l,p.l23 and pt.4, (1943) 58,pt.2,p.35-6 (1949)

19. Big Ruby Dinorwic Lake ODM Vol.7,pt.2 (1898) 1898: 30 ft. Sh. Interbedded q. and Occurrence NTS: 52F/9NW slate. Mineralized zone 6 ft. wide. Lat: 49.670 Assays reported from l oz. to 82 oz. Long: 92.490 per ton. Minor native Cu noted on the property. 20. BJ 12 N. of Redpine Bay ODM GR 75, p.!8(1969) 35 ft. Sh. Q. vein, 5 to 6 ft. wide in Occurrence on Minnitaki Lake granite intruding greywacke and slate. NTS: 52F/16NE Some py, cpy, gn. Lat: 49.930 Long: 92.130 21. Blackburn- S.E. of Bigstone Bay, Kenora Regional Geologist Dozen old Sh. reported to be on the Pattison Lake of the Woods Files - (Blackburn- property 10 veins striking 260O to Occurrence NTS: 52E/9NW Pa ttison) 2960, reported to av. l ft. in width. Lat: 49.640 Sampling in 1939 reportedly gave the Long: 94.280 following results: Vein No.2 - 0.31 oz. Au/ton over 30 inches. Vein No.4 - 11 samples along strike; 9 ran trace, l ran 0.04 oz. Au/ton, and l ran 0.08 oz. Au/ton. 22. Black Fox Near Magnet Point, Kenora Regional Geologist Reported that pannings were obtained Occurrence Shoal Lake (Island E285) Files - (Black Fox Mine) in 1900. Re-staked in 1948 then al NTS: 52E/6NE lowed to lapse. Lat: 49.480 Long: 95.100

23. Black Jack Kirkup Tp., E. of Kenora Regional Geologist Production: 1893: 50 tons milled ran Prospect Bigstone Bay, Lake Files - (Blackburn-Patti- 0.33 oz. Au/ton. of the Woods. son, Black Jack; Gold 110 ft. Sh w/235 ft. lateral develop NTS: 52E/9NW Hill) ment. Basic metavolcanics crossed by Lat: 49.650 ODM Vols: 2,p.235 (1892) NE striking shear zone which contains Long: 94.270 3,p.25 (1893) q. lenses. 5,p.l74(1895) 30,pt.2,p.60(1921) 39,pt.3,p.58 & 68 (1930) 63,pt.l,p.22 (1954)

24. Black Sturgeon Haycock Tp., Kenora area Kenora Regional Geologist 1898-9: 175 ft. Sh. with 138 ft. lateral Prospect S. of Black Sturgeon Lake Files - (Black Sturgeon) development on 2 levels. NTS: 52E/16SW ODM Vols: 7,p.57 (1898) Veins intruding contact between meta Lat: 49.800 9,p.37-8 (1900) volcanics and granitic rocks. Long: 94.330

25. Blindfold 13 mi. S.E. of Kenora, Kenora Regional Geologist 1910: 85 ft. Sh. with 70+ ft. of drift Mining Group Lake of the Woods. Files - (Blindfold Mining ing. Samples from four tr. ranged from Occurrence NTS: 52E/9NW Gp; Nilson Prop; Golden 0.05 to 2.57 oz. Au/ton across widths (Golden Gate Lat: 49.640 Gate Mine) of 6 in. to 20 in. Good values reported Mine) Long: 94.280 ODM Vol.44,pt.4,p.41-2 for a 250 ft. length. (1936) 26. Bonanza Van Horne Tp., ODM Statistical Files Production: 1920 and 1923: 246 oz. Mine Dryden Area (Bonanza Mines; Con Au and 83 oz. Ag from 1206 tons - NTS: 52F/10NW tact Bay Mines Ltd.) 0.2 oz. Au/ton Lat: 49.720 Kenora Regional Geologist Sh. to 333 ft. with 1,091 ft. lateral Long: 92.880 Files-(Smith Prop.) development on 3 levels. Intermediate ODM Vols: 29,pt.l,p.67 to mafic metavolcanics and agglomer (1920) ates are intruded by mafic and felsic 30,pt.l,p.63 (1921) dikes and veins. Q. associated with,p.l9 (1923) sulphides.,p.l8 (1924) pt.l,p.5,p.39-42 (1925) 50,pt.2,p.49-50(1941) 27. Bonanza NW Shore of Wabigoon Canadian Mines Register of 2 Sh, limited underground work; 80 United Lake Dormant & Defunct Com ton mill. Occurrence NTS: 52F/15SW panies. Lat: 49.760 Long: 92.830 28. Boulder Phillips Tp., NW of Kenora Regional Geologist 1900: Sh. 300 ft. deep with 4 levels. Prospect Nestor Falls (Cis. S 141, Files - (Boulder Mine) Vein traced for Vfe mi. along contact E.281) ODM Vol.8,pt.l,p.61 (1899) between basic metavolcanics and gran NTS: 52E/1NE ite. Lat: 49.240 Long: 94.060 29. Boulder Bigstone Bay, Lk.of the Royal Commission p.118 Q. vein stripped for 75 ft. Fine Au Island Woods (1890) taken out in 1880. 5-s tarn p mill oper Occurrence NTS: 52E/9NW ated for 4 days only. Lat: 49.670 Long: 94.340

30. Brae Breest E. end of White ODM Vol.45,pt.3,p.37-8 1936: surface tr. and DD. in rhyolite Occurrence Patridge Bay, Lake of (1936) porphyry. Assays reported 0.05 - 0.1 the Woods oz. Au/ton over 80 ft. length, from NTS: 52E/10NE contiguous samples cut in 5 ft. sec Lat: 49.720 tions. Q. veins exposed 50 ft. x 9 ft. Long: 94.570

31. Buffalo Eagle Lake ODM Vol.l3,pt.l (1904) 30 ft. tunnel; 2 Sh., 28 ft. and 15 ft. Occurrence NTS: 52F/11NW deep w/78 ft. lateral development. Lat: 49.660 Altered schist and q. in a shear zone Long: 93.330 10 ft. to 25 ft. wide. 32. Bullion Jaffray Tp., Kenora Kenora Regional Geologist Sh. on contact of granite and dark Occurrence area Files - (Bullion Mine) altered diabase. Test pit reported to NTS: 52E/16SW ODM Vol.20 (1911) carry molybdenite and free gold. Lat: 49.790 Long: 94.420

33. Bullion No.l N. of Helldiver Bay Kenora Regional Geologist Two 20 ft. pits. E. striking vein in Occurrence Shoal Lake Files (Bullion Mine) Keewatin schists, l ft. wide, said to NTS: 52E/10SW ODM Map P.528 carry considerable free gold. Lat: 49.580 ODM Vol.7,pt.2 (1898) Long: 94.950 34. Bullion No.2 Glass Tp., Shoal Lake Kenora Regional Geologist Two Sh. 75 ft. and 115 ft. deep, w/ Prospect Area (Cis. D.233, Files (Bullion No. 2) 300 ft. of development work. 3 small D.390) ODM Vols: 9,(1900) faulted q. veins. NTS: 52E/10SW 10, p.79(1901) Lat: 49.590 Long: 94.950

35. Bully Boy Phillips Tp., Whitefish Kenora Regional Geologist 1905: 200 ft. Sh. with 20 ft. of Occurrence Bay, Lake of the Woods Files (Mascotte Mine) lateral development. Porphyry dike NTS: 52E/8SE ODM Vols: 8,p.60 (1899) strikes 45O - 75O, dips SE. Lat: 49.260 52,p.4,14-15 (1943) Long: 94.030

10 36. Burley Sultana Island, Lake of Kenora Regional Geologist 1899: 202 ft. Sh. w/137 ft. drifting Prospect the Woods Files (Burley) on 2 levels. 8 ft. wide q. vein. NTS: 52E/9NW ODM Vol.8,p.52-4 (1899) Lat: 49.71 0 Long: 94.400 37. Burnt Near Peninsula Bay, Mineral Resources Branch, Narrow q. veins in diorite. No.3 vein Occurrence Kakagi Lake (Ottawa) File (Burnt 3" to 4" wide, traced 1600 ft. Several NTS: 52F/4NW Peninsula, Kakagi Lk.) grab samples ran from 0.16 to 0.63 Lat: 49.240 Kenora Regional Geologist oz. Au/ton with one sample of 2.02 Long: 93.890 Files (Byberg, Harry oz. Au/ton. Gp.; Wensley-Burnt Peninsula Gp.; Sylvanite GML - Kakagi Gp.) 38. Calder-Bouquet Laval Tp., Troutfly Lake Kenora Regional Geologist 1950: 1101 ft. DDK in 11 holes - Occurrence NE of Wabigoon Files (Calder-Bouquet best assay = 0.27 oz. Au/ton. Q. Cameron-Byberg NTS: 52F/16SW & NW Gold Mines; Graham feldspar porphyry host rock; grab Occ. (shown Lat: 49.840 Bouquet G.M.; Eclund sample reported 0.12 oz. Au/ton. under historical Long: 92.450 G.M.) name: 157 Location X 45 Occ.)

39. Cameron- Bigstone Bay, Lake of Kenora Regional Geologist 1956 and 1958: 4 DDK (480 ft.) Earngey the Woods Files (Cameron-Earngey; Low Au values in q. vein. Au, Cu, Occurrence NTS: 52E/9NW Loc.X45) Ag, noted to occur. - Lat: 49.640 Long: 94.310

40. Cameron Central portion of Shoal ODM Statistical Files Production: 1898, 1906, 1934-36: Island Mine Lake (Duport Mining Co. Ltd.- 4,672 oz. Au and 1,143 oz. Ag from (Duport Mine) NTS: 52E/11SE Cameron Is.) 1,287 tons = 3.6 oz. Au/ton. Sh. to Lat: 49.570 Kenora Regional Geologist 132 ft., winze to 350 ft., over 3,000 Long: 95.040 Files (Cameron Is. - ft. of lateral development. Consider Duport Mining Co.Ltd.) able surface and underground drilling. Can. Mines Handbook-p.124, Dewatered and sampled in 1973. 1968-9 Exploration DD in progress in 1974. Financial Post Survey-1968 Ore zones containing q. veins + S. in ODM Vols: 7,p.55(1898) felsic and mafic tuffs. Amphibolites, 44. pt.4,p.44-7,92(1935) mafic vole, and gf sed. also noted.,p.47-51 (1936) Py, Po, Aspy, Cpy. 46. pt.l,p.130 (1937) 61,pt.2,p.25 (1952) 41. Cameron Northern Peninsula Kenora Regional Geologist Grab sample reportedly gave 0.51 oz. Occurrence Lake of the Woods Files (Nor-Pen and Au; 0.4 oz. Ag; 2.19?, Cu; Q.21% Zn. NTS: 52E/10NE adjacent properties) Lat: 49.660 Long: 94.670

42. Cameron, M.Y. E. of Empire Lake ODM GR 111 p.38 (1973) 5 localities report Au erratically Occurrence (CI. FM 84, 85) distributed. Several localities were tr. NTS: 52F/5NE Lat: 49.460 Long: 93.640

43. Caribou Haycock Tp., E. of ODM Vol.2,p.234, (1892) 1892 and 1920: Development work Occurrence Kenora (CI. P.288) done on a q. vein. NTS: 52E/16SW Lat: 49.780 Long: 94.260

11 44. Caswell- Flint Lake near Dogpaw ODM Toronto Assessment 1945-47: 140 ft. Sh w/one level at 125 Williams Lake File - 63.2486 ft. and 6,500 ft. DDK Prospect NTS: 52F/5SW Canadian Mines Handbook- 1969: Mag, Em surveys. Lat: 49.330 1951 p.69 -(Falnora Gold 1973-74: 4112 ft. DD in 13 holes. Long: 93.840 Mines Ltd.) 1969-70 - Free Au A Au-py in near vertical, 75O p.164 (Gunnex Ltd.) striking shear zone in felsic tuff. One Kenora Regional Geologist DDH intersected 5 ft. av. 1.4 oz. Au/ Files - (Caswell-Williams; ton. Other drilling and sampling gave Dogpaw Gold Mines; assays less than 0.15 oz/ton. Sylvanite Gold Mines)

45. Caviar Lake S. of West end of Denmark ODM GR - lll,p.39 (1973) 20 ft. Sh; one Tr about 300 ft. long. Occurrence Lk. Py. present in q. veins and thin car NTS: 52F/5NE bonate stringers within N. to NW. Lat: 49.380 trending shear zones in granodiorites Long: 93.680 and metavolcanics. Grab samples as sayed up to 0.4 oz. Au/ton. 46. Champion Haycock Tp., SW of ODM Statistical Files Production: 1900, 1925-26: 107 * Mine Kenora (CI., P.349) (Champion Gold Mines) oz. and 15+ oz. Ag from 231+ tons NTS: 52E/16SE ODM Vols: 3,p.30-1(1893) milled = 0.46 oz. Au/ton. Lat: 49.760 35,pt.l,p.90(1926) 1898-1936: Sh. to 230 ft. w/822 ft. Long: 94.320,p.39-43 (1936) of lateral development, also 120 ft.,p.134-5 (1937) ad. Some drilling. 47. Church Lake Church Lk., N. of Mineral Resource Circular Mafic metavolcanic host rocks. Occurrence Kawashegamuk Lk. 13 NTS: 52F/8NW Lat: 49.480 Long: 92.320

48. Claim HW311 Southworth Tp., NE of Mineral Resource Circular Mafic metavolcanic host rocks. Occurrence Dinorwic Lake 13 (now known as NTS: 52F/9NW Southworth Tp.) Lat: 49.67 0 Long: 92.47 0

49. Claims K12833- NW shore of Kabagukski Kenora Regional Geologist 1955: 525 ft. of DD in 10 holes, 40 (now known Lk. Files (Manitou Lake) in a shear zone in andesite. Py, tr, as Kabagukski NTS: 52F/7NE Cp reported. Lake Occ.) Lat: 49.460 Long: 92.660 50. Claim KRL N. of Pickerel Arm, ODMGR75,p.22(1969) Q. veins, l to 5 in. wide, near con 30579 Occur Minnitaki Lake tact between lava and rhyolite. 2.5 rence (now NTS: 52F/16NE ft. drill intersection assayed 0.1 oz. known as Miles Lat: 49.950 Au/ton. Lake Occ.) Long: 92.230

51. Climax Bigstone Bay, Lake ODM Vol.8,p.55 (1899) 1899: 30 ft. Sh. on a vein 3 to 8 ft. Occurrence of the Woods. wide and Vi mi. long (traced by test NTS: 52E/9NW pits at 100 ft. intervals) Vein crosses Lat: 49.690 volcanic-granite contact. Long: 94.37 0

52. Combined Phillips Tp., NW of Mineral Resources Circular 1903-5: 2 Sh; 101 ft. deep w/166 ft. Prospect Nestor Falls, Lake of 13 drifting and 45 ft. deep w/150 ft. the Woods drifting. NTS: 52F/5SW 1904: 37 tons milled, gave 0.33 oz. Lat: 49.260 Au/ton Porphyry dikes intruding pil Long: 94.01 0 lowed metabasalts.

12 53. Conecho McAree Tp., SE of Canadian Mines Handbook Intermediate to basic metavolcanics Occurrence Crossecho Lake 1958,p.64 (Conecho Mines) enclose a 10 ft. wide chloritic dike NTS: 52F/16NW Canadian Mines Handbook which strikes NE. The dike is cut by Lat: 49.880 1962,p.59 (Consolidated narrow q. filled fractures. Au values Long:92.37 0 Frederick ML). were not obtained in the dike. ODM PR 1951-1, p.5-6 ODM Vols: 62,pt.2,p.l9 (1953) 54. Conecho Echo Tp., NE Shore Sioux Lookout Resident 1950-52: 75 ft. lateral development Prospect of Crossecho Lake. Geologist Files (Con from the 200 ft. level of the Newland NTS: 52F/16NW echo GML). Prospect (Goldlund) Sh 28 DDH for Lat: 49.900 Canadian Mines Handbook 2659 ft. Long: 92.370 1958,p.64;1962,p.59 Several assays in core as high as 1.6 ODM PR 1951-1, p.5-6 oz. Au/ton where v.g. noted. Assays ODM Vols: were generally low. Intermediate to 59,pt.5,p.36-7 (1950) basic metavolcanics intruded by a 62,pt.2, p.19 (1953) granodiorite dike. Coarse v.g. and assoc. py occur in q. filled fractures on either side of the dike. 55. Cone, Russell NW shore of Shoal Lake Kenora Regional Geologist 100 ft. Sh w/300 ft. drifting. 771 ft. C. Mine S. of Bad Vermilion Lake Files (Cone, Mine Centre; DDH Mine Centre area Stagee Prop.) 20 tons bulk sampling gave av. grade NTS: 52C/10NE Winnipeg Tribune, Aug.15, of 1.06 oz. Au/ton. Zone reportedly Lat: 48.700 1959 215 ft. long by 13.5 in. wide. Q. vein Long: 92.640 in fracture zone in a massive q. por phyry. On the adjoining Stagee Prop., 1.0 oz. Au/ton across 1.0 ft. for 150 ft. was reported. Production: 1948- 1965, 377 oz. Au.; 70 oz. Ag. 56. Cornucopia Cedar Is., Bag Bay, ODM Statistical Files (Kenora Sample reported 1.48 oz. Au/ton over Mine (Cedar Shoal Lake (C1.D212) Prospectors & Miners Ltd.) 46 in. NW St. vein parallel to peg. dike Island Mine) NTS: 52E/10SW Kenora Regional Geologist in metabasalt near granite. 2 Sh., 165 Lat: 49.600 File - (Cedar Is.; Kiryliw, ft. w/1 level and 646 ft. w/4 levels. Long: 94.970 C.J., Shoal Lk.) Production: 1896, 1932, 1935-36: 4,941 oz. Au * 3,884 oz. Ag from 17,050 tons = 0.29 Au/ton. 57. Corrigan Halkirk Tp., E. of Sewell ODM-MP 33, p.40-41; 1970 6 inch to 2 ft. wide veins cutting gab Occurrence Bay in Rainy Lake. Kenora Regional Geologist bro. One vein assayed 0.82 oz. Au/ton NTS: 52C/10NW Files - (NW Swell Bay across a 4 ft. width (in a shear zone Lat: 48.700 Gold Prop.) striking 115O-135O). Grab sample in Long: 92.91 0 1969 reported an assay of 10.88 oz. Au/ton. Metallurgical tests on 145 Ibs. = 1.38 oz. Au/ton and 0.22 oz. Au/ton. Other assays reported trace to 10.9 oz. Au/ton. 58. Cox Lake E. of Kawashegamuk Lk. Kenora Regional Geologist Q. vein up to 8 ft. wide - traced for Occurrence NTS: 52F/8NE Files - (Canadian Pacific 300 ft. Sheared, pyritized walls-carries Lat: 49.420 Railway Co.) some Au. Long: 92.240

59. Cracker Jack S. shore of Lower Manitou ODM Vol.9, p.63 (1900) 1900: 3 Sh., 40 ft., 45 ft., and 19 ft. Occurrence Lake (Loc. not exact) deep. Zones of Q. stringers in schist. NTS: 52F/3SE Lat: 49.120 Long: 93.200

60. Cronlund Little Crow Rock Kenora Regional Geologist 5 veins in shear zone. Each vein av. Occurrence Island, Lake of the Files (Cronlund Prop.) 4 ft. x 900 ft. Extensive tr. Fifteen Woods. 6 Ib. samples indicated 0.55 oz. Au NTS: 52E/10SE over 50 in. Channel sampling reported Lat: 49.590 to indicate erratic Au values. Long: 94.610

13 61. Crown Point Glass Tp., between Bag ODM Statistical Files - Production: 1900: 100 oz. Au/from Mine Bay and Clytie Bay in (Crown Pt. Mining Co.) 150 tons. - 0.67 oz. Au/ton. Shoal Lake (C1.D258) ODM PR 1962-5.P.8-9, 13-14 3 Sh: 60 ft., 65 ft., 125 ft. deep w/100 NTS: 52E/10SW Kenora Regional Geologist ft. drifting. Fire in main sh in 1900. Lat: 49.610 Files - (Crown Pt. Mine; Pyritic q. stringers in contact shear Long: 94.970 Kuryliw, C.J.-Shoal Lk.) zone between granite and metabasalts. ODM Vols: 9,p.59(1900) Main vein strikes 90O. 10, p.79(1901) 13,pt.l,p.61(1904) 62. D 138 Trafalgar Bay, Upper Kenora Regional Geologist 4 zones of q. veins, 12 to 35 ft. wide, Occurrence Manitou Lake Files (Gold Rock Mines in chlorite schist. 2 veins showed good (now known as NTS: 52F/7NE Ltd.) colors in panning and one 35 ft. wide Trafalgar Bay) Lat: 49.430 zone showed good panning. Long: 92.770 63. Dead Broke SW of Gull Island, Lake ODM Vol: 45, pt.3,p.29-30 75 tons removed from a 20 ft. long Occurrence of the Woods (CI. P.64) (1936) open cut, and 25 tons sent for mill NTS: 52E/7NE test. Assays reported from an 18 in. Lat: 49.500 wide q. vein s 0.2 to 3.8 oz. Au/ton. Long: 94.520

64. Decca E. of Island Bay, Bad ODM Vol.9, p.68 (1900) 2 sh., 210 ft. deep w/25 ft. drift on Prospect Vermilion Lake. 100 ft. level Se. drifting started on 200 NTS: 52C/10NE ft. level and 110 ft. deep w/drifting on Lat: 48.700 100 ft. level. Long: 92.620 l ft. wide q. vein with v.g., galena, sph., py. Manhattan shaft adjoins to south w/170 ft. shaft and 40 ft. cross cut on 100 ft. level. 65. Detola SW shore of Kabagukski Kenora Regional Geologist 1907-11: Sh., 255 ft. deep w/1372 ft. Prospect Lake Files (Detola Mine) lateral development on 3 levels. 1936- NTS: 52F/7NE ODM PR 1965-2,p.8-9 37: Dewatered & sampled. One vein Lat: 49.450 ODM Vols: reported to run 0.58 oz. Au/ton. Long: 92.690 17.p.64 (1908) Sheared basic metavolcanics cut by,p.81(1909) veins, some with considerable py. 20. pt.l.p.186-8(1911) Grab sample from dump s 0.1 oz. 21. pt.l,p.194-7(1912) Au/ton. 46, pt.l.p.211(1937)

66. Dogpaw Lake Dogpaw Lake Mineral Resource Branch, 1959: 82 shallow DDK©s by Noranda. Prospect (Con NTS: 52F/5SW (Ottawa) Files-(Golden 1960-61: surface tr 4 18,000 ft. of solidated Lat: 49.330 Arrow, Dogpaw Lk.) DDH©s by Consolidated Golden Arrow Golden Arrow Long: 93.840 Kenora Regional Geologist Mines, Ltd. indicated the following Prospect) Files-(Cons. Golden tonnage estimates: No.l vein - 0.66 oz. Arrow; Kuryliw, C.J., Au/ton across 7 ft. by 350 ft. depth. Flint Lake) Later work estimated the size of the Canadian Mines Handbook orebody at 96,650 tons, 600 ft. deep 1960, p.64;1969-70,p.lOO by 5.5 ft. wide grading 0.43 oz. Au/ ton. Basic metavolcs. with q. veins in shear zones.

