MU-Map-0158-Booklet.Pdf (7.727Mb)
CAMPUS MAP -University of Missouri-Columbia Columbia, Mo. 65211 Access Map t Columbia, Missouri N I ~~/l~,M5auesr D ENTRANCE ~ "C I: cc VISI TOR dJ FROM PARKING ONLY PROVIDENCE AD ELM ST. ........ 740 63 s E 5 5 ! -~ ..o wrr :.:0 LEGEND D Buildings ~~~tt• Visitor Parking (metered) ····· Pedestrian Campus Streets 8:15 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. Mon.-Fri. when UMC classes in session To University of -from North: Hwy 63N, south -from East: I-70 west to Hwy -from South: Hwy 63S north Missouri-Columbia to Interstate 70, east(left) on 63S, south(left) on 63S to Stadi- to Stadium Blvd., west(left) on 1-70 to Hwy 63S, south(right) um Blvd., west(right) on Stadi- Stadium Blvd. to College(763), -from West: I-70 east to Stadi- on 63S to Stadium Blvd., west um to College(763), north(right) north(right) on College(763) to um Blvd., south (right) on Stadi- (right) on Stadium Blvd. to Col- on College(763) to Rollins St., Rollins St., west(left) on Rollins um Blvd. to College(763), north lege(763), north(right) on Col- west(left) on Rollins to Hitt St., to Hitt St., north(right) on Hitt to (left) on College(763) to Rollins lege(763) to Rollins St., West north(right) on Hitt to Visitor Visitor Parking Lot(*) St., west(left) on Rollins to Hitt, (left) on Rollins to Hitt, north Parking Lot (*) north(right) on Hitt to Vistor (right) on Hitt to Visitor Park- Parking Lot(*) ing Lot(*) 2 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 VGR-BFM-0086 toEltenslon DowntownColum~• A P11bticalions Dl1trlbutlonC1nter l0D11ryfum(32) (45) wtslonl-7010 Fayetteuil.2ml nwon40, enlrance onrlgh1 B El Pedestrian campus streets 8:15 am-3:45 pm Mon-Fri C during school term l§l Visitor parking -one way streets © Outdoor emergency phones to University Police D © Outdoor pay phones Access legend • accessible entrances curb cuts 1st first floor E G ground floor Parking for Visitors Central Campus Visitor Parking Lots - (1) Corner Hitt and Rollins streets (metered, four-hour time limit).
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