67. Dryden-Red N. of Doyle Bay, ODM Vol.42,pt.4,p.31(1933) Pit No.l: 4 ft. chip sample in material Lake Lower Manitou Lake assayed 0.41 oz./ton. Maximum width Occurrence NTS: 52F/7SE of vein - 20 ft. Pit No.2: 8 ft. chip Lat: 49.330 sample assayed 0.03 oz. Au/ton. Shear Long: 92.920 zone in andesite containing q. veins and chlorite schist. 68. Eaglelund Pickerel Tp., W. of Canadian Mines Handbook 2300 ft. in 7 DDH©s in 1950 outlined Occurrence Pickerel Arm of Minnitaki 1951 p.62 a zone 800 ft. long containing up to Lake Canadian Mines Register, 0.31 oz. Au/ton. Metavolcanics in NTS: 52F/16NE 1st supplement, 1966,p.29 truded by feldspar porphyries and a Lat: 49.950 ODM GR 75,p.22 (1969) granodiorite dike. Mineralized fracture Long: 92.21 0 ODM OFR 5003, p.34-5 zones occur in the dike, which ranges from 10 to 40 ft. in width, and occurs at intervals for a length of 3000 ft. 14 69. Echo Bay Echo Bay, Lake of the Kenora Regional Geologist Au in pyritized, altered tuff. Grab Occurrence Woods Files - (Echo Bay Prop.; sample from dump - 0.27 oz./ton. NTS: 52E/10NW Gauthie r-Thrasher; Tr. assays from trace to 0.3 oz. re Lat: 49.650 Ha wes Prop.) ported. Long: 94.850

70. Echola Echo Bay, Lake of the Kenora General File (Mining 1903: 100 ft. Sh. Occurrence Woods (CI. Cr 72) Locations-Chisholm) NTS: 52E/10NW Lat: 49.640 Long: 94.850

71. El Diver Haycock Tp., E. of ODM Vol.3,p.29-30 (1893) 1892: Sh., 102 ft. deep. Q. vein 6 in. Occurrence Kenora (CI. P.351) to 4 ft. wide. Reported that 60 tons NTS: 52E/16SE were removed. Lat: 49.800 Long: 94.330

72. Eldorado Eldorado Bay, Eagle Lake ODM Statistical Files Production: 1904: 14 oz. Au from 30 Prospect (CI. M.H. 257) (Eldorado Mining Co.) tons " 0.47 oz./ton. Sh. to 120 ft. NTS: 52F/11NW ODM Vols: w/178 ft. of lateral development on 2 Lat: 49.640 10,p.96-7(1901) levels. Granite with blue q. blebs, Long: 93.340 13. pt.l,p.65(l904) silicified along a shear zone. Zone is,p.49(1905) 500 ft. long by 3 to 5 ft. wide, strikes,p.53-4(1906) 700, pyritic. 48,pt.4,p.23-4(1939) 73. Electrum Lake Ewart Tp., W. of Kenora ODM GR 41,p.43(1965) Narrow q. vein with Au and py in Occurrence NTS: 52E/11NE altered basic voles. Country rocks Lat: 49.710 contain py, po, cpy. V.G. noted in Long: 95.080 one of 6 DDH. 74. Electrum Ewart Tp., E. of High ODM GR 41, p.38-40(1965) Sheared volcanic conglomerate and Occurrence Lk. Mineral Resources Branch greywacke containing a NW©ly tongue (Arsenic Zone) NTS: 52E/11NW (Ottawa) File - (Electrum of q. porphyry. Veins with py, aspy, Lat: 49.710 Lk. Alcock Prop.II, High and minor po occur en echelon within Long: 95.060 Lk.) the porphyry. 10 DDH. 75. Electrum Ewart Tp., SW of Electrum ODM GR 41, p.40-42(1965) Results of shallow drilling by Electrum Prospect Lake Mineral Resources Branch Lake Gold Mines Ltd.: Zone A: 100 (A,B,C,D,P, & NTS: 52E/11NW (Ottawa) File - (Alcock ft. x 5 ft. x 150 ft. deep s 0.34 oz. W Zones) Lat: 49.71 0 Prop. II, High Lake) Au/ton, Q.14% Cu. Zone B: 150 ft. Long: 95. l O0 Kenora Regional Geologist x 3 ft. x 200 ft. deep ~ 0.27 oz./ton Files (Alcock, Electrum 1.0*. Cu. Zone C: 150 ft. x 5 ft. x Lk. Gold Mines; Selco - 100 ft. deep s 0.32 oz. Au/ton, Q.94% Alcock Opt.; Evenlode Cu. Zone D: l DDH only - low assays. Mines; Steep Rock Iron Zones P & W: 100 ft. long, shallow Mines Ltd.) zone s 0.29 to 0.40 oz./ton from preliminary drilling. 76. EloraMine Trafalgar Bay, Upper ODM PR 1965-2,p.46-7 Production: 1936-7, 1939: 1,370 oz. (Jubilee Mine) Manitou Lake. Kenora Regional Geologist Au/ton and 296 oz. Ag/ton from NTS: 52F/7NW Files (Jubilee Mine) 13,766 tons - 0.10 oz. Au/ton. 1898: Lat: 49.450 ODM Vols: 7,p.76(1898) Sh (Jubilee No.2) to 75 ft. w/88 ft. of Long: 92.700 46. pt.l,p.l32(1937) drifting on one level. 1935-38: Sh. 47. pt.l,p.l21;pt.6,p.6- (Jubilee No.l) to 175 ft. w/1414 ft. of 8(1938) lateral development on 2 levels and 4275 ft. of DD. Felsic-Mafic metavolc. contact cut by NE©ly shear zone con taining Jubilee vein. Zone consists of lenses, veins, stringers of q. and acid dikes bordered by schist. Native Au in rich pockets noted.

15 77. Errington E. part of Rowan Lake Kenora Regional Geologist 1947: 5,000 ft. DD in 12 holes, l Prospect NTS: 52F/6SW Files - (Errington Group) intersection assayed 0.24 oz. Au/ton Lat: 49.31 0 ODM PR 1965-2, p.8-9 over 25 ft. Estimated tonnage re Long: 93.480 ODM Vol.47,pt.6,p.11-12 ported in 1945 from surface tr. and (1938) DD ^ 24,000 tons at 0.73 oz. Au/ton. Zone is 450 ft. long x 32 in. wide x 240 ft. deep. Metabasalt and assoc. dacite breccia zones are intruded by acid and intermediate dikes. Q. veins to 3 ft. wide - some carry Au in tension frs. in felsic dikes or occupy felsic-metabasalt contact. 78. Escheweiler Jaffray Tp., Hilly Lake Kenora General File (Mine 1904: 100 ft. Sh. Occurrence Kenora area (C1.P.283) Locations - Chisholm) NTS: 52E/16SW Lat: 49.770 Long: 94.400 79. Ferguson N. end of Bad Vermilion Kenora Regional Geologist Daisy vein: 146 ft. Sh w/229 ft. Prospect Lake Files (Ferguson Prop.; drifting. Vein 120 ft. long ** 0.32 oz./ NTS: 52C/10NE Orelia Mines Ltd.) ton. Government vein: 107 ft. sh.w/ Lat: 48.740 180 ft. drifting. Samples from Sh av. Long: 92.61 0 0.15 oz. Au/ton. 27 samples on the 60 ft. level av. 0.46 oz. Au/ton. Big vein: 2 Sh, 110 ft. A 65 ft. deep Zone 3 ft. wide by 33 ft. long running 0.16 oz. Au/ton outlined in drifting. Vein reported to be 1,000 ft. long. 65 samples taken from the tailings dump av. 0.16 oz. Au/ton and it has been estimated that 40,000 tons are in the dump. 80. Fish Island Fish Island, Bigstones ODM Vol.2,p.233 (1892) 1892: 30 ft. Sh. Occurrence Bay, Lake of the Woods NTS: 52E/9NW Lat: 49.650 Long: 94.320

81. Flint Lake Flint Lk., S. of Caviar Lk. Canadian Mines Handbook, Veins in mafic and felsic metavolcs. Occurrence NTS: 52F/5SW 1939, p.134 (Flint Lk. Zone reported to be 3A mi. long. Lat: 49.340 Gold Mines; Jane Gold Highest assays reported: 0.4 to 0.5 Long: 93.820 Mines) oz. Au/ton across 5 ft. in tr V6 mi. S. Kenora Regional Geologist of Sh. 2 Sh: No.l, is 27 ft. deep and Files-(Flint Lk.; No.2 is 15 ft. deep. Also known as Kuryliw, C.J. - Flint Lk.) Thomas Edison. Chip samples from a ODM Vols: q. - carbonate vein (striking 310O) 11.p.255 (1902) in a shear zone and exposed in an 8 ft. 12.p.94 (1903) deep pit gave assays ranging from 13.p.63 (1904) 0.02 to 0.14 oz. Au/ton over l ft. 42,p.82-4 (1933) to 2 ft. intervals. 82. Foley Mine NW shore of Shoal Lake ODM Statistical Files (Foley Production: 1897-8; 1933-5: 855 oz. SW of Mine Centre Mines Co. of Ontario) Au, and 149 oz./Ag from 5,568 tons ^ NTS: 52C/10NE ODM Vols: 0.15 oz. Au/ton. 2 Sh: 750 * ft. and Lat: 48.670 4,p.227-30(1894) 200 + ft., w/ex tensive lateral develop Long: 92.650 6.p.54-6;260-2 (1896) ment. 5,000 -i- ft. of DDH. 1933-36: 7.p.68-71 (1898) dewatered and sampled. 2 groups of 8.p.84 (1899) veins in felsic intrusives. Bonanza 10,p.94-5 (1901) Vein: 3Vz ft. wide - strikes N. Jumbo 34, pt.l,p.75;pt.6,p.25-7 Vein: 4 to 5 ft. wide - strikes NW. (1925) Estimated that reserves in the N. sh,p.89 (1929) above the 400 ft. level, are 6,000,p.86(1930) tons.

83. Fornieri Fornieri Bay, Eagle Lake Kenora Regional Geologist Good assays in noses of drag folds. Occurrence NTS: 52F/11NE Files (Fornieri Bay; Kirk Sheared lamprophyre dike in rhyolite Lat: 49.67 0 land Prospectors Cis.) gave assays around 0.06 oz. Au/ton. Long: 93.200 ODM Vol.48,pt.4,p.21-2 Q. vein - stringer system in q. por (1939) phyry dike assayed 0.19 oz. across 12 ft. 16 84. Fox Island S. shore of Northern Kenora Regional Geologist 2 DDH in 1950 - total depth of 160 Occurrence Peninsula, Lake of the Files - (C. Campbell) ft. Mafic volcanic flows and porphyry Woods containing py, cpy, sph. NTS: 52E/10NE Lat: 49.650 Long: 94.600 85. Fox Lake S. of Ptarmigan Bay, Kenora Regional Geologist 2 in q. vein exposed for 100 ft. Re Occurrence Lake of the Woods Files - (Fox Lake) ported to give a fair Au 4ail in panning. NTS: 52E/10NE Lat: 49.630 Long: 94.670

86. Francoeur Ewart Tp., W. of Kenora ODM GR 41, p.36 (1965) Q. stringers in sheared basalt. Best tr. Occurrence NTS:52EA1NE Kenora Resident Geologist on easterly zone gave 0.15 oz/ton over Lat: 49.710 Files - (Francoeur Mines, 24 ft, A 5 ft. dd intersection assayed Long: 95.060 Electrum Lk. Gold Mines) 0.12 oz/ton. 87. Frederick Between Meridian Bay and Kenora Regional Geologist 1948: Sampling of shear zones gave Mining St Dev. Midway Bay, Eagle Lake Files - (Frederick Mining 0.04 oz. Au/ton as highest assay. Co. Occurrence NTS: 52F/11NW & Dev. Co. Ltd.) Lat: 49.650 Long: 93.220 88. Frenchman Frenchman Island, Upper ODM Vol.41, pt.4,p.31-2 Q. vein in granodiorite-525 ft. long Island Manitou Lk. (C1.P.150) (1933) and l to 8 ft. wide. 3 ft. chip sample Occurrence NTS: 52F/7NW gave 0.13 oz. Au/ton Lat: 49.350 Long: 92.81 0

89. Frobisher SW of Dogpaw Lake Kenora Regional Geologist 1944: 51 DDH©s Q. veins with py, po Occurrence NTS: 52F/5SW Files - (Frobisher Expl. in shear zones. Low and erratic Au Lat: 49.340 Co. Ltd.; Burriss Prop.) values reported. 1300 ft. zone of Long: 93.940 discontinuous q. lenses. 90. Gates Lake Gates Lk., Manitou Kenora Miner, Aug.22,1944 Assay of 0.36 oz. Au/ton reported. Occurrence Stretch Kenora Regional Geologist V.g. in a large shear zone. Antimony NTS: 52F/3NE Files - (Gates Lake) also reported. Lat: 49.140 Pan American Exposition, Long: 93.170 1901.

91. Gaudry Willingdon Tp., Regina Kenora Regional Geologist DDH intersections of 0.15 oz/3 ft. and Occurrence Bay, Lake of the Woods Files - (Strathcona Mines 0.47 oz/3 ft. Au with py in q.-carbon NTS: 52E/8NE Ltd.-Gaudry Opt.) ate stringers. Lat: 49.420 Northern Miner, March 23, Long: 94.Ol0 1961

92. Gauthier E. shore of Dogpaw Lake Kenora Regional Geologist 50 ft. Sh. and small Ad on Au-qtz. (Dogpaw Lk.) NTS: 52F/5SW Files (Gauthier, A. Gp.; veins in greenstones. V.G. in q. vein Occurrence Lat: 49.370 Gauthier-Silverman Prop.; 2.5 to 4 ft. wide x 150 ft. long. Drill Long: 93.890 Kiryliw-Dogpaw Lake) hole assays of up to 0.85 oz. Au/ton over widths of up to 6 ft. reported by Gauthier. 93. Gauthier Manrose Tp. N. Side of ODM Vol.34,pt.5,p.20 Q. veins up to 6 ft. wide in sheared (Pipestone Pen.) Andrews Bay, Pipestone (1925) granite Str. NW-W, dip 60O NE. Grab Occurrence Peninsula, Lake of the samples s 0.34 and 0.04 oz. Au/ton. Woods NTS: 52E/9SW Lat: 49.620 Long: 94.370

94. Giant Prospect Mosher Bay, E. side of Kenora Regional Geologist 212 ft. Sh., 100 ft. Ad., 174 ft. lateral Upper Manitou Lake Files (Giant Mines; Loc. development. Metaseds. cut by feld (Cis. HW74-75) HW 74 475) spar porphyry dike, striking NE for NTS: 52F/7NE ODM Vols:ll,p.247 (1902) 1.8 mi. Several veins occasionally Lat: 49.390 14, pt.l,p.53(1905) auriferous. Long: 92.680 42,pt.4,p.24-5(1933)

17 95. Grass Reef SE shore of Lower Financial Post Survey of 1900: 200 st. Sh.w/levels at 74 ft. and Prospect Manitou Lake Mines {l969) p.97 176 ft. and 1,060 ft. lateral develop (Cis. HW391 & 594) Canadian Mines Handbook ment. Metavolcs. intruded by NE©ly NTS: 52F/7SW 1967 (Daering Explorer©s sheared q. porphyry containing dis Lat: 49.270 Corp.) continuous q. lenses and stringers less Long: 92.900 ODM Vols: 9, (1900) than 18 in. wide. 10, p.99-100 (1901) 20,(1911) 42,pt.4p.25(1933) 96. Godson Between Maryjo & Mineral Resource Circular Mafic metavolcanic host rocks. Occurrence Humphrey Lakes, 13 mi. 13 SE of Dryden. NTS: 52F/10SE Lat: 49.600 Long: 92.720 97. Gold Coin Glass Tp., SE of Canadian Mines Handbook 1897 A 1928: tr. 1898: 50 tons Occurrence Hell diver Bay Shoal Lk. 1964, p.184 tested, giving poor results. 1964: (CI. D218) Financial Post Survey of 1854 ft. DD gave assays of: 0.33 NTS: 52E/10SW Mines, 1969,p.l71 oz/5 ft. and 0.34 oz/11.4 ft. Lat:49.570 ODM MP 22, 1968,p.l2-14 1968: DD Native Au in basic meta- Long: 94.940 Mineral Resources Branch volc. Py, carbonate St vein q. in (Ottawa) File - (Olympia shear zones, usually adjacent to St Gold Coin) felsite. NW©ly lineament (fault) may Kenora Regional Geologist be related to shears. Files - (Olympia Gold Mines Ltd.) ODM Vols: 7,p.l21 (1848) 39,pt.3,p.54(1930) 98. Gold Creek Pine Portage Bay, Lake ODM Vol.2,p.232 (1892) 1892: 50 ft. Sh, test pits. Q. vein Occurrence of the Woods (C1.P237) traced 2,500 ft. Samples from test NTS: 52E/9NW pit assayed 0.43 oz. and 0.98 oz/ Lat: 49.720 ton. Long: 94.360

99. Gold Hill Kirkup Tp., E. of Royal Commission 1890, Production: 1886-1893: 1090 oz. Mine Bigstone Bay, Lake of the p.116 Au from 220 tons = 4.95 oz/ton Woods ODM Statistical Files (Gold 4 Sh. with total depth of 258 ft. NTS: 52E/9NW Hill Mine) NW striking q. veins cut basic Lat: 49.640 Kenora Regional Geologist volcanic rocks. Long: 94.280 Files - (Blackburn-Pattison; Black Jack-Gold Hill) ODM Vols: 3,p.21-25 (1893) 5. p.!72-7(1895) 6. p.50,251 (1897) 9, p.42-3 (1900) 100. Gold Moose Van Horne Tp., Dryden ODM Vols: ll.p.244 (1902) 1913: 114 ft. Sh on q. vein 8 to 18 Occurrence area in. wide. 67 ton mill test run - no NTS: 52F/10NW 22. pt.l,p.228(1913) results reported. Good Luck claim Lat: 49.720 50,pt.2,p.50(1941) was adjacent where v.g. was noted on Long: 92.880 surface in two 3 ft. wide q. veins.

101. Gold Moun Western Peninsula, SW of ODM Vol.45,pt.3,p.29 1895: Sh. Q. zone - 350 ft. long by 30 tain Occurrence Wiley Bay, Lake of the (1936) ft. wide. Grab sample from the dump Woods (CI. P.48) assayed 0.04 oz. Au/ton. Stockwork NTS: 52E/10SE of q. in a small syenite porphyry Lat: 49.550 stock. Long: 94.650

102. Gold Fanner Island at S. end of the E. ODM Statistical Files (Gold Production: 1900; 70 oz. Au from 100 Prospect portion of Caviar Lake Fanner) tons = 0.7 oz. Au/ton. Sh to 100 ft. NTS: 52F/5SW ODM Vols: 9,p.49 (1900) w/111 ft. of drifting on one level. Lat: 49.360 10, p.74-5(1901) Bands of schistose basic metavolcanics Long: 93.770 42, pt.4,p.80-2(1933) and Qtz porph cut by NE striking shear zones. Q. porphyry - shear zone contact most favourable. 8 ft. wide 18 vein of 509k q. noted. 103. Gold Rock W. shore of Upper Manitou ODM Statistical Files (Gold Production: 1929: 35 oz. Au and 5 Prospect Lake. Rock Mining Synd. Ltd.) oz. Ag from 300 tons -0.12 oz. Au/ NTS: 52F/7NW ODM Vols: 6,p.84-5 (1897) ton. 87 ft. Sh w/263 ft. of crosscutting. Lat: 49.410 38, pt.l,p.l06 (1929) Mafic metavolcs. & minor agglomerate Long: 92.850 39, pt.l,p.97 (1930) intruded by granite. Main vein is 1.5 42, pt.4,p.32-3 (1933) ft. wide St carried minor sulphides. 104. Gold Rock N. end of Upper Manitou Kenora Regional Geologist Worked from 1903 to 1906. Several Occurrence Lk. (Cis. HP405.HP407) Files - (Gold Rock) shallow Sh and a tunnel. NTS: 52F/7NE ODM Vols: 13,pt.l,p.66 Lat: 49.450 (1904) Long: 92.700 15, pt.l,p.52-4(1906) 105. Gold Standard NW side of Nelson Lake, Kenora Regional Geologist 1902-3: 95 ft. Sh. w/110 ft. of cross (HW271) N of Manitou Stretch Files - (Gold Standard) cutting of one level. Mafic metavolcs. Occurrence (CI. HW 271) ODM Vols: 13,pt.l,p.68 cut by 6 ft. wide, N. striking vein. Q. NTS: 52F/3NE (1904) sample from the dump yielded 1.80 Lat: 49.200 43,pt.4,p.21 (1934) oz. Au/ton. Long: 93.120 106. Gold Standard North side of Grant Lake ODM Vol.lO,p.lOO,250 1900-01: 150 ft. Sh with 20 ft. of (G-340) N. of Manitou Stretch. (1901) drifting. Mafic metavolcanics enclosing Occurrence (C1.G340) 8 ft. q. body. NTS: 52F/3NE Lat: 49.180 Long: 93.140

107. Gold Sun N. Shore of Emm Bay, Kenora Regional Geologist 2 tunnels: 45 ft. and 75 ft. in length. Occurrence Kakagi Lake (Cis. JC Files (Gold Sun) 81 & 97) ODM Vol.9 (1900) NTS: 52F/5SW Lat: 49.300 Long: 93.910 108. Golden l mi. E. of Island Bay, ODM Statistical Files (Golden Production: 1897: 85 oz. Au from Crescent Bad Vermilion Lk. Crescent Mine) 192 tons s 0.45 oz. Au/ton. 3 Sh., Prospect NTS: 52C/10NE ODM Vols: 5,p.l57(1895) deepest to 200 ft., w/200 ft. of lateral Lat: 48.730 7,p.74-5 (1898) development on 2 levels. Also 2 tun Long: 92.630 10, p.82(1901) nels, 154 ft. and 135 ft. Felsic intru- sives enclose at least 5 veins striking 450 and 277O. 109. Golden Eagle Island in SW part of ODM Vols: 13,pt.l (1904) Production: 1903: 29 tons/0.59 oz. Prospect Eagle Lk. (Cl.McA282) 15,p.55 (1906) Au/ton. Sh - 70 ft. w/160 ft. of NTS: 52F/11NW crosscutting. Lat: 49.660 Long: 93.310

110. Golden Horn Between Rush Bay A Echo ODM GR 41,p.45 (1965) Production: 1904, 1906, 1907: 113 Mine Bay, Lake of the Woods ODM Statistical Files (Rush oz. Au from 615 tons * 0.19 oz/ton. NTS: 52F/10NW Bay Golden Horn Mining 2 Sh: 368 ft. total w/1500 ft. lateral Lat: 49.660 Co. Ltd.) development on 3 levels. E©ly rhyolite Long: 94.91 0 Kenora Regional Geologist band (100 ft. to 175 ft. wide) flanked Files (Golden Horn) by basalts. Vein in rhyolite: inches to ODM Vols:12,p.94 (1903) 3.2 ft. wide by 190 ft. long on the 100 13.p.61 (1904) ft. level. 14.p.47(1905) 15.p.59(1906) 45,pt.3,p.39(1936)

111. Golden Park Van Horne Tp., Dryden ODM Vol.lO,p.l92 (1911) 2 Sh. sunk on a 6 ft. wide q. vein. Occurrence Area Considerable amounts of py Se, siderite NTS: 52F/10NW and traces of cpy, malachite and Lat: 49.730 azurite. Long: 92.850

112. Golden Reef Near Stephens Island, Kenora Regional Geologist 1902: 100 ft. Sh. with 90 ft. of drift Prospect Shoal Lake (Cls.D484 to Files (Golden Reef - ing; 185 ft. Sh. with 178 ft. of lateral D489) Mikado Reef) development on 2 levels. Gold associ NTS: 52E/11SE ODM Vols: ll,p.253(1902) ated with N. striking q. veins in Lat: 49.560 12. p.94(1903) chlorite schist Long: 95.04 o 13. pt.l (1904) 19 113. Golden Star N. end of Bad Vermilion ODM Statistical Files Production: 1898-1901, 1934, 1938, Mine Lake (Orelia Mines Ltd.) 1941: 10,758 oz. Au, A 34 oz. Ag NTS: 52C/10NE Survey of Mines 1942-3 from 19,345 tons = 0.56 oz. Au/ton. Lat: 48.740 (Orelia Mines) Main Sh: 532 ft. w/1400 ft. drifting Long: 92.610 Canadian Mines Handbook on 7 levels. Second Sh: 87 ft. w/630 (Goldoral Mining Co.) ft. drifting on 2 levels. 1942: reserves 1961 -(Orelia Mines Ltd.) estimated at 20,000 tons of better Kenora Regional Geologist than 0.42 oz. Au/ton. Also tailings Files (Orelia Mines Ltd.) dump est. at 35,000 tons at 0.15 oz. ODM Vols:7,p.73-4(1898) Au/ton. Metavolcanics cut by felsic 8.p.76-9(1899) dike and veins. Hunky vein strikes 9.p.66-9 (1900) NW and is near vertical. 10.p.79-80(1901) 11.p.242-3 (1902) 34,pt.6,p.27-8(1925) 37. pt.l,p.l34-5 (1928) 38. pt.6,p.53-5 (1929) 48, pt.l,p.213-14(1939) 50, pt.l,p.77,97 (1941) 114. Gordon Van Horne Tp., Dryden ODM Vol.50,pt.2,p.51 (1941) 2 Sh.: 20 ft. and 85 ft. 1940: 500 ft. Occurrence Area DD. and 12 trenches - extensive NTS: 52F/10NW sampling. Lat: 49.720 Long: 92.810 115. Grace SW shore of Eagle Lake ODM Statistical Files (Grace Production: 1902, 1907, 1908: 69 Prospect (CI. MH 251) Mining Co.) oz. Au from 415 tons - 0.17 oz./ton. NTS: 52F/11NW Canadian Mines Register, 1st 2 Sh: 187 ft. and 29 ft. deep, l Ad.: Lat: 49.660 Supplement, p.29 160 ft. Granite intrudes NE belt of Long: 93.320 ODM Vols:13,pt.l,p.64(1904) massive Keewatin basic lavas. 6 narrow 48,pt.4,p.23 (1939) NE veins in granite carry Au, py, sph, gal. 116. Grand Caviar Lake. Kenora Regional Geologist Samples from 5 trenches yielded from Chibougamu NTS: 52F/5NW Files (Grand Chibougamu 0.02 to 0.6 oz. Au/ton. Reported that Occurrence Lat: 49.390 Prop.) values were erratic. Silicified carbonate Long: 93.790 zone in andesite with py and minor cpy. 117. Great Granite Glass Tp., S. of Echo Kenora Regional Geologist Au and bornite in 70 ft. Sh. in granite. Occurrence Bay (CI. 248E, 272E) Files (Great Granite Co.) Sh on C1.272E. 4 pits on C1.248E. Q. NTS: 52F/10NW ODM Vol.8,p.68 (1899) veins near contact of q. diorite and Lat: 49.630 9, (1900) metavolcanics. Long: 94.920 ODMGR41,p.46(1965) 118. Great Clytie Bay, Shoal Lake Kenora Regional Geologist 1903: Sh to 33 ft. Grab sample yield Northwest NTS: 52E/10SW Files (Machin Cis.: Great ed only trace Au. Intermediate to Occurrence Lat: 49.630 Northwest Mines) felsic metavolcanic fragmentals and Long: 94.960 ODM (1904) flows cut by felsic porphyry dikes. 119. Grimsby Gold Van Horne Tp., Dryden ODM Vols: 7,pt.2 (1898) 2 Sh.: 20 ft. ft 85 ft. 1940: 500 ft. Mining Co. Area 26,p.183 (1917) DD. Vein of q. w/ankerite, tourmaline Occurrence NTS: 52F/10NW 50,pt.2,p.51 (1941) py. Vein strikes 12O, and is 21/! ft. Lat: 49.730 wide and is said to have been traced Long: 92.920 for Vfe mile. Average assay said to be in the range of 0.42 oz. Au/ton. 120. Hatmaker Western Peninsula, Lake of Mineral Resources Branch Q. vein in fldsp. porphyry dike mea Lake the Woods (Ottawa) File (Hatmaker sured 3 to 18 ft. wide by 312 ft. long. Occurrence NTS: 52E/10SE Lk.) Main trench reported to give 0.2 oz. Lat: 49.600 Kenora Regional Geologist Au/ton and 6 oz. Ag/ton over 22 ft. Long: 94.660 Files (Florence Gold Grab sample from dump = 1.12 oz. Mining Co.) Au/ton, 5.2 oz. Ag/ton and G.93% Cu. Metavolcanics intruded by feldspar porphyry containing q. veins.

20 121. Hawmendale Jaffray and Haycock Tps., Kenora Regional Geologist 2 pits: 15 ft. and 25 ft. deep; 40 ft. Occurrence Kenora area, S. of Break Files (Hawmendale Gold Sh. on CI. P.357. Two bulk samples: Neck Lk. Mining Synd.; Silverman of 184 tons and 22 tons ran 0.29 and NTS: 52E/9NW Prop.; Roseman-Lantz; 0.58 oz. Au/ton respectively. 1946: Lat: 49.750 Roseman) unsuccessful DD, Tr. Q. veins and Long: 94.350 stringers in granitic rocks; some evi dence of shearing.

122. Hay Island Hay Island, Lake of the Kenora Regional Geologist 1899: 103 ft. Sh. w/215 ft. lateral Prospect Woods Files - (Cronlund, O. Cis.) development. 2 Q. veins, 6 in. and 12 NTS: 52E/9NW ODM Vols:8, (1899) in. wide traced 100 ft. Reportedly Lat: 49.670 9, (1900) the first Au discovery in the Lake of Long: 94.380 Woods area. (1879) 123. High Lake Ewart Tp., N. of High Mineral Resources Branch l DDH intersected 26.5 ft. averaging Occurrence Lake (Ottawa) File - (Alcock 0.25 oz. Au/ton. Granite with dis NTS: 52E/11NE Prop. 11, High Lake) seminated cpy cut by narrow N. Lat: 49.680 trending q. veins. Long: 95.li0 124. Hilly Lake Jaffray Tp., W side Kenora Regional Geologist 1939: Extensive Tr. Occurrence of Hilly Lake. Kenora area Files (Hilly Lk. Claims; Claim 432P - Q. stringers in shear NTS: 52E/16SW Split Lk. Gold Mines) zone, v.g., cpy, py. - 700 Ibs. hand- Lat: 49.750 picked (cobbed), no results available. - Long: 94.370 four 50 Ib. samples from tr ran from 0.02 to 0.24 oz; Au/ton. - 3 tons removed from a second vein - some high assays were reported but a repre sentative grab sample ran 0.24 oz. Au/ton. White Claim: Q. in fracture zone in granodiorite. - 10.5 tons removed - 8 tons milled - yielded s 0.51 oz. Au/ton (estimated 759S) waste). - sampling yielded 0.53 oz. Au/ton across 2.5 ft. for a length of 60 ft. Values as high as 3.03 oz. Au/ton reported. - 6 Ib. grab samples from sorted ore on dump yielded 0.64 and 3.78 oz. Au/ton. - coarse v.g. noted. 125. Homestake Yellowgirl Bay, Lake of ODM Vol.2,p.232 (1892) 1892: 50 tons removed. Occurrence the Woods. NTS: 52E/9SW Lat: 49.500 Long: 94.24o 126. Hopkins- Glass Tp., SW of Bag Kenora Regional Geologist Q. vein in metabasalt strikes 80O , dips Heintzman Bay in Shoal Lake Files (Hopkins-Heintzman north - 5 ft. wide at surface. Erratic (Miner©s Zone) (CI. K32456) Gold Prospect) gold values up to 0.25 oz. Au/ton. Occurrence NTS: 52E/10SW l DDH. Lat: 49.570 Long: 94.990

127. Hopkins- Glass Tp., SW of Bag Kenora Regional Geologist 2 DDH w/py, po, sph, gal, cpy, arspy. Heintzman Bay in Shoal Lake (CI. Files (Hopkins-Heintzman Assays up to 0.72 oz. Au/ton, 7.469Z. ("Q" Zone) K31936) Gold Prospect) Zn, and Q.10% Ni. 5 ft. wide silicified Occurrence NTS: 52E/10SW zone in mafic volcanics trends 30O. Lat: 49.580 Long: 95.000

128. Hunter S. of Lyons Bay, Sioux Lookout Resident Q. veins and masses in q. feldspar por Group Minnitaki Lake Geologist Files - Hunter phyry, close to contact between por Occurrence NTS: 52F/16NE Gp; Cons. Mosher Mines phyry and lavas. Grab samples assayed Lat: 49.970 Ltd.) as high as 0.26 oz. Au/ton. Py, minor Long: 92.050 ODMGR75,p.l8-20 cpy and galena are associated minerals. ODM Map 2155

21 129. Imperial Glass Tp., Helldiver Kenora Regional Geologist Sh: 110 ft. w/32 ft. of drifting on 2 Prospect Bay, Shoal Lake. Files - (Imperial Mine). levels. Granite dikes, q. veins, and (CI. D397) ODM Vols:9,p.57-8 (1900) siliceous zones along shears in basalt. NTS: 52E/10SW 10, (1901) Near q. diorite contact. 5 parallel q. Lat: 49.580 veins, stringers. Long: 94.940

130.Independence Bennett Tp., E. of Mine ODM Statistical Files (Inde Production: 1898: 121 oz. Au from Mine Centre pendence Mining & 125 tons = 0.97 oz. Au/ton. 85 ft. Sh. NTS: 52C/16SW Development Co.Ltd.) w/33 ft. of lateral development on one Lat: 48.780 ODM Vols: 8,p.81-83,274 level. Short Ad. Q. veins to 3 ft. wide Long: 92.260 (1899) in schists. 11, (1902) 9, (1900)

131. Indian Joe Glass Tp., Clytie Bay, ODM Vols: 13,pt.l (1904) Sh.: 85 ft. deep, with 168 ft. of lateral Prospect Shoal Lake 20,(1911) development. Q. & py in sericite NTS: 52E/10NW schist. Lat: 49.620 Long: 94.980

132.1.R. 27 S. end of Wabigoon Lake Kenora Regional Geologist 196 ft. DD in 3 holes, l to 10 ft. of Occurrence NTS: 52F/10NE Files (Pidgeon, C1.13698) mineralized q. intersected with assays (now known as Lat: 49.670 to 0.19 oz. Au. Basic metavolcanic Pigeon-Wabigoon Long: 92.620 host rocks. L. Occ.) 133. Isabella N. end of Bad Vermilion ODM Statistical Files (Stone, Production: 1919-20: 15 oz. Au * 2 Prospect Lk. W.E.) oz. Ag from 2 tons - 7.0 oz./ton. NTS: 52C/10NE Kenora Regional Geologist Also some were removed from high Lat: 48.750 Files (Orelia Mines; grade pockets in 1928, 1930, and Long: 92.610 General Geology-Mine 1934. 1899-1900: 65 ft. Sh. and Centre) lateral development work. Metavolcs. ODM Vols: 9,p.68 (1900) cut by auriferous veins striking NNW, 29. pt.l,p.5-6(1920) 300 ft. and 600 ft. long. 30. pt.l,p.5-6(1921) 38, pt.6,p.53-5 (1939) 134. Island J.O. N.E. end of Shoal Lake Davies, J.C. - Geol. of the 10 ft. pit - reported that gold can be 154 Occurrence Narrows North part of Shoal Lake panned from the mineralized rock. (now known as NTS: 52E/10SW and Western Peninsula Carbonatized and siliceous dike strik Shoal Lk. Lat: 49.550 (in prep) ing parallel to tuffs and sediments. Narrows) Long: 94.830

135. Island MH E. of Cash Island, Kenora Regional Geologist Sh. on milky white q. vein in altered 71 Occurrence Shoal Lake Files (Island MH 71) basalt. Grab sample from the dump in (now known as NTS: 52E/11NE 1968 yielded 0.01 oz. Au/ton. Cash Island) Lat: 49.630 Long: 95.010 136. Island P.549 Rush Bay, Lake of the Kenora Regional Geologist 10 ft. wide zone in a band of ag Occurrence Woods Files (Island P.549) glomerate - grab sample ran trace. (now known as NTS: 52E/10NE 2nd zone: 2 ft. q. carbonate vein. Cranston) Lat: 49.660 Grab sample ran 0.01 oz. Au/ton. Long: 94.890

137. James Clay Spike Pt., Shoal Lake Kenora Regional Geologist Q. veins in granite b schist. Ward Occurrence NTS: 52E/10SW Files (James Clay Ward Lat: 49.550 Cis.) Long: 94.900

138. Jenny Leigh Manross Tp., SE of Kenora General File 1898: 50ft. Sh. Occurrence Kenora, NE of Lac La (Chisholm-Mining Belle (C1.S140) Locations) NTS: 52E/9SE Lat: 49.61 0 Long: 94.230

22 139. Kakagi Lake SE part of Kakagi Lake. Kenora Regional Geologist Reported that 15 ft. width ran 0.22 (East Group) NTS: 52F/4NE Files - (Kakagi Lk. E. oz. Other assays ran 0.10 oz., 0.3 oz., Occurrence Lat: 49.210 Gps.; Noranda - SE 0.03 oz. Occurrences also reported on Long: 93.740 Kakagi Lake; Bergman adjacent islands. Au in E. trending Prop.) schist, altered silicified, talcose. 140. Kenopo Ewart Tp., S. of Kenora Regional Geologist 1937-9: pits, 26 DDK for 1526 ft. Prospect Electrum Lk. Files - (Poirier Grp. High 1944: channel sampling, drilling. (Conglomerate NTS: 52E/11NE Lk.; Steep Rock Iron 1958: 7 DDK. 1966: Drilling, IP, Mag, Showing) Lat: 49.710 Mines) EM & Geological surveys for base Long: 95.070 ODM GR 41, p.34-5(1965) metals. E. trending band of conglomer ODM Vol.48,pt.l,p.22(1939) ate or agglomerate (av. width 50 ft.) 49, pt.l,p.21,138(1940) between volcanics and minor por phyry. Conglomerate contains dis seminated py and irregular masses of q. Shear, striking 27 5O and carrying q. stringers, cuts a narrow tongue of conglomerate. Significant values con fined to a strike length of 150 ft. Mill test in 1939 ran 0.14 oz. Au/ton. Channel sample returned 0.15 oz/ton over 25 ft. 200 ft. of channel sampling gave a high assay of 0.04 oz/ton over 4 ft. Drilling gave erratic values from trace to a high of 1.48 oz/ton in a 6 ft. intersection. Grab sample from a 30 ft. long pit yielded 3.58 oz. Au/ton, and conglomerate next to q. ran 0.01 oz/ ton. 141. Kenopo Ewart Tp., S. of ODM GR 41, p.33-4 (1965) Around 1939: 250 tons removed from Prospect Electrum Lake several pits, l to 5 ft. wide q. por (Electrum NTS: 52E/11NE phyry dikes, striking N-NW, with aspy, Pits) Lat: 49.710 py, po, cpy, electrum. Sheared basic Long: 95.090 volcanic wall rocks. 1.5 ft. diamond drill intersection ran 1.56 oz. Au/ton, 1.20 oz. Ag/ton, and G.74% Cu. 142. Kenricia Kendall Inlet, Clear ODM Statistical Files Production: 1939-40: 2533 oz. Au Mine water Bay, Lake of the (Kenricia GML) and 521 oz. Ag, from 22,344 tons s Woods Kenora Regional Geologist 0.11 oz. Au/ton. Sh. to 530 ft. w/ NTS: 52E/10NE Files (Kenricia Mine) 6,940 ft. of lateral development on 3 Lat: 49.720 ODM Vols: 45,pt.3,p.31-6 levels. Also 3 shallow Sh., 11,293 ft. Long: 94.670 (1936) of DDK., 100 ton mill. Felsic agglo 50,pt.l,p.60(1941) merate with some basalt flows intrud ODM PR 1965-2, p.42 ed by massive q. porphyry dikes. Veins in agglom. strike E., parallel to schis tosity and are up to 7.5 ft. wide. Py, cp, gn. 143. Kenty J. N. of Kakagi Lk., near Kenora Regional Geologist Interbanded felsic volcanics cut by Occurrence Stephen Lake File (Kenty, J.) shear zones with narrow q.-carbonate NTS: 52F/5SW veinlets. Py, cpy, Au A Mo noted. Lat: 49.300 Long: 93.91 0

144. King Edward Near Carleton Lk., S. of Kenora Regional Geologist Q. veins - 5 to 6 ft. wide, striking Occurrence Upper Manitou Lk. File (King Edward) 30O. Q. stringers in schistose zone NTS: 52F/7SW ODM Vol.13,pt. 1(1904) 10 ft. wide. Assoc. with q. are: py, Lat: 49.340 cpy,gn,sph. Long: 92.850

145. Konigson, E. N. shore of Straw Lk., Kenora Regional Geologist 40 ft. Sh. Small masses and stringers Occurrence 25 mi. E. of Nestor Files (Johnston Opt.; of q.-carbonate in a 20 ft. wide zone Falls Konigson) of strong shearing (strike s 280O) NTS: 52F/3NW ODM Vol.43,pt.4,p.21 traced for 450 ft. Sh. sample reported Lat: 49.390 (1934) 0.02 oz. to 0.80 oz. across 12.2 ft. Long: 93.360 Other surface grab sample ran from 0.46 to 2.65 oz./ton. 23 146. Kuryliw- Sullivan Bay, Rowan Lake Kenora Regional Geologist 1930©s: 0.2 oz. Au over 7.1 ft. re Sullivan Bay NTS: 52F/5SE Files (Kuryliw-Sullivan ported. 1973: Tr. samples ran 0.03 Occurrence Lat: 49.290 Bay) oz. Au/ton. NW striking q. stringers in Long: 93.640 fractured NE©ly porphyry dike.

147. Lac Labelle E. of Lac Labelle, Andrew Kenora Regional Geologist 3 ft. wide vein gave assays from 0.11 Gp. Occurrence Bay, Lake of the Woods Files (LacLabelle Gp.) to 0.92 oz./ton Cpy in wall rocks. 8 NTS: 52E/9NW ft. wide vein - best assay 0.01 oz. Au Lat: 49.610 Tr sample gave 0.92 oz. Au across 2 Long: 94.220 ft. 148. Last Chance N. of Kabagukski Lk. ODM Vols: 21,pt.l (1912) Q. vein traced 1,000 ft. by 3 ft. wide 2 Occurrence NTS: 52F/7NE 42, pt.4,p.25 (1933) pits. Free gold noted. Lat: 49.470 Long: 92.680 149. Laurentian Trafalgar Bay, Upper ODM Statistical Files Production: 1906-09: 8,140 oz. Au Mine Manitou Lake (Imperial Gold Mine) from 19,950 tons = 0.41 oz. Au/ton. NTS: 52F/7NE Kenora Regional Geologist Sh.: 400 ft. w/1,315 ft. lateral de Lat:49.450 Files (Laurentian Mine) velopment on 4 levels. Dewatered Long: 92.700 ODM Vols: 15,pt.l,p.50-l 1916. Contact of acid and basic meta- (1906) volcanics cut by NE auriferous vein 16, pt.l,p.57-8(1907) in a shear zone. 18. pt.l,p.79(1909) 19. pt.l,p.78(1910) 34,pt.6,p.35-6(1925) 150. Laval Tp. Laval Tp., Beartrack Lake, Mineral Resource Circular Keewatin volcanics with q. veins Occurrence NE of Wabigoon 13 carrying small amounts of free gold. NTS: 52F/16SW Lat: 49.860 Long: 92.440

151. League Van Horne Tp., Dryden ODM Vols: 9,p.lO (1900) 2 Sh.: 80 ft. and 20 ft. Test mill Occurrence area 14,pt.l,p.51 (1905) erected; no values mentioned. Vein NTS: 52F/10NW 20, pt.l,p.87,192(1911) material w/q., ankerite, tourmaline, Lat: 49.720 26, p.181 (1917) py, green mica, A cpy. Long: 92.870 50, pt.2, p.51 (1941) 152. Little Jumbo Van Horne Tp., Dryden area ODM Vol.7, pt.2 (1898) 1897: 55 ft. Sh. w/20 ft. crosscut. Occurrence NTS: 52F/10NW Dark red schistose dike 18 ft. wide in Lat: 49.720 agglomerate. Reported to av. 0.78 oz. Long: 92.910 Au/ton. Grab sample assayed 1.0 oz. Au/ton.

153. Little Master NW of Kabagukski Lk. Kenora Regional Geologist 1902-06: 3 Sh: 325 ft. total depth. Prospect (CI. Al 206) File (Little Master) Ore zone possibly an extension of the NTS: 52F/7NE ODM Vols: 12, pt.2 (1903) Big Master vein. Basic volcanic country Lat: 49.460 13. pt.l,p.68-9(1904) rock encloses lenses and veins of q. Long: 92.680 14. p.53-4 (1905) 16, pt.l,p.58 (1907) 42, pt.4,p.25(1933) 154. Lobstick Bay- Lobstick Bay, Lake of Kenora Regional Geologist Early assay of 0.24 oz. Au/ton re Thrasher the Woods Files (Lobstick Bay- ported. Later sampling yielded 0.01 to Occurrence NTS: 52F/5NW Thrasher Cis.) 0.08 oz. Au/ton. Lat: 49.430 Long: 93.920

155. Location N. shore Wiley Bay, Kenora Regional Geologist Auriferous q. Samples reported to CR 21-3 Lake of the Woods. Files (Kenora General assay 1.12 oz. Au/ton. Occurrence NTS: 52E/10SW File) Lat: 49.600 Catalogue - Pan American Long: 94.630 Exposition - 1901.

156. Location NT NW of Mennin Lk., NE Kenora General File (Mining 1899: 80 ft. Sh. 20 Occurrence of Kawashegamuk Lk. Locations - Chisholm) (now known as NTS: 52F/9SW Mennin L. Occ.) Lat: 49.490 Long: 92.320 24 157. Location X Bigstone Bay, Lake of Kenora Regional Geologist 2 DDK (480 ft.) in 1956. Q. carbonate 45 Occurrence the Woods Files (Loc. X 45) veinlets and stringers in andesite-gab- (now known as NTS: 52E/9NW bro country rock. Minor cpy, py, and Cameron-Dyberg Lat: 49.640 po noted. Occ.) Long: 94.31 0

158. Logic Caviar Lake Kenora Regional Geologist Shear zone 250 ft. by 450 ft. traced Occurrence NTS: 52F/5SW Files (Logie Cis.) by stripping and tr., reported to give Lat: 49.350 av. assays of 0.2 oz. Au/ton and as Long: 93.770 high as 8 oz. Au/ton. Q. lenses in sericite-chlorite schist. 159. Lone Jack Van Horne Tp., ODM Vol.20,pt.l,p.l92 Pyritic q. vein, 15 ft. wide. Several Occurrence Bob Lk., Dryden area (1911) test pits and some stripping in 1910. NTS: 52F/10NW Lat: 49.720 Long: 92.920 160. Lone Pine Aubrey Tp., N. of Eagle Mineral Resource Branch 1910: Shallow Sh. Basic metavolcanic Occurrence Lake (Ottawa) File (Lone Pine country rock encloses, within a shear NTS: 52F/10NW Mine) zone, a NE trending q. vein carrying Lat: 49.730 Canadian Mines Register some Au. Long: 92.990 (1960)p.228 ODM Vol.48, pt.4,p.24 (1939) 161. Long Lake- N. end of Kawashegamuk Kenora Regional Geologist Q. vein system of 709& q. traced for McCracken Lake (location not exact) Files (Long Lk.-McCracken 190 ft. by 4 ft. wide in strongly Occurrence NTS: 52F/9SW Group) sheared sediments. Trench samples Lat: 49.490 gave tr. to 0.24 oz. Au/ton. Best Long: 92.400 assays later were 0.04 oz. Au/ton across 15 in. 162. Long Lake Lee Lake, 13 mi. S. of Kenora Regional Geologist Two shafts: 20 ft. and 28 ft. in 1902. Occurrence Dyment (CI. HW 575) Files (W.L. Olsen Gp.) Apparently one shaft on C1.K9905. NTS: 52F/8NW ODM Vol.ll,p.256 (1902) 6 in. qtz. vein with v.g. Grab sample Lat: 49.490 assayed 0.19 oz. Au/ton. Long: 92.370 163. Longe, R. North Twin Island, Kenora Regional Geologist Q. vein l ft. wide, in an altered rhyo Occurrence Eagle Lake. Files (R. Longe Cis.) lite exposed for 50 ft., gave 6 assays NTS: 52F/11NW from trace to 2.38 oz. Au/ton. Re Lat: 49.680 ported to av. 0.66 oz/ton for 50 ft. Long: 93.240 100 ft. S. of main showing, a 2 ft. q. stringer assayed from 0.10 oz. to 1.95 oz. in 5 grab samples. 164. Lost Van Horne Tp., Kenora Regional Geologist 1903-10: 2 Sh., 22 ft. and 54 ft. deep Occurrence Dryden Area Files (Lost Mine) Grab samples assay from 0.34 oz/ton NTS: 52F/10NW ODM Vols: 13,pt.l,p.66 to 14.1 oz Au/ton. 1929: 34 tons Lat: 49.720 (1904) shipped to New Jersey yielding 8 oz. Long: 92.860 20,pt.l,p.l94(1911) Au, 23 oz. Ag, 200 Ibs. Cu = avg. grade 26,p.l82(1917) of 0.26 oz. Au/ton and Q.29% Cu. 50, pt.2,p.51-2(1941) Keewatin basalts intruded by por phyry. Vein at contact of trap and felsite, 2.5 ft. to 6 ft. wide, strikes NW. 165. Lucky Coon E. of Bad Vermilion ODM Statistical Files (Lucky Production: 1899, 1935-36: 10 oz. Au Prospect Lk., N. of Shoal Lk., Mine Coon Gold Mining Co.Ltd.) & l oz. Ag from 10 tons = 1.0 Au/ton. Centre Area Kenora Regional Geologist 4 Sh.: 250 ft. total depth. No. 2 vein: NTS: 52C/10NE Files (Lucky Coon) 3 ft. wide at surface; 10 ft. wide at a Lat: 48.730 ODM Vols: 5,p.l55-7 (1895) depth of 50 ft. 6 samples from No.5 Long: 92.630 9,p.70(1900) Sh reported to give assays 2.8 oz. to 45, pt.l,p.94 (1936) 5.4 oz. Au/ton. Metallurgical test ran 2.22 oz. Au/ton. Felsic intrusive cut by auriferous veins striking NW to W. 25 166. Lun-Echo Between Echo and Pickerel Sioux Lookout Resident NE trending acid to basic metavolcan- (Franciscan Tps., Minnitaki Lk. Geologist Files (Lun- ics locally intruded by q.-feldspar Lake) NTS: 52F/16NW Echo) porphyry. A granodiorite dike in the Occurrence Lat: 49.910 Canadian Mines Handbooks: NE part of the property was traced for Long: 92.280 1946,p.210 (Mosher Long 1400 ft. and yielded 0.30 oz. Au/ton Lac GM) over 5 ft. 1949.p.l44 (Mosher Long Lac GM) 1950.p.l20 (Lun-Echo Mines Ltd.) 1951.p.ll8 (Lun-Echo Mines Ltd.) 1969,p.205 (Lake Shore Mines Ltd.) ODMPR 1951-l,p.7 ODM Vol.59,pt.5,p.36 (1950) 167. Lun-Echo Helena Lake, W. of Kenora Regional Geologist 488 ft. DD gave low assays, trace to (Helena Lake) Pipestone Lk. Files (Lun-Echo GML) 0.05 oz. Au/ton. Occurrence NTS: 52F/4SE Lat: 49.li0 Long: 93.560

168. Macassa Code Tp., SE of Kenora Kenora Regional Geologist 1961: Tr, 557 ft. DD in 3 holes. Occurrence NTS: 52E/9SE Files (Macassa Mines Ltd.) Shears in andesite containing q. Lat: 49.600 stringers with py and minor po. Long: 94.160

169. Machin Machin Bay, Shoal Lake Kenora Regional Geologist 1967: 130 ft. DD. Felsic metavolcan- Occurrence NTS: 52E/10SW Files (Machin Property) ics with q. and q. carbonate veins and Lat: 49.560 stringers carrying minor cpy and py. Long: 94.940

170. Magdalena S. part of Eagle Lake Canadian Mines Handbook, 1948-1951: geophysics and 4618 ft. Prospect NTS: 52F/11NE 1950, p.123 DD. Zone 2,000 ft. by 100 ft. Lat: 49.650 Kenora Regional Geologist sampled, assaying 0.145 oz. over 60 ft. Long: 93.200 Files (Magdalena-Red 0.146 oz. over 40 ft., 0.146 oz.over Lake Gold Mines) 25 ft. Au assoc. with sulphides in an E©ly shear zone in pillow lavas. 171. Mongus Lake N. of Kakagi Lake Mineral Resource Circular 13 Felsic metavolcanics intruded by dior Occurrence W. of Mongus Lake ite and cut by q. veins (striking E). Py, (Location not certain) cpy and V.G. noted. DD indicated NTS: 52F/4NW hi-grade assays over narrow widths. Lat: 49.250 Long: 93.820

172. Manitou Lower Manitou Lake Mineral Research Branch 1934: 1506ft. DD. Island Prospect NTS: 52F/7SW (Ottawa) Files (Gaffney 1937: estimated reserves in a zone 300 (Gaffney Mine) Lat: 49.270 Mine) ft. by 24 ft. by 100 ft. = 120,000 tons Long: 92.970 Kenora Regional Geologist at 0.25 oz. Au/ton. At surface; No.l Files (Gaffney Mine) zone is 900 ft. by 17 ft. at 0.2 oz. ODM Vols: 7,p.79(1897) Au/ton. No.2 zone is 300 ft. by 24 ft.,p.27(1933) at 0.25 oz. Au/ton. Au w/sulphides,p.28 (1934) near contact with q. porphyry dike. 173. Martin, F.M. Island N. of Cliff Point ODM Map P.921 Schist zone 15 ft. wide traced for 150 Occurrence in Kakagi Lake ft., strikes 85O. Grab samples assayed NTS: 52F/4NW 0.34 and 0.04 oz. Au/ton. Lat: 49.21 0 Long: 93.740 174. Mary jo Lake Between Maryjo and Mineral Resource Circular 13 Metavolcanic host rock. Occurrence Humphrey Lakes, W. of Dinorwic Lake NTS: 52F/10SE Lat: 49.600 Long: 92.690

26 175. Masco tt Phillips Tp., W. of Young©s ODM Vol.7,pt.l,p.43-4 3 Shafts. 3 q. veins with considerable Occurrence Bay, Kakagi Lk. (CI. S79) (1898) V.G. Shear zone at contact between NTS: 52E/8SE 42,pt.4,p.75-6 (1933) q. diorite and greenstone. Lat: 49.240 52,pt.4,p.l5 (1943) Long: 94.010

176. Master Jack S. end of S. arm of ODM Vol.7,pt.2,p.lll 1897: 110 ft. Sh. w/100 ft. of lateral Occurrence Blindfold Lake, SE of (1898) development. Q. vein in granite Kenora (CI. P 203) striking 20O. NTS: 52E/9NW Lat: 49.650 Long: 94.280 177. Maybrun Atikwa Lk. Area, SE of Kenora Regional Geologist Produced Cu-Au concentrate, at ap- Past Producer Kenora Files (Maybrun Mines) prox. rate of 300 t.p.d. during 1974, NTS: 52F/5NE ODM GR 111 from open pit orebody. 1955-57: Sh. Lat: 49.420 Mineral Resources Branch 298 ft. w/4058 ft. of lateral develop- Long: 93.650 (Ottawa) File (Maybrun) ment. 1965-70: Open pit developed. Over 60,000 ft. DD in over 200 DDK. Avg. grade of o.p. orebody reported to be 1^ Cu and 0.05 oz. Au/ton. Two high Au zones also outlined. Bay zone avg. 1.039E. Cu and 0.201 oz. Au/ ton. Pot Hole zone avg. \A\Jo Cu and 0.139 oz. Au/ton. Mineralization con sists of cpy, py, po in f.g. basalt. 178. Mayflower W. of Flanders, Mine Thunder Bay Regional 100 ft. Sh with 2 levels. In 1946, Prospect Centre Area Geologist Files (Mayflower workings de watered and examined. NTS: 52C/9NE Mine; Andowan Mines Ltd) 3165 ft. DD. Assays from drill inter- Lat: 48.730 ODM Vols: 10,p.84(1901) sections were: Hole No.l: 0.50 oz./ Long: 92.11 0 38,pt.6,p.51-2 (1929) 3.0 ft; 0.10 OZ./5.0 ft., Hole No.2: 0.23 OZ./2.5 ft.; 5.96 oz./l.S ft.; 0.26 OZ./3.0 ft. Mafic metavolcanics intruded by small bodies of q. por phyry. Q. veins in and adjacent to the porphyry vary in width from l ft. to 10ft. 179. Medicine Blindfold Lake, 11 mi. ODM Vol.7,pt.2,p.lll 1897: 38 ft. Sh Q. vein reported to be Lodge SE of Kenora (1898) 2 to 6 ft. wide and traced for 1800 ft. Occurrence NTS: 52E/9NW Lat: 49.660 Long: 94.290

180. Meridian Bay S. end of Meridian Bay ODM Vols:20,pt.l,p.l96 3 Trenches. Geological and geophysi Occurrence Eagle Lake (CI. S904) (1911) cal surveys conducted in 1956. Re NTS: 52F/11SE 48,pt.4,p.24(1939) ported that several tons of ore had Lat: 49.620 been roasted. Long: 93.200

ISl.Meston Rowan-Cameron Lks. Kenora Regional Geologist NE trending zone of q. stringers, 600 Occurrence Area Files (Rowan Lk. area) ft. long by 80 to 100 ft. wide. Au NTS: 52F/5SE values in W. striking q. lenses. Averages Lat: 49.280 of channel samples across one trench Long: 93.660 = 0.172 oz. across 20.1 ft. and 0.144 oz. across 22 ft. 182. Midas E. of Sandybeach Lake ODM Vol.41,p.6,p.26 2 Sh., 30 ft. and 75 ft. deep, sunk on Occurrence NTS: 52F/16SW (1932) a body of q. near contact between Lat: 49.81 0 metasediments and metavolcanics. Long: 92.300

183. Mikado Mine Glass Tp., Bag Bay, ODM Statistical Files (Mikado Production: 1896-1902, 1910-11, Shoal Lake Gold Mining Co. Ltd.) 1931: 28,335 oz. Au & 41 oz. Ag NTS: 52E/10SW Kenora Regional Geologist from 57,813 tons * 0.49 oz. Au/ton. Lat: 49.580 Files (Mikado Mine; No.l sh: 660 ft. deep w/ 10 levels. Long: 94.960 Kuryliw, C.J. - Shoal Lk.) No.2 sh: 250 ft.; No.3 sh: 80 ft. No.4 GSC Economic Geology sh: 65 ft. Also 7500 ft. lateral develop Series No.l5,p.40 ment mainly in No.l Sh. 1932-34: ODM PR 1965-2,p.41-2 2800 ft. underground drilling. Kee ODM Vols: 7 to 13 (1898- watin mafic volcanics cut by E. trend 1904) ing pegmatite dike which is cut by vein 20-21 (1911-12) (trending 330O ) which is 16 in. to 5 ft. 43(1934) wide. Au with cpy, galena, tetrady 44 (1935) mite, bismuthinite, Mo. 27 184. Miller Pickerel Tp., NW of Sioux Lookout Resident Py and erratic Au in scattered q. Occurrence Pickerel Arm, Minnitaki Geologist Files (Miller Gp.- stringers in NE striking diorite dike Lake Conwest Opt.) which was traced for 1300 ft. with a NTS: 52F/16NE ODMGR75,p.22-3(1969) width of 150 ft. 1950: 1415 ft. DD Lat: 49.950 ODMPR 1951-l,p.7 in 5 holes. Long: 92.250 185. Milree Kakagi Lake Kenora Regional Geologist Extension of the vein on the Wensley Prospecting NTS: 52F/5SW Files (Milree Prospecting Gp., 1945: DD & Tr. Q. veins in highly Syndicate Lat: 49.260 Synd.; Sylvanite Gp., altered, pyritic diorite, strike N©ly and Occurrence Long: 93.830 Kakagi Lake) are 10 to 12 ft. wide. 186. Minerva Poplar Bay,Lake of the Kenora Regional Geologist Production: 1885: 28 tons of selected Occurrence Woods Files (Minerva Mine) ore = 2.72 oz. Au/ton. Restaked in NTS: 52E/10NE Royal Commission 1890,p.64 1949: 2 short DD holes and stripping. Lat: 49.690 ODM Vol.44,pt.l,p.22 (1935) Pit exposed a l ft. wide q. vein Long: 94.550 (striking 125O ) in porphyry dike 18 ft. wide. Grab samples ran 0.25 and 1.0 oz. Au/ton. One chip sample across 3.5 ft. - 1.21 oz. Au/ton. 187. Minnehaha N. shore of Minnehaha Lk. ODM Vol.20,pt.l,p.l88 2 Sh. sunk 100 ft. on a q. vein in dia Occurrence SW of Dinorwic (Location (1911) base. 40 ft. tunnel. not exact) NTS: 52F/10SE Lat: 49.530 Long: 92.640 188. Monarch Glass Tp., Helldiver Bay ODM Vol.7,pt.2,p.l21 1898: 2 pits each 20 ft. deep, l ft. Occurrence Shoal Lk. (CI. S 105-7) (1898) wide q. vein in Keewatin schists - free NTS: 52E/10SW gold. Lat: 49.570 Long: 94.950 189. Monte Cristo S. shore of Rowan Lake Mineral Resource Branch 2 shallow Sh., extensive Tr. 1937: Prospect NTS: 52F/5SE (Ottawa) File (Monte 5000 ft. dd. in 9 holes, best assay z Lat: 49.31 0 Cristo Prop.) 15 ft. of 0.20 oz. Au. Schistose mafic Long: 93.560 ODM Vols:42,pt.4,p.86-9 metavolcanics with porphyry dikes (1933) and sheared acid metavoles. (Strike 44,pt.4,p.24(1935) NE). Shear zones contain chlorite 47, pt.6,p.12-13 (1938) schist intruded by disconnected strin gers and lenses of sugar q. Gave low values, Au. assoc. with carbonates and trace sulphides. 200 ft. wide zone gave up to 0.17 oz. Au/ton in higher grade sections. 190. Muton Long Bald Indian Bay, Lake ODM Vol.44,pt.4,p.42 1934: stripping, Tr., test pitting on q. Lac Occurrence of the Woods (1935) veins. Native Au reported. Bulk NTS: 52E/9NW samples of vein material reported to Lat: 49.730 show gold values. Q. veins in mafic Long: 94.410 metavolcanics. 191. McCallum, F. Ewart Tp., High Lk. ODMGR41,p.44(1965) NW trending shear zone in gabbro. Occurrence NTS: 52E/11NE Sampling yielded 0.40 oz. Au/ton Lat: 49.680 over 4 ft. Long: 95.140

192. McCracken- Aubrey Tp., N. of Eagle Lk. Kenora Regional Geologist Q. veins up to 10 in. wide reported Cameron NTS: 52F/14SE Files (McCracken- to assay up to 1.40 oz. Au from grab Occurrence Lat: 49.760 Cameron Prop.) samples. Long: 93. l O0

193. McCracken Revell Tp., E. of Dyment Kenora Regional Geologist Vein system 4 ft. wide by 190 ft. long Occurrence (Location not exact) Files (McCracken Prop.) exposed by Tr. Grab samples yielding NTS: 52F/9SW 0.5 oz. Au. Later sampling gave low Lat: 49.61 0 results. (Best sample was 0.24 oz. Long: 92.180 Au/ton; most ran trace). 194. Mcintyre NW end of Kakagi Lake Kenora Regional Geologist Country Rocks: gabbro in contact Occurrence SW side of Emm Bay Files (Mcintyre Group) with basic metavolcanics. NTS: 52F/5SW Lat: 49.280 Long: 93.960 28 195. Mcintyre Ewart Tp., W.of Kenora Kenora Regional Geologist 1961: 1076 ft. DD. No assays available Porcupine NTS: 52E/11NE Files (Mcintyre Porcupine Q. veins in q.-feldspar porphyry. Occurrence Lat: 49.71 0 Mines Ltd.) Long: 95.080 196. McKay Straw Lake, 25 mi. E. of Kenora Regional Geologist Adjacent to Konigson Occurrence. Occurrence Nestor Falls Files (McKay Option) Sylvanite GML optioned the property NTS: 52F/3NW in 1944 and dropped it the following Lat: 49.140 year. Long: 93.380

197. McKenzie- W of Shoal Lake, Mine Kenora Regional Geologist Stripping, Tr., and shallow DD by Gray Centre Area Files (McKenzie-Gray) three companies, with following re Occurrence NTS: 52C/10NE sults: a) 0.49 oz. Au/2.9 ft. wide x Lat: 48.680 250 ft. long, b) 0.44 oz. Au/4.0 ft. Long: 92.680 wide x 175 ft. long, c) 0.27 oz. Au/4.0 ft. wide x 300 ft. long. Values of 2.9 oz. Ag and 2.19k Zn also reported. Q. vein in q. porphyry.

198. McLean S. of Melgund Tp. Kenora Regional Geologist Strong shear zone striking 27 6O con Syndicate Dyment area Files (McLean Synd.) taining large lenses and stringers of q. Occurrence NTS: 52F/9SW and blocks of heavily carbonated Lat: 49.510 rocks. Vein trenched for 1200 ft. 2 Long: 92.290 bulk samples gave assays of 0.17 and 0.09 oz. Au/ton. 199. McLennan Dogpaw Lake area Kenora Regional Geologist Tr sampling indicates ore zone approx. Occurrence NTS: 52F/5SW Files (McLennan Prop.; 10 ft. wide by 100 ft. long. Best assays Lat: 49.330 Sylvanite Cis.) in 3 tr. = 0.84 oz. Au/1.7 ft., 0.4 oz. Long: 93.870 Au/3 ft., and 0.44 oz. Au/3.5 ft. 2,649 ft. DD in 14 holes. Basic lavas, diorite to gabbro, porphyry dikes with py, po, Au. 200. Nankipoo W. of Helldiver Bay, ODM Map P.528 (1969) Details not available. Occurrence Shoal Lake (S97) NTS: 52E/10SW Lat: 49.580 Long: 94.980 201. National Three Hundred Lake (now ODM Vol.l3,pt.l,p.69 100 ft. Sh w/50 ft. of lateral develop Occurrence called Double Lk.), Mani (1904) ment. tou Lks. area (CI. HW 78) NTS: 52F/7NE Lat: 49.460 Long: 92.710 202. New Kelore Minnitaki Lake Sioux Lookout Resident Metasediments intruded by tongues Occurrence NTS: 52F/16NE Geologist Files (New Kelore of q. porphyry. A Sh and several pits Lat: 49.930 Mines Ltd.; John Sykes) were put down on q. veins occurring Long: 92.120 ODMGR75,p.20(1969) in or near the porphyry bodies. Veins ODM Vols: 8,p.71(1899) mineralized with galena, sph., py. 9, (1900) Assays ranging from 0.14 oz. to 0.56 41,pt.6,p.23-4 oz./ton reported. ODM Map 41h. 203. Newlund Echo Tp., E. of Mineral Resources Branch 1941-52: 9000 ft. surface stripping Prospect Crossecho Lake (Ottawa) - Newlund Mine and Tr.; 45,303 ft. surface drilling; (Goldlund NTS: 52F/16NW Sioux Lookout Resident 825 ft. Sh w/15,027 ft. lateral de Mine) Lat: 49.890 Geologist Files (Newlund) velopment on four levels; underground Long: 92.330 ODM Vols: 58,pt.l,facing drilling of 20,419 ft. in 154 holes. p.lO(1949) 1973: Dewatered and sampled. Kee 59. pt.5,p.32(1950) watin basalts intruded by a stock of q. 60. pt.2,p.57 (1951) porphyry and later dikes of grano 62, pt.2,p.60-l (1953) diorite and q.-feldspar porphyry. Min eralization associated with q. veins and associated alteration zones in grano diorite. Ore body reported as: 900 ft. by 28 ft., grading 0.25 oz. Au/ton as indicated on the 200 and 350 ft. level. Ore extends to the 500 ft. level. 29 204. Niemi Southworth Tp., Mineral Resources Branch Highly folded intermediate to basic Occurrence Dinorwic Area (Ottawa) File (South metavolcanic country rock. Au and NTS: 52F/9NW worth Tp., Niemi Prop.) sulphides in flat lying q. body. Grab Lat: 49.670 samples to 0.45 oz. Au /ton and 2 to Long: 92.470 8 oz. Ag/ton. Chip samples - 0.1 oz. Au/ton.

205. Nina Empire Lake, NW of Kenora Regional Geologist 1900: 123 ft. Sh. 20 in. to 4 ft. wide Occurrence Atikwa Lk. (Cis. JES 93, Files (Nina Mine) zone of q. stringers and veins in 110) ODM Vol.42,pt.4,p.79 (1933) sheared gneiss. Grab sample ran 0.01 NTS: 52F/5NE oz. Au; muscovite, cpy, bornite Lat: 49.460 associated. Long: 93.650 206. Nonesuch East end of Echo Bay, Kenora Regional Geologist From 500 to 600 tons of ore were Prospect Lake of the Woods Files (Hawes Prop.) mined with assays varying from 0.32 (CI. M12) ODM Vol.6,p.48,252 (1896) oz. to 3.2 oz. Au/ton. NTS: 52E/10NW Lat: 49.660 Long: 94.850 207. Norah SE of Fox Lake, Western Kenora Regional Geologist 1900: 120 ft. Sh w/49 ft. lateral Occurrence Peninsula, Lake of the Files (Norah Mine) development on one level. 18 in. Woods (JES 38) ODM Vol.9,p.60 (1900) wide q. vein. Grab samples from dump NTS: 52E/10SE 45, pt.3,p.28-9 (1936) s 0.30 oz./ton. The main vein is in a Lat: 49.61 0 felsic dike which strikes 70O. Long: 94.690 208. Noranda-Beggs Beggs Lk., Cameron Kenora Regional Geologist 1960: 6992 ft. DD in 42 holes. Assays Lake (Zahavy Lk. area Files (Noranda-Beggs Lk.- ranged from trace to 0.26 oz. Au/ton. Mines Ltd.) NTS: 52F/5SE Cameron Lk., Zahavy 1972: 2584 ft. DD in 7 holes: Assays Prospect Lat: 49.290 Mines Ltd.) ranged from 0.02 to 1.48 oz. Au/ton. Long: 93.720 1974: 2101 ft. DD in 9 holes. Most intersections l to 2^ ft. wide w/values of 0.15 to 0.19 oz. Au/ton. One inter section of 3.8 ft. w/0.34 oz. Au/ton. 209. Noranda- NE of Jessie Lake Kenora Regional Geologist E-W trending shear zone cutting Cameron- Dogpaw Lake area Files (Noranda-Flint Lake) diorite. Carmichael NTS: 52F/5SW Occurrence Lat: 49.310 Long: 93.910

210. Noranda- South of Dogpaw Lake Kenora Regional Geologist 1944: 9300 ft. DD. No.l shoot: 200 Martin Kenty NTS: 52F/5SW & NW Files (Noranda-Martin ft. x 8 ft. wide tested to 350 ft. Prospect Lat: 49.330 Kenty Opt.) No.2 shoot: 180 ft. x 4 ft. wide. Long: 93.870 Other veins of little importance also reported.

211. Nor-Penn SE side of Northern Canadian Mines Handbook, 1950: 15 Tr. Chip samples across 9 Occurrence Peninsula, Lake of the 1955, p.299 ft. section gave 0.3 oz./ton over 3 ft. Woods Mineral Resource Branch or 0.11 oz./ton over 9 ft. Interbedded NTS: 52E/10NE (Ottawa) File (Nor-Penn acid & intermediate metavolcanics, Lat: 49.660 Prop.) strike E, dip-vertical. Mineralization Long: 94.580 ODMMRCl.p.13. in E-W shear zone on rhyolite/andesite Kenora Regional Geologist contact. Zone is 150 ft. x 1800 ft. & Files (Nor-Penn) is cut by veinlets & stringers of q. Early assays indicated 0.34 oz. Au/ ton. Later assays lower. Minor sph., gn., cpy. 212. Northern Zealand Tp., NE of ODM Vols:26,p.l86-7(1917) 1898: Sh. 60 ft. deep on a l to 3 ft. Queen Wabigoon Lk. (C1.H130- 7,pt.2,p.l24(1898) wide q. vein in Keewatin schists. Occurrence 32). 7,pt.l,p.77 (1898) NTS: 52F/10NE Lat: 49.730 Long: 92.580

30 213. North Twin Eagle Lake Mineral Resources Branch 18 in. wide, NE trending q. vein in Island NTS: 52F/11NW (Ottawa) File (North rhyolite yielded 0.40 oz. Au/ton. Occurrence Lat: 49.680 Twin Island - Eagle Lake) Long: 93.260 214. Norway Haycock Tp., E. of Kenora Regional Geologist Adjoins Champion Mine to the east. Occurrence Breakneck Lake File (Norway Prop.) 150 ft. Sh. reported on E-W q. vein. NTS: 52E/16SW Lat: 49.760 Long: 94.320 215. Novasade Jaffray Tp., Kenora area Kenora Regional Geologist Tr. for 250 ft. along fault (strike 36O ) Occurrence NTS: 52E/9NW Files (Novasade Prop.) in greenstone. Q. vein generally fol Lat: 49.740 lows fault and is discontinuous. Long: 94.440 Highest assays from chanel samples were: 0.14 oz. Au/ton/0.6 ft. and O.Oeoz./ton/l.S ft.

216. Olive Mine W. end of Little Turtle Mineral Resources Branch Production: 1897-1900, 1937, 1941- Lk., Mine Centre Area (Ottawa) File (Olive 42: 3,572 oz. Au, Se 343 oz. Ag, from NTS: 52C/15SE Preston Mine) 7,255 tons = 0.49 oz. Au/ton. 1898- Lat: 48.770 ODM Statistical Files (Olive 1900: Sh. 251 ft. deep w/3 levels Long: 92.720 Mine; Preston Gold Mining and 2425 ft. of lateral development Co. Ltd.) and 2 winzes. Dewatered and sampled Kenora Regional Geologist in 1935-37 and 1942. 2 ft. wide E Files (Olive Gold Mines trending q. vein in metasediments. Ltd.) ODM Vols:9,p.72-4 (1900) 45,pt.l,p.l45-6(1936) 47,pt.l,p.l82 (1938) 52, pt.l,p.!08(1943) 217. Oliver Severn .5m. South of Pellatt Tp., ODM Vol.45,pt.3,p.36-7 7 Au-bearing veins - one is 50 ft. long Occurrence Kendall Inlet, Lake of the (1936) x 8 in. wide. Woods NTS: 52E/10NE Lat: 49.720 Long: 94.650 218. Oliver Severn Willingdon Tp., SE end Kenora Regional Geologist 1942: Tr. 4 2 DDH. 8 in. to 13 in. Occurrence of Long Bay, Sioux Files (R. Bouska Cis.) wide q. veins in q.-diorite. Second vein Narrows area. up to 26 in. wide. NE trending shears NTS: 52E/8NE near porphry dike contacts. Reported Lat: 49.430 assays from 11 samples: grab: 0.01 to Long: 94.060 0.36 oz. Au/ton. Chip: 0.01 to 0.18 oz. Au/ton. 219. Olympia Mine Glass Tp., NW shore of ODM Statistical Files Production: 1906-1915: 332 oz. Au ft Helldiver Bay, Shoal Lk. (Olympia Gold Mining Ltd. )58 oz. Ag from 1,598 tons = 0.20 oz. NTS: 52E/10SW Kenora Regional Geologist Au/ton. 5 Sh w/deepest to 125 ft., Lat: 49.580 Files (Machin Cis.; also 3 tunnels for total of 962 ft. of Long: 94.960 Olympia Loc. M.11). lateral work. 125 ft. tunnel sampled Canadian Mines Handbook, every 10 ft. yielded 0.107 oz. Au/ton 1964, p.184. Av. width (44 in. wide). Basic meta- Survey of Mines 1969,p.l71. volcanics intruded by porphyry dikes. ODM MP 22,p.12-14, 1968. Au with py in q. and q.-carbonate veins in NW fractures. 220. Ontario Glass Tp., Bag Bay, Kenora Regional Geologist 1899: 4 Sh.: 55 ft.; 44 ft.; 65 ft. and Occurrence Shoal Lake (Cis. Files (Ontario Ltd. Gold 75 ft. w/20 ft. of lateral development. D203-204 4 S74) Mining Co.) Additional surface work in 1928. NTS: 52E/10SW ODM Vol.7,pt.l,p.53-4 Reported that 50 tons were removed Lat: 49.580 (1898) from a test pit for a mill test. 12 veins, Long: 94.980 8,p.68(1899) largest being 900 ft. by 4.5 ft. striking NE. Veins composed of q. and felsite and cuts mafic volcanic rocks.

31 221. Ophir Mine Sultana Is., Lake of the Kenora Regional Geologist Production: 1893, 1894, 1900, 1911: Woods Files (Ophir Mine) 6,089 tons produced total value of NTS: 52E/9NW ODM Vols:20,pt.l,p.l71 322,677. Keewatin basalts intruded by Lat: 49.700 (1911) granite stock. Veins in sheared por Long: 94.400,p.100 (1912) phyry in granite are up to 6.5 ft. wide 22. pt.l,p.226-7 (1913) and are alternating bands of q. and 30,pt.2,p.58(1921) chlorite schist. One assay of 342.60/ 34,pt.6,p.l9-20(1925) ton reported but the year the sample 49,pt.l,p.22(1940) was taken is not known.

222.Orion SWof Carleton Lk., Kenora Regional Geologist 1900 - 50 ft. Sh. Q. stringers in schist, Occurrence between Upper & Lower Files (Orion Mine) striking NE. Manitou Lakes (Loc. not ODM Vol.9 (1900) exact) NTS: 52F/7SW Lat: 49.350 Long: 92.860 223. O©sullivan IR38B, S. of Hilly Lake, Kenora Regional Geologist Abaco GML: several Tr. and pits; 900 J.J. Prospect E. of Kenora Files (Split Lk. Gold Mines; to 1,000 ft. of DD with highest assay NTS: 52E/9NW Abaco Gold Mines) of 0.04 oz./ton. Grab samples yielded Lat: 49.740 ODM Vol.45,pt.3,p.43 (1936) 0.46 to 0.08 oz. Au/ton. Carbonated Long: 94.380 shear zone with q.-carbonate veins and lenses. Split Lake GML: 206 ft. Sh. with 234 ft. of underground develop ment. Zone exposed for an 85 ft. length with an av. width of 3 ft. Sampling of the vein in the Sh. at 6 ft. intervals reported to have av. 0.86 oz. Au/ton. An assay of 0.53 oz. Au/ton across 3 ft. for an 80 ft. length was reported. 224. Oxford Upper Manitou Lake Kenora Regional Geologist 1899 - 77 ft. Sh. w/24 ft. development Occurrence (CI. S.V. 129) Files (Oxford Mine) work. Stringers of q. in schist. NTS: 52F/7NE ODM Vol.9,p.61 (1900) Lat: 49.460 Long: 92.730

225. Page Forgie Tp., Lake of Two ODM GR 41,p.45(1965) 1944: Tr. and sampling. Grab samples Occurrence Mountains, W.of Kenora Kenora Regional Geologist of pyritized q. ran 0.01 to 0.20 oz. NTS: 52E/10NW Files (Page Group) Au/ton. Q. veins striking 75O in meta- Lat: 49.71 0 sediments and felsic tuff. Long: 94.950

226. Pathfinder SW part of Melgund Tp. Kenora Regional Geologist Sh: 20 ft. deep. 12 samples gave an av. Occurrence Dyment area Files (Pathfinder assay of 0.43 oz. Au/ton. Grab sample NTS: 52F/9SW Syndicate) from the dump assayed 0.43 oz./ton. Lat: 49.550 Another sample near the old sh. gave Long: 92.380 1.14 oz./ton for 3.5 ft. 2 27. Pay master Upper Manitou Lake Kenora Regional Geologist 1903-10: 325 ft. Sh w/3 levels and Prospect near W shore of Kabagukski Files (Paymaster Mine) 1,235 ft. lateral development. Basic Lk.; (CI. HW 20) ODM Vols:14,p.54 (1905) metavolcanic country rock with 2 NE NTS: 52F/7NE 18, (1909) trending, lenticular q. veins - 30 ft. Lat: 49.440 19, (1910) apart, 1.5 to 2 ft. wide (one increases Long: 92.700 20, p.186 (1911) with depth to 11 ft. wide) 42, pt.4,p.26 (1933) 228. Peninsula Bay North Central Shore of Kenora Regional Geologist Approximately 900 ft. DD in 6 holes Occurrence Kakagi Lake Files (Peninsula Bay, near a diorite - metavolcanic contact. NTS: 52F/4NW Crow Lk.) Some porphyry. Heavy py minerali Lat: 49.240 zation at surface. Long: 93.820

229. Petrie, D.C. 5 mi. N. of Lower Manitou ODM Vol.43,pt.4,p.l2(1934) 1899: 60 ft. Sh. on q. vein. Vein Occurrence Lk., (CI. HW 515) traced 250 ft. Assays: 0.096 and NTS: 52F/6SE 0.330 oz. Au/ton. Lat: 49.31 0 32 Long: 93.070 230. Pidgeon SW corner of Hyndman Kenora Regional Geologist Mineralized q. vein in a shear zone (Dyment Group) Tp. E. of Dyment (Loc. Files (Pidgeon Prop. - cutting a massive diorite. Strikes Occurrence not exact) Dyment Gp.) 3270. Trenches for a length of 1250 NTS: 52F/9SE ft. Assays reported 0.06 to 0.08 oz./ Lat: 49.550 ton, occasionally as high as 1.0 oz. Long: 92.110

231. Pidgeon (Bob Bob Lake, 5 mi. E. of Kenora Regional Geologist 100 ft. long q. vein with high Au Lake) Eagle Lake Files (Pidgeon, G.L. Occ. values. Drilling gave a vertical depth of Occurrence NTS: 52F/10NW Bob Lk.) 110 ft. to the vein. 1,114 ft. DD in 5 Lat: 49.71 0 ODM PR 1963-2,p.39 holes. One 6 in. section assayed 2.09 Long: 92.930 oz. Au/ton, but assay values were generally low.

232. Pidgeon Melgund Tp., Dyment Kenora Regional Geologist 1959 - 14 DD holes. Shear zone Tr. for Occurrence area, (Cis. SW 254, 263) Files (Pidgeon Prop.- 1,320 ft. V.g. in one pit. Lenses or NTS: 52F/9SW Cl. K-11779) stringers l in. to l ft. wide. Grab Lat: 49.570 samples assayed from 0.01 oz. to Long: 92.320 2.95 oz./ton.

233. Pine Portage E. of Pine Portage Bay, Kenora Regional Geologist Sh. to 100 ft. w/110 ft. of lateral dev. Prospect Lake of the Woods Files (Pine Portage) on 35 ft. level. Small mill. Dewatered NTS: 52E/9NW Royal Commission 1890, and sampled in 1932. Approx. 1000 Lat: 49.71 0 p.116. ft. DD around 1970. Au-bearing q.- Long: 94.360 filled shear zone in mafic vole., (Str. 170O ), approx. 7 ft. wide. Q. contains Py, cPy, gn, sph, native Ag, Cu. Samples taken every 5 ft. over drift length of 100 ft. av. 0.12 oz. Au/ton over 3.5 ft. Assays up to 12 oz. Au/ ton reported. 234. Pioneer Pioneer Island, SW part ODM Vol.48,pt.4,p.24 80 ft. Sh. with 160 ft. of drifting on Island Occur of Eagle Lake (CI. McA245) (1939) 70 ft. level. rence NTS: 52F/11NW Lat: 49.660 Long: 93.31 0 235. Pitt Van Horne Tp., Dryden ODM Vol.20,pt.l,p.l92 12 ft. Sh. in 7 ft. wide q. vein near Occurrence area (1911) contact between diabase and altered NTS: 52F/10NW q. porphyry. Lat: 49.71 0 Long: 92.900

236. Poirier Tweedsmiur Tp., Snake Kenora Regional Geologist Mineralized zone 10 ft. to 18 ft. wide Occurrence Bay, Lake of the Woods Files (Poirier Gp.-Snake by 2,000 ft. long. Tr. at 100 ft. NTS: 52E/8SE Bay) intervals for 1,600 ft. Sampling gave Lat: 49.320 scattered low values. Long: 93.990

237. Popham- Magnet Point, Shoal Lake Kenora Regional Geologist Over 300 ft. DD in 4 holes; extensive Byberg NTS: 52E/6NE& USE Files (Popham-Byberg Tr. Q. veins in shear zone and felsic Occurrence Lat: 49.500 Gold Occ.jPopham- dike. 3 samples ran: 0.04 oz./l.S ft., Long: 95.130 Olsen Prop.; S. Cranston 0.11 OZ./4.0 ft., 0.09 OZ./4.5 ft. A Cis.) few assays reported as high as 1.12 oz. Au/ton.

238. Princess Jaffray Tp., Kenora area ODM Vol.7,pt.l,p.58 1897: 65 ft. Sh. Free Au in q. vein. Occurrence NTS: 52E/16SW (1898) Lat: 49.850 Long: 94.350 239. Purdex Ewart Tp., SE of Electrum Mineral Resources Branch 1958: Tr. and 37 DDK. Indicated Prospect Lake (Ottawa) File (Alcock tonnage: 76,500 at 0.32 oz. Au/ton. NTS: 52E/11NE Prop. 11 A High Lk.) Q. veins filling gash fractures in mafic Lat: 49.71 0 Kenora Regional Geologist lavas and intrusive masses of q.- Long: 95.080 Files (Duncan Cis.; feldspar porphyry. Py, po, cpy noted. Purdex Mines) ODM GR 41,pt.36-8 (1965) 33 240. Quarry Quarry Is., Bigstone Bay, Kenora Regional Geologist Pit on 8 ft. wide q. vein. Vein striking Island Lake of the Woods Files (Richards Prop.; 1100. Reported that 66 oz. Au were Occurrence NTS: 52E/9NW Quarry Is.) removed from this pit. 1944: 4 sam Lat: 49.7O0 ples ranged from trace to 0.12 oz. Long: 94.410 Au/ton.

241. Queen E. side of Carelton Lake, ODM Vol.42,pt.4,p.27 1904: 85 ft. Sh. on q. vein. 18 tons at Alexandra Upper Manitou Lake area (1933) 0.89 oz. Au/ton reportedly, mined. Occurrence (CI. HW 270) Grab sample yielded 0.1 oz. Au/ton. NTS: 52F/7SW Lat: 49.350 Long: 92.830 242. Queen Bee Queen Bee Island, Pine ODM Vol.8 (1899) 1899 - 30 ft. Sh. 2 parallel veins Occurrence Portage Bay, Lake of the striking 20O. Woods (CI. P.390) NTS: 52E/9NW Lat: 49.700 Long: 94.420

243. Quyta Pickerel Tp., N. of Sioux Lookout Resident Intermediate to basic porphyry dike Occurrence Pickerel Arm, Minnitaki Geologist Files (Quyta) cutting andesite, contains q. filled Lake Northern Miner, Sept.28, fractures l to 3 in. wide with gold NTS: 52F/16 NE 1950. and sparse pyrite. Grab samples Lat: 49.970 ODM GR 7 5 along a 900 ft. length ran from 0.02 Long: 92.200 to 6.0 oz. Au/ton. DD in 1951. 244. Rajah Jaffray Tp., Kenora area ODM Vol.3,p.28 (1893) 2 Sh.: 60 ft. and 63 ft. deep. Initially, Occurrence NTS: 52E/16SW spectacular assay results reported. Lat: 49.800 Long: 94.370 245. Red Cedar N. of Bennett Lk. on Kenora Regional Geologist Tr. and l DDK. Main Tr. gave values Lk. Occurrence W. border of Bennett Tp. Files (Red Cedar Lake scattered across zone over 200 ft. long, NTS: 52C/16SW& SE GML) including one 3.5 ft. section of 0.25 Lat: 48.780 oz. Au/ton. Q. veins in iron formation Long: 92.280 bands within greenstone, with some narrow dikes of q. porphyry, felsite, and lamprophyre. 246. Redeemer Van Horne Tp., Kenora Regional Geologist Production: 1905, 1918: 108 oz. Au Mine Dryden Area Files (Redeemer Mine; from 550 tons = Q.2 oz. Au/ton. Also NTS: 52F/10NW Smith Prop.) reported was 1,408 tons mined at Lat: 49.71 0 ODM Vols: ll,p.244-5 0.24 oz. Au/ton. 1900-04: 235 ft. Long: 92.870 (1901) Sh. w/levels at 100 ft. A 200 ft. with 14, pt.l,p.49(1905) 683 ft. of lateral development. 1918- 29, pt.l,p.66-7 (1920) 20: dewatered and sampled. Inter 50, pt.2,p.48-9 (1941) mediate to basic metavolcanics and agglomerate intruded by basic and acid dikes and veins. Main vein is 8 ft. wide at surface and widens to 10.5 ft. at depth. 247. Regina Willingdon Tp., Regina ODM Statistical Files (Regina Production: 1895-99, 1902, 1904-5, Mine Bay, Lake of the Woods Canada Gold Mines Ltd.) 1936, 1941-3: Over 8,000 oz. Au, and (CI. P.566) Kenora Regional Geologist 1,460 oz. Ag from 36,828 tons. Aver NTS: 52E/5NW Files (Regina Mine; Horse age yearly grade ranged from 0.15 to Lat: 49.400 shoe Mine; Regina Reef 0.38 oz. Au/ton. 1895-1905: Main Sh. Long: 94.040 Mines) 550 ft. deep w/over 3,000 ft. of lateral Canadian Mines Handbook, dev. on 9 levels. One Ad. 214 ft. long. (l969) (Silver Belle) Four other Sh., 142 ft. total. Some ODM PR 1965-2, p.44-5 DD. 1940-42: Undg. sampling and DD Basic metavolcanics intruded by gran ite. Lenticular veins near and normal to contact, several inches to 12 to 15 ft. wide. 248. Reliance Between Upper and Lower Kenora Regional Geologist No.l Sh: grab sample assayed 0.14 oz. Prospect Manitou Lakes Files (Reliance Mine; Au/ton. No.2 Sh: 97 ft. deep w/150 NTS: 52F/7SW Westerfield Mine) ft. lateral development. No.3 Sh: 85 Lat: 49.340 ODM Vol.42,pt.4,p.33-5 ft. deep. Q. vein traced on surface, 34 Long: 92.860 (1933) by pits and Sh., for 800 feet. 249. Robertson W. Side of Cedartree Lk. Kenora Regional Geologist Grab samples reported as high as 0.37 E.M. Occurrence NTS: 52F/5SW Files (E.M. Robertson) oz. Au/ton. Channel sampling gave less Lat: 49.310 than 0.06 oz. Au/ton over a good Long: 93.870 width. Pit sampling gave 0.05 oz. Au/ ton over 72 ft.

250. Rognon NW shore of Contact Bay, ODM Statistical Files (Rognon Production: 1916-18: 22 oz. Au from Prospect Wabigoon Lake Gold Mines Ltd.; Contact 49 tons * 0.45 oz. Au/ton. 106 ft. NTS: 52F/10NW Bay Mines Ltd.) Sh. w/2 levels and 197 ft. lateral Lat: 49.700 ODM Vols:26,pt.l,p.l84 development. Intermediate to basic Long: 92.820 (1917) lavas intruded by gabbro and granite. 27. pt.l,p.87 (1918) Au bearing vein cuts lava, strikes 292O 28. pt.l,p.9(1919) and is 2 in. to 2 ft. wide. Q. vein 50, pt.2,p.49(1941) impregnated by hematite. 251. Roseman Jaffray Tp., Kenora area Kenora Regional Geologist 105 ft. DDK A 35 ft. Tr. Mafic volcan Occurrence (CI. P.318) Files (Roseman-Lantz- ics cut by a q. vein carrying Au St py, NTS: 52E/16SW Cl. P.318) striking 305O. Grab samples reported Lat: 49.800 to assay 0.21 oz. Au/ton. Other sam Long: 94.37 0 ples reported to assay from 0.40 to 1.11 oz. Au/ton. 252. Roseman- N. shore of Isinglass Kenora Regional Geologist 2 pits: 10 ft. and 6 ft. deep. Samples Thompson Lake, NW of Rowan Lk. Files (Roseman-Thompson reported trace to 0.09 oz. Au/ton. NW Occurrence NTS: 52F/5SE Cis.) trending shear zone. Lat: 49.350 Long: 93.690

253. Royal Jaffray Tp., Kenora area ODM Vol.7,pt.2,p.l 10 (1898) Free Au in q.-rich schist band in Occurrence NTS: 52E/16SW granite. Lat: 49.780 Long: 94.350

254. Royal NW shore of Lower ODM Statistical Files (Royal Production: 1902: 23 tons/ 0.29 oz. Sovereign Manitou Lake Sovereign) Au/ton. 1897-1902: 105 ft. Sh. w/ Prospect NTS: 52F/7SW Kenora Regional Geologist levels at 65 ft. A 100 ft. and 66 ft. Lat: 49.290 Files (Royal Sovereign) drifting. Basic metavolcanics intruded Long: 92.940 ODM Vols: 7,p.l22 (1898) by NE striking q. porphyry. 6 parallel ll,p.247-8(1902) q. veins across 50 f t.-largest: l ft. 42, pt.4,p.26-7 (1938) wide, strikes 70O. Samples assayed $0.20/ton (date unknown).

255. Roy SE end of Shingwak Lk., ODM Vol.42, pt.4,p.85-6 Lenticular q. vein - 6 to 8 ft. wide by (Shingwak Lake) Rowan Lk. area (1933) 250 ft. long in mafic metavolcanics. Occurrence NTS: 52F/5SE Samples ran 0.03 to 0.21 oz. Au/ton Lat: 49.300 and Q.23% to e.2% Cu. Long: 93.660

256. Roy Between Caviar A Hope Kenora Regional Geologist NE©ly q.-carbonate vein traced for 745 (Caviar Lake) Lakes, 13 mi. E. of Files (Roy Prop.-Caviar ft., with a 5 ft. width. Second vein, 8 Occurrence Sioux Narrows. Lake) ft. wide, was traced for 72 ft. 10 grab (Loc. not exact) samples reported trace to 0.12 oz. NTS: 52F/5NW Au/ton. Lat: 49.390 Long: 93.780

257. S 120 Entrance to Helldiver Bay Kenora Regional Geologist Trenches show pyrite, carbonate, A q. Occurrence Shoal Lake Files (S 120) Andesite flows cut by felsic dikes. (now known as NTS: 52E/10SW ODM Vol.9,p.l62 (1900) Johnson Occ.) Lat: 49.560 Long: 94.940

258. Sairy Gamp Grant Lk., N. of Manitou ODM Vol.lO.p.lOO (1901) 1900: 75 ft. Sh. w/24 ft. of lateral Occurrence Stretch (C1.G.149) development on 70 ft. level. Basic NTS: 52F/3NE metavolcanics enclose large NE strik Lat: 49.180 ing q. body. Long: 93.130

35 259. Sakoose N. of Lowery Lk., 6 mi. ODM Statistical Files (Sakoose Production: 1899-1900, 1945, 1947: Mine S. of Dyment. (Cis. Gold Mining; Golden 3,669 oz. Au & 145 oz. Ag from 8,828 HW 416, 475) Whale Mine; Van Houten tons = 0.41 oz. Au/ton. 1898-1902: 3 NTS: 52F/9SW Gold Syndicate) Sh., 80 ft., 165 ft. and 80 ft. deep w/ Lat: 49.530 Kenora Regional Geologist 884 ft. of lateral development. 7,992 Long: 92.340 Files (Sakoose; Van ft. DD., 50 T.P.D. mill. 1934: esti Houten GML) mated tonnage from DD was 50,000 Survey of Mines, 1950,p.225. tons. Interbedded basic metavolcanics ODM Vols: 8,p.72-3 (1899) and metasediments intruded by q.- 9.p.63-4 (1900) feldspar porphyry. Au with sulphides 10.p.l01-2(1901) in blue vitreous q. veins to 7 ft. wide. 11.p.255 (1902) 34,pt.6,p.38-9 (1925) 42,pt.4,p.40(1933) 54,pt.2,p.94(1945) 69,pt.6,p.l,2A 5(1960)

260. San Antonio Ewart Tp., E. side of ODMGR41,p.32(1965) Camp Zone: Q. stringers in carbonate- (Camp 81 Fault High Lake epidote rich basic lavas. Highest assay Zone) Occur NTS: 52E/11NE from DD ** 0.04 oz. Au/ton over l ft. rence Lat: 49.700 Fault Zone: v.g. in parallel shears Long: 0 (striking 65) in porphyry. Py, po, cpy. Highest assays = 0.04 oz. Au/ton and G.06% Cu. 261. Sandybeach MacFie Tp., S. of Mineral Resources Branch Lenticular & discontinuous q. veins in Lake Occur- Sandybeach Lake (Ottawa) File (Sandybeach a large shear zone. 126 ton sample NTS: 52F/16SW Lake) from Tr. returned 0.23 oz. Au/ton. Lat: 49.770 2 ore zones: lengths of 86.8 ft. & Long: 92.390 178.7 ft. reported.. 262. Saundary W. end of Little Turtle ODM Statistical Files Production: 1934: 13 oz. Au from 13 Prospect Lake, Mine Centre area (Saundary Synd.; Swede tons = 1.0 oz. Au/ton. 1897-1900: (C1.E.237) Boy Mine; Headlight Mine) 105 ft. Sh. w/75 ft. drifting. 1929: NTS: 52C/15SE Kenora Regional Geologist 20 tons removed from pit grading Lat: 48.770 Files (Headlight Prop.) 0.85 oz. Au/ton w/av. width of 1.5 Long: 92.650 ft. 1935: 15 tons removed from undg. grading 0.80 oz. Au/ton w/av. width of 3 ft. Mafic metavolcanics enclose 2 veins striking E©ly. Surface sampling indicated av. width of 1.1 ft. w/grades ranging from 0.04 to 0.24 oz. Au/ton. 263. Schmidt 4 mi. E.of Sandybeach Mineral Resources Branch 1,000 ft. DD. Vein system of parallel Occurrence Lake (Ottawa) Files (Schmidt q. stringers in metabasalts, 3-5 ft. (McCombe) NTS: 52F/16SE Property) wide, at least 1,400 ft. long and Lat: 49.830 Sioux Lookout Resident strikes 25O. Erratic values in gold Long: 92.230 Geologist Files (Schmidt) gave assays as high as 3.86 oz. Au/ ODM PR 1951-l,p.ll ton from channel sampling. Scattered ODM Map 41 L. sp., gn, cpy, py. 264. Scotty Scotty Island, Lake of ODM Vol.9,p.42 (1900) 1900: 65 ft. Sh. w/55 ft. lateral dev. Island Occur the Woods (Cl.JC 100) on 60 ft. level. rence NTS: 52E/9NW Lat: 49.660 Long: 94.460 265. Scramble Jaffray Tp., Kenora area Kenora Regional Geologist 1894-1910: 3 compartment Sh. to Prospect NTS: 52E/16SW Files (Scramble) 225 ft. w/ 187 ft. of lateral dev. on Lat: 49.780 ODM Vols: 5,p.l86 (1895) 3 levels. Irregular veins in a group of Long: 94.370 6. p.49,p.8(1897) NW shear zones in altered pillow lavas. 7.p.58(1898) Veins are banded q. St chlorite schist 9, p.37(1900) with disseminated py & cpy. Mill 12, p.96(1903) test reported but no results available. 20,(1911) Grab sample from dump = 0.33 oz. 34, pt.6,p.21 (1925) Au/ton and 0.15 oz. Ag/ton.

36 266. Selby Lk. Trafalgar Bay, Upper Canadian Mines Handbook, 1936-9: 265 ft. Sh. w/1115 ft. of Prospect Manitou Lake 1937, p.237. lateral development on 2 levels; NTS: 52F/7NE Kenora Regional Geologist 6,000 feet dd. Q. lenses in NE©ly shear Lat: 49.430 Files (Edna Mine) zone at contact between basic meta- Long: 92.700 ODM Vols: 47,pt.6,p.3,8,9 volcanics and felsite dike. Ore shoot: (1939) 9 ft. by 318 ft. reported to av. 0.37 48,pt.l,p.l96(1939) oz. Au/ton. ODM Map 47K. 267. Sentinel W. of Kenora (CI.WA 7-9) Kenora Regional Geologist 1898: 2 Sh. - 100 ft. & 40 ft. Q. vein Occurrence NTS: 52E/10SW Files (Sentinel Mines) 6 ft. wide traced for 20 ft. Grab Lat: 49.590 ODM Vol.45,pt.3,p.29 (1936) sample = 0.11 oz. Au/ton. Reported Long: 94.790 that 60 tons milled with satisfactory results. 1935: Low assays reported from dump. Sh. put down on q. in a massive granite host rock.

268. Sewell, E. Dogpaw-Flint Lakes Area Kenora Regional Geologist Extensive Tr. Shear zone along contact Occurrence NTS: 52F/5SW Files (E. Sewell Gp.) of a q.-porphyry dike. Zone trenched Lat: 49.340 over a width of 8 to 21 ft. A length of Long: 93.860 600 ft. Grab samples reported to give 0.27 to 0.66 oz./ton. One grab sample ran 0.82 oz./ton. 269. Sirdar Glass Tp., E. of Bag Bay Kenora Regional Geologist 125 ft. Sh. w/500 ft. drifting & 200 ft. Prospect Shoal Lake (Cis. D410, Files (Sirdar; Kuryliw- tunnel. Veins occur in a sheared zone S 182) Shoal Lake) of altered granite, 3 to 4 ft. wide. NTS: 52E/10SW ODM Vol. 20,p.l65 (1911) Some py and cpy reported. Lat: 49.660 9(1900) Long: 94.950 8(1899)

270. Sirdar Point Sirdar Peninsula, Shoal Davies, J.C., Geol. of the 3 Sh. of 107 ft., 69 ft., 20 ft. and 9 Occurrence Lake North part of Shoal Lake and DD holes of total 2575 ft. Med. gr. NTS: 52E/10SW Western Peninsula (in prep). mafic rocks and q. diorite, with a Lat: 49.620 highly altered zone in the north Long: 94.97 0 related to faulting. 271. Smith, W.W. Meridian Bay, Eagle Lake Canadian Mines Handbook: Narrow, poorly defined q. porphyry Occurrence NTS: 52F/11NE Vol.36,p.35 (Birch Bay dike, cut by q. stringers striking 330O Lat: 49.660 Gold Mines Ltd.) that are less than l in. wide each. Po, Long: 43.210 Mineral Resources Branch cpy * v-g- found along borders of veins. (Ottawa) (Birch Bay Gold Surface sampling of 2 ore shoots re Mines Ltd.; Goldale Mines ported to average: 0.74 oz. over 17 Ltd.) in. by 135 ft. and 0.63 oz. over 22 Kenora Regional Geologist in. by 56 ft. DD gave erraatic values Files (Smith Showings) at depth. ODM Vol.48,pt.4,p.22 (1939) 272. South N. shore, Bad Vermilion Kenora Regional Geologist Also known as Pacitto Prop. Eleven Vermilion Lake, Mine Centre area Files (Verlac Gold Mines) Au bearing veins, 21 test pits, 118 ft. Occurrence NTS: 52C/15SE Sh. Bulk sample - 298 Ibs. - 0.98 oz. Lat: 48.760 Au/ton, 0.34 oz. Ag/ton, Q.17% Cu. Long: 92.660 Vein system 5,000 ft. by 2 to 3 ft. wide in Q. porphyry, strikes E-W to NW. Some very high assays reported from test pits.

273. Standard Echo Bay, Lake of the ODM Vol.6,p.49 (1896) 25 ft. Sh. 2 lodes: widest is 26 ft. Occurrence Woods (CI. Me A 51) Veins stripped for 150 ft. Average NTS: 52E/10NW assay 1.25 oz/ton. Lat: 49.640 Long: 94.890

274. Stella Prospect Manross Tp. & Code Tp. Canadian Mines Handbook, 1897-1900: 4 Sh (278 ft. total), Ad. between Lac LaBelle & 1935, p.35 (104 ft.), extensive Tr. Mafic meta- Stella Lake Kenora Regional Geologist volcanics intruded to N. by a granite NTS: 52E/9NE Files (Stella-Lac LaBelle batholith. Cut by several shear zones Lat: 49.640 Mines Synd.; Blue Star; and q. veins. One ranged from 0.2 to Long: 94.230 E.J. Stone Cis.; Hutchin 6.92 oz. Au/ton for 60 ft. length ft l son, Percy Gp.) ft. to 3 ft. width. ODM Vols: 7,pt.l,p.38-9(1898) 8,p.62-3 (1899) 10,p.91 (1901) 44,pt.4,p.40-l (1935) 46,pt.l,p.l04 (1937) 37 275. Stellar Gold NW shore of Bad Kenora Regional Geologist One Sh. 24 ft. deep on q. vein, 2 ft. Mines Vermilion Lake, Mine Files (Stellar Gold Mines wide by 150 ft. long, striking 75O. Occurrence Centre Area Ltd.) Two other shallow sh. Assays reported NTS: 52C/10NE from Sh & surface - trace to 1.42 oz./ Lat: 48.740 ton over short distances. Other vein Long: 92.700 structures reported to give 0.17 oz./ ton. At least 9 veins carrying minerali zation reported. Q. veins in q. por phyry, chlorite schist, metadiorite, and hornblende gabbro.

276. Stewart Hodgson Tp., SE of Kenora Regional Geologist 20 ft. Sh. on q. vein 12 to 14 ft. wide Occurrence Dyment (Cis. 93E, 99E) Files (Stewart, M.) and traceable for 500 ft. NTS: 52F/8NE Lat: 49.520 Long: 92.110

277. Straw Lake Straw Lk., E. of ODM Statistical Files (Straw Production: 1938-41: 11,568 oz. Au Beach Mine Pipestone Lake Lk. Beach Gold Mines; and 1,049 oz. Ag from 33,662 tons ~ NTS: 52F/3NW McKay, G.) 0.34 oz. Au/ton. Sh 723 ft. deep, Lat: 49.130 Kenora Regional Geologist w/6 levels, winze w/ one level, 4,631 Long: 93.360 Files (Straw Lake Beach ft. lateral development, 60 ton mill. Gold Mines Synd.; Mine reportedly closed in 1941 due to Johnston, W.; McKay, G.; power shortage. Manager reported good Young, Dr. D. Cis.) and continuous ore on the 700 ft. Canadian Mines Handbook, level. Surface sampling indicated zone 1969-70, p.234 600 ft. by 13 in. wide of 0.8 oz. Au/ ODM PR 1965-2, p.45-6. ton. Vein in sheared metavolcanics, ODM Vols: 44,pt.4,p.25-7 strikes 80O. Property located just S. of (1935) granite batholith, and underlain by 51,pt.l,p.l93(1942) locally brecciated rhyolite, intruded by q. porphyry dikes. 278. Straw Lake Straw Lake, E. of ODM Vol.43,pt.4,p.26 Q. veins l to 64 in. wide. Assay of Occurrence Pipestone Lake (1934) 0.14 oz. Au/ton reported. NTS: 52F/3SW Lat: 49.130 Long: 93.400 279. Sullivan- N. side of Line Bay in ODM Vol.44,pt.4,p.24 A flat-lying vein in greenstone, 6 Phinney Pipestone Lake (1935) in. wide, contains some sulphides and Occurrence NTS: 52F/3SW V.G. Some Tr. reported. Lat: 39.090 Long: 93.490 280. Sullivan E. of Cameron Lk. Mineral Resources Branch 1899-1933: 2 Sh., 110 and 33 ft. Prospect NTS: 52F/5SE (Ottawa) File (Sullivan deep, w/111 ft. of lateral develop Lat: 49.290 Mine) ment. Folded basic metavolcanics and Long: 93.650 Kenora Regional Geologist metasediments west of a granitic Files (Sullivan Mine) stock. Ore zone is a sheared porphyry ODM Vols: 9,p.49 (1900) (sericite schist) striking 820. No assay 10,p.40,74 (1901) results. 42,pt.4,p.89-90(1933) 281. Sultana Sultana Island, Lake of ODM Statistical Files (Sultana Production: 1894-1906, 1949: 15,977 Mine the Woods Gold Mines) oz. Au, from 77,481 tons ~ 0.21 oz. NTS: 52E/9NW Royal Commission 1890,p.64 Au/ton. Number of Sh. on property, Lat: 49.710 109, 118, 446. deepest to 600 ft. Extensive lateral Long: 94.400 Canadian Mines Handbook, development, some DDH, 20 to 30 1960,p.238 TPD mill. Folded basic and felsic Kenora Regional Geologist metavolcanics, chert and q. porphyry Files (Sultana Mine) striking NE, all intruded by por ODM Vols: 3,p.l6-19(1893) phyritic granite. 5 q. veins in q. por 9, p.38-42 (1900) phyry and in basic metavolcs. near 34, pt.6,p.!5-19(1925) granite contact. Veins up to 20 ft. 44. pt.l,p.l39(1935) wide at surface, narrowing with depth.,p.l56(1936) Au with py and Mo. Tungsten also 59,pt.l,p.lO,20(1950) reported. 282. Superstition S. part of Melgund Tp., Kenora Regional Geologist Rhyolite and greenstone cut by q. Occurrence Dyment area Files (Superstition GML- porphyry and q. veins. One assay NTS: 52F/9SW Grace Gp.) reported s 0.82 oz. Au/ton. Lat: 49.550 Long: 92.370 38 283. Swanson SE corner of Aubrey Tp., Kenora Regional Geologist Sh. of unknown depth. Several Tr. Occurrence Eagle Lake (CI. McA230) Files (Morning Star; H. One vein (consisting of several small NTS: 52F/11NE Ha wes) veinlets gave assays around 1.0 oz./ Lat: 49.740 ODM Vol.48,pt.4,p.24 ton. Q. veinlets in highly schistose, Long: 93.100 (1939) chloritic zone.

284. Swede Boys Swede Boys Is., Upper ODM Vol.42, pt.4,p.36 2 Sh. and several pits. Q. vein, 2 ft. Island Manitou Lake (Cis. HP (1933) by 15 ft. Native Au in schist, sample Occurrence 259-260) ran 0.29 oz. Au/ton. Stringer vein NTS: 52F/7NW system also reported, 6 ft. wide. Also Lat: 49.390 2 ft. wide q. lenses in massive agglo Long: 92.820 merate and tuff. 285. Swede Boys SW of Upper Manitou Lk. ODM Vol.43,pt.4,p.26-7 Vein material exposed by Tr. for (Merrill Claims) NTS: 52F/7SW (1934) strike length of 1065 ft. V.g., py, cpy, Occurrence Lat: 49.360 in q. veins within shear zone in massive Long: 92.870 mafic volcanic. Shear zone up to 10 ft. wide, main q. vein up to 18 in. wide. Chip sample s 0.16 oz. Au/ton over 3 ft. 286. Sylvanite Dogpaw Lake Kenora Regional Geologist 1945: 287 ft.DD Assays reported are (North Dogpaw) NTS: 52F/5SW Files (Sylvanite, North less than 0.15 oz. Au/ton. Occurrence Lat: 49.370 Dogpaw Cis.) Long: 93.870

287. Sylvanite S. of Jessie Lake, Kenora Regional Geologist 2 tunnels, 651 ft. DD in 3 holes, 6 Tr. (Jessie Lake) Kakagi Lake area Files (Sylvanite Opt., One Tr. sample ran 0.42 oz. Au/ton Occurrence NTS: 52F/5SW Williams-Caswell Prop.) over 4.0 ft.,also intersection in DDH Lat: 49.300 w/same assay over 5.0 ft. Other assays Long: 93.940 up to 0.16 oz. Au/ton over 2 to 3 ft. wide. Q. veins strike 70O and are 6 to 7 ft. wide in a 60 ft. wide carbonate- chlorite rich zone. 288. Sylvanite Forgie Tp., Lake of Mineral Resources Branch Sampled in 1944, mostly trace Au, Occurrence Two Mountains, W. of (Ottawa) File (Forgie best assay reported was 0.4 oz. Au/ Kenora Tp.) ton. Q. veins in metasediments. NTS: 52E/10NW Lat: 49.71 0 Long: 94.900

289. Tabor SW of Dyment Mineral Resources Branch Production: 1935: 36 oz. Au ft 4 oz. Prospect (Cis. SV258) (Ottawa) File (Tabor Lk.) Ag from 87 tons = 0.41 oz. Au/ton. NTS: 52F/9SW ODM Statistical Files (Clark Indicated tonnage: 50,000 tons of Lat: 49.540 Gold Mines Ltd.) 0.5 oz. Au/ton reported. Sh.: 280 ft. - Long: 92.410 Kenora Regional Geologist levels at 68 ft., 125 ft., 250 ft., 909 Files (Clark Gold Mines; ft. of lateral development, 15 T.P.D. Tabor Lk. G.M.; Sylvanite mill. Basic metavolcanics intruded by GML) q.-porphyry. Irregularly shaped por Canadian Mines Handbook, phyry body, 200 ft. thick, strikes E 1969, p.343. and is cut by Au-qtz. veins. 290. Thrasher, J. Bigstone Bay, Lake of Kenora Regional Geologist Extensive Tr. and pits. 30 ft. Sh. Au Occurrence the Woods Files (J. Thrasher; in q. veins and in altered schist adja NTS: 52E/9NW Thrasher Prop.; Earngey- cent to the veins. Zone is reported to Lat: 49.690 Lindburg Prop.) be 8 to 40 ft. wide by 4,000 ft. Local Long: 94.330 high assays appeared to be discontinu ous. Chip samples across 9 in. q. vein ^ 2.68 oz. Au/ton and 2.25 oz. Au/ton. 25 in. q. vein s 0.05 oz. Au/ton. 32 in. q. vein z 0.02 oz. Au/ton. 291. Thrasher- Pipestone Point, Andrew Kenora Regional Geologist Channel samples reported 0.08 oz./ Williams Bay, Lake of the Woods Files (Thrasher-Williams) ton/4 ft., 0.58 oz./ton/5 ft., 0.15 Occurrence NTS: 52E/9NW ozJton/5 ft., 0.16 oz./ton/S ft. Lat: 49.620 2 grab samples from a q. vein re Long:94.390 ported: a) 0.02 oz. Au/ton, Q.41% Cu, Q.78% Zn; b) trace Au, 0.08 Ag, 0.127oCu, 0.737oZn. 292. Trasher P-218 Jaffray Tp., E. of Kenora Kenora Regional Geologist Low Au values from 7 DD holes. Occurrence NTS: 52E/16SW Files (Thrasher-Horne- Best intersection = 0.31 oz. Au/ton Lat: 49.760 Thurston; Horne Prop.) /2.0 ft. 3 zones reported along a Long: 94.420 total length of 2,000 ft. Shear zone striking 14O, in metavolcanics, con tains q. stringers and disseminated sulphides. Formerly known as Black Hawk and Black Eagle. 293. Three Boys Tp., Clearwater Bay, ODM Vol.45,pt.3,p.30 1890-91: 45 ft. Sh. w/50 ft. drifting; Friends Lake of the Woods (1936) 3 other Sh. and 3 test pits. 2 ft. wide Occurrence NTS: 52E/10NW q. vein. Grab sample ran 0.02 oz. Au/ Lat: 49.690 ton. Long: 94.770 294. Tillie Lake Between Empire and ODM GR lll.p.40 (1973) Extensive Tr. on Au-bearing q. veins. Portage Tillie Lakes. Reportedly high grade sections. Occurrence NTS: 52F/5NE Lat: 49. l O0 Long: 93.660 295. Tobacco Lake 2 mi. S. of Tobacco Lk., Mineral Resource Circular Near mafic metavolcanic-granite con Occurrence S. of Dinorwic Lake 13 tact. NTS: 52F/10SE Lat: 49.550 Long: 92.520 296. Toronto St Bag Bay, Shoal Lake ODM Vol.8 (1899) 2 Sh.: 120 ft. and 57 ft. deep. 4 ft. Western Co. (CI. D410) wide zone of altered granite impreg Occurrence NTS: 52E/10SW nated by q. 8f py. Adjoins Mikado on Lat: 49.590 the E. Long: 94.960 2 97.Treasure SW part of Haycock ODM Statistical Files Production: 1898: 29 oz. Au from 34 Prospect Tp., E. of Kenora (Treasure Mine) tons s 0.85 oz. Au/ton. 3 Sh. before (Cis. P.400, 409) Kenora Regional Geologist 1900: 60 ft., 100 ft., and 28 ft. deep. NTS: 52E/9NW Files (Treasure Mine) Some lateral development. 4 DDH in Lat: 49.750 ODM Vols: 3,p.30 (1893) 1949. Also worked in mid 1950©s. Long: 94.330 9,p.38(1900) Q. veins in granodiorite. V.G. report ed. Best intersections from 2 DDH = 1.71 oz. Au/ton/1.5 ft. and 1.65 oz. Au/ton/0.6 ft. Other intersections included 0.33 oz. Au/ton/1.3 ft. and 0.54 oz. Au/ton/0.5 ft. 298. Triggs Code Tp., SE of Kenora Mineral Resources Branch Sh. 225 ft. deep w/826 ft. of lateral Prospect (Cis. McA 56, 129) (Ottawa) File (Rexora development on 2 levels. DD in 1951. NTS: 52E/9NE Mining Co. Ltd.) 100 tons removed in 1900. Two veins Lat: 49.61 0 Kenora Regional Geologist or shear zones 150 ft. apart. Assays Long: 94.170 Files (Triggs; Rexora over 1.0 oz. Au/ton from 14 samples. Mining Co. Ltd.) Bulk sample from shaft in 1950 ran Canadian Mines Handbook, 0.5 oz. Au/ton, 1.5 oz. Ag/ton, 49k 1950, p.170. 4^0 copper. ODM Vols: 7,p.39(1898) 8.p.63(1899) 9. p.43(1900) 10. p.72(1901)

299. Triumph Haycock Tp., E. of ODM Vol.8,p.55-6 (1899) 1898: Sh. 226 ft. deep w /one level Occurrence Kenora (CI. CI2) and 80 ft. of drifting. NTS: 52E/9NW Lat: 49.740 Long: 94.340

300. Trojan Phillips Tp., Whitefish Kenora Regional Geologist 2 Sh.: 114 ft. total. Several lenses of q. Occurrence Bay, Lake of the Woods Files (Trojan) exposed for 40 ft. by 15 in. wide in (Cis. 577, WA 4) ODM Vols: 9 (1900) parallel shear zones striking NE. NTS: 52E/1NE 52,pt.4,p.15(1943) Lat: 49.240 40 Long: 94.010 301. Turtlepond W. of Kaminnassin Bay, Kenora Regional Geologist 9 to 12 in. q. vein, containing v.g., Lake Dinorwic Lake Files (Whitewater Gold in an altered, fractured andesite. Occurrence NTS: 52F/10SE Mines Ltd.) Lat: 49.540 Long: 92.620 302. Twentieth SW shore of Upper ODM Statistical Files - Production: 1902-03: 8,688 tons Century Mine Manitou Lake (Twentieth Century Mining mined, av. grade - 0.28 oz. Au/ton. NTS: 52F/7SW Co.) Sh.: 40 ft. ft 389 ft. w/4 levels and Lat: 49.370 Kenora Regional Geologist 658 ft. of lateral development. Basic Long: 92.860 Files (Twentieth Century) metavolcanics enclosing E-W striking ODM Vols: ll,p.248-250 lenticular q. veins and stringers to (1902) 25 ft. in width. 13. pt.l,p.67 (1904) 14. pt.l,p.51 (1905) 303. Tycoon Islands in Bag Bay, Kenora Regional Geologist 1898-1899: Sh. 78 ft. deep and 713 ft. Occurrence Shoal Lake (Cis. D219-21, Files (Tycoon; Kuryliw, DD. Believed to be an extension of JES 54) C.J., Bag Bay Grp., Shoal the Mikado No.2 vein. Qtz. veins in NTS: 52E/10SW Lake) massive, altered q. diorite. DD hole: Lat: 49.600 ODM Vols: 9, (1900) No.l - C1.D219 - 1.0 oz. Au/ton over Long: 94.960 20,(1911) 11 ft. width. No.2 - 3.75 oz. Au/ton over 19 ft., 3.20 oz. Au/ton over 12.5 ft, No.3 - 0.37 oz. Au/ton over 26 ft., 0.92 oz. Au/ton over 6.5 ft. 304. Van Houten W. of Moose Bay in ODM Statistical Files (Van Production: 1940: 3 oz. Au from 150 Prospect Dinorwic Lake Houten Gold Syndicate) tons = 0.02 oz./ton. Sh. 32 ft. deep, NTS: 52F/10SE Canadian Mines Register, 12 Tr. 500 ft. long, test pits, and 10 Lat: 49.590 1960, p.396. T.P.D. mill. Intermediate to basic Long: 92.640 ODM Vol.50, pt.l.p.140-1; metavolcanics with interbedded agglo pt.2,p.46-7 (1941) merate intruded by granitic stock Si. dioritic mass. 10 in. q. veins in granite parallel shearing and strike 330O. Py, cpy and mo were noted in the wall rock. 305. Victoria S. of Clearwater Bay, Lake Kenora Regional Geologist One 6 ft. wide q. vein, striking 50O, Island Occur of the Woods Files (Victoria Island) traced for 150 ft. Several smaller rence NTS: 52E/10NW veins noted. Grab sample assays ran Lat: 49.660 trace to 0.01 oz. Au/ton. Long: 94.790

306. Victory NW of town of Gold Rock, Kenora Regional Geologist 1896-7: 100 ft. Sh. 2 q. veins, 6 in. Occurrence Upper Manitou Lake Files (Victory) wide, grab sample ran trace Au. A (CI. McA 28) ODM Vols: 7,p.2 (1898) 55 ft. Sh was reported on adjacent NTS: 52F/7NE 20(1911) Edna Brydges property. Lat: 49.450 42,pt.4,p.27 (1933) Long: 92.720 307. Viger SE of Straw Lk., 3 mi. Kenora Regional Geologist Assays reported trace to 0.07 oz. Au/ Occurrence W. of Manitou Stretch Files (Viger Cis.) ton and 0.35 to 0.70 oz. Ag/ton. NTS: 52F/3NW Lat: 49.120 Long: 93.350

308. Viking Eagle Lake (C1.S446) ODM Vols: 10,p.96 (1901) 1903: 85 ft. Sh. Q. vein 4 to 6 ft. Occurrence NTS: 52F/11NW 13, p.l, (1904) wide. Lat: 49.680 Long: 43.330

309. Villbona Echo Tp., 0.5 mi. N. of Sioux Lookout Resident Surface work and approx. 18,700 ft. Prospect Franciscan Lake. Geologist Files (Villbona of DD NE trending intermediate to NTS: 52F/16NW Mine) basic metavolcanics intruded by ir Lat: 49.920 Canadian Mines Handbook, regular masses of q. porphyry. A NE Long: 92.280 1950, p.203;1953,p.348. trending granodiorite dike averaging Survey of Mines 1952,p.275. 100 ft. in width traced for a length of ODM PR 1951-1, p.6 2,000 ft., contains low concentrations of gold mineralization in the walls of q. filled tension fractures. Similar mineralization found in parallel dike to the NE which was traced for 1,000 ft. Drilling and Tr. said to have out lined a dike for a length of 6,500 ft. 41 310. Violet Mine Empire Lake, N. of Mineral Resources Branch Production: 1908: 150 oz. Au from (Empire Mine) Rowan Lake (CI. JES 106) (Ottawa) File (Empire 300 tons = 0.5 oz./ton. 2 Sh.: 12 ft. NTS: 52F/5NE Mine) and 15 ft. Basic metavolcanics and Lat: 49.480 ODM Statistical Files diorites strike NE. Granite stock 0.75 Long: 93.650 (Empire Gold Mining ft mi. to W. 2 veins in shear zones in the Milling Co.) metavolcanics. Q. with py, po, cpy, Kenora Regional Geologist and Au. Files (Chipman Lk. Mines) ODM Vols: 12,p.96(1903) 18,pt.l,p.81 (1909) 42, pt.4,p.79-80(1933) 311. Virginia E. shore of Eliza Lk. Kenora Regional Geologist Sh.: 200 ft. deep with 144 ft. of Prospect NE of Caviar Lake Files (Lizzie; Virginia Mine) underground development. Interband- NTS: 52F/5NE ODM Vols: 8,p.59 (1899) ed acid and basic metavolcanics Lat: 49.41 0 9,p.46-7 (1900) intruded by diorite. Veins in the acid Long: 93.700,p.64 (1904) volcanics parallel the NE©ly schisto,p.76-8 (1933) sity. Surface samples ran 1.1 oz. Au/ ton. Assay from the 200 ft. level ~ 0.56 oz. Pit sample ran 0.75 oz. Au/ ton across 5 ft. 312. Volcanic Upper Manitou Lake Mineral Resources Branch 1902-10: 2 Sh., 325 ft. deep w/3 Reef Prospect NE of town of Gold Rock (Ottawa) File (Volcanic levels and 85 ft. deep. Attempt to re NTS: 52F/7NE Reef Mine Ltd.) open mine in 1937-39. 843 ft. DD in Lat: 49.460 Kenora Regional Geologist 5 holes in 1965. No.l Zone 1300 ft. Long: 92.680 Files (United New Fortune long, assayed 2 oz. Au/ton, No.2 Zone Mines Ltd.; Volcanic Reef; 800 ft. long. Andesite encloses 2 Manitou Lake) parallel veins which strike NE. Canadian Mines Handbook 1939,p.282;1965,p.313. ODM Vols: 14,p.52-3 (1905) 42,pt.4,p.27(1933) 313. Wachman NW side of Contact Bay ODM Statistical Files Production: 1929: 8 oz. Au ft 34 oz. Prospect Wabigoon Lake (Wabigoon-Contact Bay Ag from 34 tons = 0.24 oz. Au/ton A NTS: 52F/10NW Gold Mines Ltd.) 1.0 oz. Ag/ton. 2 Sh., 63 ft. and 100 Lat: 49.7O0 Canadian Mines Register, 1st. ft. deep w/40 ft. drifting. Intermediate Long: 92.820 supp., p.57 to mafic Keewatin lavas cut by q. ODM Vols: 30,pt.l,p.63(1921)veins. 39, pt.l,p.8(1930) 50,pt.2,p.52(1941) 314. Waite, J.H.C. N. side of Kendall Inlet, ODM Vol.45, pt.3,p.36 (1936) Q. vein carries Au values over 400 ft. Occurrence Clearwater Bay, Lake of Vein is narrow (less than l ft. with the Woods (CI. K5849) discouraging gold values. NTS: 52E/10NE Lat: 49.720 Long: 94.680

315. Wampum l mi. N of Newman Lake Canadian Mines Handbook, 1940-41: Sh 200 ft. deep w/2 levels, Lake Prospect S. of Rowan Lake 1941,p.l80. 35 DD holes. 1968: Ground Mag, EM NTS: 52F/5SE "Gold" Vol.7,No.lO,April, surveys. Channel sampling gave 0.72 Lat: 49.290 1940. oz. across width of 9.9 ft. for a length Long: 93.500 Kenora Regional Geologist of 56 ft. Schistose mafic metavolcanics Files (Wampum Lake contain 2 parallel zones of mineraliza Gold Mines; Runzen,R.) tion, 100 ft. apart. 9 veins on the ODM Vol.51,pt.l,p.210 property. (1942) 316. Washeibemaga 8 mi. SE of town of Mineral Resources Branch One zone reported to average 0.28 oz. Lake Occur Gold Rock (Ottawa) File (Washeibe Au/ton fro 5.2 ft. by 190 ft. Another rence NTS: 52F/7NE maga Lake) av. 0.29 oz. Au/ton for 8.0 ft. by 50 Lat: 49.390 Kenora Regional Geologist ft. Av. on 8 ore shoots on surfaces Long: 92.530 Files (Fornieri Option) indicated 0.37 oz./ton for a 4 ft. width and a composite length of 560 ft. At least 7 DD holes. Contact between metasediments and diorite.

42 317. Watson E. of Lower Manitou Lk. ODM Vol.42,pt.4,p.36 Vein outcrops from 100 ft. by 5 ft. Occurrence (CI. SV 343) (1933) in massive andesite. NTS: 52F/7SW Lat: 49.280 Long: 92.81 0

318. Wendigo Manross Tp., N. of Witch Mineral Resources Branch Production: 1900-1951: 67,423 oz. Mine Bay, Lake of the Woods (Ottawa) File (Wendigo Au and 14,762 oz. Ag from 206,054 NTS: 52E/9SE GML) tons - 0.33 oz. Au/ton. Also produced Lat: 49.600 ODM Statistical Files 1,886,246 Ibs. Cu. Extensive mine Long: 94.240 (Wendigo GML) workings w/main Sh. to 1,123 ft. w/ Kenora Regional Geologist over 14,000 ft. of lateral development, Files (Wendigo Mine) and over 200 DDH. 100 TPD. mill. ODM Vols: 9,p.44(1900) Band of basalt and porphyritic lavas 10,p.71-2(1901) alternate with irregular masses of 44,pt.l,p.l50(1935) diorite. No.l vein, in a shear zone in pt.4,p.35-9 basalt, 360 ft. by 2.5 ft. (strikes 80O ). 52, pt.l,p.!97-8 (1943) Half the vein material is made up to ODM PR 2,p.8,43-4(1965) sulphides. Ore was exhausted in 1943.

319. Wensley, E. Wicks Lake, N. of Kenora Regional Geologist 1945: 6,000 ft. DD. No.3 vein: 1600 Prospect Kakagi Lake Files (E. Wensley Gp.) ft. long by 3 to 4 in. wide. Pit sample NTS: 52F/5SW Personal Communication ^ 2.02 oz. Au/ton. Surface sampling Lat: 49.250 indicated av. grade ^ 0.6 oz. Au/ton. Long: 93.830 Grade appeared to decrease with depth. Q veins strike E-W.

3 20. Western S. of Ptarmigan Bay, ODM Vol.45, pt.3,p.38 Q. vein 2 to 8 in. wide by 130 ft. long. Peninsula Lake of the Woods (1936) Composite sample of q. chipped from Occurrence NTS: 52E/10NE various places along the vein ran 0.13 Lat: 49.620 oz. Au/ton. Agglomerate country rock Long: 94.660 cut by occasional porphyry dike. Test pit w/massive py-cpy across l ft.

321. Wetlainen E. of Lower Manitou Lk. ODM Vol.42,p.4,p.36 Vein and lenses of q. in massive ande Occurrence NTS: 52F/7SW (1933) site. Largest vein reported to be 60 Lat: 49.280 ft. by l ft. wide w/assay reported at Long: 92.810 0.12 oz. Au/ton. Another sample across 6 ft. ran 0.05 oz. Au/ton.

322. White Island in NE part of ODM Vol.45,pt.3,p.38 Sh. and surface stripping. 4 in. q. vein Partridge Bay White Partridge Bay, (1936) assayed 0.06 oz. Au/ton. q. veins lie in Occurrence Lake of the Woods massive rhyolite and rhyolite tuff. NTS: 52E/10NE Lat: 49.710 Long: 94.590

323. Windward Echo Tp., SE of Mineral Resources Branch 225 ft. Sh., 200 ft. level connected to Prospect Crossecho Lake (Ottawa) Files (Windward Newlund Prospect. 2,979 ft. lateral NTS: 52F/16NW Property) development. 5,111 ft. surface drilling Lat: 49.880 Sioux Lookout Resident in 11 holes; 8.183 ft. underground Long: 92.370 Geologist Files (Windward drilling in 17 holes. Felsic and mafic Prospect) metavolcanics, sometimes spherulitic, Canadian Mines Handbook, intruded by q.-feldspar porphyry dikes 1952, p.275, (Windfall and NW trending q. veins. Oil and Mines Ltd.) ODM Vol.59,pt.5,p.36(1950)

324. Winnipeg Kirkup Tp., Lake of Royal Commission 1890, p. 1884: Sh. 90 ft. deep w/60 ft. of Consolidated the Woods (Cis. F22, 115, 117. drifting. Q. vein 3 ft. wide by 70 ft. Occurrence X85) Tailings assay reported at 0.54 oz. Au/ NTS: 52E/9NW ton. Lat: 49.650 Long: 94.270 43 325. Witch Bay Code Tp., Witch Bay, Lake Kenora Regional Geologist 2 Sh., deepest - 100 ft. Q. vein 18 in. Occurrence of the Woods Files (Witch Bay Gold wide. Low Au values on surface. NTS: 52E/9SE Mines) Lat: 49.600 ODM Vol.44,pt.4,p.39-40 Long: 94.230 (1935) 326. Wright, M.P. Phillips Tp., Youngs Bay ODM Vol.52,pt.4,p.l5 Lenses of q. 275 ft. long by 30 in. Occurrence Kakagi Lake (1943) wide, carrying v.g. NTS: 52F/5SW Lat: 49.250 Long: 93.990 327. Yellowgirl Yellowgirl Bay, Lake Kenora Regional Geologist 11 DDH gave assays mostly in the Occurrence of the Woods Files (Yellowgirl) range of tr. to 0.10 oz./ton. Best NTS: 52E/8NW intersections were 0.28 oz. Au/ton/5 Lat: 49.490 ft. and 0.25 oz. Au/ton/5 ft. Zone Long: 94.280 800 ft. long. 328. Young, Dr.D. Off Lake, N. of Emo. Kenora Regional Geologist DD in diorites and andesite cut by Occurrence NTS: 52C/13NW Files (Dr. D. Young q.-feldspar porphyry dikes. 2,185 ft. Lat: 48.900 Cis.) DD in 10 holes. Assays from drill Long: 93.840 intersections reported from 0.01 to 0.03 oz. Au/ton. 329. Yum Yum Glass Tp., Shoal Lake Kenora Regional Geologist Sh.: 86 ft. deep, and DD. Seven veins Occurrence NTS: 52E/10SW Files (Yum Yum; Hopkins and small stringers assayed 0.94 to Lat: 49.570 Heintzman) 1.0 oz. Au/ton. No.3 vein 2 ft. to 5 Long: 94.980 ODM Vol.7,p.49-51 (1898) ft. wide by 0.5 mi. long. Thought to 20(1911) be best vein. Mpst of the occurrences lie on or close to W-NW trending lineaments. 330. Zachs S.of Dogpaw Lake, Kenora Regional Geologist 60 ft. wide, NE©ly shear zone. Low Occurrence W. of Cedartree Lake Files (Sylvanite GML - assays across the width. Several NTS: 52F/5SW Zachs Prop.) samples ran up to 0.23 oz. Au/ton. Lat: 49.330 Long: 93.890

331. Trap Lake Contact Bay Area, Mineral Resources Branch Tr. and 5 DDH in 1952-55. Py and Po Occurrence Wabigoon Lake, S. of (Ottawa) File (Trap Lake) in q. vein (N60W) at contact between Dryden ODMM.R.C. No.12 (1969) diabase dike and diorite. 3 channel NTS: 52F/10NW samples av. 2.319^ Cu, 0.11 oz. Au/ Lat: 49.660 ton, 1.02 oz. Ag/ton over 4.1 ft. Long: 92.750


This index is in two parts: Part l contains the index for the text; Part 2 contains the alpha betical listing of occurrence names that appear as second names in Table 1. Geographic names from Table l are not shown in this index (the reader is referred to Chart A, back pocket for geographic locations). The occurrence names that are listed alphabetically in Table l do not appear in this index.

PART1 PAGE PAGE Bad Vermilion Lake...... 4 Felsic ...... 5 Mafic ...... 4, 5 Canoe Lake ...... 5 Mine Centre ...... 3, 4 Copper ...... 5 Minnehaha Lake ...... 3 Molybdenum ...... 5 Diorite, quartz ...... 5 Dogpaw Lake ...... 3, 5 Pipestone Lake ...... 5 Porphyry ...... 4 Eagle Lake ...... 4 Feldspar ...... 5 Quartz...... 5 Fault zones ...... 4 Sills ...... 5 Goldrock ...... 3 Rowan Lake...... 4 High Lake ...... 5 Shoal Lake ...... 3,5 Straw Lake...... 5 Intrusive rocks, felsic ...... 4 Tuffs: Kawashegamuk Lake ...... 4 Felsic ...... 4, 5 Intermediate...... 5 Lake of the Woods...... 3, 4, 5 Upper Manitou Lake ...... 5 Manitou Lakes ...... 3, 5 Metavolcanics: Veins, quartz-carbonate ...... 5

PART 2 A,B,C,D,P, and W Zones Claim HW271 See: No.75, Electrum Prospect...... 15 See: No,105, Gold Standard Arsenic Zone Occurrence...... 19 See: No.74, Electrum Occurrence. . . . . 15 Conglomerate Showing See: No.140, Ken op o Prospect. . . . 23 Bob Lake Occurrence Cons. Golden Arrow Prospect See: No.231, Pidgeon Occurrence. . . . . 33 See: No.66, Dogpaw Lake Prospect. 14 Cranston Occurrence Cameron-Dyberg Occurrence See: No.136, Island P549 See: No.157, Location X45 Occurrence...... 22 Occurrence...... 25 Camp & Fault Zone Dogpaw Lake Occurrence See: No.260, San Antonio See: No.92, Gauthier Occurrence . 17 Occurrence...... 36 Duport Mine Cash Island Occurrence See: No.40, Cameron Island Mine. 11 See: No.135, Island MH71 Dyment Group Occurrence Occurrence...... 22 See: No.230, Pidgeon Occurrence. 33 Caviar Lake Occurrence See: No.256, Roy Occurrence ...... 35 East Group Occurrence Cedar Island Mine See: No. 139, Kakagi Lake See: No.56, Cornucopia Mine ...... 13 Occurrence...... 23

45 PAGE PAGE Electrum Pits Mennin Lake Occurrence See: No.141, Kenopo Prospect...... 23 See: No.156, Location NT20 Occurrence...... 24 Franciscan Lake Occurrence Miles Lake Occurrence See: No.166, Lun-Echo See: No.50, Claim KRL30579 ...... 12 Occurrence...... 26 Miner©s Zone See: No.126, Hopkins-Heintzman Gaffney Mine Occurrence...... 21 See: No.172, Manitou Island Prospect ...... 26 North Dogpaw Occurrence Golden Gate Mine See: No. 286, Sylvanite Occurrence . . . . 39 See: No.25, Blindfold Mining Group Occurrence ...... 9 Pidgeon (Wabigoon Lake) Occurrence Goldlund Mine See: No.132,1.R.27 Occurrence...... 22 See: No.203, Newlund Prospect...... 29 Pipestone Peninsula Occurrence Gull Island Occurrence See: No.93, Gauthier Occurrence . . . . . 17 See: No.4, Ambrose Prospect...... 7 "Q" Zone Helena Lake Occurrence See: No.127, Hopkins-Heintzman See: No.167, Lun-Echo Occurrence...... , 21 Occurrence...... 26 Shingwak Lake Occurrence Jessie Lake Occurrence See: No. 255, Roy Occurrence 35 See: No.288, Sylvanite Shoal Lake Narrows Occurrence Occurrence...... 39 See: No.134, Island JO154 Johnson Occurrence Occurrence...... 22 See: No.257, Location S120 Southworth Tp. Occurrence Occurrence...... 35 See: No.48, Claim HW311 Jubilee Mine Occurrence...... 12 See: No.76, Elora Mine...... 15 Trafalgar Bay Occurrence Kabagukski Lake Occurrence See: No.62, Location D No.138 See: No.49, Claims Kl2833-40 ...... 12 Occurrence...... 14 Kenwest Mine See: No.18, Big Master Mine ...... 9 Zahavy Mines Limited See: No.208, Noranda-Beggs Lake McCombe Occurrence Prospect ...... 30 See: No.263, Schmidt Occurrence .36

46 Chart A belongs to "Gold Deposits of the Kenora-Fort Frances Area", MDC 16

MiniStrVOf Hon. Alan W. Pope Minister Natural John R. Sloan Deputy Minister OV^ ( Wickens LoA-e



Scale: 1:253,440 or 1 inch to 4 miles

NTS Reference: 52C, D, E, F

ODM 1976

Parts of this publication may be quoted if credit is given to the Ontario Division of Mines and the material is properly referenced.



Sand, gravel, clay



7 Diabase



Double Laki" l . La ROCKS8 W l 224 6 Unsubdivided \J la ^f H 6a Granite (gneiss), porphyritic granite (gneiss), quartz and feldspar porphyries, syenite, aplite, pegmatite 6b Strongly foliated gneiss, mig matite, including areas con taining abundant inclusions of metavolcanics or metasedi ments or both 6c Monzonite, syenite


MAFIC AND ULTRAMAFIC IGNEOUS ROCKS 5 Unsubdivided 5a Gabbro, norite, diorite 5b Peridotite, pyroxenite MINNESOTA 5c Anorthosite gabbro yi -——______f^ 1' ^___. 5d Highly altered gabbro (amphi f P^nLake^^-, —/75 " bolite) 13


HOW TO OBTAIN METASEDIMENTSC ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 4 Unsubdivided 4a Conglomerate, arkose, grey wacke, slate, etc. Published geological maps for this area are indi 4b Intermixed metavolcanics and cated on map indexes of the Ontario Division of metasediments Mines, Toronto, and on Index Sheets of the Geolo gical Survey of Canada, Department of Energy, Iron Formation Mines and Resources, Ottawa. METASEDIMENTSd Four uncoloured preliminary maps for this area 3 Greywacke, slate, arkose, mica may be obtained from Ontario Ministry of Natural schists and gneisses Resources, Map Unit, Public Service Centre, Toronto. These are at the scale of 1 inch to 2 miles or Iron Formation 1:126,720 and are as follow?; P. 242 Manitou Lakes METAVOLCANICS6 Sheet, P. 281 Lake of the Woods Sheet, P. 293 Rainy rj / GG - Lake Sheet, P.309 Rainy River Sheet. 2 Unsubdivided 2a Rhyolitic and dacitic tuff, agglo Published geological reports on this area are merate and flows listed in ODM Bulletin 25 and its supplements, and 2b Dacitic agglomerate with dark in the Index of Publications, 1961 and subsequent matrix years, and supplements of the Geological Survey 2c Felsic tuff and sedimentary of Canada. Additional reports are available from the rocks Department of Industrial Development, Canadian 1 Unsubdivided Pacific Railway. 1a Basaltic and andesitic massive lava, pillow lava, tuff, agglo Topographic maps of the area may be obtained merate, hornblende and from the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, chlorite schist Map Unit, Public Service Centre or the Topographic 1b Metavolcanics with interbedded Survey, Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources, metasediments Ottawa. 1c Border phase of metavolcanics la ~~-——————"Gl / TUKAMANOAN ^ injected by granitic rocks Air photographs may be obtained from the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Map Unit, Iron Formation Public Service Centre or from the National Air Photographic Library, Department of Energy, Mines a Some granitic rocks are pre-Metasedimentsc in and Resources, Ottawa. age. b Highly altered gabbro is probably of the same age as the mafic volcanic rocks (1). Aeromagnetic maps for this area may be obtained l l GG l Dovetail from the Ontario Division of Mines or the Geological ' L—-—-—"——~t~ c Formerly classified as Timiskaming, Manitou ,^\Hol(n2t.-ktrKeT~~ f Survey of Canada. and Seine. d Formerly classified as Keewatin, Couchiching. e Formerly classified as Keewatin. The name and ownership of many mineral occur The letter "G" preceding a rock unit number, for rences shown on this chart are given in the accom (^CranbtofyJtr \ 7 \\Lake K ''A 1C \ example "G6a", indicates interpretation from geo panying report MDC16. physical data or air photographs in large drift-covered or unmapped areas. Information on mines and mineral occurrences SYMBOLS may be obtained at the office of the local Regional Geologist, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Kenora.

Mining claim maps and general information for prospectors may be obtained at the office of the local Mining Recorder, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (Thunder Bay, Fort Frances, and Kenora) or at the Ontario Division of Lands, Toronto.

Up-to-date information on current developments Lineament. of the mineral industry may be obtained from the Ontario Mineral Review of the Ontario Division Altitude in feet above mean sea level. of Mines, published each year. Railway, with station or flagstop.

Provincial highway.

Motor road. _____^ Other road.

Aircraft landing facilities.

Larger community.

Smaller community.

Vague Point a lackpoint Island r Occurrence.


Mine. (Past Producer)

LOCATION MAP Mining Division with boundary.

Scale, 1 : 1 2,672,000 or 1 inch to 200 miles International boundary.

N.T.S. reference 52C, 52D, 52E, 52F Blackstone Island \NAMAKAN LAKE Interprovincial boundary.


Township boundary.

Township boundary, unsurveyed.


Geological compilation by J.C. Davies, Resident Scale 1:253,440 or l Inch to 4 Miles Geologist, Kenora and A.P. Pryslak, 1963-1965. Geology from published and unpublished maps of the Ontario Department of Mines; Geological Survey of Canada; Department of Industrial Development, Canadian Pacific Railway Co.; and from unpublished maps of mining companies. Cartography by F.W. Dawson, D.W. Robeson, Ontario Department of Mines 1965, 1966. Base maps compiled from maps of the Forest Re sources Inventory, Ontario Department of Lands and Forests, with additional information by the staff of the Ontario Department of Mines. Gold deposit information updated by Richard C. Beard and Glen L. Garrat, 1973, 1974.

Lambert Conformal Projection, Standard Parallels. 4 4-5Crand 53©50